[X] Commiewood: Red Son In The Morning, Capitalists Take Warning
Following in the footsteps of CommiePop, Commiewood has turned its eyes on graphic novels as a niche to expand into. Lessons have been drawn (he he he) from American superhero comics and spawned a entire genre of deconstructions and reconstructions, often grappling with topics such as the political ramifications of so much power invested in individuals for good an ill. A particular standout is showing American heroes like Superman or Captain America having to deal with systemic injustices that can't simply be punched, but the propaganda is no less incisive when it comes to critiquing communist projects.
Natchnik for instance is a thinly veiled Batman expy that features the billionaire son of an oligrarch assassinated for his philanthropic efforts in a corrupt and dystopian Russia where the Soviet Union stagnated and collapsed under the mismanagement of a gerontocratic elite.
[X] Plan: Real Strangereal Hours
-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] Build Your School-System (2 ACTIONS LOCKED)
Fairly self explanatory. Almost done now.
[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
--[X] Pemmican Production Factory (-2 Reputation) (Helpful)
Pemmican is a nice way to both ensure that less of our food spoils, and to guard against poor harvests. It's also dead easy to store and manufacture. It's -2 Rep compared to other Helpful actions, but 1 RP isn't going to make or break the bank, and diversity in food is important.
-[X] Military
--[X] Airy Might (Mega-project - 6/6) (+1 Reputation) (Harmful) (Requires Airy Modernization) (Bonus: +4 First Airplane Factory)
Oh yeaaaaaah. Time to secure our native skies. Start rolling out the jets.
-[X] Political
--[X] Reverse Rainbow (+/- 1d5 Reputation) (+1 Any Spy Action, +1 Omake)
Now that we've improves our espionage and gotten contacts in the West, we can begin pursuing our real plan: preemptive infiltration of high tech industry. Specifically, we can make a damn good prediction that revealing Iron Tigers will cause a surge of investment in mecha research, so we can position our agents to take advantage of the resulting chaos of rapid program spin-ups. Turbines, electric actuators, computer hardware and software, microchip fabrication and development, aerospace grade allow metallurgy, are all topics where we have an excellent lead.
We need to be careful here: we want to give our agents just enough information to make them valuable and get them promoted to position where they can feed us juicy industrial intelligence, but not so much that we're letting them catch up to us.
@HeroCooky, can I get costing for this action?
--[X] Food for Tractors (+3 Reputation) (-5 People's Opinion) (+1 Chinese Opinion)
Our deepening ties with the USSR cost us 2 CO, and we need to build that back up before we try Sino-Soviet Reconciliation because that will definitely require we spend CO. This plan also gives us decent RP gain and help Guaofeng's administration which we care about because he's the likeliest to like our cybernetic communism thing. He might also like our Agricultural Councils action on ideological grounds as a Maoist.
I know we have a refugee integration situation we need to get on top of, and ignoring it hurts... but getting into the PRCs good books is just straight up more time critical and important right now. If we want to push for SSR. If anyone wants to make a competing plan this is the action you should swap out.
-[X] Secret Projects
--[X] Experimental Nuclear Reactor (Mega-Project - 2/10 Actions) (+3 Reputation per Turn/25 Reputation for 8 Actions spent in one turn) (Bonus: +5 Chinese Aid)
A little more setup before the big push next turn.
In the interest of hopefully generating more discussion, why don't we break off Jungmin's RP actions into their own thing separate from the plans?
-[X] Wei Jungming
--[X] Personal Action: Take your kid to work day. In hindsight, maybe leaving Ma Li with Wei while you toured some of the higher risk areas was a mistake. The later has discovered an untapped well of pedagogical talent, and the former has discovered how to build jam-jar pulse jets.
--[X] Personal Action: Learn Lao, if you're to appeal to the refugees to put aside their biases against queers, you should do it in their language.
--[X] Lover Action: Play M&M with Mai.