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What is a "Pitosin"? All I'm finding is "Pitocin", which is a synthetic version of oxytocin hormones.

If it's one of those cases where the surnames go last, Russians (and Soviet citizens by extension) don't write their names like that. If it's because he's a European in Guangchou who deliberately wrote his name in the local style, see above.
We do though. Family name -> given name -> patronymic is a standard structure in formal russian, to the point where this is how names are structured in our passports.
We do though. Family name -> given name -> patronymic is a standard structure in formal russian, to the point where this is how names are structured in our passports.
Okay, point (though in this case it seems too formal for that structuring). I still maintain "Pitosin" does not seem to be a legitimate surname.
@HeroCooky when you said our cities were burning, you obviously meant "burning with the fires of socialism" yea? :V

Are we doing combined WW3/XCOM/Warewolves/Wolfenstein now?
1st: Get that "Warewolf" abomination out of this thread asap. I will not have werewolves be slandered like that, I swear upon Were-Ralph (Holied Be Thy Name).
2nd: I can spoiler you this much: As long as you don't want WW3, there won't be a
Ramble said:
Do we know how the presidential election went?
Ronald Reagan won by 7 Votes and -4% of the popular vote.
What is a "Pitosin"? All I'm finding is "Pitocin", which is a synthetic version of oxytocin hormones.
Its short for: "Did a headsmash onto my keyboard to get the russian name."
Clearly, he realizes that the furries are real!

And does not know how to feel about it :V
Ideologically? Horrified.
Sexually? Slightly Horny.
It sounds like Reagan won by a much narrower margin than historically in 1980. He may not enjoy as thick a layer of strength and superiority over his opposition as in OTL.

Historically, that was an R+10 presidential election; in this timeline it was R+4. If the distribution of votes were the same, that means that his opponent (Carter, or was someone else the (D) incumbent, or what, I forget) would have picked up most or all of the following states that historically flipped Reagan:

South Carolina
North Carolina
New York

Possibly Louisiana, Vermont, maybe Michigan, probably not Missouri or Pennsylvania.

So we're looking at an election that was much less of a blowout for the Gipper.


And yes, that is a list of purple states in the 1980 election. The ones that were close but voted Reagan. If this trend continues to other 1980 elections, the Democrats are likely to maintain their supermajority in the House of Representatives (they managed it in OTL anyway), and the Republicans probably didn't pick up twelve Senate seats to get themselves a 53-46-1 majority.

In fact, the Republicans had ten Senate races that were decided by a margin of 5% or less, so if Reagan underperformed OTL by six points (R+10 to R+4), and if his coattail effect was correspondingly weakened...

The Republicans probably don't have a Senate majority at all TTL. They'd have failed to flip about seven seats, and potentially lost about three seats to the Democrats, and the Democrats would have somewhere in the neighborhood of 55 seats.

So Reagan may be sitting alone and facing an entirely Democratic legislature.
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Since we got proffessionals, we could say every three/four turns do an extra action and see if we still get the -1 overwork malus. Since we have the +1 from it.
Since i can imagine us getting more actions for certain infrastructure thresholds met. And just never using it because its not announced. (So poking it every two years or so)
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You know, I think we stumbled into the incredibly rare circumstance where a small nation like Guangchou can make a play for becoming a major power without getting immediately swatted down.

The USSR is a shambling economic zombie on Cybernetic life support that will likely take a decade or two to recover from an ossified political class and stagnant economy.

The PRC is preoccupied with the looming threat of civil war and doesn't have a lot of attention to spare to an up and coming power inside it's sphere of influence.

The USA has just come off a disastrous foreign adventure and a lot of their attention has moved to dealing with increased instability on the homefront.

And the European powers seem poised on the brink of some sort of Gamer Moment of their own.

This might actually be a perfect storm of events to let us weld together a fifth major power block in the world by hook and by crook while the status quo powers are temporarily indisposed.
Working on the update and RL shit happened, so I need some dice for Mechs.

1d9-2 for LEG (0 - PRAISE BE TO SNEK)
1d7 for Arms (4 Arms)
1d3-1 for Pilots (2 Pilots)
1d6+2 for GUNNE (5 GUNNE)
1d4 for Height (starts at 4m) (5m Height)

1d8 for Legs (rounded to the nearest even number.) (8 Legs)
1d4 for Arms (see above) (2 Arms)
1d4+1 for Guns (3 Guns)
1d3-1 for Height (starts at 3m) (3m Height)
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I guess I'll roll the last two since no one else seems to be doing them?
So not nearly as cursed as it could be
SegaCD threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: ARM Total: 4
4 4
SegaCD threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: TALL Total: 1
1 1
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