I forgot the name of the master.

But I remember saying in a previous post that we should push for him to be named commander of the gold cloaks.

I also remember proposing that the gold cloaks become the jurisdiction of the royal guard arguing that since it is the capital, it is the responsibility of the royal guard to organize the defenses where the king resides.
Turn 8 Results Part II

Turn 8 Results Part II

You gave Lyonel Strong's offer some deep thought. You had been focused on becoming Commander of the City Watch, but it wasn't like that was the only position you would accept. You had sought it because it was the best use of your talents and it was unfilled. The idea Lord Strong would be willing to train you for his position had not crossed your mind until now. It would mean more work for sure, but it didn't interfere with your martial goals. Plenty of knights had served as Master of Law, such as your great uncle Aemon.

Master of Laws would certainly be a much more prestigious post than commanding the City Watch. Holding that seat would force the realm to take you seriously as a political force a lot sooner than they might have otherwise.

You had come to Strong for advice and you had come away with an offer of mentorship. Really, you had only one choice here.

"That is a very generous offer and I could think of no better tutor," you replied. "I gratefully accept."

Lyonel smiled.

"Excellent," his tone gained a hint of enthusiasm. "I know your father will be most pleased to hear of this once I make my way back to King's Landing. We will make arrangements for your tutoring upon your return."

That wouldn't be for nearly a year, and you would have to weigh in on legal matters before that. You knew you couldn't ask Lord Strong to travel with you, but perhaps you he could provide other assistance.

"I am loathe to ask for another favor after you have been so generous already, my lord," you said diplomatically, "but I was hoping you might be able to provide some assistance for my Royal Progress."

"What sort of assistance?" he questioned.

"My father expects me to bring his justice as I travel the seven kingdoms," you went on, "and while I have prepared myself, I know I am by no means an expert on the law. But you are, so I was wondering if you had any books that may lend me guidance for my travels ahead."

Lyonel scratched his beard.

"Yes, I have heard word of that. I know Lady Jeyne wants you to make a proper example of her cousin and no doubt the Blackwoods and Brackens will drag you into their latest feud," he said with a hint of frustration. "I have a few books I'd be more than willing to let you borrow."

"Thank you again, my lord," you nodded respectfully, "I appreciate the assistance."

"I am simply doing my duty," Lyonel said almost dismissively, "but you are welcome, princess."

Relationship with Lord Lyonel Strong Improved

Royal Progress Actions Modified

The Tourney was a large affair. Not grand, but definitely large. Lord Strong had a wooden arena constructed for the event, with you and some of your retinue being given your box seating separated from the rest of those attending. Considering the relatively small number of lords who greeted you at your arrival, you were somewhat surprised to see quite a few knights from across the realm competing.

"Many knights are making a progress of their own," Raylon explained. "With so many of your stops hosting tourneys, many see this as the best chance in a decade at earning gold and glory."

That pleased you greatly. More knight seeking glory meant that you had a better chance of earning glory for yourself when you decided to enter a tourney. You needed not just a victory, but a grand one against worthy foes.

Your own duel with Harwin Strong was quite the subject of conversation during the tourney, particularly during the first days. Some knights jokingly asked why you hadn't entered the lists yourself and a few of them seemed almost serious. Some knights were stupid enough to mock you to your face, though most saved their scorn for Harwin, chiding him for being defeated by a woman. Most of the mockery faded after Harwin easily won the melee portion of the tourney.

You spent the first couple of days watching the melee and archery portions with Alicent, catching up on old gossip and sharing new bits you had both learned at your time in Harrenhal. But as you talked, you found one subject stuck in your brain, unable to escape. The dream. The things you had seen that night, that woman and what she said, it stuck in your thoughts like thick sap. Simply too real to forget even if you knew none of it physically happened.

You wanted to talk about it with Alicent. Not here, of course. Somewhere private. But you worried about how she would react. You trusted her and cared a great deal about her, but Alicent was a woman who believed strongly in the Faith of the Seven and the Seven Pointed Star did not look kindly on the magic of other gods. You did not think Alicent would be cruel, but she may simply think it was just another dream, though she might try to give you some comfort even if she did.

Maybe you should write to your father. If there was one person in the realm who would take this dream seriously, it would be him. He might even be able to understand it better than you had. But you couldn't help but wonder how he'd react to it. That woman did tell you that you'd find death in God's Eye. You can't imagine that's something any father wanted to hear, let alone a king.

Perhaps you just needed to talk to someone, anyone, about it. Syrax might not be the best conversationalist, but your dragon was a good listener, and maybe that was enough right now.

Who Do You Tell About Your Dream?

[] [Dream] Talk to Alicent
[] [Dream] Write to Viserys
[] [Dream] Do Both
[] [Dream] Talk to Syrax
[] [Dream] Say Nothing
[] [Dream] Write-in (subject to QM Approval)

You decided to put all thoughts of the dream aside as you focused on trying learn from the Tourney. With the knowledge that many of these knights would be following you to other tourneys, you had the rare chance to both improve your own skills and observe the weakness of possible opponents.

There were so many here. Knights of the Vale, men carrying the Bolton colors, Reach knights looking all gallant with feather plumes and flowers on their shields, and a familiar face you had not expected to see again. One Ser Criston Cole.

His armor was better than it had been back in King's Landing. Not fancy, but matching and well fitted. According to Ser Raylon, he had been making something of a name for himself in various minor tourneys ever since he didn't make into the Kingsguard. Cole seemed jovial and in good spirits during the melee and archery contest, though you noticed he never so much as glanced in your direction. Curious. Though, in truth, not that surprising considering how things had ended in your last encounter.

In the Melee you noticed that, while strength and talent with a blade was what sorted the wheat from the chaff, in the latter rounds it was those with good footwork, such as Harwin Strong, Cole, and the Bolton Knight, that won, either by outmanuvering their enemy or in a few cases simply tiring them out.

When it came time for the actual jousts, you realized just how important Ser Tarly's advice about taking a hit was. Not every joust ended with one side being knocked off their horse and more than once you saw someone nearly knocked off their horse only to recover and win.

One thing was quickly becoming apparent in the jousts. Cole was a force to be reckoned with. He had knocked Harwin off his horse with ease and went on to defeat a half dozen Reach knights, few even close to giving him a real challenge. Though you did notice the Bolton knight had nearly won after he sought to continue the fight on foot. In the saddle, few could come close to Cole, but when it came to arms, he was simply a rather talented knight. Though not one to be underestimated as your uncle had learned years ago.

It was the semi-finals now. Through luck and skill, Alicent's brother Gwayne had managed to hold on this long, though he was now facing Criston Cole. Gwayne approached in that tower crowned helmet of his. Naturally he had come to ask for his sister's favor before the joust. For a moment, you saw him glance at you. His helmet did not move. He simply looked just long enough to make sure you noticed before his eyes returned to his sister.

The intent was clear. He wanted to ask for your favor, but he wanted to make sure he had your approval first. As the guest of honor, no one had yet asked for your favor until now. Some out of quiet disdain for your fight against Harwin, but some likely because they realized it was too bold. While a favor between a man and unmarried woman that was not his kin was no declaration of marriage, it certainly had it's implications.

Just what was Gwayne up to? A simple nod or shake of your head was all you needed. If you refused, he would simply not offer and both of you would save face. But perhaps you wanted to accepted. He was proving to be something of an ally after all.

Minor Advantage Gained For Tourney Rolls

Do you give Gwayne your favor?

[] [Gwayne] Give him the favor.
[] [Gwayne] Decline the offer.

QM's Note: Yes, the incel returns. In either canon, Cole is kind of a monster when it comes to jousting, so it would be kind of remiss to not use him here.
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[X] [Dream] Talk to Syrax
[X] [Gwayne] Give him the favor.

Oh great, Ser Crispin Cole the knight of fragile egos is here.

Hope we knock him on his ass when the time comes.
[X] [Dream] Do Both

I don't believe it wise to keep secrets from our friends and family or to bottle it up.

[X] [Gwayne] Give him the favor.

He and Otto may be maneuvering for a Hightower marriage to secure their position, which would be awkward but not the worst so long as Alicent doesn't reject it, but I think there's still plenty of room to to find a husband elsewhere.

Still want to give him the favor to encourage the friendship.
Glad to see that we're getting seriously noticed for our prowess now, also curious about the unamed Bolton Knight.

[X] [Dream] Do Both
[X] [Gwayne] Give him the favor.
i was so/so about progressing jousting before, but now i'm all in. we need to get his ass.

[X] [Dream] Talk to Syrax
genuinely just curious on what the effect of this would be. therapy dragon syrax when?

[X] [Gwayne] Give him the favor.
it's probably enough plausable deniability to say the favor was as a favor to Alicent, wishing her brother luck.
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[X] [Dream] Talk to Syrax
[X] [Gwayne] Give him the favor.

I don't want to put strain on our relationship with Alicent (and being dismissed on a topic that seriously bothers you is straining), and I don't want to stress out our father even more. Also, Syrax deserves more screentime. There can never be too much dragon.
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[X] [Dream] Talk to Syrax
[X] [Gwayne] Give him the favor.

I don't want to put strain on our relationship with Alicent (and being dismissed on a topic that seriously bothers you is straining), and I don't want to stress out our father even more. Also, Syrax deserves more screentime. There can never be too much dragon.
Honestly good point, plus while we may not take the prophecy extremely seriously, we know for sure Viserys is all about that stuff.
[x][Dream] Talk to Syrax
[x][Gwayne] Give him the favor.

I like both Syrax and Gwayne, and wish them to have good things in life. Like our company.
What are everyone's thoughts on a Hightower marriage so far? I'm personally all for it.

Also when should we finally try our luck and enter a tourney? The kingdom we win in will likely affect things, I mean I can see people saying a tourney was rigged if we do it in the Vale where Jeyne is our known ally.
I'm not sure what we'd gain by giving Gwayne our favor here

Like I get the idea that Gwayne is a potential marriage prospect
But ideally, if we wanted to push forward with that, it'd be a good idea to talk it out with him and Allicent first, given the unique circumstances

Granted, it's probably not that big of a deal either way
A lady's favor at a tourney is more a subject of gossip than anything, and Rhaenyra has more than enough of those about her already that this isn't even a particularly juicy one, probably

Aside from the slight worry that Allicent might get upset at the implications of this act unfolding out of nowhere right over her head
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What are everyone's thoughts on a Hightower marriage so far? I'm personally all for it.
It is a decent match, but honestly, for me it falls short... If we want pure political marriage Laenor is far far better, and if we want to go for the Romance Route Harwin is pretty great and we can also try to get the Dornish Prince which would take Dorne into the fold 150 years early and give us the support of an entire kingdom

Besides that, not every family is so OK with "keeping things in the family" as the Targaryens, and I am worried that it would weird out both Gawayne and Alicent.
It is a decent match, but honestly, for me it falls short... If we want pure political marriage Laenor is far far better, and if we want to go for the Romance Route Harwin is pretty great and we can also try to get the Dornish Prince which would take Dorne into the fold 150 years early and give us the support of an entire kingdom

Besides that, not every family is so OK with "keeping things in the family" as the Targaryens, and I am worried that it would weird out both Gawayne and Alicent.
Fair points, however I would never support a match with Dorne, it would be one of the worst political decisions we could make, we would gain Dorne (Albeit shakily) but we would lose support in most other kingdoms, heck even Raylon doesn't like Dorne and he's one person who's support we really shouldn't lose.
[X] [Dream] Do Both

[X] [Gwayne] Give him the favor.

At the moment my preference is to the idea of trying to push Gwayne with Rhea Royce since I'm not sure how certain having him as our husband would go towards getting the mainline Hightowers to support us in a potential civil war. I would really just like to see what all our options are like before we fully commit. Also it's probably less weird to be in a love triangle with your wife and sister's best friend/lover than it is your wife and your actual sister. If we go that way, of course.

I feel like Viserys is a must ask on the Dream topic, he's the most trustworthy source we have on this kind of thing. Alicent...I'd be willing to hold off on telling. She probably should be allowed to get used to the weirdness though, this isn't gonna be the last time this happens I'm sure.