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That Time I Became A Dictator Of A Small Asian Communist Nation
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It is a new year under the heavens, and a small nation in Asia is shocked by the death of their beloved leader.

Your father.

Now it is your time to rule and ensure your name is within the pages of History.

Served as the inspiration of Digging for Nations in the Desert (No SV, You are a Micronation in the End of the World) by @Magoose.

Well you have a good idea and it got crazy, gay and left wing.

You are the sv questers wet dream.

Me: Oh, funni thread name, let's have a look.
The Thread: North Korean Femboi Hooters Mecha Developmentalism Simulator
Me: WHA-

[...] We got fat stacks from successfully power bottoming Uncle Sam.
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Turn 1 - "Your Father Has Died"


Unverified Monstergirl
"Your father has died."

And with those four words, those four little, unassuming, tragic words, my world changed. Rapidly, irreversibly, and down a hole I could barely escape, clawing at the edges of my crumbling reality to barely stay afloat. Perhaps I managed to remain standing on the falling wreckage by luck or merely hung on with skill, but I managed to overcome those difficulties through guile, cunning, and allegiances.

Oh? Why are you confused by the last part? The guile, cunning, and allegiances?

What? You really thought I cried over that bastard's death? Who did you think he was? Some good father that loved me? That cared?

He didn't care about anything other than power, betraying everything he tried to shove down my gullet, force-feeding me the same lies he gave to the people who "ruled," but in truth, were little more than slaves without shackles.

I can only remember Wei Cai; may he ever burn in the afterlife, as the tyrant and monster he was. The people he killed and tortured to get where he was today. How many he consigned to a fate worse than death over paranoia, the hatred in his eyes when he broke a "dissenting" "general" for voicing slight doubt at one of his "failproof" plans and ideas. The re-education camps (no quotations needed here, we all know what they are) opened all over his fiefdom.

Because that is what this entire charade is when one accepts the pure truth of it all. Nothing more than a fiefdom of a lord held together by violence and murder and fear and oppression.

But I can also remember what he told me the day before he died. "The only difference between a noble and a successful bandit king is three generations."

And I am generation two, having been handed his scepter and crown. I have bloodied both to beat back the vultures and scavengers intent on eating what feast he left behind and managed to hold onto power.

If it went like he wanted to, thought it will come to, I would do the same to my child, but giving the crown over in a peaceful manner, having solidified my rule perfectly to contain any rebellion or attempt at the throne.

But I have a different plan. Because history will not remember me as the would-be tyrant of a Backwater Asian Nation struggling to even be of significance against impoverished warzones. I will leave my mark, and it will not be one of the desperate attempts to stay in power, stupid displays of weak military might, or gauche posturing that will kill by second-hand embarrassment.


For I am better than he will ever be.

And I am better suited to create glory in this nation than anyone.

Ah, I nearly forgot. You don't know me, do you? Well, it won't matter soon enough, for all will know once I leave. But let us start with the essentials.

Welcome to TTIBADOASACN, where you have succeeded your father after a short power struggle against vultures trying to take your place. Don't worry; they are dead, along with their followers. Well, those that didn't run away fast enough. Your people will catch them, don't worry.

In this quest, there will be only four stats to keep track of:
Reputation - What people think of you. This allows you to do stuff.
People's Opinion - Gauges chances of revolt and compliance. It reduces negative modifiers.
Chinese Opinion - If this reaches 0, you die, the end.
History Page - How you will be remembered.

Every action has Reputation costs or gains, further modified by a roll of 1d12. 1-4 is subpar, 5-9 is optimal, and 10-12 provides a boost to your action. Most actions take around 2-5 Reputation, while gains are in the 1-4 range. It is a 0-100 Scale. You start at 0. (Kill them!)

The People's Opinion is all about getting the people to like you, regardless of the method. Terror Campaigns and Social Engineering will be excellent tools for you, as they are easy to wield while bettering the lives of your playthings comrades/citizens is much more challenging. Public perception also plays a role. Want to metagame and only play optimal, forgoing narrative implications by dropping all reputation in one turn? Watch that shit drop and get guerillas in your toilet! It is a 0-100 Scale. You start at 15. (Uncertain and Scared)

Chinese Opinion is quickly explained. You are in their aegis. And their poorest province has a police force that could crush your military with, at most, 7% casualties. And you don't matter to anyone. So don't piss them off too much. It is a 0-10 Scale. You start at 6. (I like your funny words, subject.)

But let us start, first with your person before we look at the nation your father left you. And how you retained controll...

Please use a plan to vote.

--[] Wei (First Name+Optional Additional Names)

What everyone will call you. Use Chinese/Korean names. Don't worry; you can change it slightly. After all, you are playing as the ruler of a fictional nation and landmass.

--[] Male

You are the strong heir to your father, the honorable Wei Cai. Your people respect and adore you. (Start with 50/100 Reputation)
--[] Female
You are the weak heir to your father, the honorable Wei Cai. Your people tolerate and are unsure of you. (Start with 25/100 Reputation)

Every story starts before it is written, every hero has a journey before the calling, and all must bow to the flutter of the butterflies; you are no different from these base truths. (Choose One)
--[] From An Union Of Love
It was the stuff or books, movies, and tales. Scandalous rumors and daring courting from both sides, a fairytale milked for all that it was worth by the propaganda department. And the people eagerly lapped up everything. (+10 People's Opinion. Your romances and sexual encounters can be propagandized for Opinion.)
--[] The Militaries Call
Before giving birth to you, your mother was a soldier, serving in the highest honor that one can achieve. The people remember that. (+10 Reputation, +1 Reputation per military action.)
--[] The Maids Secret
Your father had a favorite maid he liked, and one time she vanished for a few months. When she returned, your father proclaimed to have found you and adopted you as his Heavenly Gifted Child. You still miss her soft and warm embrace. (+5 People's Opinion and Reputation, +1 to both per Turn for 5 Turns.)
--[] Unwanted Love
That maid? She didn't do it willingly. And people suspect so. (+10 People's Opinion, unique dialogue when interacting with women. Unlocks Policies)
--[] Another Soul
This is not your first body, and you have nightmares that it will not be your last. (Gain two versions of your reports: The official ones, and one with (what you (a random person) assume to be) bullshit and lies turned into truth.)
--[] Another Soul, Wrong Body
This is not your first body, and you have nightmares that it will not be your last. But, unfortunately, it is also the wrong one. (Gain two versions of your reports: The official ones, and one with (what you (a random person) assume to be) bullshit and lies turned into truth. Unique Options regarding gender policies unlocked.)

Everybody has to grow up, even Peter Pan. So many things happened when you grew up, but what were the things that impacted you the most? (Choose Two)
--[] Service Above Needs
You were raised with the awareness that you would rule and not be loved by a family. And so you were prepared and neglected in equal measure. (-1 for boosted Actions (9-12 range))
--[] Lost And Scared
When you were 7, you got lost for three weeks. Your father mobilized the army to find you, and the experience traumatized you. Oh, not being lost, but living like the people did. (QoL Actions have (a slightly) increased effect upon the people)
--[] Early Training
What 6-year-old can't maintain, clean, and shoot a gun? What 9-year-old isn't training on artillery? (You suspect when the military is lying to you with more accuracy.)
--[] Glamor And Glory
The Department of Glorious Truth and History found much joy in you. You did so as well, the clothes you could dress in, the fun you had! (Propaganda Actions are more effective)
--[] Connections Are Important
It turns out that playing with the children of influential businessmen can have positive effects later on in your life; who knew? (+1 Chinese Opinion)

What person doesn't love being in puberty within an authoritarian dictatorship which oppresses the people in the name of the very same? ...oh. (Choose One)
--[] Service Will Be Your Life
(Requires: Service Above Needs)
No matter how small, leading a nation requires a lot of knowledge, skill, and experience. Your father forced a lot of that on you when he was away or wanted to teach you lessons. (Dice range changed to 1-4 as subpar, 5-7 optimal, and 8-12 providing a boost)
--[] There Is A King Among Us
(Requires: Lost And Scared)
When you were lost amidst the people, you learned one thing: while there is no privilege, there is some freedom. And with time, you managed to gain time unfettered from your father's grasp, enjoying some (likely overwatched) freedom. You also learned better what the people lack. (QoL Actions are now clearly marked, with harmful actions noted)
--[] Military Service
(Requires: Early Training)
Serving in the army has given you many skills, such as marching, repairing your guns, operating vehicles, artillery, and commanding soldiers. In addition, it gave you the respect of your people and soldiers and a bent in what you want in your partner. (You know when the military is lying to you. Constricted partner choices.)
--[] Words Can Kill As Sure As Bullets
(Requires: Glamor And Glory)
This world is but a stage, and you will be its writer. At least, that is what you can now attempt. (Social Engineering Actions are more effective, and gain/cost more/less)
--[] A Unity Of Convenience
(Requires: Connections Are Important)
You had an "affair" with a child of a powerful man, though both of you knew it was merely to gain political concessions. They did play a mean game of pīng pāng qiú though! (Actions that will anger the Chinese are now clearly marked)
--[] Carefree Love
Who cares about governing, who cares about ruling, or leading, or anything about that? You had a love, you had a dream of a better future, and you were happy. Too bad you had to marry, because now there are certain obligations to uphold. Good thing you want them too! (You are married to a randomized character, giving you +5 Reputation and People's Opinion. A child will soon happen.)

Every person has one redeeming facet of their person, a singular thing that nobody can deny that makes them unique. (Chose One)
--[] Tinkerer
You always had a knack for engineering, electronics, and working with your hands.
--[] Jovial
A good joke can lift a sour mood, and an optimistic outlook can ease life.
--[] Humble
Yes, it may not make you take credit for everything, but those who did the actual work love you.
--[] Proud
You were never bowed, never humbled, and always walked upright. So be it for yourself or others, you won't bend.
--[] Charming
Why, yes, I would love to attend your wedding. How did you know I wanted to come?
--[] Aware

Lies and treachery have a smell to them. And you know their stench.

However, people have flaws. Otherwise, they wouldn't be people, would they? (Create Three)
--[] (Write-In)

AN: It is literally 2:30 AM. Why do you need to fuck me over like that, my muse?
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Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 3, 2022 at 7:39 AM, finished with 58 posts and 45 votes.

  • [X] Plan: One of the People
    -[X][NAME VOTE]
    --[X] Wei Jungmin
    --[X] Male
    --[X] The Maids Secret
    --[X] Lost And Scared
    --[X] Glamor And Glory
    --[X] There Is A King Among Us
    --[X] Humble
    --[X] Trusting
    --[X] Idealistic
    --[X] Vindictive
    [X] Plan: Isekai was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.
    -[X][NAME VOTE]
    --[X] Wei Min
    --[X] Male
    --[X] Another Soul, Wrong Body
    --[X] Early Training
    --[X] Connections Are Important
    --[X] A Unity Of Convenience
    --[X] Aware
    --[X] Existential Dread: You might be insane, or worse, actually a reincarnation. Fuck.
    --[X] Paranoid: Well they really are out to get you so no one can say this is undeserved!
    --[X] Body Dysmorphia: Was this really necessary? On top of everything else? Really?
    [X] Plan Red Superstar Drama Generator
    -[X][NAME VOTE]
    --[X] Wei Man
    --[X] Male
    --[X] From A Union Of Love
    --[X] Service Above Needs
    --[X] Glamor And Glory
    --[X] Words Can Kill As Sure As Bullets
    --[X] Charming
    --[X] Vindictive
    --[X] Moody
    --[X] Lustful
    [X] Plan: I can't do names
    -[X][NAME VOTE]
    --[X] Aiguo Wei (First Name+Optional Additional Names)
    --[X] Male
    --[X] Unwanted Love
    --[X] Early Training
    --[X] Connections Are Important
    --[X] A Unity Of Convenience
    --[X] Aware
    --[X] Honest to a Fault
    --[X] Moody
    --[X] Depression prone
    [X] Plan Hopeless but not Hapless Romantic
    -[X][NAME VOTE]
    --[X] Wei Huangling
    --[X] Female
    --[X] From An Union Of Love
    --[X] Early Training
    --[X] Glamor And Glory
    --[X] Carefree Love
    --[X] Jovial
    --[X] Possessive
    --[X] Romantic
    --[X] Perfectionist
    [X]Posadas Reborn
    -[X][NAME VOTE]
    --[X] Wei (QM's Choice)
    --[X] Male
    --[X] Another Soul
    --[X] Early Training
    --[X] Glamor And Glory
    --[X] Military Service
    --[X] Proud
    --[X] True Believer
    --[X] In world revolution
    --[X] Via nuclear war mostly
    [X] Plan Jasmine Eat Your Heart Out!
    -[X][NAME VOTE]
    --[X] Azure Fat-Kai III
    --[X] Female
    --[X] Unwanted Love
    --[X] Connections Are Important
    --[X] Lost And Scared
    --[X] There Is A King(Queen) Among Us
    --[X] Aware
    --[X] Likes to makes jokes...that never quite land.
    --[X] Romantic
    --[X] OCD
Seems like the People have it! Viva la [Insert Country Name], and Glory to our Most Beloved Leader Wei Jungmin!
Turn 2 - "The Nation As You Know"
You are Wei Jungmin, heir to your father Wei Cai, the leader of the "most powerful nation on the globe and beyond," with the grace of the heavens themselves granting you the right to lead your people into a better future and to dominance around the globe. It is the day of your succession when you will be officially installed as the Most Beloved Leader of your nation, the day when you can finally take off the shackles from your father and be free to lead your people into a better world.

Slowly, to take it all in while you wait for your time, you take a stroll through the rather large office you will now work within to better your nation when your gaze falls to the right side of the room. In a large banner, there is the name of your country boldly written with pride by your father when he first declared his reign.

-[] (The more ostentatious, the better.)

Underneath the name, you can see a detailed and lovingly painted map of your home, showing off every hill and river, the cities and villages dotting the landscape. Additional maps are painted to show various other pieces of information to give you a better view of what can be done in the future you envision.

Your nation needs to be situated somewhere, right?
-[] Peninsula
You are connected to Asia via a landbridge yet have a lot of coasts to take advantage of the sea's bounty... when the Chinese allow you to.
(+Landroute to Asia
+Adequate space and resources for everything
+/-Chinese Access
-Chinese Fishing)
-[] Island
You are cut off from the Asian continent by the Chinese Sea, situated south of Japan and east of Taiwan. The sea gives you unimpeded access to fishing grounds, with your Rare Metals earning your nation a good amount of money. The Chinese even stationed a few rocket batteries in your country to deter any already problematic attack! ...also, it means you have their military on your doorsteps.
+Natural Defense
+Rare Metals
+/-International Waters and Trade
+/-Chinese Rockets (1990 and up only)
-Less space
-[] Archipelago
You are cut off from the Asian continent by the Chinese Sea, situated south of Japan and east of Taiwan. However, the sea gives you unimpeded access to fishing grounds, with the abundance of your precious resource earning your nation a good amount of money. Moreover, the complex ecosystem (or what's left of it) gives you the chance to gain food for cheap, while its beauty has inspired many artists among your people! Too bad there isn't a lot of space for heavy industry.
(+Abundant Fishing
+Natural Defense
+Abundant Rare Resource (Random: Gold, Aluminum, Jewels, Diamonds, etc.)
+/-International Waters and Trade
-Little space
-Constricted Heavy Industry
-[] Eastern Region
In the mountainous east is where your nation lays, secure from attacks with the aid of the mountains and caverns dug by your father. Too bad that the mines are the only industry you have in abundance, as the treacherous terrain makes building large structures difficult at best. Also, you are dependent on Chinese Food.
(+Natural Defense
+Abundant Mineral Feedstock Resources
-Constricted Farming
-Chinese Dependence)
-[] Northern Region
You stand above China (geographically), with vast steppes and tundra your people's home. Here you can breathe free in the wind with your trusty horse underneath you and the open steppes before you. By the way, what is "agriculture"?
(+Titanic Space
+/-Even less noticeable
-Little Industry
-Constricted Agriculture)

Looking further, you see the 24 clocks on the wall, all ticking to a timezone on the planet, with two calendars next to them. One you know as well as the back of your hand. According to it, it is the First Day of the Fourth Month in the 58th year. According to the one next, it is:

-[] 01.04.1970

Soviet Russia is a Titan of might, and with the Chinese standing, you are sure the future will be long and glorious!
(Golden Age Of Communism)
-[] 01.04.1990
Eh, at least you have one strong ally, right? You are sure the Chinese will treat you fairly, and as the equal you are!
(Soviet union falls, China stands)
-[] 01.04.2010
(If China says jump, you try to jump as high as possible.)

However, before you can get lost even more in your thoughts, the door opens, and a man steps through. Chairman Ju Ming, you know him well, and he knows you. He was the right hand of your father, and now so too will he be yours. "My Leader Jungmin," he begins, a faint smile on his usually grave face, "the-:

-[] Party

Your nation is "lead/ruled" by a parliamentarian system. The people "elect" the Party, and the Party elects the Chair (Ju Ming) and the Leader (You). In truth, you tell them what to do, and they follow.
(-5 Reputation, +5 People's Opinion)
-[] Generals
You rule by the military's might and with the support of the generals and troops. So better watch out for any troubles!
(+5 Reputation, -5 People's Opinion)
-[] People
There is no difference between the People and You, at least officially. They vote for you, and you are the government. Or else.
(+/-1d2-1 Reputation, +/-1d2-1 People's Opinion)

"-are ready for your speech. I have also taken the liberty to quickly demand an update from the Department of Internal Integrity on the hunt for the traitors. What should we do with them?" He says, handing you a small folder as you both walk outside, to where the cheering masses are celebrating your inauguration and the military parade. A quick skim tells you that-:

-[] The Department managed to catch some.

Your spies are shit. No way to talk around it. You hope to Stalin and Mao that nobody wants to hurt you. Cause they can.
(+1 People's Opinion)
-[] The Department caught most.
A tolerable level of competence, room to improve.
(+3 People's Opinion)
-[] The Department got everyone before they could even leave their homes.
They are good. Not great, but good.
(+7 People's Opinion)
-[] The Department had them tagged the very moment they thought against you.
The Stasi did an exchange program with your forces back in the day!
(+15 People's Opinion)

"Ki-," you stop, a devious thought entering your mind. "Grab their families," you instruct, seeing a glimmer of approval enter Ju Ming's eyes. "Then put them into one room. Give the traitors a choice: either they die or their families. Kill those that chose to save themselves, let those that chose their families go to China." You say, a smile on your face. It grows as you emerge from the doors onto the balcony to the cheers of the people. With a wave, the cheering grows louder, and you fall into an old routine as you watch the parade of your forces. However, you cannot help but think that-

-[] It is pathetic.

You have a tiny military, with all the dangers inherent. At least your industry can focus elsewhere.
(-15 Reputation)
-[] It makes a good showing.
Not the best in the world, at least good enough to defend you.
(-7 Reputation)
-[] The Tanks are in good form today.
For your size, it is an acceptable level of military might.
(-3 Reputation)
-[] The new camo on the artillery makes a good showing.
A strong force gives you a strong showing.
(+1 Reputation)
-[] This will take a lot of time. Ugh.
The military is the #1 Employer by a wide margin.
(+5 Reputation)

And while the parade continues, and you do small talk with those Generals and Party Members loyal to you, your mind drifts off into the past and the last excursion you did. When you looked at your nation's industry and how the people thought of you and your father.

-[] What people need is produced by themselves or bought from China.

(-35 Reputation, +5 People's Opinion, -1 Chinas opinion)
(Light Industry - Non-Existent
Heavy Industry - Non-Existent
Military Industry - Non-Existent
Agriculture - Adequate)
-[] Creating anything is a hassle.
(-25 Reputation, +3 People's Opinion)
(Light Industry - Non-Existent
Heavy Industry - Abyssal
Military Industry - Non-Existent
Agriculture - Meh)
-[] You can barely produce native steel.
(-15 Reputation,+1 People's Opinion)
(Light Industry - Non-Existent
Heavy Industry - Abyssal
Military Industry - Abyssal
Agriculture - Bad)
-[] Creating basic machines is barely within your grasp.
(-10 Reputation, -1 People's Opinion)
(Light Industry - Abyssal
Heavy Industry - Meh
Military Industry - Meh
Agriculture - Terrible)
-[] You can create your own vehicles.
(-5 People's Opinion)
(Light Industry - Meh
Heavy Industry - Adequate
Military Industry - Adequate
Agriculture - Abyssal)
-[] You managed to create electronics!
(+15 Reputation, -15 People's Opinion)
(Light Industry - Adequate
Heavy Industry - Adequate
Military Industry - Good
Agriculture - Constant Famine)

-[] Cheer him on!

Hey, you could do things better than before!
(Social Oppression - Adequate)
(-15 People's Opinion)
-[] Hope it gets better.
There is a faint hope that you will make things better.
(Social Oppression - Medium)
(-10 People's Opinion)
-[] Another one to the throne.
Indifferent and uninterested.
(Social Oppression - Heavy)
(-5 People's Opinion)
-[] It could get better!
They are afraid and will do what you tell them to because of that.
(Social Oppression - Oppresive)
(+5 People's Opinion)
-[] It can only get better.
You can only get better than your father.
(Social Oppression - Engineered Society)
(+10 People's Opinion)

With your little introspection over, you sneak a glance at the invited over to the table to the side, where the pride and joy of your nation has been laid out. Either to enjoy or be reminded of your past and the struggles you managed to overcome to get where you now are.

(What makes your nation special, or is seen as unique among your people? This can be a natively produced weapon on par with the AK-Series, a box of cookies with the leader's face given to every person on their birthday for free, etc. Go wild, and be sure that it will have consequences!)
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Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 5, 2022 at 8:35 AM, finished with 72 posts and 37 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Big Gay Tropical Workers Paradise
    --[X] The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou. Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth.
    --[X] Island
    --[X] 01.04.1970
    --[X] People
    --[X] The Department got everyone before they could even leave their homes.
    --[X] The Tanks are in good form today.
    --[X] You can create your own vehicles.
    --[X] Another one to the throne.
    --[X] The people of your nation have always had remarkably open and equal attitudes on gender and sexuality. Your treatment of all citizens who are not straight cis-men is decades ahead of the rest of the world.
    [X] Plan Mostly Moderate
    --[X] The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou. Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth.
    --[X] Archipelago
    --[X] 01.04.1990
    --[X] People
    --[X] The Department got everyone before they could even leave their homes.
    --[X] The new camo on the artillery makes a good showing.
    -[X] Creating basic machines is barely within your grasp.
    --[X] It can only get better.
    --[X] Stubborn Roots: The people of Guangchou are heir to the most ancient continuously practiced religion on earth. Xiwa, worship of the spirits of the land, is deeply bound to your people. Nothing - absolutely nothing - not your father, not the Chinese, not Hollywood - has been capable of suppressing its practice. On the plus side, this has made your people incredibly resilient and loyal to each other - your National identity is as permanent as the mountains. On the minus side, this does mean you have a massive cultural force to deal with, for better or worse.
    [X]Plan: Horse Vietnam
    --[X] The Free Democratic Peoples of the Glorious Holy Republic of Manchiawo, Shield of the North, Bastion of Freedom and Liberty, Master of the Horde, and the Leader of the East
    --[X] Northern Region
    --[X] 01.04.1970
    --[X] Generals
    --[X] The Department had them tagged the very moment they thought against you.
    --[X] This will take a lot of time. Ugh.
    --[X] Creating basic machines is barely within your grasp.
    --[X] It can only get better.
    --[X] National Solidarity: The people of Manchiawo have been invaded and occupied by many nations for centuries, however, they have always resisted. Having thrown back countless occupiers, the people have grown into a collective identity where they prioritize the people if they are ever invaded or influenced by foreign powers, over ideals and such.
    [X] [PLAN] Tiger King
    [X] Plan: Tropical Workers Paradise
    --[X] The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou. Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth.
    --[X] Island
    --[X] 01.04.1970
    --[X] People
    --[X] The Department got everyone before they could even leave their homes.
    --[X] The Tanks are in good form today.
    --[X] You can create your own vehicles.
    --[X] Another one to the throne.
    --[X] tba
    [X] [PLAN] You're A Star, Mr. President
    [X] Plan: Tropical Paradise
    --[X] The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou. Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth.
    --[X] Archipelago
    --[X] 01.04.1970
    -[X] Party
    --[X] The Department had them tagged the very moment they thought against you.
    --[X] This will take a lot of time. Ugh.
    --[X] You can create your own vehicles.
    --[X] Cheer him on!
    --[X] Unusually Fertile Coral Reefs
    [X] Plan: Not Too imbalanced nation
    -[X] The Free Farmer's and Workers Democratic Socialist Soviet Vanguard Republic In Guangchou A.K.A FFWDSSVRG
    -[X] Peninsula
    -[X] Party
    -[X] The Department got everyone before they could even leave their homes.
    -[X] The Tanks are in good form today.
    -[X] Creating basic machines is barely within your grasp.
    -[X] Hope it gets better.
    --[X] SIgnficant Oil Deposit: shortly before your father death a "miracle" happened and he was "shown" the location of an significant OIl deposit in the north of the country this is certain to be a grreat source of wealth especialy in the middle of the Oil shock? you'll just need a little bit of foreign help to set up the infratructure ... and hope they let you have some of the profit, or at least employ unqualified labor locally ? ho and be carfull about developing an Oil addiction you dont want you're economy to collapse when the price change, or the deposit dries up.
    [X] Plan: Tropical Workers Paradise
    --[X] The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou. Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth.
    --[X] Island
    --[X] 01.04.1970
    --[X] People
    --[X] The Department got everyone before they could even leave their homes.
    --[X] The Tanks are in good form today.
    --[X] You can create your own vehicles.
    --[X] Another one to the throne.
    --[X] You have no idea how your father managed to move it from England to your nation without the British finding out, but on the National Square of the Proletariat stands the actual, genuine Tomb of Karl Marx.
    [X] Soviet Nuclear shipbreaking : One of the bays of your nation is home to a fleet of half dismanteled, scuttled and decaying Soviet Nuclear submarines. Though your father had hope of recovering some or reclaiming the facilities, for now the bay serves primarily to generate worrying international coverage and attract international relief.
    [X] [PLAN] You're A Star, Mr. President
    - [X] [NATION NAME] The People's New Republics of Shengdu
    - [X] [LANDMASS] Archipelago
    - [X] [TIMEPERIOD] 01.04.1990
    - [X] [GOVERNMENT] People
    - [X] [SECRET SERVICE] The Department caught most.
    -[X] The Tanks are in good form today.
    -[X] Creating basic machines is barely within your grasp.
    - [X] [SOCIAL ENGINEERING] Cheer him on!
    - [X] [UNIQUE FEATURE] Owing to your constant presence among your people (with help from your friends in the Department of Glorious Truth and History), you have ascended to leadership a celebrity among those in the Communist circles. From Chinese and Soviet movie productions to singing to the people of the capital every morning, you have made a glamorous name for yourself. Now with your father's untimely passing, you hope to bring that star-power to your country in what will be your most FABULOUS show yet!
    [X] Plan: When All You Have Is A Hammer And Sickle
    -[X] Liberated People's Republic of Blessed Guangchou Soldiers', Workers' and Peasants' Democracies
    -[X] Peninsula
    -[X] 01.04.1970
    -[X] Generals
    -[X] The Department managed to catch some.
    -[X] This will take a lot of time. Ugh.
    -[X] You can barely produce native steel.
    -[X] Another one to the throne.
    -[X] Guangchou Patriotic Vanguard: The Super-Elite Special Forces of the army. Select members of the population are secretly conscripted at a young age and thenceforth trained to be "Ultra-Soldiers" for the Revolution. They are from, their childhoods, heavily trained in all aspects of war and conditioned to be fanatically loyal to Guanchou, the Revolution and the Leader.
    [X] [PLAN] Tiger King
    --[X] 由我們永生輪迴的虎帝統治的威嚴島樂園,必將永享平和與榮華富貴!
    --[X] Island
    --[X] 01.04.1970
    --[X] Party
    --[X] The Department got everyone before they could even leave their homes.
    --[X] The Tanks are in good form today.
    --[X] You can create your own vehicles.
    --[X] Another one to the throne.
    --[X] Why we have a Tiger slashing thru a westerners ship as part of our National Flag (or alternatively: an example of why we're crazy bastards. Crazy bastards that are good at making sophisticated old tech, but F-ing crazy)
    --[X] Despite the years of toil, of strife, of big old China trying to cow us into "joining up" with them. Of tsunamis and westerners attacking our shores. Yet we have stood strong! We have persevered! More even when the Westerns sailed to our most glorious and humblest of island homes and demanded entry at the threat of their cannon balls, we just loaded our catapults, trebuchets, and ballistas with diseased animal corpses, Majestic Island Paradise Fire (Greek Fire varient but we invented it first!), wasp hives, sturdy pottery filled poisonous snakes, even dung and their own cannonballs with "Ours are bigger! Try harder, we didn't feel a thing!" written in them! 1 of our history's most cunning Heroine, Azure Kai-Fat, even captured a live Tiger and loaded it up onto a catapult and landed it onto the captain of a most impertinent ship that thought they could ram our best beautiful sandy beach in a vain attempt to take control of our shoreline! That Great 🐅 mauled no less 10 foreigners before giving it's life to keep them distracted while we invaded them instead!
And the Gay Communism has won by a landslide, furthering the Social Revolution decades ahead of any other nation! All hail our most fabulous Great Leader Wei Jungmin, may he eternally lead the people of The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou, Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity and Paradise on Earth!

I need two people to roll me a 1d2-1, please and thank you.

Purge post where you'll send innocents into the deathcamps to be tortured to death so you can retain power while you order mass arrests incoming.
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Turn 3 - "Cause Man, Fuck That Guy."
Guangchou (Full name: The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou, Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth) is a nation-state situated south of the Japanese Main Island and east of Taiwan. It has existed since 1937 after Wei Cai and the Glorious Banner Of Humanity executed the Royal Family of the Queendom of Ghangchi and threw the British off the Island [Citation needed]. The nation is subdivided into 7 Districts and is officially an Autocratic Totalitarian Democracy led by a Great Leader chosen directly by the Citizenry. However, it has more in common with a Hereditary Autocratic Dictatorship.
Source: Wikipedia

As the parade continues, you make some small talk with those loyal Ministers and Generals you had appointed or held from the reign of your father. But, unfortunately, though you tried your best to gain as many allies as possible and ensure that as many people stayed as honest as possible, some among your father's confidants and those working for the nation proved to be disloyal. So it was with shame in your heart and anger in your mind that you signed their death warrants and initiated the purges needed to clean what purity remained.

(Pick those that will die. You pay/gain the cost/reward of those that survive the Purge. Remember: Story>Numbers)
-[] Progressives
Those who wish to advance the revolution in all aspects, be they economic, socially, or political. They see the fight and the revolution not as a done deal but an everlasting fight. Which could be harmful if you won't advance as they think you should.
(-20 Reputation)
-[] Technocrats
The drive to advance the world of science is not lost to your people or nation. You may not be the best in creating the cutting edge, but you certainly know your way around numbers and how to invent, as well as how to create innovative solutions with old technologies. Like that time you chucked a tiger at the British with a catapult! However, the Technocrats go a step further, seeing science as the only way to achieve a World Revolution.
(-30 Reputation)
-[] Wei-Ists
Those who hold to your father's strain of ideology of the communist way are called Wei-Ists. In you, they see a continuation of his policies from another hand and will try to guide you into that direction, subtly or by force if they must. But they are loyal, for now...
(+5 Reputation)
-[] Militarists
What is a nation that cannot defend itself from its enemies, one that will fall the moment a foreign boot falls onto its sovereign soil? These people stand, breathe, and die for a strong nation, ready to shield the people from all threats, within and without.
(+15 Reputation)
-[] Old Guard
When the revolution freed the people, these elder men and women stood by your father and the Glorious Banner of Humanity. They stood and guided your people as you upscaled your nation's industry, elevating it to what it is today. With them by your side, legitimacy will never be a problem. But they have seen things their way for a long time and may not like what changes your reign will bring.
(+25 Reputation)
-[] Nationalists
Guangchou will, no; it must stand firm on its feet, alone if we must! We cannot allow ourselves to become mere slaves and puppets once more, and we mustn't fall into the complacency of having strong allies stand with us. They could fail, they could stab us in the back, and they could never pull the weight when we need them the most.
(+5 Reputation)
-[] Populists
The people cry out their needs, and we answer with what they want to hear.
(+15 Reputation)
-[] Internationalists
We all need to work together to bring about the final revolution, be it with the silken glove of diplomacy or the iron fist of arms. Then, the people will free the world, know their power, and make the world a village as it was always meant to be.
(-25 Reputation)
-[] Isolationists
Man, fuck China, fuck the world, fuck everything. Guangchou is where we should put our focus and nowhere else.
-[] Industrialists
The people's strength rests upon their backs, lays within their hands, and is brought forth by their minds. In the crucible of the factory is our will made, with the casting of steel are our cries heard, and with the thunder of artillery will our might be felt.
(+10 Reputation)

To your surprise, you find out that Ja Ming adopted a son with her wife, an event you completely missed due to all of the work you had to do to hold onto power. It chafes at you that you missed that, but you put that aside to be happy for her. You ignore the disgusted stare of the Chinese Ambassador trying to maintain as much distance between him and "Them" as he can without appearing impolite. You'll make sure to annoy him for that later in the day, cause man, fuck that guy.

[](Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador - How?)
(He is lactose intolerant, hates the heat and is glad for the AC from the mainland, is extremely picky and exact about his tea, and hates the gays.)

And as the minute's tick by, and regiments of loyal soldiers march with perfect salutes and uniforms, as the tanks rumble forth with mighty cannons displayed and shining with pride, you begin to walk forwards to the microphones as the parade draws to a close. It is time for you to give your speech to the people, the one where you will tell them their future and how they will bring it forth.

[](Executive Order - You can make a law, change, or policy as your first act right here and now. It will be done, without question as the people heard you say it, but depending on which faction survived the Purge, you may have troubles on your hand depending on what you made.)

[The First 5-Year Plan]

(What is its name? The more ostentatious and fitting, the more I'll be inclined to give you a bonus for your first round.)
(What do you intend to achieve until 1975? (Turns are six months))
(On what do you put your focus? (+1 to the dice for four rounds))
(Do you give any concrete promises?)
(Do you make any concrete threats?)
(If you actually write the speech, I will give you (if your plan wins the vote) both a Threadmark and boni to actions mentioned.)

One-day moratorium.
A New Child And A New Leader
Ja Ming had never thought she would adopt her son the same day that her old and long-time friend Jungmin would succeed his father, but here she is. And now she looks into the future, reminded by her child of the weight she and him now carry.
(+4 to the first healthcare or social program.)

Political Exile
Zhao Chin hates being in this nation of backward savages that celebrate the disease of homosexuality. He even had to stand near one of these mentally diseased undesirables when the inauguration happened! Thankfully, with the new Wei now on the throne, he'll be able to steer him in the right direction! He knows when a man only acts the part rather than partake in this insanity here. And he has written the perfect letter that'll change his mind about them...
(+1 to Chinese Relations.)

A Proud Child
Zu has just finished their seventh year in school and has managed to be a good enough child to be with their father behind the scenes of the parade rather than in the crowds. And they just saw Wei Jungmin walk by, congratulating their father on a job well done for the electrics!
(+4 to the first propaganda or international relations)
Last edited:
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 8, 2022 at 6:37 PM, finished with 24 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Out With The Old
    --[X] Old Guard
    --[X] Nationalists
    --[X] Isolationists
    -[X] Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador
    --[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.
    -[X] Executive Order: It has come to the Great Leader's attention that the comrades send to our Re-Education Facilities are too often treated as pro-capitalistic wreckers and imperialist agents conspiring against the People. This is a grave mistake. We have long since banished the specters of capitalism and imperialism from our Worker's State. These comrades are simply mistaken, that's all. Let us not forget that Marxism is first and foremost a science, and like any good scientist it is our task to educate the ignorant. As such, our Re-Education Facilities will from now on stop punishing any mistaken comrades and instead focus on rehabilitating them. If Comrade Mao managed to turn the last Emperor of China into a good Communist, then this can't be too hard.
    -[X] The First 5-Year Plan: The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance
    --[X] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our food situation by investing both in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must utilize the latest technologies and techniques in these fields. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new schools and research institutions focused on these fields.
    [X] Plan Out With The Old Revolution in with the New Asia
    --[X] Old Guard
    --[X] Nationalists
    --[X] Isolationists
    --[X] Internationalists
    -[X] Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador
    --[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.
    -[X] Executive Order: It has come to the Great Leader's attention that the comrades send to our Re-Education Facilities are too often treated as pro-capitalistic wreckers and imperialist agents conspiring against the People. This is a grave mistake. We have long since banished the specters of capitalism and imperialism from our Worker's State. These comrades are simply mistaken, that's all. Let us not forget that Marxism is first and foremost a science, and like any good scientist it is our task to educate the ignorant. As such, our Re-Education Facilities will from now on stop punishing any mistaken comrades and instead focus on rehabilitating them. If Comrade Mao managed to turn the last Emperor of China into a good Communist, then this can't be too hard.
    -[X] The First 5-Year Plan: The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance in Preparation of an Asian Eternity
    --[X] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our food situation by investing both in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must utilize the latest technologies and techniques in these fields. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new schools and research institutions focused on these fields. A tertiary long-term focus of the plan is to prepare Guangchou as a viable trade partner and member of the Asian community. No longer must we be isolated from our fellow Asians trade is the lifeblood of nations and our nation must be the masters of Intra-Asian trade.
    --[X] "The fields of knowledge and plenty lay fallow following the revolution. The Old Guard in their ignorance curtailed the people's enlightenment who aginst my father's vision would rather see the children starve than ensure the bounty would spread to all. The Nationalists and Isolationists whose rhetoric is an affront to the ideals of Maoism and the Three Worlds Theory would rather spread their chauvinism to the starving masses and the peasants who are our backbone of the revolution. Finally, a curse upon the Internationalists for their simpering protestations towards the decadent, state-capitalist, and revisionist Soviet Union and the belief that a world-revolution is necessary when at home starvation and ignorance are widespread while we are only in the periphery in their eyes. No, while our first and foremost goal is for our homes to be free of famine and ignorance. Our, second much more noble goal is to be free from the confines of Western and Soviet Imperialists with a mindset for a strong Asian community set against a world dominated by European, American, and Soviet bureaucratic-capitalist exploitation."
Political Exile
Political Exile
Zhao Chin is a man who never stopped fuming at everything wrong that happened to him. In the safe confines of his office were the worst of the disease the savage backward nation of Guangchou was only held at bay by a door he ordered not to be opened unless it was an emergency. Even then, he fumed what he expected from his exile are people who would commiserate at being cast away by Party would only be MORE OF THEM! The gays, the homosexuals, the queers, the women who should be men, and the men who should be women are running amok even in the People's Republic's embassy to this savage backward land. Indeed the only safety was within his mind when he saw the disgusting sight of two women kissing each other on the lips!

In the safety of his own office, he brought out two choice spirits and vices that would have been unquestionably banned if he were anywhere in China. One is because the branding could easily mark it as something from the decadent West. Another would have undoubtedly had him executed, but was the greatest reason for his exile, a pipe of opium laying there for him to smoke out of sinfully. True, he was accused of social parasitism when security forces found out he had that blasted thing. Still, he deftly avoided a worse fate by arguing that it was an unfortunate heirloom of the family that he was keeping to remind himself not to be like his father, who wasted away on opium. The good thing was he hadn't smoked in a while, and he made sure it was clean every time he used it.

What he found out in his career is that alcohol and opium mix quite well and are excellent fuels for promotions. Ingesting and inhaling these fuels for his mind would give him clear directions on what to do, and of course, one such way is also analyzing his interactions with the new Wei who assumed the barbaric throne. His mind given clarity by booze and opium has seen that the man more a boy would be an excellent ally for Guangchou's own Cultural Revolution against such a feudalist mindset of the barbarity of homosexuality. With that, he is now willing to write a letter in the traditional script praising this barbarian while subtly prodding about what should be done to appease the Party.

When he finished, he made some tea filled with calming ingredients for him to sleep on. He needed a bed soon after the exhausting day he had tolerating the degeneracy around him.
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Turn 4 - "A New Dawn"
[X] Plan Out With The Old
--[X] Old Guard
--[X] Nationalists
--[X] Isolationists
-[X] Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador
--[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.
-[X] Executive Order: It has come to the Great Leader's attention that the comrades send to our Re-Education Facilities are too often treated as pro-capitalistic wreckers and imperialist agents conspiring against the People. This is a grave mistake. We have long since banished the specters of capitalism and imperialism from our Worker's State. These comrades are simply mistaken, that's all. Let us not forget that Marxism is first and foremost a science, and like any good scientist it is our task to educate the ignorant. As such, our Re-Education Facilities will from now on stop punishing any mistaken comrades and instead focus on rehabilitating them. If Comrade Mao managed to turn the last Emperor of China into a good Communist, then this can't be too hard.
-[X] The First 5-Year Plan: The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance
--[X] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our food situation by investing both in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must utilize the latest technologies and techniques in these fields. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new schools and research institutions focused on these fields.
"My People!" You speak into the speakers, your voice amplified into the square below you, and to the citizenry assembled there, cheering as you speak. "Today," you continued, adding a slight dramatic pause to play up the weight behind that word, "Is a day of Joy. A day of sadness. And a day for a New Dawn! For today, you have chosen me to be the new leader of your will, to protect our people in the coming times and the dawning conflicts. To see the Eternal Revolution grow and prosper just as much as we will." Cheering rings out as you pause, with both the red and your national flag waving around within the crowd. The first outnumbering the latter by a significant degree. "Yet," you speak, your voice growing sad and heavy and somber. "It is also the day when we have to remember why I now stand before you, ready to take a burden no person should have to bear alone. The day when my father is officially called to rest, to hand the torch of progress and light to those coming after him. And like those brave fighters, dreamers, and idealists of the GBH that gave their lives for our cause, he did so without seeing the sacrifices we had made be vindicated, fully and forever." You pause as you see the change in the people's mood, more attentive than cheerful now. "When I was little," you continue, taking a deep breath that isn't picked up. "he once told me that he envied those that died in our uprising when we threw off our shackles and liberated fully. Those who did make the ultimate sacrifice did so, not knowing that we would win. They did in the hope that we would pick up the flag where they fell, not dropping it as we charge forwards into a better world for all humanity. And today, I must say this;" you speak, the crowd now fully and genuinely paying attention to every word you speak. "You vindicated their hopes," you say, and a cheering rings out from the square, this time much more genuine and not entirely played up. "However, some amongst those you entrusted to lead did not."

Complete silence descends upon the square as you admit to the government being or doing wrong. "Three days ago I surprise visited the 'zhàn fàng de xīn líng' Re-Education Center intent to inspect one of the centers of learning and redemption, thinking that I would see hope and honest truth being fostered within those that were misguided from the science of communism." There is some dread within the crowd now, your eyes spying a few people huddling around others, likely former victims of those death camps. Time to lie as if you meant it. "What I saw disgusted and horrified me," you speak, and a gasp rings through the crowd, the head of Zhao turning to you with some confusion, while Ja sports the most satisfied and smuggest grin you've ever seen on her. Her particular hatred of some of the Old Guard you're going to throw into the crowds having made her accept your arrest orders with glee. "I saw the torture and rape, the beatings and abuse, chambers of horrors, cells of nightmares, hollow eyes upon walking skeletons, fear within eyes that should have held hope and understanding!" You speak with conviction, seeing both confusion and some manner of understanding bloom upon those faces you can see. "And I asked one question of the guards. WHY? Why have you done this? What purpose does this serve? Who had ordered these atrocities? And they gave me names, written orders, testimonies, statements, evidence of two things I could not be prouder and more sickened by. The pride came from there being no guilty within the Centers, no wreckers and imperialists, none that had tried to slave themselves and us once more to capitalism! The sickness from who it was." You speak, slamming a fist onto the podium with genuine anger flooding through you and leaking into your voice. Oh, how long have you dreamed of spitting on that piece of your father's legacy? Years, decades? Too long, you think, too fucking long. "Effective immediately, all those innocents imprisoned by the corrupt and power-hungry are being released into the best medical care that we can provide!" You shout, and now there are genuine cheers of happiness and pride from the people. "The worst of the guards and offenders have already been sentenced to death for their betrayal of the people, to be executed tomorrow at 21 o'clock within this square," you shout, cheers and screams of approval nearly deafening you, the bloodthirst within not lost to any of those standing beside you. Good, let them know that they can always fall when you say so.

When the cheers and applause dim down enough that you can speak freely once more, you begin much calmer than the angry shouting you had devolved into. "Those among the guards and officials that were either 'unaware,'" the sarcasm is thick in that word, "or guilty of lesser crimes have been sentenced to prison, either for life or decade upon decade. Justice, though delayed by far too long, will once more strike them down and raise up those that had suffered under the broken system," you speak, with the people once more rejoicing, though lesser in volume, your declaration. "And I hereby announce my commitment to bring the Re-Education Centers back into the role they were supposed to occupy: a place of learning, understanding, and redemption, just as Comrade Mao intended them to be! Those within shall not be prisoners, but students; they shall not live behind bars, but doors, their freedom not taken, their mind unharmed, their bodies untouched. Those who go into will do so to revive their understanding of the revolution, not to be prisoners! They may stay within on their choosing, their families able to visit, yet they will also be able to leave and live outside if they so wish." The cheering is noticeably less genuine now, but you are confident that the reforms you are smashing through will convince everyone of the truth you speak. "And above all, the wrath of the people will descend upon any that dare to once more abuse those within and without." Once more, there is applause, and you pause as you gather and collate the notes you had prepared. Internally, you wince as you swap seven pages of the speech your writers wrote only to go rogue and improvise. But, eh, the people seemed to be appreciative nonetheless.

Once more, looking up, there is an anticipatory silence in the air. The reason was plain and exciting for you and everyone else. Officially, your father wanted to implement the new 5-Year-Plan yesterday, but his death threw things into a loop. It meant some delays within the economy and disruptions to the people, but it also gave you a chance to grasp the opportunity presented to you. Instead of having to complete a plan for two, three, or, horrifyingly, four to five years that wasted resources and worsened the lives of the people, you could now wrestle things back on track, to the betterment of all, instead of the Chinese Industrialists, your father's pockets, or the would-be oligarchs currently imprisoned or dead. And you just so knew one area that desperately needed improvements across all sectors.

"And as we ensure that the abuse you suffered never happens again, and as you remind us of our duty to see such change through with your every action, I am proud to announce the Seventh Five-Year-Plan! The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance! Your cries and hunger have not gone unnoticed nor disregarded! In these last two decades, your labors have seen innovation, industry, and progress brought from nearly nothing to the heights that they are today! Your struggle, sweat, and blood spent to make our island what it is today will finally conquer one foe that humanity has ever struggled against since our ancient ancestors first walked the hot savannas of Africa; hunger itself! By the end of the Plan, no person will lack food, no plate without a second serving; no child will eat while their parents starve! We will utilize the latest technologies and techniques in the field and water to bring forth such quantities of crops and seafood that we will struggle to store it all! And while some will labor with machines to tame the world around us, to bring it into total production and cultivation, others will discover in great institutions of learning and progress the underlining principles of both agriculture and aquaculture to obtain ever greater yield with ever lower hours spent! Let none go hungry, let none be found wanting, we all conquered our labor, now let us conquer nature!" You finish, a great cheer rising from the masses, the promise of more food, and a plan dedicated to its production raising spirits and hopes for the future.

[+10 People's Opinion - No More Deathcamps!
-5 People's Opinion - Yet The Camps Remain...
+5 People's Opinion - Food! Food! FOOD!
-5 Reputation - Mercy Is Weakness In The Eyes Of The Mighty
+1 Chinese Opinion - Throwing Off The Shackles Of The Past...
+5 Reputation - ...In The Image Of Mao
+1 Chinese Opinion -
Political Exile Omake]

- (17/100 Reputation, +1 for 5(Five) Turns - Beware the Opportunists)
People's Opinion - (28/100 Reputation, +1 for 5(Five) Turns - One Oppressor Down, One Remains)
Chinese Opinion - (8/10 - I like your witty words.)
History Page - (A name, three dates. Birth, reign, death.)

Light Industry - Meh
Heavy Industry - Adequate
Military Industry - Adequate
Agriculture - Abyssal

[] Light Industry
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Create New Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
-[] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (+4 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Consumer Goods Factory (What) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Heavy Industry
-[] Construct A Tractor Factory (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Construct Another Steel Foundry (Harmful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Construct A Metallurgical Institute (+2 Reputation)
-[] Expand Your Mines (Harmful)
-[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Military
-[] Design A Native Tank (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Vehicle (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Ship (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Artillery Piece (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design A Native Sidearm (Describe) (+1 Reputation
-[] Design A Native Main Personal Weapon (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design Native Equipment (Describe) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Import (What) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Re-Found Your Anemic Navy (Name) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Coastal Defences (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Interior Defences (+2 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct An Airfield (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Military Building/Factory (What) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand The Military Academy (+3 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Raise A New Military Formation (What) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Intimidate Taiwan (+5 Reputation)
-[] Commit Exercises (+3 Reputation)
-[] Secure Trade Routes (+1 Reputation)
-[] Raid International Shipping (What Goods) (Helpful/Harmful) (Roll above five, and you won't be caught.)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Agri-, And Aquaculture (+1 to Dice for 4(Four) Turns - Plan)
-[] Create An Agriculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Create An Aquaculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Social (+4 to One(1) Roll - Omake)
-[] Arrest Dissidents (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Surveillance (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Purge Undesirable Citizens (Who) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-4 People's Opinion)
-[] Search And Destroy Rebels (Harmful) (-4 People's Opinion) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Social Control (How) (Helpful) (Harmful) (-2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Reduce Surveillance (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Propagandize Workers Conditions (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Implement A Social Policy (Write-In) (Helpful/Harmful) (+2 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Reduce Social Control (How) (Helpful) (+3 People's Opinion) (-5 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Political
-[] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to begin researching Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, ship building, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors. (Helpful) (+1 Reputation for 2(two) Turns)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] (Write-In three things he does within the next six months.)

Among The Crowd
It is one thing to hear a voice on the radio or see it from a large projector and another in person amidst a large crowd. You hear the speech and act as you think you should and as others do. But what does a person feel when faults are admitted, and those who once had none are given mercy?
(+5 People's Opinion)

The Ending Of A Nightmare
They once made a mistake. Spoke or acted wrongly. Someone saw, someone reported them, and someone took them. Now they stand before the prison in which they thought they would die, being free once more, their captors punished or killed. What goes to a person's head in such a moment? What do they think of the man that freed them?
(+4 To A Social Roll)

International Reception
The world has changed in the last few decades, and the world will continue to change. However, for this day, the eyes of some are on the tiny nation of Guangchou as the reigns of power are changed from father to son. What do they see, and what do they think?
(Nudge the flow of fate. More impactful if you choose the BRD or USA as your focus. (But note me if you do.))

Remember Story Over Stats. A limited narrative plan will have more impact than choosing to do everything you can. And yes, I will fuck you over if you try to cheese the system by taking every action you can, or just a load of them. You are working in six-month time-chunks; structure your plans around that.

Once more: This quest operates on the narrative first and mechanics third. Make the story before you make the numbers.

As for the actions, the more you describe how and what you do, the more I will be inclined to give you a bonus on your dice. However, some actions require you to do so, and I will not accept plans that leave them open. That means disregarding them in the vote, even if they are leading.
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The End of a Nightmare
The End of a Nightmare

Lin Kang was born to a family of carpenters.

His father, and his father's father, and his grandfather's father had all been carpenters. His mother was a farmer's daughter, their family moving from village to town as the country progressed towards industrialization. A farmer's prospects dwindling; entire families forced to move in search of greener pastures, so to speak.

It was inevitable that Kang would follow in his father's footsteps, as the man had dictated it be so the day he was born. Whether his name was given to him in the hopes of a long and happy life, or the flourishing of the forests, whose bounties his livelihood would largely depend on, is something he still wonders about.

That said, by time he was 20 years old, his father had already taught him much of the craft. While Old Man Lin wasn't what you might call 'properly educated', he and his family had honed their craft through sheer experience. Definitely something even an academic course could truly impart on a person.

As such, when the government men came with a proposal for a new building, a set of offices where they may do whatever it is government do without the common rabble getting in the way, Lin Kang's father was brought in. Kang's father brought him to the meeting along with some of their peers to begin planning out the work.

Again, while they might not have gone to a college, or a university, or even completed a basic educational course, they were at least competent enough to do their job, and to do it well. That, and to recognize a safety hazard of a building when they see one.

It then stands to reason why these people protested the already proposed plans the government gave them. They'd merely be brought in to actually put it together, with little input to be given. It certainly did not help that most of the materials they were forc— I mean, requested, to use were questionable or subpar at best and downright lethal at worst. After all, using rusty nails isn't exactly conducive to proper construction, nor to general health and safety.

Now, while it may not have mattered that this was being done in the name of "conserving valuable resources" or "recycling" in mind, what did matter was that the Lin's and the rest of the townspeople didn't really have much of a choice. When the government men ordered, you obeyed.

And so, it was practically an inevitability that, month's after the building had been finished, it collapsed. Or more specifically, part of it did, then the another segment, followed by the rest as load-bearing column after load-bearing column collapsed in on themselves like a trail of dominoes.

That those same government officials had gone down with the building was not much comfort. Indeed, it was the exact opposite. After all, someone had to take the blame, someone who, preferably, was still alive. So when more government men came to take their pound of flesh, their attentions fell upon the carpenters and workers involved in the construction.

The only bright side was that not all of them would be taken. No, only some. It would've been too much to deprive the town of much of its workforce, not if the government wanted people to do the heavy lifting for them.

It was then that Lin Kang made up his mind. He knew what his father was working up courage to do, to say.

So he said it first.

"It was me. I replaced the materials."

It was a flimsy statement. A few well-placed questions would've revealed it for the lie it was. Why did he replace them? To sell them and make more money? To whom? Where's the money? What did he do with it?

But no, there would be no questions. This wasn't about justice, or balancing rights and wrongs. This was about keeping up appearances. Everyone else knew that. Could see it. And Lin Kang was offering to take the bullet.

Whether his neighbors and fellow townsmen were quiet because they were afraid, or shocked, or both, he didn't know. But his father seemed to have gone paler and older in the moments since he took his eyes off him and made the statement that sealed his fate. It would hurt his father, yes, for years even, but Kang knew it was the right thing to do, the familial thing.

His father was strong from all the years of work, but Kang did not know if he would survive what was to come. But not him. He was young yet. He had built up his strength from all the work as well. He was healthy. He could survive.

In only a few seconds after he'd spoken up, a few others had done so as well. Young men, like him, who knew what would come next; eager to save their friends and neighbors from the consequences. All the while, the others closed or averted their eyes, fists clenching, as armed men came forward with a gesture from the government man in charge.

Lin Kang, 20 years old, carpenter apprentice, would not be seen by his family for 5 years…


Kang stepped out of the clinic's threshold and into the bright afternoon sunlight. The recent events had been a blur to him. He'd been deep into a regular "rehab" session when a guard came in to the dimly lit room and asked his "therapist" to step outside.

He must've stayed strapped to the rack for about half hour before someone came in, released him, then brought him back to his "quarters". As confusing as that had been, it only became more confounding in the following days.

He'd been scrubbed down, given a fresh change clothes and then ushered into a truck with a few other inmates. It was only when they were being ushered into the clinic that he learned what happened. What was happening…

A new leader, some fancy speech, and all of a sudden, he was being set free.

He looked at his hands. Worn, ragged… the same way he felt. He could picture the bruises and cuts all over his body. The bites from the rats… the fleas and mites. Miraculously, he'd been given a clean bill of health. At least, relatively.

Wasted muscles, some slight malnourishment, nothing to serious. Not like the amputations some of the others had had to undergo. No shattered bones, or ruptured organs. No extensive infections or poisonings like his less fortunate colleagues suffered, and would ultimately die from.

No. Lin Kang had survived. Somehow.

In a way, he had been lucky. He should've been executed. Stealing from the country was little different from treason. But for some reason, he'd been brought to the camps instead.

Perhaps they'd felt sorry for him, knowing he'd willingly taken the fall. Or maybe it was to justify some propaganda slogan. The government unwilling to "lose another young mind to the evils of capitalism". Whatever the case, he didn't have much left in him to care. He wasn't the same young man that left town years ago.

He felt older. He was older, physically. But his mind, his soul, felt older still. His thoughts turned, as they often did back in the camps, to his family. He had not heard from them since he left. There were no letters allowed, to "safeguard" their minds from subversive influences. No news given to "protect" them from any and all distractions from the outside world. And so, he had gone years without even knowing if his parents still lived.

Did he have any new siblings? His parents were somewhat old already when he left, but not that old. Or perhaps they were already dead. Maybe his town had suffered some unknown catastrophe and had disappeared from the map.

So many questions. So many things he did not know. How he felt, for one. About what happened. About these new changes, his freedom. About this new leader he knew practically nothing about. Regardless, he did know one thing.

He was coming home.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 15, 2022 at 4:54 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Ocean Man
    -[X] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
    -[X] Re-Found Your Anemic Navy (The People of Guangchou's Liberation Navy (PGLN)) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
    -[X] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
    -[X] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
    -[X] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to begin researching Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, ship building, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors. (Helpful) (+1 Reputation for 2(two) Turns)
    -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
    --[X] Perhaps you should start searching for a significant other to create your own family with? Guangchou may be more progressive on these matters than the rest of the world, but as the leader of the nation you're still expected to set an example for your people. Staying single your entire life probably isn't an option.
    --[X] Spend time going through your father's belongings and files. The man possessed many secrets in life, some of which might still prove useful. It's also probably wise to make sure he didn't leave any surprises to deal with before they blow up in your face.
    --[X] Plan a surprise tour of the harbors and fisheries.
Secret rolling for RP...

... @Doccer, I blame you.
HeroCooky threw 5 12-faced dice. Reason: Actions Total: 36
4 4 8 8 7 7 9 9 8 8
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Voting is open