Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Phantom Memories
Phantom… Memories?

Memories and dreams floated around Ling Qi's projection like music on the wind, each strand a different note in a mind's melody. Normally the dreams of the Jedi at the temple were quiet unassuming things, having trained their bodies, minds, and souls to be at peace and unattached to the troubles of the world around them. Not so today. Today there was a strum of unease filling the dreams of the Jedi younglings to the Jedi masters, even those who sat on the council above all others had a disquiet feel to their dreams. She had heard the rumors, of course, that the maverick of a Jedi Master, Master Qui-Gon Jinn, had been laid low by a creature most foul. A Sith master, or an apprentice, or even a simple dark side user. The rumors were unclear in that regard. Still, to receive some evidence that the Sith were out there, lurking, waiting until the ripe moment to strike unnerved many within the Order who had heard the rumors. And, rumors being rumors, that was everyone in the Temple. It seemed that even an order devoted to detachment and peace still fell sway to the urge of gossip.

But there was an even softer note hiding behind all of the other rumors. Whispers that Master Qui-Gon Jinn had taken an apprentice before he died, an apprentice so powerful in the force that even his age couldn't stop the Order from accepting him into their fold. Mutterings that a prophecy was on the brink of fulfillment and that a Chosen One had appeared to rid the galaxy of Sith forever and bring a new age of enlightenment and peace. She let out a snort of amusement at the thought, sending ripples of delight through the dream she was peering at. Su Ling was still a cherished memory of her's, and she needed no further education in the reality of omens and prophecies to understand just how… fickle and insubstantial they really were. Useful, to be sure, but never should they be relied on in their totality without something else to judge the future by.

Her soul caught another strand of unease and fear in space between dreamers. Stronger and unbridled. An individual not fully trained in the ways of detachment and serenity was having nightmares it seemed. Smiling, Ling Qi took a moonlit step and appeared beside the dream. It appeared to be the dream of a young boy, too old to be a youngling but not old enough to be a man, and the dream was filled with fear and uncertainty. More than that though, Ling Qi could sense power in the dream, the force seeped through it like molasses, whispering promised futures and uncertain pasts. Untrained though he was, this boy seemed to have a gift with the force. But the fear here, it was stifling.

With a slight sigh, Ling Qi parted the veil between dream and not, then stepped through. Before her was the High Council chambers with a greatly exaggerated caricature of Master Windu quizzing a small child about what was on a testing screen. To the side of the child was a ghostly Master Qui-Gon Jinn and… a padawan who she had seen in Master Qui-Gon Jinn's presence before, shaking their heads mournfully. Apparently, the child was doing poorly on this ridiculous test and in his dreams was about to be kicked out of the Order and abandoned on the streets of Coruscant. With a whisper of silk, Ling Qi sat down on one of the council chairs, drew forth a flute, and began to play. Slow, contemplative, and serene music floated through the dream, touching every corner and facet of the space. The High Council chambers twisted and molded into something different, a peaceful garden grove with a quiet babbling brook, bright flowers, and songbirds reverberating the melody. Twirling around, the young boy spotted her seat upon the boulder.

And upon seeing her, words fell out of his mouth like water from a waterfall, "Who are you? Why are you here? What have you done? Where is this place? Wh…"

With a wave of her hand, Ling Qi stopped the babbling questions. "It seems," she began, "that you have many questions and have much to learn here in the Order. However, I'm sure that your mother taught you basic manners. Why don't you start by giving your name before asking for another's?"

The boy teared up at the mention of his mother but soldiered with a choked gasp. "My… my name is Anakin Skywalker. What is your name?"

"My name, Anakin, is Ling Qi. You may call me, however, Jedi Knight Ling or Knight Ling."

"Knight Ling, uh... what are you doing?"

"Well, I had heard rumors that a Chosen One had appeared and resolved myself to find out more about this mysterious individual. Unfortunately, I found a dream beset by the fears and uncertainties of a child and resigned myself to playing the part of a nursemaid for the night."

"Will… will you always show up if I have bad dreams like these?"

"No. I have numerous duties and obligations outside of being a crutch for someone to lean on."

The child looked devastated at the news, looking down at his shoes and kicking at the dirt. It was kind of endearing. He looked like what Zhengui used to look like when they were a child and she didn't have any more snacks… damn it.

"I will, however, give some advice. You are a member of our order now, and unless you do something so egregious to force the Council to remove you, or you leave of your own volition, you will always be a member of our order. Do not fear failure, as those surrounding you will assist and provide sanctuary. It is our unity and willingness to work together that is the strength of the Jedi Order."

With a swirl of moonlit dappled darkness and the hint of music on the wind, Ling Qi stood up and proceeded to the edge of the dream. Remembering better times was… bittersweet, and she had no desire to remain now that the child had calmed down. With a simple breath, the door between the dream and not opened and Ling Qi stepped outside, followed by the small voice of a child.

"Thank you."

A/N: @yrsillar another omake for the omake throne! My goodness has it been a long time since I've written an omake for ToD, and it feels good to do so again. This is an idea I had that just wanted to get out there. This takes place right after the Phantom Menance. Enjoy, and don't be afraid to critique or criticize!
A possible future of the Gu house
A Possible Future in the Gu house

As the vault doors creaked open Gu Lin felt her eyes widen. She would have to work on that. Mother always had control over her reactions. Something else to add to her checklist. Grandpa's cane clicked pleasantly against stone as he stepped into the warm air of the vault. She followed right behind and craned her neck. Beautiful weapons hung next to carefully protected tomes. Wonders she had only dreamed about arrayed themselves around her in a choreographed dance frozen in time. This was only the first vault. She couldn't even imagine what the greater vaults held. Finally grandpa's voice broke the rhythm of his cane.

"This is the first of many vaults. Someday, if you prove worthy, you will be allowed to pick something from here. This is a taste of what may come. Since you have shown proper motivation in the arts of cultivation the family has decided to offer you greater incentives. You have reached red soul, but don't be content. The first step is never the hardest."

Gu Lin bowed demurely and said, "Of course Grandfather. I will take your words to heart."

Grandpa turned his head and smiled. "Go on then. Scurry off. I will be right behind you. If you have questions I will answer."

Gu Lin smiled back. The ritual was over and now she could have fun. She dashed off through the frozen dance with laughter bubbling from her throat. She was a cultivator now! Jumping from display to display Gu Lin dashed through the vault looking at anything that caught her eye. Finally, she collapsed onto the warm stone and tried her best to pant past her smile. Grandpa's face shaded her as he leaned over her.

"Well that was an exciting run." Grandpa said. "I haven't seen someone have that much energy in the vault in a long time. Are the stones still warm?"

Gu Lin nodded vigorously. Her hair, having become disarrayed, whipped around her.

Grandpa snorted. "If your mother saw your hair now she would have a fit. Lucky for us she isn't here." Slowly he laid down on the stone. "Which means I can get away with this! Ahh… this feels good on my back. You almost tuckered me out there with your running little spitfire."

Gu Lin twisted her neck and smiled at grandpa. She knew that was a lie. Grandpa was the strongest. Before she could go back to enjoying the warmth of the stone she saw something almost sparkle past grandpa's bald head. "What's that grandpa?" She asked.


"That. Right there." Gu Lin got up and walked over to the small display case. Inside, resting on a velvet pillow, was a small pendant. It was carved to look like a dancing flame and had a wonderful array of different reds. From pink near the edges all the way to an almost black crimson near the base. The only thing that seemed to flaw the delicate piece was a faded section near the middle. It looked like a thumb had rested on that spot so many times that the colors had faded.

"Ahh… that piece." Grandpa's voice broke through her trance. "It's a wonderful little piece isn't it."

"What's it do grandpa?"

"It plays a song."

"A song?" Gu Lin looked around. "That's it? That doesn't sound very…"

"Interesting?" Grandpa chuckled. "Perhaps not. But it was a valued treasure of your ancestor Gu Xiulan."

"Xiulan owned this!" Gu Lin felt her cheeks heat up as she realized she had yelled right at grandpa.

"Hahaha! Yes your hero Xiulan. I still remember when you kids would fight over who got to be Xiulan in the little games you played." Grandpa's sudden pose made Gu Lin throw her face into her hands. "I am Xiulan. I shall burn away your evil!"

"Grandpa!!" Gu Lin whined as she peeked through her hands. "That's so embarrassing! I'm not a kid anymore! I'm a cultivator! I don't do that kid stuff anymore."

Grandpa's gnarled hand mussed her hair up even more. "Sorry sorry." He said with a smile. "Would you like to hear the song?"

Gu Lin nodded through her hands as she struggled to control her blush.


With the pendant in his hand a lovely melody began to play. It sounded nice, but something itched at Gu Lin. There was something that she was missing in the song. As she looked at grandpa's pleased face she knew he could hear something that she couldn't. When the song finally petered out she asked her question.

"Grandpa…" She started hesitantly. "That was a very nice song, but why…"

"Why is it in this vault?" Grandpa said. "The paths of cultivation are beyond counting. We of the Gu focus on the strength and purity of flame to guide us, but not every family does so. Some cultivators have music as part of their path. To those cultivators music is far more than just sound. Just as fire is far more than just heat to a Gu. To truly hear the message left behind in this recording you will need to be at a certain level of spiritual strength."

Gu Lin nodded at grandpa's words. "I think I understand grandpa."

"Hmm… I don't think you do, yet. Someday you will. But not today. Enough talk of things above your years. There is another reason this recording is in the vault."

"What is it grandpa?"

"What do you know of the ancient cultivator Ling Qi?"

Gu Lin blinked at the sudden shift in topic. "She was an immensely strong cultivator that founded the Ling family. We have been strong allies with them since their inception. Going on trade missions to their home is considered a mark of honor and gives those that go a chance to meditate on the rare aspect of fire the Living Mountain possess. Beyond that I do not know much."

Grandpa fiddled with his beard before responding. "Good good. That is all true, but a key part of Ling Qi's path was music. Some who incorporate music into their paths leave many recordings of themselves behind. Not so with Ling Qi. Each recording that she left is sought after by those that wish to study her works or simply collect her songs. The recording we just used is the first one she ever made."

Gu Lin scrunched her nose. "So some people think the song is valuable?"

Grandpa chuckled. "I wonder how many hearts would break at the dismissive tone you took at Honorable Ling Qi's work. But, yes. Every century or so some collector will approach us and offer great treasures for the recording."

"Why haven't we sold it than?" She asked.

Grandpa smiled down at her. "The message the song gives was meant for Xiulan. Even though ancestor Xiulan is long gone we respect her wishes. It is a link between us and the trials our ancestors endured to become the symbols they are today. Soon you will learn even more about your hero and her adventures."

"When grandpa!?" Gu Lin could feel her energy returning as they turned away from the small pendant resting on a velvet cushion.

"When you finally finish your math assignment I think."

The groan echoed in the vault long after the doors closed and the light giving formations turned off.

Omake for the Omake throne @yrsillar
It's been a while since I wrote an omake for this story but this idea wouldn't leave me. Please enjoy!
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A Future Trial
A Future Trial

Teng Bo crouched over steep cliff. Almost two months of chafing servitude under the older students had gotten him this location. An Elder's trial lay below him. He looked to his side and sighed. Wan Yijun shivered in the cold. His forced roommate was looking pitiful as ever. But Yijun had the requirements, if only just, to help him open the door and hopeful once he gained access to the resources an elder would provide he could leave Yijun in the dirt. One more night together was all he needed to endure.

"Let's start." Bo said.

"Are you sure this is wise?" The coward said. "My spirit has only just reached yellow. Perhaps waiting would be prudent."

"Once we get the resources of this trial we can finally stop being pushed around. Trust me. We should do this now so we get the most benefit. Have I led you wrong yet?" Bo said.

"If you are sure, then I am ready."

"That's what I like to hear!"

Just as the moon rose above the horizon Teng Bo and Wan Yijun began their final journey together.

The climb down was brutal. Handholds were plentiful but shaped like jagged knives. Teng Bo had to plan each inch with excruciating care to avoid his hands and feet from being filleted like fish. The slacker had an easier time with his hands and feet covered in pale stone that allowed him to just ignore the dangers of the climb. Yijun even had the gull to see and reach the safety of a cleft in the rocks before him. Soon enough, after following the path the cleft opened up into, he joined Yijun in staring at an enormous temple gate barred before them. Formations covered the gate. Two giant palm prints took up the center of the gate.

"Ready friend?" Bo asked.


As soon as both of their hands touched the gate the giant palms glowed and the doors grinded open as dust exploded out over them. Coughing through the sudden grit they both stepped into the hall as it slowly brightened around them. When they finally cleared their eyes the sight took their breath away.

Dozens of bronze bells hung down from a carven rafter. Braided ropes of silver, thicker than Yijun's arm, swayed under the bells. Engravings all around the hall told a story. Great lines of men and women battled in stunning detail a variety of horrific insectoid monsters. Teng Bo wished he could stay and enjoy the artwork, but he knew they had to keep moving. No elder rewarded the lazy. Something that Yijun ignored. That sloth didn't even appreciate the art around them, instead focusing on a bell.

"See anything interesting Yi?"

Yijun gave him a disapproving glance. "You know I don't like that nickname. But, yes I do see something interesting. The reliefs on this bell almost match many of the common symbols of an old heretical practice called ikko. Yet the ikko would never have put their symbols on such beautiful bells. They despised what they called the 'extravagance of rulers' which these bells would certainly qualify for."

Bo looked at Yijun. "Why do you know so much about an outlawed practice?"

Yijun looked surprised and then sheepish. "Ah… I suppose it wouldn't be taught everywhere. Well, umm… The truth is that my town lies very close to where the honorable Cai cornered and crushed a large group of revolting ikkos. Every child in my town are taught their symbols since the ikko have nasty habit of trying to use the area as a place to reform. The quicker they are spotted and the guards told the better. Religion is also a personal interest of mine."

"I didn't know that. Already this trial is helping us learn more about each other!" Than Bo took a closer look at the bell in question. "Are you sure that these are symbols of the ikko? To me this relief is taken from 'The battle of Liang valley'. Expect… the original piece showed a fight against cloud barbarians. This just shows them fighting some weird fishy things."

Yijun looked confused, but suddenly he pointed at the bell a row down. "What do you see on that bell?"

"It's the 'Sword reforged', but their reforging an ax instead of a sword." Bo replied.

"I see symbols of the Pure Land sect and the Noble Truths sect mixed. Those two have… strong disagreements about certain issues."

Bo reached out and rang the bell in front of him. Yijun looked at him in askance and Bo just shrugged. "We have no instructions Yijun. Ringing this bell may give us an idea of what we need to do."

Just as he finished a voice of gravel echoed through the hall. "Walk the path of purity." A door groaned open and where there was once smooth walls a path revealed itself. Then stone abominations strode out. They looked like stone figures had been melted like wax. Some had too long arms. Others uneven legs. As one they wailed and rushed towards the bells as even more poured out from the path. Bo froze. But, Yijun sprinted forwards.

"Bo! Find a bell with no errors! I will stop these from ringing any bells!"
Bo shuddered. He didn't trust Yijun to fight off an unlit candle. He would have to be quick. He dashed past the different bells careful to avoid hitting any cords and potentially ringing the wrong one. 'No. No. No. No. Yes.' Just before he reached the silver cord a second bell rang out. He glanced over his shoulder and through the forest of silver cords he could see Yijun having pinned a stone figure to the ground but had snagged a silver cord in his stone talons from the effort. Bo sneered. Just as he thought. Yijun made everything harder. Luckily he had already found the bell.

As the third bell rang a path opened on the farside of the carven just as more stone abominations started to pour out from the second path. The third path glowed a soft white and Bo sprinted towards it. Bells rang from his sprint through the cords and more stone constructs began to pour out of the walls and he was forced to slide under the grasping club like arms of a construct to make it to safety and as he expected the stone construct could only batter uselessly on a shimmering wall that blocked it's every blow. As he looked back into the cavern he waited to see how Yijun would fail. He doubted the elder would let Yijun die, but if the elder did no one would likely care. Yijun was Yijun after all.

To his surprise Yijun had already started carving a path of destruction through the constructs. Bells rung as wreckage from the stone constructs flew clear across the hall while Yijun bullied his way through the hordes using the stone constructs around him as makeshift clubs. It only took Yijun a few minutes to bull rush through and reach the white path. Bo had to step aside as Yijun couldn't stop his momentum in time and skidded down the path leaving the stone constructs behind.

"Great job Yi!"

Yijun smiled back. "That was fun, but let's wait awhile before we do something like that again."

Bo laughed. "Agreed agreed!"

The two walked forward until they reached a room of white. A stone pestadel with two handprints was the only thing in the room. Bo approached the stone and then the gravelly voice spoke again.

"You are on the white team. Victory is assured. How many will you save?"

"Ready Yijun?" Bo said as he placed his hand onto the pestadel.

Yijun smiled and placed his hand next to Bo's.

"Walk the path of compassion."

With that the room disappeared.

As they started to plummet a scream ripped out of Bo's throat. The room that had just disappeared around them seemed to have somehow been hanging one hundred meters in the air. That was not the most terrifying thing though. The titans above them were the most terrifying. The fall had started at those titans knees and they stretched far far above him. The sound of the titans hammering blows rippled the very air. Beneath Bo shifted a carpet of white and black constructs that quickly grew bigger as he fell. Looking over his shoulder he saw Yijun angle himself towards the backlines of the fight where a small village seemed to be built. Bo grinned. An elder would never reward cowardice. He looked below him. Where was the bitterest fighting? There!

A sudden gust of wind eased his fall just before he was worried about making a safe landing. Then he entered the fray. With a rivers surging strength he slammed black constructs into the moving walls of the titans feet. Needles of water pierced foes just in time to save a white ally. The tide incarnate smashed row after row of black constructs back. At one point as he took a breather atop a larger construct he saw a black titan get knocked down and crush the village. He grinned. Hopefully that was the end of Yijun. Finally the black horde began to pull back. Bo tried to control his breathing but his smile was making that hard. He had saved at least thirty white constructs while in the thick of the fighting. He couldn't imagine Yijun doing better than that. Then, colors shifted and blurred and he was in a different room.

Yijun stood next to him battered. Bruises were beginning to blotch and an eye had already sealed shut from swelling. But, Bo couldn't think about that. An elder stood before him.

Six black tails with white tips swayed calmly behind the imposing figure while hands held a brutal saber pointed downward. Almost unkempt shoulder length black hair nearly covered piercing green eyes. An aura of restrained fierceness permeated the room as Bo quickly bowed. He nearly snickered as Yijun barely managed to not topple over following the gesture. The elder before them yawned.

"Greetings honored elder Su Ling." Bo said before the elder interrupted him.

"Both of you stand the fuck up. I don't like people bowing."

Bo quickly straightened. He was a little shocked to be honest. He had never expected an elder to speak so crudely .

The elder sighed. "Alright here the rewards. Bo, argent mirror. Maybe that will help you see."

A jade tablet dropped from the ceiling and Bo quickly caught it.

"For you Yijun. You will get a month of tutoring with me. You will also get a week of tutoring with Ling Mei. She will help straighten out your cultivation."

Bo stared in disbelief at the elder. What was happening?

"My cultivation needs to be straightened?" Yijun asked.

"Yes. Why the fuck did you think it was a good idea to get to peak silver before reaching yellow soul? Don't answer. I don't want to know. The Ling clan is famous for being able to plan out cultivation. It's like they have a fucking abacus in their head helping plan shit out. Anyway, she'll help you form a plan for the direction you want to go."

"Elder why?" Bo blurted out. "Why does he," Bo pointed a wavering finger at Yijun, "get tutoring with you when I did everything better?"

Elder Su Ling responded quickly like a whip. "You saved thirty people Bo. Yijun saved four hundred when he defended the village alone from everything that slipped past white's line. Then he managed to get everyone into a shelter before the titan fell because he was able to read the battle. That is why."

Yijun carefully kowtowed on the ground. "Honored Elder, I am unworthy to ask anything, but please consider my request. Teng Bo has been with me since the very first night. I beg the Elder to consider imparting some wisdom to him. Even should that time be taken from me."

For the first time Elder Su Ling's face changed. Boredom gave way to sadness. "No. Wan Yijun your time starts now. Follow me."

The single soul left in the room gave a pitiful and wretched scream.

Omake for the Omake throne @yrsillar
This omake explores the idea of what an Elder Su Ling would value and thus test in her trials. Su Ling so far seems to really hate hypocrisy. I couldn't figure out a way to test for that so the bell test tries to represent purity of thought and action. Su Ling also seems to value compassion which the army trial tested. I hope you enjoyed my Omake. I had a lot of fun writing it.
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Domain Troubles
Domain Troubles

This was mortifying.

Ling Qi had not thought through exactly how her domain would interact with her friends during sparring in the few days since her domain integration, something for which she really should have and was regretting now.

When they had first began, Ling Qi was eager to see how the newly improved defences of her mist matched up to her friends attacks. Those thoughts has quickly vanished when multiple phantoms had immediately tried attaching themselves to Meizhen the moment they were expressed.

She had immediately banished them along with her mist in what was probably not the most dignified way, although thankfully Meizhen was too polite to comment beyond a raised eyebrow, and after what was significantly more effort than it really should have been between attempting to manually control phantoms and pulling away her whole mists, she had at least managed not to bury Meizhen in misty figures anymore...

She really should have thought that through.

Although nowhere near as bad as her embarrassment those first few minutes, the rest of the session had proven rather uncomfortable. In addition to blunting her friend's attacks, her mists has also acted to protect Meizhen the moment her concentration slipped. She would sing into being a frigid wind and a shadowy phantom would jump in the way before it could reach her friend, or she would send ghostly revellers forward only for them to get turned around in the mist.

It was a little absurd, and felt uncomfortably like she was slapping herself in the face.

Which just made her more embarrassed.

At least it didn't seem she was alone. By the end of the session even her friends stoic control seemed to be slipping.

If Xuilan were still here she definitely wouldn't be so reserved, Ling Qi thought sadly. The jokes would have lasted months...

Shaking off that thought and looking back on the session, Ling Qi had to admit it had at least been productive. Her control and improved greatly, mostly by necessity. Still, there would be some aspects of her domain that would be difficult to practise in a one on one session, maybe she could sit in on her friends spars and try to defend them from each other using purely her domain? It could be good practise for them too in terms of fighting with and against support arts.

Something to think on. Looking to the sky Ling Qi saw she should probably get going for now though.

"So, I'll see you later then?" She asked her friend somewhat tentatively.


This was a relief.

Bai Meizhen had been curious to see what her friend's domain would become after Ling Qi had completed her integration. Oh, she had had some idea. Ling Qi's domain was always more of a defensive measure.

What she hadn't expected was for her to be immediately... glomped... by small children with her friend's likeness.

Although perhaps not too surprising in hindsight, Bai Meizhen had to admit.

Still, once the surprise had worn off and the somewhat embarrassed atmosphere had passed (for herself at least, Ling Qi was still having a bit of trouble making eye contact in the lulls between fiercer combat), Bai Meizhen had been able to give her friends domain a more clinical look.

It was obvious Ling Qi had integrated her Forgotten Vale Melody into her domain weapon, although the way the phantoms had shifted from more predatory forms to... their current forms, Bai Meizhen had some trouble finding appropriate words... but it was quite obviously derived from Ling Qi's situation prior to arriving at the Sect. It reminded Bai Meizhen of a talk the two of them had had last year, how she could not truly understand Ling Qi's experience of animal desperation to survive as opposed to her families more controlled training, and whilst still true she thought that perhaps she had gained a slightly better understanding of Ling Qi's past.

It wasn't a comforting thought, but not one she could regret either.

Other than that, another factor that Bai Meizhen mused might have influenced the domain was herself. A famous aspect of Bai Clan arts, perhaps second only to the fame of their poisons, has always been their defensive potency, but also the ability of those defences to punish attackers. Looking at the way the phantoms of her friend's domain had faced largely outwards from herself, ready to both take attacks and savage attackers at once, it reminded her of that same aspect in many of her own arts. Whether this was merely a coincidence or not was difficult to determine though.

Beyond these two things however, the very first and by far most obvious aspect of her friend's domain that Bai Meizhen had observed was the lack of control, beyond even what was typical of a freshly integrated domain...

Bai Meizhen could relate.

She had integrated her own domain weapon not too long ago, and was quite pleased with the results in her first few practises... until she had met up with Ling Qi for sparring.

The way the offensive aspects of her domain had slid off of Ling Qi had been infuriating and mortifying in equal measure; no matter how she had tried to direct the spiritual attacks they seemed to slide off like water. Thankfully Ling Qi herself did not appear to realise exactly what was happening; those aspects of Bai Meizhen's domain being less immediately tangible meant her failures were somewhat hidden, but she was still certain Ling Qi noticed something odd in the last few sessions. It would be hard not to.

Still, at least she had been afforded that mercy, something her friend had decidedly not, Bai Meizhen thought as another phantom brushed past her hand. At least they were no longer latching on to it.

On the bright side of the river, Bai Meizhen now knew she wasn't alone in her troubles, hence her relief. She did not believe these sorts of problems were ones most Bai faced.

And besides, this may have been rather embarrassing to begin with, but as the fighting continued and her friend's techniques were foiled by her own domain the humour of the situation as a whole had begun to dawn on her, enough that at a few points she had had some trouble controlling her expression. Her own and her friend's troubles weren't really problems outside of sparring after all, and may even be a boon in forcing them to learn greater control.

She should probably explain her own similar troubles to Ling Qi soon, although that would have to wait until next time. Hopefully by then she will have figured out what to say in the first place.

With a start Bai Meizhen realized her friend had spoken and was waiting for a reply. Qi really was a bad influence on her, she thought lightly, that she would become lost in her thoughts so.

"...yes, until next time Ling Qi."​
Local Gossip
@yrsillar Omake for the Omake Throne
This Omake takes place right after Ling QI, Su Ling and FenFen leaves the Ling household.

Local Gossip

As Ling Qi and her friends left the household, all of the household breathed. Ling Qingge could feel the household's relaxation better ever since she awoken. She coaxed qi through her body trying to salve her aches, and the qi began to leak from her body. She had yet to accomplish the gold realm, but she could feel that she was close. Just a few more days and she would be that much closer to keeping her family together and understanding her daughter.

Ling Qingge helped Xie Ai pick up the china from the refreshments. She knew that it was scandalous for the master of the house to be helping the maid, But Xie Ai was a friend before she was a maid. As she and Ai carried the cups and trays into the kitchen. She could just barely sense her friends gathering in the kitchen with two brighter spots as well. It must be the guards. The sect provided two yellow guards to defend the household. They were young and handsome and one of the younger women, who came to assist her, has already became smitten with him. She wrapped her arm around his and pulled him forward saying something that Ling Qingge just could not hear. She would have to eventually separate them. Even if they truly fell in love, either he would see her die old while he was young or he would leave her to be alone and heartbroken after hearing the news that he died in some far off battlefield.

"She had scales." Someone said.

"Was that a member of the Bai? Ling Qingge, you said that your daughter, I mean Lady Ling, was roommates with a Bai."

"The Bai that was just here was Lady Bai's personal housemaiden. Chen Xin, relax the guards aren't going to tell about a little bout of informality." Sometimes all of the titles and ranks that came with running a household, led to an unwanted but necessary structure when meeting guests and even her daughter. She never did come to meet her employees or spend the time to meet them, and now they always avoided her daughter and her daughter always avoided her.

"Tell her, Tell her." That young girl, Tang Qinngan, was still holding onto that guard's arm, Shi Tili. He shoulders were broad, his height was intimidating, and his muscles were big, but his name was not wordplay. no matter what he thinks. Tang Qinngan was a surprise. She offered the chance to work for her daughter to all her associates that wanted to leave Tonghou. Tang Qinngan wrote her a personal letter asking to be allowed to be employed by the Ling family. She didn't personally know Tang Quinngan, but her friends vouched for Tang Qinngan's merit and she couldn't deny anyone a chance to get out of that awful business.

"Tell me what?"

"Nothing, Madam." He stuttered looking nervous.

"He was just bragging about how he was the guard to the Ling family, and that Lady Su noticed him as she walked past."

"My family is not that important."

"I beg your pardon, madam. The stories of the recent battle has been passing through the bars, and no one was more praised than Lady Ling, except for of course Lady Su. Lady Ling was at every battle field at once. She was a wraith that danced on the backs of the barbarians as they fell from the sky. Her melodies murdered beast after beast, as her Xaunwu ripped the ground apart as he created fortifications. And when the assassin came, she defended every soldier on the ramport with layer after layer of wood qi. She let the assassin stabbed her in the neck, so that she could grab its wrist and hold it down as her and the other Sect students killed it. No other battlefields had less casualties than the battlefields under the protection of Ling Qi." Ling Qingge couldn't help but grimaced. They should not be inspired by her daughter's self destructive behaviors. It is not something to brag about. "If I could just have one…." His voice was filled with hope and want and then he stuttered.

"One what?" Her curiosity peaked.

"A lesson, he was hoping that Lady Ling could spare an afternoon to advise him on his arts." Tang Qinngan was still hooked to his arm as the silence filled the from what she proposed.

"I… Madam… Please understand… It was just…."

"Please catch your breath and then speak your mind."

"Madam, I have recently began cultivating a darkness cultivation art and I plan to begin cultivating a darkness movement art. Ling Qi is known for her mastery of darkness qi, but I would not ask you to ask her for a lesson… It isn't proper… I apologize." He bowed, falling to his knees.

"I," Ling Qinnge notices that on his knees, he was chest height to most of the people in the room. He looked a little hopeful. "will see what I can do. And you," She turned towards the other guard, "do you want anything?." Surprise flicked across the other guard's face.

"My commanding officer said that I had more than an average amount of qi of the standing army of the Argent Sect. He advised that I should consider finding a spirit beast to assist me with my duties. Ling Qi is also known for her skill with dealing with spirits and spirit beasts. If I could have her advice on finding a spirit beast, I will be forever grateful."

"She will probably say no, but I will see what I can do."

"Thank you, Madam." They both said at once.

Ling Qinnge didn't come here to manage her household, she came here to relax, gossip, and hear the news. "I have heard some rumors of what Lady Su did during the attack, but does anyone have the full story?"
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Exciting Apocrypha
Exciting Encounters

Zu Bing's arms shook from the strain of holding her quarterstaff in the stance instructed by her new art. Sweat dripped down her hair and into her eyes, stinging until she blinked the sweat away. She could feel the flows of qi through her body and in the quarterstaff, she knew that the metal qi was supposed to be molding the quarterstaff to her will, allowing a greater degree of control in fights and scuffles, but she also knew that nothing seemed to be happening. No great change was occurring, no new insight into how to warp and mold her quarterstaff, nothing. Even her qi seemed to agree with her, sluggishly moving in the patterns she directed, but not really doing anything.

"Zu Bing!"

Turning her head, Zu Bing saw Ling Biyu jogging towards her from the road with a blazing smile in place. What did she want now?

With an aggrieved sigh, Zu Bing shouted back, "Ling Biyu, what brings you all the way out here?"

"To enlist the help of my friend and roommate of course! I want to go on a bit of tour through the forests of the Outer Sect and I thought that you might enjoy some time away from the practice grounds you seem so dedicated to."

"Yes, well the reason that I am so dedicated about spending time at the practicing grounds is that I'm practicing and need the practice. That concept shouldn't be too hard for you. Perhaps another time?"

"Really Zu Bing? Are you sure you don't want to spend some time away from this specific training ground for the next… oh… three or so hours?"

That… was oddly specific. Troublingly specific. "And why, Ling Biyu, should I want to spend time away from this specific training ground for the next three or so hours?"

"Well," Ling Biyu began with a sly smile, "a little bird told me that Chen Wao has finally deduced that this training ground must be where you are training and is coming up here within the next couple of hours."

Revulsion rippled down Zu Bing's spine like earthworms through the dirt. That pig-faced arrogant bastard was coming up here!? How did he know she was up here?

"You told him, didn't you Ling Biyu," Zu Bing growled. "You were the only person who knew I was up here and nobody else has been around here in the past week!"

Ling Biyu's perpetual smile sharply turned into a frown. "Of course I didn't tell him Zu Bing! That is outrageous! Why in the world would I betray a friend's confidence like that? No, Chen Wao just staked out all of the other commonly visited training grounds for the past week and eventually figured out about this one from an older student. He has been very dedicated in his pursuit of you. Although…" Ling Biyu began tapping her chin, "he could have spent that wealth of his he's been throwing around to entice some of the poorer students to tail you. That would have been a much better use of his time. He isn't really as smart as he boasts, is he?"

"No shit Ling Biyu," Zu Bing groaned, "He can't even understand what the word 'No' means."

"Yes," Ling Biyu snorted, "his grasp of language in that regard seems spectacularly lacking. Now, back on topic! Do you want to come with me on a very long journey through the forests which will, by sheer happenstance, completely avoid Chen Wao?"

"You know what Ling Biyu, I suddenly feel a very strong desire to be anywhere but here. Lead the way, and, hopefully, we can find something useful."

Without further ado, and a skip in her step, Ling Biyu began walking into the forests, and Zu Bing followed after. It was a companionable silence that descended upon them as they walked deeper and deeper into the forest. Dappled light streamed down from the noon-day sun, creating shifting patterns as the crowns of the trees swayed in the whispering wind. Every so often as they meandered through the forest, Ling Biyu would hold out a treat for a small little bird, which would linger ever so slightly too long on her hand. And every time the bird flew away, Ling Biyu would start going in a slightly different direction.

"So, Ling Biyu, I've always wondered this, but why do you spend so much time exploring the grounds of the sect?"

"Hmmm? What do you mean?"

"Well, it seems like as much as I practice in the training grounds, you are off galavanting through the woods. Are you looking for something specific, like a trial or something?"

"No, nothing specific. More for the experience if anything."

"The experience?"

"Yeah! You know how there is the Argent Military where you will be stationed unless you are able to buy off your debt, right? Well, I'm going to try and get into the Spiritual Affairs Department of the Argent Sect. So, to get a head start on that goal, I'm hoping to see exactly how the Argent Sect handles spirits and get some experience engaging with the spirits around here myself.

"You're going to make the Argent Sect your career?"

"We'll see, if I enjoy it enough perhaps, but mainly I want to work with spirits and spirit beasts and this is one of the better ways to go about doing that safely."

"So, what, you are just wandering around the forests of the Outer Sect hoping to meet friendly powerful spirits? That doesn't seem like it would be that productive."

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm 'wandering around', that implies there is no direction. I do have direction, by talking to the little spirits of the forest I can find out where stronger spirits operate and then repeat the process with the stronger spirits until I find a strong enough spirit to practice with."

"Practice what exactly? Supplication?"

Ling Biyu snorted, "No, not specifically supplication. I have arts that better equip me to talk to spirits as well as spirit beasts and they also help me make various bargains with them, but those arts don't do very much if I can't practice them."

"Isn't that, dangerous?"

"Only if you don't know what you are doing, or bite off more than you can chew, or find a powerful spirit in a bad mood. So yes, a little dangerous, but what is cultivation without a little danger to get your heart racing and qi flowing!"

"Stable, calm, and safe."

Ling Biyu looked at her askance, "You're not going to get very far along the path of cultivation if you don't take measured risks, you know."

"And I am perfectly fine with that."

Ling Biyu looked at her like she had grown a third head, rolled her eyes, and let the conversation drop.

They were approaching the darker parts of the woods now, where light barely seeped in through the choking boughs above them. Even the bird calls had grown scarce, and it felt as though the forest was holding its breath here.

With a sharp motion downward, Ling Biyu dropped into a crouch, and Zu Bing followed suit. Down by a small babbling stream stood a deer in the third realm, gently drinking the clear water.

Quietly whispering, Zu Bing asked Ling Biyu, "Is this the spirit you wanted to talk to?"

Nodding, Ling Biyu began to slowly rise as she motioned Zu Bing to keep crouched and out of sight. A deer treat materialized in Ling Biyu's hand and she began to slowly make her way to the spirit. Suddenly, the deer's head jerked in their direction, its eyes widened in alarm, and it darted over the creek and away from them in blinding speed.

"Well, that was anti-climatic," Ling Biyu began as she turned around, "Want to head bac…"

Zu Bing could see Ling Biyu's eyes widen and her arms tremble. Then Zu Bing heard a deep snort and a blast of air on the nape of her neck. Slowly turning around, she saw the head of a massive deer within inches of her face. Jumping backward to Ling Biyu, Zu Bing got a better look at the spirit. Black furred and standing six meters tall at the shoulder, the stag had antlers consisting of many, many sharp points. But the qi of the creature, it was a match for Guan Zhi who had done the physical instructions for the first couple months here at the Sect.

Ling Biyu was already bowing low, and Zu Bing quickly followed suit.

"Our apologizes," Ling Biyu began, voice trembling and holding out the deer treat cupped in her hands, "great protector of the forest. We did not mean to disturb your vigil. Please take this humble offering and allow these contrite students of the Argent Sect safe passage back to their abodes."

In the space of a blink, the deer treat disappeared from Ling Biyu's hands, and yet the deer didn't even seem to move. Gazing at both of them, the deer snorted again and gestured with his head to follow. And follow the deer they did. Zu Bing trying her hardest to remain quiet and not disturb the forest and Ling Biyu's normal cheer replaced with a nervous smile and trembling hands. There was no sound from the forest on their journey, as if nothing, not animal or tree, wanted to disturb the deer.

Eventually, though, the unusual party reached a clearing in the woods which seemed to separate the dark and oppressive woods from the more generously spaced forest. It was here that the deer left them and melded back into the dark woods. The oppressive silence which had followed them broke and the noises of wildlife flooded into the clearing in a cacophony of sound.

"Well," Ling Biyu began nervously, "now I know that if I want to meet cyan level spirits, all I have to do is explore when Chen Wao is out looking for you."

"Ling Biyu, that was ridiculous. Next time, you go out to explore, see if you can avoid the powerful spirits who could kill us with a breath, alright? I don't think my heart can take the strain of doing something like this again."

A/N: @yrsillar another make for the omake throne!
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Hogwarts AU
Susan Ann stared at the night sky above her. The fact that there should be a ceiling caused most of her excitement. The train ride had been amazing. The boat ride had offered such a view. But this was her favorite part so far. The amazing display of magic. The sorting went by in a haze as she looked around and tried to see all the magic on display. Soon enough though dinner was finished and she stood with the rest of the Hufflepuffs to follow their prefects to the dorms.

Susan had to peak around the taller boy in front of her to get a good look at the two prefects leading them. One was a fairly pleasant looking boy. Nothing like on the magazines but cute enough. The other was a striking girl. Raven black hair that almost seemed to shine. Like it was reflecting the torch light as little stars in her hair. It was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen. Maybe there were magic beauty products? Something to look into.

A quick walk past stairs that made Susan's head spin and they stood in front of a stack of barrels. A brief exchange of passwords that everyone promised to remember and Susan promptly forgot and then everyone was in Hufflepuff's dorms. It was one of the most warming and cozy places Susan had ever seen. Plants in their pots hung from the ceiling and seemed to sway out of the way as heads brushed close by. It was only the waving hands of one of their prefects and his shots of, "First years! First years!" that saved her from getting trampled by her fellow housemates as they started to rush about.

Susan weaved her way through the students and stood in a rough semicircle with her fellow year mates around the two prefects that led them from the dining hall.

"Alright," the boy said, "I am Samuel Tanner. I am one of the new prefects this year, but I am going to do my best to help everyone here. If anyone of you needs help don't be afraid to ask us, or anyone else in the house. Everyone here would be happy to help you."

"And I am Qi Ling," said the now identified girl, "If any of you have trouble please don't hesitate to ask us. We are here to help you."

A shout came from across the room. "Yah! If anyone tries to bully you just tell Qi! She'll sort them out!" The room crackled into a soft laughter at the remark.

Qi sniffed. "Unfortunately since I somehow got the position of prefect my normal methods won't be available. But yes, if someone tries to bully you please tell me. I will sort it out."

The room chuckled some more at that before returning to the more quiet hum of different conversions mingling.

"Okay," Samuel said, "it's been a pretty long day and I am pretty sure that you are all tired. We'll have another meeting tomorrow to go over some of the rules and expectations, but for now why don't you relax and rest. This is the start of a new chapter so enjoy it!"

The group dispersed after that, each person going to a different group. Susan looked around for a bit before meandering over in the direction the first shout had come from. Several boys and a couple of girls were engaged in a conversation around a chess game.

One of the boys watching the game turned to face her as she approached. He grinned and shuffled over to make room. Susan mumbled out a thanks before finding her attention drawn by the magic on display. It was amazing to see a chess game where the pieces argued against the player.

"First time seeing wizard chess?" The boy that had shuffled over for her asked.

"Ah yes. How did you know?"

The boy grinned. "You looked really amazed when you saw the pieces start to argue. Happens to everyone seeing it for the first time. Names Michael. Susan, right?"

"That's right," Susan nodded. "I do have a question for you. If that is alright." She added hestiently.

"Of course! I would be more than happy to answer your questions!"

She fiddled with her robes for a bit. "Is… Is bullying a problem here at Hogwarts?"

Michael shook his head vigorously. "Not at all. There are always a couple of rough kids every year but Hufflepuff doesn't have the intense rivalry that the Lions and Snakes share. You shouldn't have any trouble. If you do don't hesitate to tell anyone here. Us Badgers stick together."

"Oh," Susan sighed in relief, "I was just wondering because…"

"Because of the little scene at the start?"

"Well, yes."

"Qi Ling is kinda famous around the school," Michael said, "You're lucky you'll have her as a prefect."

"What is she famous for?" Susan asked.

Michael grinned. "Getting into fights! One on two, one on three, two on five, it doesn't matter to her. She's a real badger. Never backs down."

Susan frowned. "Someone like that is a prefect?"

Michael shrugged. "She would never start fights. She would just insult people that she thought were bullying people from Hufflepuff until they snapped. Always self defense with her. She lost the house a lot of points for her words and fists but it was to protect her fellow housemates and us badgers aren't too big into the house trophy so we don't care too much."

Susan nodded along with explanation. Before she could ask any more questions Michael got waved away by a group of boys near the door. With a rushed apology Michael left. Susan turned around to head into the dorms and collided with an older girl.

The girl reached out a steading hand. "Sorry about that. I'm Hannah."

"I'm Susan."

Hannah smiled. "Sorry that Michael got called away but he has a lot on his plate right now. If you have any more questions you feel free to ask."

"Oh, umm… alright. I do have one." Susan fiddled with her skirt. "It's a little embarrassing, but are there any magical beauty products?"

Hannah patted Susan's shoulder kindly, "Yes, there are. I even have a magazine I'll lend you to give some ideas."

Susan smiled, "That's really kind of you. I was hoping for something like Ling's hair. It's just so pretty. All those shining stars."

Hannah's face tightened. "That's right." She muttered. "Hey capt!" She called across the room to Michael.


Hannah looked around, nodded once, then continued. "Remember to tell all the firsties about Operation Hair. O.K?!"

"Thanks!" Came the reply.

"Operation Hair?" Asked Susan when Hannah turned her attention back to her.

"Sorry about that." Hannah rubbed the back of her neck. "The thing is that Qi Ling is really sensitive about her looks."


"Yah. For some reason Qi Ling thinks she is really plain and gets really, really distressed when some tries to compliment her about her looks. So, we just try to avoid discussing it."

"But she must spend so much time getting her hair looking that good!"

Hannah shook her head. "No time at all. She doesn't even own any beauty products."

"How is that possible?!" Asked Susan.

Hannah shrugged. "There is a betting pool across the houses right now. Half say that she has some Veela blood in her. The other half says she has a minor metamorphic gift."

"Veela? Metamorphic?"

Hannah chuckled a bit. "I'll explain those later it takes a bit of time. But!" She raised a finger into the air. "You will have to take astronomy. All first years do. Talk to Qi about it. She is a literal genius when it comes to astronomy. I don't think a Hufflepuff has gotten less than an 'Exceeding Expectations' when it comes to astronomy since Qi started taking it."

"Alright!" Susan turned her head and saw Samael clap his hands. "Alright! It's been a long day for the firsties and it'll be a long day tomorrow. Let's get everything squared away for tomorrow."

The night descended into a blur after that. A lot of moving people. A lot of advice, often contradictory, about how to get to the dining room in the morning and then the lights in the common room began to dim and everyone started shuffling off to their rooms. Susan gave a quick introduction to her fellow roommates before hitting the bed, exhausted. She fell asleep rapidly and dreamed of magic.

This was just a silly piece that came to my mind as I waited for the next update. Please enjoy an outside view of Ling Qi having adventures at Hogwarts.
@yrsillar Omake for the Omake throne
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Code Ling Qi
Code Ling Qi
An idea i've been thinking of for a while


She was going to a Sect. She apparently had the talent to become an Immortal herself, or at least to walk that path. It was apparently why she sometimes heard invocations no one else could hear, why she could feel home when she ventured to the outskirts of the city where the hackers' flailed on their terminals. The smell of rolls of paper spooling out their command results made her smile. She had always assumed she was just a bit crazy really.


So she would owe the Empire eight years of service instead, once she was done training. Not very long at all in an Immortals lifespan, she had been assured. Really she couldn't say that the idea of being a figure from a story, facing off against the micro haxors didn't excite her. She just hated not having a choice.

The large room is built with a series of long desks full of terminals placed on descending tiers, broken up by steps descending down to the pit where the lecturer's podium stands. The desks are almost completely full though, and Ling Qi felt more than one curious, dismissive, or assessing look from the crowd of chattering young people already present.

They didn't even have printers, just long rows of the CRT displays which must have cost the sect a fortune.


It comes to her then, Golden Fields is the easternmost province of the empire, and more importantly, "...Oh, the Grave of the Sun. I didn't think someone would come from so far away," She trailed off as she noticed that his smile had gone rather stiff. Did she say something rude? Golden Fields was once home to Sun Systems. Before the dark times, before the scheming Oracle, and the tide of endless micros, Sun Systems had been far more than it is today.

She couldn't really think of a reason why mentioning it would offend him. Maybe his family sent him away and he didn't like being reminded how far away he was?

He gave a slightly forced laugh. "Yeah, that's the one. I guess most people only really remember us for that old story these days."

Like the others in the room her attention was drawn to the source of the sound. It came from below, where a tall, thin man had appeared at the lecturer's podium. He was even now lowering his hands back to his side as if he had simply clapped for their attention. Ling Qi frowned as she studied the man, there was something about him which set her on edge. Perhaps it was his almost unnaturally bland and thin features, clean shaven down to the eyebrows, or the slightly gray tone of his skin. If she didn't know better she would think him ill.

It was bizarre, seeing what looked like the robes of a high minister in such an undignified shade. How had someone wearing such loud colors gotten past her like that? There was no door down there, so he must have come through the same entrance she had. She glanced over at Han Jian, but he didn't seem particularly surprised. She forced herself to relax a bit, it was some form of hack obviously, and not something which anyone else seemed concerned about, though a few of the students had been startled out of their seats.

"Welcome to the Argent Peak children," the strange, bald man said as he finished lowering his hands. His expression was one of careful neutrality, but she thought she could see amusement twinkling in his grey… no, green, no… In his eyes, which seemed to rapidly change colors. "I am Sect Elder Sima Jiao, current head of the Gear Department, and it seems that it is my turn to greet our new arrivals." So this man was in the one in charge of all the computer equipment? He must be incredibly wealthy, no wonder he could get away with dressing so outlandishly.

Then she remembered the ridiculous hat that her driver had worn. Perhaps becoming Immortal just compelled one to dress strangely? While Ling Qi was pondering the fashion sense of hackers Elder Jiao had clasped his hands behind his back and was giving her and the other students an assessing look. "I am terribly busy on the best of days, so I will not ramble on. To be honest, it is likely that the majority of you will never amount to anything beyond the outer sect where you stand now, and are thus not particularly worthy of my time."

His blithe dismissal draws a grumble from the gathered students, Ling Qi among them.

"It is simply reality, nothing to be ashamed of," the Elder continued, not unkindly. "In any case, your first years here will serve the purpose of separating those with only minor potential from those with true talent. Which is why there will be no leaving this mountain for any of you during the first year, nor will any correspondence in or out be allowed in the first three months." That finally seems to surprise some of the other disciples, setting off a wave of whispers, though none dare openly question the elder.

"Be silent," Elder Jiao said then pulling her attention back to him. "You will have time enough for mortal concerns later. Today and in the future you are disciples of the Argent Peak. The foundation you lay in the first steps of your path will inform the rest of your lives. There is no need for distractions from the outside world."


"The only other rule is that you may not destroy or permanently wreck your fellow disciple's user access, nor damage or steal sect property. Many online resources are not marked as Sect, and may be used as you will, however, there is to be absolutely no hostile coding between you for three months. Conflict is important for your growth, but it would not do to allow potential to be cut off before it can even begin to bloom."


"Each of you will be granted an allowance of five red timesharing stones per month, and access to the Argent Soul art to begin with," he continues, confusing her, as she had no idea what either of those things are. "For those of you not aware," he adds, and Ling Qi was suddenly all to aware of the way his unsettling gaze rested on her for a moment before passing to a handful of other students in the room. "Timesharing stones are the currency of Immortals, more valuable than gold or silver. Access to the System requires the consumption of the time allotted in said stones, at least until one masters certain other arts. I would suggest frugality. As for the Argent Soul Art, it is the foundational approach and Way of our Sect, if the lowest form of it. It is exceptional for early growth, if somewhat less effective for mature hackers."


"Rooming arrangements will be up to you, but expect to room with at least one other disciple. For the first three months, two Elders will be on the mountain to provide beginners training in the Programming and SysAdmin aspects of our arts respectively. I suggest you seek them out, because you will need to earn such attention later. All else will be up to you, your skill and your talent." He unclasps his hands and places them on the keyboard of a terminal. "Now, if you would, file up in an orderly fashion. I will be allocating first month's allowance. Best hope your User Account was properly prepared."

+5 Red Timesharing Stones (Red = 20 hours, Transferable Terminal Access Authority Level 1)

MINGW64 ~/codelingqi/argentsect/rsc
$ cp argentsoulart.txt ~/codelingqi/home/u1069lingq/argentsoulart.txt


The squat stone building was only a single story, but in addition to a fairly spacious front room with a well kept hearth, there were also a pair of bedrooms, a tiny kitchen, and a third room with a terminal and hard copy printer.

She had printed out the first few pages of the Argent Soul Art, and later that night she was sitting in front of the fire while Bai Meizhen quietly tended to the tea she was brewing in the clay pot they had found in one of the kitchen cubbies.

Ling Qi had the printout for the Argent Soul technique open in her lap and was frowning down at the odd diagram and the text around it. To her eye it seemed like no more than a collection of practice exercises and commands interspersed with flowery philosophical nonsense. She was beginning to feel irritated, she knew she was missing something, but couldn't quite understand what.

She was pulled from her thoughts by the whistle that signified the water for the tea was beginning to boil. As much as she wanted to figure this out on her own… she should probably ask. Bai Meizhen had made no indication that she was willing to help her, but after spending most of the afternoon with the girl collecting necessities for their home, she felt she was beginning to get a feel for the taciturn girl. She would never offer help on her own, and probably wouldn't ask for it either. It seemed against her nature. "Bai Meizhen," that didn't mean that Ling Qi couldn't ask. "Do you know what this part means?" She asked, pointing to a paragraph talking about breathing and 'flow'.

The other girl took a moment to look up from the brewing tea, looking faintly surprised that you were speaking to her. She didn't really engage verbally unless prompted you were noticing. She did lean forward, narrowing her creepy golden eyes to study the scroll, which you helpfully turned to make easier for her. Several seconds of silence, less awkward now, passed before she looked up. "It is describing the state of mind one must reach to approach the System," she responded a bit condescendingly. "It is the first step in the simple exercises for the first stage of the technique, once you have mastered the first breathing method."

The breathing method was a silly exercise before you start using the terminal, but Ling Qi just wanted to start typing, but she didn't have the first clue of what to type.

Ling Qi let out a breath, not letting the other girls tone bother her. She told herself again that the other girl didn't mean any harm, and that she was being helpful. "What is a System exactly?" Ling Qi asked keeping her tone even. She hated even more that she felt she earned the condescension with her ignorance.

Bai Meizhen frowned, pausing as she poured herself a cup of the newly brewed tea. "It is the origin of a hacker's power. The core from which you attempt all manner of actions, through the connections topology of the terminal. Understanding the System is required to awaken and begin production of your own code. You'll never completely grok it, but a beginner's sense is needed to start." She pauses a beat staring at you again. "Code is the energy which allows us to do… everything beyond the ability of mortals."

"I know that much," Ling Qi responded defensively. "But how am I supposed to understand something that's invisible, and somewhere else? It's not like I can sense my own organs, and I use them a lot more"

The pale girl pursed her lips, seeming to consider something for a moment. "Go to the terminal," she said brusquely after a moment, following Ling Qi into their terminal room.

"Log in."

Ling Qi sat down at the terminal.

Logon: u1069lingqi
Password: flute

Bai Maizhen took over, as she stood up, and began to type.

Ling Qi could barely register what she was doing.

$ cp argentsoulart.txt vimtest.txt

MINGW64 ~/codelingqi/home/u1069lingq
$ ls
argentsoulart.txt vimtest.txt

MINGW64 ~/codelingqi/home/u1069lingq
$ vim vimtest.txt

(C) 19 BD Argent Peak Sect
Authorized for Argent Peak Sect members only

<<lines skipped>>

vimtest.txt [unix] (14:35 29/05/19) 1,1 All
"vimtest.txt" [unix] 8L, 133C

"What is this?"

Bai Meizhen answered. "Exit from VIM. It is painful, but my Aunt did this for me when I was eight. It should be no trouble for you."

Ling Qi found the experience bewildering. She had heard about Control C, though never used a terminal before today. It didn't help. She tried typing the ritual phrase kill, but the K caused the screen to flash, the i went away, and the ll showed up in the middle of the Argent Soul Art text.

It had been strange. Ling Qi had never liked sitting still for too long before, but after she had shut the thick door to the terminal room and sat down to practice breathing as the text file instructed, she found that her mind did not wander nearly as much as she expected it would. Rather, she seemed to fall into the pattern that the text described with ease, as if she had been doing it for years.

There were two modes, Insert and Escape. The i from k i l l entered insert mode. After pressing keys and causing text to go into the Art textfile, she managed to press escape. Twice more she went into and out of insert mode, before she noticed what was going on.

When she tried letters on the keyboard, w entered some weird recording mode. She almost panicked before stumbling upon the :, and then eventually, some time later, into :help.

She didn't know how to get out of recording mode, but right there, in :help was the instructions:

Get out of Vim: Use ":qa!<Enter>" (careful, all changes are lost!).
Aha! It was good that changes were lost, as she thought she had ruined the Argent Way text. Maybe she could have found the answer in the Argent Way, after scrolling through the more philosophical prose.

Back at the terminal, vim help created a new file called help, but Ling Qi was prepared, using :qa! to get out again.

She went back into the vimtest.txt file. Remembering that Bai Meizhen had actually been kind by copying the Sect's way to a test file before throwing her in the deep end.

Hour after hour she worked on the terminal, learning about vim and trying out that cp command. Maybe tommorrow she could learn how to delete. Eventually she passed out at the terminal.

Waking up in the dark pre-dawn morning, She stood and stretched, quietly leaving the room, she felt better than she had in years, and despite some initial setbacks… she felt like she could do this.
Xuan Quest
this might be a little late but...

Meanwhile, in XuanQuest(A lonely turtleboy is you!)...
Fuck! Are we cursed? I knew time shenanigans would get the attention of a great spirit! I warned you all!
So... LQ is... what? Afraid of romance? Did Cai choose someone that wouldn't get entangled in affairs on purpose?
ditching Bai Meizhen was a mistake! All those omakes we wasted to get rid of the engagement!!!
Shut up
So, let's tally up our romance(attempted) routes:
Tsundere - Liling, non-starter, Ji Rong's MC gravitas just noped us.
Student Council President/Ojou-sama/Kuudere - Cai, strung us along, also, might be an emotionless robot created by her mother to rule forever. I knew those traits were a lie.
Yandere - LQ, non-starter, afraid of men? I really liked her aesthetic but... Kinda thankfull we went the slow approach with that one... Talk about a landmine.
... Okay, I got nothing else... there's Fluffy Tail I guess and uhhh... That Song chick I guess? god we need more Social Links
We just need to push some more, she is in introvert, just a push and boom, girlfriend!
Alright, you don't get to give any more ideas anymore.
Can't believe I am saying it, but... how about just going back to first-girl/Long-lost-fiance, I mean, at this point we realized she is not a horrible person
Bai Meizhen? I am in, I mean, she was the original love interest, things can't go horrible with her
Alright, SS. TurtleSnake it is! Full speed ahead captain! from now on we either succeed or we crash and burn, no more hesitation!
You have doomed us all... /facepalm
Lightning crackled painfully around Liu Hei's legs as he convulsed on the ground. The lightning soon faded away and Hei was left panting on the grass. He slammed his palm down. He almost had it that time! He was so close! So close! With a sigh he rolled over onto his back and stared up at the crisp blue sky. The grassy knoll he rested on exetened to the sharp cliff that descended down before smoothing into a gentle slope down the mountain. At the knoll's peak, if a knoll could ever be considered to have a peak, jutted an ax shaped stone slab. The tip of the stone was blackened by repeated lightning strikes and even now lightning qi hung thickly in the air even without the normal required storms. That combined with the fact that this spot was a ways off the normal paths and Hei found himself drawn to it frequently to practice his more difficult arts.

A stick poking him in the side was the first hint Hei had that someone else had arrived. Groaning he swatted the stick away before turning and looking at whoever found him. As expected Gou Fu, his roommate, was grinning at him.

"Another failure?" Fu asked kindly.

Hei groaned and turned back to staring at the sky. "Yes," he replied, "I was so close though. It almost worked."

"What happened?"

"I messed up the qi flow. Like usual."

"Well, you'll get it sooner or later." Fu said before laying down next to him.

"What have you been working on lately?" Hei asked as he blew stray hair away from his eyes. "I haven't seen you in a couple of days."

Fu hummed before answering. "I was working on some formations for my pill work. I think I have reached the limit of what I can do with just cores and was experimenting with ways formations might influence my results."

Both of them appreciated the silence for a while before Hei hoisted himself up and dusted off his pant legs. "Well back to work for me."

Fu nodded. "Busy as always."

Hei frowned at Fu. "Well, yes," he said, "The war is only going to get rougher from here. The best chance I have of surviving my scholarship term is getting into the inner sect. The sooner the better."

"Ahh," Fu said, "I didn't realize you wanted to pull a Ling."

"A Ling?" Hei asked.

Fu nodded. "Yah," he said, "Last year a commoner got through to the inner sect through the tournament. At least that is what the senior sect brothers and sisters say."

Hei grinned. "So it's possible," he said.

Fu stood up. "It's possible alright but Ling is a class of her own apparently. She finished fourth. Right under three ducal scions. Very impressive. Last year the tournament was a brutal trial and this year is promising to be much the same."

"How so?" Hei asked as he started stretching out his legs.

Fu sratched his chin before answering. "Well, you know how Gan Guangli failed to get into the inner sect last year?"

Hei nodded. Even though he tried to avoid almost every other student on this mountain he had heard that.

"He got eliminated in the preliminary round. The very first round meant to weed out the chaff from those with ability."

Hei felt his face tighten. Gan was a monster in the outer sect. If anyone had drive or talent it was him. To imagine him getting knocked out in such an early round was difficult.

Fu then pinned Hei with his gaze. "Even then Gan Guangli was fully green."

Hei's face whitened. Fully green and getting knocked out in the very first round.

"In fact," Fu continued, "three fully green students failed to get into the inner sect last year. Each spot was taken by someone in the green realm. It has been a very long time since something like that has happened."

Hei's qi fluttered inside of him, almost eager at the prospect of a challenge.

"This year," said Fu, "promises to have almost as many greens. Those that failed last year have at least another shot this year to make it and many others were almost green. Unless your green come the tournament then I can't even give you odds of making it in. Even then the competition will be beyond fierce and your odds won't be good."

Hei grinned, his heart beating faster. Even though his face had paled and he could feel the tremors of fear running through his arm he was excited. "But it's possible to be a commoner and reach green before the tournament," he said, "You said it yourself. This Ling managed it."

Fu laughed. "You are right and that is what I enjoy about you. Everything is a challenge to beat." He tossed Hei a bundle of pills. "Though if you want to compare yourself to Ling then you better get back to work. Here are some pills that should help gather lightning qi. Good luck. You'll need it."

Hei grinned and popped a pill into his mouth. He crushed it between his teeth and enjoyed the feeling of sparks playing behind his teeth. When he activated his new art it didn't leave him spasming on the ground. Instead he flashed to the other side of the knoll leaving sparks and burnt grass in his wake. He laughed as he blitzed around the stone slab while Fu watched with a grin.
Omake for the Omake throne @yrsillar

Please enjoy this piece. I envisioned this happening after the cloud nomad incursion but not too long after.