Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
It's pretty much set in stone, but as fellow yuri trash, I really encourage you to continue just for the friendship that develops between Meizhen and Ling Qi. Incompatible orientation is a subject that's usually not really explored well, and it's something that I feel a lot of folk either can relate to, or something they should consider. I think their relationship in the quest is an interesting one, and a deep and heartstring tugging one, even if it doesn't end up in blissful yuri schoolgirl love and just stays in the friendship zone.
One hundred percent endorsed. I was pretty brokenhearted when the Lake happened in my first readthrough, but I kept going and was super pleased with what their friendship turned into.

As much as it would simplify things if everyone were bi/pan, that's not the way the world is, and I am glad yrsillar was willing to tell a story rooted in that (and that the questers were able to salvage things and help that relationship become the deep friendship it did).
Like mentioned above LQ was always straight, mostly comes up in story with hormonal ogling of the beefcake eye candy, so it was not that unexpected from a story perspective. LQ just never had a friend so her attempts to get closer to her best friend ended up looking like something else to Meizhen. Sadly stuff like that happens.

Tho any relationship like that would probably be far of due to LQ's hangups with relationships and physical relationships. She got some serious trauma and trust issues due to growing up in a brothel and then the street.

SV as a quest culture leans heavily towards yuri relationships so if it had been a vote LQ would probably have gone for Meizhen. Some mentions made about going for a Meizhen route (this was if we picked to follow her as a handmaiden or something and not romance so take it with a grain of salt) begs the question of how healthy it would have been tho, as the rest of the Bai as a rule are horrible ppl. Codependency was the word used.

Yeah I did notice her muscle fetish from the very beginning and I know that she truly was just trying to get along with Meizhen as a friend but I really thought that seeing Meizhen open up to her and her constant mention of her beauty might awaken something inside of her she is still young and well in my head it would have been easier to her to put her trust in another woman then a man after seeing what had happened to her mother in the brother.

Don't think it looked like something else to Meizhen more like she truly did just fall in love with her, from having no friends to finally seeing someone who cared for her for the first time aside from her aunt falling in love doesn't seem that weird.

Yeah I do get that part with the trust issues due to her past but again the potential is there with Meizhen being kind of the same in a way and both finding comfort in each other as individuals that distrust others in a way codependency as well I guess but is it really that bad ? In that type of world having 1 person you can truly trust in I'd say is already more then good fortune.

A very cultured group of individuals I see, I truly have to get into this culture more then, well again in this type of world 2 people finding each other and going against all odds is nice in xianxia stories I mean, seeing Bai start changing and disagreeing with her family rules and start caring more about her and LQ, seeing them pull through together that'd be nice.

Well know of any good Yuri routes lol to see what the site has to offer, research into SV quest culture if you will.
it is easy to be biased towards our friends. It is easy to rationalize grey morality with context and relative morality. Let's talk about Bai and Sun in their contexts, and then our local reps as we have seen them.

The White Caste of the Bai are in a protracted state of decay. They are losing power, losing understanding that their power is only superior to the combined other 6 sisters when the 8th and youngest daughter is respected and upheld by them. They have suffered multiple catastrophes lately, and from this interlude it seems that Suzhen is underestimating the many waves that corrode even iron wills. Civil war amongst the sisters, populist revolt amongst the commoners, invasion by west province maniacs supported by the Demon Sunflower, and potentially a punitive strike from Heavenly Peaks who is losing their grasp on the empire. If the White Caste can be reminded to care for the smallfolk the Civil War will be much easier to win, the invasion will be easier to resist, and Heavenly Peaks will have a harder time justifying, on top of the fact that there will be no populist revolt to fight against.

Meizhen was a medium-strong member of the White Caste. She is authoritarian, oppressive, vindictive, brutal, scheming and cruel. These are traits that are accurate to apply to our friend, because regardless of rationalization the results are the traits indicated. Despite this, she didn't stand out to the White Caste Bai at large because there are likely siblings or cousins who are more brutal, scheming, cruel or oppressive. Meizhen lacks the sadism to truly push the bounds of those traits, but that might be why Suzhen took a liking to her.

Meizhen is more than just an average White Caste, she is also kind and our friendship allowed her to explore her better self despite the socialization of her home. She chose to be good, not because we changed her but because we gave her the opportunity to change herself. And she took it. Through this kindness and selective Oppression, Vindication, Brutality and Cruelty she may find the White Clan's strength in alliances again and assist in shoring up 1000lakes against the coming calamity. would she have had this space to excel without us? Perhaps, Suzhen appears to favor her. But it would have been a longer road more fraught with failure, as we can see with Liling.

Sun is a militant leader without peer. Sun inspired loyalty in his troops to the degree that they volunteered to fight the 8 Sisters and pursue justice deep into the jungle. Sun is an incredible state-crafter, carving an alliance of vassals strong enough to split away from the decay of the Bai and strike out on their own into new territory. The one flaw to Sun, is that despite military strength and strong statecraft and rigorous training it still wasn't going to be enough and he made a deal with the Sunflower Demon. This is a death world, and the odds that the Sunflower Demon is an entity that wants to enslave and devour the children of The Two is non-zero. It's possible that this parasite isn't anti-human, but even in that case it definitely is pro-self-propagation and expansion at the expense of human lives. Law of the Jungle isn't fair, but it might be more fair than the corrupt White Caste. Should the White Caste reform though, they will lose the moral highground because Law of the Jungle sucks haha.

Liling is a medium-strong member of the Sun clan. She is fierce, driven, bold, flexible, quick-witted, unafraid and militarily without peer. Unfortunately, she was previously untempered by serious loss or pushback and fell into the trap of Might (of arms) makes Right (of statecraft). Reverse of CRX in some ways. She has repeatedly figured out the optimal play in an extremely short amount of time and adapted to the new paradigm, militarily. A surplus of action without consideration. As I stated, she underestimated the necessity of words and politics in a violent world and lost to Bai in part because she slighted us instead of embracing us. Seeing only the power of Yang is a trap we may have given her the perspective to see if we had been with her what with our heavy Ying bias.

After her loss to Meizhen, she has since recognized her over-reliance on Yang/Acting as a weakness and has begun attempting to fix that without over-pride or over-regret. This is a good trait. She has successfully incorporated Ji Rong into her circle, and he too has seen the power of Ying and will likely be equipped with a much more rounded kit the next time we see him. Together, they will need to navigate the Sunflower Plot largely offscreen and without our involvement (or even knowledge, potentially). I like to think of Ji Rong as the protagonist of the other YRS quest in which his vote won. The one that looks like it's going to be all about Yang Power Fantasy and then their side loses and it's like "shit we have to learn about Ying" and then they start to see the Sunflower Demon's Plot and it all goes increasingly nuts. In that quest I probably wrote an effort post about the cool mysteries LQ and her strange moon patron bullshit haha.

what's fun about this setting is that any of the starter characters could have made interesting stories. All have plot hooks into positions of power that are seemingly going to be in dire straits in the near future, likely in need of reforms or grand reinforcement to survive the coming tragedies. The only one that missed the mark originally imo was BadBat. But that was miscalculation on YRS part in terms of how many readers have collective trauma from characters/people like that blindsiding us in stories/reality especially in Xianxia.

anyway. All of the kids are just that, kids. We shouldn't be hanging good or evil signs on them, everyone can pretty much change and shift with relative ease until Cyan. Even Kang Zihao or Yan Renshu can potentially help the human cause until they have gone beyond the point of return.

Man, I'll have a hard time answering this point for point without snakeposting.

Firstly, I accept that it is easier to forgive and accept our friends, warts and all, than our enemies. But I am not Meizhen's friend, Ling Qi is. There are tons of "good aligned" literary characters people hate or consider villains or hypocrites, despite the story being told in such a way as to elicit sympathy for them. A prime example would be most sociopathic xianxia heroes: the story bends around to justify their actions, but I would not bat for them despite the fact that the authors pull every trick to make them sympathetic or justifiable.

Second, I have no objections to your characterization of the White Bai as a state. I do , however, disagree with your characterization of Meizhen. Being part of a family that acts villainously does not automatically make you like them. However, the only trait of the ones you defined that applies to Meizhen regardless of definition is "brutal" , with "vindictive" and "cruel" depending on how you define them and the rest not applying at all. Let's go through them one by one.

Brutal: Yes. Brutal refers solely to behaviour rather than personality, so no definition problems here.

Authoritarian: she actively avoids being in a position of authority, even though she knows she'll eventually have to be. This doesn't apply at all.

Oppressive: Not really. She never deals with anything with a heavy hand, unless provoked (see vindictive)

Scheming: No. She was taught to scheme, sure, but she never uses it for any reason other than defending herself from other schemes.

Vindictive: Maybe. Her behaviour does fit the bill, but it is born out of clan pragmatism, not a personality trait.

Cruel: same as vindictive.

Now, you also said regardless of rationalization, but the rationalization here matters a lot. Her reasons for adopting these traits was always because it was drilled into her head that it was the best way to protect others in cultivator society, because people otherwise never stop trying to hurt you. She hates the Sun rebels because they hurt mortals, if inadvertedly. She hates Zihao because she wants to protect herself, her family and Ling Qi. She hates Renshu because she wants to protect Ling Qi. As far as she is concerned, the best way to protect is to make sure no one dares to hurt those that are close to you. In tthat sense, she immediatedly goes nuclear out of perceived necessity, not callousness or sadism, and that matters, because it shows her traits in a different light. If I wanted to describe her worst qualities, I'd call her brutally cynical (under the philosophical definition of distrust of other's motives, not the definition of making a selfish move), although she'd probably call herself pragmatic.

I have no objection to your grandpa Sun analysis. We still do not know enough about him to judge him morally, but I do not think he is a villain.

I do however have to add that, unlike grandpa Sun, Liling's law of the jungle philosophy is not viewed through the lens of kindness or pragmatism, but rather selfishness. She only appears to like these kinds of laws when she ends on top. Desperation may have played a part, but when one creates enemies so that they may be trampled underfoot and supports policies that are incredibly unfair to those that are poorer, it is hard to feel for her when on the receiving end.

It is possible she has experienced character development post forge, but we have barely seen her enough to say. I should note that all my comments refer to forge Liling.

I also completely agree that people change, maybe even post Cyan. We do have an Elder that changed a lot in Prism, after all. Yes, it hurt his prospects, but that doesn't change that he changed.
It's pretty much set in stone, but as fellow yuri trash, I really encourage you to continue just for the friendship that develops between Meizhen and Ling Qi.Incompatible orientation is a subject that's usually not really explored well, and it's something that I feel a lot of folk either can relate to, or something they should consider. I think their relationship in the quest is an interesting one, and a deep and heartstring tugging one, even if it doesn't end up in blissful yuri schoolgirl love and just stays in the friendship zone.

I'm trying bro I really am trying to continue but it just hurts you know lol sigh any recommendations on Yuri here that might fill up this void ?

I do get what you mean it is pretty interesting seeing LQ trying to mend her friendship with Meizhen and a couple of hints at her trying to find out if she feels anything for girls and what that means for her, I do want to see their friendship but well ... "but as fellow yuri trash, I really encourage you to continue" you really are fellow trash I guess you also instinctively wanted to drop this when you saw the ship sunk hu ? I'm gonna have to go read some Yuri atm I was really feeling fantasy stuff and never expected such a blow from this lol.
Yeah I did notice her muscle fetish from the very beginning and I know that she truly was just trying to get along with Meizhen as a friend but I really thought that seeing Meizhen open up to her and her constant mention of her beauty might awaken something inside of her she is still young and well in my head it would have been easier to her to put her trust in another woman then a man after seeing what had happened to her mother in the brother.

Don't think it looked like something else to Meizhen more like she truly did just fall in love with her, from having no friends to finally seeing someone who cared for her for the first time aside from her aunt falling in love doesn't seem that weird.
Thing is, LQ trusted females more becomes she somehow never had encountered a female desiring a physical relationship with another female before. The brothel probably did not have that set of clientele and the street is the street. And as we saw at the Lakegate the kiss directly triggered LQ's trauma buttons. In the "Now I need to watch out for females too" way.

Hmm, have you read the sidestory about the founding of the Bai? Should be on the longer stories thing yrs got on RR. The lake date thing? Fits perfectly into the oldest love story that the Bai got. So yeah, Meizhen did get a bit of a mixed signals. (Blame Cui)

Yeah I do get that part with the trust issues due to her past but again the potential is there with Meizhen being kind of the same in a way and both finding comfort in each other as individuals that distrust others in a way codependency as well I guess but is it really that bad ? In that type of world having 1 person you can truly trust in I'd say is already more then good fortune.
In a world with domains and Ways, going to extremes can have consequences beyond the obvious. Look at Bai Meizhen's dad, he was formed in a certain Way and now he can never leave that. A codependency would color both LQ's and Meizhen's own Ways.

This is also one of those cases where codependency would probably be a good story, even if it ended in tears. But a bad quest.

A very cultured group of individuals I see, I truly have to get into this culture more then, well again in this type of world 2 people finding each other and going against all odds is nice in xianxia stories I mean, seeing Bai start changing and disagreeing with her family rules and start caring more about her and LQ, seeing them pull through together that'd be nice.

Well know of any good Yuri routes lol to see what the site has to offer, research into SV quest culture if you will.
Would be a nice story yes, a good quest is a bit different tho. The Forge setting as a whole runs on a bit of, if you are strong enough you can get away with most things. And Meizhen does not really dislike the Bai as a whole. Might have ended up as a tragic love story more then anything else.

Well "Now you feel like number none" got a good/cute romance. If you can survive that it is set in the Bleach universe.
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personally I was pleased to see yuri sent to the dump in FoD; it happens with intense regularity here and not for reasons of representation to say the least. male x male almost literally only ever happens in stories meant expressly for male x male so I can hold zero illusions about the yuri crowd around here.
Would be a nice story yes, a good quest is a bit different tho. The Forge setting as a whole runs on a bit of, if you are strong enough you can get away with most things. And Meizhen does not really dislike the Bai as a whole. Might have ended up as a tragic love story more then anything else.
Ohhhh ok this statement tells me a lot, you guys are trying to get the most benefits of the quest after all nit go for a tragic route just cuz it'd open up a romance option that would be interesting to watch I got you, you're playing a quest after all go for the options with the most benefits well if no trolls appear I guess.

Yeah I know Meizhen at least really cares about her aunt (her the aunt might have her back though who knows probably not cuz you know kids are all about marrying to strengthen bonds but who knows)

No I have not read that SS I'll have to look for it or just probably reread the whole thing here in SV, community sure seems engaged and friendly though it is a little daunting seeing all the threads.

Well "Now you feel like number none" got a good/cute romance. If you can survive that it is set in the Bleach universe.

I don't even like Bleach, but "Now you feel like number none" is awesome and requires about zero exposure to Bleach (though it can help to have some).
I actually liked bleach, well the beginning at least went to shit after soul society arc and the last arc was all types of randomness will check it out hope the Yuri is good brothers I'll trust you guys.
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PMMM questing is, by the nature of that particular work, more than 95% yuri. It's also fairly popular here on SV, so you can get a fairly decent selection by just searching for a pmmm tag. From there it's just a matter of filtering our good quests/fiction from bad.
And PMMM is ? lol sorry bro I really did just find this site like 2 hours ago.

Well that's why I wanted to know some good recommendations from you veterans it's a little daunting entering a place like this on zero knowledge and just start looking for gold nuggets at the bottom of a giant ocean full of who knows what lol.
I don't know what y'all talking about, I'm still holding out for platonic romance. Hand holding, friendship songs and dream kisses only makes me stronger!
Ohhhh ok this statement tells me a lot, you guys are trying to get the most benefits of the quest after all nit go for a tragic route just cuz it'd open up a romance option that would be interesting to watch I got you, you're playing a quest after all go for the options with the most benefits well if no trolls appear I guess.
We never got the option in this case. We might have gone for it anyway even, you never know with questers we are fickle by nature, even if there are trends. The quest would have been very different then tho so who knows what would have happened.
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I was a bit disappointed with what happened at the late... but not that much, I raged more when the option was passed to have a teacher for the elder.
If I had to describe Meizhan she'd be a solid Neutral in my book with a hint of snek on the side.
Ohhhh ok this statement tells me a lot, you guys are trying to get the most benefits of the quest after all nit go for a tragic route just cuz it'd open up a romance option that would be interesting to watch I got you, you're playing a quest after all go for the options with the most benefits well if no trolls appear I guess.

No. It has nothing to do with strategy, ling qi is STRAIGHT . No route or following meizhen would have changed that. Ling qi does not like girls. The only reason we know it would have been a tragedy is becuase Yrs told us in the hypothetical situation in which this story had LQ be not straight, that it would have been terrible for LQ to follow meizhen. Neither would end up happy, becuase the bai as a faction are not the best people and it's a literal snake pit. The bai are cruel by partly nature , way, culture and also out of necessity.

Secondly unless your strong enough like cai mom to bend societal norms and step on them ( her flaunting her girlfriend at court) then gay relationships arent really something you can be open about. Due to all the pressure of having children In this feudal society. Everyone is expected to get married , even if its just a political contract and you and your wife only see eachother once every decade.
We never got the option in this case. We might have gone for it anyway even then, you never know with questers we are fickle by nature, even if there are trends. The quest would have been very different then tho so who knows what would have happened.
lol who can contain themselves and not pick the Yuri option after all, only an uncultured individual I guess consequences be damned.

Sigh the internet never fails to surprise me with what you can find, i feel lucky having found this place now to find all the gold nuggets here.
Pft, Welcome aboard by the way.

PMMM is Puella Magi Madoka Magica. A somewhat dark Magical Girl anime. Rather popular if the number of PMMM quests on this forum are any indication.
Thx lol glad to be here.

Yeah I've seen it lol pretty good magical girl show I guess I'll try and find good quests with Yuri on them.

There isn't really a way to check the most popular ones right ? I did see some type of recommended quests forum I'll check things out hope there's ba Yuri tag.
Thx lol glad to be here.

Yeah I've seen it lol pretty good magical girl show I guess I'll try and find good quests with Yuri on them.

There isn't really a way to check the most popular ones right ? I did see some type of recommended quests forum I'll check things out hope there's ba Yuri tag.

Plz take this convo to private pm . Thank you, there are also ways to search for yuri recommendation threads . At this point it's a derail of the thread
So, speaking of putting this thread back on track, has anyone noted how likely it is that Meizhen's resources might actually increase from being adopted by the Head family of the Bai? I mean, she already had an abundance of resources, so I don't know what changes there will be to Meizhen's financial situation other than an ability to cultivate even more fervently than before.
We don't know what timeframe that's gonna happen on. It's possible that Suzhen can adopt her while Meizhen is still at the Sect, but maybe the plan is for it to happen after Suzhen breaks through to White and officially takes clan head status. Right now, based on Serpent's Den, it seems like there's still a lot of politicking and jockeying for position among the ambitious members of the head family, but I assume that once one breaks through and the others haven't, the question becomes moot.
We don't know what timeframe that's gonna happen on. It's possible that Suzhen can adopt her while Meizhen is still at the Sect, but maybe the plan is for it to happen after Suzhen breaks through to White and officially takes clan head status. Right now, based on Serpent's Den, it seems like there's still a lot of politicking and jockeying for position among the ambitious members of the head family, but I assume that once one breaks through and the others haven't, the question becomes moot.
Undoubtedly when Suzhen makes it to white the decision on who becomes the next head of the Bai becomes moot. However, I'm hoping that Suzhen can form a coalition in support of her before the step into white realm as I think that will send a stronger message regarding Bai unity than simply being the personally strongest contender. Suzhen is already talking about getting the Blue's and Violets on her side, with the Red's and Green's siding with a Bai Zhilan. Blacks are probably not going to be particularly interested in choosing between two Bai of the White clan to serve given their position (choosing the wrong horse will ruin them).

Which leaves... one other Bai family I think. There are six here, (White, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Violet), and I think there is a seventh. But I could be wrong. Either way, I think that Suzhen's position will be stronger with a solid coalition of the majority of the Bai Families supporting her bid for the head position.

Speaking of the Black Bai family, I've got to wonder how Xiao Fen is going to be handling transitioning from anticipating being the assistant of a minor player in the White Bai family games, to being the assistant to being an assistant to a member of a rising star, who given their family situation may very well be (in Xiao Fen's mind) adopted to the head family. It's got to be a wild ride for her. Especially with personal tutoring by that crazy music lady with a distressingly close relationship to Bai Meizhen.
Good point on Suzhen wanting a coalition behind her first before seizing the headship by force main.

(We know there are eight Bai families:
"I could speak of the labyrinthine and impenetrable relations between the eight sub clans of the Bai," she said in a measured tone.
We just don't know what the other two are called.)
we have

- White Serpent
- Black Viper
- Red Python
- Yellow Boa
- Green Asp
- Violet Coral
- Blue Cobra
- ?

i think we asked yrs about the 8th color before and he might have answered, but if so, I dont remember that answer