The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Light Bringers
[X] Plan: Agents of the Imperium
-[X] Light Bringers
-[X] full black for scouts, grey for battle brothers, white for veterans and specialists. All marines have gold as a secondary color.
-[X] A sun undergoing an eclipse.
-[X] "Against the Dark, we are his light"
-[X] Chaplains: The chapter has more and higher quality Chaplains than average among its numbers.
-[X] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has enough Assault Packs to equip extra Assault Marines.

Name: Light Bringers
Colors: Full black for scouts, grey for battle brothers, white for veterans and specialists. All marines have gold as a secondary color.
Symbol: A sun undergoing an eclipse.
Chapter Motto: "Against the Dark, we are His Light!"

Homeworld: A planet dominated by temperate forests, with plenty of freshwater rivers, the world of Urhah is divided between two types of terrain - the forests… and heavily fortified settlements dedicated solely to keeping out the planet's apex predator.

Irkala: A species that is innately capable of the Psychic discipline of biomancy, which they use to shapeshift, the Irkala have taken on so many different forms throughout the millennia that it is said that no human has ever seen their true form - if, indeed, a species of natural shapeshifters has a true form at all. Some Irkala use this ability to infiltrate human settlements, preying on the destitute and defenceless from the shadows, while others assume the forms of giant beasts that attack the settlements from the outside, some of which are so massive and hold such might that guns capable of destroying Baneblades in a single shot are employed to deal with them.

Thankfully, the Irkala species breeds extremely slowly when removed from its native habitat, and so the threat level to the Imperium at large is minimal. There had been some worry after the Tyranids first emerged of the extragalactic invaders managing to absorb the Irkala's impressive capabilities, but the presence of untouched (Except for the wounds that killed them) Irkala corpses on worlds that had otherwise been completely stripped of life by the Great Devourer went a long way towards getting the Imperium to assess that threat as unlikely - the Irkala, it would seem, are not particularly palatable to the alien Hive Mind.

Combat: The Light Bringers retain the majority of their heavy vehicles, dreadnoughts, and devastator squads around their fortress monastery, which is even more heavily fortified than the Space Marine standard, instead of deploying them offensively. This is a necessity to keep the constant Irkala incursions at bay, but at times even these measures fail and the Light Bringer garrison is forced to rely on the Chapter's impressive skills in melee, combined with an internal layout specifically made to confound even the most adept shapeshifters, to keep their home secure.

If one were to just look at the Chapter's 'normal' companies gathered in one place, one would assume the Light Bringers to be a mostly conventional Codex compliant Chapter, albeit one with a higher than average number of Chaplains.

However, what is not shown on paper is the fact that the Light Bringers maintain large numbers of strike teams and individual agents across the galaxy as a whole, outside the main body of the Chapter. These strike teams work ceaselessly to strike at the enemies of the Imperium, making use of Elite Assault Marine Squads, Veteran Chaplains, and the Chapter's Librarians, who have mastered a type of biomancy that allows them to disguise themselves as any number of living things and even fight on par with their fellow Space Marines without needing the use of their power armor - something very useful in covert operations, as powered armor does not make for a good disguise unless it's as another Space Marine. Still, because of this the Librarians of the Light Bringers are almost entirely focused around self-enhancement biomancy and denying enemy psykers, meaning that one using an offensive psyker power is a rare sight.

When engaging in combat off of their homeworld, the Light Bringers often call upon these strike teams for assistance, either sabotaging the enemy before the fight begins or joining their brothers in battle, giving a Light Bringer Commander access to potent forces skilled in close combat.

Notable Battles/Events of the Light Bringers
-Following their founding, the Light Bringers immediately begin working with the Synopticon to build one of the most impressive intelligence networks known to the Imperium. It is said that the Light Bringers know some of the darkest, most hidden secrets in the whole of the Imperium, and that no Inquisitor alive could ever hope to match their gaze - a claim that, to the Inquisitor's chagrin, is far from unfounded.
-Due to the intervention of the Light Bringers, the Synopticon would weather the Beheading, the dark day where Grand Master of the Assassins Drakan Vangorich betrayed and murdered his fellow High Lords in disgust at the incompetence and Heresy that they had displayed during the War Of The Beast, mostly unscathed. Several Light Bringers strike teams were confirmed to have been operating on and around Terra during the incident, and though no one knows exactly what objective these strike teams were sent to accomplish, the fact that the dread Imperial Assassinorum pointedly refuses all calls to take action against even the lowest tactical marine of the Chapter without adamantium clad evidence of corruption has lead to many rumors that Light Bringers had uncovered some sort of forbidden relic or dark secret, one so damning that it could bring an end to even an organization as venerable as the Imperial Assassins.
-The Light Bringers and their accursed brothers, the Alpha Legion, begin engaging in a bitter war in the shadows - one that continues even to the present day. Countless marines and agents on both sides have been felled over those many years, and the hatred between the two factions runs even deeper than normal when traitor and loyalist Space Marines engage in battle.
-During the early days of the Age of Apostasy, the Light Bringers infiltrated many of their agents into the ranks of the Ecclesiarchy. When the rebellion against Vandire finally began, these agents leapt into action, and turned many Shrine Worlds to the cause of those seeking to overthrow the mad Ecclesiarch. After the war, each of these Shrine Worlds would become prominent within the newly reformed Ecclesiarchy forged by Sebastien Thor, giving the Light Bringers eyes within the innermost workings of the Imperium's state church.
-During a battle at the edge of Imperium controlled space, the Light Bringers manage to trick the World Eaters into attacking an Alpha Legion controlled world. The Alpha Legion would emerge victorious, only to themselves be destroyed by the Light Bringers, who had patiently waited for their enemies to exhaust themselves before finishing the battle personally.
-An embarrassing incident involving a Light Bringer attempting to infiltrate the Verdant Eyes leads to both Chapters mutually choosing to avoid one another… Oddly enough, the Chapters cooperate in this endeavor, and don't actually seem to dislike one another despite refusing to attend the same campaigns when at all possible.
-In an act partially motivated by petty spite, the Light Bringers take action against several Alpha Legion led cults, undoing networks that the fallen Space Marines had been building since the end of the Horus Heresy within a mere decade. However, the fact that these cults were completely unsupported by their Alpha Legion masters has led many in the Light Bringers to suspect that these cults had either long served their purpose, or been forgotten about among the countless schemes of the Alpha Legion's fragmented cells.
-The Light Bringers are called to investigate reports of apparent Ork snipers that had devastated the Celestial Lions Space Marine Chapter. after a thorough investigation, their report concluded that the Ork snipers had managed to escape off planet, and then proceeded to kill the vast majority of the Inquisitors even vaguely associated with the incident, most likely in an attempt to keep knowledge of their existence from spreading. Additionally, several Inquisitors known to make heavy usage of the services of the Callidus Temple had been found brutally slaughtered, following an incident on the Emperor's Spear's Chapter flagship. Rumors of some kind of Ork counterpart to the shapeshifting Callidus Assassins have thus far been unconfirmed.

Unique Units of the Light Bringers
Strike Marines: Specially trained Space Marines that make up the majority of Light Bringer strike teams, normal Strike Marines are recruited from the Chapter's veteran pool, and as such are a match for even the finest of most Chapters. Veteran Strike Marines, few as they are, are a step above even that due to the sheer danger of their assignments, able to match luminaries such as the elite of the Deathwatch or even some Grey Knights in skill.
Librarian Infiltrators: Contrary to the stereotypes of their rank, Light Bringer Librarians are actually close combat specialists, their mastery of Biomancy making them capable of tearing a fully armored Space Marine to shreds using nothing but their bare hands.
Long Watch Chaplains: The Elite of the Light Bringer's Chaplaincy, the Long Watch Chaplains are abnormally perceptive even by Chaplain standards, likely due to the Chapter's clandestine work, making it all but impossible for any heretic to escape their gaze.
Assault Infiltrators: An elite core of Assault Marines, these skilled saboteurs back up the high melee prowess of the rest of the Chapter with liberal usage of explosives.

Diplomatic Relations
Synopticon: The Light Bringers are the de-facto agents of the Synopticon, and the two organizations are very close as a result. If the Synopticon needs something destroyed or retrieved, it is a Light Bringer Strike Team that accomplishes the task, and likewise the Light Bringers can always count on the Synopticon's aid with their own, separate intelligence gathering efforts.
Officio Assassinorum: The Imperium's fearsome assassins keep a healthy distance from the Light Bringers, and for their part the Light Bringers don't target the Assassinorum. No one knows what led to this state of affairs, but the two organizations of shadow warriors seem to have an understanding of some kind between them, even if not respect for one another.
Inquisition: The Light Bringers often find themselves coming into conflict with Inquisitors going on some power trip or another, and have a very low opinion of the organization as a whole due to the atrocities they often perpetrate against the very people both groups are supposed to be protecting. For its own part the Inquisition is divided on the matter, as despite their anger over the Light Bringer's refusal to acknowledge their word as law, whenever the Light Bringers act against an Inquisitor they wisely seek to get the backing of another Inquisitor beforehand, leaving them above official reproach.
Ordo Sicarius: Among the Inquisition, the Ordo Sicarius, those charged with policing the Assassinorum as insurance against a second Beheading, take the most interest in the Light Bringers Chapter, hoping to discover if the Chapter truly does have information that would warrant the Assassinorum's destruction - or, at least, some other method of deterring it's aggression.
Ecclesiarchy: The Light Bringers maintain a vast spy network within the Ecclesiarchy, and it is said they often are privy to its actions and trends before even the Ecclesiarch himself knows of it.
Dark Angels: The Light Bringers are fully aware of the Dark Angel's 'Fallen' issue, and hate the Dark Angels as a whole. This is, despite what one might assume, not because of the existence of the Fallen - as loyalist sons of Alpharius, the Light Bringers hold nothing but sympathy for the Dark Angel's problems with their treasonous brothers. It is the actions the Dark Angels have taken to cover it up, which have done considerable damage to the Imperium that could easily have been avoided had the Dark Angels not been so utterly obsessed with their own shame, that has earned the First Legion the ire of the Emperor's shadow.
Space Wolves: Oddly enough, the Space Wolves and Light Bringers have formed a remarkably friendly relationship despite their incompatile strategies (Though both heavily favor melee combat, the Light Bringers prefer cramped environments to mitigate their lack of firepower away from their homeworld). A part of this is because the Light Bringers tend to cause less collateral damage to the Imperial citizenry than most Chapters, a matter deeply important to the Wolves of Fenris, but many believe that it owes more to the fact both chapters come into frequent conflict with both the Inquisition and the Dark Angels, with the Light Bringers having quietly acted as informants for their cousins during the infamous Months of Shame. Due to this friendship,, despite having knowledge of the Wulfen Curse that ails the Vylka Fenryka the Light Bringers have made no attempt to alert Imperial organizations to the situation, even actively assisting the Space Wolves in keeping their condition a secret.

+20 Reputation

Added New Options
Counterintelligence Training: The Chapter is proficient in the art of detecting and thwarting enemy infiltration attempts.
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4th Chapter Prologue

Of course the visiting Archmagos that the priests of Mars oh so thoughtful had set up shop next to you was an expert on servitors of all things.

As if there wasn't enough of the walking atrocities on the planet to start with, they decided to bring in a walking piece of junk that specializes in creating them.

Resisting the urge to go out and disassemble the interloper you place a hand to your head.

Such inconveniences are only natural when one happens to be quite possibly the only Archmagos in the entirety of the history of the mechanicus to hate servitors.

It will pass eventually…. You lived through the entirety of the Horus Heresy; you will live through this.

Choose 1
[ ] Do as you will: You will not be taking any requests at this time.
[ ] Aid to Ultramar: The Ultramarines are putting all their efforts into the scouring leaving quite a few holes in the realm of Ultramar. Another space marine chapter in the region could help alleviate that.
Goals: Choose a home planet with the 'Ultramar' tag in the next chapter creation.
[ ] Spitting the Blood God: Some 'Inquisitors' have been toying with the idea of a Space Marine chapter specifically built to be as unfulfilling force the forces of Khorne to fight as possible. You may as well take them up on it.
Goals: Create a chapter specialized towards fighting Khorne.
[ ] Secure and Capture: Another 'Inquisition' request it appears they want a chapter specialized in tracking down and capturing select targets 'alive'... you would rather not try and comprehend the reasoning.
[ ] Defending Solar: A need to defend the Segmentum that houses Terra itself has become apparent, or at least apparent to people with the right connections.
Goals: Create a chapter with homeworld that has the (Segmentum Solar) keyword.
[ ] Testing, testing: The Forge World of Murphius is one of the primary producers of bolter weapons and rounds outside of Mars itself. They are also constantly adjusting switching between the many different patterns of bolters that they have 'discovered'. They want a chapter to test some of their…. Newer rediscovery.
Condition: The next Chapter gets the Randomized Bolter Quality trait.
[ ] OP-4: The Assassinorum wants a chapter of Space Marines to practice against… they have vowed to not actually kill them all and render your work pointless… how kind of them.
Goal: Create an anti-stealth Chapter.
[ ] Xenocide: Apparently the focus on Chaos has led to a perceived ignoring of the Xenos threat, many within the Imperium seek to fix that.
Condition: Next chapter automatically gains the 'Extremely Xenocidal' trait.
[ ] Codex Experiments: "Hmmmmmmmmmm."
Goal: Create a chapter with Alpha Legion Gene-Seed and place it in a homeworld with the (Ultramar) tag.

Additionally you have some time for some…. Politics.
You hate it… but it's how you get what you need.

Reputation: 55
Points: 40

[ ] Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its ups and downs but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal letting it field more of the ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans of course. 5 Points.
[ ] Extra Land Speeders: The Chapter has access to extra Land Speeders. 10 Points.
[ ] Extra Assault Bikes: The Chapter has access to more Assault Bikes than average. 5 Points.
[ ] Extra Predators: The Chapter has access to more Predator Tanks. 5 Points.

1 Time modifies (Can be purchased multiple times and stored for later.)
[ ] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
[ ] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
[ ] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
[ ] Extra Land Raiders: The Legion is able to acquire more Land Raiders than normal. 10 Points per charge.
[ ] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.

OOC: I'm going to give this one a one day moratorium so I can answer questions when I get back from work. Ok friends?
4th Chapter Part 1
[X] Plan: Gatekeepers
-[X] Defending Solar: A need to defend the Segmentum that houses Terra itself has become apparent, or at the very least apparent to people with the right connections.
-[X] Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
--[X] Iron Warriors
-[X] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
-[X] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
-[X] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
-[X] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.

…Idiots. Utter idiots!

You quietly seethe as you return to your workshop.

Once again, one of your peers forgot to take proper care of their organic half and nearly died from something that could have easily been prevented.

Machines will break down eventually if you don't maintain them…. Why, oh why, is it so common in the Mechanicus for tech priests to forget that their 'weak' flesh needs to be maintained as well!?

Hmmmph, if only the Machine God had given humanity an augment capable of removing stupidity.

But they did not, and so you are once again forced to waste uncountable hours fixing the dying organic parts of senior Mechanicus members who failed to give their remaining flesh the proper care it needs, out of either sheer negligence or outright disdain. A pattern not helped by the fact that you are one of the only Genetors in the entire Mechanicus capable of repairing the sheer level of damage many of these senior priests have done to themselves. If half of these fools paid half the attention to their flesh as they did to their mechanical augments, perhaps they'd actually have the time to be able to implant more useful augmentations instead of having to desperately shove the first mechanical equivalent to whatever organ they destroyed this time into themselves at short notice.

It almost makes dealing with the rest of the Imperium seem easy by comparison.


By the Machine Spirits, your days as the child of low class laborers before being ripped from your parents due to some calculation or other never gave you the inclination that the priests of Mars could be this foolish at times.

3 charges of Legendary Gene-Seed.
2 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
1 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed.

Choose a Legion:

[ ] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.

[ ] The Ultramarines: The most pure and stable Space Marine Gene-seed, the Ultramarines, sons of Roboute Guiliman, are a lineage that gives no great benefits but in turn does not have great downsides. They are tactically balanced, seeking to practice all forms of warfare rather than master just a few, and stand as the most numerous of the surviving Space Marines. They do seem to have started a minor tradition of maintaining ties with their successor Chapters, however. Whether this is a boon or a curse remains to be seen.

[ ] The Dark Angels: The Dark Angels, sons of Lion El Johnson, much like the Ultramarines have a very stable and mutation free Gene-Seed. They have access to a great deal of highly advanced technology gifted to them by the Emperor, and have formed several of their Companies into heirs of their previous elite forces such as the Deathwing. However, the Dark Angels have also been acting very erratic of late, and are stubbornly insistent about forming 'relations' with their founding chapters regarding matters they refuse to speak of, even to other Astartes. A great number of officials within the Imperium are growing very concerned about this, but with the death of the First Legion's Primarch, it seems unlikely anyone could force them to reveal the reason for their behaviour.

[ ] The Salamanders: Sons of Vulkan, the Salamanders are somewhat mutation prone, yet most deviations within their gene-seed are wholly positive - taking the form of increased temperature resistance, radiological resistance, and enhanced healing capability as well as their signature cosmetic mutation. This does, however, mean that any further mutations will likely be even more noticeable, and possibly have far worse consequences than this. Tactically, they are known for their love of thermal weaponry, and have a good reputation among the Imperium for their kindness and commitment to defending the Imperium's citizenry even when it leaves them at a tactical disadvantage.

[ ] The White Scars: The Sons of Jaghatai Khan bear no overt physical defects, yet the White Scars Gene-Seed has been known to make those implanted with it more savage and hungry for war. In honour of their Primarch's history as a master of cavalry, they have mastered the use of both Combat Bikes and the rarer Jetbike units, and specialise in high speed, hit and run battles.

[ ] The Iron Hands: The Gene-Seed of the Sons of Ferrus Manus seems to hold a genuine disdain of weakness within it, and since the death of their Primarch this hatred seems to have further narrowed into contempt for the weakness of the flesh specifically. Though you fully understand the irony of a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus thinking this you find the belief irrational at best, for is the organic matter in space marines not already more durable and more capable than most cybernetics known to the Imperium? In fact, so pristine is the Omnissiah's enhancements that these cybernetics can actually be a degradation from the original…. But of course, you are a mere Genetor, who degrades himself by working with the 'weak' flesh rather than the blessed machine spirits. Even if you are older and more learned about the ways of the machine than several of your closest peers put together, what could you possibly know about the topic of flesh and machinery in relation to one another?

[ ] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.

[ ] The Imperial Fists: A famously stalwart legion, the Gene-Seed of the Sons of Dorn lacks the Betchers Gland and Sus-an Membrane entirely, leaving them incapable of spitting acid as an emergency weapon and unable to enter suspended animation when critically injured, but otherwise is fairly stable. They are renowned as the greatest masters of defense in all the Imperium, and have also begun to fill the role of the treasonous Iron Warriors in siege warfare.

[ ] The Alpha Legion: The Gene-Seed derived from the traitorous Alpharius is, despite it's origins, very pure as the physical is concerned, with no noticeable mutations beyond the fact that Alpha Legionaires tend to so closely resemble their father as to be able to impersonate him convincingly. On the mental side the Alpha Legion's Gene-Seed seems to create more secretive Astartes with a greater sense of initiative, resulting in them being masters of intelligence gathering, sabotage, and all other forms of indirect warfare.

[ ] The Iron Warriors: The biggest flaw within the Gene-Seed of the traitor Perturabo is that it induces intense paranoia, though nowhere near the bitterness and misanthropy their father posessed even when he was yet loyal. That said, the fact that it also gifts enhanced intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and is compatible with a wider range of aspirants than the majority of other legions can more than make up for that initial flaw if leveraged in the right way. Prior to their betrayal, the Iron Warriors were the greatest masters of Siege Warfare in the entirety of the Imperium, and though this won them little glory, it was a specialisation as worthy as any other.

Choose a Homeworld:

[ ] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move, but as a result will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own in the future.

[ ] Dualis: A planet that is half Forge World on one side and half Death World on the other. The Forge World half of the planet often uses the Death World half to acquire unique chemical mixtures from the wildlife, and puts great pains into maintaining the health of the tribal humans that lurk within its jungles.

[ ] Equartaz: A planet populated by nomads that have tamed horses large enough to hold a space marine, and fierce enough to kill the Orks that infest the planet on a regular basis. Oddly enough, the local Forge World of Beyath-Ezda has discovered an STC that actually contains blueprints of powered armor for these strange horses of all things. Truly, the Ancients made some strange wonders in their time.

[ ] Extrema: A cataclysm of a planet, the only places not covered entirely in ice are those that are located right next to the many rivers of lava that crisscross Extrema's surface. The people of this planet have long adapted to both of these environments and are remarkably able to travel between them as circumstances demand.

[ ] Yuruld II: An unfortunate planet stuck in between the feuding Forge Worlds of Yuruld I and Yuruld III, the world itself is a blasted wasteland full of wrecks from the constant skirmishing and occasional major war between it's two Forge World neighbors. This in turn has made the locals experts in both basic survival, and in making sure that neither of the two nearby Forge Worlds decide to crush them.

[ ] Pertana IV: The most unusual aspect of this planet are its human inhabitants, who have displayed what can only be described as shocking levels of pain resistance, being by all accounts completely unbothered by even the absolute maximum amount of pain a human can survive without dying. The planet itself is mostly unremarkable, beyond the strange fog that seems to cover the entire surface.

[ ] Akasha II: In all regards Akasha is a completely standard jungle Death World, with it's main standout 'trait' being the fact that the Imperial Truth seems to have been adopted very quickly and become strongly entrenched in the short amount of time since it's adoption.

[ ] Skaltland: A large planet of lush green forests, the inhabitants are tough and belligerent folk…. Being extremely prone to excessive swearing, and picking fights at the drop of the hat. And this is without the horrid shrieking caused by the 'bagpipes' that are their most popular musical instrument. (Fenris Region).

[ ] Kornan II: A World that has the unfortunate fate of being a 'gathering spot' of several Knight Houses… especially given the Knight Houses have a habit of hunting the locals of this jungle moon for sport at these gatherings.

[ ] Ciclus: A temperate, life supporting planet in a solar system surrounded by strange gravitational anomalies so powerful as to tear apart any ship that gets near them, the sole safe route through these anomalies makes for a brilliant defensive checkpoint. Even more importantly, it is impossible to bypass these anomalies via warp jump. (Near Terra).

[ ] Shassad: A jungle infamous for the wide variety of snakes that live on it… as well as a particularly persistent feral Ork occupation, kept in check by a combination of said snakes and the military action of the planet's human tribes. (Near Terra).

[ ] Coloder: A part ice, part oceanic planet, the local tribes of Coloder survive mainly by living atop icebergs that are large enough to hold entire cities. These cities are often besieged by predators from the sea, air, and 'land' alike. (Near Terra).

[ ] Ikkite: A forest planet notable for being covered in spiky, nearly indestructible planet life, the humans of this planet have learned to keep constant awareness of their surroundings even when in the fiercest of combat, lest they be impaled. (Near Terra).

[ ] Oropt: A desert world near one of the major warp routes into Terra. It's inhabitants are a tribal people that are constantly engaged in a fierce war with large ant-like insects. (Near Terra).

[ ] Rhodes 77: A planet in the Ultramar region, Rhodes is an important hub world due to it's location along several of the most stable warp routes known to Ultramar. This makes the regions near the world a den of piracy both of the human and xenos variety. (Ultramar Region).

[ ] MizzurI: A swamp planet, populated by an extensive variety of crocodile resembling xenos species. The locals have taken to wrestling with them and are expert marksmen… though they do have rather strange accents.

[ ] Weeest 2: A jungle planet populated by earth descended tailed primates enhanced by the Ancients during the dark age of technology. The local Forge World is dominated by your fellow Genetors, and considers the local primates to be gifts from the Machine God. Rumors persist of a 'king' primate that was able to fight multiple greater daemons during the heresy.

[ ] Evstata: A planet best described as being nearly covered in mountains. The local population is divided between two sets of tribes - those who live atop the mountains, battling with the various colossal birds of prey and giant lizards that roam the peaks…. And those those live on the bottom, and face the horrible spider legged slugs whose acid breath is capable of melting through Adamantium. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Ooarth: A planet that, according to ancient records, was deliberately terriformed to be an exact copy of Terra itself as it was before becoming a hive world in ages past. It is infested with Orks, but many within the wider Imperium consider it a somewhat 'holy' site regardless. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in it's orbit. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Spuuuurta: A war-like planet, full of constantly warring city states. They have - in flagrant defiance of the Imperial Truth you might add - Taken to worshiping the Emperor as some sort of war god. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Terrararaaa: A planet that looks mostly normal on the surface, but in truth hosts a cave network so utterly massive in scale that the Mechanicus still has not figured out how the entire thing maintains consistent gravity. You also haven't figured out how it doesn't collapse on itself from the pressure of gravity. The locals on this planet are semi-civilized, and spend most of their time fighting the uncountable horrors from the depths.(Segmentum Solar)

[ ] Jujuarn: A death world with a variety of biomes, on the planet of Jujuarn is notable because its wildlife population is for some reason composed almost entirely of invasive species. Ambulls, Orkoids, Grox, Land Sharks, Haemovores, Carnosaurs, Rad-wolves, Catachan Devils and even the Salamanders or Nocturn have all somehow managed to establish breeding populations on the planet and thrive. (Segmentum Solar)

[ ] Truy II: A death world sharing a system with the fortress world of Truy I, both of the worlds in the system are under constant attacks from Ork empire of Greeeze that resides only a short distance away. Naturally, the fortress world of Truy I tends to hold up better given it's defenses are among the very best in the Imperium. (Segmentum Solar)

[ ] Rockheim: A Feral world near one of the few recorded 'Squat' realms, the locals seem to have a fairly good relationship with the short abhumans, with the latter frequently aiding the former with Ork invasions. (Segmentum Solar)

[ ] Cancer IV: A planet orbited by the dead remains of a crab-like xeno beast the size of Terra's moon. Despite it's death, the creature still seems to have some sort of regeneration active, leading to massive chunks of flesh and shell bombarding the planet from time to time. Oddly enough the beast, particularly it's shell, seems to repel the warp to some extent and the forces of Chaos had an extremely difficult time operating on the planet during the Heresy. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Paerara: A planet mostly covered with an orange colored chemical, with islands hosting the human population. This chemical is highly potent, and during the Horus Heresy some Death Guard plague marines were outright disintegrated when they made the mistake of setting foot into puddles of the stuff. Additionally Daemons of Nurgle had been reported as outright refusing to manifest on the planet whenever the Death Guard attempted to summon them. Not so incidentally the population seems to be extremely resistant to disease and has developed a tolerance for the airborne variant of the chemical. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Emperor's Landing: One of the very first planets the Emperor conquered after leaving Terra. The exact details are not known, but the Emperor on this world battled a foe so devastating that he was pushed nearly to his limits, having barely ever used such a level of power before or since. To this day, his power permeates the area so thoroughly that much of the wildlife actually glows with his radiance at night. (Segmentum Solar).

OOC: Special thanks to me beta for their work on this updoot.
4th Chapter Part 2
[X] Plan: Hektor
-[X] The Iron Warriors: The biggest flaw within the Gene-Seed of the traitor Perturabo is that it induces intense paranoia, though nowhere near the bitterness and misanthropy their father posessed even when he was yet loyal. That said, the fact that it also gifts enhanced intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and is compatible with a wider range of aspirants than the majority of other legions can more than make up for that initial flaw if leveraged in the right way. Prior to their betrayal, the Iron Warriors were the greatest masters of Siege Warfare in the entirety of the Imperium, and though this won them little glory, it was a specialisation as worthy as any other.
--[X] Legendary Gene-Seed
--[X] Adaptive Gene-Seed
--[X] Potent Gene-Seed
-[X] Truy II: A death world sharing a system with the fortress world of Truy I, both of the worlds in the system are under constant attacks from Ork empire of Greeeze that resides only a short distance away. Naturally, the fortress world of Truy I tends to hold up better given it's defenses are among the very best in the Imperium. (Segmentum Solar).

Gaze of the Eye: This Chapter can see the Eye of Terror from nearly any place in the galaxy, even if there is no logical way it could possibly be visible.
Siege Masters: This Chapter has an innate mastery of siege warfare, be it as the defenders or as the assailants. (Free due to chapter/world combo).
Increased Replenishment: This Chapter's Gene-Seed is blessed with being compatible with a far wider range of candidates, both increasing recruitment and improving the odds of the implantation surgery being survivable. As a result, it can replace it's casualties at a much higher rate than normal for a Space Marine Chapter.
Legendary Spite (Legendary): This chapter's sheer spite is the stuff of legends. On the negative side of things, it can lead to them making many enemies or over focusing on certain foes. However, it conversely also enables them to push towards feats of skill, ingenuity, and sheer physical capability that other Astartes may find hard to match out of sheer refusal to give their enemies the satisfaction.
Double Sized: The Chapter is twice the size of the average Space Marine Chapter, with a total of 20 Companies instead of the 10 laid out by the Codex Astartes, due to the unique demands of the Truy system. (Free due to mandate and world combo)
Guard Affinity: This chapter has an affinity for the mortal soldiers of the Imperial Guard, and works well with them.
Artillery Masters: This chapter has masterful knowledge of indirect fire weapons, and can employ them to great effect.
Pottery: This chapter practices the art of pottery in its spare time.

If your memories of the Siege of Terra, as well the general state of Segmentum Solar, are any indication then any chapter in charge of defending Solar is going to have to deal with casualties.

…. A lot of casualties.

As a result of this the Iron Warriors Gene-Seed is the ideal choice, for it's comparatively rapid replacement rate will allow the Chapter to make up for their losses and still fulfill their duties.

Oh, and because you find the idea funny. One must find humor where they can if they wish to avoid utter insanity in your line of work, after all.

Hmmmm... a correction to that internal assertion. One needs to find humor where they can if they wish to go even more insane than being in this line of work already requires.

You have 1 charge of extra equipment.

[ ] Write in Name
[ ] Write in or post a picture of the chapter colors.
[ ] Write in chapter symbol.
[ ] Write in chapter creed. (Optional).

Normal Training Options
[ ] Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaisance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved stealth warfare.
[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
[ ] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.
[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
[ ] Deepstrikes: More so than even other Space Marines, this Chapter has gained a mastery of the orbital strikes Adeptus Astartes are famous for.
[ ] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.
[ ] Spear Training: The Chapter is especially well trained in the use of spear and javelin like weapons, this does not cover staves or pole-arms however.
[ ] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
[ ] Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.
[ ] Counterintelligence Training: The Chapter is proficient in the art of detecting and thwarting enemy infiltration attempts.

Normal Equipement Options
[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
[ ] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
[ ] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.
[ ] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.

OOC: Special thanks to me beta reader for looking this chapter over.
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The Steel Champions
[X] Plan: SCREW YOU EVIL DAD! L Variant
-[X] Name: Steel Champions
-[X] Chapter Colors: Steel Primary, Gold Secondary
-[X] Chapter Symbol: A Shield with a Golden Sun.
-[X] Chapter Motto: "Against Darkness, Stand Defiant!"
—[X] When Fighting Iron Warriors: "Steel Surpasses Iron!"
-[X] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
-[X] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.
-[X] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.

Name: Steel Champions
Chapter Symbol: A Shield emblazoned with a Golden Sun.
Chapter Mottos: "Against Darkness, Stand Defiant!/Steel Surpasses Iron!"

Homeworld: The planet of Truy II is a hot climate world dominated by oceans and deserts, leaving agriculture especially dependent on the many rivers that run through it's continents. Traditionally managing to survive via these means and a great deal of agricultural knowledge, the locals of this Death World have still grown adept at fighting, primarily due to attacks from the Chimera IFV sized Bandit Scorpions, Boiling Mud Drakes, and most feared of all, the infamous Truy II Daemon Hunting Hippo.

Standing out on this planet is the Fortress Monastery of the Steel Champions, an imposing structure brimming with guns of all kinds, a fortress with fortifications far more sturdy than any individual bastion on their sister world of Truy I - though the Steel Champions still consider the Fortress World's overall defensive layout superior to that of their homeworld.

The Terror of the Eye: The Steel Champions have a truly unfortunate curse, one which allows them to see the dread Eye of Terror at all times - even when it shouldn't be physically possible for the gaping wound in reality to be visible. Much of the Chapters' culture revolves around dealing with this unfortunate reality, and it is considered a valued tradition to take up the art of pottery as a coping mechanism. The Chapter's Librarians are especially invested in this art and have learned how to imbue clay with their psychic powers - letting them grant it supernatural traits and abilities, such as being as hard as adamantium or being able to hold greater mass than their size should allow.

The Pots of Vendetta: Whenever an individual or faction greatly wrongs the Steel Champions, a pot is made depicting the crime in question and is placed on a dedicated pedestal within the Steel Champions Fortress Monastery. Attached to this pedestal is a plaque, detailing the exact conditions needed in order for the matter to be settled. When the vendetta is settled, a second pot is created depicting the deed. The Steel Champions do not have much storage space for these completed vendettas, so more often than not they simply allow the Ecclesiarchy, some of the city states from their homeworld, or even the occasional Rogue Trader to take them. Given the great skill they develop over their long lives, the works of the Steel Champions are considered valuable indeed, and form the centrepiece of many an art enthusiast's collection.

The Tablet of Accusation: A massive tablet, made in the aftermath of an altercation with the Dark Angels. The vendetta behind this tablet is unique, for it represents the very first one declared against another loyalist Imperial faction. Due to this, as well as other events that neither of the Chapters speak of, the Steel Champions do not just put the Dark Angels wrongs against them on the tablet, but instead engrave every single wrong the Dark Angels have ever made against another Imperial organization onto it's face. Notoriously, the Steel Champions have on several occasions needed to expand the size of the tablet with the help of the clay manipulation abilities of it's Librarians.

The Panduran Conflict: A legendary piece of pottery, made by one of the greatest Librarians of the Chapter's history. The pot itself is said to be completely indestructible, and capable of holding nearly endless amounts of anything one could think to put into it. Once, a raiding party of Orks from the Greenskin empire of Greeeze managed to slay half of the company in charge of the Panduran. After repeatedly failing to smash it, the Ork Warboss responsible decided to take it for himself, in order to store the severed heads of his enemies in. Since that very day the Steel Champions and the Orks of Greeeze have been constantly launching dedicated attacks against one another in order to take possession of the Panduran, with the artifact having traded hands roughly 168 times as of the current millennia.

Combat: The Steel Champions Chapter are experts at siege warfare and are renowned for their deep bond with both the Guard Regiments of Truy I, and with the Imperial Guard in general. Due to the nature of their preferred style of warfare, it is common for the Steel Champions to deploy to the warzone alongside the Imperial Guard, utilizing their extensive motor-pool of Rhino transports to move their forces where they are needed while at the same time making usage of masterfully deployed artillery and heavy weapons to ensure that any Guard positions they reinforce are secure from enemy assaults. During long deployments, it is not uncommon for the Chaplains of the Steel Champions to seek to learn the customs and traditions of the regiments that their companies fight alongside, and it's not unheard of for Steel Champion Chaplains to choose to conduct the funerary rights for the fallen Guardsmen, as well as their own dead, after a particularly long and gruesome campaign.

Chapter Organization: The Steel Champions Chapter deviates from the Codex Astartes in exactly one regard : it is precisely double the size of the average Chapter. This is because the Chapter homeworld, as well as the Fortress World within the same solar system, comes under massive attack from significant forces of Orks on such a regular basis that it was deemed a necessity for the Chapter to be allowed the additional Marines in order to both keep their home system secure and contribute to the well being of the wider Imperium. Though some complain about how they are allowed to defy the Codex in this way, when going beyond the limit of their numbers is usually considered a sign of near outright treason by an Astartes Chapter, the fact that it was none other than Roboute Guiliman himself who gave the first Chapter Master of the Steel Champions permission to breach the Codex's limits silences all but the most bitter complainants.

Truy I: The Fortress World of Truy I, sister world to the Steel Champion's homewordl, is the site of one of the most powerful systems of fortifications within the entirety of the Imperium. Due to the sheer size of the continuous assaults from the local Ork Empire of Greeeze, the Guard Regiments of Truy I and the Steel Champions Space Marines have grown immensely skilled at working together to defend their home system, and even when deployed outside of it will often seek to aid one another at any opportunity.

Alexandria Station: A massive space station constructed by the Steel Champions, Alexandria Station's most notable feature is a titanic blessed Aquilla Statue that consistently tracks the Eye of Terror throughout the sky, it's baleful gaze forever glowering back at the abyss that torments the Steel Champions at every moment. Though the initial motivation for it's creation was nothing more than sheer petty spite, the rest of the Imperium - most notably the Ecclesiarchy - have interpreted the great edifice as a form of holy site, and the station is indeed the home of an entire order of Sisters of Battle devoted to defending it. The Steel Champions are, for their own part, baffled by this - but all of the 'holy' artifacts that have been brought onto the station seems to greatly agitate the few Chaos forces that both actually make it into the system and survive fire from its many defenses, and so they quietly allow the faithful's oddities. Additionally, though is is not common knowledge, the vast Aquilla Statue atop Alexandria Station has a pair of ancient Lances of unimaginable power mounted in its eyes, presumably to add some additional defensive firepower.

Notable Events of the Steel Champions
-Following a successful purge of a building Ork WAAAAAGH! on the borders of Greeeze, the appearance of one of the mysterious 'Fallen' caused the Dark Angels to murder several squads of Guardsmen and torture three Steel Champions to death in search of information as to the whereabouts of the ancient traitor. In response, the Steel Champions declared vendetta, and ever since that day they have continued to record every single wrong ever done by the Dark Angels to another Imperial. It is said that the only reason the Steel Champions even tolerate fighting near the Dark Angels is so that they may record yet more of the Dark Angels' many sins. Due to suspicion of legion building, many of the First Legion's successor Chapters have been included on this list - their sins being marked separately from, but connected to, the Dark Angel's own.
-In the leadup to the infamous War of the Beast, the Ork Empire of Greeeze launched a major offensive into the Truy System. Thankfully, the invading Orks were beaten back, and the Steel Champions were thus alerted to the danger of the horrifically powerful Ork Warlord. Deciding that the threat to Terra could not be dismissed, a full 15 Companies were deployed to the aid of the Imperial Fists, while the remaining five remained in the Truy system to prevent the Orks of Greeeze from rallying and joining the Beast's apocalyptic WAAAAAAAGH!
-The 15 companies sent to join the battle against the Beast arrive and manage to fortify just in time to face a significant bulk of the invading Ork forces. The battle was fierce, and the Steel Champions held on against all odds until, mere moments before the Beast's defeat, the Steel Champion's Chapter Master himself was slain, falling in combat with several of the biggest Nobs ever recorded during the conflict short of the Prime-Orks themselves. In the end however, the Imperial Fists successor Chapters managed to drive off the remaining Orks in time, and were able to recover most of the Steel Champions bodies, equipment, and most importantly of all, their Gene-Seed. Within good time, the newly reforged Imperial Fists and their successors would return the equipment and gene-seed to the Steel Champion's homeworld. In thanks for this, the Steel Champions would become the sworn allies of the Imperial Fists, and in turn many of the Sons of Dorn would come consider the then-'fatherless' Steel Champions as their brothers, if not in gene-stock, then most certainly in spirit.
-After a fairly long recovery period, during which they mainly focused on repelling Ork raids, the Steel Champions would cooperate with the Iron Hands on an operation against the ones who would once have been their brothers - the Iron Warriors Traitor Legion. Initially the two chapters utterly dominated the field of battle, until the Iron Warriors breached the Imperial Guard fortress of BR-14 and used a foul ritual to convert the brave Guardsmen within it into Chaos Spawn. When the Steel Champions committed themselves to driving the Chaos Spawn back, the Iron Hands concluded that the battle had already been lost, and retreated - leaving the rear of the Steel Champions vulnerable to the enemy. Though surrounded, the Steel Champions managed to successfully clear BR-14 of Chaos Spawn, and seemingly through spite alone managed to fight their way out of the encirclement with minimal losses both among themselves and their allied Guardsmen. Enraged over their abandonment, the Steel Champions declared vendetta against the Iron Hands, while at the same time vowing to pay the Iron Warriors back a hundredfold for their petty acts against the Imperial Guard of BR-14.
-A WAAAAAAAGH led by the legendary Blood Ax warboss Orkdyssius managed to conquer large sections of the Fortress World of Truy 1, by hiding inside a supply ship and attacking the fortress chain from the inside. The Steel Champions quickly deploy to fight off this invasion, and after a full decade of bloody fighting alongside the local Imperial Guard, manage to drive the Ork invaders out once again.
-The Blood Angels and Steel Champions work together to defeat an Emperor's Children warband led by Lucius the Eternal. Fully aware of Lucius the Eternal's ability to possess the body of his killer, and utterly unwilling to give the Chaos Champion the pleasure of overtaking one of their own, several Steel Champions forcibly held down the Chaos Warrior before shoving him into a sealed Drop Pod. This Drop Pod was than towed via a several ship length long holy chain into orbit of a Daemon World of Khorne, were it was then promptly dropped - making the Slanneshi champion someone else's problem in the process. Naturally, as the Blood Angels and Steel Champions had worked together to kill every other Chaos Marine on the battlefield before the Steel Champions could even attempt to pull off this rather mad plan, the two Chapters had ample opportunity to form bonds of camaraderie, and the Ninth Legion quickly became among the closest allies of the Steel Champions.
-The Steel Champions head to the world of Red Garden in order to investigate reports of Eldar activity, only to find the ancient Xenos mysteriously absent. Unbeknownst to them, the situation had already been resolved - the Eldar Craftworlds of Ulthwe and Saim-Hann had gotten into an altercation with Biel-Tan, for the former two had seen that if Biel-Tan successfully massacred the inhabitants of Red Garden as they intended, than the Steel Champions would immediately begin abusing both Biel-Tan and Saim-Hann's commitments towards defending Exodite worlds to force them to either abandon their exodite countrymen or take assuredly crushing losses. Unwilling to pay for Biel-Tan's actions, the other Aeldari quickly forced Biel-Tan to back down and leave.
-In the battle of Blood Cage, the Steel Champions would outmaneuver and brutally slaughter a large force of World Eaters, utterly annihilating the servants of Khorne before they could threaten the recruiting world of an allied Fleet Based Imperial Fists Successor Chapter.

Unique Units of the Steel Champions
-Steel Masks: The Steel Champions utterly refuse to use Servitors that have been converted from humans. Thankfully, to make up for this, they have managed to acquire the facilities needed to grow their own servitors from scratch - technology that has sadly been lost by much of the Imperium. Steel Masks are more heavily armored than normal servitors, with even the Steel Masks expected to serve far away from the frontlines requiring a great deal of firepower to bring down. Because Steel Masks were never human to begin with, the Steel Champions prefer to augment the faces of the Steel Masks to make their artificial nature more apparent - a practice that is the reason for the Steel Mask's name.
Trujan Guard: While obviously not actually an official part of the Chapter, the Trujan Guard, the Imperial Guard Regiments hailing from the Truy system, and the Steel Champions deploy together often enough that it is all but expected to see either a Steel Mask aiding a force of Trujan Guard or for several Trujan Guard regiments to deploy to assist a Steel Champion company.

Notable Enemies of the Steel Champions
Orkdyssius: One of the smartest warbosses to have ever lived, Orkdyssius is known to have launched multiple raids out of the empire of Greeeze, and even managed to cheat death at the hands of the Dread Host Custodes cohort when his forces drew too close to Terra. Even to this day, the specter of his potential re-emergence looms over Segmentum Solar.
Morkillies: An Ork Warboss that had been considered all but invincible, he was impossibly able to weather the full firepower of three full companies of Steel Champions during one of the early battles outside of Truy II. If it hadn't been for a Steel Champion sacrificing himself to shove an armed Vortex Grenade into Morkillie's pre-existing open wound, it's entirely possible that Truy II would have fallen that day.
Gorkules: One of the most terrifying Orks in the history of the Imperium, Gorkules emerged from Greeeze leading a WAAAAAAAGH of vast proportions after having accomplished 'da twelve tasks of Gork an Mork.' In the end, it would take the combined forces of the Imperial Fists, Steel Champions, countless Guard regiments, three Sisters of Battle convents, the Dread Host of the Custodes, and a Vindicare Assassin utilizing a bullet tipped with one of the single most deadly concoctions ever created by the Venenum Temple to finally bring Gorkules down.

Unique Artifacts
Dread Jars: Jars lined on the inside with runes that make them as hard as adamantium, and cause them to suck in and imprison any Daemon in their presence when thrown. The Steel Champions, for their part, consider this ability to mainly be a way of taking powerful Daemons off of the battlefield, and when the battle is won usually arrange for the Grey Knights or Ordo Malleus to take possession of the used Jars. The last thing the Steel Champions want is anything Daemon possessed near their home system if they can avoid it. Oddly enough, the Blood Ravens are known to have been 'gifted' a handful of these jars on occasion - and given that the Steel Champions still maintain good relations with the Blood Ravens, these 'gifts' may well be exactly that.

Diplomatic Relations
Space Marines: The Steel Champions are strongly allied with the Salamanders, Blood Angels, Blood Ravens, Ultramarine, and Raptors, and ever since the War of the Beast have stood as the sworn brothers of the Imperial Fists and their successor Chapters. On the contrary, however, they are known to despise the Dark Angels, Iron Hands, and Red Scorpions for their many slights and wrongs against both the Steel Champions and their allies.

The Marines Malevolent, meanwhile, have been known to have the Steel Champions outright target them with artillery fire instead of the official enemy. Every Space Marine Chapter approached on the subject has unanimously refused to censure the Steel Champions for these incidents.

-Space Wolves: Oddly enough, the Space Wolves and Steel Champions get along fairly well, with the Rout even willingly sharing drinks of Fenrisian Ale, the only drink strong enough for an Astartes to get drunk from it, with the latter - Something the Steel Champions greatly appreciate.
Angels of Absolution: Being the only Dark Angels Chapter the Steel Champions don't utterly hate is a notable feat in its own right.
Ordo Malleus: The Steel Champions are seen stalwart allies against Chaos. Indeed, so solid is their reputation it is more common for Inquisitors watching the Steel Champions to be on the lookout for other Inquisitors seeking to pilfer Dread Jars to use in radical experimentation than it is for them to be watching signs of the Steel Champions themselves causing issues.
Imperial Guard: The Steel Champions are stalwart allies of most Guard Regiments, and in most cases, the feeling is mutual. It would be hard to name another Space Marine Chapter in the Imperium that has worked together as often or as well with the Imperial Guard, nor one that is willing to give even the lowest ranks of the Astra Militarum such respect.

+50 Reputation

Added New Training Option
Artillery Masters: This chapter possess a great masters at employing artillery in times of war.

OOC: Thanks to my beta for thier hard work.
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5th Chapter Pologue
You let out a huff of great frustration as you finish checking up on the Legendary grade Gene-Seed stocks. It's been centuries by this point, and you've still yet to have the time you would need to train up another Genetor to the level needed to handle them without causing massive issues. Which leaves you and Cawl as the ones capable of doing it without complications…. And as skilled as he is in everything else, even Cawl himself admits his own skill in the area is, as he put it, 'vastly inferior' to yours. Which, coming from that arrogant fool, is saying a great deal.

So of course you dread the day he thinks to actually try and use it himself, mostly because you know he'll drag you into it and take up even more of your time.

There used to be another Genetor that would have eventually reached the needed level - Jarpun Dark. Or at least, there was until the little weasel had turned Heretek on you back in the Heresy!

At least you had the satisfaction of breaking him in half over your knee in the resulting fight, even if he was teleported away before you could finish the job. You despise Chaos...

Choose 1
[ ] Do as you will: You will not be taking any requests at this time.

[ ] Aid to Ultramar: The Ultramarines are putting all their efforts into the Scouring, leaving quite a few holes in the defenses of the Realm of Ultramar. Another space marine Chapter in the region could help alleviate that, and ensure the safety of the 500 Worlds.
Goals: Choose a home planet with the 'Ultramar' tag in the next chapter creation.

[ ] Spiting the Blood God: Some of the 'Inquisitors' created by the Sigilite before his death have been toying with the idea of creating a Space Marine Chapter specifically built to be as unfulfilling a foe for the forces of Khorne to fight as possible. You may as well take them up on it - it's certainly one of their less horrific ideas.
Goals: Create a chapter specialized towards fighting Khorne.

[ ] Secure and Capture: Another request from the so-called 'Inquisition'. It appears they want a Chapter specialized in tracking down and capturing select targets... 'alive'... you would rather not try and comprehend the reasoning. You truly do wonder what Malcador was thinking some days. An update on this request has revealed that the primary target is actually other Inquisitors of all things. You still don't comprehend Malcador's logic.

[ ] Testing, Testing: The Forge World of Murphius is one of the greatest producers of bolter weapons and rounds outside of Mars itself. They are also constantly switching between the many different patterns of bolters that they have 'discovered' in their obsessive quest to discover the ultimate incarnation of bolt weapon technology. They want a Chapter to test some of their... newer rediscoveries. You wish you could be unconnected to these idiots some days, you really do.
Condition: The next Chapter gets the Randomized Bolter Quality trait.

[ ] OP-4: The Assassinorum wants a chapter of Space Marines to practice against… Including combat trials. They have vowed to not actually kill them all and render ALL OF YOUR WORK POINTLESS. How... kind of them.
Goal: Create an anti-stealth Chapter.

[ ] Xenocide: Apparently, the heavy focus on Chaos has left many within the Imperium dismayed at a perceived ignoring of the Xenos threat, and have asked your aid to fix that. Oddly enough though, the description of the Xenos species they want to attack first…. Paints that species as one of the least threatening ones in the entire history of the Imperium. And there have been some fairly unimpressive Xenos in the - Wait a minute, are you being toyed with!?
Condition: Next chapter automatically gains the 'Extremely Xenocidal' trait. They want to kill the Lampreys.

[ ] Codex Experiments: "Hmmmmmmmmmm..."
Goal: Create a chapter with Alpha Legion Gene-Seed and place it in a homeworld with the (Ultramar) tag.

[ ] Rites of Blood: You still remember your time aiding the Blood Angels, before the Heresy tore the galaxy asunder… perhaps you can give them a hand, for old time's sakes.
Goals: Place a Blood Angels descended chapter on a plant with the (Sanguine) tag.

[ ] Purge the Unclean: Apparently, other inquisitors have noticed the anti-Khorne request. Now they have decided that they want you to make a Chapter built around fighting Nurgle instead. This better not become a trend.
Goals: Create a chapter specialized towards fighting Nurgle.

[ ] Bird Hunting: Too late, apparently - now a third group of Inquisitors want a Chapter specialized in fighting the Changer of Ways….. Which is going to be utterly infuriating given the very nature of that particular pain in your backside. Bah.
Goals: Create a chapter specialized for fighting Tzeentch.

[ ] Cold Shower:.... Fine, you'll admit it - as annoyed as this barrage of near identical requests from an organisation that increasingly comes across more as squabbling children than the elite protectors against the darkness Malcador tried to build, that actually is a good project name for a suggestion about a Chapter for fighting Slaanesh.
Goals: Create a chapter specialized for fighting Slaanesh.

Reputation: 105
Points: 40

[ ] Traitor Legion Geneseed: Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course. 5 Points.
[ ] Extra Land Speeders: The Chapter has access to extra Land Speeders of various Patterns, granting them a more capable fast attack force. 10 Points.
[ ] Extra Assault Bikes: The Chapter has access to more Assault Bikes than average, expanding their capability in hit and run tactics. 5 Points.
[ ] Extra Predators: The Chapter has access to more Predator Tanks, allowing them to engage in armored warfare with better facility. 5 Points.

1 Time modifies (Can be purchased multiple times and stored for later.)
[ ] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
[ ] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
[ ] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
[ ] Extra Land Raiders: The Chapter is able to acquire more Land Raiders than normal, allowing them to more freely deploy the mighty IFV against their enemies. 10 Points per charge.
[ ] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.
[ ] Secondary Gene-Seed (Insert Legion Name): The key component for creating Chimeric Gene-Seed. You're honestly surprised Guiliman approved of this one - then again, you did hear him grumbling about some idiots who were suggesting mixing Night Lord and World Eater templates, so maybe he just wanted to make the concept your problem before somebody did something completely moronic. 5 Points for one charge, choose 1 legion to be the donor for the secondary Gene-Seed. Burn 1 charge and traits from the donor chapter are added for a roll, or a separate charge of potent gene-seed can be spent for a separate roll on the donor legion's trait list as well as an acquisition of the secondary legions 'base' traits.
[ ] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialised training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option.

Unique STC's
Sometimes you can use your connections to get a Chapter access to some… harder to acquire pieces of equipment. Unfortunately, the Forge Worlds you managed to get in touch with all made it quite clear they were only willing to do this once - each Chapter gets only one of these specialised tools, and they won't let you give it to a second Chapter afterwards. They simply can't afford the loss of prestige from their secrets becoming so widespread. Blasted politics, encouraging everyone to keep all their knowledge to themselves and making it so you have to rediscover it all from scratch when they inevitably perish...

[ ] Latch Boots: A superior counterpart to the regular mag-boots in Power Armour, these fascinating devices gives the Chapter's armor the ability to 'stick' itself onto any surface at will - letting the Astartes of the chapter fight on vertical surfaces, or even while upside down. 10 Points.
[ ] Cerberus Class Dreadnaught: A dreadnought intended to replicate and replace the power of the now unused Leviathan Siege Dreadnought. The design gets around the risk of killing its occupants by spreading the load out among three Astartes instead of one - thereby keeping the strain from overwhelming any one of them. Of course, that does come at the risk of the blasted thing needing three critically injured Space Marines to work together to get it moving, but that's still far superior to them occasionally dropping dead mid battle. 15 Points.

OOC: Special thanks to me beta reader for looking it over.
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5th Chapter Part 1
[X] Plan: Keepers of Truth
-[X] Do as you will: You will not be taking any requests at this time.
-[X] Traitor Legion Geneseed: Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
--[X] Word Bearers.
-[X] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion. 2x.
-[X] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
-[X] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.
-[X] Secondary Gene-Seed: The key component for creating Chimeric Gene-Seed. You're honestly surprised Guiliman approved of this one - then again, you did hear him grumbling about some idiots who were suggesting mixing Night Lord and World Eater templates, so maybe he just wanted to make the concept your problem before somebody did something completely moronic. 5 Points for one charge, choose 1 legion to be the donor for the secondary Gene-Seed. Burn 1 charge and traits from the donor chapter are added for a roll, or a separate charge of potent gene-seed can be spent for a separate roll on the donor legion's trait list as well as an acquisition of the secondary legions 'base' traits.
--[X] Ultramarines. (Changed to Word bearers in update due the GM error retained as Word bearers after getting player approval )
-[X] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialised training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option.

You let out a sigh of exhaustion as you finish working on the Word Bearers Gene-Seed. You have had a very long few days. The procedure for adding a secondary Gene-Seed into a primary one is a complex and difficult process even for you, but you find it overall more stable than the…. Other methods of Gene-Seed splicing.

If all goes as planned, then hopefully at least some of Lorgar's sons will do the job they were meant to do... Unlike Lorgar himself.

Curse that traitor….. Horus may be the Arch Traitor, but it was Lorgar and that blasted adopted father of his that spread the rot.

You should have used Face Melter on that spineless, conniving, treacherous, Nurgling munching, rust for brains, ass kissing, zealous, brain dead stupid, infuriatingly lucky, backstabbing, ungrateful, mushroom stomached, contemptuous, piece of Grox excrement the moment you laid eyes on it.

The coward didn't even show up at the Siege of Terra! At least the other traitors actually put their Thrones where their mouth was!

2 charges of Legendary Gene-Seed.
2 Charge of Adaptive Gene-Seed.
2 Charge of Potent Gene-Seed.
1 Charge of Secondary Gene-Seed (Word Bearers)

Choose a Legion

[ ] The Raven Guard: The Gene-Seed belonging to the Sons of Corvus Corax no longer has a Mucranoid or Betcher's Gland, resulting in the lack of the acidic spit and the loss of the ability to generate an outer coating to protect the body against extreme environments such as the void of space, and causes a cosmetic mutation in the form of unnaturally pale skin... but the Raven Guard, despite their crippled numbers after Istvaan III, are a worthy lineage as any other. They are specialists in stealth warfare, and are more capable in guerilla war than any other.

[ ] The Ultramarines: The most pure and stable Space Marine Gene-seed, the Ultramarines, sons of Roboute Guiliman, are a lineage that gives no great benefits but in turn does not have great downsides. They are tactically balanced, seeking to practice all forms of warfare rather than master just a few, and stand as the most numerous of the surviving Space Marines. They do seem to have started a minor tradition of maintaining ties with their successor Chapters, however. Whether this is a boon or a curse remains to be seen.

[ ] The Dark Angels: The Dark Angels, sons of Lion El Johnson, much like the Ultramarines have a very stable and mutation free Gene-Seed. They have access to a great deal of highly advanced technology gifted to them by the Emperor, and have formed several of their Companies into heirs of their previous elite forces such as the Deathwing. However, the Dark Angels have also been acting very erratic of late, and are stubbornly insistent about forming 'relations' with their founding chapters regarding matters they refuse to speak of, even to other Astartes. A great number of officials within the Imperium are growing very concerned about this, but with the death of the First Legion's Primarch, it seems unlikely anyone could force them to reveal the reason for their behaviour.

[ ] The Salamanders: Sons of Vulkan, the Salamanders are somewhat mutation prone, yet most deviations within their gene-seed are wholly positive - taking the form of increased temperature resistance, radiological resistance, and enhanced healing capability as well as their signature cosmetic mutation. This does, however, mean that any further mutations will likely be even more noticeable, and possibly have far worse consequences than this. Tactically, they are known for their love of thermal weaponry, and have a good reputation among the Imperium for their kindness and commitment to defending the Imperium's citizenry even when it leaves them at a tactical disadvantage.

[ ] The White Scars: The Sons of Jaghatai Khan bear no overt physical defects, yet the White Scars Gene-Seed has been known to make those implanted with it more savage and hungry for war. In honour of their Primarch's history as a master of cavalry, they have mastered the use of both Combat Bikes and the rarer Jetbike units, and specialise in high speed, hit and run battles.

[ ] The Iron Hands: The Gene-Seed of the Sons of Ferrus Manus seems to hold a genuine disdain of weakness within it, and since the death of their Primarch this hatred seems to have further narrowed into contempt for the weakness of the flesh specifically. Though you fully understand the irony of a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus thinking this you find the belief irrational at best, for is the organic matter in space marines not already more durable and more capable than most cybernetics known to the Imperium? In fact, so pristine is the Omnissiah's enhancements that these cybernetics can actually be a degradation from the original…. But of course, you are a mere Genetor, who degrades himself by working with the 'weak' flesh rather than the blessed machine spirits. Even if you are older and more learned about the ways of the machine than several of your closest peers put together, what could you possibly know about the topic of flesh and machinery in relation to one another?

[ ] The Blood Angels: The gene-seed of the Sons of the late Sanguinius, Beloved by All, has three peculiarities of note. The first and oldest is the Red Thirst, an oddity that causes the Space Marine chapter to thirst for blood so powerfully it can overwhelm them in the midst of battle. Second is the Black Rage, a berserk fury that seems to have been caused as a result of the death of the Blood Angel's Primarch that appears to cause Marines suffering from the affliction to hallucinate their father's final battle, perceiving all around them as being the Arch Traitor Horus himself. Finally you've noticed some minor warp based effect on the 'luck' of some Space Marines, but you doubt that will manifest into anything relevant... Beyond their afflictions, the Ninth Legion are renowned for their mastery of close quarters combat, and for having more Assault Squads in each company than the norm.

[ ] The Imperial Fists: A famously stalwart legion, the Gene-Seed of the Sons of Dorn lacks the Betchers Gland and Sus-an Membrane entirely, leaving them incapable of spitting acid as an emergency weapon and unable to enter suspended animation when critically injured, but otherwise is fairly stable. They are renowned as the greatest masters of defense in all the Imperium, and have also begun to fill the role of the treasonous Iron Warriors in siege warfare.

[ ] The Alpha Legion: The Gene-Seed derived from the traitorous Alpharius is, despite it's origins, very pure as the physical is concerned, with no noticeable mutations beyond the fact that Alpha Legionaires tend to so closely resemble their father as to be able to impersonate him convincingly. On the mental side the Alpha Legion's Gene-Seed seems to create more secretive Astartes with a greater sense of initiative, resulting in them being masters of intelligence gathering, sabotage, and all other forms of indirect warfare.

[ ] The Iron Warriors: The biggest flaw within the Gene-Seed of the traitor Perturabo is that it induces intense paranoia, though nowhere near the bitterness and misanthropy their father posessed even when he was yet loyal. That said, the fact that it also gifts enhanced intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and is compatible with a wider range of aspirants than the majority of other legions can more than make up for that initial flaw if leveraged in the right way. Prior to their betrayal, the Iron Warriors were the greatest masters of Siege Warfare in the entirety of the Imperium, and though this won them little glory, it was a specialisation as worthy as any other.

[ ] World Bearers: More than any other Legion, the Word Bearers, Sons of Lorgar Aurelian, creator of the Imperial Creed and the First Heretic, were masters of spreading ideals. Any Chapter born from them is likely to spread the teachings of their home planet far and wide. Beyond this, they were a generalist Legion, practicing all forms of war, though their investment in promoting their own philosophy and ideology makes them skilled at countering those who attempt the same.

Choose a Homeworld

[ ] Fleet Based: The Chapter is fleet based and will be constantly on the move, but as a result will lack a proper home unless it decides to claim a world for its own in the future.

[ ] Dualis: A planet that is half Forge World on one side and half Death World on the other. The Forge World half of the planet often uses the Death World half to acquire unique chemical mixtures from the wildlife, and puts great pains into maintaining the health of the tribal humans that lurk within its jungles.

[ ] Equartaz: A planet populated by nomads that have tamed horses large enough to hold a space marine, and fierce enough to kill the Orks that infest the planet on a regular basis. Oddly enough, the local Forge World of Beyath-Ezda has discovered an STC that actually contains blueprints of powered armor for these strange horses of all things. Truly, the Ancients made some strange wonders in their time.

[ ] Extrema: A cataclysm of a planet, the only places not covered entirely in ice are those that are located right next to the many rivers of lava that crisscross Extrema's surface. The people of this planet have long adapted to both of these environments and are remarkably able to travel between them as circumstances demand.

[ ] Yuruld II: An unfortunate planet stuck in between the feuding Forge Worlds of Yuruld I and Yuruld III, the world itself is a blasted wasteland full of wrecks from the constant skirmishing and occasional major war between it's two Forge World neighbors. This in turn has made the locals experts in both basic survival, and in making sure that neither of the two nearby Forge Worlds decide to crush them.

[ ] Pertana IV: The most unusual aspect of this planet are its human inhabitants, who have displayed what can only be described as shocking levels of pain resistance - being by all accounts completely unbothered by even the absolute maximum amount of pain a human can survive without dying. The planet itself is mostly unremarkable, beyond the strange fog that seems to cover the entire surface.

[ ] Akasha II: In all regards Akasha is a completely standard jungle Death World, with it's main standout 'trait' being the fact that the Imperial Truth seems to have been adopted very quickly and become strongly entrenched in the short amount of time since it's adoption.

[ ] Skaltland: A large planet of lush green forests, the inhabitants are tough and belligerent folk - being extremely prone to excessive swearing, and picking fights at the drop of the hat. And this is without the horrid shrieking caused by the 'bagpipes' that are their most popular musical instrument. (Fenris Region).

[ ] Kornan II: A World that has the unfortunate fate of being a 'gathering spot' of several Knight Houses… especially given the Knight Houses have a habit of hunting the locals of this jungle moon for sport at these gatherings.

[ ] Ciclus: A temperate, life supporting planet in a solar system surrounded by strange gravitational anomalies so powerful as to tear apart any ship that gets near them, the sole safe route through these anomalies makes for a brilliant defensive checkpoint. Even more importantly, it is impossible to bypass these anomalies via warp jump. (Near Terra).

[ ] Shassad: A jungle infamous for the wide variety of snakes that live on it… as well as a particularly persistent feral Ork occupation, kept in check by a combination of said snakes and the military action of the planet's human tribes. (Near Terra).

[ ] Coloder: A part ice, part oceanic planet, the local tribes of Coloder survive mainly by living atop icebergs that are large enough to hold entire cities. These cities are often besieged by predators from the sea, air, and 'land' alike. (Near Terra).

[ ] Ikkite: A forest planet notable for being covered in spiky, nearly indestructible plant life, the humans of this planet have learned to keep constant awareness of their surroundings even when in the fiercest of combat, lest they be impaled. (Near Terra).

[ ] Oropt: A desert world near one of the major warp routes into Terra. It's inhabitants are a tribal people that are constantly engaged in a fierce war with large, ant-like insects. (Near Terra).

[ ] Rhodes 77: A planet in the Ultramar region, Rhodes is an important hub world due to it's location along several of the most stable warp routes known to Ultramar. This makes the regions near the world a den of piracy both of the human and xenos variety. (Ultramar Region).

[ ] MizzurI: A swamp planet, populated by an extensive variety of crocodilian xenos species. The locals have taken to wrestling with them, and are expert marksmen… though they do have rather strange accents.

[ ] Weeest 2: A jungle planet populated by earth descended tailed primates ,enhanced by the Ancients during the Dark Age of Technology. The local Forge World is dominated by your fellow Genetors, and considers the local primates to be gifts from the Machine God. Rumors persist of a 'king' primate that was able to fight multiple greater daemons during the heresy.

[ ] Evstata: A planet best described as being nearly covered in mountains. The local population is divided between two sets of tribes - those who live atop the mountains, battling with the various colossal birds of prey and giant lizards that roam the peaks…. And those that live on the bottom, and face the horrible spider-legged slugs whose acid breath is capable of melting through Adamantium. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Ooarth: A planet that, according to ancient records, was deliberately terraformed to be an exact copy of Terra itself as it was before becoming a hive world in ages past. It is infested with Orks, but many within the wider Imperium consider it a somewhat 'holy' site regardless. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in it's orbit. Some fear democracies are too vulnerable to Chaos's corruptive effects, but considering they made it through the Heresy you don't think that's much of a concern here. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Spuuuurta: A war-like planet, full of constantly warring city states. They have - in flagrant defiance of the Imperial Truth you might add - taken to worshiping the Emperor as some sort of war god. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Terrararaaa: A planet that looks mostly normal on the surface, but in truth hosts a cave network so utterly massive in scale that the Mechanicus still has not figured out how the entire thing maintains consistent gravity. You also haven't figured out how it doesn't collapse on itself from the pressure of gravity. The locals on this planet are semi-civilized, and spend most of their time fighting the uncountable horrors from the depths.(Segmentum Solar)

[ ] Jujuarn: A death world with a variety of biomes, the planet of Jujuarn is notable mostly because its wildlife population is for some reason composed almostentirely of invasive species. Ambulls, Orkoids, Grox, Land Sharks, Haemovores, Carnosaurs, Rad-wolves, Catachan Devils and even the Salamanders of Nocturne have all somehow managed to establish breeding populations on the planet and thrive. (Segmentum Solar)

[ ] Rockheim: A Feral world near one of the few recorded 'Squat' realms, the locals seem to have a fairly good relationship with the short abhumans, with the latter frequently aiding the former with Ork invasions. (Segmentum Solar)

[ ] Cancer IV: A planet orbited by the dead remains of a crab-like xeno beast the size of Terra's moon. Despite it's death, the creature still seems to have some sort of regeneration active, leading to massive chunks of flesh and shell bombarding the planet from time to time. Oddly enough the beast, particularly it's shell, seems to repel the warp to some extent, and the forces of Chaos had an extremely difficult time operating on the planet during the Heresy. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Paerara: A planet mostly covered with an orange colored chemical, with islands hosting the human population. This chemical is highly potent, and during the Horus Heresy some Death Guard plague marines were outright disintegrated when they made the mistake of setting foot into puddles of the stuff. Additionally, Daemons of Nurgle had been reported as outright refusing to manifest on the planet whenever the Death Guard attempted to summon them. Not so incidentally, the population seems to be extremely resistant to disease and has developed a tolerance for the airborne variant of the chemical. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Emperor's Landing: One of the very first planets the Emperor conquered after leaving Terra. The exact details are not known, but the Emperor on this world battled a foe so devastating that he was pushed nearly to his limits, having barely ever used such a level of power before or since. To this day, his power permeates the area so thoroughly that much of the wildlife actually glows with his radiance at night. (Segmentum Solar).

[ ] Penancia II: During the Heresy the planet of Penancia II sent a great many soldiers to aid in the loyalists' cause. However, most of them wound up killed in transit, and the people of Penancia felt it was their fault. Despite the fact no one in the Imperium even slightly blames them for it - it's not like they were the ones flying the blasted ships - the people of Penancia II have taken to flagellation and ritual scarring of themselves en masse, to atone for failing the rest of humanity.

[ ] Wasteland: A world of constant war, both by the forces of Chaos and several Xenos of note to the Imperium such as the Orks and Eldar, the aptly named planet of Wasteland is routinely invaded by multiple hostile forces at the same time. It has never fallen however - for these forces are usually at least as hostile to each other as they are to humanity. Oddly enough, despite the damage of the constant warfare, the local wildlife has proven remarkably hardy, and the planet is actually covered in swampland instead of the lifeless desert you would expect from somewhere with this many battles on it. You'd love to study them, but your augments report that your odds of having any free time this millenia remain exactly as they have been since the Heresy. Which is to say, 0.0000[infinitely repeating]0001%.

[ ] Occa: An oceanic planet, dominated by giant creatures descended from the ancient 'Killer Whales' of ancient Terra's lore. Thankfully, despite being the apex predator the actual whales are among the least aggressive to humans on record. Which is a very good thing, since everything else is dangerous enough for the planet to qualify for death world status without the supersized orcas.

[ ] Kerztak: The planet of Kerztak is dominated entirely by grass plains…. And massive tornadoes of such ferocity that they've been known to rip Imperator Titans to shreds. The locals, needless to say, have gotten very good at avoiding them.

Ooc: One again thanks to my beta.
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5th Chapter Part 2
[X] Plan: The Flame of Truth.
-[X] The Ultramarines: The most pure and stable Space Marine Gene-seed, the Ultramarines, sons of Roboute Guiliman, are a lineage that gives no great benefits but in turn does not have great downsides. They are tactically balanced, seeking to practice all forms of warfare rather than master just a few, and stand as the most numerous of the surviving Space Marines. They do seem to have started a minor tradition of maintaining ties with their successor Chapters, however. Whether this is a boon or a curse remains to be seen.
-[X] Secondary Gene-Seed (Word Bearers).
--[X] Potent Gene-Seed.
--[X] Legendary Gene-Seed.
-[X] Akasha II: In all regards Akasha is a completely standard jungle Death World, with it's main standout 'trait' being the fact that the Imperial Truth seems to have been adopted very quickly and become strongly entrenched in the short amount of time since it's adoption\

"This was a foolish move." One Blood Angel chastises his brother as you finish using your augments to collate the data you've gathered into something you can coherently relay to someone who isn't a fellow Tech Priest. "Having worked with us in the past or not, we should not have risked the life of such an ancient and renowned Genetor by bringing them so close to one who had fallen to the Black Rage…. If he perished, the wrath of the Mechanicus would have been legend."


As if you would still be alive if you were that easy to kill.

This one definitely wasn't around at the time of the Heresy.

"It was a worthy risk." The older Blood Angel rebuffs his younger cohort, his skull like helm staring evenly at his brother. "Grimm has survived extended close combat with the World Eaters traitor legion at the siege of Terra, and was personal witness to the rage that overtook us upon our father's…. If anyone could understand the true extent of the malady, it was him."

"..... your respect is appreciated, Chaplain." You bow before Pharn, an epitome of the Blood Angels if there ever was one. He was there when you were transferred into the legion, all those years ago - it is good to see there are still some from those days alive. "I am only saddened that I cannot do much beyond slow down the symptoms…. Still, it was not unpleasant to see that you have held yourselves so well in the years following the Heresy."

"You have served with us with respect and dignity for a long time, old friend." Even with the modulator, you can sense the amusement in his voice for his next sentence. "Though I have to admit, back when we first met in the twilight years of the Great Crusade I truly didn't know what to think of you. It was not often that a Genetor comes heralded by outright praise from the Space Wolves."

….. You hope they didn't include all those fistfights you got into in that praise. You really do.

Either way, you have work to return too. At least Guiliman and Lorgar's Gene Seed melded together acceptably. Saved you a few migraines.

Favor of ???: This chapter is favored by ??? - the powers of the divine, both Chaotic and otherwise, are weakened in their presence.
The Pallan Warp Eater: The Chapter has tamed the dread Pallan Warp Eater, a large predator resembling a mass of human limbs surrounding a singular large maw. It is attracted to, and actively prefers to devour, individuals with the blessings of certain Warp Entities.
Poison Resistance: This chapter is especially resistant to toxins, even by Space Marine standards.
Zeal: This chapter is fanatical and driven in its tasks. They will not be made to rest easily.
Stubbornness: This chapter can be exceptionally stubborn when it comes to holding a position. Naturally, this can have both positive and negative impacts.
Imperial Truth (Ideology Spread): The Marines of this chapter are firm believers in the Imperial Truth, and will spread its beliefs as far and wide as they can manage.

You have.
1 Charge of Extra Trainers
1 Charge of More Equipment

[ ] Write in Name
[ ] Write in or post a picture of the chapter colors.
[ ] Write in chapter symbol.
[ ] Write in chapter creed. (Optional).

Normal Training Options
[ ] Scout Training: The Chapter's Marines are given more advanced training in the art of scouting, and as a result more of its Marines remain as dedicated scouts - even after being promoted from the rank of Scout Marine proper. They afford greater reconnaisance and intelligence gathering abilities, as well as improved stealth warfare.

[ ] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.

[ ] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.

[ ] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.

[ ] Deepstrikes: More so than even other Space Marines, this Chapter has gained a mastery of the orbital strikes Adeptus Astartes are famous for.

[ ] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.

[ ] Spear Training: The Chapter is especially well trained in the use of spear and javelin like weapons, this does not cover staves or pole-arms however.

[ ] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.

[ ] Boarding Specialists: The Chapter's Marines are truly masters at boarding voidcraft - even by Space Marine standards.

[ ] Counterintelligence Training: The Chapter is proficient in the art of detecting and thwarting enemy infiltration attempts.

[ ] Artillery Masters: The Chapter are masters at employing artillery in times of war, both on offense and defense.

Normal Equipement Options
[ ] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.

[ ] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.

[ ] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.

[ ] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Chapter has some to spare.

[ ] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power. (5 points)

OOC: As per ususal thanks to the beta for helping out.
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Keepers of Truth
[X] Plan: Keepers of Truth.
-[X] Chapter Name: Keepers of Truth.
-[X] Chapter Colors: Dark Red primary, Ashen secondary with White for kneeplate and pauldron trim.
-[X] Chapter Symbol: Bright red, burning torch with wings at it's sides.
-[X] Chapter Creed: "Burn The Lies of Ignorance! Burn The Lies of Darkness! Burn The Lies of The Warp!"
-[X] Entrenchment: The Chapter is better at erecting and maintaining fortifications than average.
-[X] Counterintelligence Training: The Chapter is proficient in the art of detecting and thwarting enemy infiltration attempts.
-[X] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
-[X] Heavy Weaponry: The Chapter is well supplied with heavy weaponry, and can field a larger proportion of Devastator squads.

Name: Keepers of Truth
Chapter Colors: Dark Red primary, Ashen secondary with White for kneeplate and pauldron trim.
Chapter Symbol: Bright red, burning torch with wings at it's sides.
Chapter Creed: "Burn The Lies of Ignorance! Burn The Lies of Darkness! Burn The Lies of The Warp!"

Homeworld: For the most part, the Keepers of Truth's homeworld of Akasha II has been considered to be an 'average' jungle death world, with relatively mediocre threats - poison dart frogs toxic enough they are capable of killing Space Marines, giant snakes, and all manners of horrible jungle beasts. However, even on a world such as this, one predator stands above all others - the Warp Eater.

Warp Eaters: The dominant predator of Akasha II, the Warp Eaters resemble a mass of human limbs surrounding a singular large maw. The smaller 'child' stage Warp Eaters are only a little big larger than a Space Marine, though strong enough to rip one appart. The adult Warp Eaters, on the other hand, are as large as four baneblades stacked on top of one another and are strong enough to casually destroy Imperial Knights if allowed to get into close range. Larval Warp Eaters are the smallest stage and more often than not attack by swarming their targets. Regardless of age, they are inexplicable capable of tracking down Daemons or beings blessed by Warp 'gods', and will savagely tear apart and devour anything that falls under those conditions. However it would be foolish to mistake Warp Eaters for violent berserkers, as they have shown themselves to be fairly stealthy in the lead up to a given attack - more often than not attacking their foes from ambush, or targeting ranged combatants to take them out of the fight before facing off against the rest of a group of 'prey'. In fact these creatures are so stealthy that they were only discovered after the Keepers of Truth Space Marine Chapter chose Akasha II as their homeworld, with no others having managed to discover them and survive in the time since the world was discovered.

Fortress Monastery: A massive mixture of a traditional Fortress Monastery and an immense library, the Keepers of Truth spend a great deal of time reviewing, cross references, and cataloging the vast stores of knowledge the chapter has gathered over its existence within their home. The monastery is also home to an extensive tunnel network, which Warp Eaters of all sizes use to move from place to place in rapid succession.

Combat and Structure: The Keepers of Truth, aside from unique quirks such as extra skill in defensive warfare, larger numbers of Devastator and Assault Marines with commensurately fewer Tactical Squads, and a skill at preventing enemy infiltration could be considered to be a standard codex compliant Chapter, though they do have some notable differences that make them stand out from the average. The fact that the Keepers of Truth are significantly more resilient to the powers of Chaos, and enemy psyker abilities as a whole, has made them one of the first choices to fight traitor marines should the Exorcists or Grey Knights be unavailable.

Imperial Bulwark: A sub-realm of the Imperium, like the Realm of Ultramar, located within Segmentum Tempestus. It is very closely tied together by a shared belief in the Imperial Truth, both among the planetary populations and the Space Marine Chapters within its space. Due to this the state has often found itself at odds with the Ecclesiarchy, which has been all but banned from it's space both by local governments and a decree from the High Lords of Terra.

Unique Units

Warp Eaters: Warp Eaters of various size have been used by the Keepers of Truth in a variety of roles, ranging from fast attack, to battling Greater Daemons, to even being sent out to assassinate prominent Chaos Sorcerers.

Marine Heralds: One of the most notable departures of the Keepers of Truth from the Codex Astartes is the fact that their Chaplains are divided into two separate roles. The Heralds are responsible for maintaining the traditions of the Chapter's culture, as well as spreading the word of the Imperial Truth throughout the Emperor's domain. While the Chapter keeps a number of Heralds among their own to maintain their own traditions, a great many more wander the galaxy - especially among the worlds of the Imperial Bulwark - on a Crusade of their own against the forces that would destroy the Emperor's true vision. In combat a Marine Herald is typically armed with a large flaming chainsword in one hand, while the other uses a more typical bolt-pistol.

Marine Scouror: While the Heralds have taken the role of guardian of the Chapter customs ,the Marine Scouror has taken on the role of rooting out heresy wherever it can be found. To do this, the Scouror is aided by a larval Warp Eater, kept in a force cage mounted on top of a Servo-Skull that follows the Marine Scouror at every turn. Even larval Warp Eaters are extremely sensitive to the touch of the 'divine', and will consistently direct the Scouror to any would-be cultists no matter how hidden they might think their connection to their pathetic deity to be. In combat, the Marine Scouror wields a Barbed Power Shield in one hand with a bolt-pistol in the other, as well as a unique wrist mounted flamer built into their armor.

Marine Purgers: Marines utilizing flamers fueled with a unique substance, developed through the combined efforts of the Keepers of Truth Librarians and the Academy of the Imperial Truth. The fires powered by this fuel are especially potent against Chaotic beings (And, oddly enough, the Sisters of Battle) and burn especially violently on Daemons, to the point that while Marine Purgers cannot unleash True Death, the flames have been recorded as leaving permanent scars that persist into the Daemon's next manifestation on the physical plane. The formula used in the Marine Purger's weapons has been considered cursed by the Ecclesiarchy ever since the burning of the Shrine World Moonaaarchia.

Librarian Deniers: The Keepers of Truth Librarians, though not as dominant as in Chapters such as the Blood Ravens, are still treated with great respect - for their powers have been noted to be especially devastating versus, the Arch-enemy and not once has one of the Librarian Deniers ever so much as suffered from a symptom of corruption, with even Nurge's most potent plagues seemingly unable to find purchase.

Notable Events of the Keepers of Truth
-The Keepers of Truth begin a resurgence of the Imperial Truth on the planets surrounding their homeworld, quickly quashing the budding Imperial Creed within local space. The region these worlds, and the Keepers of Truth themselves, reside in would become known as the Imperial Bulwark, considering themselves the last vestiges of the Emperor's Truth in an Imperium slowly going mad from fanaticism.
-During the Third Founding, two Space Marine Chapters would be founded on planets adjacent to the Keepers of Truth, and would also adopt the Imperial Truth as their overriding philosophy.
-The Imperial Creed is adopted as the official faith of the Imperium of Man. Seeing the last holdout of the Imperial Truth as a threat to their dominance, the Ecclesiarchy declares war against the Imperial Bulwark. The battles between the two factions are intense, with entire worlds on both sides reduced to nothing but ash - but the Keepers of Truth managed to slow down and bloody the Ecclesiarchy's crusade long enough for the Chapter's contacts in the Ordo Malleus to begin working against the Ecclesiarchy. This does not entirely stop the crusade, but the Ecclesiarchy's increasing madness would eventually lead them to foolishly try and pressure the Adeptus Mechanicus into providing extra aid… Something that angered the Priesthood of Mars deeply enough for them to provide political and material aid to the Imperial Bulwark instead. Faced with Inquisitorial investigations, the Adeptus Mechanicus being on the verge of openly declaring for the Bulwark, and the threat of an impending counterattack from the Bulwark itself, the crusade is called off and the Treaty of Truth is signed, under which the Ecclesiarchy and the Bulwark would leave each other to their own affairs.
-With the breathing room earned from the Treaty of Truth, the Keepers of Truth would expand the borders of the Imperial Bulwark - both reclaiming Imperial Worlds lost to Xenos as a result of the earlier war with the Ecclesiarchy, and also pushing forward to reconnect with other long lost human worlds. More than a few of these worlds would end up hosting Space Marine Chapters from later Foundings, each of whom would quickly connect with the other Chapters of the Bulwark as a defensive measure against the ever present threat of the Ecclesiarchy's hostility.
-Aa particularly pompous Ecclesiarch would declare a new crusade against the Imperial Bulwark, in violation of the Treaty of Truth. However, this time around things would go very different for the crusaders, as the much greater number of Space Marine Chapters within the Imperial Bulwark as well as the Bulwark's greatly increased size would lead to the crusade being crushed in short order. Of particular humiliation to the Ecclesiarchy was the Crusade of Truth, a counterattack led by the Keepers that would lead to the complete destruction of over a hundred Shrine Worlds and lead to the reigning Ecclesiarch giving up his position in disgrace. Facing intense pressure from the other High Lords of Terra, the new Ecclesiarch would finally call off the crusade.
-While the Keepers of Truth would remain uninvolved in the volatile politics of the Age of Apostasy, the Imperial Bulwark itself would find itself heavily expanding, as many worlds push to join it rather than risk facing the potential cataclysm of a visit from Vandire. Vandire himself, in a rare move of knowing when to pick his battles, took great pains not to provoke either the Keepers of Truth or the rest of the Imperial Bulwark during his disastrous reign.
-Several warbands of the Word Bearers would launch an 'Apostate Crusade' against their 'Wayward brothers'. After fierce fighting the Chaos Space Marine led 'Crusade' would end up utterly destroyed, with only a single ship from the Word Bearers managing to escape. The most notable casualty of the Apostate Crusade on either side of the conflict would be a Word Bearers daemon prince of Slaanesh, who had permanent burns inflicted upon him by the concentrated assault of several Keepers of Truth Marine Purgers.
-An unknown incident would lead to a Black Templars Crusade Fleet invading Akasha II itself. Unable to break through the extensive orbital defenses, the Crusade Fleet would end up launching Marines down onto the planet themselves - only to end up beaten in a battle so bloody that it would have brought back horrifying memories of the Iron Cage incident, if any such survivors of that legendary event been present to witness the battle. During the the fighting, the Keepers of Truth would seize or even outright destroy several Black Templar relics, at least one of which was known to have dated back to the founding of the Black Templars Chapter itself. Further conflict was only prevented by the arrival of several other Imperial Bulwark chapters and, to the confusion of all involved, the Minotaurs of all Marines, to demand the Templars stand down.
-Incensed by an unknown slight on the part of the Keepers of Truth, an entire order of Sisters of Battle would go rogue and attack Akasha II. They would fare far worse than the Black Templars had before them, and the Keepers of Truth would burn the Shrine World the Order had been based on to the bedrock as retaliation.
- A Second Apostate Crusade would be launched by the Word Bearers, and was once again defeated by the Keepers of Truth. Oddly enough, Inquisitorial investigations into the event would reveal the intention of this crusade not as conquest, but instead some kind of attempt to discover the 'patron' of the Keepers of Truth. The Keepers of Truth themselves would of course dismiss these motives as the ravings of madmen, and paid no further thought to the matter.
-Another Sisters of Battle Order would end up at war with the Keepers of Truth. The exact causes and conditions of this fight have been censored by the Inquisition, but ever since the Order itself would take up a practice of inflicting ritualistic burn scars on themselves, and would boast a higher than average number of Sisters Repentia.

Diplomatic Relations
-Ecclesiarchy-The Keepers of Truth despise the Ecclesiarchy and everything it stands for, and the feeling is reciprocated to such an extent that the Treaty of Truth and the threat of intervention from the Custodes themselves is the only thing keeping the two factions from trying to annihilate each other.
-Black Templars-If anything, the Keepers of Truth seem to hate the Black Templars even more than they hate the Ecclesiarchy. The feeling, much like with the Ecclesiarchy, is mutual, yet somehow manages to be lesser on the Black Templar's part than it is on that of the Keepers of Truth.
-Fabius Bile: The Keepers of Truth despise Bile, and want him dead at all costs. Nevertheless, the Fallen Marine has been known to frequent Imperial Bulwark territory for unknown reasons, and his disdain for the Chaos Gods and their servants seems to have actually given him limited protection from detection by Warp Eaters.
-Ordo Sanctorum: The Inquisitors dedicated to the policing the Ecclesiarchy naturally find the Imperial Bulwark as a whole, and the areas directly protected by the Keeper of Truth in particular, to be the ideal place to meet and discuss progress on their investigations. A common topic is bitterness towards the Ordo Hereticus for having lost its purpose, and even becoming reliant on the Ecclesiarchy itself for its muscle.
-Adeptus Mechanicus: Surprisingly, despite their violent secularism, the Keepers of Truth keep very friendly relations with the Adeptus Mechanicus. Most likely, this is because of a combination of a shared focus on logic and the fact that the Imperial Truth has had provisions for the existence of the Mechanicus since before the Ecclesiarchy was even a concept in the minds of its first adherents.

The Imperial Academy: The Imperial Academy is the organized body of the Imperial Truth within the Imperial Bulwark, and to a lesser extent the entire Imperium - though it's influence is naturally very limited outside of the Imperial Bulwark itself. Still, it has actually been proposed that one of the 'Board', those that make up the most respected within the Imperial Academy, be promoted to a position among the High Lords of Terra themselves from time to time. This is, admittedly, usually an attempt at provoking or checking the Ecclesiarchy more than anything else. Like most academic institutions, there are actually several lines of thought within the Imperial Academy, among which the below comprise only a handful.
-Gearists: The Gearists are in truth members of the Adeptus Mechanicus, who have taken parts of the Imperial Academy's beliefs and included it into their own faith. They are seen as strange, but ultimately harmless or even beneficial by the rest of the Academy.
-Parasitists: While the common belief within the modern Imperial Truth is that the four Chaos Gods are, at best, nothing more than Parasites, there are some whom believe that the Ecclesiarchy is in the process of creating a fifth such 'Parasite' with its mindless faith, and thus believe that the Ecclesiarchy must be destroyed before it is too late, lest humanity share the Eldar's fate.
-Mortalists: The ultimate theory of the Mortalists is simple - that strengthening the Emperor, in any way, will eventually lead to the ultimate destruction of Chaos. They are not friendly to the Ecclesiarchy, but are more tolerant of it than others. Their name comes from the common belief that, because the Chaos 'Gods' feared the Emperor, who considered himself nothing more than a mortal man, they in turn lost any claim to the title of 'god' - and that the worshipers of Chaos are all the more pathetic for calling them as such.
-Necessarians: A belief kept only in secret but common among Xeno Hybridis Inquisitors, the Necessarians believe that the xenophobia of the old Imperial Truth was ultimately merely a tool to unite the masses under one nation, and that the Emperor would have discarded it once his Crusade was complete. Naturally, this means the Necessarians do not feel nearly the same desire to destroy Xenos that many other Imperial factions do.
-Humanitas: The Humanitas are a faction that believe the Imperium of Man as it stands is at a very high risk of crushing the very humanity out of humanity itself. Thus, to the Humanitas it is a matter of survival to try and reform the Imperium as soon as possible in order to improve the state of the average human… lest they be turned into something inhuman, with neither the wicked Xenos or the forces of Chaos needing to lift a finger.
-Follis: A faction whose primary belief is that the Ecclesiarchy is, bluntly, stupid. It includes many Inquisitors of the Seculos Attendous philosophy.

+20 Reputation

Added New Training Option
Politics: This chapter has grown adept at manipulating the surrounding political landscape. A sad necessity, in the increasingly politically driven Imperium.

OOC: Thanks to the beta... especially since I threw what could be safly described as a chonker at them this time around.
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6th Chapter Prologue
You let out a growl of anger as you are once again forced to correct a mistake in a Third Founding Successor Chapter's implantation process, one that would have made the Red Thirst significantly worse than it already is.

It's been less than three days since the Third Founding has started, and you've already had to correct more mistakes in your junior's processes than there are glitches in Fabricator Kerstasus's cranial unit.

Between that and the one behind the xenocide plan being outed as a Khornate worshiper (and promptly unceremoniously shot), you've been growing more and more exhausted with the way things have been going in rest of the Imperium as of late. You do not envy Guiliman - the number of headaches he's been dealing with boggles the mind.

Still, at least this Third Founding means it will be a few centuries before you have to participate in a Fourth Founding… you hope, anyway.

You've already got a chapter to work on! Even with your unique skills, you can only split your attention so many ways at once!

Choose 1
[ ] Do as you will: You will not be taking any requests at this time.

[ ] Aid to Ultramar: The Ultramarines have finished the Scouring but still have a great many commitments elsewhere, leaving quite a few holes in the defenses of the Realm of Ultramar. Another space marine Chapter in the region could help alleviate that, and ensure the safety of the 500 Worlds.
Goals: Choose a home planet with the 'Ultramar' tag in the next chapter creation.

[ ] Spiting the Blood God: Some of the 'Inquisitors' created by the Sigilite before his death have been toying with the idea of creating a Space Marine Chapter specifically built to be as unfulfilling a foe for the forces of Khorne to fight as possible. You may as well take them up on it - it's certainly one of their less horrific ideas.
Goals: Create a chapter specialized towards fighting Khorne.

[ ] Secure and Capture: Another request from the so-called 'Inquisition'. It appears they want a Chapter specialized in tracking down and capturing select targets... 'alive'... you would rather not try and comprehend the reasoning. You truly do wonder what Malcador was thinking some days. An update on this request has revealed that the primary target is actually other Inquisitors of all things. You still don't comprehend Malcador's logic.

[ ] Inedibility: A recent battle against a hive minded species, with a rapid adaption rate capable of devouring other living things in order to rapidly add their biomass to a growing horde, has led to some... concern about would occur if a similar event happened and wasn't caught as early. Thus, you have been tasked with creating a Chapter based on a homeworld that such a species would find supremely unpleasant to try and actually take, as a precautionary measure.
Goals: Base a chapter on a homeworld with the (Indebile) tag.

[ ] Rebellion Crushing: An odd number of rebellions have been spreading throughout the Imperium. Many among the Imperium's upper crust have backed a request for a Chapter dedicated to crushing these revolts, preferably before they escalate to a point where they are forced to commit ludicrous amounts of Guardsmen to take back a single willful planet instead of fighting actual threats.
Goal: Create a Chapter specialised in combating planetary rebellions.

[ ] Testing, Testing: The Forge World of Murphius is one of the greatest producers of bolter weapons and rounds outside of Mars itself. They are also constantly switching between the many different patterns of bolters that they have 'discovered' in their obsessive quest to discover the ultimate incarnation of bolt weapon technology. They want a Chapter to test some of their... newer rediscoveries. You wish you could be unconnected to these idiots some days, you really do.
Condition: The next Chapter gets the Randomized Bolter Quality trait.

[ ] OP-4: The Assassinorum wants a chapter of Space Marines to practice against… Including combat trials. They have vowed to not actually kill them all and render ALL OF YOUR WORK POINTLESS. How... kind of them.
Goal: Create an anti-stealth Chapter.

[ ] Codex Experiments: "Hmmmmmmmmmm..."
Goal: Create a chapter with Alpha Legion Gene-Seed and place it in a homeworld with the (Ultramar) tag.

[ ] Rites of Blood: You still remember your time aiding the Blood Angels, before the Heresy tore the galaxy asunder… perhaps you can give them a hand, for old time's sakes.
Goals: Place a Blood Angels descended chapter on a planet with the (Sanguine) tag.

[ ] Purge the Unclean: Apparently, other inquisitors have noticed the anti-Khorne request. Now they have decided that they want you to make a Chapter built around fighting Nurgle instead. This better not become a trend.
Goals: Create a chapter specialized towards fighting Nurgle.

[ ] Bird Hunting: Too late, apparently - now a third group of Inquisitors want a Chapter specialized in fighting the Changer of Ways….. Which is going to be utterly infuriating given the very nature of that particular pain in your backside. Bah.
Goals: Create a chapter specialized for fighting Tzeentch.

[ ] Cold Shower:.... Fine, you'll admit it - as annoyed as this barrage of near identical requests from an organisation that increasingly comes across more as squabbling children than the elite protectors against the darkness Malcador tried to build, that actually is a good project name for a suggestion about a Chapter for fighting Slaanesh.
Goals: Create a chapter specialized for fighting Slaanesh.

Reputation: 125
Points: 40

[ ] Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
[ ] Extra Dreadnaughts: The Chapter has more Dreadnought hulls than normal, letting it field more of the venerable ancients… if it has enough wounded veterans to pilot them, of course. 5 Points.
[ ] Extra Land Speeders: The Chapter has access to extra Land Speeders of various Patterns, granting them a more capable fast attack force. 10 Points.
[ ] Extra Assault Bikes: The Chapter has access to more Assault Bikes than average, expanding their capability in hit and run tactics. 5 Points.
[ ] Extra Whirlwinds: This chapter has access to more Whirlwind artillery tanks than average. 5 Points
[ ] Extra Vindicators: This chapter has greater access to the Vindicator siege gun than most. 5 Points
[ ] More Stalkers: The Chapter has additional platforms of the Stalker anti-aircraft vehicle. 5 Points
[ ] More Hunters: This chapter has additional examples of the Hunter heavy anti-aircraft vehicle. 5 Points
[ ] Extra Predators: The Chapter has access to more Predator Tanks, allowing them to engage in armored warfare with better facility. 5 Points.

1 Time modifies (Can be purchased multiple times and stored for later.)
[ ] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
[ ] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.
[ ] Legendary Gene-Seed: The finest Gene-Seed ever recovered from a given legion. 15 Points per charge, Burn a Charge to add a legion's legendary traits to the roll list for that round.
[ ] Extra Land Raiders: The Chapter is able to acquire more Land Raiders than normal, allowing them to more freely deploy the mighty IFV against their enemies. 10 Points per charge.
[ ] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the chapter.
[ ] Secondary Gene-Seed (Insert Legion Name): The key component for creating Chimeric Gene-Seed. You're honestly surprised Guiliman approved of this one - then again, you did hear him grumbling about some idiots who were suggesting mixing Night Lord and World Eater templates, so maybe he just wanted to make the concept your problem before somebody did something completely moronic. 25 Points for one charge, choose 1 legion to be the donor for the secondary Gene-Seed. Burn 1 charge and traits from the donor chapter are added for a roll, or a separate charge of potent gene-seed can be spent for a separate roll on the donor legion's trait list as well as an acquisition of the secondary legions 'base' traits.
[ ] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialised training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option.

Unique STC's
Sometimes, you can use your connections to get a Chapter access to some… harder to acquire pieces of equipment. Unfortunately, the Forge Worlds you managed to get in touch with all made it quite clear they were only willing to do this once - each Chapter gets only one of these specialised tools, and they won't let you give it to a second Chapter afterwards. They simply can't afford the loss of prestige from their secrets becoming so widespread. Blasted politics, encouraging everyone to keep all their knowledge to themselves and making it so you have to rediscover it all from scratch when they inevitably perish...

[ ] Latch Boots: A superior counterpart to the regular mag-boots in Power Armour, these fascinating devices gives the Chapter's armor the ability to 'stick' itself onto any surface at will - letting the Astartes of the chapter fight on vertical surfaces, or even while upside down. 10 Points.
[ ] Cerberus Pattern Dreadnaught: A dreadnought intended to replicate and replace the power of the now unused Leviathan Siege Dreadnought. The design gets around the risk of killing its occupants by spreading the load out among three Astartes instead of one - thereby keeping the strain from overwhelming any one of them. Of course, that does come at the risk of the blasted thing needing three critically injured Space Marines to work together to get it moving, but that's still far superior to them occasionally dropping dead mid battle. 15 Points.
[ ] Power Chakram: An odd example of weapon design, the power Chakram is nonetheless a lethal weapon, both in close range and to anyone foolish enough to be hit by its thrown form.
[ ] Cauter Blade: A specialized vibro blade of intense cutting power, which the Techpriest showing it to you theorizes was probably made for usage against regenerating creatures by the Ancients. When the Cauter Blade is active, the middle of the blade becomes superheated to the point that both sides of the wounds it creates are separately cauterized, keeping the wound from healing properly and making it far more difficult to reattach or regenerate lost limbs. It does, of course, come with the price that enemies struck with it face no fear of bleeding out whatsoever. 5 Points.
[ ] Crusher Pattern Dreadnought: A strange take on the traditional Dreadnought concept, where the lower half of the body has been replaced with treads. This makes the chassis incapable of fighting in doors (for one thing, it can be defeated by a single set of stairs), but in turn the upper half is even more heavily armored, possess greatly enhanced weapons packages for its limbs, and even has a pair of massive heavy weapons mounted on each shoulder. 10 Points
[ ] Rover Pattern Dreadnaught: A Dreadnought model on wheels, the Rover Class is far faster than just about any other dreadnaught type, without being much more expensive than the standard Castraferrum Pattern dreadnought chassis. It does suffer in difficult terrain in comparison to the basic or Crusher dreadnaughts, however. 10 Points.

OOC: Thanks be to the beta.
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