The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Ordo Mallius Inquisitors somethings request them for so long the chapter just writes them as 'gone' and recruit replacements.
I would like to imagine that there are more than 1000 extra Seraph Brotherhood Marines just killing Cultists, daemons and their ilk across the galaxy all because the Ordo Malleus 'forgets' to send them back to their chapter and nobody bats an eye because they're too damn effective.
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Specialist chapters who are the best there is at what they do are fun. If you need to board a ship you call the Eternal Guard and if you need to kill many, many call the Seraph Brotherhood.
Due to this, the Libertarian Heralds are a devastating force
Should be "Librarian", unless they have some unique ideas for the Imperium. :p

It is said the eldest of these heroic Dreadnoughts, an ancient named Germeh Scourge, has become so powerful in his millenia of life that even the mere act of him waking up is enough to banish swathes of weaker daemons.
Germeh Scourge brushes his teeth.

A Demon invasion is shut down.

The question then becomes who to hybridize them with, Ultramarines for stability? Salamanders in the hope that their generally positive mutations cancel out the flesh change? Something else altogether?
Worth noting that Ultramarines roll more on the planet trait list, instead of having their own unique traits.

I think that's worth considering on a planet like Emperor's Landing.
I wonder, is it possible for us to use Geneseed from the Chapters we created as the base Geneseed for a new Chapter? @undead frog
Feels like that would lead to too much min maxing and thus loss of original things since people would just use the best possible traits. Think the current set up works since it gives more flavor with already having 18 chapters to choose from. Of which we only got around to not even half.
So something just occurred to me: we should save this STC for when we do a white scar desended chapter.
[ ] Rover Pattern Dreadnaught: A Dreadnought model on wheels, the Rover Class is far faster than just about any other dreadnaught type, without being much more expensive than the standard Castraferrum Pattern dreadnought chassis. It does suffer in difficult terrain in comparison to the basic or Crusher dreadnaughts, however.
Would the Salamander-Thousand Sons essentially a Psyker-Smith Chapter? If so then on Emperor's Landing they might get into Sanctified Psytech.
Edit: Either the Salamanders or Ultramarines for the planet bonuses.
Cursed Thought: What if we put Salamanders/Emperor's Children Chimerics on Emperor's Landing?

This combination would basically create a Chapter that's only arrogant "towards people that deserve it"
To the immense chagrin of Chaos, the aura of these Librarian Herald Dreadnaughts does not stop getting stronger while the Dreadnaughts slumber. It is said the eldest of these heroic Dreadnoughts, an ancient named Germeh Scourge, has become so powerful in his millenia of life that even the mere act of him waking up is enough to banish swathes of weaker daemons.
This may be one of the most badass things I have read a 40k character could be capable of.
As with quite literally every other inhabited structure on the planet, many Cultists routinely attempt to launch a sneak attack upon this stronghold via bases in nearby Hive Cities, but almost all attempts are foiled with little actual effort by the Seraph Brotherhood themselves - a combination of the local wildlife, which seems to share their human neighbour's hatred, and the native human tribes who do not dwell in the Hives often end up destroying such forces wholesale without the world's greatest guardians needing to raise a finger.
The planet hates Chaos so much that it is about as habitable for Chaos forces as Imperial forces are on a demon world.

Popular phrase in Yararara's sector: "A Cultist's chance in Yararara." Said in the same tone as "A snowball's chance in Hell."
-An attempted infiltration by the Alpha Legion is rebuffed, leading to a supremely violent confrontation that ended in the entire Alpha Legion force being killed to the last and their severed heads promptly being thrown into the nearby sun.
A reminder that all Alpha Legionnaires look exactly like Alpharius without facial surgery. So this is just a field of Alpharius heads.
-A bloody battle between the World Eaters and the Seraph Brotherhood ends in a slight Seraph Brotherhood victory, one later attributed in no small part to the fact that the winged warriors of the Seraph Brotherhood prove to be especially dangerous for the World Eaters, who find their minds addled when the all consuming rage they are so known for is partially dismissed from them by the shining aura the Wings of Sanguinius emit.
-The Seraph Brotherhood engage in battle with and defeat a powerful Black Legion warband in one of the larger battles of the 6th Black Crusade. The Black Legion fought intensely, but wound up routed when the Seraph Brotherhood's Death Company and Blood Slayers both took to the field at once, unleashing an assault of such fury many of the traitors would be heard remarking that it reminded them of the Siege of Terra itself.
Black Legion had a lot of nerve being Horus when all these Sanguiniuses around. Some of them even remember they can fly.

-The Thousand Sons launch a raid on a major Forge World, only to find themselves met and countered by the Seraph Brotherhood. Their sorcery proves to be a poor match in the face of the winged Marines, whose aura caused several Rubric Marines to outright collapse - A sight that caused a great deal of panic among the Thousand Sons Sorcerers, allowing the rest of the Chapter to close in on them for the kill.
Yeah Chaos rituals and sorcery are not the best option against these guys. Actually I wonder why the Word Bearers haven't had a go at the Brotherhood. Guess they got wrecked so quickly it wasn't worth a mention.
-In a particularly legendary campaign, the Seraph Brotherhood kill every last Chaos Cultist within 10 sectors of their homeworld, with not even the desperate mass summoning of Daemons slowing down the Blood Angels successor Chapter. Sadly, even this legendary feat could not completely stamp out Yararara's infestation of cultists, who remain stubbornly extant against all logic.
Chaos Gods: "Keep teleporting Cultists to Yararara!"

Random Thought Demon: "But we aren't accomplishing any goals?"

Chaos Gods: "Keeping them busy is the goal. Can you imagine the destruction and devastation if they run out of Cultists to kill? Now keep shoveling."
before ripping the presiding Chaos Warlord in half before he could salvage the battle.
Not the word "ripping". That word tends to not describe swords or spears and it expressly does mention lighting claws or a power fist. The Chapter Master tore apart a Chaos Warlord blessed by the Four Gods with his hands.

I wonder if the Chapter Master swooped down on the Warlord? Like one moment the Warlord is trying to give a rallying speech, and the next all that is there is the Warlord's lower torso and legs still standing upright.
To the immense chagrin of Chaos, the aura of these Librarian Herald Dreadnaughts does not stop getting stronger while the Dreadnaughts slumber. It is said the eldest of these heroic Dreadnoughts, an ancient named Germeh Scourge, has become so powerful in his millenia of life that even the mere act of him waking up is enough to banish swathes of weaker daemons.
Chaos Marine: "We must stop them from performing the awakening ritual!"

Demon: "If they succeed in bringing it back to the realm of the living we are doomed!"

Cultist: "Why does this feel like the shoe is on the third foot?"
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If their was ever a crisis that could see the space marines being told to go recruitment free and exceed the chapter system, Being on the dark imperial half of the great rift could almost certainly be considered it.
of course, the only people who could give that order would be Gulliman Or Dante.
Honestly, if there are Chapters which get founded using Guilliman's Exception or are granted permission to use it after situations change, I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes unofficial policy that under certain long term circumstances Chapters are allowed to convert if obtaining permission is expected to be nearly impossible. There's just also the acknowledgement that said Chapters are going to be split into two with the founding of a new Chapter using the 'extra' space marines once the threat passes or communication with the wider Imperium is regained and permission is not granted to continue 'the Exception' (probably because now they've got greater access to reinforcements thus reducing how much of the threat they need to handle themselves).

There's also an observation that trying to abuse this to create new space marine chapters without the authorisation of the Inquisition or (especially) the High Lords of Terra is uh... Well, expect both groups to become very interested in finding anything that could be used to inconvenience (or worse, usually worse) the Chapter/s involved and those supporting their expansion efforts.

Ordo Mallius Inquisitors somethings request them for so long the chapter just writes them as 'gone' and recruit replacements.
... There's a permanent position in the Ordo Mallius' agents keeping track of the Blood Slayers numbers and seeing if there's any particularly talented (in whatever form) Astartes amongst their numbers, isn't there?

With any time their number goes over a certain limit or the talents of said space marines are useful for Inquisitorial duties a message getting sent out to whatever Inquisitor or Inquisitor Lord/Lady who's managed to accumulate enough favours and relationships to get on top of the list for asking if 'By any chance, do you have a need for a Blood Slayer attached to your service?'

It's unlikely to be a secret in either the Inquisition, the Blood Slayers or the Chapter itself either. After all, it absolutely fulfils the desires of the Blood Slayers to 'kill more Chaos, more often' as not every deployment is going to be against targets worthy of multiple squads or a company.
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