Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
A mirror just doesn't fit Sixiang's aesthetics and abilities all that well, in my opinion. They're a muse and an artist. Where does a mirror enter into that? Yes, mirrors are associated with movement between realms and all that, but that's more of a broadly Liminal thing than anything well-suited for Sixiang the Dreaming Muse. It'd be great for a Twin/Reflecting Moons spirit, but they're not that.

For instance, how does a mirror, on a practical level, interact with Sixiang's dragging other people into a pocket of manifested Dream? Currently, it's kind of a flashy entrance/performance/dance routine, which fits Sixiang's whole thing. When bringing an implement into it, you need to consider how that implement actually integrates into a character's methods. Does the frame of the mirror expand, swallowing the target? Now it looks like a Mirror ability, not a Dreaming ability. Does Sixiang just kind of hold it while working their magic? It's not really doing anything mirrorlike, then, so why be a mirror at all? It's just awkward.

The pearl isn't great in my opinion either, but at least it doesn't bring tangential aesthetics into conflict with Sixiang's own. Which segues into other thoughts of mine I'll put in its own post.
I like that mismatch honestly. We aren't in universe getting talismans made, we're going through a bunch of preexisting talismans and picking out those that suit our purposes. That a mirror doesn't exactly match Sixiang's set-up is going to do a lot to make it feel like this was made by some other person with their own style of interacting with the Liminal.
Ah, but remember the Dream sea and all that shit in Sixiang's domain and memories? It totally works.
I'd sooner argue the philosophy of the Dream's onion/ogre like structure than anything so... aesthetically material. 🤢

I like that mismatch honestly. We aren't in universe getting talismans made, we're going through a bunch of preexisting talismans and picking out those that suit our purposes. That a mirror doesn't exactly match Sixiang's set-up is going to do a lot to make it feel like this was made by some other person with their own style of interacting with the Liminal.
But then it's a bad pick! Ahh!
Top 4 In Order said:
[X][talisman] Dream Drenched Compass:
-[X] Perceptiveness, Survival: A Navigational aid for use in the Liminal Realm

[X][talisman] A mirror that appears full of shimmering mist
-[X] Enhances abilities that involve shifting things in and out of Dream

[X][talisman] Practicioner's Divining Rings, a set of large inscribed rings that offer much of the benefit of a more traditional stationary scrying setup for the practitioner on the move.
-[X] When channeling a divination art across the rings, they serve to stabilize and enhance the connection offering the user much finer control, and additionally aid in piercing any illusions or barriers that may bar one's sight.

[X][talisman] Liminal Scrying Mirror
-[X]Enhances scrying and allows one to peer and step into the Liminal Realm
Vote counts tail off pretty hard after these, so I'll focus my complaints observations on them. The current situation with the leads is fairly unsatisfying, mostly because of weird overlap/splitting concerns, as well as compatibility issues.

First, and most importantly, the leading Compass is, of course, perfect and unassailable in every respect. There is no conceivable flaw to be found with it. It stands reigning supreme for a reason.

After that, there's the issue of redundancy. Places #2 and #3 both have overlap with #4. This makes any shift in the current setup awkward, because then we'd have overlapping abilities in our picks. Granted, #2 and #3 seem to be going for a more personal/equipment approach to talisman than #4's tool/utility approach, so it's not like #4 neatly replaces them. There's no real solution to this problem, it's just an annoying situation to find ourselves in. There's fewer viable designs in play than I'd expected there would be, at the start of the vote.

I mostly want to focus on the rings though, because I don't think they're well suited to Ling Qi, for a variety of reasons. It appears like the intent is for them to be standard wear, displacing another of our talismans for regular use? A set of rings is awkward for quick swapping or just popping out of our storage ring real quick, so I think my interpretation is sound. Replacing another talisman isn't a big deal, but these don't seem to do a lot for us in regular use. Our only common divination tech is our RME wisps, but those have never actually had an issue with their "stability" or "control"; anti-illusion/barrier piercing isn't bad, but this seems marginal.

We do have a more involved divination technique, but it requires the use of mirrors or surfaces of water to use, which this talisman doesn't reasonably free us from needing, and doesn't help provide. At the next level of RME, we do gain the ability to generate our own surfaces and use them at a penalty, but I wouldn't expect these rings to actually erase that penalty on the fly because as a matter of concentration, our attention would still be greatly split. It's an inherently sedate and meditative technique. On the fly just doesn't mix with it.

Finally, we already have hand jewelry on one hand, and a set of rings, which given it's Hui and their themes I'd just automatically assume to number eight(which is cool and thematic for Hui divination, but doesn't fit ours), sounds conflict-y just on the practical level of wear.

The rings being rings seems to conflict with basic equipment slots, with actually providing ease of use utility, and basic compatibility with the backroom functionality of our divination Art. We're not a spider lady delicately plucking at the threads of fate, which is what would fit with these rings. Our hands really have nothing to do with the scrying we can do. It's narratively, stylistically, and logistically a mess.

It's only a bad pick if it doesn't actually work as well, which is very different claim to be making than mere "but the aesthetics match up weird."
The thing is Sixiang's, like, literally made out of aesthetics, in part. Immaterial spirit of Dreams, inspiration, and art and such. I'll-fitting methods should, by all rights, have diminished narrative effect.

Edit: and I don't just mean for Sixiang. It should be the same for everyone. But Sixiang in particular given their nature.
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We do have a more involved divination technique, but it requires the use of mirrors or surfaces of water to use, which this talisman doesn't reasonably free us from needing, and doesn't help provide. At the next level of RME, we do gain the ability to generate our own surfaces and use them at a penalty, but I wouldn't expect these rings to actually erase that penalty on the fly because as a matter of concentration, our attention would still be greatly split. It's an inherently sedate and meditative technique. On the fly just doesn't mix with it.
Mmm, yeah that is making me want to drop this one tbh. I'd like to actually try to get use out of our scrying, and a scrying mirror would encourage that. The rings though don't really fit that as well as you say.

The rings being rings seems to conflict with basic equipment slots, with actually providing ease of use utility, and basic compatibility with the backroom functionality of our divination Art.
FYI the idea isn't rings you put on fingers, I'm imagining fancy things the size of hula hoops that float around like some magitech antennae array and through which you peer into.

ETA: basically full utility talisman, not for combat use. Just fast-deployable without hours/days of setup as would probably be required for a stationary array which I'd imagine would be located at geomantically useful places and such.
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FYI the idea isn't rings you put on fingers, I'm imagining things the size of hula hoops that float around like some magitech antennae array and through which you peer into.

ETA: basically full utility talisman, not for combat use. Just fast-deployable without hours/days of setup as would probably be required for a stationary array which I'd imagine would be located at geomantically useful places and such.
Huh. Good to know, but worryingly ambiguous in raw text. You'll probably want to poke yrsillar to make sure he's aware, if it does take one of the top three.

I'm still iffy on its use in conjunction with our divination specifically, tbh. Not that I even like the style of our divination, but still.
FYI the idea isn't rings you put on fingers, I'm imagining fancy things the size of hula hoops that float around like some magitech antennae array and through which you peer into.

ETA: basically full utility talisman, not for combat use. Just fast-deployable without hours/days of setup as would probably be required for a stationary array which I'd imagine would be located at geomantically useful places and such.
Mmm, that's more like what I was imagining before Abeo presented his interpretation.

Argh the joys of abreviated write-in vote descriptions with multiple interpretations :(

I'm still iffy on its use in conjunction with our divination specifically, tbh. Not that I even like the style of our divination, but still.
mmm, otoh, potentially more flexible if we start trying to adjust things to be more music/HDW-ish later though...
Mmm, that's more like what I was imagining before Abeo presented his interpretation.

Argh the joys of abreviated write-in vote descriptions with multiple interpretations :(

mmm, otoh, potentially more flexible if we start trying to adjust things to be more music/HDW-ish later though...
Ehh, maybe? Rings are just kind of a weird... what? They seem like they just fit with everything equally weirdly. Which provides cover for jumping methods by not making it look stupid, but that's a pretty unsatisfying draw, honestly. And there's still the issue that they're neither mirrors nor surfaces of water, for now.

RME is stupid. Eyeballs are stupid. Jiao is stupid.

edit: fite me, Jiao
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[X] Claim the tapestry as part of your share and give the Meng right of first refusal(-.5 multiplier to loot auction value. +1 Meng opinion)

[X][talisman] A mirror that appears full of shimmering mist
-[X] Enhances abilities that involve shifting things in and out of Dream

[X][talisman] Dream Drenched Compass:
-[X] Perceptiveness, Survival: A Navigational aid for use in the Liminal Realm

kinda sad that no one leaned into Sixiang's pillow fort realm theme.
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[X] Claim the tapestry as part of your share and give the Meng right of first refusal(-.5 multiplier to loot auction value. +1 Meng opinion)
Bleargh, I'm really having regrets about the design of my talisman there. I don't think a mirror is really a good fit. Like, it's supposed to be a talisman for enhancing Dream shifting abilities like Sixiang's - it's not a tool like the scrying mirror.

Really feeling like going back to my original idea for the talisman design there, which was a pearl - perhaps reminiscent of Heizui's big green orb:

[] Dreampearl: A fist-sized pearl that shimmers with the colours of the rainbow and doesn't seem to be entirely there...
-[] Enhances abilities that involve shifting things in and out of Dream

Of course, changing it at this point would be risky, even with me commanding like 8 votes... Thoughts? Would people be interested in changing the design there?
"It refers to the space where certain spirits dwell, not wholly outside the material realm, yet not wholly part of it either. It is also called the realm of consciousness, or the Father's Hearth by some," Meizhen explained academically, elegantly seating herself on another stone. "It is typically accessed through dreams and mirrors. The technique which allows communication with Grandmother Serpent makes use of it as well, or so I have been taught."

"Hm, I just call it Dream," Ling Qi shrugged.
Since mirrors are as much pathways to the Dream as dreaming itself they work perfectly as a doorway. Another person might call the Liminal Realm the Mirror just like Ling Qi calls it Dream. That they're also a common tool for scrying is just a fortuitous connection that I think could lead to some interesting combinations. What if all scrying and divination is really just looking at things through the Liminal? Meaning that looking at something in the Liminal is in fact a component of and not different from traditional scrying. That's why I liked the Liminal Scrying Mirror, because I imagine scrying naturally works like Dream Step but for your perception.
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FYI the idea isn't rings you put on fingers, I'm imagining fancy things the size of hula hoops that float around like some magitech antennae array and through which you peer into.

ETA: basically full utility talisman, not for combat use. Just fast-deployable without hours/days of setup as would probably be required for a stationary array which I'd imagine would be located at geomantically useful places and such.

Ehh. I wish there was a way to let everyone know that u don't mean rings on ur finger. What ur describing fits a bit more in terms of themes that are associated with scrying, even if it doesn't quite fit. Maybe post a picture as an example?
I think I remember that at some point in history it was mentioned that Ling Qi will be given a territory near the Wall... To the southeast I think? Is this correct?

And could it be a fragment of the wilderness lands in the Luo Clan?
I think I remember that at some point in history it was mentioned that Ling Qi will be given a territory near the Wall... To the southeast I think? Is this correct?

And could it be a fragment of the wilderness lands in the Luo Clan?
One thing to understand is even most of the claimed regions are mooostly empty. Pockets of civilization surrounded by large areas that are semi-tame and still dangerous. The areas marked "Wilderness" on the map are probably regions controlled by powerful Violet+ spirits or beasts, or multiple Indigos.

The most likely places for us to be given land from is one of the pale, Cai-coloured regions along the border. So either on the southern edge of Wang or Jia territory, most likely. My money is on us getting placed next to that "Wilderness" region nestled between Wang and Jia, for maximum plot energy.
I think I remember that at some point in history it was mentioned that Ling Qi will be given a territory near the Wall... To the southeast I think? Is this correct?

And could it be a fragment of the wilderness lands in the Luo Clan?
Those white areas are land owned by the Cai. After our two years in the Inner Sect she and us will be sent to defend the border, we guess in one of those white border areas. And we'll probably claim our fief from within that land.

Now Renxiang has made it a point for us to make friends with the Wang so my theory is that she thinks we'll stay in the Wang County. The Wang and their region are also low on Viscounts so the Cai might have plans for the off chance that Ling Qi reaches the Fifth Realm and becomes eligible for a Viscounty. The only Viscounty sized land held by the Cai within the Wang County is the westernmost chunk neighboring the Meng, or possibly that smaller region adjacent to the Argent Sect. That's why the one task she delegated to Ling Qi was approaching Wang Chao. She's setting up the Ling Clan to rule the viscounty her mother will task her to found, following her Way as a sustainable builder and reformer after her mothers revolutionary purge.
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Has it been said if Wilderness ones be settled or surveyed? Cause if not Wang/Jia one seems the best if we can get resource one, since beside the wall, neighbours Wang capital region, plenty of room to grow east or north and were in between two sects.
Interesting since that likely mean higher chance of potential unclaimed spirit mines to find.
But also much more dangerous. The risk and the investment needed to have the possibility of locating spirit mines just isn't worth it for the owners of that land. The cost-benefit analysis is just not in favor of trying to claim and tame those lands.
[X][talisman] Dream Drenched Compass:
-[X] Perceptiveness, Survival: A Navigational aid for use in the Liminal Realm

[X][talisman] Liminal Scrying Mirror
-[X]Enhances scrying and allows one to peer and step into the Liminal Realm
I don't think it's been mentioned, but the Liminal Scrying Mirror has a lot more synergy with the Dream Drenched Compass than the Divination Rings do. If we venture into the liminal realm, having both will be a potent advantage over just having the compass.
I don't think it's been mentioned, but the Liminal Scrying Mirror has a lot more synergy with the Dream Drenched Compass than the Divination Rings do. If we venture into the liminal realm, having both will be a potent advantage over just having the compass.

The mirror of shifting mist has the same effect and is currently number 2. It doesn't really make sense to have two mirrors that both help you get into the Liminal.