Sketching out two plans

[] Plan Only a Dragon can sit the Iron Throne(not girlboss edition)
- [] Ask that all of your children be allowed to claim dragons or given dragon eggs. (This is a Minor Request)
- [] Request that all your children have the Name Targaryen, with Qoren's heir taking the Martell name upon succession. (This is a Moderate Request)

And the same but more:

[] Plan Only a Dragon can sit the Iron Throne(girlboss edition)
- [] Ask that all of your children be allowed to claim dragons or given dragon eggs. (This is a Minor Request)
- [] Request that all your children have the Name Targaryen, with Qoren's heir taking the Martell name upon succession. (This is a Moderate Request)
- [] Request absolute cognatic inheritance of both titles to be spelled out in the agreement. The firstborn inherits the Iron Throne, the secondborn Dorne, regardless of gender. (This is a Moderate Request)

In my opinion most other things either do not matter or are nice to haves.

I should note - I do not personally think we will get and thus should not request the cognatic part, but I respect that most of the thread will probably vote for it

Of the nice to haves my favourites are
[] Request Qoren to join you on your remaining royal progress. (This is a Minor Request)
[] Delay the actual wedding.

I actually consider a Dragonstone wedding a mistake incidentally it should be in Kings Landing

I think this may be more important than we think, having Qoren could help have the lords warm up to him.

Yeah I consider it the most important "minor issue" (not necessarily a minor request)
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Pfft, I don't see the need for a six-hour moratorium, it is perfectly clear what we should ask for.

[Χ] Request that you also get to marry Alicent at the same time (This is obviously a Trivial Request)

Easy peasy, who said being a bisexual disaster of a ruler was difficult?
I was just in the thread writing out some argument xD

Relationship With Prince Qoren Martell Established
Relationship Status: Cordial

Relationship with Ser Raylon Tarly has Degraded
Exactly as expected... honestly, I thought the relationship with Ser Tarly would be Greatly Degraded, but I guess he's still processing the shock and will have plenty of time to get hit with the reality that Rhaenyra is Really Going Ahead With This. (Assuming she does, that is.)
[] Request the right to wear armor at your wedding. (This is a Minor Request)
Surprisingly, I don't want this. Mostly because there's so much space for Aesthetics with both sides wearing fancy clothes rather than armor.
[] Request that all your children have the Name Targaryen, with Qoren's heir taking the Martell name upon succession. (This is a Moderate Request)

[] Request absolute cognatic inheritance of both titles to be spelled out in the agreement. The firstborn inherits the Iron Throne, the secondborn Dorne, regardless of gender. (This is a Moderate Request)
I want thiiiiiis
[] Ask that all of your children be allowed to claim dragons or given dragon eggs. (This is a Minor Request)
And this

I'm on the fence but I'm gonna say yes. Though it will be something that's noticed by people at the Wedding.
Oh yeah, we should definitely not imply that we have a problem with bedding our husband when the pairing is already so bold. Regardless of our actual feelings about the ceremony.

...and that might mean that we should either get on a "get to know Qoren" train over the coming turns until the actual marriage, or try to ask for the delay, or both, because Rhaenyra is very much not feeling ready for any of this...
[] Ask for a voice on Stepstone matters. (This is a Moderate Request)

This is of utmost importance if we want to start tying and influencing Velaryon. House Velaryon is currently occupied with Stepstones. If we able to directly aid Stepstones effort we will have the opening required to sway Corlys and Laenor to our side and minimize Daemon influence in Stepstones.
I think this may be more important than we think, having Qoren could help have the lords warm up to him.
Yeah, I also think that the Royal Progress should go to Dorne, that way the Dornish can meet Rhaenyra...
I'm on the fence but I'm gonna say yes. Though it will be something that's noticed by people at the Wedding.
Oh yeah, we should definitely not imply that we have a problem with bedding our husband when the pairing is already so bold. Regardless of our actual feelings about the ceremony.
Well, if this was like the Medieval European version, (the Husband and Wife are escorted to the Bedcahmber and the procession leaves the room once they are in their Nightgowns), that would be acceptable, but considering how we have built our Nyra, I think this will be extremely stressful for her, or worse, her well-honed reflexes take over and we end up with half a dozen lords with broken noses...
I'm kinda curious what the baseline assumption would be if we don't ask this? Would they default to Martell because he's the Man(tm) regardless of our respective ranks and our role as Queen?
Probably what happened in with Laenor in Canon... All our children take the name Martel when they are born and then the Heir on the Iron Throne becomes a Targaryen once they become king/queen.
[ ] Plan: Thinking Abaout the Future
-[] Delay the actual wedding.
--[] Until the beginning of spring. (This is a Moderate Request)
-[] Request that all your children have the Name Targaryen, with Qoren's heir taking the Martell name upon succession. (This is a Moderate Request)
-[] Request absolute cognatic inheritance of both titles to be spelled out in the agreement. The firstborn inherits the Iron Throne, the secondborn Dorne, regardless of gender. (This is a Moderate Request)
-[] Request control over where all your kids, save Qoren's heir, are raised. (This is a Major Request)

The matter of dragon eggs can be easly dealt with later, we don't need to waste Requests to discuss them now.

The most important things to do is preparing everything so it dosen't cause issues to Rhaenyra personaly and creates precedent for women inheriting the Iron Throne.
Relationship with Ser Raylon Tarly has Degraded
sword-uncle noooo😭 i wanna chat with him next turn,,, but our action economy😔

[] Request the right to wear armor at your wedding. (This is a Minor Request)
it would be a statement, but i'm not sure this is a statement we want to make, as most Lords don't even do this.
wedding dresses of the monarchs are big trendsetters, see the whole white wedding dress phenomenon irl from Queen Victoria. so Rhaenyra can start a different wedding dress trend if she's stylish enough.

[] Delay the actual wedding.
-[] Until the beginning of spring. (This is a Moderate Request)
i like the idea of a spring wedding tbh
The larger the requests you made, the more Qoren might demand in return.
Huh, I wonder how this part works with the request to let our children claim dragons. Because it's kind of, sort of, also going to eventually get Dorne at least one dragon, if temporarily...

considering how we have built our Nyra, I think this will be extremely stressful for her
oof yeah, even if we do much to prepare, I foresee the wedding is going to give some Stress
Dammit, the idea of marrying Qoren and bringing Dorne finally to the fold Is just too tempting

Would be too crazy if in the Future we could arrange with everyone involved a marriage between Alicent and some close very loyal Dornish houses so Alicent can "fulfill her Duty" but also kept her close to Rhaenyra?
Would be too crazy if in the Future we could arrange with everyone involved a marriage between Alicent and some close very loyal Dornish houses so Alicent can "fulfill her Duty" but also kept her close to Rhaenyra?
I think the better romantic outcome is to ease her out of the idea that marrying is her inevitable duty, and just have a wholesome, devoted relationship with Qoren's (or whichever husband we choose) knowledge and acceptance.
I wonder if we can expand the Royal Progress to include Dorne.

That could help us spend more time with Qoren and getting to know him better, without having to travel to Sunspear on Dragonback.
The matter of dragon eggs can be easly dealt with later, we don't need to waste Requests to discuss them now.
I'm actually of the opposite opinion, dragons are medieval nukes and the source of Targaryen power, so the matter of who is and isn't allowed to claim one is a vital matter of national security. Sure, lapses have happened in canon... but do we want to be the ruler who couldn't even keep dragon-taming under her control, especially when we're having children with a Martell?
I will say you don't have to make expanding the Royal Progress to Dorne a voting option since it would kind of be expected. Adding Qoren to the progress is different since you're asking him to be away from Sunspear for six months or more on a trip through some less than friendly places.
[] Request that all your children have the Name Targaryen, with Qoren's heir taking the Martell name upon succession. (This is a Moderate Request)

I literally do not care about anything else at all to a strong extent and will support every plan that includes this.

"Nice to have"s would be:
-Dragons for everyone
-Marriage in spring if only so we can have a sufficiently large ceremony that everyone can attend
-Write-in: A marriage ceremony without the symbols of welcoming one party into the family of the other (like shedding the cloak with the old family arms and getting a coat with the new family arms), because that is usually the woman.

I'm actually of the opposite opinion, dragons are medieval nukes and the source of Targaryen power, so the matter of who is and isn't allowed to claim one is a vital matter of national security. Sure, lapses have happened in canon... but do we want to be the ruler who couldn't even keep dragon-taming under her control, especially when we're having children with a Martell?

Well, but the kids will (mostly) be Targaryen. If we take the naming request which we absolutely should.
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Write-in: A marriage ceremony without the symbols of welcoming one party into the family of the other (like shedding the cloak with the old family arms and getting a coat with the new family arms), because that is usually the woman.
I want them to exchange cloaks! Black and red and orange and yellow go well together
I'm actually of the opposite opinion, dragons are medieval nukes and the source of Targaryen power, so the matter of who is and isn't allowed to claim one is a vital matter of national security. Sure, lapses have happened in canon... but do we want to be the ruler who couldn't even keep dragon-taming under her control, especially when we're having children with a Martell?

I think its too early to discuss abaout dragon eggs when the potential children are not even on the horizon.

And discussing it at all creates problems in the negotiations.

If we ask that only our heir can claim a dragon, then we create bitterness and resentment in the family.

Wich is basicaly setting our descendants up for Dance of Dragons 2.0.

If we write down that all the children can claim a dragon, then its a waste because that is already implicitly how it works. But writing it down might create problematic precedents later, when House Targaryen starts having multiple cadet branches between the Martell and the Velaryon.
I want them to exchange cloaks! Black and red and orange and yellow go well together
Yeah but that signifies changing the House allegiance/name. Even if it's just symbolism, well... I would not be opposed to cloaking Qoren, but I also wouldn't demand it. I just don't want Rhaenyra to get a new cloak symbolizing a new house allegiance.