The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Hmmm... the reports from the wider Imperium are becoming more than a little worrying. It appears that this 'Imperial Creed' that's been growing like a weed since the Heresy is starting to look into creating so called 'Shrine Worlds' as centers of worship.

Fools. Truly, the Burning of Monarchia seems to have fallen on deaf ears

…. They had better hope none of your apprentices get killed by rabid zealots as a result of this stupidity. Because if they do, you will be tempted to get out Sunmake-

Wait a minute. What happened to Sunmaker?

It was one of the most powerful Plasma Revolvers ever made. You fought through the Great Crusade, the Battle for Mars, and the Siege of Terra itself with that gun! How could it have just vanished!?

Wait a minute. Wasn't the last time you saw it back when you were checking up on the Blood Ra-


… They are very lucky you find this amusing in hindsight.

Hmph. At least it'll do some good in the hands of Space Marines.
HAHAHA, the Bloody Magpies stole from Grimm. ahhh glad to see they started early with their relic collecting. Grimm sees the Imperial Creed beginning and the shrine worlds, little does he know he created an alternative to it via the one of the chapters he created. and damn, grimm IS old enough to remember the Burning of Monarchia and the actual message the Emperor wanted to give.

Oh shit Sunmaker was a Plasma Revolver that saw action during the Great Crusade, battle for Mars, and Siege of terra? that indeed is a relic worth stealing. Funny much Grandpa energy from Grimm in this.

Hmmm.... Your old comrades in the Blood Angels have had a hard time of things, ever since the death of Lord Sanguinius. Between the Red Thirst having gotten worse on you and the new curse of the Black Rage, it's a testament to the Ninth Legion's willpower and devotion to their fellow man that they've been able to keep their sanity. It would behoove you, to try and find a way to give they and their successors a better chance.

At the very least, the blood tests and gene sequencing you've ordered has given you a list of worlds that should, theoretically, help mitigate the impact of the Red Thirst - if only mildly. Sadly, an actual cure for the malady is still far beyond you, even after the countless years you've spent studying it alongside the Blood Angel's Apothecary and Primarch. You still remember the Great Angel's reassurances when you first failed to find the source of it, that it wasn't your fault a flaw even the Emperor somehow missed was beyond you at first, and that you and the others who had taken on the challenge would suceed in time. How he was able to be so calm and understanding when your failure posed an active threat to the sanity of his children, you'll never comprehend.

... You miss him. You think everyone could use that compassion and understanding of his, right now.
Damn, I didn't even think of it like that for Grimm to be seeing this in real time right in the aftermath of Sanguinius's death and the effect it would have on his legion and seeing the Black Rage develop. Oh so the list of new worlds having the tag of Sanguine is Grimm's attempt at trying to help fix these issues or at least mitigate those issues. nice little lore bit there... OH NO Sanguinius that just makes it worst for Grimm and still makes it hard for them for not being able to fix it, even if it doesn't make any sense, given how Sanguinius is you just FEEL bad for not being able to help in that.

Yah losing Sanguinius was also losing that little bit of compassion and hope present in 40k and having it grow darker. Hope we roll well for the two issues.

[ ] Ramz: The inhabitants of this land live under constant attack from the local infestation of Orks and Grots. Oddly enough, the people here have developed a remarkable resistance to diseases - samples of their blood indicates that while they are not completely immune, plagues that will kill any other population to the last are only a temporary hindrance for them. Incidentally, the population of this realm also has a surprisingly large number of Abhumans - Ogryn, Ratlings, and Beastmen can all be found here, despite them usually requiring different environmental conditions to emerge, and all of them co-mingle with the human population as equals. A rare sight, especially since those bloody Emperor worshippers have been spreading some idiocy about how any deviation from the standard human appearance is a sign of evil. Idiots. (Sanguine).
Ahhh the painful bit is that I don't think we'll be using these for the Blood Angels gene seed after this request as we use other geneseeds for this.

So resistant to diseases and constant attacks by Orks and that while they aren't immune, it might help in the issues the Blood Angels are facing wit the Red Thirst and Black Rage. Oh a lot of Abhumans there as well, I guess it'll be just like Baal. I do hope we do this for another chapter before the Imperial Creed ruins the state with baseline human and Abhumans.

[ ] Yararara: A planet whose local inhabitants have been fending off a ludicrously persistent Chaos Cult since before the Imperium was founded. You're honestly astounded they've managed it for this long without support, the report from your juniors said things are dire down there - no risk of being overtaken by the traitors outright, but when the number one cause of death is "was murdered by Chaos Cultists" things are not going well. The blood of the people here is remarkably resistant to mutative effects, both Warp based and more natural causes like radiation, and their minds have been hardened against psychic influence due to ages of constant battle with the servants of Chaos. Outside of battle, the locals all seem to have some kind of firearm on their person at all times, even if there isn't any sign of traitor activity nearby - logical of them, can never be too sure if they aren't going to somehow appear out of thin air on you. Bah, Chaos... (Sanguine).
Ah the Anti-Chaos option in that they'll focus all the rage and sorrow into hunting down Chaos Cults. surprising this cult problem has been an ongoing thing since before the Imperium was founded and its kept going this long without getting permanently destroyed. Holy shit its that bad without being at risk of being taken over? I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did as well. OHHHH yah I can see how that might help them if they are resistant to Mutative effect both natural and warp based, that might just give enough to mitigate the effect of both curses there. Also most likely natural hatred for the Chaos cults and free marksmanship training.

[ ] Gloamaz: A planet where the entire surface is covered in dark, gloomy forests. The sun rarely shines on this world, and it's people are a very pale skinned folk. Due to predation by a wide variety of forest monsters, including some kind of 'wolf men' your juniors didn't manage to get a subject of, the people here almost universally live near either a military fort or, more commonly, one of the many castles of the local nobility. (Sanguine).
This... seems more suited to Night Lords or the like given the gloomy forests and rare sight of the sun. Not sure what here would give them anything to mitigate the Red Thirst and Black Rage, only other notable thing being the 'wolf men' and everyone being in a Military fort or castle. Still an interesting one and might be a good for for Stealth focused Chapter.

[ ] Vladaadad: A planet continuously under attack from Chaos-affiliated pirates and Xenos. The people of Vladaadad have developed an especially cruel disposition towards the worshipers of Chaos, one that the local Forge World seems to share…. Well, you think so, given the frankly disturbing number of weapons they give the local PDF that involve impaling the enemy with a barrage of rapidly launched spikes. (Sanguine).
Man a few of these are just under constant chaos attack, this time by pirates and Xenos.... yah Nightlord or just the an Anti-Xenos Chapter given that cruel disposition to either of the two and the Forge World making what seems to be Dark Eldar inspired weapons or the like. maybe its just the spike weapons but still.

[ ] Issua: Also called 'the Iron Planet', Issua is notable for it's red colored seas that are reminiscent of human blood - though it isn't actually blood. You checked, it's actually perfectly drinkable for the average person! The temperature here is bitterly cold and unsuitable for growing crops, so the population gets most of its nutrition by hunting the many monsters lurking within the red seas. (Sanguine).
Ohhhh boy, that doesn't give me the impression it would help the Red Thrist much, they much be fine while on planet or maybe tricking the Red Thrist but it is worth a shot I guess. I do hope we do another Blood Angel Chapter and put them here. Plus interesting planet overall with a red colored seas that look like human blood. and not agriculture here as most of the food is from hunting. Just a planet I do really want to do.

But please for the fucking love of Sanguinius, stop choosing more requests that generate more worlds! we have more then enough at this point.

[ ] Bluuved: A Feral World whose local tribes are locked in constant warfare against a strange species of humanoid Xenos, capable of interstellar travel without the usage of any kind of space-faring vessel. How the hell they manage that one is beyond you, and the flagrant disregard the feat shows of the laws of biology has given you a migraine. This has lead to a constant war, one that is shockingly primitive in scope - the Xenos in question appear to have stopped developing at pre-industrial levels of technology. (Sanguine).
Oh, a feral world and one who's tribes are at war constantly with a Xenos that doesn't need space ships to travel through space... yah it is just blatant bullshit. Only good thing is that the Xenos don't go to gunpowder or further so it makes it an even fight with that. This is one I really do want to try to make a chapter here, sounds good for trying to make a chapter with no request, not sure which geneseed to use for this but maybe Salamander or Dark Angels? maybe another blood angels? This is just a fun world to use.

-Normal (Black Rage): This Chapter suffers from an 'average' variant of the Black Rage, at the level of severity typically suffered by Blood Angels successors.
-Heavy Thirst: This Chapter suffers from a particularly intense variant of the Red Thirst, and needs to drink both more blood and more often to alleviate it.
.... FUCK, well based on the rolls I figured the rolls weren't good but Heavy Thrist? really? well that planet and rolls didn't work out this time. At least the Black Rage is average, a shame its going to be like this every Blood Angel successor chapter we make. Hopefully it doesn't cause too much problems with the Heavy Thirst. Maybe doing the Red Colored Seas planet was the better option.

-Prophecy: The Marines of this Chapter often get fairly reliably prophetic visions of the future.
-Increased Lifespan: Marines from this Chapter can live significantly longer than the norm, should they not die in battle or be interred in a Dreadnought.
Oh shit, good traits to roll and gives an idea of what the Blood Angels Legion traits are. So Prophecy and increased Life span? damn we might have our own Dante soon with that, maybe we should have given extra Dreadnaughts to them. Still Increased Lifespan is good for more then keeping more of this chapter in the game.... if the Heavy Thirst doesn't get to them first, and the Prophecy is a double sided blade but it will be useful.

Good idea to keep in mind what we can get from the Blood Angels... I think someone should make a list of the traits we've rolled from the Legions and what traits are from which so we know what we are getting into with a geneseed and have a better idea for how we can pair worlds and geneseeds.

-Wings of Sanguinius (Legendary): Ordinarily such a deviance from the norm as this would be grounds for the extermination of the entire Chapter, but an in depth genetic and psychic analysis from multiple sources, including the Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Ordo Malleus, and the finest Genetors in the Imperium, has established that this is no freak mutation, but the very wings of Sanguinius himself! Regardless, the fact that some members of this Chapter have started growing the wings of the Great Angel has been seen as a great blessing - and that's without taking into consideration the flight they grant, let alone the Chaos repellent aura that the wings themselves seem to radiate.
..... Holy shit. we got a Legendary trait and of fucking course the first thought is mutation and grounds for extermination, in this one I hate it but I get why considering a mutation in a Space Marine is seriously. At least the result and tests and analysis's from the Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Ordo Malleus, and genetors did confirm its not a mutation and it is the 100 percent match of Sanguinius wing's. Not sure how that works but whatever. Great pairing that the wings give Chaos Repellent Aura and they grew up on a planet with a Chaos Cultist problem, it really does lend itself to narratively how the wings would have manifested itself in response to the threat and really make them geared for fighting Chaos.

why do I feel this is going to snowball?

-Mutation Resistance: The Marines are highly resistant to mutagenic effects and Chaos corruption.
-Daemonslayer: Marines from this Chapter are very proficient at killing invaders from the warp, albeit not quite to the same extent as the legendary Grey Knights.
-Extreme Hatred (Chaos): The Marines of this chapter despise Chaos with every last fiber of their being, and become all the more dangerous when fighting the slaves of the Ruinous Powers as a result.
-Gun and Sword Combat: Marines from this Chapter are extremely proficient at using a gun in one hand and a sword in the other simultaneously, especially their Assault Marines.
Oh yah it snowballed alright. So in addition to Increased Lifespan leading to more Space Marines living longer and in the fight for longer (Fuck I wished we gave them more dreadnaughts) and the Wings of Sanguinius they have mutation resistance against mutagenic effects and Chaos corruption means it's going to be hard to corrupt them via mutations or the people of the planet at least.

in addition to this we have Daemonslayers where have the Marines of the Chapter VERY good at killing things from the Warp via more mundane means and not trapping the Daemons in jars like the Steel Champions or just no selling them like the Keepers of Truth with denying their power and hold. Just really good at killing them normally. Add in the Extreme Hatred of Chaos and that make them similar to the Steel Champions in stopping any defections or corrupt via hatred and spite, they are NOT gotta join the thing that causes that Chaos Cult on their homeworld and going to kill all of it.

Oh and then the Gun and Sword combat. not locking them in either or but allowing them to use either one. So no heavy weapons as that takes away from it but overall good, make be a good one to invest into Blademaster and Marksmanship to boost that even more.

So yah, Daemon Hunter and Slayer Chapter it is I guess.

As the last of the various dignitaries who had responded to your extremely calm and not remotely panicked reaction to a certain DNA comparison depart, you let out a deeply relieved sigh. These samples of Gene-Seed had been in the vault for a very long time - if those wings had been the result of Chaos mutation...

Well, you shudder at the implications. Not that you aren't still relying on you augments to avoid freaking right the hell out, you absolutely are, but that's just because you're trying to process how in the name of the Omnissiah these Marines have been developing Sanguinius's own wings! That isn't even a metaphor - you ran the DNA tests, they're a 100% genetic match! This is, quite simply, unprecedented - not a single member of the Ninth Legion has ever developed their father's signature mutation, not even those with Gene Seed taken directly from him. You simply can't fathom how this happened, or why it happened now.
Hahaha, even Grimm gets worried and a bit scared. To be honest, if that WASN'T Grimm making the Chapter and the history and reputation for creating them backing him, this chapter might not have gotten a second look to check them and might have just been killed off. Oh shit, I didn't think of that either, if that meant the geneseed stored in the vault was corrupted by chaos somehow it would have been a crisis.

HAHAHA Grimm just can't process this and still is freaking out for how the hell they are... OH its legit Sanguinius's wings, actual genetic match one hundred percent HIS wings. I was just joking earlier, I didn't think I was on point. And its only with this chapter as none in his legion developed those Wings before.

Unfortunately, not all the news is so wondrous - you're already seeing several worrying signs of the Red Thirst rearing it's ugly head once again. You've already taken steps to mitigate the symptoms, of course, but the mental strain from the Thirst will be even worse than usual - not to mention require more blood consumption to make it recede. And the physical side effects - the horrible curse the Great Angel swore you to secrecy on, so long ago...

You've taken the liberty of quietly informing the first generation Marines and their command squads of the potential danger. Not what happens, you will never speak of that, but to try not to repress the Thirst for too long and to make very sure they never give into it for an extended period of time.

To your frustration, it is the best you can currently do.
Yah... yah I guess you can say this is the cost of getting the Legendary trait with how the Red Thirst worsening for this chapter. At least the Chapter leaders and the first generation will know going into this and how it will be for them.

Good job on writing Grimm on these points QM, you really feel his frustration when on screen with the Blood Angel with trying to help but failing to really do anything on the RT or BR, that this is the best he can do and he really is the best shot of solving it considering his level of experience and expertise as he stated the rushed nature of the training is showing a drop in how the Geneators are and their skill level is dropping.

The logo and chapter name should be obvious, The Angel's Wings
Okay that is fucking awesome. Great recoloring of the Wings of Freedom from Attack on Titan and very fitting for this chapter.

considering the leading plan is winning by a large margin, I will say its a good one, using Librarians and Chaplains considering they'll be fighting and hunting chaos daemons and cults so having support via both of those are needed, Apothecaries are... fine since we don't really have many other options to use to boost them. maybe Blademasters or Marksmanship to increase one thing but maybe DeepStrikes or the like might have been good. Its really personal choice at that point.

the equipment is spot on and gives them more of their unique unit and blade and gun combo units with giving them specialized ammo which would be important when using both weapons and the things they are huntin

[X] Plan: Children of the Blood
[X] Plan Sasageyo!
[X] Plan: From Above
Good job on writing Grimm on these points QM, you really feel his frustration when on screen with the Blood Angel with trying to help but failing to really do anything on the RT or BR, that this is the best he can do and he really is the best shot of solving it considering his level of experience and expertise as he stated the rushed nature of the training is showing a drop in how the Geneators are and their skill level is dropping.
A big part of that is actually from the beta @gamer50018 who did a lot in this specific update... did I mention we should thank the beta?

Because we really should.

Incidentally I'm pretty sure they finished up editing the last of the old chapters today so the entire stories has been beta'd!

Row for da rollz.

Subtract roll from final to get the bonus.
vs Alpha Legion Infiltration 4: 104 (Only a nat 1 would have saved the alpha legion here.)
vs World Eaters 5: 65
Vs Black Legion 77: 137
vs Thousand Suns 70: 130
Vs Death Guard 99: 149
vs Cultists 51: 171
Vs Ork WAAAAAGH 96: 116
Vs Black Legion: 59: 119
So shaky start carried by bonus but then became Mega Chaos Hunters.

I"ll take it.

Seriosly though only 1 roll below a 100 with bonuses.
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I'm guessing the Seraph Brotherhood is THE Chaos hunters of the Adeptus Astartes.

It's ironic how the World Eaters are the only ones who can compete with the Seraph Brotherhood, considering Khorne wanted Sanguinius to become his Daemon Primarch, not Angron.
A big part of that is actually from the beta @gamer50018 who did a lot in this specific update... did I mention we should thank the beta?

Because we really should.
AH, in that case, good job Gamer. great job there.

Subtract roll from final to get the bonus.
vs Alpha Legion Infiltration 4: 104 (Only a nat 1 would have saved the alpha legion here.)
vs World Eaters 5: 65
Vs Black Legion 77: 137
vs Thousand Suns 70: 130
Vs Death Guard 99: 149
vs Cultists 51: 171
Vs Ork WAAAAAGH 96: 116
Vs Black Legion: 59: 119
.... holy fuck. those two two low rolls there but the modifier against Chaos is about +60 so that does explain that, I'm surprised the modifer was +100 and yah, given this chapter, it would be HELL to infiltrate with everything in there. Hatred for Chaos bordering on fanaticism, the Heavy Thrist, Black Rage, Wings of Sanguinius, and the Prophecy. and we still nearly failed. Honestly not much better against the World Eaters at that point either. at least for fighting the Black legion they start bouncing back and go nuts against the Death Guard and the Cultists.

And suprising against the Orks as well.
vs Alpha Legion Infiltration 4: 104 (Only a nat 1 would have saved the alpha legion here.)
i have some brainrot stuck in my head

the greatest not traitor, not loyal, we're alpharius, infiltrators of the first founding vs the most thirsty, raging, zealous, prophetic, geneseed harvesting, "totally not" mutants of the modern founding
the first moves will decide who is the sussy Chaos imposter within the imperium here

"stand Be proud, you almost brainwashed yourselves into being a loyalist again; I'll never forget you for as long as I live, Alpharius" — random SB marine to a bisected alpha legion marine who almost played the bit good enough to pass as a SB marine
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Row for da rollz.

Subtract roll from final to get the bonus.
vs Alpha Legion Infiltration 4: 104 (Only a nat 1 would have saved the alpha legion here.)
vs World Eaters 5: 65
Vs Black Legion 77: 137
vs Thousand Suns 70: 130
Vs Death Guard 99: 149
vs Cultists 51: 171
Vs Ork WAAAAAGH 96: 116
Vs Black Legion: 59: 119
I am pleased that nearly everything went well even with a few close calls. A weak start but an otherwise great performance.

Shame we don't see how well they handled the Flaw.
So if Grimm was alive during the great crusade has he ever seen the Emperor in person? Like not even talked to but just seen him? Or even been on the same planet at the same time?
Apparently "I'm going to shove my sharp and cutting metal bar into your vital parts real hard!" is shockingly effective against our Blood Angels Successors. You know, when they're half distracted due to all the tasty blood flying around the place.
More like Khorne fueled Rage/Spite/Jealousy is one hell of a drug that even Slaanesh can't compete with.
This chapter would probably be the favorite of people that really want to beat chaos factions to a bloody pulp
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Adhoc vote count started by Phoenix853456! on Oct 3, 2024 at 8:53 AM, finished with 278 posts and 79 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Specialist
    -[X] Write in Name: Seraph Brotherhood
    -[X] Silver primary with red shoulder guard and gold trim
    -[X] A Helmet With Spread Wings
    -[X] "We fly for Sanguinius!" "Hunt the Beast of the Warp"
    -[X] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
    -[X] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
    -[X] Apothecaries: This chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks.
    -[X] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
    -[X] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.
    [X] Plan: Good hunters
    -[X] Write in Name: Hunters of the Sacrifice
    -[X] Write in or post a picture of the chapter colors.: Blood Red and Silverish white
    -[X] Write in chapter symbol.:
    -[X] Write in chapter creed. (Optional).: "Find your worth in the waking world."
    --[X] when fighting black legion: "Tonight, Sons join the Father."
    -[X] Librarians: The Chapter's Librarians are particularly well trained, and have far greater resistance to the temptations of the warp. They are far less likely to fall to Perils of the Warp, and offer more potent psychic support.
    -[X] Spear Training: The Chapter is especially well trained in the use of spear and javelin like weapons, this does not cover staves or pole-arms however.
    -[X] Apothecaries: This chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks.
    -[X] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.
    -[X] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
    [X] Plan: Children of the Blood
    -[X] Name: Children of the Blood
    -[X] Colors: Black with red markings and trimming
    -[X] Chapter Symbol: A winged golden chalice splashed with blood
    -[X] Chapter Creed: "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood."
    --[X] Battle Cry: "Fear the old blood!"
    -[X] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
    -[X] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.
    -[X] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
    -[X] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
    -[X] Specialist Ammo: The Chapter has a ready source of specialized bolter rounds, letting them bring the best possible ammunition for any engagement.
    [X] Plan: From Above
    -[X] Seraph Brotherhood
    -[X] White with red on the gauntlets and greaves.
    -[X] Six wings arranged around a red heart with a black blood droplet.
    -[X] "We fly for Sanguinius!"
    -[X] Blademasters: The Chapter's Marines have honed their skills with the blade, and are among the finest swordsmen in the Imperium.
    -[X] Marksmen: Even among Space Marines the marksmanship of the Chapter is top of the line.
    -[X] Apothecaries: This chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks.
    -[X] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
    -[X] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
    [X] Plan Sasageyo!
    -[X] Wings of Victory
    -[X] Red Chest Plate & Tabbard with the rest of the Armor White, Red Trim, Black detailing on White, White detailing on Chest Piece
    -[X] Black Background - The Wings of Freedom - Top wing White covered being Red
    -[X] Battle Cry "On His Wings we Soar!"
    --[X] Battle Cry vs. Chaos "His Vengence Descends!"
    -[X] Chaplains: The Chapter is blessed with more Chaplains than average among its numbers, and higher quality as well. Treachery and corruption will find it far harder to grow within their ranks.
    -[X] Apothecaries: This chapter has extra Apothecaries among its ranks.
    -[X] Extra Assault Packs: The Chapter has a great number of Assault Packs, letting them retain a greater number of Assault Marines in each Company.
    -[X] Extra Thunderhawks: The Chapter has access to additional Thunderhawks, of both Gunship, Transporter and Annihilator models, giving them superior heavy air power.
    [X] Plan Inheritors of Sanguinius
    [X] Plan: Versatile hunters
    [X]: Space Police
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