The Heir of the Dragon: A Rhaenyra Targaryen Quest
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You are Rhaenyra Targaryen, eldest child of King Viserys Targaryen, the first of his name. After the tragic death of your mother and newborn brother, and the disgrace of your uncle Daemon, your father has seen fit to name you Princess of Dragonstone and Heir to the Iron Throne. Declaring to the whole Realm that one day you will be it's ruling queen, a first for the Seven Kingdoms. Even now you can see many lords are skeptical and may oppose you rule in time. Can you navigate the treacherous path that lay before you, avoid your canonical fate and become the first true Dragon Queen of Westeros.
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Voting Closed
Voting Closed, thank you everyone who voted, update will be out likely this weekend.
Adhoc vote count started by veteranMortal on Jul 26, 2024 at 10:11 AM, finished with 106 posts and 60 votes.
Voting closed
Well that's pretty conclusive. Voting closed

Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Jul 27, 2024 at 12:26 PM, finished with 72 posts and 38 votes.

  • [X] Plan Family and Politics
    -[X] Speak with Viserys
    -[X] Speak with Otto Hightower
    -[X] Train with Syrax
    -[X] Study Visenya Targaryen
    [X] Get Swole Beat Nerds
    [x]Plan Small Council
    -[X] Speak with Viserys
    -[X] Speak with Otto Hightower
    -[X] Study the history of the Small Council
    -[X] Train with Syrax
    [X] Get Swole Beat Nerds
    -[X] Speak with Viserys
    -[X] Speak with Alicent
    -[X] Train
    -[X] Try and gather info on Daemon's activies
    [X] Plan Moody Teenager
    -[X] Speak with Alicent
    -[X] Speak with Ser Harrold Westerling
    -[X] Study Visenya Targaryen
    -[X] Train with Syrax
    [X] Plan: Solidify our Position
    -[X] Speak with Viserys
    -[X] Speak with Alicent
    -[X] Study the history of the Small Council
    -[X] Try and gather info on Daemon's activies
    [X] Extremely Poor Life Decisions
    -[X] Speak with Alicent
    -[X] Speak with Harrold Westerling
    -[X] Relax
    -[X] Sneak Out And Explore the City
    [X] Plan: A Certain Way of Coping
    -[X] Speak with Gwayne Hightower
    -[X] Ser Harrold Westerling
    -[X] Train
    -[X] Train with Syrax
    [X] Plan: Love&War
    -[X] Speak with Alicent
    -[X] Speak with Viserys
    -[X] Train
    -[X] Train with Syrax
    [X] Plan Dragons Family
    -[X] Speak with Viserys
    -[X] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen
    -[X] Train with Syrax
    -[X] Study Visenya Targaryen
    [X] Building the foundation blocks
    -[X] Speak Viserys
    -[X] Speak with Tyland Lannister
    -[X] Train with Syrax
    -[X] Relax
Voting closed
Voting Closed
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Jul 31, 2024 at 10:25 PM, finished with 75 posts and 49 votes.
Teen Spirit threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Will They Fight? Total: 25
1 1 8 8 5 5 9 9 2 2
Teen Spirit threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Rymun Mallister Total: 34
9 9 6 6 9 9 10 10
Teen Spirit threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Criston Cole Total: 29
5 5 9 9 9 9 6 6
Teen Spirit threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Tarly Total: 31
10 10 7 7 9 9 5 5
Voting closed
Okay since the lead has only grown I'm going to close the
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Aug 2, 2024 at 10:51 PM, finished with 88 posts and 50 votes.
Voting closed
Voting closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Aug 5, 2024 at 3:34 AM, finished with 99 posts and 39 votes.

  • [X] "I could not bear to stand idly by as others suffered when I had the strength to aid them. They told me that it was not a princesses place to do so, but that of a knight. There was no choice. It is who I truly am. And I could not bear to fight my own heart for every day of my life."
    [X] "I just always knew in my heart that this is what I wanted to be. No. That this is who I truly am. Maybe it is selfish of me, but is it not worth fighting for what you know to be the truth?"
    [X] "I wanted to protect my family. I knew if my mother ever gave me a brother he would have been a lot younger than me, perhaps even come to throne young, and I wanted to make sure he had someone to protect him."
    [X] Write in: "I will not shirk what is needed of me as a royal, least of all now as heir. What would have been of the Rhoynar but dust and ash had Nymeria simply garbed herself in silks and trusted in prince Garin, and later in her husband prince Mors Martell to lead them alone through battle and adversity? What would have been of house Targaryen itself had Rhaenys not brought herself to battle with no less courage then her siblings during conquest time and time again, even at the cost of eventually dying in battle? As a Targaryen and as a dragonrider I have a duty to my house and to the realm to be no less comfortable in armor then in silk and if need be to feel no less at home at a hastily set up barracks then at a palace.
    [X] "I believe the Gods blessed me with this strength and becoming a knight and protecting people seemed the best use of their blessing."
    [X] Plan: If not us then who
Voting closed
Voting closed

Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Aug 6, 2024 at 3:10 AM, finished with 126 posts and 59 votes.
Voting closed
Yeah that's pretty one sided
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Aug 9, 2024 at 1:57 PM, finished with 88 posts and 31 votes.

  • [X] Plan Important Talks and Studies
    -[X] Speak with Otto Hightower
    -[X] Speak with Lord Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys
    -[X] Look into Alternative Marriage Options for Viserys
    -[X] Study
    [X] Plan: Marriage Maker
    [X] Plan Private Talks with the Power Couple and Studies.
    -[X] Speak with Lord Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys
    -[X] Speak with Rhaenys Targaryen alone.
    -[X] Look into Alternative Marriage Options for Viserys
    -[X] Study
    [X] Speak with Otto Hightower
    [X] Speak with Lord Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys
    [X] Look into Alternative Marriage Options for Viserys
    [X] Train
    [X] Plan politicing and training
    -[X] Speak with Otto Hightower
    -[X] Speak with Lord Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys
    -[X] Look into Alternative Marriage Options for Viserys
    - [X] Train
    [X]Plan:Evaluating options
    [X] Speak with Otto Hightower
    -[X] Speak with Lord Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys
    -[X] Look into Alternative Marriage Options for Viserys(Great Houses?,maybe even Martells?)
    - [X] Train
    [X] Plan Politicking
    -[X] Speak with Otto Hightower
    -[X] Speak with Lord Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys
    -[X] Look into Alternative Marriage Options for Viserys
    -[X] Push for Action in the Stepstones
    [X] Training for your Dreams
    - [X] Speak with Alicent Hightower
    -[X] Speak with Otto Hightower
    - [X] Train
    -[X] Look into Alternative Marriage Options for Viserys
    [X] Training for your Dreams
Voting Closed
Voting Closed

Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Aug 13, 2024 at 12:52 PM, finished with 203 posts and 49 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Second Mother to Our Siblings
    -[X] Matters of Law and Coin
    -[X] Try to convince him to support a marriage alliance with the Velaryons, but delayed. We need their dragons as a hedge against Daemon. Considering Laena's age, a betrothal while delaying the actual marriage for four years is reasonable. It will give your father time to grieve, and it will ensure that you will be 19 years older than any siblings, allowing you to marry your children to them if Laena has children, avoiding any future dynastic conflicts.
    -[X] Agree to support their efforts in exchange for favors (Select as many as you want but they will likely refuse if too much is demanded)
    --[X] They agree to delay any marriage for four years. This is far safer for Laena than trying to have children too young. It also allows Viserys time to grieve, making him more likely to agree.
    --[X] They agree to support your inheritance to the throne, and you agree to wed your heir to a child of either Laena or Laenor's. (If you have no children, of course you will name a sibling heir).
    --[X] Lord Corlys agrees to support your efforts to attain a seat on the Small Council
    [X] Plan The Conciliator
    -[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
    -[X] Try to convince him to help convince your father to choose another bride
    -[X] Make no firm offers but remain civil
    [X] Plan Not Great, Not Terrible
    -[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
    -[X] Try to convince Otto that the match is advantageous, given that Daemon has been all but committing treason already, and that you need to focus on checking the Sea Snakes power more directly. Promise Otto to support his cause, once you sit on the Small Council.
    -[X] Agree to support their efforts in exchange for favors (Select as many as you want but they will likely refuse if too much is demanded)
    --[X] Set up a treaty concerning the succession, clearly stating that you are the heiress to the Iron Throne ahead of all children from a second marriage, and those in turn are ahead of Daemon and any other claimants.
    --[X] Lord Corlys agrees to support your efforts to attain a seat on the Small Council
    [X] Plan: Political Marriage is Both our Duties
    -[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
    -[X] Try to convince him to help convince your father to choose another bride
    --[X] If your father is going to marry for the good of the realm, then it should bring the realm something: Propose Deria Martell as a match.
    -[x] Try and convince them to drop offer with Laena and have Laenor marry you instead (Will increase Stress if they accept)
    --[X] Lord Corlys agrees to support your efforts to attain a seat on the Small Council
    [X] Plan Commit To Your Choices
    -[X] Matters of Law and Coin
    -[X] Otto: Try to convince him to help convince your father to choose another bride.
    -[X] Corlys: [Defiant] None, instead decry both of them for using their daughter in such an abhorrent manner. They are her parents, they should not be selling her like a piece of meat.
    [X] Plan: The Dragonriders' Compromise
    -[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
    -[X] Write-In: Try to convince him to help convince your father to choose Johanna Westerling, Sabitha Vypren, or Deria Martell.
    -[x] Try and convince them to drop offer with Laena and have Laenor marry you instead (Will increase Stress if they accept)
    [X] Plan: Political Marriage is our Duty
    -[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
    -[X] Try to convince him to help delay your father's decision on who he should marry.
    -[x] Try and convince them to drop offer with Laena and have Laenor marry you instead (Will increase Stress if they accept)
    --[X] Lord Corlys agrees to support your efforts to attain a seat on the Small Council
    [X] Plan Take Your Time
    -[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
    -[X] Try to convince him to help delay your father's decision on who he should marry.
    -[X] Make no firm offers but remain civil
    [X] Plan Continuing To Ruin Alicent's Life
    -[X] The Seven Pointed Star (Improves Relationship with Alicent)
    -[x] Purpose an alliance with Otto, offering to marry his son Gwayne (Will increase Stress if Otto accepts)
    -[X] [Defiant] None, instead decry both of them for using their daughter in such an abhorrent manner. They are her parents, they should not be selling her like a piece of meat.
    [X] Plan Chaos is a Ladder
    -[X] Diplomacy and Etiquette
    -[x] Purpose an alliance with Otto, offering to marry his son Gwayne (Will increase Stress if Otto accepts)
    -[x] Try and convince them to drop offer with Laena and have Laenor marry you instead (Will increase Stress if they accept)
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Voting closed
And closed.

Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Aug 15, 2024 at 5:37 PM, finished with 292 posts and 67 votes.
Voting closed
Yeah that's pretty overwhelming for sure
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Aug 17, 2024 at 8:47 AM, finished with 147 posts and 46 votes.