The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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Like, it would be interesting if the Raven Guard chapter had unlocked the ability to basically become warp beings similar to their Primarch because he himself unlocked that without loosing his Primarch soul.
Last time I checked, Corax becoming, living shadow is only in-universe rumour and unconfirmed. Possibility to be sure, but's also possible he is in stasis in the Ravenspire, waiting For The Emperor or corpse drifting in The Eye of Terror after Lorgar beat the shit out of him or something like that.

For example, here's what "First Founding" background and art book published in 2023, about the titular organisations has to say on fate of Corax.
Conversely, there is an all-but-secret tale, kept on record within the Raven Guard's Librarius, that in fact Corax never left the Ravenspire, let alone Deliverance. It claims that he locked himself away in stasis, awaiting the time when he would be granted the Emperor's forgiveness for failing to contain the treachery that made itself known in the Isstvan System. Among the most bizarre tales is that Corax eventually turned to a being of pure shadow, an evolution from his ability to disguise his presence to all around even when apparently fully exposed.

Other sources, like "Deathwatch-First Founding" just say that Corax after Heresy left the spire for The Eye and never returned. As far as I'm concerned, Raven Guard succesor should get ability to become harder to see or otherwise hide their presence, for example to muffle the sound they and their gear make but nothing beyond that.
Okay, so! The next chapter is going to be focused on the Blood Angels, right?

Gotta deepen that bond between Sanguinius' sons. That, and find ways to curb their curses.
So do you guys think it would be doable to do a ultra/world bearer chapter for the democracy world "Atherena" ?,feudalism and nobles are a big parts of the imperium problems.
So do you guys think it would be doable to do a ultra/world bearer chapter for the democracy world "Atherena" ?,feudalism and nobles are a big parts of the imperium problems.
no. I think that we should put world eaters there. Also, on the scale of who imperium spreading democracy is not necessarily a good thing given that Tzeentch exists and that political dynasties can naturally form and take place of nobles
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Two questions:

1) We're doing "pure" Blood Angels or Chimerics?

2) If someone wants Chimerics, then with which Secondary Geneseed?
I think if we want to have Vampire angle more, we go with Night Lords, which I will say, would compliment their own future sight given both Sangunius and Konrad had level of futuresight.

Of course we could go pure and just make sure possibility of red thirst and black rage are negatated so that they would be good Astartes Chapter.
Okay, so! The next chapter is going to be focused on the Blood Angels, right?

Gotta deepen that bond between Sanguinius' sons. That, and find ways to curb their curses.
Sonds good.

Though doing the Boler testing request sounds fun as well. A chimeric Salamander/Iron Hands or Salamander/Iron Warriors Chapter could work for that. On Yurukd II, the world that's fought over by two Forge Worlds, or the world near that Legio Cybernetica Forge World undead frog that would come up soon.

Two questions:

1) We're doing "pure" Blood Angels or Chimerics?

2) If someone wants Chimerics, then with which Secondary Geneseed?
I think a Chimeric option that could work is White Scars, combinig their apptitude for different kinds of shock assaults.
Democracy is good when times are peacful and stable. And it is about vote of the people, so what happens when...secretly cultist of Slannesh or Tzeentch becomes popular?
Same things than when noble fammilies get culty,exept they don't have the unilateral power to throw slaneeshi juice in the water plant,over the army,information network,etc
Cults corrupting large parts of a world population are already a tings,there is a reason for the inquisition existing beyond meme
For Blood Angels Chimerics, I see these "options":
/Word Bearers - "worshippy" Successor Chapter
/Emperor's Children - perfection-focused Successor Chapter (let's hope that they don't gry Blight from rolls)
/Night Lords - Successor Chapter that goes into "vampires as Night Terrors"
/World Eaters - if someone wants them to be Flesh Tearers-like "Melee Blenders"
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Same things than when noble fammilies get culty,exept they don't have the unilateral power to throw slaneeshi juice in the water plant,over the army,information network,etc
Cults corrupting large parts of a world population are already a tings,there is a reason for the inquisition existing beyond meme
The thing about nobles is that it is quite easy for inquisition or Sinpoticon to monitor them and run background checks because they overlap a lot, meanwhile in democracy a lot of candidates would come from areas with little overlap for background checks
The thing about nobles is that it is quite easy for inquisition or Sinpoticon to monitor them and run background checks because they overlap a lot, meanwhile in democracy a lot of candidates would come from areas with little overlap for background checks
Fair,i still thinks the numerous adventages are worth it.
For everyone saying that democracy is easily corruptible, here what quest itself has to say on that:
[ ] Atherena: A planet that followed a democratic government, and worshiped a local goddess of wisdom prior to the Great Crusade. Oddly enough, it seemingly spontaneously secularized very shortly before the Great Crusade arrived in it's orbit. Some fear democracies are too vulnerable to Chaos's corruptive effects, but considering they made it through the Heresy you don't think that's much of a concern here. (Segmentum Solar).
Also, about nobles somehow being better at resisting corruption...No. Again, using Rogue Trader video game as a example, our party lands on a Agri World that belongs to protagonist dynasty, the local governor, a noblewoman has a advisor who is High Priestess of the local Slaanesh cult and is advising said noblewoman to slowly poison the planet, making the local fauna more and more agrresive and mutating the flora with Slaanesh taint.

Nobles don't even have to become directly corrupted to be used by Chaos cults, just having High ranking cultists become someone close, like a secret lover, to manipulate the noble family, is enough, so background checks is also a null point, especially because organisations like Synopticon or Inquisition would have resources to do general background checks regardless. News media in modern world don't have problem making background checks on guys like Putin or Kim Jong Un, and you want to tell me with straight face that Inquisition or Synopticon couldn't check a democratic politican background for wierd shit, no matter how much said politican would try to hide it? Really?
Fair,i still thinks the numerous adventages are worth it.
A list of said adventages:

1. Political Advantages:

  • Popular Sovereignty:
    • Power rests with the people who can vote and influence decisions.
    • Contrast: In feudalism, power is held by a select few nobles and monarchs, leaving commoners without influence.
  • Accountability of Leaders:
    • Elected officials are accountable to the electorate and can be removed through elections or legal means.
    • Contrast: Feudal lords have little to no accountability and rule with near-absolute or absolute power.
  • Peaceful Transfer of Power:
    • Leadership changes occur peacefully through elections.
    • Contrast: Feudalism often led to violent power struggles or wars over succession.
  • Separation of Powers:
    • Power is divided among branches of government (executive, legislative, judicial) to prevent abuse.
    • Contrast: In feudalism, local lords held concentrated power, acting as lawmakers, judges, and enforcers within their territories,you need to control/corrupt less people to take controle.
  • Representative Governance:
    • Citizens elect representatives to legislate on their behalf, ensuring their interests are represented.
    • Contrast: Feudalism lack formal representation; decisions are made by lords for their own benefit,wich tend to lead to uprisings.

2. Social Advantages:

  • Equality Before the Law:
    • Democracy promotes the concept that all citizens are equal under the law.
    • Contrast: Feudalism enforced rigid social hierarchies where lords had privileges and peasants had few rights,wich cause stagnation and sufferings.
  • Social Mobility:
    • Democracy enables social mobility through education, merit, and economic opportunities (fuck you nurgle and your stagnation,also you have other option than praying the squid for going up in society).
    • Contrast: Feudalism fixed individuals in a caste system, with little chance to move beyond the class they were born into.
  • Civil Liberties and Human Rights:
    • Democracies protect freedoms such as speech, religion, and assembly(less power to the echlesiarchy) .
    • Contrast: Under feudalism, serfs and peasants have few, if any, rights, while lords had control over many aspects of life.
  • Merit-Based Advancement:
    • In democracies, people can rise based on talent and hard work (meritocracy).
    • Contrast: In feudalism, advancement depended on birthright and noble status, not ability (and we end with inbreed mutated monstrosity).

3. Economic Advantages:

  • Economic Growth:
    • Democracies create conditions for sustained economic growth through innovation, competition, and industrialization.
    • Contrast: Feudal economies were primarily agrarian and resistant to change or modernization.
  • Property Rights:
    • Democracies protect private property rights, allowing individuals to own land, businesses, and assets.
    • Contrast: In feudalism, most land is owned by nobles, and peasants have little to no ownership rights.
  • Investment in Public Goods:
    • Democracies use taxes to fund public goods like infrastructure, education, and healthcare, benefiting the general population.
    • Contrast: Feudal lords invested primarily in their own estates and luxury, often neglecting public needs.

4. Legal Advantages:

  • Rule of Law:
    • In a democracy, the rule of law prevails, ensuring laws apply equally to all citizens, including leaders.
    • Contrast: Feudal law is arbitrary, with lords exercising unchecked legal control in their domains.
  • Codified Legal Systems:
    • Democracies have written laws and constitutions that protect citizens' rights and ensure stability.
    • Contrast: Feudal systems often relie on unwritten or customary laws, leading to inconsistency and injustice.
  • Independent Judiciary:
    • Democracies establish independent courts that provide fair trials and impartial justice.
    • Contrast: In feudalism, lords acte as judges in their territories, often leading to biased and self-serving rulings.

5. Cultural and Educational Advantages:

  • Promotion of Education:
    • Democracies typically invest in public education, promoting literacy and skills among all citizens.
    • Contrast: In feudalism, education is limited to the aristocracy, with the vast majority of people remaining uneducated (tough reading is relatively common compared to cliché of the time).
  • Freedom of Expression and Innovation:
    • Democracies encourage freedom of speech, thought, and creativity, leading to innovation in science, arts, and technology.
    • Contrast: Feudal societies are conservative, with innovation often stifled and discouraged (wich feed the green asshole).
  • Diversity and Inclusion:
    • Democracies are more likely to embrace diversity and encourage inclusion of various ethnic, cultural, and religious groups (with inquisition in the background for cheking i guess).
    • Contrast: Feudal societies are often exclusive, with social and cultural divisions reinforced by class structures.

6. Military and Security Advantages:

  • National Defense Based on Citizenship:
    • Democracies rely on national armies and often have professional military services, with citizens serving voluntarily or through conscription.
    • Contrast: Feudal armies are composed of vassals serving under lords, with loyalty based on land ownership rather than national interests.
  • Collective Security:
    • Democracies participate in alliances and international organizations to promote collective security and peace.
    • Contrast: Feudal systems are fragmented, with lords maintaining private armies and frequently engaging in local conflicts.

7. Technological and Scientific Advancement:

  • Innovation-Friendly Environment:
    • Democracies protect intellectual property, reward innovation, and create conditions for technological advancement.
    • Contrast: Feudal systems were resistant to change, prioritizing tradition over progress and innovation.
  • Adaptability and Progress:
    • Democracies can adapt quickly to technological and social changes, fostering policies that encourage modernization.
    • Contrast: Feudalism, with its entrenched aristocratic class, is slow to change and resistant to progress.

8. International Relations:

  • Diplomacy and Cooperation:
    • Democracies engage in international diplomacy, forming alliances and participating in global governance for mutual benefit.
    • Contrast: Feudal systems are often inward-looking, with local lords focused on their own territories, leading to frequent conflicts.
  • Global Trade and Economy:
    • Democracies promote free trade and open markets, enabling the flow of goods, services, and ideas across borders.
    • Contrast: Feudal economies are insular, with trade largely limited to local or regional exchanges.

9. Peace and Stability:

  • Lower Risk of Conflict:
    • Democracies have peaceful mechanisms, such as elections, to resolve disputes, reducing the likelihood of civil wars.
    • Contrast: Feudal societies experience frequent wars, rebellions, and violent power struggles between lords.
  • Prevention of Tyranny:
    • Democracies have checks and balances to prevent any one leader from becoming tyrannical.
    • Contrast: Feudal lords and monarchs can exercise absolute power, often leading to oppression and exploitation of the lower classes.
Another idea for Blood Angels Chimerics:
/Salamanders - if we want to go "Friendly Neighbourhood Vampire" (and also for jokes about "power of friendship" if they don't get Black Rage)
Salamanders also often get positive mutations as opposed to negative.
Sons of Vulkan, the Salamanders are somewhat mutation prone, yet most deviations within their gene-seed are wholly positive - taking the form of increased temperature resistance, radiological resistance, and enhanced healing capability as well as their signature cosmetic mutation.
Hmm. What about Salamander and Thousand Sons fusion on Emperor's Landing? Salamander and the planet would help the Thousand Sons geneseed with it's negative mutation issue.
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