Well, since the only people who can officially anoint Rhanyra as a Knight are either the King or the Commander of the King's Guard, we are really hoping to get some reaction from good old Dad...

I hope that he doesn't cancel the Progress though...
I think it fairly likely that he will order Rhaenyra not to participate in the tournament at Highgarden, but I can live with that. Even if he orders her to participate in NO tournaments, I won't like it, but I'll accept it if he's still willing to knight her under the understanding that she stops participating in combat sports where people get killed.

Although given that Rhaenyra isn't going to be his only child and heir for much longer... Well, he's got less to worry about.

Can anyone remind me when it became known that Queen Johanna is pregnant, and what the timing on that was relative to when Viserys found out about our having fought that trial by combat in the Eyrie?
We've mostly only been to the places we were most likely going to be fairly strongly supported, the rest of the Progress are the generally more iffy and thus more pertinent areas for us to visit.
Look high, it's White Harbor's last hope
Rhaenyra Targaryen, coming off the top rope!

[X] [Defiant] [To Become A Knight] Face Lord Manderly and reveal yourself to the crowd as Rhaenyra Targaryen.
[X] [Defiant] [To Become A Knight] Face Lord Manderly and reveal yourself to the crowd as Rhaenyra Targaryen.

What the hell were those rolls lol.

Also, yeah, we really should get some intrigue practice in, we are being super unsubtle about Alicent lol.
So I will say I've noticed a lot of discourse that kind of acts like Viserys will have no real reaction to this, just to make clear, there will most definitely be a reaction to these events. This is not to scare you off your decisions, neither of these options is a trap that's not how I do things. Just wanted to make sure people understood this.
Oh Viserys will definitely react to these events

And attending a tournament is definitely riding the fine line of his "I do not want to hear about you being in live combat for the rest of your progress" order

But there was never going to be any way around that
Viserys was always going to have to deal with the reality that his daughter isn't just playing around with swords and armor
Oh Viserys will definitely react to these events

And attending a tournament is definitely riding the fine line of his "I do not want to hear about you being in live combat for the rest of your progress" order

But there was never going to be any way around that
Viserys was always going to have to deal with the reality that his daughter isn't just playing around with swords and armor

Yup, we will need to get across that hurdle eventually, hopefully soon enough since attacking Rhaenyra from the "she's too manly/fighting is dangerous" is the obvious weak spot to criticize her from and one Viserys will actually listen to, since unlike canon, those complaints will actually worry him unlike the multiple accusations of OG Rhaenyra's sons bastardry and infedility, since those weren't readily dangerous and could be "ignored"

TL;DR we better get that knighthood before Uncle Creeper comes back ig
Yeah, considering the rest of the progress is only going to be about a year's time, we can probably skip prowess actions for most of it without risking any backsliding. Maybe duel 1 or 2 prominent fighters somewhere along the way. Maybe put an ironborn in the dirt when we visit Pyke? They'd probably respect that more than most. For all their... everything, they do have a tradition of women fighting to defend the homestead while the men are off raiding iirc. It'd be pretty funny to have the ironborn be very impressed with Rhaenyra.
[X] [Defiant] [Romantic] Extend your hand to Alicent. "Will the lady grant me the honour to join me on a ride?"

Imagine the romantic gesture! Using this grand chance to indulge our belived's romantic dreams of chivalry. And Alicent will forever more be the girl who was the sole reason for the Silver Knight to win the tourney (and we can still use the tourney on our resume on the sworn word of Alicent and Tarly).

And keeping the secret for now might help in our relationship to our father.

Manderly can't actually knight us. Even if he tried, only Viserys has the authority to make it stick.

In theory, any knight can knight anyone, which is why there are tons of hedge fake knights running around. But that is why we need a proper, public knighting by a public figure, and Lord Manderly surely wouldn't want to draw the Iron Throne's wrath unto himself.

This really doesn't feel like a choice. Like, is there any reason to turn down knighthood?
We're not choosing knighthood like a reward option, though, it's "just" an important step in our plan to become a knight. One we could still use, and also replicate.
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So I will say I've noticed a lot of discourse that kind of acts like Viserys will have no real reaction to this
I don't think it does? I mean, people talking like the events will continue in a straight line, missing the mark, and adjusting after the next update to talk like the events will go in a straight line from that one is kind of a typical cycle, or at least it feels so to me. "Viserys will have a reaction" is assumed, but what it will be exactly and how it will alter our trajectory is unknown for now.
neither of these options is a trap that's not how I do things
I would say your options have much heavier and closer fog of war than I'm used to seeing in quests. They may not be traps, or intended to be traps, but they include no information about even the most immediate consequences. It's probably appropriate since Rhaenyra is a teen jock and not an experienced diplomancer? But it's certainly a choice to cleave so closely to the character's ignorance about the consequences of her actions.
(See: Johanna would've reacted negatively to changing the topic to cats, Alicent would've rejected us if we went for a passionate kiss, the least stressful path resulted in the most stress once we made a step down it...)
(See: Johanna would've reacted negatively to changing the topic to cats, Alicent would've rejected us if we went for a passionate kiss, the least stressful path resulted in the most stress once we made a step down it...)
Okay the first one I believed was pretty clear because it would have been an unsubtle effort to change the topic, the second one I think definitely should have been clear since I made at a point that Alicent at that time was not the kind of person who would have reacted well to something so "improper" particularly considering how her gay feelings were clearly tormenting her in that update. And the last one, I've talked about this before but the red or blue of a text are basically Rhaenyra's immediate feelings on the matter not the consquences of the choice.
Imagine the romantic gesture! Using this grand chance to indulge our belived's romantic dreams of chivalry. And Alicent will forever more be the girl who was the sole reason for the Silver Knight to win the tourney (and we can still use the tourney on our resume on the sworn word of Alicent and Tarly).
Alicent's reputation is a reason to not do this, I think

The Silver Falcon is just some random guy who Alicent has allegedly never met before
And he's going to just sweep the princess's handmaiden off her feet and ride off with her to who knows where?
While ignoring Manderly calling for him to present himself before him to receive the formal honors of victory?

And how would Alicent look when she turns up again just dumped on Rhaenyra's doorstep as far as anyone can tell?

I'd be shocked if Gwayne didn't try to stop us, and he'd be right to
A stranger he's never seen before is trying to make off with his sister out of nowhere
[X] [Defiant] [To Become A Knight] Face Lord Manderly and reveal yourself to the crowd as Rhaenyra Targaryen.

We did it. We actually did it. WE DID IT!!!

Amazing freaking update, @Teen Spirit! I was sitting at the edge of my seat the entire update the whole time and for a second I thought Cole beat us. This was a spectacular chapter.

Now revealing ourselves here is what I prefer (and seems to be the option that is winning by a landslide), even if it doesn't have the stress reduction of the other option (or at least not a visible one). We earned this and we will stand proud.
[X] [Defiant] [To Become A Knight] Face Lord Manderly and reveal yourself to the crowd as Rhaenyra Targaryen.

Well this is an interesting vote to find this quest on
Okay the first one I believed was pretty clear because it would have been an unsubtle effort to change the topic, the second one I think definitely should have been clear since I made at a point that Alicent at that time was not the kind of person who would have reacted well to something so "improper" particularly considering how her gay feelings were clearly tormenting her in that update.
Idk, as someone who's not good at people, it was not at all clear to me. It's fine if it wasn't clear to Rhaenyra either, and you intend some choices to be closer to social pass/fail than the typical "choose your narrative" style. I'm just saying that from my perspective, you do include options that would be an immediate Bad Idea and leave it to the readers to work out that it would be a Bad Idea, and the readers do not universally have your perspective and understanding.
charity! hand out alms, fund some apprenticeships, pay for public works, maybe straight up chuck cash at a sept (increases opinion with the smallfolk. if we want to influence and encourage the more pragmatic/progressive portions of the Faith this is an approach.)

I really like this idea. As the update mentions, we have ample incomes from Dragonstone, so there's probably not much we could buy with this that we couldn't already buy. But making a show of giving specifically our tournament winnings as charity connects us being a knight and our success at the tournament with something materially better for the everyday people.