eah, Ling Qi is not and will/should never be a dedicated damage dealer.
But as she herself said, a battle is less like a duel and more like a heist. It matters less how much force you can apply at a particular spot, and more what effects you can logistically achieve. DPS has its own value and it'd be a bad plan to drop it entirely as it is also an effect that is useful to be able to logistically achieve, but it's not the point of giving Ling Qi a bow and a non-Heavens archery art.
The point is mostly distance and anonymity. Ling Qi is a trickster, it's the whole Grinning Moon thing. If she can project the threat of a dedicated long-range DPSer where her side actually has none? If she can leave shit like arrows with pinned notes that don't say anything about who wrote them other than 'an archer' (which is like, mega common in the Emerald Seas)? If she can apply pressure to lower rank opponents where she'd be pressed to actually chase them down with an area effect because they can scatter? (Cloud Nomads!!!) If she can attack without any indication of who it was that attacked?
Archery has high utility of the exact kind Ling Qi is already looking for in her abilities.
P.S. Part of the disagreement here I think is my position on an argument I've seen recurring in the thread. Are we support or battlefield control? Are we a thief or a diplomat? Are we a musician or an archer? Are we a bard or a rogue? Are we stealthy or undispellable? Are we a team player or a solo operator?
We're all of these things, duh. That's what bard/support is all about: yes, it's a challenge to build a useful jack-of-all-trades who doesn't pay for multi-competence by not actually being competent at anything, but we can do it. We're already doing it. Our specialties synergize, the archetype is coherent and has room for more.
"Silk hiding steel" is a popular trope for a reason. Well-chosen opposites synergize well by having just the one for any situation and cutting off all paths of escape for the opponent.
P.P.S. Look at Renxiang, the mega-bureaucrat who dispels everything and deals absurd DPS while also being socially dominating. We ARE the fourth, slightly weaker monster :3
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this.
As an individual who advocated for archery in the past thread, I have come to agree that archery doesn't really have a relevant place in the build that the thread is constructing and the roles that Ling Qi will engage in for combat and social maneuvering.
First off, I would be careful in categorizing Ling Qi as a trickster simply because of her connection to the Grinning Moon because I think that Ling Qi doesn't typically adhere to that facet of the Grinning Moon. For the Grinning Moon is more than simply a trickster, it is also about freedom of movement, of not being restricted by such petty things as guards or security, but also of enjoying the moment, of having fun in the action. Those, I think, are more relevant to Ling Qi path forward as a cultivator than the facet of the Grinning Moon reserved for trickery. Even her domain creates the distinction with little to nothing involving the tricking of an enemy but having significant capability in not being stopped or restricted.
Next, Ling Qi can already act from distance with anonymity. Her Roaming Moon Eye allows for remote scrying and spying of various locations and factions, and such capabilities seem to be increasing in said art as we develop it further. Such capability of information gathering is useful when conducting information-gathering missions such as our foray into the Corrupted Caverns or, although we haven't yet done it, information gathering excursions against the Cloud Nomads. But, I think, your position is more that the ability to project force and essentially scare an enemy remotely and anonymously has value to Ling Qi. If that is your position, then I would have to disagree. We have seen that Ling Qi is more than capable of ambushing Cloud Nomad groups through stealth and AoE arts, essentially tearing apart groups of nomads quickly and without warning. Her speed allows her to interact with multiple groups of raiders in a substantial tract of land, her stealth allows her to intercept Cloud Nomad groups without warning, and her AoE capabilities allow her to churn through the chaff of such groups quickly and with relative ease. In light of such capabilities, projecting force from range seems largely redundant when she can ambush groups and wipe them out before moving on to the next group. This is further compounded that such a projection of force is likely to do little to the Cloud Nomads who themselves engage in long-range high mobility warfare. They will have the means to prevent any damage from such warning shots unless we invest heavily in archery. And investing so heavily into archery defies the purpose of lightly investing for utility purposes.
As for the direction of our build? It seems to be moving much more solidly into the realm of battlefield control rather than support, especially when we are working with individuals we care little for individually. BKSD and UGM both provide powerful means of repositioning our opponent to deny them attacks or place them in worse positions, and our domain itself can cause problems for individuals trying to escape, compounded by BKSD and UGM movement controlling abilities. In light of our AoE capabilities and Battlefield control aspects, our support options are relatively anemic, our domain notwithstanding. As such, I would say that in general, we are much more powerful as a battlefield control operative than as a support character. This further compounds when one considers our place in the army. As a stealthy high-mobility asset, we are perfect for infiltration and extraction missions for information gathering when operating solo. Our battlefield control abilities enhance our ability to work together with a team which makes us a stealthy difficult to pin down disruption asset for a team fight. I just don't see how adding archery in any meaningful way enhances what we can already do.
I think archery is a fun hobby for Ling Qi to use in social situations, where her role has not been as clearly defined, but in terms of serious competitions and battlefield maneuvers, she just doesn't seem to need archery to do what she wants to do or stop others from doing what they want to do.
As a side note regarding Cai's build, I think that it is actually a bit of understated genius for Yrs to make a mega-bureaucrat into a powerful dispeller. Bureaucrats' most powerful moment is when they tell others "No," and outside of that, they have little power. But the ability to stop others from doing what they want to do makes bureaucrats frustrating to deal with, and potentially dangerous, especially in a world of cultivation with arts and techniques. And, I think, that the massive damage that Cai can do is actually a logical bridge that a mega dispeller could deal a lot of uninterrupted damage because the opponent has no means of stopping said damage.
But that is my two cents, that as Ling Qi's build becomes more pronounced, her need and desire for archery to be a useful utility aspect decreases because of our own increasing abilities in stealth, mobility, AoE's, and Battlefield control. Furthermore, as we advance up the ranks of cultivation, the investment needed in archery becomes prohibitively costly for any minor utility it could bring and such investment is better spent on improving our own core capabilities, or protecting our core capabilities (such as dispell protection). As such, I think that the turning point for Ling Qi to be an archer, even only tangentially, has passed, and going back to archery now will be too costly for any benefit we might receive.