Voting is open
I like the fishing plans. We are an island the sea is our best benefits.
-[] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to research Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, ship building, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors.

Any place to put in something like this? We spared the Technocrats so we with as well as call them directly to throw their weight behind the project?
-[] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to research Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, ship building, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors.
Seems feasible. I'll make sure to add it in once my plan is finalized. One thing remains missing however:
-[] (Write-In three things he does within the next six months.)
We still need two more things for our Glorious Leader to do.
Adding your write-in.
Oh ok.
............hhhhhhhhow about keeping in shape by learning\practicing our island's fabulous and deadly ancient martial arts? Oh I know a must! Go thru his father's personal affects and deciding what to keep, toss, sell and remember the good times. Make a memorial shrine or something. He just lost his dad and hasn't had time to sort thru the unofficial crap involved in that yet. Do now would be the time.
Figuring out what dirty secrets the old man was hiding? Sure. Memorial Shrine? Not so much. Do keep in mind our relationship was never the best.

Maybe tormenting the Chinese ambassador again just for kicks?
You'd be surprised. Not saying there ain't dirty secrets we'd need to know now rather than later, but you'd be surprised how the kinder moments can rise up over the terrible moments after they are gone and remember them in a softer light than when they were alive.
If nothing else this be a great way for the QM to throw a wrench or possible story thread by rolling for what there is and what we discover going thru his things.
A hidden facility of 500 trained attack tigers and their handlers?
A sister(s) we knew nothing about?
Our "Father" is actually our biological American Mother. And our biological father is a Japanese comedian?
A nuclear weapons stash?
A letter apologizing for being terrible father if the year and a grand reveal showing the crappy choices were actually terrible but necessary brilliant moves to out maneuver our enmies and set us up good?
A hidden underground facility of strange, perhaps even 👽, purpose?
A hidden underground stockpile of resources as our bloodline has squirreled away 10% of our yearly resources since the day foreigners first nearly succeeded to breach our shores with their cannons for the day we need to rapidly mobilize our industry\forces, or out last a siege?
A hidden boathouse with a large ship with all the Dakka?
A cabal of Nazi geneticists slaved to creating Tiger men\women soldiers?
Nothing more than our favorite toy in his private vault?
Dirt on Chinese officials and other current world leader we can black mail?
I must admit, I continue to be puzzled that improving the lot of our citizens is considered a negative on the world stage. It's rather like someone disapproving of feeding a horse, since clearly the only way to get a great racer is with whips.
I must admit, I continue to be puzzled that improving the lot of our citizens is considered a negative on the world stage. It's rather like someone disapproving of feeding a horse, since clearly the only way to get a great racer is with whips.
Best idea I can come up with is it measures our dread rating which is used to discourage any would-be rivals from trying anything. Machiavelli once wrote it's safer to be feared than loved as no matter how just and popular your rule, there will always be someone ambitious or dissatisfied enough to topple you unless properly intimidated.

The actual quote is as follows:
"it is much safer to be feared than loved because is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails"
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Hey yo. Wrote a piece to hopefully satisfy the bounty for The End of a Nightmare. It's like 1300 words long. Is that fine? It got longer cause I had to devote like the first 2/3's to how the character wound up in the camps.
The End of a Nightmare
The End of a Nightmare

Lin Kang was born to a family of carpenters.

His father, and his father's father, and his grandfather's father had all been carpenters. His mother was a farmer's daughter, their family moving from village to town as the country progressed towards industrialization. A farmer's prospects dwindling; entire families forced to move in search of greener pastures, so to speak.

It was inevitable that Kang would follow in his father's footsteps, as the man had dictated it be so the day he was born. Whether his name was given to him in the hopes of a long and happy life, or the flourishing of the forests, whose bounties his livelihood would largely depend on, is something he still wonders about.

That said, by time he was 20 years old, his father had already taught him much of the craft. While Old Man Lin wasn't what you might call 'properly educated', he and his family had honed their craft through sheer experience. Definitely something even an academic course could truly impart on a person.

As such, when the government men came with a proposal for a new building, a set of offices where they may do whatever it is government do without the common rabble getting in the way, Lin Kang's father was brought in. Kang's father brought him to the meeting along with some of their peers to begin planning out the work.

Again, while they might not have gone to a college, or a university, or even completed a basic educational course, they were at least competent enough to do their job, and to do it well. That, and to recognize a safety hazard of a building when they see one.

It then stands to reason why these people protested the already proposed plans the government gave them. They'd merely be brought in to actually put it together, with little input to be given. It certainly did not help that most of the materials they were forc— I mean, requested, to use were questionable or subpar at best and downright lethal at worst. After all, using rusty nails isn't exactly conducive to proper construction, nor to general health and safety.

Now, while it may not have mattered that this was being done in the name of "conserving valuable resources" or "recycling" in mind, what did matter was that the Lin's and the rest of the townspeople didn't really have much of a choice. When the government men ordered, you obeyed.

And so, it was practically an inevitability that, month's after the building had been finished, it collapsed. Or more specifically, part of it did, then the another segment, followed by the rest as load-bearing column after load-bearing column collapsed in on themselves like a trail of dominoes.

That those same government officials had gone down with the building was not much comfort. Indeed, it was the exact opposite. After all, someone had to take the blame, someone who, preferably, was still alive. So when more government men came to take their pound of flesh, their attentions fell upon the carpenters and workers involved in the construction.

The only bright side was that not all of them would be taken. No, only some. It would've been too much to deprive the town of much of its workforce, not if the government wanted people to do the heavy lifting for them.

It was then that Lin Kang made up his mind. He knew what his father was working up courage to do, to say.

So he said it first.

"It was me. I replaced the materials."

It was a flimsy statement. A few well-placed questions would've revealed it for the lie it was. Why did he replace them? To sell them and make more money? To whom? Where's the money? What did he do with it?

But no, there would be no questions. This wasn't about justice, or balancing rights and wrongs. This was about keeping up appearances. Everyone else knew that. Could see it. And Lin Kang was offering to take the bullet.

Whether his neighbors and fellow townsmen were quiet because they were afraid, or shocked, or both, he didn't know. But his father seemed to have gone paler and older in the moments since he took his eyes off him and made the statement that sealed his fate. It would hurt his father, yes, for years even, but Kang knew it was the right thing to do, the familial thing.

His father was strong from all the years of work, but Kang did not know if he would survive what was to come. But not him. He was young yet. He had built up his strength from all the work as well. He was healthy. He could survive.

In only a few seconds after he'd spoken up, a few others had done so as well. Young men, like him, who knew what would come next; eager to save their friends and neighbors from the consequences. All the while, the others closed or averted their eyes, fists clenching, as armed men came forward with a gesture from the government man in charge.

Lin Kang, 20 years old, carpenter apprentice, would not be seen by his family for 5 years…


Kang stepped out of the clinic's threshold and into the bright afternoon sunlight. The recent events had been a blur to him. He'd been deep into a regular "rehab" session when a guard came in to the dimly lit room and asked his "therapist" to step outside.

He must've stayed strapped to the rack for about half hour before someone came in, released him, then brought him back to his "quarters". As confusing as that had been, it only became more confounding in the following days.

He'd been scrubbed down, given a fresh change clothes and then ushered into a truck with a few other inmates. It was only when they were being ushered into the clinic that he learned what happened. What was happening…

A new leader, some fancy speech, and all of a sudden, he was being set free.

He looked at his hands. Worn, ragged… the same way he felt. He could picture the bruises and cuts all over his body. The bites from the rats… the fleas and mites. Miraculously, he'd been given a clean bill of health. At least, relatively.

Wasted muscles, some slight malnourishment, nothing to serious. Not like the amputations some of the others had had to undergo. No shattered bones, or ruptured organs. No extensive infections or poisonings like his less fortunate colleagues suffered, and would ultimately die from.

No. Lin Kang had survived. Somehow.

In a way, he had been lucky. He should've been executed. Stealing from the country was little different from treason. But for some reason, he'd been brought to the camps instead.

Perhaps they'd felt sorry for him, knowing he'd willingly taken the fall. Or maybe it was to justify some propaganda slogan. The government unwilling to "lose another young mind to the evils of capitalism". Whatever the case, he didn't have much left in him to care. He wasn't the same young man that left town years ago.

He felt older. He was older, physically. But his mind, his soul, felt older still. His thoughts turned, as they often did back in the camps, to his family. He had not heard from them since he left. There were no letters allowed, to "safeguard" their minds from subversive influences. No news given to "protect" them from any and all distractions from the outside world. And so, he had gone years without even knowing if his parents still lived.

Did he have any new siblings? His parents were somewhat old already when he left, but not that old. Or perhaps they were already dead. Maybe his town had suffered some unknown catastrophe and had disappeared from the map.

So many questions. So many things he did not know. How he felt, for one. About what happened. About these new changes, his freedom. About this new leader he knew practically nothing about. Regardless, he did know one thing.

He was coming home.
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[X] Plan Take to the seas
-[X] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
[X] Re-Found Your Anemic Navy (The People of Guangchou's Liberation Navy (PGLN)) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)

Plan Diving For Intel
[X] Wei Jungming
-[X] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to research Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, ship building, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors.
-[X] Spend time going through your father's belongings and files. The man possessed many secrets in life, some of which might still prove useful. It's also probably wise to make sure he didn't leave any surprises to deal with before they blow up in your face.
-[X] Relax and destress the best way you know how: at the moment it means finding new ways to torment the Ambassador. Let's try introducing lactose into his diet without him noticing then having his new manservant take care of him afterwards.
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Any place to put in something like this? We spared the Technocrats so we with as well as call them directly to throw their weight behind the project?
Made a Political section where you can throw Pork projects into.
A cabal of Nazi geneticists slaved to creating Tiger men\women soldiers?
:thonk: ...

Gah, stop giving me ideas! :V
Hey yo. Wrote a piece to hopefully satisfy the bounty for The End of a Nightmare. It's like 1300 words long. Is that fine? It got longer cause I had to devote like the first 2/3's to how the character wound up in the camps.
About the lenght of an omake, I think that ~500 words is the word number to be aimed for.

It is a nice, round number, offers enough space to explore a bounty, and gives something substantial to read.

Voting not yet open.
I must admit, I continue to be puzzled that improving the lot of our citizens is considered a negative on the world stage. It's rather like someone disapproving of feeding a horse, since clearly the only way to get a great racer is with whips.
Basically what Dain said here:
"it is much safer to be feared than loved because is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails"
You don't lead because you were elected.

You rule because your father had the most, and biggest, guns and people devoted to him when it came to deciding the leader. He spent his reign beating back the vultures and the rebels, before croaking.

You rule because what few tried to get what you have (power) got their shit kicked out by those loyal and afraid, and because you have the most people with the biggest guns devoted to you.

Reputation is your might in the eyes of the mighty, your ability to call upon weapons to back your claims, and the will to show them. It is your ability to pull the strings of a nation so it dances to your will, however you decide.
[X] Plan Take to the seas
-[X] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
[X] Re-Found Your Anemic Navy (The People of Guangchou's Liberation Navy (PGLN)) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)

Plan Diving For Intel
[X] Wei Jungming
-[X] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to research Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, ship building, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors.
-[X] Spend time going through your father's belongings and files. The man possessed many secrets in life, some of which might still prove useful. It's also probably wise to make sure he didn't leave any surprises to deal with before they blow up in your face.
-[X] Relax and destress the best way you know how: at the moment it means finding new ways to torment the Ambassador. Let's try introducing lactose into his diet without him noticing then having his new manservant take care of him afterwards.
HeroCooky made a political section for contacting and using political Parties:
Made a Political section where you can throw Pork projects into.
[] Political
-[] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to begin researching Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, ship building, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors. (Helpful) (+1 Reputation for 2(two) Turns)
So now you need to move this to the main vote and a new 3rd action. Maybe just have him personally support an action?
Can you please make a Political Informational tab to keep track of each faction and our standing with them and what we got them doing?
I'm feeling more convinced with the plan to focus more on maritime infrastructure and economy. Research and intel gathering would be great, but showing actual stuff happen after a big speech is a great way to solidify your public image. Releasing the camp detainees is already a big move, but we can compound that with visible action to improve food supply. From there we can devote more stuff to research and relaxation, the real R&R. 😏

Personally I think it's best if we send out them fishing boats first. Our people have been hungry for a long time. And nothing says changing times like a tummy full of fish in that case.

Can you please make a Political Informational tab to keep track of each faction and our standing with them and what we got them doing?

Yeeaaa… would be bad if we weren't paying attention and the people with the guns decide they don't like us anymore. 👀
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Those who wish to advance the revolution in all aspects, be they economic, socially, or political. They see the fight and the revolution not as a done deal but an everlasting fight. Which could be harmful if you won't advance as they think you should.
(Pretty happy, ngl.)

The drive to advance the world of science is not lost to your people or nation. You may not be the best in creating the cutting edge, but you certainly know your way around numbers and how to invent, as well as how to create innovative solutions with old technologies. Like that time you chucked a tiger at the British with a catapult! However, the Technocrats go a step further, seeing science as the only way to achieve a World Revolution.
([Incoherent Screeching Of Nerdgasms])

Those who hold to your father's strain of ideology of the communist way are called Wei-Ists. In you, they see a continuation of his policies from another hand and will try to guide you into that direction, subtly or by force if they must. But they are loyal, for now...

What is a nation that cannot defend itself from its enemies, one that will fall the moment a foreign boot falls onto its sovereign soil? These people stand, breathe, and die for a strong nation, ready to shield the people from all threats, within and without.
([Ominously T-Posing over a cowering West.])

The people cry out their needs, and we answer with what they want to hear.
(*Ahegao Noises*)

We all need to work together to bring about the final revolution, be it with the silken glove of diplomacy or the iron fist of arms. Then, the people will free the world, know their power, and make the world a village as it was always meant to be.
([Censored due to SV-Site Rules])

The people's strength rests upon their backs, lays within their hands, and is brought forth by their minds. In the crucible of the factory is our will made, with the casting of steel are our cries heard, and with the thunder of artillery will our might be felt.
(Side-Eying the Farmer's Councils)

Farmer's Councils
The collective might and knowledge of Guangchou's Farm Union Representatives brought together under one broad umbrella to serve the people in all manners regarding the aquisition of nutrition, natural materials, and natural luxury goods, be they from the earth, sea, or sky.
(Side-Eying the Industrialists)


The Congressional Union of Ethical Feline Research Navigatiorial Editors (CUEFRNE)
The Trade Union of Miners, Steelworkers, Geologists, and Informed Welders (TTUAMSGIW)
The Ninth Voluntary Reorganized Workers Brigade for a Better Future (NVRWBBF)
Progressional Caretakers Front for the Advancement of Labor, Love, and Living Standards of the Youth (PCFALLLSY)
International Industrial Shipworkers Alliance (IISA)
Workers Front For Liberation Of Suppressed Freedoms Under Capitalism (WFFLOSFUC)
All Peoples Unified Labor Committee (APULC)
Youth Vanguard For the Abolishment of Reactionary Culture, Thought, and Rationale (YVFARCTR)
Federation of Voluntary Sex Workers, United Sociologists, and the Council of Cultural Artifact and History Conservators (FVSWUSCCAHC)
Commission of Pan-Transgender Illumination and Transformation of our Society to Combat Bioconservatism (CPTITSCB).
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Maybe just have him personally support an action?
The Wei Jungmin actions are more for RP than number things. You can have him visit a factory/industry, search for a significant other, adopt a pet/orphan, exercise, do something fun and relaxing, etc.

They'll do something, but I ain't gonna tell you what until the turn is there.
[] Plan Sea Power
-[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Re-Found Your Anemic Navy (The People of Guangchou's Liberation Navy (PGLN)) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[] Perhaps you should start searching for a significant other to create your own family with? Guangchou may be more progressive on these matters than the rest of the world, but as the leader of the nation you're still expected to set an example for your people. Staying single your entire life probably isn't an option.
--[] Spend time going through your father's belongings and files. The man possessed many secrets in life, some of which might still prove useful. It's also probably wise to make sure he didn't leave any surprises to deal with before they blow up in your face.
--[] Plan a surprise tour of the harbors and fisheries.

Four actions seems decent enough for the first turn, unlikely to overstretch us.
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[] Plan Sea Power
-[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Re-Found Your Anemic Navy (The People of Guangchou's Liberation Navy (PGLN)) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)

Four actions seems decent enough for the first turn, unlikely to overstretch us.
Remember the Wei Jungmin RP actions! They don't cost you anything and don't contribute to the limit!
Aww yiss, we gonna liberate the fishes from the ocean. Nothing herald's the opening of fishing season like depth charging a school of tuna. :V

Remember the Wei Jungmin RP actions! They don't cost you anything and don't contribute to the limit!

Let's show off our big brain by leading the research into marine biology, oceanography and aquaculture. Everyone knows how multi-talented dictators are. Time for the world to realize that not only are we an amazing warrior, a great leader, a brilliant visionary and compassionate family man, but we're also a genius in all fields of science. 👀
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[X] Plan: Two Entire Actual Harbors

-[X] Construct TWO new harbors (Helpful) (+2 Reputation)
-[X] Assemble fishing fleets for both of them (+2 People's Opinion)
-[X] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to research Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, ship building, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors.

-[X] Wei Jungmin:
--[X] Go on a Fishing Trip with the Party around where the harbors are being built, to propagandize the new aquaculture plans to the public. Invite the Chinese Ambassador too.
--[X] Spend time going through your father's belongings and files. The man possessed many secrets in life, some of which might still prove useful. It's also probably wise to make sure he didn't leave any surprises to deal with before they blow up in your face.
--[X] Plan a surprise tour of the harbors and fisheries.
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[X] Dain24701

(We survived?)

(...we may need to adjust our model we use to calculate our survival.)

(Ey, how's it going? Keep up the good fight!)

(We need so many things. Please do something!)

(Smile for the camera!)


(Sooooo... new industry when?)
Ok so spitballing here,
progressives should be thrown at our social and economical issues
Technocrats the R&D sciencey stuff
Wei-ists our yes-genders and background staff (what do they actually do?)
Military is on the back burner till we can get them stuff. Maybe we can assign them busy work like making plans if we get invaded and how to combat a better supplies army\navy
Populists are obviously the paparazzi.
Internationalist...back burner.
And Industrialusts are for the actual building once R&D are done spitballing.
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Voting is open