Welp your now obligated to make the omake, get cracking
Welp your now obligated to make the omake, get cracking
That doesn't lower the amount of arts a squad needs, because different members of the squad can specialize.
I don't think having specialized mooks is worth the cost. I would prefer soldiers that don't need to be deployed in a specific unit size and composition to be able to fight effectively. Not even the Argent Sect with their vast resources and higher talent mooks tries to do this...That doesn't lower the amount of arts a squad needs, because different members of the squad can specialize.
I don't think having specialized mooks is worth the cost. I would prefer soldiers that don't need to be deployed in a specific unit size and composition to be able to fight effectively. Not even the Argent Sect with their vast resources and higher talent mooks tries to do this...
I'm aware, but you need more than "average red guardsmen" to actually defend a fief. And much of my work was attempting to estimate how many soldiers Ling Qi's fief would need to levy as part of Cai Renxiang's ability to project force in the region, as well as what the soldiery needs to do their jobs.The average red guardsman will never be able to open enough meridians for even four arts...
You might want to reread Zhou's test arc again, Ling Qi's squad being specialized was a pretty massive upside. More importantly Ling Qi's scouting adventures in 5:2 her squad being specialized was super important. Useful specialization is clearly better than significant overlap of skills.I don't think having specialized mooks is worth the cost. I would prefer soldiers that don't need to be deployed in a specific unit size and composition to be able to fight effectively. Not even the Argent Sect with their vast resources and higher talent mooks tries to do this...
Picking a bunch of arts that slot into a standard array of meridians would make switching arts depending on the then-ongoing catastrophe feasible. AFAICT, once you have the meridians, training arts is just a question of time, effort and resources.
Having said that, I think that getting this far would require that LQ spent a not inconsiderable amount of time, resources and quest attention setting things up, and I don't know if being known as the fief with the surprisingly versatile redshirts is worth the hassle.
Not our first custom art, but one custom built for her. Unless she's compatible with EPC and ends up following the Moon like LQ did, we will have access to generic arts which may be old but don't hold a candle to major families'. Besides, that'll still take a while, there's plenty of time for LQ to grow in cultivation and find loads of fortuitous encounters.
Im doomed
As we have just seen in the previous arc, redshirts matter because the empire is big and leveling up is hard, therefore in order to cover terrain you need reds and yellows (and greens, if we want to be honest). Human wave tactics are not feasible, unless that wave is dispersed enough that the stronger cultivators can't wipe out all of the weaker ones before some of them cause damage to the fief and flee. Glider-riders managed to get around us and damage the crops because we were busy dealing with their bosses. As for old houses investing resources into redshirts, if that were true I'd expect mama Qingge to have been introduced to cultivation way before this.Redshirt quality is the reason for the Empire's combat superiority. The main conceit of this world as opposed to other Xianxoia is that redshirts matter. Doing what you describe would not create a reputation of surprisingly versatile redshirts, it would bring Ling Qi's holding on par with old houses and border strongholds.
Worth noting that even once you've reached the levels where you can start modifying and creating arts, you at an absolute minimum won't be able to create arts that are inconsistent with your way. (Plus creating arts in things that you dislike or are only mediocre at is going to be a slog)
So, basically, Ling Qi can't practically create arts except ones that are very well suited for herself.
Meaning trying to create arts for someone with a different personality, nature and aptitudes is pretty much a non-starter.
If it turns out that Ling Biyu is drawn to presenting different personalities to people, then LQ won't be able to help, the sincerity that's part of her Way due to Argent Mirror would prevent it. If Biyu wants to become a solid-style, Mountain heavy Muscle wizard, LQ again won't be able to make arts for that.
Give it a shot! There aren't any grades on the line or anything, and you just might enjoy it!Im doomed
Sadly, im a reader, not a writer
Someone please help me :O
Havent wrote anything creative since middle school
Is this WoG? The rules for creating successor arts don't really delve into the modification of keywords, but aside from that and the necessarily subjective difficulty of the technique creation mini-arc, it doesn't seem like it would be too complex. The formula is 2+L+(P/3), with a P of zero (it starts ath the ground floor) and an L of six (for the three red and the three yellow phases) that would cost us eight APs. Add 50% for uncertainties and spread it over six turns and it would hardly slow us down. I'm sure that creating an art based on meridians we don't have would range from prohibitively expensive to impossible, but Biyu is still our blood half-sister, and is still young enough that LQ will be a large influence on her personality. Heck, we're specifically brainwashing her into liking cultivation, as per the Turn 5: Training/Family Time threadmark.
but Biyu is still our blood half-sister, and is still young enough that LQ will be a large influence on her personality. Heck, we're specifically brainwashing her into liking cultivation
As we have just seen in the previous arc, redshirts matter because the empire is big and leveling up is hard, therefore in order to cover terrain you need reds and yellows (and greens, if we want to be honest). Human wave tactics are not feasible, unless that wave is dispersed enough that the stronger cultivators can't wipe out all of the weaker ones before some of them cause damage to the fief and flee. Glider-riders managed to get around us and damage the crops because we were busy dealing with their bosses. As for old houses investing resources into redshirts, if that were true I'd expect mama Qingge to have been introduced to cultivation way before this.
It break down already against Indigos:As we just have seen in the previous arc, redshirt buff overlay techniques were the key to tipping the scales in a fight between mid-Greens, and that was at low numbers of people and war scores. Maybe they are not strong enough to tip things in a fight between Indigos via buffing... but if they can help a Green kill a Green, then it'd still help, because Green human buff overlay tactics can tip things.
WoG, as far as I remember, has stated that the value of armies only starts to not matter at White or Prism, and that is solely because enough people of the realm exactly below cannot be easily gathered in order to complete the chain, not because it stops mattering.
They are still useful, mind."You underestimate the imperial armies, Miss Ling," Gan Guangli said, looking up from his own meditations. "A well lead division might be able to match and slay even a fourth realm cultivator or spirit, if that cultivator lacks strong support of their own, and perhaps even hold the line against one of the fifth, until a counter can arrive" Ling Qi didn't miss the way her fellow vassals eyes and voice lowered as if recalling something painful.
"Such considerations break down at the highest reaches of cultivation, but Gan Guangli is correct," Cai Renxiang resumed smoothly. "Though the theory remains valid even then. The difficulty there lies in gathering so many of the fourth realm and above together in such a group," the Lady shook her head slightly in consternation. "Even then, a cultivator with an army at their back will always prevail against a lone peer or near peer, barring rare circumstance."
Don't look down on the Liu so much? Also, the Liu are in a border. Tonghou might not be right at the border, but it's south enough that it is very much susceptible to attacks.As for mama Qingge, that has several possible answers. All of the following can factor, more or less, or it may be one of them that overpowers the others.
1) the Liu are neither a border nor a Count level clan, and as such, they do not really need a strong standing army to protect their interests. As such, they only maintain city guards and a relatively weak army for emergencies and use their wealth to create stronger cultivators of their own family.
2) Levying troops is still costly in spirit stones (rather than arts numbers, which, once created, are forever) and, as such, there is a limit to the number of troops one may raise dependent on their wealth. While you could say "this proves troops are a waste", I counter with "troops are one of the main reasons richer clans are stronger when on the same level" (e.g. baron vs baron, viscount vs viscount)
3) levying troops is still costly, so the talent tests are stringent, and no one let our mom take one cuz they didn't think she'd qualify
4) the Liu are corrupt idiots and not people one should look up to when desiring optimality(this is evidenced not solely on what they did to our mom, but also on the state of Tounghou on the moon mission and on the bonus story published on RR)
The reasons could be many, a library to strengthen our redshirt army would still be a good allocation of resources after we pay for our clan.
I don't think Yrs has ever said that...WoG, as far as I remember, has stated that the value of armies only starts to not matter at White or Prism, and that is solely because enough people of the realm exactly below cannot be easily gathered in order to complete the chain, not because it stops mattering.
So, a veteran division might be able to momentarily inconvenience a single Indigo. It seems unlikely that just pure numbers will do anything at all to a Violet. I suppose a division's worth of Cyans could kill a Violet, but that would be a pretty unusual Imperial formation."You underestimate the imperial armies, Miss Ling," Gan Guangli said, looking up from his own meditations. "A well lead division might be able to match and slay even a fourth realm cultivator or spirit, if that cultivator lacks strong support of their own, and perhaps even hold the line against one of the fifth, until a counter can arrive" Ling Qi didn't miss the way her fellow vassals eyes and voice lowered as if recalling something painful.
It break down already against Indigos:
They are still useful, mind.
Don't look down on the Liu so much? Also, the Liu are in a border. Tonghou might not be right at the border, but it's south enough that it is very much susceptible to attacks.
At long last, the map of the Emerald Seas is complete!
And a quick explanation of what this map is showing:
The colours on the map are determined by de facto county rulership. That is, if your county-level liege is the Luo, directly or indirectly, then your spot on the map is Luo red, even if you're geographically within Diao county. Note that it's not just the borders where these things are happening, it's just that within a county all bordergore shenanigans between viscounties will end up the same colour anyways.
So, a veteran division might be able to momentarily inconvenience a single Indigo. It seems unlikely that just pure numbers will do anything at all to a Violet. I suppose a division's worth of Cyans could kill a Violet, but that would be a pretty unusual Imperial formation.
[X] Reunions(Ling Qingge & Biyu, Su Ling, Xiao Fen)
@yrsillar would a nat100 have resulted in LQ getting a doggo spirit?![]()
The answer is actually neither, 95-100 is the best you would've gotten as it was a huge crit enough. Also no matter what happened, we weren't getting a dragon (yes, yrs confirmed this in discord)
It wouldn't have been a Thunder Beast but a Thunder Lizard!