[X] Join Wang Chao in the pavilion. [Make yourself more approachable, influence Wang Chao Bond. Give Zhengui room to act on his own, for better or worse.]
1. Wang Chao has given us significant social face in treating us as an equal throughout this scene. Ignoring his invitation to socialise would be a significant insult to him, and would set back one of our key objectives from this event possibly significantly
2. We already know that Ling Qi's lack of socialisation leads her to be viewed as aloof and judgmental as we saw in the Luo socialisation event. Lets not keep compounding our mistakes
3. Monitoring Zhengui both denies him the chance to develop and make his own mistakes, and reduces the chance for us to have introspective time with him later - an important part of childhood is talking about what happened in school today and being guided through analysis of mistakes/successes (or it was for me).
4. Zhengui doesn't normally have a chance to develop off screen (because he is generally asleep). This is a real chance for this to start happening and it gives Yrsillar more tools to develop his story further, which the tenor of thread discussions about Zhengui for the last couple of months suggests his story needs.
5. This isn't going to be a one and done event - we will have time and indeed a duty to socialise with Alingge and giving Zhengui's story a chance to develop more independently allows for a more organic role for her in the scene.