Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Local Gossip
@yrsillar Omake for the Omake Throne
This Omake takes place right after Ling QI, Su Ling and FenFen leaves the Ling household.

Local Gossip

As Ling Qi and her friends left the household, all of the household breathed. Ling Qingge could feel the household's relaxation better ever since she awoken. She coaxed qi through her body trying to salve her aches, and the qi began to leak from her body. She had yet to accomplish the gold realm, but she could feel that she was close. Just a few more days and she would be that much closer to keeping her family together and understanding her daughter.

Ling Qingge helped Xie Ai pick up the china from the refreshments. She knew that it was scandalous for the master of the house to be helping the maid, But Xie Ai was a friend before she was a maid. As she and Ai carried the cups and trays into the kitchen. She could just barely sense her friends gathering in the kitchen with two brighter spots as well. It must be the guards. The sect provided two yellow guards to defend the household. They were young and handsome and one of the younger women, who came to assist her, has already became smitten with him. She wrapped her arm around his and pulled him forward saying something that Ling Qingge just could not hear. She would have to eventually separate them. Even if they truly fell in love, either he would see her die old while he was young or he would leave her to be alone and heartbroken after hearing the news that he died in some far off battlefield.

"She had scales." Someone said.

"Was that a member of the Bai? Ling Qingge, you said that your daughter, I mean Lady Ling, was roommates with a Bai."

"The Bai that was just here was Lady Bai's personal housemaiden. Chen Xin, relax the guards aren't going to tell about a little bout of informality." Sometimes all of the titles and ranks that came with running a household, led to an unwanted but necessary structure when meeting guests and even her daughter. She never did come to meet her employees or spend the time to meet them, and now they always avoided her daughter and her daughter always avoided her.

"Tell her, Tell her." That young girl, Tang Qinngan, was still holding onto that guard's arm, Shi Tili. He shoulders were broad, his height was intimidating, and his muscles were big, but his name was not wordplay. no matter what he thinks. Tang Qinngan was a surprise. She offered the chance to work for her daughter to all her associates that wanted to leave Tonghou. Tang Qinngan wrote her a personal letter asking to be allowed to be employed by the Ling family. She didn't personally know Tang Quinngan, but her friends vouched for Tang Qinngan's merit and she couldn't deny anyone a chance to get out of that awful business.

"Tell me what?"

"Nothing, Madam." He stuttered looking nervous.

"He was just bragging about how he was the guard to the Ling family, and that Lady Su noticed him as she walked past."

"My family is not that important."

"I beg your pardon, madam. The stories of the recent battle has been passing through the bars, and no one was more praised than Lady Ling, except for of course Lady Su. Lady Ling was at every battle field at once. She was a wraith that danced on the backs of the barbarians as they fell from the sky. Her melodies murdered beast after beast, as her Xaunwu ripped the ground apart as he created fortifications. And when the assassin came, she defended every soldier on the ramport with layer after layer of wood qi. She let the assassin stabbed her in the neck, so that she could grab its wrist and hold it down as her and the other Sect students killed it. No other battlefields had less casualties than the battlefields under the protection of Ling Qi." Ling Qingge couldn't help but grimaced. They should not be inspired by her daughter's self destructive behaviors. It is not something to brag about. "If I could just have one…." His voice was filled with hope and want and then he stuttered.

"One what?" Her curiosity peaked.

"A lesson, he was hoping that Lady Ling could spare an afternoon to advise him on his arts." Tang Qinngan was still hooked to his arm as the silence filled the from what she proposed.

"I… Madam… Please understand… It was just…."

"Please catch your breath and then speak your mind."

"Madam, I have recently began cultivating a darkness cultivation art and I plan to begin cultivating a darkness movement art. Ling Qi is known for her mastery of darkness qi, but I would not ask you to ask her for a lesson… It isn't proper… I apologize." He bowed, falling to his knees.

"I," Ling Qinnge notices that on his knees, he was chest height to most of the people in the room. He looked a little hopeful. "will see what I can do. And you," She turned towards the other guard, "do you want anything?." Surprise flicked across the other guard's face.

"My commanding officer said that I had more than an average amount of qi of the standing army of the Argent Sect. He advised that I should consider finding a spirit beast to assist me with my duties. Ling Qi is also known for her skill with dealing with spirits and spirit beasts. If I could have her advice on finding a spirit beast, I will be forever grateful."

"She will probably say no, but I will see what I can do."

"Thank you, Madam." They both said at once.

Ling Qinnge didn't come here to manage her household, she came here to relax, gossip, and hear the news. "I have heard some rumors of what Lady Su did during the attack, but does anyone have the full story?"
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Renxiang's Integration foreshadowing?

Wonder if we'll end up with any tics, and what that would look like, considering our domain and us keeping our weapon hidden.
Her saber isn't her domain weapon; her domain weapon is a strip of silk with bells attached.
Cai Renxiang sat across from her, next to the vent in the heiress' own meditation room. Her own domain weapon, a twisting ribbon of silk hung with tiny bells, floated between her hands.
Quinn isn't really a sound under standard Mandarin... I'd rename her to qin or qu or one of the other available sounds in the guide below.

This is a good guide to all phonetic sounds (obv not including tones) for Mandarin.
Thanks for the advice. I just pulled the word for emotion in Chinese for her name. It must be a terrible translation site if quinn is not a sound in Chinese
Edit: Nevermind, I spelled the word wrong.
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Turn 8: 2-1 Family Ties
Ling Qi watched the house servant who was leading her inside, through a silver gleam in the fold of her gown. The young woman was a few years her elder, but nevertheless, she kept her head low and the tension in her shoulders was clear. Ling Qi thought that she might be the same person who had first opened the gate for her back at the beginning when she had hired them, but she couldn't be sure. That kind of said it all didn't it?

"Not all your fault. I shoulda been more assertive in pointing out when you were drifting," Sixiang murmured.

Ling Qi wasn't sure she agreed. Her promise to Zhengui and Hanyi had made her think, and her recent integration had changed her perception a little as well. Not, admittedly about her mortal household, but about the dismissal she had delivered to her own mother for expressing the same concern. It was just that those things tied together. The people she had hired were friends of her mother or at least people she cared about. What did it say about her that she dismissed their existence so easily?

Ling Qi hummed to herself as she stepped inside and the young woman closed the door behind them, allowing her to take the lead again. It wasn't necessary, but it was polite. She had spoken to Cai Renxiang on the subject, and she probably hadn't understood properly then. So much of society, it's traditions and etiquette and laws were built around keeping cultivators grounded and engaged. Elder Hua Su had poked fun at the idea of sitting in a cave for a hundred years so long ago, but the truth was that the scenario was a very easy one to drift into.

This time, she had disappeared for a day and a half, at other times she had vanished for longer. Those times would only grow in length, she understood. Ling Qi had meditated on loneliness in her efforts to better control her domain, and the thought of the future had frightened her a little. She wouldn't stop climbing, but she couldn't become unmoored either.

Ling Qi could not counteract the separation wrought by cultivation, and if she was honest with herself, she didn't want to. However, it was also true that her Mother was important to her, and so for her sake, she had to try at least a little with the people her Mother cared about.

"I'll give ya a swat if you drift off your course this time," Sixiang teased. "So here's the first one, you're not quite restrained."

Ling Qi frowned in consternation, wondering what Sixiang was talking about. Then it struck her. The mortal woman's footsteps made faint sounds on the polished floor, and her gown rustled with her movements, her breath disturbed the air. Ling Qi was silent, utterly so. The only noise was a distant eerie piping. Ling Qi frowned and a twitch of her qi normalized things. "How has my Mother been, since the attack?" She asked, adjusting her qi flow so that it wouldn't happen accidentally again.

The woman in front of her startled a little, though to her credit, Ling Qi was sure a mortal wouldn't have noticed. "Madame Ling has been anxious, but she is doing well," the servant answered quietly. "She was greatly reassured by Lady Li's work."

Ling Qi hummed thoughtfully. "And you? Are the others handling things well?" She had offered to let them leave, but no one had taken her up on it. She wondered if it was just because they were more afraid of her than the war.

"We are most thankful for your patronage," the woman replied carefully, keeping her head down.

"I didn't ask that," Ling Qi replied, letting her formality slip a little. She came to a halt. "I asked how you and the others are holding up. I was being genuine when I said that any of you could leave."

The young woman paused, looking a little alarmed at the questioning or more accurately, Ling Qi's attention. Was she really that bad? "It has been trying," the woman admitted. "But no one wants to go back."

Ling Qi regarded the young woman with a little surprise. She was being honest. "...You aren't afraid?"

The girl looked a little guilty. "I am, but it's still better isn't it? At least we are being protected. You and the other Immortals will not let the barbarians through, right?"

"No," Ling Qi replied. She honestly felt a little uncomfortable with the expectation she saw there. It was one thing to be told you were responsible for people, it was another to feel it. In her mind's eye, she saw burning fields and a mountain reduced to powder. Could she really make a guarantee like that…

"We won't lose, you'll be safe," it wasn't a lie. She was sure that no one would let this place, the gateway to the Sect fall.

"Then there is no reason to talk about going back. The others feel the same. That is, if our service has been satisfactory? Madam Ling has said we have been doing well," the young woman grew more anxious as she spoke, clutching at her gown.

"I have no complaints," Ling Qi was quick to reply. "Please, let's continue," she added gesturing down the hall.

"Man it's a good thing she can't tell how off kilter you are from a lil respect and expectation. How do you function sometimes?" Sixiang huffed

'Poorly,' Ling Qi thought dryly, resuming her walk toward the garden. She glanced at the young woman's back, and reminded herself to take the time to memorize some names later. That was enough effort for her at the moment though. It was good to be certain that her household was staying around because they actually wanted too, even if it was only because Tonghou was worse.

She gave the young woman a nod of acknowledgement as she stepped out onto the porch overlooking the garden. It only took a moment to spot her Mother.
Ling Qingge stood by the garden pond, dressed in a plain brown gown. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon. She held an unusual pose, one of the stances of the cultivation art Ling Qi had provided her. Ling Qi stood for a moment at the edge of the perch, observing the flow of her Mother's qi, such as it was.

She was doing better, the cracks of age and wear remained on her dantian, but the light of awakening had been kindled inside of it. Growth would still be fraught, but her Mother's cultivation was at least stable. There was no danger of regression. Mothers attempts at physical cultivation had made some progress, it seemed like the exercises in the cultivation art were helping.

Ling Qi ghosted down through the banister, landing lightly on the garden path, and then let her next footfall sound normally. Mother opened her eyes at the sound.

"Ling Qi," I did not expect you so early. Is everything well?" Her Mother asked, lowering her arms.

"Everything is fine, my cultivation just took less time than expected," Ling Qi deflected. "I thought I would come a little early. Sorry for interrupting you."

Her mother looked at her with a frown. Was she really that obvious?

"S almost like you're practicing an art of honesty. Do you really want to fool your Mom?" Sixiang whispered.

"Well, that's not wholly right, I did want to talk," Ling Qi added before her Mother could voice her question. Sixiang was right of course, there was no value in deflections here.

"Of course," her Mother replied, seeming hesitant. "Did your… exercise proceed properly?"

"Yeah," Ling Qi replied with a half smile, moving to take a seat on one of the stone benches in the garden. "Integration went fine, see?" Her weapon shimmered into view across her lap, and a pale transparent mist rolled out around them, cloaking the garden. She had spent some time practicing so there were no more… embarrassing manifestations.

The mist still settled about her Mother's shoulders like a warm winter mantle, and the older woman blinked in surprise. She reached up tentatively to touch it, but the mist parted before her fingers. "I see. I admit I do not quite understand what has changed, but I am glad you succeeded."

"Thank you," Ling Qi replied quietly. Ling Qi fingered the wooden grip of the 'blade' absently. "But… I actually wanted to apologize."

Carefully, her Mother took a seat beside her. Ling Qi could see all the little aches that still plagued her in every movement. "I see," Ling Qingge said quietly.

Ling Qi smiled to herself, she was glad mother hadn't tried to appease her, or say that there was nothing to apologize for. "I'm sorry for being so dismissive. I'm not going to apologize for my actions, but I am sorry for being so short with you about it."

"That hardly sets me at ease," her Mother replied quietly. "I still do not understand why you would do such a thing."

Ling Qi remained silent for a moment considering her words. The lessons of the Playful Muse art flitted through her head as she turned to meet her Mother's pleading gaze. "Because I am strong, and greedy," Ling Qi said wryly. "Because I don't want to lose anything. Because I won't let fear guide my hands or my feet. I hope you can understand Mother. I don't intend to die."

Ling Qingge closed her eyes. "This is the sort of conversation I would expect to have with a son going to war."

"I was always pretty bad at being a girl. Sorry Mom," Ling Qi said with a chuckle.

"You weren't," Ling Qingge said quietly, looking down at her lap. "You were no more rambunctious and restless than any other child."

"No need to spare my feelings," Ling Qi sighed. "I understand…"

"Ling Qi, I was never prepared to be a mother, at an age barely older than you are now. My conditions may have left me in a poor state, but that only explains my mistakes. It does not excuse them," Ling Qingge retorted sharply. "So do not spare my feelings."

Ling Qi was silent, and so was her Mother. Finally, Ling Qi blew out a breath sending eddies through the mist. "I guess neither of us know much about what we're doing, huh?"

"It seems so," Mother replied. "Ling Qi, I cannot pretend to understand matters of cultivation beyond the most basic. Answer me this. Were you certain that you would survive that knife?"

She had not expected the potency of the poison, but looking back at the moment of decision…

"Yes," Ling Qi said with conviction.

"Then I must trust your judgement," her Mother replied wearily. She was not happy, but she had accepted it. There was nothing else to say. She did not want to worry her family, but she would not stop.

"How is the household handling the new security?" Ling Qi asked, turning her eyes back to the garden.

"As well as can be expected. I have not explained to them the precise nature of the guardians in the basement," Ling Qingge replied. Probably for the best. "Miss Li explained the upkeep necessary very well."

"Will you be alright taking care of it?" Ling Qi asked.

Mother looked down at her hands, flexing her fingers thoughtfully. A single pale and guttering spark of qi leaked from her fingertips. "Yes. It is simple enough, if tiring."

Ling Qi could manage it with no more effort than coming to the house took, but she wasn't going to take that away from her Mother. "Good, has everyone in the house been acclimating well?"

Her Mother gave a surprised look. "Yes, despite the disturbance. The towns laws are well enforced and the Sect guards are disciplined and do not bother the girls."

Ling Qi sighed, looking up at the morning sky. "Just don't be afraid to come to me if there's trouble. I can spare the attention," she chuckled. "Think you can get me a list of names sometime? That's something else I should be better with."

"I suppose," Mother sounded so dubious. She really was that bad, wasn't she?

"Yep," Sixiang agreed.

"Well, enough chit chat," Ling Qi said with a little false cheer. "I don't want to take away from your cultivation Mother. Why don't I help you out with your exercises."

It was well beyond time that she stepped up her aid. She had said that she wanted to help Zhengui and Hanyi keep up and although her mother would never see violence again if she had her way, there was no reason to slack everyone was better off with more cultivation.

[] Help Mother with her cultivation art. Perhaps a little music to help her visualize her qi flows better?
[] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.
Hrm. I'm a little partial to the cultivation exercise. It seems it's helping her own efforts on physical cultivation, so boosting her cultivation art should have some trickledown benefits towards her physical cultivation.

I also just like music.

Mothers attempts at physical cultivation had made some progress, it seemed like the exercises in the cultivation art were helping.
[] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.

running away is always a good option to have
[X] Help Mother with her cultivation art. Perhaps a little music to help her visualize her qi flows better?

Time to go full four seasons.
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We connect with Mom through our music. Our flute. We should work music into her cultivation because it is something she enjoys and will love to reclaim about herself. In my opinion, I'd rather follow Mom's passion for music than try to instill in her Our passion for Cultivation All The Time. I think if she likes music, she'll eventually devote more time to playing music which will be extra cultivation which will help <3
[] Help Mother with her physical cultivation. Although most of the exercises Elder Zhou had used were too extreme, she could pass on a few secrets of physical conditioning.

That breakthrough helped Linq Qi a lot so we should help our mom acheive it. Plus physical breakthroughs are weird if you aren't prepared. It will be good to help her become a full cultivator.
[X] Help Mother with her cultivation art. Perhaps a little music to help her visualize her qi flows better?

Cultivation art should help with physical too, also music.
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Ling Qi could not counteract the separation wrought by cultivation, and if she was honest with herself, she didn't want to.
Since this entire thread has been about Ling Qi becoming more social with her fellow nobles it's kind of good that integrating Loneliness into her domain has helped her clarify what it is she wants out of company and what she doesn't. Ling Qi is a solitary girl, for all that friendship is important to her. She wants connection and the strength it gives her, but at the same time her introversion still means being sociable isn't something Ling Qi of all people should pursue like she does Cultivation. It's fine to be lonely as long as you have as many friends and allies as you want.
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It was good to be certain that her household was staying around because they actually wanted too, even if it was only because Tonghou was worse.

Quite frankly, Physical cultivation is more useful to someone who has no chance of further advancement due to the ridding of impurities, along with the probable health benefits of having a healthy body.
[] Help Mother with her cultivation art. Perhaps a little music to help her visualize her qi flows better?

Music was taught by the mother to the daughter and now the daughter teach to the mother. Ling Qi should spend time with her mother by doing something that please both of them. It's useful and fun, perfect for mother-daughter bonding time.