Phantom Memories
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- United States of America
Phantom… Memories?
Memories and dreams floated around Ling Qi's projection like music on the wind, each strand a different note in a mind's melody. Normally the dreams of the Jedi at the temple were quiet unassuming things, having trained their bodies, minds, and souls to be at peace and unattached to the troubles of the world around them. Not so today. Today there was a strum of unease filling the dreams of the Jedi younglings to the Jedi masters, even those who sat on the council above all others had a disquiet feel to their dreams. She had heard the rumors, of course, that the maverick of a Jedi Master, Master Qui-Gon Jinn, had been laid low by a creature most foul. A Sith master, or an apprentice, or even a simple dark side user. The rumors were unclear in that regard. Still, to receive some evidence that the Sith were out there, lurking, waiting until the ripe moment to strike unnerved many within the Order who had heard the rumors. And, rumors being rumors, that was everyone in the Temple. It seemed that even an order devoted to detachment and peace still fell sway to the urge of gossip.
But there was an even softer note hiding behind all of the other rumors. Whispers that Master Qui-Gon Jinn had taken an apprentice before he died, an apprentice so powerful in the force that even his age couldn't stop the Order from accepting him into their fold. Mutterings that a prophecy was on the brink of fulfillment and that a Chosen One had appeared to rid the galaxy of Sith forever and bring a new age of enlightenment and peace. She let out a snort of amusement at the thought, sending ripples of delight through the dream she was peering at. Su Ling was still a cherished memory of her's, and she needed no further education in the reality of omens and prophecies to understand just how… fickle and insubstantial they really were. Useful, to be sure, but never should they be relied on in their totality without something else to judge the future by.
Her soul caught another strand of unease and fear in space between dreamers. Stronger and unbridled. An individual not fully trained in the ways of detachment and serenity was having nightmares it seemed. Smiling, Ling Qi took a moonlit step and appeared beside the dream. It appeared to be the dream of a young boy, too old to be a youngling but not old enough to be a man, and the dream was filled with fear and uncertainty. More than that though, Ling Qi could sense power in the dream, the force seeped through it like molasses, whispering promised futures and uncertain pasts. Untrained though he was, this boy seemed to have a gift with the force. But the fear here, it was stifling.
With a slight sigh, Ling Qi parted the veil between dream and not, then stepped through. Before her was the High Council chambers with a greatly exaggerated caricature of Master Windu quizzing a small child about what was on a testing screen. To the side of the child was a ghostly Master Qui-Gon Jinn and… a padawan who she had seen in Master Qui-Gon Jinn's presence before, shaking their heads mournfully. Apparently, the child was doing poorly on this ridiculous test and in his dreams was about to be kicked out of the Order and abandoned on the streets of Coruscant. With a whisper of silk, Ling Qi sat down on one of the council chairs, drew forth a flute, and began to play. Slow, contemplative, and serene music floated through the dream, touching every corner and facet of the space. The High Council chambers twisted and molded into something different, a peaceful garden grove with a quiet babbling brook, bright flowers, and songbirds reverberating the melody. Twirling around, the young boy spotted her seat upon the boulder.
And upon seeing her, words fell out of his mouth like water from a waterfall, "Who are you? Why are you here? What have you done? Where is this place? Wh…"
With a wave of her hand, Ling Qi stopped the babbling questions. "It seems," she began, "that you have many questions and have much to learn here in the Order. However, I'm sure that your mother taught you basic manners. Why don't you start by giving your name before asking for another's?"
The boy teared up at the mention of his mother but soldiered with a choked gasp. "My… my name is Anakin Skywalker. What is your name?"
"My name, Anakin, is Ling Qi. You may call me, however, Jedi Knight Ling or Knight Ling."
"Knight Ling, uh... what are you doing?"
"Well, I had heard rumors that a Chosen One had appeared and resolved myself to find out more about this mysterious individual. Unfortunately, I found a dream beset by the fears and uncertainties of a child and resigned myself to playing the part of a nursemaid for the night."
"Will… will you always show up if I have bad dreams like these?"
"No. I have numerous duties and obligations outside of being a crutch for someone to lean on."
The child looked devastated at the news, looking down at his shoes and kicking at the dirt. It was kind of endearing. He looked like what Zhengui used to look like when they were a child and she didn't have any more snacks… damn it.
"I will, however, give some advice. You are a member of our order now, and unless you do something so egregious to force the Council to remove you, or you leave of your own volition, you will always be a member of our order. Do not fear failure, as those surrounding you will assist and provide sanctuary. It is our unity and willingness to work together that is the strength of the Jedi Order."
With a swirl of moonlit dappled darkness and the hint of music on the wind, Ling Qi stood up and proceeded to the edge of the dream. Remembering better times was… bittersweet, and she had no desire to remain now that the child had calmed down. With a simple breath, the door between the dream and not opened and Ling Qi stepped outside, followed by the small voice of a child.
"Thank you."
A/N: @yrsillar another omake for the omake throne! My goodness has it been a long time since I've written an omake for ToD, and it feels good to do so again. This is an idea I had that just wanted to get out there. This takes place right after the Phantom Menance. Enjoy, and don't be afraid to critique or criticize!
Memories and dreams floated around Ling Qi's projection like music on the wind, each strand a different note in a mind's melody. Normally the dreams of the Jedi at the temple were quiet unassuming things, having trained their bodies, minds, and souls to be at peace and unattached to the troubles of the world around them. Not so today. Today there was a strum of unease filling the dreams of the Jedi younglings to the Jedi masters, even those who sat on the council above all others had a disquiet feel to their dreams. She had heard the rumors, of course, that the maverick of a Jedi Master, Master Qui-Gon Jinn, had been laid low by a creature most foul. A Sith master, or an apprentice, or even a simple dark side user. The rumors were unclear in that regard. Still, to receive some evidence that the Sith were out there, lurking, waiting until the ripe moment to strike unnerved many within the Order who had heard the rumors. And, rumors being rumors, that was everyone in the Temple. It seemed that even an order devoted to detachment and peace still fell sway to the urge of gossip.
But there was an even softer note hiding behind all of the other rumors. Whispers that Master Qui-Gon Jinn had taken an apprentice before he died, an apprentice so powerful in the force that even his age couldn't stop the Order from accepting him into their fold. Mutterings that a prophecy was on the brink of fulfillment and that a Chosen One had appeared to rid the galaxy of Sith forever and bring a new age of enlightenment and peace. She let out a snort of amusement at the thought, sending ripples of delight through the dream she was peering at. Su Ling was still a cherished memory of her's, and she needed no further education in the reality of omens and prophecies to understand just how… fickle and insubstantial they really were. Useful, to be sure, but never should they be relied on in their totality without something else to judge the future by.
Her soul caught another strand of unease and fear in space between dreamers. Stronger and unbridled. An individual not fully trained in the ways of detachment and serenity was having nightmares it seemed. Smiling, Ling Qi took a moonlit step and appeared beside the dream. It appeared to be the dream of a young boy, too old to be a youngling but not old enough to be a man, and the dream was filled with fear and uncertainty. More than that though, Ling Qi could sense power in the dream, the force seeped through it like molasses, whispering promised futures and uncertain pasts. Untrained though he was, this boy seemed to have a gift with the force. But the fear here, it was stifling.
With a slight sigh, Ling Qi parted the veil between dream and not, then stepped through. Before her was the High Council chambers with a greatly exaggerated caricature of Master Windu quizzing a small child about what was on a testing screen. To the side of the child was a ghostly Master Qui-Gon Jinn and… a padawan who she had seen in Master Qui-Gon Jinn's presence before, shaking their heads mournfully. Apparently, the child was doing poorly on this ridiculous test and in his dreams was about to be kicked out of the Order and abandoned on the streets of Coruscant. With a whisper of silk, Ling Qi sat down on one of the council chairs, drew forth a flute, and began to play. Slow, contemplative, and serene music floated through the dream, touching every corner and facet of the space. The High Council chambers twisted and molded into something different, a peaceful garden grove with a quiet babbling brook, bright flowers, and songbirds reverberating the melody. Twirling around, the young boy spotted her seat upon the boulder.
And upon seeing her, words fell out of his mouth like water from a waterfall, "Who are you? Why are you here? What have you done? Where is this place? Wh…"
With a wave of her hand, Ling Qi stopped the babbling questions. "It seems," she began, "that you have many questions and have much to learn here in the Order. However, I'm sure that your mother taught you basic manners. Why don't you start by giving your name before asking for another's?"
The boy teared up at the mention of his mother but soldiered with a choked gasp. "My… my name is Anakin Skywalker. What is your name?"
"My name, Anakin, is Ling Qi. You may call me, however, Jedi Knight Ling or Knight Ling."
"Knight Ling, uh... what are you doing?"
"Well, I had heard rumors that a Chosen One had appeared and resolved myself to find out more about this mysterious individual. Unfortunately, I found a dream beset by the fears and uncertainties of a child and resigned myself to playing the part of a nursemaid for the night."
"Will… will you always show up if I have bad dreams like these?"
"No. I have numerous duties and obligations outside of being a crutch for someone to lean on."
The child looked devastated at the news, looking down at his shoes and kicking at the dirt. It was kind of endearing. He looked like what Zhengui used to look like when they were a child and she didn't have any more snacks… damn it.
"I will, however, give some advice. You are a member of our order now, and unless you do something so egregious to force the Council to remove you, or you leave of your own volition, you will always be a member of our order. Do not fear failure, as those surrounding you will assist and provide sanctuary. It is our unity and willingness to work together that is the strength of the Jedi Order."
With a swirl of moonlit dappled darkness and the hint of music on the wind, Ling Qi stood up and proceeded to the edge of the dream. Remembering better times was… bittersweet, and she had no desire to remain now that the child had calmed down. With a simple breath, the door between the dream and not opened and Ling Qi stepped outside, followed by the small voice of a child.
"Thank you."
A/N: @yrsillar another omake for the omake throne! My goodness has it been a long time since I've written an omake for ToD, and it feels good to do so again. This is an idea I had that just wanted to get out there. This takes place right after the Phantom Menance. Enjoy, and don't be afraid to critique or criticize!