Voting is open
If it's 1970 China would be in the middle of the Cultural Revolution. We might cultivate their favor in the immediate moment by ridding ourselves of our own "backwards" and "traditionalist" elements. To this end I advocate purging the nationalists and isolationists. Industrialists might have to go as well if our industry is too "privately concentrated."

As for the First 5-Year Plan I advocate building up a Navy, independent of the Army. We could better protect our vital trade routes, and a military institution of our own making could act as a check against the power of our current military.
From what I understand with this built our focus will be to try and make the life of the population better currently we have an adequate military and heavy industry but the food situation is abyssal bordering on constant famine I think the priority of our first five year plan should really be about alleviating this problem first and foremost. going trough the green revolution, mechanizing agriculture and even if necessary send some of the population back to the fields.
[] Plan Out With The Old
--[] Old Guard
--[] Nationalists
--[] Isolationists
-[] Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador
--[] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.
-[] Executive Order: ???
-[] The First 5-Year Plan: The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance
--[] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our food situation by investing both in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must utilize the latest technologies and techniques in these fields. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new schools and research institutions focused on these fields.
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--[] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our agriculture so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must have a first-class agricultural sector that utilizes the latest technology and techniques. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new agricultural schools, biotechnological research institutions, and so on.
since we are on an island i think it would be easier to specifically focus on cultivating fish since we seem to have a good population of them and space is limited on our island
--[] Old Guard
--[] Nationalists
--[] Isolationists
I like your plan!
-[] Wei-ists
Those who hold to your father's strain of ideology of the communist way are called Wei-Ists. In you, they see a continuation of his policies from another hand and will try to guide you into that direction, subtly or by force if they must. But they are loyal, for now...
But if we really want a fresh start, we should kill our dad's cult too.
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I would like to mention that voting has been opened.

Here are some Executive Order ideas for the thread for those lacking one:

-Mass Vaccination Programm against (DISEASE), fully eradicating it from your nation.
-General Mass Vaccination Programm, boosting your people's health.
-Abolishing The Deathcamps because
--The Cultural Revolution has cleansed the Capitalistic taint from our people, for now, and forever!
--As an international commitment to stand for Human Rights, as they are essential to the victory of the Eternal Revolution!
--(Other Reasons)
-Opening your borders to the oppressed and hated minorities of the world to find comrades and freedom amongst their peers and siblings of the fight for Complete Equality. (Which will parrot the US and make them angery.)
-Declaring a national holiday
Something tells me our Healthcare system wouldn't be able to handle a full vaccination program. Better to keep that idea in our pocket until we have a better view on things. Opening our borders to refugees would sync nicely with purging the Isolationists, but that can also come later.
If we're worried about going too fast for the Old Guard, we could convert the deathcamps to reeducation camps. I hear they're much nicer!
I'm already purging the Old Guard, so I'm not too worried about that. But we should totally convert the death camps into political re-education camps, following the example of Comrade Mao! Anyone can be turned into a good Communist if shown the errors of their ways. @HeroCooky I assume the groups we purge will then be send to re-education instead of shot in the head?
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assume the groups we purge will then be send to re-education instead of shot in the head?
The "Re-Education" Camps are the Deathcamps. But instead of torturing them to get information about possible political dissidents, you'll give them a clean execution or prison until death to "wipe the slate clean" so to speak.

Or you just chuck them into actual re-education camps as per your Executive Order.
[X] Plan Out With The Old
--[X] Old Guard
--[X] Nationalists
--[X] Isolationists
-[X] Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador
--[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.
-[X] Executive Order: It has come to the Great Leader's attention that the comrades send to our Re-Education Facilities are too often treated as pro-capitalistic wreckers and imperialist agents conspiring against the People. This is a grave mistake. We have long since banished the specters of capitalism and imperialism from our Worker's State. These comrades are simply mistaken, that's all. Let us not forget that Marxism is first and foremost a science, and like any good scientist it is our task to educate the ignorant. As such, our Re-Education Facilities will from now on stop punishing any mistaken comrades and instead focus on rehabilitating them. If Comrade Mao managed to turn the last Emperor of China into a good Communist, then this can't be too hard.
-[X] The First 5-Year Plan: The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance
--[X] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our food situation by investing both in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must utilize the latest technologies and techniques in these fields. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new schools and research institutions focused on these fields.

People may want to go for something more wholesome than "political re-education camps", but that also means the death camps remain as they are.
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[X] Plan Out With The Old Revolution in with the New Asia
--[X] Old Guard
--[X] Nationalists
--[X] Isolationists
--[X] Internationalists
-[X] Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador
--[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.
-[X] Executive Order: It has come to the Great Leader's attention that the comrades send to our Re-Education Facilities are too often treated as pro-capitalistic wreckers and imperialist agents conspiring against the People. This is a grave mistake. We have long since banished the specters of capitalism and imperialism from our Worker's State. These comrades are simply mistaken, that's all. Let us not forget that Marxism is first and foremost a science, and like any good scientist it is our task to educate the ignorant. As such, our Re-Education Facilities will from now on stop punishing any mistaken comrades and instead focus on rehabilitating them. If Comrade Mao managed to turn the last Emperor of China into a good Communist, then this can't be too hard.
-[X] The First 5-Year Plan: The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance in Preparation of an Asian Eternity
--[X] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our food situation by investing both in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must utilize the latest technologies and techniques in these fields. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new schools and research institutions focused on these fields. A tertiary long-term focus of the plan is to prepare Guangchou as a viable trade partner and member of the Asian community. No longer must we be isolated from our fellow Asians trade is the lifeblood of nations and our nation must be the masters of Intra-Asian trade.
--[X] "The fields of knowledge and plenty lay fallow following the revolution. The Old Guard in their ignorance curtailed the people's enlightenment who aginst my father's vision would rather see the children starve than ensure the bounty would spread to all. The Nationalists and Isolationists whose rhetoric is an affront to the ideals of Maoism and the Three Worlds Theory would rather spread their chauvinism to the starving masses and the peasants who are our backbone of the revolution. Finally, a curse upon the Internationalists for their simpering protestations towards the decadent, state-capitalist, and revisionist Soviet Union and the belief that a world-revolution is necessary when at home starvation and ignorance are widespread while we are only in the periphery in their eyes. No, while our first and foremost goal is for our homes to be free of famine and ignorance. Our, second much more noble goal is to be free from the confines of Western and Soviet Imperialists with a mindset for a strong Asian community set against a world dominated by European, American, and Soviet bureaucratic-capitalist exploitation."

I'm doing something else more rabid Asianess against our real enemies European, American, and Soviet Imperialists! We must shine through a golden era of an Asian Eternity.
[X] Plan Out With The Old Revolution in with the New Asia
You claim to purge the Isolationists and Nationalists for their chauvinism, but your plan is itself pure Racial Chauvinism! You would abandon the good comrades outside of Asia in order to basically recreate Fascist Japan's Co-Prosperity Sphere! This is dangerous revisionist nonsense.

The vast majority of Asia is still capitalist anyway and any trade with them would simply strengthen their bourgeoisie's dictatorial grip on the proletariat, unless we take up the Internationalist cause of aiding our comrades in liberating themselves.
You claim to purge the Isolationists and Nationalists for their chauvinism, but your plan is itself pure Racial Chauvinism! You would abandon the good comrades outside of Asia in order to basically recreate Fascist Japan's Co-Prosperity Sphere! This is dangerous revisionist nonsense.

The vast majority of Asia is still capitalist anyway and any trade with them would simply strengthen their bourgeoisie's dictatorial grip on the proletariat, unless we take up the Internationalist cause of aiding our comrades in liberating themselves.
But comrade isn't the Asian ideal be the non-intervention of domestic affairs and while it could be fortunate that a revolution or two could make things faster. It is of utmost importance to proceed with ba stronger Asia first the eventualities come later. And while we purge the taint of chauvinism it is but an example when we are a city upon the hill for all of Asia to follow like glorious China under the astute leadership of Comrade Mao.
But comrade isn't the Asian ideal be the non-intervention of domestic affairs and while it could be fortunate that a revolution or two could make things faster. It is of utmost importance to proceed with ba stronger Asia first the eventualities come later. And while we purge the taint of chauvinism it is but an example when we are a city upon the hill for all of Asia to follow like glorious China under the astute leadership of Comrade Mao.
You speak about "Asia" and "Asians" as if these aren't arbitrary distinctions created by the bourgeoisie to divide the international proletariat. And your talk about creating a "Shining City On A Hill" that others will surely emulate smells of Utopianism, which was scientifically disproven by Marx more than a century ago.

Socialism In One Country doesn't work. You're merely copying failed Stalinism, and we all know how that ends.
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Impossibru Marx!
Have Two Abundant and Two Good Industry Indicators in any category for one Five-Year Plan.

His Dream Come True
Have a median workweek of five hours without crashing your productivity.

Let's Hope They Can't Unionise
Fully Automatise (>80%) your nation with no societal collapse or instability.

Fuck China, China Is Asshoe
Reach 0/10 Chinese Opinion without inviting an invasion or suffering any ill effects.

The Great Leader, If You'd Please.
Hold 95 Reputation and People's Opinion for one entire Five-Year Plan.

Test Of Time
Fulfill Four Five-Year Plans.
Impossibru Marx!
Have Two Abundant and Two Good Industry Indicators in any category for one Five-Year Plan.

His Dream Come True
Have a median workweek of five hours without crashing your productivity.

Let's Hope They Can't Unionise
Fully Automatise (>80%) your nation with no societal collapse or instability.

Fuck China, China Is Asshoe
Reach 0/10 Chinese Opinion without inviting an invasion or suffering any ill effects.

The Great Leader, If You'd Please.
Hold 95 Reputation and People's Opinion for one entire Five-Year Plan.

Test Of Time
Fulfill Four Five-Year Plans.

Lol, guess we got Achievements now. XD I hope we can press 'continue' even after winning.
Voting is open