Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
What I'm hearing is that we need to spend some of our AP with family pushing Mom on cultivation til she's red, and then assisting her in talent scouting, and then cultivating that talent. Might end up being a 2 AP action every month towards the end. duno how much that eats our free AP in the turns beyond the next two
Some reading comprehension failure here.

Ling Qi showed her a more effective exercise regime she could do herself, expecting her to break through by the end of the year if she persists. Qingge saying she'll rearrange her schedule to accommodate it:
It was not a matter of figuring out what exercises her mother could physically handle, Ling Qi mused, but also in figuring out what they could do that Mother could repeat on her own and not end up getting discouraged.
You've already made some progress, but if you just do a little more each day, I think you'll break through by the end of the year."
"Very well," her Mother said with a huff of quiet laughter. "I will see how my schedule might be rearranged.
Pardon my ignorance, but did it get noted somewhere that Mom's core is so fragile that she'll basically never expand past Red or so? I'm getting that vibe.
main reason I can see is puzzles and maybe even instruments outside of stuff like durms is that they will probably bore her since she prefers physical play to mental play at this point since she's only 5

For instruments, I was thinking more something like drums, a triangle or xylophones for her. Something easy to do for a child of her age but still musical and fun.
At age five I could play Hot Cross Buns on a recorder. Barely. Not sure if I'm representative or not, but anything complex seems a bit much.

I'd say a wagon, maybe a floating one if we can swing it. Lets her run around outside and collect various odds and ends, or maybe give some stuffed animals rides.
Okay, let's talk gift ideas:

[] Puzzle Box

Improves her problem-solving skills.

[] Child's calligraphy set

Sets her on the path to formations mastah! Also feeds her artistic side.

[] Drum set

If we hate Qingge

[] Child's Flute


[] Fan

Get that wind going early!

[] Picture Book

To encourage love of reading.

[] Magnifying glass

It might not exist, but kids love seeing small things up close and concetrating solar qi.

[] Doll

Because small children like dolls?

[] Child's sword

You're never too young to start practicing your swings.

[] Childs Tea Set

You're never too young to learn the tea ceremony!
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As a side note, Qingge seems like she had above average talent, but it was likely not at Ling Qi levels, what with her not being picked up by the MoI. It's not like they would care about the small time political mess Qingge was caught up in- they recruited Ji Rong after all.
There may have been an age thing with the MoI scan. As Qingge was part of a clan for her childhood.
Right so I cleared this idea and it's allowed

I was thinking that we could get Biyu an animate plush toy, probably of a dog
It would have simple formations so that if you shake/squeeze it then set it down it'd wander around aimlessly barking or maybe mimic dog tricks and the like
What do you think about an art set?

it would contain different types of pens and brushes as well as some teaching materials for drawing and painting.
[X] Big Picture Encyclopedia about Animals in Emerald Seas

Because this way she'd give less headache to her Nanny (I am optimist).
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I think if we want something a bit more intellectually stimulating for her, paints and paper to draw on is a classic for kids. Trying to capture the outdoors she enjoys seems ideal.
I'm thinking of a storybook about fun fairytales with pictures of fun awe-inspiring locales. It might get her interested in reading as well as a wonderful way to provide fun bedtime stories after a tiring day playing outside.
"Sis-y doesn't eat," Biyu retorted.

"That's because Sis-y is magic," Ling Qi replied dryly, poking her little sister playfully
Now that's Big Sister Energy put to good use!

At the moment, she likes physical activity and the outdoors as well as fuzzy animals.
Unfortunate that we can't give her pets. I'd have liked to float the idea of getting Biyu a very fuzzy spider to Suyin and Su Ling...

Anyways, if Biyu likes physical activity, what about getting her dancing lessens? That's a physical activity that can lead into music, if that's where we want the clan to go. And Ling Qi can take over the lessens every once in a while with her C-rank Dance.
What if we got her a kite?

Biyu loves flying with her big sister, and while she can't fly now, she could fly a kite. She can play around with outdoors and use some of that boundless energy she has.

We could get a cute design with fairy wings and a long tail, with minor formations to self-repair and 'drop like a stone of Biyu lets go of the string'.
Could the musical instrument be made so that the sound stops after a certain range?

That way we get to promote music, anddd not melt everyone's heads.

If it is not too much to add to a posdible "sound range limit", some sort of drum that can somehow be reconfigured into something more complicated somehow? (I've not thought on the practicalities of this very much btw)
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[] Big Picture Encyclopedia about Animals in Emerald Seas. It's a bit about the province overall, a bit about the important families and their beasts, and a bit about the outdoors and the wild. The pictures are what is important to the kid, and when an adult reads the little informational blurbs they teach the kid that words are special pictures that have meanings and knowledge hidden in themm

That's what made me so smart when young, a love of learning. Big pictures and pretty colors, and someone to read to me about the high level information so I could learn the words and learn to read. Sure, I was a bit weird because I talked like a scientific paper my whole young-youth but I wasn't bullied because I knew that making friends and having a wide social net meant that you outnumbered a bully if they got mean. Just like the herbivore's dominant strategy.
I mean. I was aware I might have to throw hands, most herbivores have horns or tusks or antlers or hooves, but I was just friendly and quiet until I learned how to speak normally instead of science-speak.

I want to make sure it's a gift that's for Biyu, but helps the whole house. Do we know how many of our staff can read? Do we know how much our people know about the province and the families in it? A big picture book lets everyone prosper. Momma and Nanny have an activity that is slower and stiller with Biyu. Momma and Nanny can learn a bit about the province at large and the animals in it. We will eventually be a frontier household, and it'll be good to know. Staff can learn about the province, and potentially how to read. Those that can read already can have more examples of a formal/scientific dialect. And you know what? Learning is *fun* everyone globally values learning and education very highly and a book with pretty pictures and informative words is awesome for everyone. I used to love Zoobooks and discovery documentaries and cool science books with chemicals and explosions and color everywhere.
Learning about Animals was the best though, because animals are wild and active and I got to run around playing as various animals and also learn about them too. They gave me a good appreciation for empathy as well as a non-judgmental approach for being cautious of dangers both social and physical. A matter of fact sort of "yeah they eat other animals, and that's mean. But that's how they live, they have to be mean to live. So here's what you do to not be targeted"

also got me prepared somewhat for knowledge of death and being afraid to die. Sure, maybe I had my first existential crisis a little young but eh. I think I'm a better person because of it.

Nature, Holistic, Colorful, Learning, get to play as animals (I learned that animals sit still when they're being extra observant or extra spooked, which helped me reign in my energy at times), cultural and adventurous/outdoorsy

People associate books with the indoors because those that get stuck in doors have nothing to do but books to read. The best books are read outside in nature. Nothing quite like cracking open some new research with a breeze in your hair, a creek by your side, with a warm fluffy dog to keep watch <3 I want her to attack us every time we visit with new tidbits about an animal and a province or a clan or something. That sounds just so cute ahhh <3 <3 <3
A flute is the obvious option. It's something she can do safely inside, something she can do with Qi and Qingge and something that she almost definitely will use in cultivation later in life.

As I've understood it Biyu is a bit of an explorer, with her love of the outdoors. Maybe a picture book with stories about various places around the empire would be best, so she can explore from the safety of her home.

I feel that with the hints that Biyu may have a talent for divination, she knew Qi would bring them to a stream for Zhengui's breakthrough, she might have an affinity for the New or Full Moon, the first Moons, Hidden and Guiding respectively, which are both about exploring, mystery and divination. A book would nourish her love of the outdoors, of exploration, of study (which we ourselves choose for our divination Art) and might tell us more about this affinity, if it even exists.