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I am not at all versed in the relevant history, but shouldn't Jungmin be referring to Taiwan as Chinese Taipei?
He should, when talking to anyone high up in the Chinese Government. Otherwise, he (and most Guangchouese) refer to it as Taiwan to make a passive-agressive dig at China, and voice their displeasure at the island not being theirs.
Speaking of, does anyone know if city farms are in our reach? The ones in buildings with layers of soil, crops, machinery repeat.
There is nothing preventing you from doing so, other than traditional farming being much cheaper and effective in every aspect.
How long is it gonna take for Mei to find him? She seems like the person who would have a map of Guangchou's bunkers on the island should this exact scenario occur.
She already knows.
She is waiting for the right time.
He can't escape.
She is in the walls.

Edit: Hey! 100 pages! 🎉
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Stack Farming is actually significantly more space efficient, but that's about it.
Space efficiency
Water efficiency (can recycle)
Not dependent on weather
Disease resistant (can lock down buildings)
Can be underground
Can harvest year round
Simpler logistics (food is where people are)
Will get cheaper the more we invest (as with everything)

As an island nation with limited land and water, with the threat of natural disasters and invasion. Building up and down sounds like a good way to add resilience to our food supply.
So just because I'm dumber than a sack of bricks, we're using Chinese names for our nation, right?
You are using Chinese names, that is correct.
Stack Farming is actually significantly more space efficient, but that's about it.

Especially at our current tech level.
Yes, and considering that "grow food on roof" is all that you can do at the moment, it will be cheaper and more efficient to use the dirt that you can use in macro economic farming.
Space efficiency
Water efficiency (can recycle)
Not dependent on weather
Disease resistant (can lock down buildings)
Can be underground
Can harvest year round
Simpler logistics (food is where people are)
Will get cheaper the more we invest (as with everything)

As an island nation with limited land and water, with the threat of natural disasters and invasion. Building up and down sounds like a good way to add resilience to our food supply.
All of which will require technology you don't have right now. You can start going down that path, but it'll take a while to be better than traditional ground-dirt farming.

On a side-note, in which forum do I need to post on SV to get some help for a Fallout story I've been thinking about writing? I have the region, subject, factions (kinda), and direction, but I need help with tech and history.
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Looks like a population boom is in our future.
Speaking of, does anyone know if city farms are in our reach? The ones in buildings with layers of soil, crops, machinery repeat.
Space efficiency
Water efficiency (can recycle)
Not dependent on weather
Disease resistant (can lock down buildings)
Can be underground
Can harvest year round
Simpler logistics (food is where people are)
Will get cheaper the more we invest (as with everything)

As an island nation with limited land and water, with the threat of natural disasters and invasion. Building up and down sounds like a good way to add resilience to our food supply.

My brother in Marx, we have so many more economical options open to us:

Integrated urban food production is a thing we can pursue, but it's not the most efficient way of providing for the bulk of our food needs.
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The first day of the Carrier Incident had burned itself within Jungmin's mind.

He could vividly remember the fear, terror, and shock of being told about the beached Iwo Jima, and the image of the tilted carrier was forever etched into his mind. Seeing this blatant object of the American Military Might reduced to nothing more than scrap metal and the lone hand that pushed the clock to one minute before midnight scared him more than anything else he had ever seen or could imagine.

The first week was riddled with stress, worries, and ever-present dread holding him in cold, creeping hands.

The sailors needed food, water, medicine, oversight, those guarding them needed to be watched, diplomats had to be dispatched and trusted to keep things from exploding, and more. Only when he received the confirmation that the Americans were playing ball could he breathe freely once more. The threat of nuclear annihilation vanquished, a sword of Damocles removed, with nothing more than words and a non-verbal agreement to dance to a tune for clowns and jesters.

The first month was one of genuine relief, confusion, and, sometimes, laughter.

The hostility and defensive posture of the soldiers had vanished, slowly melting over time, food and the realization that they were inducing genuine fear into some Guangchou soldiers instead of being seen as easy prey and cattle to be slaughtered. Being given shelter, medicine, and room had eased most of the tensions, even as the representatives from the Neutrals, UN, NATO, and the US had done their best to do the same even as the American Congress wavered, hemmed, and hawed before accepting to most of Jungmins demands. To be fair, the nearby brothels taking advantage of the nearby carrier and easy money probably had something to do with the reduced tensions, even if only in the most literal sense. He had seen the actual itemized bill being charged, not the doctored one for anonymity. The sailors didn't waste any time racking up the charges after being told they had to wait another week before being evacuated due to Congress not making any decision.

However, eventually, the Americans did, and the sailors were shipped off... to an assignment to Taiwan because their tour of duty was still going on for at least three more years, in all but seven cases. There was some irony in there, or whatever else you called being stranded on one island before being practically imprisoned on another.

But as all things did, so did time move on, and with it did the clean-up of the damage sustained by the tsunami go without more significant issues, all helped by the transfer of machinery and supplies of food from the Americans.

Jungmin remembered that day for three reasons. The first was that, for the first time since the nation existed, he could fulfill a dream still being dreamed of by many people around the world. Food for all, not as a promise, but a reality. It was only for the first shipment, distributed to every person equally, not measuring to more than a single day's supply even when added to the usual distribution, but that was powerful in and of itself. The second reason was that Mai had had enough of his stress, worry, and dread, saying that it harmed the children, and then attempted, while being pregnant with three children, to have some alone time with him. Attempted, because reason three was that her water broke.

About five hours later, he was next to her, his face feeling as if his face might split due to him smiling so much as he held his three youngest children, two boys and one girl, in his arms while Mai looked at them with a mixture of exhaustion and pride. One that only came from looking at something and being able to say: "I made that." Of course, that was also the day when Mai told him that if she got pregnant again with more than one child (which would be their last), she'd castrate him and then herself.

Since then, the new year had begun, and with it, he had once more started combing over the five-year plan for any possible faults, improvements, and things that were no longer feasible or needed to be done. There was much to be done, and now, he had a massive amount of things he could easily do with the supplies, machines, and food supplied to him by the Americans. To say nothing of the enormous support in the political sphere he had gained due to the crisis and making America bend the knee to their demands.

That he was doing so within a bunker, on the other side of the island, away from his wife after their physician, Lars, had told them she was pregnant with triplets again, was pure coincidence, nothing more.


So in addition to the 5 YEAR PLAN, it looks like we'll need an 8 KID PLAN as well…
My brother in Marx, we have so many more economical options open to us:
I admit I had no idea those where options, the seaweed harvesting looks like it could be simply expanded to what you posted.

But I have doubts around the forest harvesting on a large scale, hungry people would be doing that already? Unless we where going to add non native plants?

Ally croping, no idea what the pros and cons are for against regular farming.

Deep sea runs into the easy to loose in conflict issue, unless we made oilrig like defence platforms that doubled as a base?

As you can tell I'm not a farmer 😀
So in addition to the 5 YEAR PLAN, it looks like we'll need an 8 KID PLAN as well…

*starts counting heads*

You go to the army, you go into showbiz, you go to the navy, you you go to the coast guard, you go to the spacy, you're agricultural affairs, you're... wait, where's Jungmin Jr? Has anyone seen Jungmin Jr?

I admit I had no idea those where options, the seaweed harvesting looks like it could be simply expanded to what you posted.

But I have doubts around the forest harvesting on a large scale, hungry people would be doing that already? Unless we where going to add non native plants?

Ally croping, no idea what the pros and cons are for against regular farming.

Deep sea runs into the easy to loose in conflict issue, unless we made oilrig like defence platforms that doubled as a base?

As you can tell I'm not a farmer 😀

Agriforestry isn't something that's just done, it requires time to spool up and an excellent understanding of how various plants interact. We need to set up experimental farms to figure all this out.

Alley cropping trades off efficiency for resilience - the alternating rows of trees and crops help anchor the soil, provide shelter from wind, limit the spread of disease, and increase biodiversity.

Blue water mariculture would be something we'd do in the East China Sea, which is much easier to secure - or even in the big bay in the middle of our island which can be easily defended.

No worries, I learned all this through documentaries and wiki dives.

At this point honestly I'm just praying that she doesn't die in childbirth, because that would be something like a supervillain origin story. Would give one hell of a motivation to enable state subsidised contraceptives for our population.

And honestly.... Is abortion an option? Granted, the cost of kids isn't something to worry about. But, at this point Mai could literally die in childbirth.

At this point honestly I'm just praying that she doesn't die in childbirth, because that would be something like a supervillain origin story. Would give one hell of a motivation to enable state subsidised contraceptives for our population.

And honestly.... Is abortion an option? Granted, the cost of kids isn't something to worry about. But, at this point Mai could literally die in childbirth.

Hmmm. On the other hand, she's been noted to be something of an Amazon, and in the peak of health. Maybe the risk is not quite that serious. C-sections are also a thing. Through I am the furthest thing from a subject matter expert.
Hmmm. On the other hand, she's been noted to be something of an Amazon, and in the peak of health. Maybe the risk is not quite that serious. C-sections are also a thing. Through I am the furthest thing from a subject matter expert.
If she does die to this I say we set Guanchou on a campaign against god or some other scapegoat. Mostly because it wouldn't be a mecha series without fighting fate or god or something in there somewhere. Side note not being entirely serious here if it wasn't obvious.
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New victory condition unlocked: Attack and Dethrone God
Hmm. To do that we'd need to upgrade our ITs from Real Robot type mecha, to Super robots. Best ways I can think to do that would be to look for some secret occult something on earth or another planet, find aliens/alien tech, or figure out how to turn emotions/willpower into energy, or find/summon a big eldritch being and use it's body to make the ITs. If we wanted to conventionally invade heaven with Real Robot style ITs we'd need to figure out some method of dimensional transit, if heaven isn't a place on our plane, and figure out what weapons we'll need to actually hurt angels and god. Honestly given the previous rolls in this quest I find that it wouldn't be that surprising for us to find something that can do it or develop it ourselves.
If Guangchou made a super robot it would totally be rainbow covered wouldn't it.
I mean at this point I would call it a Unicorn because it would fuck up all the future gundam up.

As long as it's not moonlight butterfly, I'm good with that.
Yeah, the other thing I think it would probably have is a super super long name. And/or if this was an anime it would have a recurring gag of gaining titles/its name getting longer and more grandiose every time it's mentioned.
I just realized…


Our biggest Iron Tiger mech shall be a life-sized animatronic Godzilla and Mechagodzilla!
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Hmm. To do that we'd need to upgrade our ITs from Real Robot type mecha, to Super robots. Best ways I can think to do that would be to look for some secret occult something on earth or another planet, find aliens/alien tech, or figure out how to turn emotions/willpower into energy, or find/summon a big eldritch being and use it's body to make the ITs. If we wanted to conventionally invade heaven with Real Robot style ITs we'd need to figure out some method of dimensional transit, if heaven isn't a place on our plane, and figure out what weapons we'll need to actually hurt angels and god. Honestly given the previous rolls in this quest I find that it wouldn't be that surprising for us to find something that can do it or develop it ourselves.
If Guangchou made a super robot it would totally be rainbow covered wouldn't it.

Fortunately, someone has already come up with a workable plan!

You know given the existence of Laufpanzers, and moreover the fact that they stayed secret until we found them, I feel like we should make a point of going around every couple years and checking for/investing in emerging exotic technologies. Just so shit like what lead to the ITs doesn't get overlooked. Because we have evidence that this shit can pop up and apparently go unnoticed. Also because I feel like if we give the dice the chance they might reward us with amusing things.
I liked the beginning of this quest. It took a humorous path but was still centered on being the 'dictator of a small nation of Asia'. I feel like the last few chapters destroyed that feeling and made the quest about being a bottom to his wife and being swamped with children, with future historians (internet people lol) saying he was 'infamously weak of constitution'. Where's all the fear and terror and respect accorded to the dictator? If all people see him like this, the fact he's still in power is just to continue the quest and loses my suspension of disbelief
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