Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
She deflected Li Suyin's own questions of concern regarding her workload.

Does Li Suyin think we've slowed down? Have we indeed slowed down?

"Not at all. You are lovely, talented and ambitious. You are a musician of unmatched skill for your age as well as a fierce and canny duelist. Let the old birds at court cluck their tongues about your origins, I am pleased by what I see."

Okay, the guy definitely studied us.
lol at 3

sort of makes the last vote moot, but at least we got a quiet character scene out of it

Bao Qian I like as a friend but not as a husband-to-be. he settles and sits, for all his ambition. he's a lunk.
Does Li Suyin think we've slowed down? Have we indeed slowed down?
Generally, when one is concerned over someone else's workload, it's because they are working too much. We are rapidly advancing and keeping apace with the ducals. We are doing just fine at the moment.

We may need to go faster to reach our objectives, but our objectives are pretty extreme for a commoner brought to the Sect.
The young man regarded her thoughtfully, his arms crossed loosely over his broad chest. "I would not necessarily call it such. However, I am told that you appreciate a certain degree of bluntness, so perhaps I should just state my thoughts."

Ling Qi's eyebrows rose. "...If that is what you wish," she replied noncommittally.

He let out an amused chuckle. "I find you difficult to approach. At times you seem terribly skittish, and at other times quite confrontational. It is a bit confusing," he admitted frankly.

"Is that so," Ling Qi replied, keeping her expression blank.

"I won't ask you not to take insult," he chuckled. "My, this is an interesting sort of challenge."
Well... it's a product of a history as a street rat being suddenly thrust into a world of cultivation where she is steadily gaining power.

Oh, and a subconscious filled with over 100 different people all wanting to do slightly different things leading to sometimes bizarre behavior.
Oh, and a subconscious filled with over 100 different people all wanting to do slightly different things leading to sometimes bizarre behavior.

You know, I see that a lot but it really doesn't make sense.

This is a very curated quest. We very, very rarely get "write-in" votes where players can just vote for whatever. We normally get to select from a small number of options, each of which presumably would make sense for Linq Qi to do.

Can anyone actually name any "bizarre behavior" resulting from quest votes? I can't think of any.
Boy that 3 made me fully expect some minor disaster to crop up and made me skim through the rest of the chapter. But then I reread it, I do kinda like him. I haven't seen much of him yet, and he definitely hasn't made much of an impression. Shen Hu and Xuan Shi still top my Husbando List. But this one is more likely than either of them.

"You're not wrong," Ling Qi admitted, giving him an assessing look. "So the marriage pursuit is just a cover?"

"Not at all. You are lovely, talented and ambitious. You are a musician of unmatched skill for your age as well as a fierce and canny duelist. Let the old birds at court cluck their tongues about your origins, I am pleased by what I see."

Ling Qi stared, her thoughts briefly grinding too a halt, only a sharp prod from Sixiang got her mind moving again.

Oh my, I think Qi is rather taken aback by sincere and generous compliments. Adorable.

Even with the support of the Cai, raising a new house is difficult."

"And that is what I do not understand," Ling Qi replied in frustration. "Many sons or no, you are the scion of a count clan, why put yourself in such a difficult position?"

"Bah, what good is inheritance alone?" He dismissed. "Let my brothers and sisters squabble over my father and mothers great works. I have the blood in my veins and the arts of our archives, my advantages are already vast, I neither want or need anything else. I will make my own fortune and my own great works."

Ling Qi met and held his gaze, searching for sincerity in his eyes. It was such a weird mindset that she had trouble grasping it. "...Alright, I'll believe that," Ling Qi said after a moment. "If you just want to work together, that is fine." She could think about the rest at a later date.

Qi is here to take advantage of whatever resources she can get her hands on to climb as high as she can, the guy who wants to rely on his own power and intellect to build from nothing truly is a foreign mindset.
Generally, when one is concerned over someone else's workload, it's because they are working too much. We are rapidly advancing and keeping apace with the ducals. We are doing just fine at the moment.

We may need to go faster to reach our objectives, but our objectives are pretty extreme for a commoner brought to the Sect.
Ling Qi directly mentions the heights reached by Cai Shenhua in this update. Our objectives would be extreme even for a ducal scion of our talent if you ask me.

I like him. We could do worse as far as future husbands go.

That being said, still way too soon to make a decision like that.
Not too soon to try to raise his bond level to 1 or 2, though.
"OH, I know this one!" Hanyi announced excitedly. "Momma told me a story once, that when the big storm came north, it was so big and so strong that it sucked all the trees and little houses and walls and people right up into the sky, and it rained rocks and wood and frozen bits for a week after!"
Yeah... Another example of how this is a death world. And that's if this wasn't an allegory for the Barbarian invasion of the Empire.
Du Feng's eagerness to ingratiate himself to her put her off a bit, but she found the boy sincere, if kinda foppish. It helped that Sixiang agreed with her assessment. She wished him luck on his own breakthroughs in the coming months regardless.
Huh, so am I to assume he is partly Green as well? That's..a bit more scrubbish than i thought
Even those crotchety swamp hermits out west grudgingly deal with us."
Hints of Bao and Meng relations. Want to know more.
Does Li Suyin think we've slowed down? Have we indeed slowed down?
As i see it it's kind of the other way around. Ling Qi is green 3 at a time where even a decent noble like our friend Gu Xiulan has only been Green 1 for a little while.
Comparatively Ling Qi has gained 2 levels since the tournament.
I'm pretty sure the ducals are all at most Green 4, so Ling Qi is actually keeping pace with them, with way less innate resources and guidance. Heck, we're in the same Sect reward tier as CRX and Meizen!

While on the subject, does anyone know what this lessons refers too ?
701-724: 2 green stones +60 yellow, intermediate lessons. Third floor points reduced
Free additional lessons ? access to a new teaching tier in the sect shop ?
You know, I see that a lot but it really doesn't make sense.

This is a very curated quest. We very, very rarely get "write-in" votes where players can just vote for whatever. We normally get to select from a small number of options, each of which presumably would make sense for Linq Qi to do.

Can anyone actually name any "bizarre behavior" resulting from quest votes? I can't think of any.
Imo, Ling Qi has terrible long therm planing.
Short therm (one or two turns) is fine: we got math sheets for days! Even middle therm (4 to 8 turns) is kinda okay, we usually can keep end goals in mind.
But long therm (10+ turns) ? Horrible.
Just look at the amount of stuff we simply let fall to the side as time passed. From weapon or skill expertise like (iirc) polearm, archery, argent arts or the recently-brought-back-to-light formations, all the way up to actual enemies which get forgotten as soon as they are not immediately relevant. Heck, Ling Qi's art set is in constant flux, usually depending on what is the lasted shiny drop or social event.
Compare with anyone else, from Miezhen to Xiulan and the differences are pretty phenomenal.
As i see it it's kind of the other way around. Ling Qi is green 3 at a time where even a decent noble like our friend Gu Xiulan has only been Green 1 for a little while.
Comparatively Ling Qi has gained 2 levels since the tournament.
I'm pretty sure the ducals are all at most Green 4, so Ling Qi is actually keeping pace with them, with way less innate resources and guidance. Heck, we're in the same Sect reward tier as CRX and Meizen!

While on the subject, does anyone know what this lessons refers too ?

Free additional lessons ? access to a new teaching tier in the sect shop ?

Actually, Ducals are still green 3 as well, we've officially caught up to them in pure cultivation.
I like Bao Qian quite a bit. I don't think he knocks Shen Hu off of my gut feeling potential husband/male BFF pedastal, but I'm interested in future social stuff with him, haha.
You know, I see that a lot but it really doesn't make sense.

This is a very curated quest. We very, very rarely get "write-in" votes where players can just vote for whatever. We normally get to select from a small number of options, each of which presumably would make sense for Linq Qi to do.

Can anyone actually name any "bizarre behavior" resulting from quest votes? I can't think of any.
Ling Qi's character is consistent, while she does undergo a lot of character development, she doesn't display "bizarre behavior" in the sense that she suddenly acts out of character for little to no reason

Her behavior is bizarre in the sense that she acts in a manner that people in universe consider strange, all of it has good in universe reasons, but for most nobles LQ is not something like anything they're used to dealing with

In this instance Qian is commenting on how she alternates from being shy and skittish to direct and confrontational, which makes it hard for him to get a read on how to approach her
We know that a lot of this comes down to Ling Qi's hangups regarding subjects like intimacy, love and marriage. On one hand she's making the attempt to learn how to relax a bit and properly socialize, so she makes attempts to try to converse and get to know him better. But on the other hand she's still uncomfortable with the whole situation and naturally defensive as a result, so every now and then she gives off the impression that she's uneasy or the conversation hits a topic that causes her to suddenly put the walls up and act hostile

Like this:
"Your companion seems to have a highly vitalizing effect on the earth. It is one of the things I suspected could be turned to a profit about you, and it seems I was correct, if the effect can be distilled, we will have a tidy little seed business on our hands," Bao Qian said.

"Is that so," Ling Qi said, not quite sure she liked how he had put that.

"Don't jump to conclusions now," Sixiang warned softly.

"Oh yes," Bao Qian continued. He didn't miss a beat, but she could tell that he had noticed the cooling of her tone. "One way or another, I shall be staying in the south, and I hope that we can establish a mutually profitable friendship."
Not liking Bao Qian much. He's like one of the gems he likes to wear. All of the pretty splendor of a Count house... but he's dull as a rock.