Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Speaking of retcons (kinda?) ; I could've sworn to high heavens that there was a scene where Ling Qi came clean to Cai Renxiang about the sabotage she committed on Fu Xiang's behalf. But I re-read the quest over the last few days and didn't encounter anything like that; was I simply wrong about that, or was there such a scene but it got retconned/re-written for some reason?
Maybe you're thinking of the bit later on where Cai said she'd been making allowances for Ling during their stay in the outer sect but things would be different going forward. As I recall, exactly what she meant by that was left open to interpretation; was she hinting she knew, or suspected, Ling had been doing unsanctioned sabotage and had decided not to press the issue, or was she talking about relatively less injurious activities like robbing Sun's minions or securing tax exemptions for her buddies or whatever? (I won't promise I'm not misremembering; maybe the scene wasn't as ambiguous as I'm making it out to be, but that's my recollection.)
Okay, so we're discussing large broad areas and not our personal fief. Are we expecting a bordertown to have similar levels of talent and funding? Like. Are we going to have more talent and new blood? Less? can we expect people that are living there to be well funded and maximally utilized?

I believe that when it was last discussed it was mentioned that we were expecting to be able to bring a bunch of low level cultivators with us after our eight years of service, i.e. some of the soldiers working with us would want to sign up to join the new fief.

Don't know if that was Ysrillar sourced or something that just fermented from discussion though.

On an unrelated note some while back someone mentioned that the commisioned Xiulan interlude would become available to non-patreons after a week, does anyone know what's going on there?
Turn 7: Arc 2-3
"So that is the situation," Ling Qi finished quietly, standing beside her mother near the fireplace. She had told her mother everything important of the battles she had fought and what was happening at the Sect, and why Ling Qi had not come sooner. Ling Qi had brought her here, she deserved to know.

Beside her, Ling Qingge hugged herself tightly, a faint tremble in her shoulders, and Ling Qi looked down. Of course she was afraid, given everything that had happened.

"You- you foolish girl," Ling Qi glanced to her side eyebrows rising at her Mother's harsh whisper. "Why would you deliberately take a blow like that?" her eyebrows climbed higher as the older woman rounded on her. "What were you thinking?"

Ling Qi blinked slowly. That was the thing she was bothered by? "My techniques meant I could take it, and it ensured the assassin did not get away to strike again, it was the best choice," she defended. "The potency of the poison was more than I expected, but…"

"Please promise me you will not do such a thing again," her mother cut her off, giving her a pleading look.

Ling Qi met her eyes, and for a second she hesitated at the look on her Mother's face. However, in the end, she couldn't lie, not to her Mother, and not about this. "I would do the same for you or Biyu," she replied quietly.

Ling Qingge searched her face, eyes still pleading, and then her shoulders slumped marginally. In that moment, her mother seemed older, as Sect Head Yuan seemed older. "Very well," mother said, and if not for her cultivation, Ling Qi would not have detected the trace of bitterness in her voice.

Silence, awkward and tense fell between them. Ling Qi stared into the fire. Her wound itched. Finally, she spoke up, speaking tentatively. "You said there was an intrusion in the house, was anyone hurt?"

Mother didn't reply immediately, but after a second or two she shook her head. "No, luckily I was by the cellar stairs when the thing tried to crawl out, and our guards came quickly."

"What was it?" Ling Qi asked, her fingers itched for a knife, for the first time in many months. She knew whatever it was had died, but all the same…

Her mother's features screwed up in disgust. "It… It is difficult to describe, like a great hairless rat, but with the eyes and hands of a man."

As she suspected then, LIng QI thought grimly. There was no two ways around it. The things she had encountered on her expedition with Suyin were definitely the source of all this. They would pay for many things, but threats to her home were unacceptable. "I have a friend who specializes in security formations. I will make sure we have something more potent installed soon," she replied tightly. It had been there since she had heard, but the seed of ice cold fury in her heart that had been born at the news burned in the back of her thoughts. In her dantian, she felt her bond with Hanyi resonate, and the sluggish cold qi in her arms pulse.

Ling Qi breathed out, leashing the cold that threatened to spill out, until it was only the chill breeze of a cold fall day. "How is Biyu?" she asked, her voice calm again.

"She was frightened by the noise and the… tension, but she has already forgotten it, as children do with things outside their awareness," Ling Qingge sighed.

Ling Qi couldn't help but wonder if mother was inserting a little double meaning there. She would not begrudge her that. Her thoughts turned to the other subject she wanted to bring up with her Mother. The Sect was not a safe place anymore, not until this was resolved, so…

Her thoughts were interrupted by a tentative knock at the door of the room. It spoke of Ling Qi's distraction that she had not noticed the mortal presence approaching the door, but it was only one of the servants, and she had acclimated enough to their presence that they no longer stood out, being a part of the tapestry of qi that made up the household.

Sixiang would probably chide her for that, Ling Qi thought wryly. She began to answer, but then glanced at her Mother as the older woman did the same, briefly meeting her eyes. Ling Qi lowered her head slightly in deference.

"Enter," her Mother said crisply, the lines of worry on her face smoothing away. The etiquette really did come easier to her.

The door opened, and the young woman outside bowed deeply. "My apologies for the interruption, Madam Ling, Lady Ling," there was still a faint tremble in her voice, but like the others, she was getting better. "There are guests at the door, requesting entrance, and they, uh…" she stumbled over her words, wringing her hands.

"Who are the guests?" Her mother asked patiently, giving the girl a moment to recover.

"The Ladies Xiao and Su, disciples of the Sect, they say they are here to see Miss Ling," the girl hurried out.

Ling Qi's eyebrows rose and she stretched her qi senses a bit, and indeed, there were the auras of her friend and her… student, waiting outside the gate. Su Ling felt irritable like a banked fire crackling with embers, while Xiao Fen… felt like a ball of prickly irritation, as usual.

"Please show them in," her mother said, giving Ling Qi a brief look. As the girl left, she added in a quieter voice. "Let us defer the matter we were speaking of."

"Yes," Ling Qi replied, dipping her head. She suspected that they were thinking of different things. She turned away from the fire, heading toward the door.

"Is there anything I should know of our guests?" Ling Qingge asked, following her out.

"They are friends," Ling Qi replied. Xiao Fen was a sort of friend, right? "Su Ling is common born like me, but spirit blooded. Xiao Fen is Bai Meizhen's handmaiden."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her Mother pause at the second thing, nervously worrying at her lower lip. "Since the visit is so sudden, I am aware that they must not be expecting full amenities, but should I…?"

"Given the current situation, I doubt they are here for personal matters," Ling Qi said. "There won't be trouble." If there was, she would not let Xiao fen get off lightly the next time they trained.

Her mother sighed at Ling Qi's non-chalance, but nodded. "I will have the veranda set for tea then."

Ling Qi nodded, that seemed reasonable. Mother gave instruction to the first member of the household staff they passed, and in a few more moments they had reached the entrance way of the house. Su Ling and Xiao Fen waited there, attended by one very nervous looking girl. Xiao Fen looked much the same as the last time she had seen her, though her cultivation had improved, she was nearing the peak of the second realm and would probably get there by the beginning of next month. Su Ling on the other hand. She had not seen the other girl in half a year.

Her friend had lost the last signs of malnutrition that had clung to her frame, she looked healthy, her dark hair had lost the last of its stringiness. Her skin was still sun darkened, and lacked the softness that most would call beautiful though. She had put on a bit of muscle though, if Ling Qi was any judge, though the thick workmanlike clothing she wore made it hard to tell. She still had the same sharp features and familiar, permanently disgruntled expression though.

"Su Ling, Xiao Fen," she greeted, mother trailing a few steps behind her. "I am surprised but not unhappy. What brings you to our home on such short notice?"

Su Ling let out a snort at her polite words. "Saw you flying over. Got something I have to ask you. Kinda hard to get the chance these days."

Xiao Fen's expression was more grudging, eyeing Su Ling irritably. "I am doing a certain individual a favor, and providing security, since Miss Su's normal guard were injured in his defense. However, There is a matter it would be prudent of us to speak of, though it is not urgent."

Ling Qi's eyebrows rose, Su Ling's normal guard, had things… No, looking at Su Ling's thunderous expression, she realized that Xiao Fen was probably talking about the Ma sisters. They must have been hurt in the invasion. "I hope their injuries were not too bad?" She asked, looking to Su Ling.

"Medical for a week," Su Ling grunted. "Gan's covering it."

Ling Qi took only a moment to digest that but then nodded, remembering her manners. "I am glad. Welcome then, this is my mother Ling Qingge, she is the head of the household, since I am usually away," She gestured to her mother, who had managed to smooth away the visible worry on her face brought about by having cultivator guests. Knowing Mother she had probably hoped for rather more warning the first time.

"You are welcome in my home honored guests," the older woman said, bowing her head. "If it pleases you, I have instructed my staff to lay out refreshments on the garden veranda."

Xiao Fen was the first to respond, clasping her hands in front of her chest and giving a perfunctory but not disrespectful bow. "That will be acceptable Madam Ling. I will be pleased to accept your hospitality."

Su Ling on the other hand, seemed to have been brought up short by the introduction, glancing between Ling Qi and Ling Qingge. Her jaw worked silently for a moment, but then she ducked her head, before Ling Qi could read the emotion in her eyes. "...Yeah, Thank you for the hospitality," she replied tersely. By the time she raised her head again, her expression was set in its usual default.

There was a little more polite back and forth as she lead her friends inside, passing through the halls of the house until they came out in the gardens, where a number of chairs had been set out around the table that occupied part of the veranda, and one of their staff of nervously setting up for tea when they arrived. She felt a little bad for the girl, who made a sound not unlike a squeak of alarm when she saw them exit before she had finished.

"So before we sit down, you said there was something you wanted to discuss Su Ling?" Ling Qi asked blithely, studiously ignoring the girl and instead proceeding to the waist high railing that overlooked the garden. It was better to let her finish without acknowledging the problem.

Su Ling shot her an unreadable look, prowling up to stand beside her, and lean against the rail. Her two tails, waved agitatedly behind her. "Yeah. I want to know who you've been talking me up too," she said bluntly. "I know you like to be generous, even when it's not asked for. I want to know why I'm getting rounded up for a serious fu…" she paused, glancing back at Ling Qingge. "A serious venture, down below," she finished vaguely.

Ling Qi looked at her blankly. "I haven't done anything of the sort," she replied. "Su Ling, I was in medical recovery until yesterday evening."

Her brows furrowed. "Then why...?"

"I already told you," Xiao Fen grumbled, crossing her arms haughtily as she strolled up beside them. "You showed that your divinations were not obscured as the more modern practitioners were. Diviners of the old spirit blooded styles are thin on the ground in these lesser days," Xiao Fen sniffed. "Be happy that the bureaucrats are being shaken from their complacency that you might shine."

Su Ling shot her a foul look. "And I told you that it was just a gut feeling, 'less you think they want me sitting around to cast bones in a fire. 'Sides, I'm not scummy enough to be happy about what's going on right now for any reason."

Ling Qi glanced past them to her mother, who looked a little lost. She was hiding it well though. "What is this about an expedition?" Ling Qi asked, smoothly cutting in before the two could get back into what was clearly a previous argument. She missed Sixiang's silent nudging. They were so much better at this.

"There's some planning going on," Su Ling replied unhappily. "Don't know the full picture, but the Sect isn't gonna take the stuff from the caves coming up lightly."

"Hmph, it feels a little foolish to move so quickly, but my eyes do not see as those above do," Xiao Fen said. "Well, I do not expect those trusted by Lady Suzhen will be hasty, blood mad fools. I expect punitive measures to be well planned."

No Xiao Fen, tell us how you really feel, Ling Qi thought. Still, the fact that the Sect was gearing up for expeditions into the darkness below… Did that mean that Elder Zhou had been felled by something like that assassin, only exponentially more potent? The exact details of his death had still not been revealed. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that the table was fully set.

"Our refreshments are prepared, Lady Su, Lady Xiao," Ling Qingge said before she could. The conversation had turned her expression to one of worry.

"Thank you Madam Ling," Xiao Fen replied politely

"Don't call me Lady," Su Ling grimaced. "Seriously though. You haven't said anything?" she asked, turning her eyes back to Ling Qi.

"I haven't Ling Qi replied steadily. "I know you don't want that." What was with those rolled eyes Xiao Fen? Bai Meizhen's handmaiden was developing some bad habits in her presence it seemed.

"And what did you want to say Xiao Fen?" she asked as they moved to take their seats.

"Only that our lessons would have to cease for a time, given the situation, Lady Ling," she replied, perfectly polite. "Though I very much look forward to their resumption."

Ling Qi eyed her for a moment, but nodded. "She supposed that the real purpose of their lessons was defunct for a time. "I will miss our lessons," she replied cheerfully. "We will have to find another way to stay in contact."

"Sect's not exactly restricting contact hard right now," Su Ling grunted, fighting a smirk at the sinking of Xiao Fen's expression.

"...Yes," Xiao Fen said her face blank.

Mother studied all three of them with furrowed brows, clearly trying to work out the real flow of the conversation. She suspected that mother might be trying a little too hard to see beyond the obvious. Still, it was a little heartening that, even if she kept her peace, Mother could deal with the presence of a pair of cultivators. Perhaps… well this wasn't the time. Her thoughts turned back to what she had been considering, standing before the fire, should she…

[] Send Mother, Biyu and the rest of the household away until things settled down. It might cost her, but she could settle her family in a barony a little further north, away from incursions. (-3 Green Stones, small political effort required, safe family, potential emotional conflict?)
[] Drop the thought, even with this incursion, they had been safe. Increase the security of the house, but let her family stay here. (-2 Green Stones, family remains in unsafe area)

AN: Here we go everyone, the commissioned interlude will go up in two hours when voting opens, so that folks can talk about the vote a bit before it goes up.
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Hunh. Wonder what Su Ling thinks of our mom.

Anyway, I'm not voting to send them away. Our nascent Way is about the joy we take in our loved ones and establishing a home with them, not for them.
I think it's pretty clear that Ling Qingge wouldn't want to leave her fool daughter alone to trick enemy assassins into breaking their attacks on her throat. And that's part of the give and take Ling Qi needs to accept is part of letting people in.
Her mother's features screwed up in disgust. "It… It is difficult to describe, like a great hairless rat, but with the eyes and hands of a man."

As she suspected then, LIng QI thought grimly. There was no two ways around it. The things she had encountered on her expedition with Suyin were definitely the source of all this. They would pay for many things, but threats to her home were unacceptable.
Is it still genocide if they're not human?
[] Drop the thought, even with this incursion, they had been safe. Increase the security of the house, but let her family stay here. (-2 Green Stones, family remains in unsafe area)

This is where I'm at.
Hmmm... I am ambivalent enough to go for either... A strong argument would probably be enough to sway me in either position, to be honest, but right now I am partial to keeping them close. Possible tragedy nonwithstanding, I really cherish their scenes.
[] Send Mother, Biyu and the rest of the household away until things settled down. It might cost her, but she could settle her family in a barony a little further north, away from incursions. (-3 Green Stones, small political effort required, safe family, potential emotional conflict?)

better to avoid the distraction
The biggest thing is both are selfish options. Send away is Qi taking completely control. Having them stay puts them in danger. But what we need to consider is that Qimom would want to stay, and would probably be really upset to be sent away. Also perhaps most importantly, is that our domain is more inclusive to family then the send away one is. Send away would cut off our growing relationship, involve somewhat going against our way (or at least it's image), and with increased security they are likelier safer than they would be on the journey out.

Edit: also want to add that I found the pair of su ling and Xiao fen kinda hilarious. Also Qi's little asides of how Xiao fen's picking up bad habits was actually adorable.
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Ling Qi glanced past them to her mother, who looked a little lost. She was hiding it well though. "What is this about an expedition?" Ling Qi asked, smoothly cutting in before the two could get back into what was clearly a previous argument. She missed Sixiang's silent nudging. They were so much better at this.

"There's some planning going on," Su Ling replied unhappily. "Don't know the full picture, but the Sect isn't gonna take the stuff from the caves coming up lightly."
So how do we get involved in this... expedition. Because Ling Qi is thinking that she wants to met out some pain and punishment to those that slither below.
Can we pay a green stone for addational defensive formations to be added to our current location, or is that stuff below our level of abstraction?

We are going up to -2 stones. Without reviewing Income,I am happy to increase to -3 and keeping Ling Qi's family here.
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Can we pay a green stone for addational defensive formations to be added to our current location, or is that stuff below our level of abstraction?

We are going up to -2 stones. Without reviewing Income,I am happy to increase to -3 and keeping Ling Qi's family here.
The "keep them here" option pays two green stones to add additional security, which is presumably the limit of what LQ is able to buy for them. The extra stone for the other option is, I assume, the additional cost of moving persons and goods, plus of getting security in a more remote area away from the sect.