Think of Brienne of Tarth, our obvious model for what a female knight in this culture would be like even if canonically she hasn't been born yet and won't be for, uh, 150-200 years as I recall.

We do actually also have a prior example, in Jonquil Darke, who actually also competed as a mystery knight. She was never knighted but she did get an official position as Alysanne's sworn shield for guarding her in places men couldn't.

Unfortunately she may have been kind of a dick:

the wiki said:
When the scandals committed by Princess Saera Targaryen came to light in 84 AC, and the young princess was confined to her room only to later attempt to escape to the Dragonpit, the king confined Saera to a tower cell, with Jonquil guarding her all day and night, even in the privy. When King Jaehaerys faced one of Saera's lovers, Ser Braxton Beesbury, in a trial by combat, Jonquil made sure Saera watched from the window of her cell as her father slew him with Blackfyre.

But still, she's an example we can reference and draw on.
We do actually also have a prior example, in Jonquil Darke, who actually also competed as a mystery knight. She was never knighted but she did get an official position as Alysanne's sworn shield for guarding her in places men couldn't.

Unfortunately she may have been kind of a dick... But still, she's an example we can reference and draw on.
Did she ever win a tournament?
Lord Manderly noticed the kind of looks Rhaenyra was giving Alicent despite the latter currently wearing a face concealing helmet. We should praise the seven most of the people around here are likely to be manly macho men and therefore the demographic least likely to be cognizant of the idea that wlws exist.
Man totally misses his son secretly competing in his own tourney but immediately clocks the romantic tension and I think that's kinda beautiful.
So to come back to my question, I stated before we take Gwayne as husband so we get a good personal life, one of the strongest powers in Westeros behind us, aka. Otto, the hand of the king, and probably a good chunk, if not more, of the reach others, we can sway traditionally, but imagine Otto supporting Rhaenyra to the hilt because her children are his grandchildren. That would be a team-up of legendary size.
Talk about donating our winnings as alms to the poor had me thinking. While canalmania is something to be avoided, investing in a bunch of smaller projects might allow us to make some inroads with the peasantry and townsfolk. Mostly thinking about almshouses and maybe a hospital for King's Landing.

With our royal stipend and earnings from Dragonstone of course.
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Because if we crown a woman who's not a family member and not the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms—and is known to be a very close confidant of Princess Rhaenyra—as the Queen of Love and Beauty, and then reveal that we are Princess Rhaenyra, we come that much closer to publicly outing both Alicent and ourself as lesbians.

No one has any reason to cast aspersions on the honor of this specific Silver Falcon right now, and the idea that we could spawn copycats who might sully our reputation and Alicent's by proxy is (I think) a much less immediate danger than turning to the crowd and saying, "By the way, I'm the royal princess and I think my close friend and handmaiden is the most beautiful woman in the world".
This has already been addressed
Alicent knows that Rhaenyra is going to unmask herself upon winning because that was always the plan and she wanted to crowned Queen of Love and Beauty anyway
Explicitly, they openly communicated with each other about it
Alicent os also reasonably sure she can pass it off as an innocent gesture of playful friendship since Rhaenyra obviously can't crown a man
Alicent and Rhaenyra have already talked about it, and she's okay with it

More than okay, actually
Alicent actively wanted to be crowned the queen of love and beauty as a big gesture of their knightly romance
And she's reasonably confident she can provide an excuse to onlookers that obviously Rhaenyra couldn't crown anyone else, so her "close friend" and handmaid was the only reasonable option available
"When I win," you assured her, "you'll be crowned the Queen of love and beauty."

Alicent's face turned an adorable shade of red.

"You're fine with that, right?" you asked as you placed a hand on her shoulder. "It is a very open gesture."

"I don't think it is," Alicent replied. "When you win and you reveal yourself, if anyone asks, it will be easy to explain there was no way you could give the crown to any man who had your affections. That might be taken as a serious insult. So instead you gave it to your good friend and handmaiden."
Alicent had made clear from the start of their relationship that she wants Rhaenyra to crown her if she wins a tourney.

There is going to be rumors about the two of us anyway
But I will be frank, that was always inevitable

There are already rumors of that sort about Rhaenyra, and they've probably existed since the moment she started getting into fist fights with stable boys over how they treated the maids, and took up a training sword in the field and dressed herself in armor
And if they didn't then they certainly did the second she danced with Jeyne

Alicent is smart enough to know this
It's just important to her that she and Rhaenyra maintain a plausible cover of deniability because she has a specific thing about staying inside social boundaries and expectations
A view of hers that is beginning to change, I will note

She's literally more likely to get caught off guard by us asking to ride off with her than she is us unmasking ourselves

And if we ride off we'll have to do this all over again at highgarden
At which point we either claim the Falcon identity again, and all your worries about outing Alicent return tenfold because the Falcon is known to have rode off with her in a big dramatic romantic gesture

Or we come up with a new mystery knight in which case all this was for nothing
Alicent is smart enough to know this
It's just important to her that she and Rhaenyra maintain a plausible cover of deniability because she has a specific thing about staying inside social boundaries and expectations
A view of hers that is beginning to change, I will note

I've said this before, but I think it's important to remember that there are reasons to stay inside social boundaries and expectations other than internalized self hatred or being insufficiently girlboss. And, I'll bring this up since it might be relevant when talking with Gwayne and potentially Otto, that there are reasons to want people you care about to stay inside social boundaries and expectations other than bigotry.

And those reasons are not symmetric for us and Alicent.

Edit: Agree that the romantic option doesn't seem any less likely to spread rumors though so this isn't a particularly good reason to vote for it. Just want to continue bearing this in mind.
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I don't think Dragonstone had lords sworn to it before Robert's Rebellion, being part of the Crownlands, and thus is just one rocky islands, even in maritime matters overshadowed by its bigger neighbour Driftmark. So Rhaenys is "very rich" from the view of the general population the same way every lord is, but from the view of the nobility...

The Lord of the Narrow Sea have always been sworn to Dragonstone. In fact; Celtigar, Sunglass and Velaryon where sworn to Dragonstone before the Conquest.

Hell, by this point we may be making Jeyne Arryn's girlfriend whose name I forget kinda jealous

Jessamyn Redfort: "Jeyne, why haven't you crowned me yet"
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The Lord of the Narrow Sea have always been sworn to Dragonstone. In fact; Celtigar, Sunglass and Velaryon where sworn to Dragonstone before the Conquest.
I'm, pretty sure the Velaryon's aren't paying fealty to the heir apparent in particular instead of the king directly. Or Rhaenyra would be hilariously richer than she already is. But GRRM's version of feudalism is incredibly dumbed down and basic and involves millennia of stasis and houses never merging or splitting or conquering each other or ending up with land in two different kingdoms and being sworn to two different kings, so who knows what's going on with that.
[X] [Defiant] [To Become A Knight] Face Lord Manderly and reveal yourself to the crowd as Rhaenyra Targaryen.
oh thank goodness we won.
[X] [Defiant] [To Become A Knight] Face Lord Manderly and reveal yourself to the crowd as Rhaenyra Targaryen.

i hope we relieve some stress soon though
[X] [Defiant] [To Become A Knight] Face Lord Manderly and reveal yourself to the crowd as Rhaenyra Targaryen.
Voting Closed
Yeah I'm gonna close the vote now. Thank you everyone for voting

Adhoc vote count started by Zimmerwald1915 on Dec 28, 2024 at 5:08 PM, finished with 211 posts and 101 votes.
The Lord of the Narrow Sea have always been sworn to Dragonstone. In fact; Celtigar, Sunglass and Velaryon where sworn to Dragonstone before the conquest
Yes, and then the domain of direct Rargaryen rule became the Crownlands after the conquest, ruled from KL, not Dragonstone. Only when Robert doled out land to his brithers did he divide the Crownlands again.
On the subject of asking for knighthood, if we ask for it before taking off our helmet I imagine that Manderly will agree immediately given he won't know the sort of political connondrum he'd be getting into. Unwin Peake had already beaten both of his sons, and was only stopped from winning the tourney outright by the Silver Falcon. That's probably enough to earn a lot of gratitude, for which knighting a lowborn seems like little to ask for in return.
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On the subject of asking for knighthood, if we ask for it before taking off our helmet I imagine that Manderly will agree immediately given he won't know the sort of political connondrum he'd be getting into. Unwin Peake had already beaten both of his sons, and was only stopped from winning the tourney outright by the Silver Falcon. That's probably enough to earn a lot of gratitude, for which knighting a lowborn seems like little to ask for in return.
That would be rather underhanded though.

Plus, in a very real sense the one getting the knighthood would be the Silver Falcon, not Rhaenyra Targaryen. This matters for the sake of Rhaenyra's dreams.