Visit the Vale during the progress. Suggest that Jayne hold a Tourney in celebration of new peace, and forewarn her of Rhaenyra's intentions.

This is a really great idea. It's not as soap as getting to dramatically reveal ourselves after upstaging one of the potential rival claimants or winning a tourney in our own honor or something but it's good political sense in arranging everything to our favor ahead of time and building on the peace we helped create.
The one danger there is, if we're doing the "North First, then down to the Vale/Riverlands" thing, it'll mean we'll be training for the Tourney, welcoming our baby sibling and then hurrying back to do the Tourney... so it'll be a very busy time. But, y'know, that might be an advantage, almost?
Ehh, I'm kinda really fine with a bit of a ruckus in the Reach, all things considered. The golden thing to imagine for just how funny it would be would be a Hightower Tourney.

That would be a pretty clever way to crown Alicent as our Queen of Love And Beauty without arousing too many (romantic) suspicions amongst the nobility, I dig it

(It probably arouses some political suspicions, but fuck it, we're already pretty aggressively angling for the Hightowers to sit in our camp come the Dance, let's commit to the bit)
I was going to say I feel like the divide here is between "we're tight on actions so we should try to spread things out, keep as much touch on everything as we can." And "we're tight on actions so we should make ourselves a hammer because every problem is a nail if you try hard enough, and also we can maybe pick up allies who are good at other things." I'm definitely in the second camp, FWIW.
Well, let's ask Robb Stark then!!! Dammin we can't he is dead because a pure Martial Build will only take you so far...

And the last time a Targaryen tried the hammer approach, well Things didn't go that will for Maegor the Cruel
I firmly believe we need to Jamie-train every turn to be absolutely sure we dominate the coming tournament. I want a critical fail to be the only possible reason we don't crush.
Here is the thing, there is not a big coming tournament, there are a handful of important ones per year, but we are not in a strict timetable and going on mono focus on training until we go for that nebulous tournament...
I kinda just assumed that we'd come across a good opportunity while on Progress.
Visit the Vale during the progress. Suggest that Jeyne hold a Tourney in celebration of new peace, and forewarn her of Rhaenyra's intentions.
Our sworn sword has pretty much told us that the only ones that can knight us are King Viserys or Lord Commander Westerling... And I don't think we will have him leaving the Crownlands anytime soon with Johanna pregnant and all that...
"The gods clearly decided to bless you with the strength of the Warrior," he gestured to your well-honed arms, "and the will to actually use it. Princess, I cannot make you a knight, only your father can do that, but I can give you the means to become as skilled as any of them. If you wish, I will train you, on one condition."
Aye. Baelon the Brave earned his title," the knight nodded. "Now, for you, things won't be so easy. If you enter a tourney, it needs to be a big one, and you need to win. You need to be the greatest mystery knight of the generation. A victory so clear and absolute that the Lord Commander or your father will be unable to deny your glory and will have no choice but to knight you."
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This is a really great idea. It's not as soap as getting to dramatically reveal ourselves after upstaging one of the potential rival claimants or winning a tourney in our own honor or something but it's good political sense in arranging everything to our favor ahead of time and building on the peace we helped create.
Yes. It draws attention to Rhaenyra's ability not only to fight and lead as a warrior but her ability to lead in times of peace and leverage the authority of the crown without bloodshed.
That means Rhaenyra has to chose between Jeyne, Rhea and Alicent to see who she declares as the beauty of the tournament.

And really, that sounds like a Troy situation.
No that's for the better. It makes her choosing Alicent more meaningful. If Jeyne and Rhea are dalliances with like minded ruling women than Alicent is Rhaenyra's true companion who naturally is the most beautiful in Rhaenyra's eyes. Making it an easy choice by having Alicent be the only acceptable option is honestly worse in my opinion than picking her in spite of other options.
"Aye. Baelon the Brave earned his title," the knight nodded. "Now, for you, things won't be so easy. If you enter a tourney, it needs to be a big one, and you need to win. You need to be the greatest mystery knight of the generation. A victory so clear and absolute that the Lord Commander or your father will be unable to deny your glory and will have no choice but to knight you."

A local Vale tourney isn't good enough. We already talked about it with Tarly, it needs to be a big win at a big tournament such that either Westerling or Viserys feel obligated to knight us.
Our sworn sword has pretty much told us that the only ones that can knight us are King Viserys or Lord Commander Westerling... And I don't think we will have him leaving the Crownlands anytime soon with Johanna pregnant and all that...
Johanna won't be pregnant by the time we reach the Vale on our progress and holding the tourney in the home of Rhaenyra's mother will make it harder on Vyseris to refuse over discomfort with Rhaenyra's choices.
Well, let's ask Robb Stark then!!! Dammin we can't he is dead because a pure Martial Build will only take you so far...

And the last time a Targaryen tried the hammer approach, well Things didn't go that will for Maegor the Cruel

I mean, Robb Stark is a non-viewpoint character in a book who needs to die to advance the plot of his viewpoint-character siblings. We're the viewpoint character of a quest, it's not quite the same thing. Maegor failed because he was a sociopathic asshole.

And I'm by no means against branching out a bit, but leaning into success and leaning into character often go well in quests.
A local Vale tourney isn't good enough. We already talked about it with Tarly, it needs to be a big win at a big tournament such that either Westerling or Viserys feel obligated to knight us.
I will say that basically every kingdom save the Iron Islands could have a Tourney big enough for Rhaenyra's needs, just depends on the situation and who's hosting it and for what reason.
[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Sneakery

Considering we can't even be sure whether the baby will be a live birth, I don't think it's worth delaying our plans - possibly for years in quest - over a potential sibling.
[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Sneakery

Considering we can't even be sure whether the baby will be a live birth, I don't think it's worth delaying our plans - possibly for years in quest - over a potential sibling.
What plans precisely are we supposed to be to be avoiding in the nearly identical plans? Because I remember a lot of discussion of being knighted and not much about exploring the city. Your kind of voting to delay those ambitions right now.
Yes, that's why I'm voting for it.
Both leading plans are voting to start the royal progress. There defining differences are whether we are training to be knighted or explore the city.
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So I'd propose a route like this:

Turn 1: North and whatever we do with the Iron Islands.
Turn 2: Riverlands and Vale, letting us be close enough to return for any birth.
Turn 3: Crownlands, Stormlands, start of Westerlands/etc.
Turn 4: Westerlands and Reach or something like that, also where we'd presumably have the best chance of finding a Tourney since it's Down South and the Reach always fits that vibe.

The one danger there is, if we're doing the "North First, then down to the Vale/Riverlands"

Yes, planning the route is of vital importance for our upcoming progress, additionally we near to be close to King's Landing when Johanna gives birth, so we can give the babe a Dragon's Egg (preferably not Sunfyre's egg), whilst leaving the bigger dragon's available for our children.
Approval voting a second plan since mine is a good bit behind.

[X] Plan Pregnancy, Poetry and Party
[X] Plan: Progress, Poetry, and Sneakery
We should have plenty of chances for a tourney participation during the Progress.

We are not in any remote way good enough to do as overwhelmingly perfectly as we need to do.

We should have plenty of chances for a tourney participation during the Progress.

Like, the distinction here is, "Do we train for the Tourney we are planning to take within the next four turns, or do we spend an action in the city?" If we're actually fucking planning on taking it really soon we should probably actually focus on that?
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We're almost certainly going to get married within the next two years, unless something goes wrong. We cannot afford to wait all that long, or any real time to be honest?
More like the next 4-5 years, Viserys only forced Nyra's hand because she spent 3 years witha bratty teen attitude, and for the whole Daemon incident... Which is not the case here...

So we should have 2-3 years more than in canon before Viserys forces the issue...
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That would be a pretty clever way to crown Alicent as our Queen of Love And Beauty without arousing too many (romantic) suspicions amongst the nobility, I dig it

(It probably arouses some political suspicions, but fuck it, we're already pretty aggressively angling for the Hightowers to sit in our camp come the Dance, let's commit to the bit)

I kind of worry they wouldn't actually look kindly on this and will at best need to get eased into it more but…

An exchange of letters
Otto: How goes it, brother?
Hobert: Good, good.
Otto: I'd heard that the Princess' Progress has reached you in Oldtown.
Hobert: Yes, yes. Good to get some respect here over those damn Tyrells. Or the Tarlys. Or the Peakes. Damn reachmen.
Otto: I trust my daughter is conducting herself well?
Hobert: Yes, lovely girl that. Shame Viserys didn't take a shine to her, but you can't have everything. Shame there's no prince she's be of age with. Guess you'll have to make do with some second son.
Otto: Yes, I-
Hobert: There, there, I'm sure you'll make the most of it.
Otto: And how are you finding the princess - I confess I of two minds myself. Sometimes she seems to have the makings of a fine political mind, at others she seems impossibly brash and heedless of custom.
Hobert: Oh she seems a fine enough sort.
Otto: I'm relieved to hear it.
Hobert: Makes herself awful scarce though. I'm not sure where she goes off too during the tourney. Maybe the poor thing can't stand the sight of blood?
Otto: You're losing track of the Princess?
Hobert: Eh, she always turns up. The tourney's been grand, Otto, you're missing out.
Otto: As always brother I will try to contain my sorrow.
Hobert: There's this mystery knight, new fellow, but I tell you he's got the makings of the greats. Some dragon sigil on his shield - rumor is he's Saera's bastard grandson or some such. Big strapping young fellow and he fights like a monster. You should have seen that last bout, brother, he was all like-
Otto <thinking>: That foolish idiot girl, what if she gets herself killed, what if she gets herself hurt, what if Viserys blames me, what if this embarrasses house Hightower that any of our knights were beaten by a girl-
Hobert: Seems to have a soft spot for your girl, too, it's always her he asks for favors. She might win herself a different crown, if the lad continuous jousting like that.
Otto <thinking>: dial up noises
Hobert: Otto? You haven't wrote back in a while, everything all right? I'll warn him off, it you like.
Otto: :thonk: :thonk::thonk:

(Hobert's characterization here for comedic purposes, he's almost certainly not actually like this).