The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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In the grimdark future of the post Heresy Imperium one very salty Adeptus Mechanicus Genetor finds himself in charge of a long term Space Marine creation project.

He remains very salty regardless.
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It is 032.M116, less than a century after the Horus Heresy was brought to an end and the Second Founding declared.

Just after the bare minimum needed to reign in the chaos of the Horus Heresy was done.

The hunt for the traitors goes on.

But the Imperium's expansion continues regardless, for though much progress has been made the Emperor's work remains incomplete.

Dozens of smaller xeno empires, once cowed or nearly destroyed during the Great Crusade, have sensed the Imperium's weakness and now move to take advantage of the chaos caused by the Horus Heresy. Countless worlds, already battered and exhausted from the fires of the Heresy, now face further dangers as the alien preys on humanity yet again.

The Space Marines, the Emperor's Angels of Death, will undoubtedly be key, both to battling these present threats and to ensuring the Imperium's dominion of the galaxy remains uncontested in the millenia to come.

Yet the projected time differences in between large Foundings are truly immense, and there are fears among Lord Commander Guiliman's administration about the possible loss of the expertise or skill required for organizing such a grand feat as the creation of entire new Chapters of Astartes over the many hundreds of years in between these great Foundings.

That… is where you come in.

You are Archmagos Orkadan Grimm, one of the most respected Genetors of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and you have been charged by Guiliman to oversee the creation of new Space Marine Chapters outside of the major Foundings, to ensure the Imperium's greatest defenders remain strong against the losses they will surely incur.

It is a duty you do not take lightly, for even if the Chapters created in this 'Long' Founding may be less legendary than their brothers of the First and Second Foundings, you are well aware of the difference that even a small group of Space Marines in the right place can have in a battle, making them capable of deciding the fate of entire sectors.

You fold your hands together as, at the workstation beside your main body, another 'you' examines data on the many collected samples of gene-seed.

This would be the first stage of the Founding of a new Chapter.

Deciding which legion it should be descended from.

[ ] The Ultramarines: The most pure and stable Space Marine Gene-seed, the Ultramarines, sons of Roboute Guiliman, are a lineage that gives no great benefits but in turn does not have great downsides. They are tactically balanced, seeking to practice all forms of warfare rather than master just a few, and stand as the most numerous of the surviving Space Marines. They do seem to have started a minor tradition of maintaining ties with their successor Chapters, however. Whether this is a boon or a curse remains to be seen.

[ ] The Dark Angels: The Dark Angels, sons of Lion El Johnson, much like the Ultramarines have a very stable and mutation free Gene-Seed. They have access to a great deal of highly advanced technology gifted to them by the Emperor, and have formed several of their Companies into heirs of their previous elite forces such as the Deathwing. However, the Dark Angels have also been acting very erratic of late, and are stubbornly insistent about forming 'relations' with their founding chapters regarding matters they refuse to speak of, even to other Astartes. A great number of officials within the Imperium are growing very concerned about this, but with the death of the First Legion's Primarch, it seems unlikely anyone could force them to reveal the reason for their behaviour.

[ ] The Salamanders: Sons of Vulkan, the Salamanders are somewhat mutation prone, yet most deviations within their gene-seed are wholly positive - taking the form of increased temperature resistance, radiological resistance, and enhanced healing capability as well as their signature cosmetic mutation. This does, however, mean that any further mutations will likely be even more noticeable, and possibly have far worse consequences than this. Tactically, they are known for their love of thermal weaponry, and have a good reputation among the Imperium for their kindness and commitment to defending the Imperium's citizenry even when it leaves them at a tactical disadvantage.

[ ] The White Scars: The Sons of Jaghatai Khan bear no overt physical defects, yet the White Scars Gene-Seed has been known to make those implanted with it more savage and hungry for war. In honour of their Primarch's history as a master of cavalry, they have mastered the use of both Combat Bikes and the rarer Jetbike units, and specialise in high speed, hit and run battles.

[ ] The Iron Hands: The Gene-Seed of the Sons of Ferrus Manus seems to hold a genuine disdain of weakness within it, and since the death of their Primarch this hatred seems to have further narrowed into contempt for the weakness of the flesh specifically. Though you fully understand the irony of a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus thinking this you find the belief irrational at best, for is the organic matter in space marines not already more durable and more capable than most cybernetics known to the Imperium? In fact, so pristine is the Omnissiah's enhancements that these cybernetics can actually be a degradation from the original…. But of course, you are a mere Genetor, who degrades himself by working with the 'weak' flesh rather than the blessed machine spirits. Even if you are older and more learned about the ways of the machine than several of your closest peers put together, what could you possibly know about the topic of flesh and machinery in relation to one another?

[ ] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.

[ ] Imperial Fists: A famously stalwart legion, the Gene-Seed of the Sons of Dorn lacks the Betchers Gland and Sus-an Membrane entirely, leaving them incapable of spitting acid as an emergency weapon and unable to enter suspended animation when critically injured, but otherwise is fairly stable. They are renowned as the greatest masters of defense in all the Imperium, and have also begun to fill the role of the treasonous Iron Warriors in siege warfare.

The second part of creating a new chapter is picking a homeworld, for as impactful as the Emperor's enhancements are, the population a chapter draws from can and will have a massive impact on the Space Marine Chapter itself…. Something that had unfortunately proven especially true in the case of the Night Lords.

Of course, you could deem them a fleet based chapter and wash your hands of the issue entirely.

Choose 1

[ ] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move, but as a result will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own in the future.

[ ] Dualis: A planet that is half Forge World on one side and half Death World on the other. The Forge World half of the planet often uses the Death World half to acquire unique chemical mixtures from the wildlife and puts great pains into maintaining the health of the tribal humans that lurk within its jungles.

[ ] Fortuna: A paradise-like feral world, the human inhabitants of the world live in shockingly deep 'harmony' with the nature around them and their local leaders are extremely good at predicting and avoiding or defeating the challenges they encounter on the planet.

[ ] Extrema: A cataclysm of a planet, the only places not covered entirely in ice are those that are located right next to the many rivers of lava that crisscross Extrema's surface. The people of this planet have long adapted to both of these environments and are remarkably able to travel between them as circumstances demand.

[ ] Yuruld II: An unfortunate planet stuck in between the feuding Forge Worlds of Yuruld I and Yurulkd III, the world itself is a blasted wasteland full of wrecks from the constant skirmishing and occasional major war between it's two Forge World neighbors. This in turn has made the locals experts in both basic survival, and in making sure that neither of the two nearby Forge Worlds decide to crush them.

[ ] Pertana IV: The most unusual aspect of this planet are its human inhabitants, who have displayed what can only be described as shocking levels of pain resistance, being by all accounts completely unbothered by even the absolute maximum amount of pain a human can survive without dying. The planet itself is mostly unremarkable beyond the strange fog that seems to cover the entire surface.

[ ] Akasha II: In all regards Akasha is a completely standard jungle Death World, with it's main standout 'trait' being the fact that the Imperial Truth seems to have been adopted very quickly and become strongly entrenched in the short amount of time since it's adoption.

As you contemplate the possible choices of 'Chapter' homeworld, you feel the chip you had implanted in yourself to prevent you from rationalizing away the monstrous acts your position demands you commit on a daily basis or trying to end yourself already beginning to activate once again. That would be the third time today, you note idly.

You are not a good man, no one in the Priesthood of Mars is, and it is important to remember this fact so as not to grow complacent in your own self-righteousness.

But of course that is not your only augmentation of note.

Aside from your possession of more than one body, you do have one other enhancement, one that makes you stand out even among tech priests of your illustrious rank.

What is it?

[ ] Adamantium Fists: Your hands are so heavily augmented that you can casually punch through adamantium, something that has come in handy more than once when a threat dismissed you because you were unarmed.
[ ] Enhanced Regeneration: You can regenerate from wounds that would consign even the most durable space marines to the grave, and you can do so in short order.
[ ] Foldable Mechadendrites: You Mechadendrites are capable of folding entirely into your body, allowing you a great increase in general mobility and the ability to be less disturbing to unaugmented humans while folded.
[ ] Electro-wiring: Having spent some time as an electro-priest you actually have a few augments that allow you to directly channel and control the motive force.

OOC: As an aside I'm looking for a proofreader for this is anyone is interest.
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The First Chapter Part 2
[X] The Salamanders: Sons of Vulkan, the Salamanders are somewhat mutation prone, yet most deviations within their gene-seed are wholly positive - taking the form of increased temperature resistance, radiological resistance, and enhanced healing capability as well as their signature cosmetic mutation. This does, however, mean that any further mutations will likely be even more noticeable, and possibly have far worse consequences than this. Tactically, they are known for their love of thermal weaponry, and have a good reputation among the Imperium for their kindness and commitment to defending the Imperium's citizenry even when it leaves them at a tactical disadvantage.
[X] Fortuna:A paradise-like feral world, the human inhabitants of the world live in shockingly deep 'harmony' with the nature around them, and their local leaders are extremely good at predicting and either avoiding or defeating the challenges they encounter on the planet.
[x] Enhanced Regeneration: You can regenerate from wounds that would consign even the most durable space marines to the grave, and you can do so in short order.

Advanced Future Sight (Locked): This Chapter's Librarians have unusually accurate future sight, almost frighteningly so.
Jungle Warfare Specialty: This Chapter has mastered the arts of Jungle Warfare, few can hope to match them in their field of expertise.
Expert Craftsmanship: Space Marines of this Chapter are expert craftsmen, and often create at least some part of their standard kit themselves.

[ ] Write in Name
[ ] Write in or post a picture of the Chapter colors.

Perhaps equally as important as the Chapter's Gene-seed and Homeworld is its training, and the parts of the order of battle where they most excel.

Choose 1
[ ] Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaisance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved stealth warfare.
[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
[ ] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.
[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
[ ] Deepstrikes: More so than even other Space Marines, this Chapter has gained a mastery of the orbital strikes Adeptus Astartes are famous for.
[ ] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.

And naturally, you also take the time to see to it that the Chapter,s equipment needs are well taken care of. Choose 1.
[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
[ ] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
[ ] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.
[ ] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.

OOC: This is the first creation so your options are basic for now but expect this list to expand as time goes by. Also due to the wide variety of possible combinations please vote by plan. Include a name and color if you can please.
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The Verdant Eyes
[X] Name: Verdant Eyes
-[X] Dark Green & Brown
-[X] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
-[X] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.

Name: Verdant Eyes
Colors: Dark Green and Brown
Symbol: Reptilian Eye wreathed in flame.

Chapter Homeworld: The Verdant Eyes homeworld of Fortuna is classified as a combination of a Paradise World, a Death World, and a Feral World, a truly eclectic mix of designations. Fortuna is populated mainly by human tribes, each led by 'Seers' who possess an uncanny ability to predict the future, an ability primarily used by the locals to avoid becoming victims of the planet's larger mega-fauna - such as the fierce Carnosaur or gargantuan Dread Saurian. Lesser creatures within the jungle are still hunted however, and both the native tribes and the Verdant Eyes themselves have taken to carving the bones of particularly durable specimens into spears, ones that in the hands of a Verdant Eyes Librarian have proven to capable of piercing power armor with shocking ease.

The Chapter's Fortress Monastery is located deep underground within a natural cave that leads to the very deepest recesses of the planet. Within this cavern the Chapter's Seers look into dozens of futures in order to unveil the best route to the chapters success, though unlike the likes of the Blood Ravens the actual Chapter Master of the Verdant Eyes is not himself a Librarian. In fact, the Verdant Eyes Chapter has solid tradition of its Librarians remaining in strictly advisory roles.

Almost unprecedented among Space Marines Chapters is the fact that the Verdant Eyes have a near perfect rate of success in gene-seed implantation, something attributed to the oddly mundane usage of the Chapter Librarian's precognitive abilities in order to identify candidates that they are nearly certain will survive the process of becoming a Space Marine.

Combat: Before combat, the Verdant Eyes are known to heavily investigate their most likely enemies utilizing a combination of both their enhanced future sight and conventional intelligence gathering. Once the target's nature is established, the Verdant Eyes then proceed to fall upon their enemies utilizing the set of tactics deemed most appropriate, specialized ammunition meant to do the most damage to any given foe, and master-crafted weaponry of which the chapter maintains a wide arsenal for a variety of situations.

Notable Battles of the Verdan Eyes
-An attack by the Eldar of Biel-Tan is repelled, as the Elder Craftworld had been incensed by the human settlement of what they claimed to be a 'Maiden World'. This would turn out to be the inciting incident of a long standing animosity between the Verdant Eyes and the most militaristic of the Eldar Craftworlds.
-A Dark Eldar raid from the depths of the Webway strikes the world of Fortuna, only to find the planet bereft of targets. Soured by the lack of victims to capture and unwilling to risk their souls being drained for next to no gain the Dark Eldar are forced to return home empty handed.
-Biel-Tan makes yet another attack on the planet of Fortuna, but once again finds itself repulsed, this time by the combined forces of both the Verdant Eyes and sections of the Imperial Fists, who had been utilizing the system as a staging point for a campaign against a nearby Ork WAAAAGH!
-For the third time Biel-Tan strikes against the world of Fortuna. This time, heavy weapons are deployed and large sections of the population, alongside large parts of the world itself, are damaged. However, the attack is eventually repulsed when the local wildlife of Fortuna seemingly begins to launch a coordinated assault on the Biel-Tan forces and the Verdant Eyes Librarians suddenly find themselves far more able to outmaneuver Biel–Tan's Farseers. Rumors have spread that the world of Fortuna itself took umbrage with the damage caused by Biel-Tan, and that it had in fact been guiding the Verdant Eyes the whole time, but such claims are unsubstantiated at best.
-The Verdant Eyes launch a series of retaliatory actions against the Craftworld of Biel-Tan, using their future sight find combat engagements that the larger Craftworld would be forced to commit to and jumping in to attack Biel-Tan forces while the latter are occupied.
-A large Emperor's Children force is destroyed within the (Redacted) region. Most notably, during the battle Lucius the Eternal was seen among the fighting and was the only Emperors Children survivor of the battle, having had all of his limbs blown off in the fighting by four precise bolter rounds. Such is a testament to the skill of the marksman that he was not even killed accidentally during the exchange.
-During the Age of Apostasy, the minor Shrine World of Vindicus was targeted for destruction by the mad Goge Vandire's followers, due to its leadership's criticism of his policies, but found itself saved before it could face utter destruction when the full force of the Verdant Eyes destroyed the would be exterminatus fleet. Vindicus would later go on to become a major shrine world of great importance, and has never forgotten the aid of the Emperor's Angels in its darkest hour.
-An impromptu truce is established between the Verdant Eyes and the Eldar of Craftworld Ulthwe as the two forces cooperate in preventing a Thousand Suns plot that would have transformed every planet within Fortuna's sector into a Daemon world and opened up a major warp rift.

Diplomatic Relations
Salamanders Relations: The Verdant Eyes maintain friendly relations with their parent chapter, even if their elder brothers see them as extremely strange and prone to traveling vast distances on missions with seemingly minimal benefit.
Ordo Malleus Relations: The Verdant Eyes are often seen as far too good at fighting the forces of Chaos for an organization not under the Ordo's direct supervision, and are looked at with a suspicious eye.
Ordo Hereticus Relations: The Verdant Eyes are seen as reliable and trustworthy aid by the Ordo Hereticus, even though they make frequent usage of psykers. No one knows exactly why though.
Ordo Xenos Relations: Relations between the Ordo Xenos and Verdant Eyes improved greatly after the discovery of the Genestealer Cults, as the incredible accuracy of Verdant Eyes Seers has allowed the Inquisition to dismantle many such cults before they could truly begin.
Ulthwe Relations: Ulthwe has found that they can count on the Verdant Eyes to focus on pressing threats over petty hatreds in most cases, which immediately puts them far above just about any other Imperial institution and a few Eldar ones in the eyes of the precariously located Craftworld.
Ecclesiarchy Relations: The Verdant Eye's rescue of Shrine World Vindicus in its darkest hour has not been forgotten.

Artifacts/Unique Units/Rare Units
Ebony Spears: Spears made up of the the bones of a particularly aggressive beast from Fortuna. The bones in question are excellent channels of physic power, and greatly enhance the might of Verdant Eyes librarians that use them.
Space Marine Scout Veteran: Space Marines veterans that continue with dedicated scouting long after being promoted into proper battle brothers. Their efforts leave the Verdant Eyes 10th company exceptionally capable.
Dreadnought Seers: While Dreadnought entombed librarians that can actively use their psychic abilities are incredibly rare outside of the Blood Angels and successor chapters, the future sight of the Verdan Eyes Librarians is able to work perfectly fine from within the confines of an ancient. Dreadnought Seers are typically stored within a dedicated chamber within the Verdant Eyes fortress monastery and occasionally awaken without outside input if they receive a vision that they feel the need to relay or act on.

Chapter Creations Result
+15 Reputation

Added New Training Option
Spear Training: The Chapter is especially well trained in the use of spear and javelin like weapons, this does not cover staves or pole-arms however.
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2nd Chapter Creation Prologue
2nd Chapter Creation Prologue

Your success with the first chapter has led to some... interesting 'requests' being left at your proverbial doorstep by many people of power within the Imperium. If you so wished, you could accept one of the requests in exchange for some aid with your future projects from the client. Of course, you could also simply ignore the favour trading and continue on with your work as is.

The choice, ultimately, is yours... For once in your life.

Choose 1

[ ] Do as you will
: You will not be taking any requests at this time.
[ ] Aid to Ultramar: The Ultramarines are putting all their efforts into the Scouring, leaving quite a few holes in the defenses of the Realm of Ultramar. Another space marine Chapter in the region could help alleviate that, and ensure the safety of the 500 Worlds.
Goals: Choose a home planet with the 'Ultramar' tag in the next chapter creation.
[ ] Clearing Remnants: Traitor Solar Auxiliaries remain a problem on many planets, even after the traitors had their command structure and organisation shattered at Terra. A Chapter dedicated to destroying these mortal followers of Chaos could go a long way.
Goals: Make the next Chapter fleet based.
[ ] Spiting the Blood God: Some of the 'Inquisitors' created by the Sigilite before his death have been toying with the idea of creating a Space Marine Chapter specifically built to be as unfulfilling a foe for the forces of Khorne to fight as possible. You may as well take them up on it - it's certainly one of their less horrific ideas.
Goals: Create a chapter specialized towards fighting Khorne.
[ ] Secure and Capture: Another request from the so-called 'Inquisition'. It appears they want a Chapter specialized in tracking down and capturing select targets... 'alive'... you would rather not try and comprehend the reasoning. You truly do wonder what Malcador was thinking some days.
[ ] Defending Solar: A need to defend the Segmentum that houses Terra itself has become apparent, or at the very least apparent to people with the right connections.
Goals: Great a chapters with homeworld that has the (Segmentum Solar) keyword.

Additionally you have some time for some…. bah... Politics.
You hate it… but it's how you get what you need to accomplish your duties, and so it must be done.

Reputation: 15
Points: 25

[ ] Traitor Legion Geneseed: Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course. 5 Points.
[ ] Extra Land Speeders: The Chapter has access to extra Land Speeders of various Patterns, granting them a more capable fast attack force. 10 Points.
[ ] Extra Assault Bikes: The Chapter has access to more Assault Bikes than average, expanding their capability in hit and run tactics. 5 Points.
[ ] Extra Predators: The Chapter has access to more Predator Tanks, allowing them to engage in armored warfare with better facility. 5 Points.
[ ] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power. 5 Points.

1 Time modifiers (Can be purchased multiple times and stored for later.)
[ ] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
[ ] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
[ ] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
[ ] Extra Land Raiders: The Chapter is able to acquire more Land Raiders than normal, allowing them to more freely deploy the mighty IFV against their enemies. 10 Points per charge.
[ ] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.
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2nd Chapter Creation Start
X] Plan: Sky
-[X] Clearing Remnants: Traitor Solar Auxiliaries remain a problem on many planets, even after the traitors had their command structure and organisation shattered at Terra. A Chapter dedicated to destroying these mortal followers of Chaos could go a long way.
-[X] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power. (5 points)
-[X] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.
-[X] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given Legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.

You find yourself once again shifting through the gene-seed of the nine loyalist space marine legions. This time, you will be creating a Space Marine Chapter specialized towards purging the traitors once part of the Solar Auxilia.

Apparently, the heavy focus on the traitor legions and their homeworlds during the Scouring has led to a great number of the former auxiliary forces going to ground, and start making nuisances of themselves across the Imperium, even with the traitor command structure obliterated at Terra.


1 charge of Legendary Gene-Seed.

[ ] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any others.

[ ] The Ultramarines: The most pure and stable Space Marine Gene-seed, the Ultramarines, sons of Roboute Guiliman, are a lineage that gives no great benefits but in turn does not have great downsides. They are tactically balanced, seeking to practice all forms of warfare rather than master just a few, and stand as the most numerous of the surviving Space Marines. They do seem to have started a minor tradition of maintaining ties with their successor Chapters, however. Whether this is a boon or a curse remains to be seen.

[ ] The Dark Angels: The Dark Angels, sons of Lion El Johnson, much like the Ultramarines have a very stable and mutation free Gene-Seed. They have access to a great deal of highly advanced technology gifted to them by the Emperor, and have formed several of their Companies into heirs of their previous elite forces such as the Deathwing. However, the Dark Angels have also been acting very erratic of late, and are stubbornly insistent about forming 'relations' with their founding chapters regarding matters they refuse to speak of, even to other Astartes. A great number of officials within the Imperium are growing very concerned about this, but with the death of the First Legion's Primarch, it seems unlikely anyone could force them to reveal the reason for their behaviour.

[ ] The Salamanders: Sons of Vulkan, the Salamanders are somewhat mutation prone, yet most deviations within their gene-seed are wholly positive - taking the form of increased temperature resistance, radiological resistance, and enhanced healing capability as well as their signature cosmetic mutation. This does, however, mean that any further mutations will likely be even more noticeable, and possibly have far worse consequences than this. Tactically, they are known for their love of thermal weaponry, and have a good reputation among the Imperium for their kindness and commitment to defending the Imperium's citizenry even when it leaves them at a tactical disadvantage.

[ ] The White Scars: The Sons of Jaghatai Khan bear no overt physical defects, yet the White Scars Gene-Seed has been known to make those implanted with it more savage and hungry for war. In honour of their Primarch's history as a master of cavalry, they have mastered the use of both Combat Bikes and the rarer Jetbike units, and specialise in high speed, hit and run battles.

[ ] The Iron Hands: The Gene-Seed of the Sons of Ferrus Manus seems to hold a genuine disdain of weakness within it, and since the death of their Primarch this hatred seems to have further narrowed into contempt for the weakness of the flesh specifically. Though you fully understand the irony of a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus thinking this, you find the belief irrational at best - for is the organic matter in Space Marines not already more durable and more capable than most cybernetics known to the Imperium? In fact, so pristine is the Omnissiah's enhancements that these cybernetics can actually be a degradation from the original…. But of course, you are a mere Genetor, who degrades himself by working with the 'weak' flesh rather than the blessed machine spirits. Even if you are older and more learned about the ways of the machine than several of your closest peers put together, what could you possibly know about the topic of flesh and machinery in relation to one another?

[ ] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.

[ ] The Imperial Fists: A famously stalwart legion, the Gene-Seed of the Sons of Dorn lacks the Betchers Gland and Sus-an Membrane entirely, leaving them incapable of spitting acid as an emergency weapon and unable to enter suspended animation when critically injured, but otherwise is fairly stable. They are renowned as the greatest masters of defense in all the Imperium, and have also begun to fill the role of the treasonous Iron Warriors in siege warfare.

And.... hmm, it appears that the Chapter will be fleet based, under the terms of your prior agreement. Sensible, you suppose - a force committed to hunting traitors will require mobility to hunt their targets, no matter where they may hide themselves.

[X] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move, but as a result will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own in the future. (Locked In)

[ ] Dualis: A planet that is half Forge World on one side and half Death World on the other. The Forge World half of the planet often uses the Death World half to acquire unique chemical mixtures from the wildlife, and puts great pains into maintaining the health of the tribal humans that lurk within its jungles.

[ ] Equartaz: A planet populated by nomads that have tamed horses large enough to hold a space marine, and fierce enough to kill the Orks that infest the planet on a regular basis. Oddly enough, the local Forge World of Beyath-Ezda has discovered an STC that actually contains blueprints of powered armor for these strange horses, of all things. Truly, the Ancients made some strange wonders in their time.

[ ] Extrema: A cataclysm of a planet, the only places not covered entirely in ice are those that are located right next to the many rivers of lava that crisscross Extrema's surface. The people of this planet have long adapted to both of these environments and are remarkably able to travel between them as circumstances demand.

[ ] Yuruld II: An unfortunate planet stuck in between the feuding Forge Worlds of Yuruld I and Yuruld III, the world itself is a blasted wasteland full of wrecks from the constant skirmishing and occasional major war between it's two Forge World neighbors. This in turn has made the locals experts in both basic survival, and in making sure that neither of the two nearby Forge Worlds decide to crush them.

[ ] Pertana IV: The most unusual aspect of this planet are its human inhabitants, who have displayed what can only be described as shocking levels of pain resistance, being by all accounts completely unbothered by even the absolute maximum amount of pain a human can survive without dying. The planet itself is mostly unremarkable, beyond the strange fog that seems to cover the entire surface.

[ ] Akasha II: In all regards Akasha is a completely standard jungle Death World, with it's main standout 'trait' being the fact that the Imperial Truth seems to have been adopted very quickly and become strongly entrenched in the short amount of time since it's adoption.

[ ] Skaltland: A large planet of lush green forests, the inhabitants are tough and belligerent folk…. Being extremely prone to excessive swearing, and picking fights at the drop of the hat. And this is without the horrid shrieking caused by the 'bagpipes' that are their most popular musical instrument. (Fenris Region).
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The Second Chapter Part 2
[x] Raven Guard

Autonomous Companies: The companies of the Chapter are masters at operating independently from one another, and if need be even from Chapter Command, allowing them to operate across the Imperium without difficulty.
Skilled Admirals: The Chapter's Fleetmasters are among the most skilled among all Space Marines, giving them an edge in space combat.

Once again, you find yourself overlooking the options available to you for the Chapter's equipment and training.

[ ] Write in Name
[ ] Write in or post a picture of the chapter colors.
[ ] Write in chapter symbol.
[ ] Write in chapter creed. (Optional).

Choose 1
[ ] Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaisance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved stealth warfare.
[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
[ ] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.
[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
[ ] Deepstrikes: More so than even other Space Marines, this Chapter has gained a mastery of the orbital strikes Adeptus Astartes are famous for.
[ ] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines, the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.
[ ] Spear Training: The Chapter is especially well trained in the use of spear and javelin like weapons, this does not cover staves or pole-arms however.

And naturally, you also take the time to see that the Chapter's equipment needs are well taken care of. It wouldn't do to send them out there without any weapons to fulfill their duties, would it?

(You have 1 charge of extra equipment, allowing you to pick 2 equipment options if used)

Choose 1.

[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
[ ] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
[ ] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.
[ ] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.
[ ] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power. (5 points)

OOC: I opened voting early by accident but consider their to be a 3 hour moratorium.
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The Dark Peregrines
[X] Plan From Nowhere
-[X] Dark Peregrines
-[X] Primary black, Secondary gold
-[X] A peregrine falcon in black diving towards the ground, with its back half made to look like a lightning bolt
-[X] From the Dark, Like Thunder!
-[X] Deepstrikes: More so than even other Space Marines, this Chapter has gained a mastery of the orbital strikes Adeptus Astartes are famous for.
-[X] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has enough Assault Packs to equip extra Assault Marines.
-[X] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks.

Name: Dark Peregrines
Colors: Primary black, Secondary gold
Symbol: A peregrine falcon in black diving towards the ground, with its back half made to look like a lightning bolt
Chapter Creed: From the Dark, Like Thunder!

Recruitment and Structure: The Dark Peregrines lack a homeworld, and as such tend to pick up their recruits from various Imperial worlds along the paths they travel. Unlike standard Space Marine Chapters, the Dark Peregrines companies are each allowed to recruit and train their own scout marines, instead of such young warriors being the exclusive remit of the Tenth Company. This is a necessity, due to the fact that each of the Chapter's companies are scattered across the vast territory of the Imperium at any given time. For the same reason, each company is far larger than the 100 Marines of Codex compliant Chapters, due to not being able to call upon reinforcements. Due to the scattered nature of the Dark Peregrines, the Chapter Master has taken on a more ceremonial role, only truly making decisions when more than one company is fighting in a given campaign. On the rare occasions a meeting of all of the Chapter's companies is called, decisions are often made via a council of all company Captains.

Combat: The Dark Peregrines are some of the greatest masters of voidborn combat among all Space Marines, and are just as adept at blasting apart their enemies at range as they are at boarding actions. In ground combat, they prefer to attack the enemy with unrelenting deep strikes into any possible weaknesses. More often than not, these attacks consist mostly of the Dark Peregrine's Assault Marines, which they, like the Blood Angels and their successors, have a higher number of than the norm, with four each of Tactical Squads and Assault Squads rather than the Codex standard 6/2/2 outline. In addition, they can count on consistent support from the Chapter's Thunderhawks, and even orbital fire support if a given enemy is unable to extensively pressure the company's fleet.

Notable Battles of the Dark Peregrines
- The Dark Peregrines would spend the vast majority of their early history in a long campaign known as 'The Reaping', during which the Chapter systematically hunted down and brutally slaughtered countless traitors once part of the Solar Auxillia. During one battle, so many traitor Solar Auxillia sworn to the Dark Prince were slain that a third force of Daemons loyal to the Blood God manifested to join the fray, leading to an intense three way maelstrom that ultimately ended in the Dark Peregrine's victory.
-Shortly after the end of The Reaping, the Dark Peregrines were called to eliminate some of the very first Imperial Navy detachments to turn traitor. The Peregrines took to their new mission with vigour, and carried it out with such efficiency that all vessels were later reclaimed by the Imperial Navy mostly intact.
-The Dark Peregrines are deployed to deal with an increase in Ork Piracy… something that would prove a herald of a disaster to come.
-While mopping up the remnants of the Ork Pirates, the Dark Peregrines are ambushed by Warboss Gitchcrusher and his vessel, the Dakkageddon, a battleship sized monstrosity with so many guns on it that it was propelled not by conventional thrusters, but the sheer force of the recoil of it's rear battery. Unfortunately for the Dark Peregrines, the two companies that had been in the area would both be nearly destroyed. Due to the casualties taken, the 4th and 7th companies were forced to abandon all tasks to focus on rebuilding, while the rest of the Chapter sought vengeance.
-Incensed by the loss of two full companies, the Dark Peregrines deploy their full force, taking the field of battle as one for the first time since the Chapter's creation. In a climactic battle, they destroyed the Gitcrusher's WAAAAAGH through the liberal application of Nova Cannon shells, with the Dakkageddon reduced to nothing more than stellar debris.
-Having returned to full strength just in time for the Age of Apostasy, the Dark Peregrines were some of the very first Imperial institutions to take a stand against Goge Vandire's treachery and ambition. It is said that their reprisals against the rogue Ecclesiarch's forces were so ruthless, that even today the Dark Peregrines are considered by many to be a scourge sent by the Emperor to kill the disloyal and the heretical.
-Basillius the Elder, out of "concern" after having allegedly found a full 40 Chapters to be tainted by Chaos, pressured the High Lords to allow him to extend his judgment to another 200 Chapters. The Dark Peregrines caught wind of this, and 'volunteered' to be the first Chapter to take on this new trial, starting with their 1st company. When said 1st company arrived with the backing of several highly respected Inquisitors and very detailed records of the Age of Apostasy, the Imperial 'Saint' very quickly dropped his agitation, and would withdraw his requests in short order. It would remain the sole black mark on his record, until his later revelation as a follower of Chaos years later.
-In the wake of a major defection, the Dark Peregrines are deployed against an entire rogue fleet of the Imperial Navy. Not a single traitor survived.
-While on patrol against unrelated pirates, the 8th Company of the Dark Peregrines finds itself under attack by the Red Corsairs, the traitors responsible for the Badab War. The fighting was fierce, but the Red Corsairs boarding parties were repelled in short order from all Dark Peregrine ships, and the Chaos Marine pirates were soon tracked to their secret anchorage. The Dark Peregrines then obliterated the heretic space station, using one of the many forgotten weapons they had 'confiscated' from traitor Imperial Navy over the years.
-A sudden surge in both Traitor Guard and pirate forces leads the Dark Peregrines to engage in a century-long crusade, one that would see the Chapter's infamous reputation among the mortal forces of the Imperium engrave itself even further.

Diplomatic Relations
Space Marines: For a long time, other Space Marine Chapters, even their fellow Sons of Corax, derided the Dark Peregrines as being nothing more than loyalist Night Lords, terrorists and killers that would at best perform sub-par when put up against actual, Space Marine level opponents. Their recent battle with the Red Corsairs proved enough to disabuse most of this notion, and there has since been a marked increase in respect for the Chapter among its peers.
Inquisition: The Inquisition has used the Dark Peregrines Chapter on many occasions, as aids to deal with a wide variety of traitors to the Imperium.Due to this history of exceptional service, the Chapter is widely considered to be reliable comrades by most Inquisitors, and few would entertain the thought of accusing them of Heresy barring ironclad evidence.
Sisters of Battle: So great and legendary is the Chapter's reputation as the Emperor's scourge, that the Adepta Sororitas considers the mere presence of the Dark Peregrines to be a sign that treachery has occurred. While this doesn't usually mean aggression directed at the Dark Peregrines, given the immense respect they have earned through their efforts to root out heresy, it does mean the Sisters of Battle become significantly more likely to burn fellow Imperial forces to death when the Dark Peregrines are nearby. The Dark Peregrines tend to try to avoid them, lest innocents pay the price.
Imperial Navy: While the average captain of the Imperial Navy dreads the Dark Peregrines due to their horrible actions against those accused of treason, the higher ranks tend to appreciate the Chapter's tendency to reclaim uncorrupted navy ships instead of just blowing them up.
Imperial Guard: No one in the Imperial Guard, from the lowliest Guardsman to the most decorated General, ever wants the Dark Peregrines to show up. Not even during a Black Crusade - actually, especially not during a Black Crusade. They might occasionally resent Space Marines for unintentionally taking all of the credit, but the Dark Peregrines, and the consequences they often bring, are feared more than the enemy.
Ecclesiarchy: The Ecclesiarchy makes a habit of executing the leadership of any Shrine World that a Dark Peregrine fleet visits, under the assumption that only a deep betrayal could attract the Scourge of the Emperor to such a holy system. The Dark Peregrines try to avoid Shrine Worlds.

The Banner of Judgement: A banner said to have been used by the Dark Peregrines from their earliest days, the Banner of Judgement is said to shatter the minds of any mortal human that dares to look upon it, even those that have already been broken by the power of Chaos.
-The Dreaded 24: A set of 24 relic Bolters, whose machine spirits are said to despise traitors of all stripes. The bolter rounds fired from these weapons are said to inflict such agony upon any traitor they hit, that even the most depraved servants of the Dark Prince are brought to pathetic whimpering upon feeling their wrath.

Chapter Creation Results
+20 Reputation

Added New Training Option
Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.
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3rd Chapter Prologue
Another Chapter has been finished, but your work remains incomplete.

It is time for…. Politics.


Choose 1
[ ] Do as you will: You will not be taking any requests at this time.

[ ] Aid to Ultramar: The Ultramarines are putting all their efforts into the Scouring, leaving quite a few holes in the defenses of the Realm of Ultramar. Another space marine Chapter in the region could help alleviate that, and ensure the safety of the 500 Worlds.
Goals: Choose a home planet with the 'Ultramar' tag in the next chapter creation.

[ ] Spiting the Blood God: Some of the 'Inquisitors' created by the Sigilite before his death have been toying with the idea of creating a Space Marine Chapter specifically built to be as unfulfilling a foe for the forces of Khorne to fight as possible. You may as well take them up on it - it's certainly one of their less horrific ideas.
Goals: Create a chapter specialized towards fighting Khorne.

[ ] Secure and Capture: Another request from the so-called 'Inquisition'. It appears they want a Chapter specialized in tracking down and capturing select targets... 'alive'... you would rather not try and comprehend the reasoning. You truly do wonder what Malcador was thinking some days.

[ ] Defending Solar: A need to defend the Segmentum that houses Terra itself has become apparent, or at the very least apparent to people with the right connections.
Goals: Great a chapters with homeworld that has the (Segmentum Solar) keyword.

[ ] Testing, Testing: The Forge World of Murphius is one of the greatest producers of bolter weapons and rounds outside of Mars itself. They are also constantly switching between the many different patterns of bolters that they have 'discovered' in their obsessive quest to discover the ultimate incarnation of bolt weapon technology. They want a Chapter to test some of their... newer rediscoveries. You wish you could be unconnected to these idiots some days, you really do.
Condition: The next Chapter gets the Randomized Bolter Quality trait.

[ ] The Synopticon: The Synopticon in the Imperium's intelligence agency, gathering information on the nature and plans of mankind's enemies, be they fellow humans or aliens. Now that the Assassinorum, the traditional combat arm of the Imperium's shadow, has become more and more preoccupied with doing the Inquisition's dirty work, they want a Chapter made that can act on their intelligence before the opportunity fades.
Goal: Great a Chapter with a homeworld that has the (Near Terra) Tag.

[ ] OP-4: The Assassinorum wants a chapter of Space Marines to practice against… Including combat trials. They have vowed to not actually kill them all and render ALL OF YOUR WORK POINTLESS. How... kind of them.
Goal: Create an anti-stealth Chapter.

Additionally you have some time for some…. bah... Politics.

You hate it… but it's how you get what you need to accomplish your duties, and so it must be done.

Reputation: 35
Points: 30

[ ] Traitor Legion Geneseed: Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.

[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course. 5 Points.

[ ] Extra Land Speeders: The Chapter has access to extra Land Speeders of various Patterns, granting them a more capable fast attack force. 10 Points.

[ ] Extra Assault Bikes: The Chapter has access to more Assault Bikes than average, expanding their capability in hit and run tactics. 5 Points.

[ ] Extra Predators: The Chapter has access to more Predator Tanks, allowing them to engage in armored warfare with better facility. 5 Points.

1 Time modifiers (Can be purchased multiple times and stored for later.)

[ ] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.

[ ] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.

[ ] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.

[ ] Extra Land Raiders: The Chapter is able to acquire more Land Raiders than normal, allowing them to more freely deploy the mighty IFV against their enemies. 10 Points per charge.

[ ] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.

1 Unit of Legendary Gene-Seed.
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3rd Chapter Start
[X] Plan "Big Brother" Alpharius
-[X] The Synopticon: The Synoticon in the Imperiums conventional intelligence agency, and one that gathers quite a bit of information. They want a chapter made that can act on their intelligence now that the Assassinorum has become more and more preoccupied with doing the Inquisitions dirty work.
Goal: Great a Chapter with a homeworld that has the (Near Terra) Tag.
-[X] Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its ups and downs but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
--[X] Alpha Legion
-[X] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
-[X] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.

The Synopticon? Hmmmmm... yes, you remember them….. not that they were any use during the Heresy, but then again few things were. Before that, though, they proved themselves quite useful, examining and analysing new threats so the Legions new what they were in for.

Hmph... well, at least some sort of rival to the Inquisition would be warranted, if only because you don't trust any group in the Imperium with unchecked, absolute power - even the Custodes ultimately failed, after all. As for what Legion to use... well, the answer seems fairly obvious, doesn't it?

.... Guiliman will not be happy with this one. You can already feel the Look.

2 charges of Legendary Gene-Seed.
1 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed.

Choose 1
[ ] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.

[ ] The Ultramarines: The most pure and stable Space Marine Gene-seed, the Ultramarines, sons of Roboute Guiliman, are a lineage that gives no great benefits but in turn does not have great downsides. They are tactically balanced, seeking to practice all forms of warfare rather than master just a few, and stand as the most numerous of the surviving Space Marines. They do seem to have started a minor tradition of maintaining ties with their successor Chapters, however. Whether this is a boon or a curse remains to be seen.

[ ] The Dark Angels: The Dark Angels, sons of Lion El Johnson, much like the Ultramarines have a very stable and mutation free Gene-Seed. They have access to a great deal of highly advanced technology gifted to them by the Emperor, and have formed several of their Companies into heirs of their previous elite forces such as the Deathwing. However, the Dark Angels have also been acting very erratic of late, and are stubbornly insistent about forming 'relations' with their founding chapters regarding matters they refuse to speak of, even to other Astartes. A great number of officials within the Imperium are growing very concerned about this, but with the death of the First Legion's Primarch, it seems unlikely anyone could force them to reveal the reason for their behaviour.

[ ] The Salamanders: Sons of Vulkan, the Salamanders are somewhat mutation prone, yet most deviations within their gene-seed are wholly positive - taking the form of increased temperature resistance, radiological resistance, and enhanced healing capability as well as their signature cosmetic mutation. This does, however, mean that any further mutations will likely be even more noticeable, and possibly have far worse consequences than this. Tactically, they are known for their love of thermal weaponry, and have a good reputation among the Imperium for their kindness and commitment to defending the Imperium's citizenry even when it leaves them at a tactical disadvantage.

[ ] The White Scars: The Sons of Jaghatai Khan bear no overt physical defects, yet the White Scars Gene-Seed has been known to make those implanted with it more savage and hungry for war. In honour of their Primarch's history as a master of cavalry, they have mastered the use of both Combat Bikes and the rarer Jetbike units, and specialise in high speed, hit and run battles.

[ ] The Iron Hands: The Gene-Seed of the Sons of Ferrus Manus seems to hold a genuine disdain of weakness within it, and since the death of their Primarch this hatred seems to have further narrowed into contempt for the weakness of the flesh specifically. Though you fully understand the irony of a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus thinking this you find the belief irrational at best, for is the organic matter in space marines not already more durable and more capable than most cybernetics known to the Imperium? In fact, so pristine is the Omnissiah's enhancements that these cybernetics can actually be a degradation from the original…. But of course, you are a mere Genetor, who degrades himself by working with the 'weak' flesh rather than the blessed machine spirits. Even if you are older and more learned about the ways of the machine than several of your closest peers put together, what could you possibly know about the topic of flesh and machinery in relation to one another?

[ ] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.

[ ] The Imperial Fists: A famously stalwart legion, the Gene-Seed of the Sons of Dorn lacks the Betchers Gland and Sus-an Membrane entirely, leaving them incapable of spitting acid as an emergency weapon and unable to enter suspended animation when critically injured, but otherwise is fairly stable. They are renowned as the greatest masters of defense in all the Imperium, and have also begun to fill the role of the treasonous Iron Warriors in siege warfare.

[ ] The Alpha Legion: The Gene-Seed derived from the traitorous Alpharius is, despite it's origins, very pure as the physical is concerned, with no noticeable mutations beyond the fact that Alpha Legionaires tend to so closely resemble their father as to be able to impersonate him convincingly. On the mental side the Alpha Legion's Gene-Seed seems to create more secretive Astartes with a greater sense of initiative, resulting in them being masters of intelligence gathering, sabotage, and all other forms of indirect warfare.

Choose 1

[ ] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move, but as a result will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own in the future.

[ ] Dualis: A planet that is half Forge World on one side and half Death World on the other. The Forge World half of the planet often uses the Death World half to acquire unique chemical mixtures from the wildlife, and puts great pains into maintaining the health of the tribal humans that lurk within its jungles.

[ ] Equartaz: A planet populated by nomads that have tamed horses large enough to hold a space marine, and fierce enough to kill the Orks that infest the planet on a regular basis. Oddly enough, the local Forge World of Beyath-Ezda has discovered an STC that actually contains blueprints of powered armor for these strange horses of all things. Truly, the Ancients made some strange wonders in their time.

[ ] Extrema: A cataclysm of a planet, the only places not covered entirely in ice are those that are located right next to the many rivers of lava that crisscross Extrema's surface. The people of this planet have long adapted to both of these environments and are remarkably able to travel between them as circumstances demand.

[ ] Yuruld II: An unfortunate planet stuck in between the feuding Forge Worlds of Yuruld I and Yuruld III, the world itself is a blasted wasteland full of wrecks from the constant skirmishing and occasional major war between it's two Forge World neighbors. This in turn has made the locals experts in both basic survival, and in making sure that neither of the two nearby Forge Worlds decide to crush them.

[ ] Pertana IV: The most unusual aspect of this planet are its human inhabitants, who have displayed what can only be described as shocking levels of pain resistance - being by all accounts completely unbothered by even the absolute maximum amount of pain a human can survive without dying. The planet itself is mostly unremarkable, beyond the strange fog that seems to cover the entire surface.

[ ] Akasha II: In all regards Akasha is a completely standard jungle Death World, with it's main standout 'trait' being the fact that the Imperial Truth seems to have been adopted very quickly and become strongly entrenched in the short amount of time since it's adoption.

[ ] Skaltland: A large planet of lush green forests, the inhabitants are tough and belligerent folk - being extremely prone to excessive swearing, and picking fights at the drop of the hat. And this is without the horrid shrieking caused by the 'bagpipes' that are their most popular musical instrument. (Fenris Region).

[ ] Kornan II: A World that has the unfortunate fate of being a 'gathering spot' of several Knight Houses… especially given the Knight Houses have a habit of hunting the locals of this jungle moon for sport at these gatherings.

[ ] Ciclus: A temperate, life supporting planet in a solar system surrounded by strange gravitational anomalies so powerful as to tear apart any ship that gets near them, the sole safe route through these anomalies makes for a brilliant defensive checkpoint. Even more importantly, it is impossible to bypass these anomalies via warp jump. (Near Terra).

[ ] Shassad: A jungle infamous for the wide variety of snakes that live on it… as well as a particularly persistent feral Ork occupation, kept in check by a combination of said snakes and the military action of the planet's human tribes. (Near Terra).

[ ] Coloder: A part ice, part oceanic planet, the local tribes of Coloder survive mainly by living atop icebergs that are large enough to hold entire cities. These cities are often besieged by predators from the sea, air, and 'land' alike. (Near Terra).

[ ] Ikkite: A forest planet notable for being covered in spiky, nearly indestructible plant life, the humans of this planet have learned to keep constant awareness of their surroundings even when in the fiercest of combat, lest they be impaled. (Near Terra).

[ ] Oropt: A desert world near one of the major warp routes into Terra. It's inhabitants are a tribal people that are constantly engaged in a fierce war with large, ant-like insects. (Near Terra).
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The Third Chapter Part 2
[X] Plan: Enemy of infiltration
-[x] Alpha Legion: A very pure Gene-Seed so far as the physical is concerned, on the mental side the Alpha Legion's Gene-Seed seems to create more secretive Astartes with a greater sense of initiative.
--[x] Legendary Gene-Seed
-[x] Urhah: The planet Urhah is a temperate notable for one thing and thing only. The fact that the locals are under constant siege from shapeshifting xenos predators. (Near Terra).
--[x] Adaptive Gene-Seed

Complex Planners: The Chapter has a habit of making and executing incredibly complex plans, making them excellent for situations with very specific objectives. In more vague battlefields, however, the havoc of war may well see their schemes falter as unforeseen obstacles harry them.
Biomantic Shapeshifting: The Chapter has learned how to disguise themselves utilizing biomancy, via the study of Urhah's wildlife. This ability is in many ways superior to the shapeshifting ability of the Callidus Assassin Temple, but requires more effort on the user's part to maintain, not to mention the usual caveats of it being a psychic skill.
Advanced Counterintelligence: The Chapter is proficient in counterintelligence operations and detecting enemy infiltrators.
Melee Mastery: Due to being forced to fight powerful melee combatants on a regular basis, this Chapter is proficient in all forms of close ranged combat.

As you finish the preliminary work on the Alpha Legion Gene-Seed, a part of you can't help but note with annoyance that you are legally fully within your right to work on any Legion's Gene-Seed as you please, given your prior work. After all, all Gene-Seed, even that of the Traitor Legions, is the work of the Omnissiah Himself,, and so long as it is not corrupted or perverted by outside forces any of it is as holy as some of the oldest and most advanced machines in the galaxy.

Which does make the temperamental nature of the Space Wolves Gene-Seed a true tragedy - it would have been a glorious sight, to see how it would evolve if put into a new environment as all organic things are wont to do. Sadly, your offer to help them stabilise the Canis Helix was rejected, Russ grumbling that you had too much work to do as it was and that they would handle it themselves, which... okay so he was right about the number of things you have to juggle, but you're a little miffed anyways.

Still, you make a point of spending the political capital to get official permission anyway, if only to keep certain fundamentalist idiots from getting crossed wires over the fact. At first you were a little worried about whether Guiliman would be willing to let you make such a Chapter so soon after the Heresy - from what you've heard he killed Alpharius not long ago, though it'll probably never be certain whether that truly was the 20th Primarch - but surprisingly, after he finished giving you the Look for dropping yet another political annoyance before him, he agreed quite easily! As a matter of fact, the Lord Commander had had just one request...

"Do not let Belisarius Cawl acquire the Gene Seed samples of the traitors." The Regent of the Imperium commands you, one hand pinching his brow in exhausted annoyance. "Just... do not allow him to acquire it. Under any circumstances."

Your augmented mind begins to formulate what would happen if that maniacal fool got his hands on the Traitor Legion Gene Seed, and then you immediately forcibly sever that train of thought because you do not want to know. Oh by the Machine God, he'd probably try to do something like amplify the Night Lord's psychotic tendencies to make dedicated terror weapons - no, you are not finishing that thought. "Be assured, my lord." You answer aloud, your body - your actual one, making a request like this through proxy would just be rude - bowing respectfully to the Avenging Son. "My fellow Genetor shall not gain access to those stockpiles from me."

"My thanks." Guiliman replies, nodding respectfully, before turning to address the next of the many matters that have been brought before him.

As you begin the next phase of your work, you make sure that the body you have monitoring the entrance to your workshop is on alert. It's probably inevitable that Cawl will get his mechadendrites on the Traitor Gene Seed - a madman and a fool he may be, but he is not the only Genetor to equal your skill and renown for nothing.

It just won't be from you if you have any say in the matter.

[ ] Write in Name
[ ] Write in or post a picture of the chapter colors.
[ ] Write in chapter symbol.
[ ] Write in chapter creed. (Optional).

Normal Training Options
[ ] Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaissance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved capacity for stealth warfare.

[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.

[ ] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.

[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.

[ ] Deepstrikes: More so than even other Space Marines, this Chapter has gained a mastery of the orbital strikes Adeptus Astartes are famous for.

[ ] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.

[ ] Spear Training: The Chapter is especially well trained in the use of spear and javelin like weapons, this does not cover staves or pole-arms however.

[ ] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.

[ ] Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.

Normal Equipment Options
[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.

[ ] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.

[ ] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.

[ ] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.

[ ] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
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