Okay, maybe this:

[] [Alicent] "I cannot claim i know what the future holds for us, but right here and right now you have a very special place in my heart, and i don't see that changing anytime soon. This is not just me "having fun", as your brother might think, i consider our relathionship something serious and i will fight to keep you by my side Alicent."
I cannot claim i know what the future holds for us, but right here and right now you have a very special place in my heart
While true, imo this does not sound reassuring in the way she's asking for. Sure, right now it's set-heart-ablaze awesome, but she's asking about our plans for ten years from now. Plainly telling her "idk" when we both know she bears the brunt of the risk in this relationship...
are there any positions she could fill in our personal household? i'm not clear on how a Queen's Ladies-in-Waiting in setting work when the Queen is the actual ruling party.
Right now on the phone, so can't write any Vote plan

But Dammit I want Rhaenyra tell Alicent that her place on her heart Is Taken for good, that nothing and no Will be able to take away what she feels for her
[X] [Tarly] "My children will rule Dorne in time and they will be Dragons. Through blood, Dorne will be conquered."

[X] [Alicent] [Defiant] Tell her you will speak to her father and work out a deal to keep her by your side as long as she wishes.
Does she want to have a husband and children?
Last time we talked about marriage specifically (it was a while ago), she called it a duty in a way that made clear she dreaded it.
Last time we talked about duty (very recently), she said that her relationship with Rhaenyra gave her more meaning than anything else, or something along these lines.
And last time we heard her opinion on children, she was frustrated about everyone being so focused on the topic.

I'm going to assume that, at the very least, she doesn't want to get married against her will, and she wants to be with Rhaenyra. I don't actually know if any man could eventually catch her attention and/or if she would eventually want children, but right now it seems like a no.
While true, imo this does not sound reassuring in the way she's asking for. Sure, right now it's set-heart-ablaze awesome, but she's asking about our plans for ten years from now. Plainly telling her "idk" when we both know she bears the brunt of the risk in this relationship...

Honestly I'm really tempted to take the Defiant option here to give Allicent maybe something concrete. As sweet as they are, Alicent's position is insanely precarious from a legal and social perspective. She's pretty much completely reliant on Rhaenyra's goodwill, even more than the already typical heterosexual noble marriage. Like wives technically do have rights in Westeros

We as readers will likely continue to vote to keep Alicent as the Center of Rhaenyra's Universe, but tbh Otto would actually be going some good parenting (for once) if he were to go "riigghhtt, how about looking at potential Plan Bs instead of hoping she'll keep her first teenage crush around forever."
Honestly I'm really tempted to take the Defiant option here to give Allicent maybe something concrete. As sweet as they are, Alicent's position is insanely precarious from a legal and social perspective. She's pretty much completely reliant on Rhaenyra's goodwill, even more than the already typical heterosexual noble marriage. Like wives technically do have rights in Westeros

We as readers will likely continue to vote to keep Alicent as the Center of Rhaenyra's Universe, but tbh Otto would actually be going some good parenting (for once) if he were to go "riigghhtt, how about looking at potential Plan Bs instead of hoping she'll keep her first teenage crush around forever."
Honestly valid. My reluctance is based on 1) this basically being "hey I'm gonna go work out the details of your future between me and another person" and 2) it being kinda sorta already the plan? if we even have a plan at all? like Rhaenyra is very much a person who doesn't give up on a partner and would want to deal with Otto sooner or later.

But if Alicent doesn't mind the former as long as it's towards something she wants, and can't peek into our mind to see the latter...
Spitballing: if we get Alicent and her father on side she could go to the faith. It is perhaps slightly less prestigious for her father / his brother than a powerful marriage to an heir, but Alicent could then remain as our spiritual companion for life, help raise our children, and so on.

It would likely require her to spend some time in a Sept to do her training and vows, but given she's a Hightower all of this is doable if her father consents to it.
Primarily, I want to give Alicent a voice and an out, so she wouldn't feel like Rhaenyra's favored toy. I would've already tried a write-in with "you're really important to me And Also I've been planning to talk to your father and secure an arrangement to keep you at my side for as long as you wish to stay" if it didn't feel so much like yet another Do Everything Perfectly write-in
[X] [Tarly] "My children will rule Dorne in time and they will be Dragons. Through blood, Dorne will be conquered."

[X] [Alicent] [Defiant] Tell her you will speak to her father and work out a deal to keep her by your side as long as she wishes.
Spitballing: if we get Alicent and her father on side she could go to the faith. It is perhaps slightly less prestigious for her father / his brother than a powerful marriage to an heir, but Alicent could then remain as our spiritual companion for life, help raise our children, and so on.

It would likely require her to spend some time in a Sept to do her training and vows, but given she's a Hightower all of this is doable if her father consents to it.
...her being the Septa for Qoren and Rhaenyra's kids isn't something i've thought about. the problem is how likely Otto is to go for it, as he'd be giving up Alicent's marriage as a bargaining chip.
[X] [Alicent] "You have a place in my heart and that will never change. I will fight to keep you by my side."
I think the hearty reassurance is better choice as First it is not risky choice of opening up the secret with more people showing our thought we put in the relationship. Second we don't have thing to bargain with Otto yet.

To confirm. Teen Spirit if we choose this Otto bargain promise how long we are expected to speak with Otto in the future?
[] [Alicent] [Defiant] Tell her you will speak to her father and work out a deal to keep her by your side as long as she wishes.

This is my preffered Tarly vote as this really push the aspect that this is conquest by other means, politic as continuation of war, war as continuation of politic.
[] [Tarly] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval) "Make no mistake, this is a conquest of Dorne, a submission of Sunspear to the Iron Throne. They will bow and they will bend. Or I will break them. "

Sorta similar to option one, but that's all about our children while this is about us. Is it true? Eh, kinda, though I doubt we'll approach it that way. As far as winning him over, though, this seems like the most convincing argument. Especially since his training made it possible. Raylon Tarly will forever be a key figure in the histories of the conquest of dorne, which seems like the next best thing to doing it at the tip of his own sword.
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To confirm. Teen Spirit if we choose this Otto bargain promise how long we are expected to speak with Otto in the future?
No firm date but the sooner you speak to Otto the better.

Spitballing: if we get Alicent and her father on side she could go to the faith. It is perhaps slightly less prestigious for her father / his brother than a powerful marriage to an heir, but Alicent could then remain as our spiritual companion for life, help raise our children, and so on.

It would likely require her to spend some time in a Sept to do her training and vows, but given she's a Hightower all of this is doable if her father consents to it.
Issue with that is you need someone in the faith on Rhaenyra's side to make sure she gets sent to King's Landing or Dragonstone. Otherwise it's a massive gamble.
[X] [Tarly] "My children will rule Dorne in time and they will be Dragons. Through blood, Dorne will be conquered."
[X] [Tarly] "Dorne will be pacified by the strap."

[X] [Alicent] [Defiant] Tell her you will speak to her father and work out a deal to keep her by your side as long as she wishes.
the problem is how likely Otto is to go for it, as he'd be giving up Alicent's marriage as a bargaining chip.
We would 100% have to give him something for it because its not something he wants, he clearly wants powerful marriages for his two children who will inherit nothing, but its not like "Septa who raises the heir of the heir to the Iron Throne and heir to Dorne" is a worthless position. Indeed its an incredibly powerful one, and one that many lords would cut off their own arm to gain.

And its also a position with guaranteed employment for life tbh - there will always be royal brats in need of a Septa, and we can make it very clear we appreciate her advice and company and she will have a royal stipend her entire life
Issue with that is you need someone in the faith on Rhaenyra's side to make sure she gets sent to King's Landing or Dragonstone.
She's a Hightower, we're a Targaryen, right now if both houses put some oomph behind it this is a very doable thing. We could 100% request "Septa Alicent" to attend us, House Hightower leans on the Faith...

Like we can't just have her run away to a Sept and guarantee this outcome, but with buy in from Otto this is doable imo.
Second we don't have thing to bargain with Otto yet.
We are literally the heir to the seven kingdoms (soon to be actually seven yay), us being in debt is enough of a bargaining chip all by itself, not to mention that a permanent position of a trusted advisor to us is really sweet to get for a daughter of a second son, even if he's literally the Hand

Unless you mistyped "time" which yeah fair enough, AP hell
No firm date but the sooner you speak to Otto the better.

Issue with that is you need someone in the faith on Rhaenyra's side to make sure she gets sent to King's Landing or Dragonstone. Otherwise it's a massive gamble.

And the concessions you'd need to make for Otto to send his daughter to the Faith (even if she's, all cards on the table, the daughter of a second son of a house that's not even the Paramount of the region, still), since I doubt Rhaenyra could do that without dropping the bomb of "yeah I love your daughter" lol

edit: I'd vote for it if it was possible though, since I have been brainstorming how to stop the angsty, STRESS++ inducing outcome of Alicent marrying somewhere far away or to fucking Peake somehow :V
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[X] [Tarly] "My children will rule Dorne in time and they will be Dragons. Through blood, Dorne will be conquered."

[X] [Alicent] [Defiant] Tell her you will speak to her father and work out a deal to keep her by your side as long as she wishes.
[X] [Tarly] "My children will rule Dorne in time and they will be Dragons. Through blood, Dorne will be conquered."
[X] [Tarly] "Dorne will be pacified by the strap."

[X] [Alicent] [Defiant] Tell her you will speak to her father and work out a deal to keep her by your side as long as she wishes.
Septas don't work like Maesters. There's no one that appoints them anywhere. How the whole thing actually works is super murky, due to GRRM not deeming the Faith important enough to flesh out, but we can probably lean on the Great Sept of Kings Landing to have her trained.

Though Alicent might not be that comfortable with swearing a vow of celibacy for the purpose of becoming our mistress. That's likely going too far for her.
Though Alicent might not be that comfortable with swearing a vow of celibacy for the purpose of becoming our mistress. That's likely going too far for her.
Depends on just what sorts of relations celibacy is thought to preclude, no? The brothers of the Night's Watch, for instance, vow to "take no wife" and "father no children," which doesn't seem to preclude relations with each other (individual moral views permitting). What do a Septa's oaths say?
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Though Alicent might not be that comfortable with swearing a vow of celibacy for the purpose of becoming our mistress. That's likely going too far for her.
Yeah, my main issue with this idea. She's genuinely faithful, and raised into somewhat rigid views. We can't just bend her oaths any way we wish for a convenient arrangement.