"I'd say hit the river place, since it seems real important to 'em, but that'd ruin the spy crap those two just did wouldn't it?" Ji Rong was the first to speak
To list everyone's opinions:
• Ling Qi: wants to hit the most valuable (cultivation) option, but settles for hitting the military target. Doesn't want to hit non-combatants
• Ji Rong: wants to hit most valuable (cultivation) target, but thinks that'll go against Elder Jiao's spying op settles for military target.
• Su Ling: wants to avoid hitting non-combatants. Advocates hitting combatants.
• Liao Zhu: wants to retaliate an eye for an eye with hitting civilian infrastructure.
• Bian Ya, Xuan Shi: falls back on aphorisms of war — namely, deny the enemy the ability to fund their war effort — but thinks this group shouldn't be doing so.
• Guan Zhi: inclined toward hitting the cultivation target, but the strategic goal of this op is to draw out the military.
To sum up: basically everyone wants to hit the cultivation target, except for Liao Zhu's Bloody Moon vengeance.
This wasn't a heist or a burglary, this was smashing a shop's front window to test the response times of the guard, or a gang burning a stall to prove that yes, they were serious about the money.
Ling Qi's War analogies are the best!
"As ready as I am for anything involving you," Su Ling replied dryly.
"You can't blame me for this one, I was following you," Ling Qi joked back
Cute banter! The sense of continuity and fellowship via injokes is critical for relationships! ❤
Blocks of bone, enhanced by the Shishigui's foreign formations crumbled to powder, ripped inward toward the center of the distorted smoky gray sphere two score meters wide that expanded outward from the point of impact.
Did Guan Zhi just make a black hole as a basic attack while she was holding back?
He's going to do that in all three since disruption is the point, this is just choosing your focus probably drill or kennels for max numbers though
Ok! Thanks!
[x] The Kennel and the Brute (Hinders Enemy buff structure and tracking/intelligence gathering)
[x] The Drillyard (Overall chaos, prevents enemy organization for forming up.)
Either has my vote! Let's burn this joint to the lithosphere!