I think if we're trying to go for a Tourney, we'd be actually incredibly stupid not to do training?

At the very least, the North seems like an interesting place to get some duels in.
I don't see the need to do both when it would dillute the effect of the other stuff we are doing. Our training mostly focuses on fighting experience at this point and we can get that by joining tourneys just as well as if we challenge people on training yards in keeps.

Also, it might make it easier for some to recognize us with we fight them both as a mystery knight and as Rhaenyra.
-[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
-[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
-[X] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
-[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
-[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
-[X] [Goal] Train Publicly

Looking at the other stuff, but we kinda, like, if we're not fucking training at least once when we're going around the realm filled with duel partners who could also be friends, I don't know what we're doing.

I don't see the need to do both when it would dillute the effect of the other stuff we are doing. Our training mostly focuses on fighting experience at this point and we can get that by joining tourneys just as well as if we challenge people on training yards in keeps.

Also, it might make it easier for some to recognize us with we fight them both as a mystery knight and as Rhaenyra.

By not choosing training, you're committing to not doing any training for the next year. The North especially is an area where it feels like this would be a loss, considering it's the one part of the Six/Seven Kingdoms where women regularly get to do at least a bit of fighting (other than Dorne.)
By not choosing training, you're committing to not doing any training for the next year. The North especially is an area where it feels like this would be a loss, considering it's the one part of the Six/Seven Kingdoms where women regularly get to do at least a bit of fighting (other than Dorne.)
To be clear the option to train will still be there if you don't pick either option you're just not preparing for how you're going to train before hand.
By not choosing training, you're committing to not doing any training for the next year. The North especially is an area where it feels like this would be a loss, considering it's the one part of the Six/Seven Kingdoms where women regularly get to do at least a bit of fighting (other than Dorne.)
Fine. I added it since I already can see that this will be consistent point of contention.
To be clear the option to train will still be there if you don't pick either option you're just not preparing for how you're going to train before hand.
Fine. I added it since I already can see that this will be consistent point of contention.

Hmm, or could we limit it to more focus on, like? "Oh hey, when we're in the North maybe we should do things." Or would that basically be the same thing but with a caveat?
[] [Purpose ]To Assess the Realms Lands for Opportunities in Which to Invest

Get the lords competing to earn some of that excess wealth for investment.

[] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
Must have.
[] [Goal] Train Privately
The wise move.

[] [Goal] Identify the Lords of the Kingdoms Both Most and Least Likely to Support your Ascension to the Throne

Medium or Full seems best.

[] [Companion] Viserys Targaryen
Your father is hesitant about the idea of traveling. He admits he would enjoy getting out of the Red Keep and getting some fresh air, though the Maesters not sure if him traveling is a good idea or not. Some think the fresh air will help while others worry the strain of travel will tax his health.

[] [Companion] Johanna Westerling
Your step-mother is all for the idea of traveling. Once her child is born that is and provided she doesn't have to travel to the Iron Islands.
-Unavailable until at least Turn 10
We likely shouldn't take Viserys if we aren't taking Johanna. Him missing the birth of his child would be too big of a slight. As for whether or not he comes, well, to be frank, It might be a very good idea to get him away from the Iron throne for a time and possibly in the care of a more accomplished healer than the grand maester, who by everything I've seen and read is something of a Buffoon when it comes to healing.
[] [Companion] Laena Velaryon
If we leave behind Syrax could we include a write in to have her leave behind hers? If not her mother would probably be better.
[] [Companion] Rhea Royce
Seems good.

[] [Companion] who was the young fellow who lost his duel with us rather handily during the storm sword test?

[] [Date] Leave after Johanna has her child (Royal Progress will begin no sooner than Turn 10)
I'm leaning in favor of this so we can get Viserys away from the Iron throne and his shit excuse for a healer.
I don't know if it's been said, but how severe are the political consequences if she remains single (or married to Alicent) and adopts Johanna's child as her heir?
I mean, from what I'm gathering we will get additional votes what to do on the stops anyway, so I presumed that we can squeeze in a training bout here and there even if we don't declare it a goal.
Hmm, or could we limit it to more focus on, like? "Oh hey, when we're in the North maybe we should do things." Or would that basically be the same thing but with a caveat?
Guys I thought that the plan for the Royal progress was to be Nyra's Presentation to the Realm at large, make some allies/friends along the way, and scout out prospective husbands...

Why are you guys abandoning one of the main goals for the Royal Progress, which we can only take in said royal progress, for a tourney that we can take any time in regular turns...

[X] Plan Get Your Priorities Straight!!!
-[X] [Purpose] Your Introduction to the Realm
-[X] [Purpose] Justice and Settling Affairs
-[X] [Goal] Scout out Prospective Husbands.
-[X] [Goal] Privacy with Alicent
-[X] [Goal] Find more Friends
-[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
--[X] Kings Landing
--[X] Highgaden
--[X] Oldtown
--[X] Lannisport / Casterly Rock (via Ocean Road)
--[X] Riverrun
--[X] Harrenhal
--[X] The Eyrie
--[X] detour through the northern Vale
--[X] Seagard
--[X] ship to Pyke
--[X] ship to Bear Isle
--[X] ship to Deepwood Motte
--[X] Castle Black
--[X] Winterfell
--[X] White Harbor
--[X] ship to Rain House
--[X] Storms End
--[X] Kings Landing
-[X] [Dragon] Syrax will travel with you
-[X] [Companion] Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Companion] Gwayne Hightower
-[X] [Companion] Laenor Velaryon
-[X] [Companion] Rhea Royce
-[X] [Date] Leave immediately (Royal Progress will begin next turn)
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-[X] [Tour] Full Tour (4 turns, the entire realm)
--[X] Kings Landing
--[X] Highgaden
--[X] Oldtown
--[X] Lannisport / Casterly Rock (via Ocean Road)
--[X] Riverrun
--[X] Harrenhal
--[X] The Eyrie
--[X] detour through the northern Vale
--[X] Seagard
--[X] ship to Pyke
--[X] ship to Bear Isle
--[X] ship to Deepwood Motte
--[X] Castle Black
--[X] Winterfell
--[X] White Harbor
--[X] ship to Rain House
--[X] Storms End
--[X] Kings Landing

Also, @Azel , which turns are these happening on, because we need to be relatively close-ish to Kings Landing when Johanna has her kid, which is why a part of me was thinking about going all the way north, then turning around, so that we can be in the Vale/Riverlands/etc in time to use our Dragon to get home for the birth, etc.
I don't know if it's been said, but how severe are the political consequences if she remains single (or married to Alicent) and adopts Johanna's child as her heir?
Pretty big since you'll be lacking a major alliance, lack heirs who are firmly loyal to you, and have many wondering why bother with her if Johanna's kid will inherit anyways
Also, @Azel , which turns are these happening on, because we need to be relatively close-ish to Kings Landing when Johanna has her kid, which is why a part of me was thinking about going all the way north, then turning around, so that we can be in the Vale/Riverlands/etc in time to use our Dragon to get home for the birth, etc.
We should be in the Riverlands or Vale when the baby comes.
Why are you including Kingslanding? We live there. This is a tour of the rest of the realm. Utter fallacy.
This is just the start / end marker of the journey.
Seems like an unnecessary inclusion but whatever.
Also, @Azel , which turns are these happening on, because we need to be relatively close-ish to Kings Landing when Johanna has her kid, which is why a part of me was thinking about going all the way north, then turning around, so that we can be in the Vale/Riverlands/etc in time to use our Dragon to get home for the birth, etc.
I think we should delay until turn 10 and bring Viserys and Johanna. Viserys's health might improve under a different Maester and getting him away from the bloody throne of swords that idiot Aegon made can only help, but we shouldn't separate him from his pregnant wife.
Bringing Viserys or Johanna along defeats the entire purpose of the exercise, namely to cement our position as heiress. Suddenly things would be focused no longer on us, bot on our father and step-mother.
I am not sold on tourneys if Viserys isnt with us.

He is the only one who can best defy the gender expectations of knighthood, in peacetime.

Knighthood is the capstone of public acceptance towards our martial prowess. Training publicly is good and necessary, tourney less so.

I am always pro battlefield knighting, because without such an accolade to back us up the knighthood would will be used against us.
[X] Plan Tourneys, Judgements and Friendships

I like it, public training, getting allies, a Velaryon. Otto having both of his kids travelling with us on a introductory tour could also been seen as a sort of implicit backing.

Only potential problem is Laenor not joining, maybe joining the war on the Stepstones, but considering it's almost a definitive opportunity for royal marriage I still think Corlys would go for it.
I would actually like going with Leana. Getting to know her and her big lizard.
I am not sold on tourneys if Viserys isnt with us.
-[X] [Goal] Enter a Tourney
I think if we're trying to go for a Tourney, we'd be actually incredibly stupid not to do training?
I would like to point out that going on a tourney with the plan of being anointed as a knight would be useless without the only two people in the realm who can anoint Rhanyra, namely King Viserys and Ser Harold Westerling...
Looking at the other stuff, but we kinda, like, if we're not fucking training at least once when we're going around the realm filled with duel partners who could also be friends, I don't know what we're doing.
Do you really think that this is how things will go? Those duel partners are more likely to think that losing against a girl is emaculating that they are more likely to turn on us
I... don't think that's how it works?

@Teen Spirit , I didn't think that one of them had to be actually literally present at the very moment to annoint us a Knight? Since this is pretty damn important, we should probably get this clarified.
@Teen Spirit , I didn't think that one of them had to be actually literally present at the very moment to annoint us a Knight? Since this is pretty damn important, we should probably get this clarified.
No it's not vital to make it happen, more dramatic for sure, but there's nothing stopping you from using a suitable victory to put pressure on your father to knight you once you return to the capital.
Do you really think that this is how things will go? Those duel partners are more likely to think that losing against a girl is emaculating that they are more likely to turn on us
I severely doubt we would be making friends with anyone who has issues with our sword fighting being better than theirs.
I would like to get Rhaenyra closer with Laena too, and keep her out of Daemon's hands, but if most castles will already groan at supporting Syrax, not sure how they plan to feed something as big as Vhagar.

Also not taking the public training feels like a pretty stop-gap measure, as any allies we make by being more publicly demure would just be set up to be blindsided by our Tourney wins and Knighthood.
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