This feels like the closest vote in awhile based on the latest count - 14/13/12 for Viserys/Qoren/Rhaenys.

EDIT: Probably 15/13/12 now as I think my count/post were just ninja'd
This feels like the closest vote in awhile based on the latest count - 14/13/12 for Viserys/Qoren/Rhaenys.

EDIT: Probably 15/13/12 now as I think my count/post were just ninja'd
They're all so tasty! And their opinions could be so interesting! There are good reasons to go for every one of these, and don't forget the 10 votes for the Hightower siblings, that's pretty close too.
[X] [Alicent] Take Her Hawking
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward
[X] [Marriage] Speak to Viserys

While I know it isn't going to win, I feel that hawking is criminally underrepresented in the books.
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i'm admit i'm unsure as to why ppl think we need to speak to Viserys first; he's both our dad and the king, we will be hearing what he thinks of each match no matter what.

i wanted to take an action to speak with him about the matches after we finally get in contact with Rhaenys, so we can discuss the Laenor option with him in more depth.
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i'm unsure as to why ppl think we need to speak to Viserys first
For all that I am currently not voting on it, I do think his perspective is interesting. We've so far only had "Andal" perspectives on it all (Tarly, Hightowers) - I am curious on a Valyrian and also kingly perspective.

Our father had a marriage of "love" (in which he had sex with a child/tween and she ultimately died from it) but also one of practicality - a cousin marriage to secure his claim.
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone
[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent and Gwayne Hightower
[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent Hightower

I want to hear Alicent's perspective first, but also gd we've been missing chances to speak with Rhaenys for forever.

don't have an opinion on the well-meaning himbo. Was amusing to read his section though.

edit: added in just Alicent
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don't have an opinion on the well-meaning himbo.
I think he's endearing.

For all that I am currently not voting on it, I do think his perspective is interesting. We've so far only had "Andal" perspectives on it all (Tarly, Hightowers) - I am curious on a Valyrian and also kingly perspective.
FWIW, Rhaenys also provides both perspectives (or, with respect to a queenly perspective, as close as can be expected). Probably why you're voting for her :V
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[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen

Kind of annoyed the option to speak to both Gawain and Alicent was always tied into the marriage. Could have done something else with our Gawain conversation.
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FWIW, Rhaenys also provides both perspectives (or, with respect to a queenly perspective, as close as can be expected). Probably why you're voting for her :V
That and being a Rhaenys fanboy yes.

Like I said somewhere in this thread, she's the second coolest woman in this time period and there is some stiff competition on that ranking.

And as I've said in prior arguments to talk to her she just in general will have so much useful insight for a female heir to the Iron Throne. Like yes I want her as a mother in law but failing that I want her as a close friend and advisor, and when we break the glass ceiling we will be doing it to honour her.
[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen

Our main examples of dornish are oberyn and doran. And Qoren in the letter comes of as Doran if he could walk properly like his brother. And even if i'm just paranoid and he is a decent guy who will leave us be with our girl Alicent there are still our many dorne hating lords and qoren's (implied to feel the same about our lords) vassals.

If we want to avoid a mess like the canon one, gwayne and laenor are best.

What? Aside from what people already said about Dorans "scheming" I'm sure Qoren would be exactly like his hypothetical future descendants just like every Stark is exactly like Ned. (please ignore all the usurpers, Cregan, what we know of Brandon, etc)

..the Brackens have fans? Like, way I always experienced it, it's always very one-sided with the Blackwoods being seen (and, truthfully, written) as the cooler house.

"Contrarianess" is kinda why. Blackwoods always being written as retroactively right, pwning the looser horse house.

Yet at the start of series, and in general throughout history, theyre houses of pretty much the same rank/power. Thus it honestly looks like the Blackwoods are idiot ball fumblers who can never take advantage of their Ws while the Bracken are plucky underdogs, who-dont-hear-no-bell, with incredible perseverance and implied social + political maneuvering skills. After all how else have they managed to keep their standing with the heavens themselves arranged against them?
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward
[X] [Marriage] Speak to Alicent and Gwayne Hightower
[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen

I like Steffon. He's very dense (no doubt he'll find himself with a harem soon enough), but definitely has his heart in the right place. There's no need to worry about his loyalty, though possibly he could be tricked by somebody into acting against us.

As to marriage discussion, I favour Alicent and Gwayne to find out the views of our fair lady, and I prefer talking to Rhaenys of the other leading options.
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone

Frequent trips to Dragonstone Might incentivize taking up dragon rides. One can hope.

[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward

I stan Ser Himbo, put him in charge of the Street of Silk and watch the Brothel owners go insane from their inability to bribe him.

[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell

I've yet to figure out who the Bracken/Blackwood fans are but I've got my eye out...
"Contrarianess" is kinda why. Blackwoods always being written as retroactively right, pwning the looser horse house.

Yet at the start of series, and in general throughout history, theyre houses of pretty much the same rank/power. Thus it honestly looks like the Blackwoods are idiot ball fumblers who can never take advantage of their Ws while the Bracken are plucky underdogs, who-dont-hear-no-bell, with incredible perseverance and implied social + political maneuvering skills. After all how else have they managed to keep their standing with the heavens themselves arranged against them?
I've only mentioned it twice or so on this thread but I can't help but feel incredibly called out.

I mean everything you've said is 100% accurate but still. Have some gentleness would you?
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone.
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward.
[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell
[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
Dorne is certainly enticing, but idk if we can afford that stigma on top of the disapproval over our martial ventures. Gwayne is definitely the safer option.
[X] [Alicent] A Trip To Dragonstone.
[X] [Steffon] Put His Name Forward.
[X] [Marriage] [Defiant] Write to Prince Qoren Martell
[X] [Marriage] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen

Big fan of Rhaenys, and Steffon seems like he'd be a loyal commander, most important thing is loyalty folks. Qoren is really intriguing, but I would say that it's definitely possible, I mean, if Dorne can be locked down, they'd probably cancel out any march-lords that oppose us. Plus, Borros is not a big fan of us as far as I know, so we may not get the Stormlands even if we marry someone unobjectionable. Also it'd be so cool to add the stepstones to the throne, and we can do just that with Qoren.