Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I hate to post 3 times in quick succession, but... just to make sure... anyone thinks it would be better for me to spend it somewhere else? Since I am not a numbercruncher, I'll have to to trust the only person who answered me if no other opinion comes up until tonight, but as far as I remember, there was always some disagreement on optional omake point allocation when other omake creators asked for opinions.

Also, much thanks to @EternalObserver for actually giving me a suggestion.
@storryeater okay, so to get back at you on the omake point. Currently you have 1 point from making an apocrypha.

I personally suggest investing that 1 point in Spirit Ken
No telling people what to spend points on (especially suboptimal choices :V), @storryeater can put their points wherever they want.

EDIT: more seriously; any base skill that hasn't been derived is fine (e.g no dodge since we've got sable grace). Advanced skills are more efficient, and skills that get moon-site or social-site benefits are marginally less efficient (spirit ken gets both).
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No telling people what to spend points on (especially suboptimal choices :V), @storryeater can put their points wherever they want.

Sigh, quadruple posting in short succession but...

I asked suggestions specifically, yesterday. Must have been lost on the vote avalanche.

Edit: to clarify, I want to know where it'll most likely make a difference, if anywhere or, failing that, just get rid of it before I forget it, so I asked yesterday, and it seems only one person noticed.
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I'm just telling him where to invest, heck i pointed him to a skill that has the lowest chance to max out. By investing even a point there, it raises the chances
I disagree that she was reckless though. Ling Qi was the one who was reckless in this update.

MEMORY. Past tense.
Eh, its a common trope to give assasins and spies a suicide option.

Even if the assasin or spy is valuable, getting caught burns any usefulness they have plus it incurs an even bigger cost due to info the enemy may gain, thus making suicide optimal for the employer even if its the most valuable assasin they have.

If anything, a suicide button implies top rank training and disciple only a valuable asset would have. After all, even if you know torture is on the table, letting go of your life ain't easy, nor is dedicating part of your build towards doing that.

Edit: making the suicide button hurt the enemy a lot is just more profit for the employer. It may just kill the assasin's captors, giving some final value even to a burnt asset.

Second Edit: That does not necessarily mean that he was valuable, just that there are counterarguments against the "he was expected to die" proposition. Personally, I'd peg him on the lower-mid end of expendability (so more expendable than not, but not to the point he was sacrificial). But I may be wrong, and he might have ranged anywhere from "sacrificial" to "as unexpendable as an assasin can get"
She, actually, but what we've seen of Gnawing one strategy seems to be heavily based on super talismans on relatively expendable units
I love Lanlan I want to talk to her but I feel we'll be seeing more of her in the coming weeks. The odds that Sect Greens will be required to deploy and rotate through fronts has increased drastically and wherever we go Lanlan should go too. It makes both of us stronger between our domain, our support kit, her DPS and AoE, and her synergy with Zhengui's heals and Tanking. It seems like (the forest fire spirit) has also found a good platform with Zhen :DD
"Perhaps if it were merely severed," he said shaking his head. "But no, it is gone, devoured flesh and spirit. Even the channels are gone. I will simply have to adjust."
Given he's an infiltration specialist, I'm left wondering how much this will interfere with his disguise arts. Even if he's be able to use those same disguise arts to create a functional prosthetic, the real nasty bit will be the loss of channels
[X] Churning (Gu Xiulan)
[X] Ripples (Cai Renxiang)

I would prefer if the interlude could be about someone we might actually see IC before 2020
When I ready Elder Zhou my mind just saw Elder and went straight to the Jiao and panicked for a bit, thanked Xin when I realised it wasn't him then felt bad for Muscle Elder. He was Ling Qi's first experience with the Glory of Immortal Abs damn it! :'(

Though was thinking one way for Yrs to really have given a gut punch if not Jiao would have been Elder Ying, AKA Mossy Mountain Grandma.

[] Ripples (Cai Renxiang)
[] Shockwaves (Su Ling)
[] Churning (Gu Xiulan)

Arrrgghh god dammit Yrs how can you make us choose like this!? Who will stop your evil ways.

It's a tough choice but in the end I'm gonna lean...

[X] Shockwaves (Su Ling)

Sorry Xuilan but we haven't seen Su Ling in a while and I'm sure we'll be able to guess enough of your thoughts ourselves based on your actions (you better not climb a mountain again girl I swear don't tempt me).
[X] Ripples (Cai Renxiang)
[X] Churning (Gu Xiulan)

Since all the options are for the aftermath, I don't really want the Su Ling interlude here. (Can we have all three? :D)
Just throwin this out there before I update the frnt page version, Zhengui's gotten an upgrade everyone.

  • - Appraisal Green(8)
    - Appraisal Bronze(8)
  • Physical
    Strength: B
    Dexterity: F
    Stamina: A

    Intelligence: E
    Wits: D
    Resolve: A

    Presence: E
    Manipulation: F
    Composure: C

    Base Qi: B
    Domain: G

    Attribute bonuses
    +15 Stamina
    +15 Resolve
  • Mental

    Athletics: C
    Perceptiveness: C
    Stealth: D
    Survival: C
    - Qualified: +10 in plant-heavy regions

    Empathy: E
    Speech: D

    Natural Weapons: C
    -Bite: B
    Projection: C
    Dodge: F
    Fortitude: C(Max)
    -Rejuvenation: B
    Fade: F
    Resilience: C
  • Weapons
    Gui Chomp: Damage D
    Zhen Bite: Damage C

    Base Health: B20
    - Damage Reductions: F vs Fire
    Available Qi: B8
    - F regen when not moving

    Speed: E
    Initiative: E

    Stealth: E
    Combat Perception: D10-C20 (+10 in plant-heavy region, +1 rank with LQ)
    Social Perception: F5

    - Avoid: E
    - Armor: A25-38 (+3 w/ wood/fire tech active, +10 TRF aura)

    - Avoid: E-D15 (+15 vs single-target, +1 rank with LQ)
    - Armor: A5-A8 (+3 w. wood/fire tech active, +1 rank with LQ up to LQ's own)

    Counts as two separate combatants for determining multiattacker bonuses.
    [VD] +5 Hit and Pen when both BB and BfA techs are used in the same turn.

    Physical (bite)
    - Hit: B18-23 (+5 VD)
    - Penetration: B-B20 (+15 fire +5 VD)

    Physical (projection)
    - Hit: B3-8 (+5 VD)
    - Penetration: C15-B5 (+15 fire, +5 VD)


    Volcanic Stone Shell
    - Fire/Projection based(?), Melee range

    Vengeful Serpent's Fangs
    - response to attack on allies in Near range
    - fire/Bite based, additional Short E rank poison

    Dispel: D (Intelligence E+Eternal Roots C)
    Resist: [C|C15|B] (Resolve B+[D|C|B] Rank tech)

    Health: (Stamina A, Qi B) = B20
    Qi: Base B + Equip 8 = B8
    Speed: (Dexterity F, Athletics C) E10 + Unqualified BFA -10 = E
    Initiative: (Dexterity F, Wits D) = E

    Stealth: (Dexterity F, Stealth D) = E
    Combat Perception: (Wits D, Perceptiveness C) = D10
    - qualified bonuses: +10 in plant-heavy regions, +1 Rank with Ling Qi
    Social Perception: (Manip F, Empathy E) F5

    Physical Defense
    Avoid: (Dexterity F, Dodge F) = F
    Armor: (Stamina A, Rejuvenation B) = B20 + Unqualified Bonuses: Base 20, BfA 25 = A25
    - Qualified Bonus: +3 w/ wood or fire arts active, +10 TRF Aura

    Spiritual Defense
    Avoid: (Wits D, Fade F) = E
    - Qualified Bonuses: +15 vs. Single target, +1 Rank if Ling Qi is there (up to LQ's own)
    Armor: (Resolve A, Resilience C) = B + Unqualified Bonuses: Base 20, BfA 25 = A5
    - Qualified Bonuses: +3 w/ wood or Fire arts active, +1 Rank if Ling Qi is there (up to LQ's own)

    general qualified bonus: +5 Hit and Pen when both BB and BfA techs are used in the same turn.

    Physical (bite)
    Hit (Strength B, Bite B) = B + Unqualified Bonuses: BB 15, Sash 3 = B18
    Penetration (Strength B, Bite B) = B
    - Qualified Bonuses: +15 on Fire

    Physical (projection)
    Hit: (Strength B, Projection C) = C15 + Unqualified Bonuses: BB 15, Sash 3 = B3
    Penetration: (Strength B, Projection C) = C15
    - Qualified Bonuses: +15 on Fire
  • Way
    • Base +20 Physical and Spiritual Armor.
    Blooming From Ash
    Passive Effects:
    +25 to Physical and Spiritual Armor
    +10 to perception and survival rolls in plant life heavy regions
    +15 Stamina and Resolve challenges
    F rank qi regeneration while not moving
    -10 to Speed

    Eternal Roots: C
    Duration: Long
    The endless vitality of the forest fills Zhengui, spreading his senses throughout his surroundings, as well as sealing wounds, restoring qi (E rank qi regen) and repairing broken and chipped shell and scales (E rank Health regen). While active, Zhengui's speed is reduced by one rank, but damage to his armor recovers at a rapid rate. Once during this duration Zhengui may attempt to dispel a negative effect from himself or an ally.

    Innocuous Hill: D
    A technique granted by Zhengui's bond with Ling Qi. Zhengui sinks into the earth and draws in soil and stone to cover his shell. Used out of combat or against unready targets, this effect boosts Zhengui's stealth by a full rank, and gives a significant bonus to hit on his first attack against unready targets. This technique is ineffective on targets who are not Unready.

    Paradise Bedrock: C
    Duration: Short
    Damage: E
    A technique representing Zhengui's mastery of the generation and manipulation of root systems. Within a close range, Zhengui may choose to either trap or attack any enemy within his range each time he has an action. The roots immobilize their target with strength equal to Zhengui's own, or deal the above listed damage.

    Paradise Rampart: B
    Duration: Persistent
    Zhengui taps into the vital, endless regrowth at the core of his being, and channels it into protecting a person or place of his choosing. On activation a wall of roots and boughs ten meters high and two thick sprouts from the earth between his enemies and the target Zhengui wishes to protect. The walls base length is one hundred meters. Sections of the wall have Armor D and Health B for the purpose of breaking through. Enemies attempting to climb or otherwise pass over the wall have their speed reduced by half a rank, unless their cultivation exceeds Zhengui's by two stages or one realm. Enemies adjacent to the wall suffer automatic attacks equivalent to Paradise Bedrock usage. Zhengui may extend the rampart 100 meters at the cost of increasing the cost by 10 for each segment.

    Roiling Forest Regrowth: B
    Duration: Short
    A technique arising from Zhengui's frustration at foes avoiding him to strike at Ling Qi. Zhengui throws a huge quantity of Qi into the earth beneath his feet, until grasping twining roots are erupting from every inch of earth within Close Range. These roots twine together to form walls, grab at limbs and otherwise make themselves impossible to ignore. Enemies striking at targets other than Zhengui have their speed, combat perception, Physical Hit and Penetration penalized. Effects with multiple targets are not penalized if they include at least half of the affected area in their range. While these roots can be destroyed so long as the technique is active they regrow too quickly for this to be effective.
    Blazing Blood
    Passive Effects:
    F Damage reduction vs. Fire
    +15 to Hit on Physical and Fire Attacks
    +15 to Penetration of Fire Attacks
    Use Strength for Hit

    Blood Boiling Venom: D
    Damage: D(Bonus, poison)
    Zhengui strikes with venomous fangs injecting a terrible, deadly heat into the target. With the boiling venom flowing in their veins, the victim finds themselves weakened and slowed until the effect burns out.

    Volcanic Stone Shell: C
    Duration: Long
    Zhengui infuses his shell with withering heat and stony resilience, burning bright with a volcanic blaze. Anywho strike at Zhengui in melee suffer painful burns for their effort.

    Ashfall: C
    Duration: Long
    Zhengui expels ash from both of his mouths, filling the sky with falling gray dust. The ash cloud extends out to Very Close range around him. While Zhengui, allies are immune to the effects, enemies within the ash suffer unavoidable burns. The particulates make it difficult for them to see as well, hanging thickly in the air. Zhengui may use this art multiple times to expand its area. Six stacks may be active at a time.

    Boiling Shot: D
    Damage: C(poison)
    Zhen gathers his venom and spits, launching a ball of corrosive superheated venom at a target within Close range.

    Boiling Spray: C
    Damage: D(poison)
    Zhen gathers his venom, as he does with Boiling Shot, but instead discharges a spray of molten venom in a burning fan damaging up to three targets within Near range.

    Volcanic Shot: B
    Damage: B(Direct Hit) D (Splash)
    Gathering stone and soil in his stomch, Zhengui melts the energies into molten stone and glass before ejecting it as a missile as a distant foe. Zhengui cannot move while using this technique, but may target ay enemy at up to distant range. However for each increment further than close Hit is reduced by 10. Enemies within Near distance suffer from the splash version of the techniques damage.
    Verdant Ash Duality
    Passive Effects:
    +15 to Spiritual Avoid vs single target attacks
    +5 on Hit and Penetration when techniques from Blazing Blood and Blooming from Ashes are used in the same turn.
    User counts as two separate combatants for determining multiattacker bonuses

    Minds Apart: C
    A Xuan Wu is two minds in one body and self, it takes age and long practice to function fully as two separate beings however. With this technique however, a young Xuan Wu may temporarily attain this ability.

    Ashfield Flowering: C
    Usable only while at least one instance of Ashfall is active, this technique consumes the ashfield to revitalize allies. On activation one instance of Ashfall is dispelled automatically, allied targets within the ashfall zone receive E rank health recovery and have their armor fortified.

    Rebirth Inferno:
    Damage: A
    When reduced to F rank health. Zhengui may instantly discharge all of his remaining qi into a roaring inferno that consumes all save Ling Qi within Very Close range. This massive explosion tears through defenses and moves with incredible speed. In the aftermath Zhengui falls unconscious, and cannot act, but receives a temporary Health Attribute of B Rank.

    Vengeful Serpent's Fangs: D
    When an enemy strikes at one of Zhengui's allies within Near range, they open themselves to a counterstrike. Zhengui receives a large bonus to hit for this attack, and deals damage via his Zhen Bite attack, with an additional E rank poison which repeats for a short time thereafter.
  • -N/A-
    1. This small sash is made from a single tropical leaf, and covered with enticing fire artwork that seems to dance as it moves. Physically worn by Zhen.

      +5 to qi. +3 bonus on Hit of Fire and Wood Arts.
    2. This thick necklace is shaped like a tangle of roots and vines, but on inspection is actually composed entirely of fused ash. A trace of it rubs off when you touch it, but it never seems to wear down. Physically worn by Gui.

      +3 to qi. They also gain a +3 bonus on Armor when a Fire or Wood Art is active.
    3. -Empty-
I love Lanlan I want to talk to her but I feel we'll be seeing more of her in the coming weeks. The odds that Sect Greens will be required to deploy and rotate through fronts has increased drastically and wherever we go Lanlan should go too. It makes both of us stronger between our domain, our support kit, her DPS and AoE, and her synergy with Zhengui's heals and Tanking. It seems like (the forest fire spirit) has also found a good platform with Zhen :DD
I think we won't see her at all due to those deployments eating up both of our time and her wanting to get stronger in the wake of our sacrifice.
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