Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I mean, this vote is explicitly about influencing the direction she'll take in the future. Basing it entirely off of what she likes right now is or what would be convenient for her minders is missing the point, in my opinion.
I mean, this vote is explicitly about influencing the direction she'll take in the future. Basing it entirely off of what she likes right now is or what would be convenient for her minders is missing the point, in my opinion.
It's likely not going to be the only vote for this. So voting solely what we would want our family to look like in the future also misses the point of taking into account what our family wants now.
It's likely not going to be the only vote for this. So voting solely what we would want our family to look like in the future also misses the point of taking into account what our family wants now.

Please vote on a present for Biyu's next birthday, this will inform the direction of her character in the future.

We're told explicitly what the point of this vote is about. You can bring in other concerns, but that doesn't change what the vote is explicitly about.
Hmm. We have a flute... let's get her a trumpet or an ocarina?

I say trumpet because Biyu has a much more... bombastic personalty that us.

Plus, image future teenage Biyu riding into battle blasting magic with a trumpet of lighting, atop a giant lion-dog.
we should get Biyu something like a Kite since its outdoorsy and she likes the outdoors.
Yeah, a kite would be amazing to give.

Its a constant excuse to be outside, have a need (maybe reduced if a minor formation is added) to be active to let it fly, and more importantly, just might nudge Biyu towards flying arts.

After all, a kite is a ridiculously easy thing to write a Biyu omake of if she sees Ling Qi also able to fly just as high as the kite.
We could go on a theft rampage again and see if we can pilfer some fun trinket from other nobles, then gift it to Biyu.

...I wonder if Biyu would enjoy Sima Jiao's colorful robes. Or any of his formation puzzles that he's always playing with.
Okay, Biyu's present has a few requirements.

First, it has to be music based, because obviously.

Second, it has to be outdoors-y to encourage her current interests.

Third, it should be a weapon of some kind since this a death-world and knowing how to fight is a requirement for anyone who wants to spend time outdoors.

Fourth, it has to be cool.

I know what will work perfectly.
Alternatively, if that doesn't work, lets go for this.
We're told explicitly what the point of this vote is about. You can bring in other concerns, but that doesn't change what the vote is explicitly about.
And that is what he seems to be doing, bringing in other concerns regarding the vote. Specifically,

At the moment, she likes physical activity and the outdoors as well as fuzzy animals.

Voting solely on what we want Biyu's direction to be would be missing the entire rest of the paragraph informing us about the vote choice. Ideally, we will want to mesh Biyu's interests with the development we want to take Biyu in.
We're told explicitly what the point of this vote is about. You can bring in other concerns, but that doesn't change what the vote is explicitly about.

Which is why an art set for different kinds of arts would be good. It would offer her several art options and who knows? maybe she will end up becoming an art cultivator that fights with Brush and Watercolors
[] Two sets of children's musical instruments

Rather than just getting her a flute we could get Biyu a set of multiple different instruments and buy another set for ourselves, then when together the two of us can spend time learning how to play the instruments.

I feel this would not only letting Biyu pick her own favourite instrument to later stick with, but also prevent her from getting bored doing the same thing over and over again, and it would serve as great bonding time for the two of us.

We could even make it three sets for mum to join if interested.
Can we get her 2 part gift? The picture encyclopedia of the wildlife in the Emerald Seas plus some painting supplies could educate her and inspire her artistic side.
I'm not sure what to suggest, but I would say we should consider how we will use it with her. We want to make sure it is something that we do together. A book to read, art set to play with, instruments to play (but not teach too much), etc.
I kind of like getting a book of fables. Basically ingrain the lessons Ling Qi had to learn into Biyu before she gets exposed to the cultivation world properly while appealing to her animal interests.
Well, when I was five, my favorite thing was a really cool looking rock I found near my house. So that in mind, I vote for getting her a rock.

You joke but... This may actually be a good idea. No, wait, don't leave, let me explain: rocks are really really important in universe.

She exhibited interests in our spirit stones far back in a previous update, but we said we couldn't give them to a kid because of danger. What if we give her fake spirit stones? A minor formation can cause glowing effects, and maybe it can even be calibrated. She may get a lot of interests, but if she wants to go far, one of them has to be cultivation.

Maybe we could also couple that with a picture scroll that teaches spirit stones and/or realms to kids. Since noble families have kids, this kind of thing should exist.

So... what do you guys think about

[] fake spirit stones + kid friendly spirit stone scroll
A fluffy puppy pushy sounds like a nice present for our little sis, but the question is: does those even exist in this universe ? @yrsillar ?

we should get Biyu something like a Kite since its outdoorsy and she likes the outdoors.
while a nice present that obviously exists in Not!China i think our lil'sis is a bit too lil for it.
Why not some puzzles? Or simple music instruments?
i always found puzzles to be more "work" than actual play for kids that young. Especially so for the kind that like physical activity.
A musical instrument is a nice idea though. And it would get mom involved too. Probably some percussion-based instrument? anything else seems to push too far in complexity, the goal here is to get her interested rather than frustrate her into disliking music.
On the other hand, it'll also heavy poke at Hianyu button. Unless we can sell the idea of Biyu also being her little sister (but that has issues with Biyu being a full-fledged mortal, and a child on top of it).
On a note different from my previous one, I really do not want to push her towards music. If it happens it happens, but I'd rather she forges her own way.
I would really prefer not to get her a musical instrument, not only is she a bit young for it to be meaningful but it would be better if she asks for an instrument with her own intent to play music with her family.

I like the idea of a kite, play sword, stuffed animal, or adventure books.
Now a puppy for the future? Hmm. Perhaps a weaker cute spirit beast we can have mom bind? Would be way more interesting for sure.
Okay. So people want me to talk about the Biyu I want to see as a character?

I want to feed her love of outdoors and animals with more knowledge about the outdoors and animals. I want her to remain a bit of a handful, but learn enough about herbivores and prey animals to know when to sit still. Stillness is when animals are most observant, that freeze instinct before the predator notices you. I want her to know that animals are varied in behavior and temperament and that none are better or worse they simply are. I want her to know that herd and pack tactics are dominant, and that socializing is a complicated but powerful force in both nature and what-humans-pretend-isnt-nature.

I want her to light up when she sees us and run over and hug us and we can ask her what she's learned and she can tell us all about some animal in some region and some history and some people/clans that are there and it's just so cool and she can't wait to go out and see it While Learning that this stuff is also dangerous and must be approached with proper caution and preparation.

We really do love this world, it's beautiful, but we also have seen it's dark sides and learned the pain of it the hard way. Biyu shouldn't learn about it the hard way, but if she cultivates she inevitably will. What I want to do is inspire a deep love for the world and for life, alongside a healthy respect and caution that requires preparation and planning as well as the skills to come out alright if the plan goes haywire.

A solid seed of empathy, socializing, perceiving, learning, planning and understanding that fighting is necessary in a death world.

I am relatively against fiction stories as a gift here. The truth is fascinating enough without embellishment, even if I understand the place for entertainment or the need to teach indirect avenues like fables. We're cultivating Sincerity and the truth is plenty fun enough when you're young because the truth is just fiction that happens to be real someplace when you don't know any better.

That said, fables and myths are a little different than fiction because they teach you about the culture they come from and impart lessons to you about what those cultures value. I think fables and myths could be a great second (or first) book and if it gave her a better political and spirit-ken footing I would be about it. Heck, do we even know much about the religion of *this* province? Who do the mortals worship, what altars do they pray on, what sacrifices are made in which names?

I like the animals because it's less offensive to aggressively play as another culture or another's mythos than it is to play as an animal. Animals are cool. Everyone but the imperial throne probably loves them. ES was the birth of agriculture after all, I wouldn't be surprised if ES had the most animal husbandry and animal-related-cultivation as well.

I got off track. Rambunctious, high energy, love of learning, plan-making, empathetic, perceptive, sociable fighter who runs up to us to tell us all about her latest plans and adventures and learning so that we can also run up to her and play her songs about our latest plans and adventures and learning. I mean. Relatively cleaned up because our job can get real messy, but Mister Rogers was able to sincerely talk to kids about 9-11 and the inevitability of Death and what happens with divorce and he didn't even have magical powers (maybe. I mean. He could be magic, I duno <3). I'm pretty sure we can find a way to talk to Biyu honestly about hard things without messing her up, we're sincere and expressive after all. Just gotta fan the flames of Biyu's adventuring outdoorsy spirit with the knowledge required to stay safe while doing so <3 yayy

so that's my second effort post about Animal Encyclopedia with full color Pictures. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk. peace <3
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Well this sure resurrects an old regret. This would be the perfect time to pass on the family's flute, but we previously chose the impossible task of bringing it with us along our personal journey of cultivation, rather than simply restoring it and keeping it as a keepsake. It's no longer in an appropriate form to pass on to a mortal child whose proclivities and elemental orientations are unclear, and it's near obsolescence for Ling Qi's use at the moment as well. Add it to the list of early quest legacy being abandoned through accident and neglect, I guess: flute, wind, comb, larceny, Wood, support, etc. Well, we're clawing back some of the stuff. Flute seems a solidly dead storyline though, with moments like these barred to it.

With that in mind, I don't really support a musical instrument at the moment. Music practice is also the kind of thing that should just be... happening anyway? Ling Qingge taught us music, I see no reason she wouldn't teach her other daughter. No reason for us to barge in to make sure it happens, since it'll be happening regardless.

[] Fan
I actually really like this idea of @Briefvoice's. A fan is kinda courtly, which isn't bad for a noble, but it's also a kind of luxury object that she'll need to take care of, so there's a bit of responsibility to go along with it. Plus, yes, ~Wind~ and all that, but mostly I like the idea of a fancy object that can still be used like a toy by an energetic child and that is held and can be stored instead of being attached to her and inevitably wrecked when she rolls through a stony mud puddle or something.

When she's older we can get her one of those bladed fans, or one with hidden throwing daggers or darts in it, or something.
Well this sure resurrects an old regret. This would be the perfect time to pass on the family's flute, but we previously chose the impossible task of bringing it with us along our personal journey of cultivation, rather than simply restoring it and keeping it as a keepsake. It's no longer in an appropriate form to pass on to a mortal child whose proclivities and elemental orientations are unclear, and it's near obsolescence for Ling Qi's use at the moment as well. Add it to the list of early quest legacy being abandoned through accident and neglect, I guess: flute, wind, comb, larceny, Wood, support, etc. Well, we're clawing back some of the stuff. Flute seems a solidly dead storyline though, with moments like these barred to it.

With that in mind, I don't really support a musical instrument at the moment. Music practice is also the kind of thing that should just be... happening anyway? Ling Qingge taught us music, I see no reason she wouldn't teach her other daughter. No reason for us to barge in to make sure it happens, since it'll be happening regardless.

[] Fan
I actually really like this idea of @Briefvoice's. A fan is kinda courtly, which isn't bad for a noble, but it's also a kind of luxury object that she'll need to take care of, so there's a bit of responsibility to go along with it. Plus, yes, ~Wind~ and all that, but mostly I like the idea of a fancy object that can still be used like a toy by an energetic child and that is held and can be stored instead of being attached to her and inevitably wrecked when she rolls through a stony mud puddle or something.

When she's older we can get her one of those bladed fans, or one with hidden throwing daggers or darts in it, or something.

So My issue with assuming there will be music lessons is the Qingge is very different now. She isnt a young teen mom anymore and she has severe regrets with how she raised us. She is more hands off and lighter touch than she was with us.
i always found puzzles to be more "work" than actual play for kids that young. Especially so for the kind that like physical activity.
A musical instrument is a nice idea though. And it would get mom involved too. Probably some percussion-based instrument? anything else seems to push too far in complexity, the goal here is to get her interested rather than frustrate her into disliking music.
On the other hand, it'll also heavy poke at Hianyu button. Unless we can sell the idea of Biyu also being her little sister (but that has issues with Biyu being a full-fledged mortal, and a child on top of it).

I like this. Drums are a relatively simple instrument that are really fun for kids to play, and it would give a slight push on the music path without literally retreading exact same path as Ling QI.

I have issues with votes that merely reinforce her interests. This is the perfect age to broaden her horizons. She can still love the outdoors and animals, but she can also love say music.