Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.
[X] Help Mother with her cultivation art. Perhaps a little music to help her visualize her qi flows better?

Getting to Gold is likely to be better for Mom's health, but Qingge was practicing her cultivation art when we came in. I'd like to respect her agency more than I'd like to rush a breakthrough - she's been diligently practicing on her own and making progress, and the long term health benefits of getting Gold a couple months earlier are pretty negligible.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Jan 23, 2020 at 10:02 PM, finished with 74 posts and 51 votes.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.

It's time to get RIPPED!!!
[X] Help Mother with her cultivation art. Perhaps a little music to help her visualize her qi flows better?

Long-term, I don't think it matters one way or the other. I'm just curious how Ling Qi intends to use music to aid qi flow visualization. Hmm, I think one of HDW's techs gives a small perception bonus to allies? Doesn't seem like the direction of the scene though
[X] Help Mother with her cultivation art. Perhaps a little music to help her visualize her qi flows better?
Let's put all that music we've learned to the test. See if we can truly inspire someone to be More then what they were.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.

If Qingge is at Red Soul, best to match it with Gold Physique, just to get over the hump.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.

"I'll give ya a swat if you drift off your course this time," Sixiang teased. "So here's the first one, you're not quite restrained."

Ling Qi frowned in consternation, wondering what Sixiang was talking about. Then it struck her. The mortal woman's footsteps made faint sounds on the polished floor, and her gown rustled with her movements, her breath disturbed the air. Ling Qi was silent, utterly so. The only noise was a distant eerie piping. Ling Qi frowned and a twitch of her qi normalized things.
Well...its in the finest traditions to sneak everywhere? :p
"Ling Qi," I did not expect you so early. Is everything well?" Her Mother asked, lowering her arms.

"Everything is fine, my cultivation just took less time than expected," Ling Qi deflected. "I thought I would come a little early. Sorry for interrupting you."

Her mother looked at her with a frown. Was she really that obvious?

"S almost like you're practicing an art of honesty. Do you really want to fool your Mom?" Sixiang whispered.

"Well, that's not wholly right, I did want to talk," Ling Qi added before her Mother could voice her question. Sixiang was right of course, there was no value in deflections here.
Still reflexively evading contact huh?
Can't be helped, she had a lot of practice.
"Of course," her Mother replied, seeming hesitant. "Did your… exercise proceed properly?"

"Yeah," Ling Qi replied with a half smile, moving to take a seat on one of the stone benches in the garden. "Integration went fine, see?" Her weapon shimmered into view across her lap, and a pale transparent mist rolled out around them, cloaking the garden. She had spent some time practicing so there were no more… embarrassing manifestations.

The mist still settled about her Mother's shoulders like a warm winter mantle, and the older woman blinked in surprise. She reached up tentatively to touch it, but the mist parted before her fingers. "I see. I admit I do not quite understand what has changed, but I am glad you succeeded."
Here you can see Qingge getting hugged by the domain.
A moment of absolutely honest communication how how much she means to Qi.

"I was always pretty bad at being a girl. Sorry Mom," Ling Qi said with a chuckle.

"You weren't," Ling Qingge said quietly, looking down at her lap. "You were no more rambunctious and restless than any other child."

"No need to spare my feelings," Ling Qi sighed. "I understand…"

"Ling Qi, I was never prepared to be a mother, at an age barely older than you are now. My conditions may have left me in a poor state, but that only explains my mistakes. It does not excuse them," Ling Qingge retorted sharply. "So do not spare my feelings."

Ling Qi was silent, and so was her Mother. Finally, Ling Qi blew out a breath sending eddies through the mist. "I guess neither of us know much about what we're doing, huh?"
Nobody does, only way you learn to deal with such a relationship is practice and neither of them have had any.
"How is the household handling the new security?" Ling Qi asked, turning her eyes back to the garden.

"As well as can be expected. I have not explained to them the precise nature of the guardians in the basement," Ling Qingge replied. Probably for the best.
Man they're going to be rather surprised when the guardians show up and they're undead.
"Miss Li explained the upkeep necessary very well."

"Will you be alright taking care of it?" Ling Qi asked.

Mother looked down at her hands, flexing her fingers thoughtfully. A single pale and guttering spark of qi leaked from her fingertips. "Yes. It is simple enough, if tiring."

Ling Qi could manage it with no more effort than coming to the house took, but she wasn't going to take that away from her Mother.
A little something she's improved on, from casually making people feel useless while trying to help to letting them do their thing.
Why is it that it always looks like it's close, then when the tally hits, one option stomps?
Discussion usually means that later votes tend to be fairly clear cut, you either agree or disagree with made arguments.

Usually people losing the vote start railing about bandwagons, but the fact is a after a lot of debate some options are straight out superior.
[X] Help Mother with her cultivation art. Perhaps a little music to help her visualize her qi flows better?
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.
[X] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.