Negaverse - AMERICA AD ASTARTE: An American Cold War Quest!
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- California,USA
AMERICA AD ASTARTE: An American Cold War Quest!
OK, its spring 1974 guys, and you have quite a few crisis points to resolve, before I get into the policy decision phase
So here are the various crisises:
Unfortunately, the Iwo Jima has beeched on the shores of a small country off the shore of China called Guanchou. Now, you need to formulate your response to the situation. How will you be retrieving your carrier and your sailors[] Send a UN diplomat to negotiate release of sailors and ship
[] send Diplomat directly to China to negotiate release of ship and sailors
[] send Diplomat directly to USSR to negotiate release of ship and sailors
[] Demand UN investigatory commission to confirm well-being of sailors
[] use spy planes to confirm well being of sailors and ship
[] use spies to confirm well being of sailors and ships
[] Extract High risk personnel before they are captured and tortured (write in how)
North Vietnam is possibly finishing its conquest of South Vietnam. Congress has started the process of cutting off all monetary support for Vietnam. Will you reverse this decision in light of the renewed conflict[] Support South Vietnam with more Funding
[] Continue to draw down funding support
[] maintain current level of monetary support until armed conflict ends
As stated in the last results post, your attempts to downplay your election interference didn't work at all. Now, everyone is demanding you to release the tapes unredacted, as they state that your record will be clean if you really aren't at fault here[] release the tapes
[] refuse to release the tapes; Strong likelihood of impeachment next turn
[] resign; Gain the trait Untrustworthy government (-10 politics rolls) for the next 5 years
The Carnation Revolution
Now then this is Intereasting their Appears to be a Coup Deta in the Works in Portugaul...mayhaps its time to get involved? Be warned events in this revolution may flow quickly[] Send in Troops to support government
[] send monetary support for government
[] refuse to support the Portuguese government in its civil war
[] support rebels with weapons
Kissinger has finally been able to hammer out a deal with OPEC. IT will mean losing all rewards from the Yom Kippur War, and returning all lands. Refusal to sign will mean you will continue to experience a severe (-50) debuff on any economic rolls.What should we do with the deal he negotiated?
[] Accept the deal
[] REJECT THE DEAL! Stand Strong against OPEC and its vile actions!
[] Attempt to renegotiate the deal to keep some lands.
So it all started with Eisenhower ruining a perfectly reasonable ally who had questionable land reform policies at the request of a Corporation that was lying on a Tax form and being undercut. And the Puppet we put in charge went off the deep end due to racial and political tensions? Great, this is not looking good, the PR alone will ruin us and drain money we could be using for something productive?Question is...What do we do with this?
Goddamn, do you remember in the first thread, when we were punching nazis? This sequel really ain't living up. We really need to commit to an invasion
[X] - BLOW UP THE CARRIER! Refuse to let them have the ship
[X] - INVADE! Make sure we free our boys! and have their captors at gunpoint!
[X] Reinvade Vietnam!
[X] Invade Cambodia Again! We need to send a proper message!
Ben Franklin:
Oh god, please no! No no no! No invasion!
I mean, don't our Carriers have nuclear bombs in them too! We can't bomb the carrier either. We need safe extraction immediately. no one must know that we were carrying nukes. We also need to make sure none of our sailors give any information away
[X] send Diplomat directly to Guangchou to negotiate release of ship and sailors
[X] use submarines to extract nuclear bombs and any technicians involved with nuclear materials
[X] have sailors practice counterintelligence. Make sure they don't reveal any information and don't suffer stolkholm syndrome
Vietnam is obvious. QM made it clear to stop dicking around with our promises. We keep our promises and continue to draw down.
[X] Continue to draw down funding support
The tapes need to be redacted. We can just give some bullshit about curses being removed, but we should be able to remove direct evidence for our worst crimes if we make strategic redactions
[X] release the tapes
OK, who wants to do Vietnam again. Or perhaps Bay of Pigs? But this time in Europe? No one? Yeah, lets not do this again. I honestly don't even care if its a communist plot. I just want us to not start terrible conflicts for no reason again
[X] refuse to support the Portuguese government in its civil war
Oil crisis is a no brainer. We can't survive these debuffs on our economy anymore.
[X] Accept the deal
You know its some bullshit we won the war, but we had to give everything up right?
And wow, the Guangchou options are shit. We need to send a spy, and try to setup a puppet leader. I do agree with Franklin that we need to remove our nukes ASAP!
[X] send Diplomat directly to Guangchou to negotiate release of ship and sailors
[X] use submarines to extract nuclear bombs and any technicians involved with nuclear materials
[X] use spies to set up revolution against communist tyranny
Where the fuck did nukes come from?! I know this quest is different from the first one because of nuclear weapons are common, but that doesn't mean they should literally involved in every crisis.
Whatever, there have literally been 7 people already voting for extracting the nukes already, so I guess I'll accept it.
Well, lets rolls for results:
Portugese Revolution Roll:D100 => 100 |Crit: D100 => 97 + 5 | CRIT: D100 => 98 | D100 => 84
Total: 384
OK, Good news guys. You didn't decide to get involved in the bloodless Portugese coup. That means they won't hate you!
The Carnation Revolution
Now then this is Intereasting their Appears to be a Coup Deta in the Works in Portugaul...mayhaps its time to get involved-Ohh...they got rid of the government and restored Democracy?
Good for them.
Guangchou Crisis
[X] use submarines to extract nuclear bombs and any technicians involved with nuclear materials, Make sure secrecy of extraction is maintained and no one knows about this
Congratulations guys! all fissile material is retrieved successfully, and all officers charged with handling said nuclear materials (Petty officer Derrick Thompson, and Chief Petty Officer Matthew Barton) were all able to be retrieved from the island without any real records being left behind. Derrick just left behind his lucky bottlecap, but nothing that could actually identify him.
[X] have sailors practice counterintelligence. Make sure they don't reveal any information and don't suffer stolkholm syndrome (THIS ISN"T A REAL THING BY THE WAY)
D100 => 3
How do they fail?
Guangchou Torture: D100 => 2; Ummm no torture, but one soldier complained about the lack of hershey's kisses, I guess
American Party Time Guangchou: D100 => 91; Americans partied like there was no tomorrow
"What do you mean they're demanding An Embassy and Tourism Leave!" "TOO FUN!! YOU GO to JAPAN ON LEAVE!"
Information released during partying?: D100 => 16; Guangchou was able to learn about about the number of sailors that were supposed to be on board, and that was it
So, not great news, buts its not like Guangchou got the keys to your ship or anything.
[X] send US and UN Diplomat directly to Guangchou to negotiate release of ship and sailors; Have them investigate sailors and ensure their well being; Make sure that every sailor is accounted for. We will leave no one behind
D100 => 92 - 10 = 82;
The diplomats find everything. Including the fact that 2 sailors are missing. Your diplomats do not know that you have extracted these sailors, and are demanding access to the rest of the island to find them
Guangchou reaction: D100 => 18;
This did not go over well. They continue to point out that they allowed sailors limited access within the island, and that they ensured that all sailors who left the ships each night were returned in the morning
Chinese Reaction: D100 => 11;
China is extremely unhappy, and believe that you may be framing this country so that you can arrange a regime change
So, umm... your choices kind of contradicted each other and created this situation. Now, the UN diplomat is attempting to find the sailors you extracted earlier. How will you resolve this situation:
[] Attempt to deescalate the situation (write in exact details)
[] escalate situation and make more demands out of Guangchou
Oh shit! What can we do. Our diplomat should be able to inform the UN guy about this. We do not want to escalate
Neither the UN nor US diplomat know about the extraction mission. I think any rolls would have to be with CIA themselves.
We loaded all the diplomacy debuffs on the CIA. I think its something like a -50
[X] Deescalate the situation; Attempt to reinsert the missing sailors to the ship
Ben Franklin:
You are kidding, right FDR? that would take weeks. We need to do the diplomacy check.
I say we burn out the 'The Best We Have' Reroll on this choice. This is looking like another cuban missile crisis, and we burned 3 rerolls on that event. We can burn our only remaining reroll this year on Guanchou.
[X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat and to Guangchou; explain soldiers are in Japan now
Are you crazy? The CIA does not do diplomacy checks.
We made sure the CIA are the only ones that know about the nukes and the sailors. They have to do the diplomacy check. However, we don't need to tell everything
[X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat; explain soldiers are in Japan now
You know, I honestly can't believe we fucked up because we made a 93 roll. Of course we have too much success
Walt Disney:
[X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat and to Guangchou; explain soldiers are in Japan now
[X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat and to Guangchou; explain soldiers are in Japan now
Davy Crocket:
[X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat and to Guangchou; explain soldiers are in Japan now
CIA Roll:D100 => 1 | natural one: 1 #CIA Madness
The Best We Have Reroll:D100 => 92 - 48 = 44 #CIA Madness
Good thing you used the reroll. That would've had an explosive accident occuring during your stay in japan
You know what, You guys should be encouraged to make more detailed plans, so i don't want to punish you too much for this event, so you are able to get the message out. Guangchou may rightly demand reparations for extracting the sailors, and the UN will support payment, but otherwise, diplomatic efforts don't break down.
The handling rules for nuclear material are such bullshit. Nat 1's shouldn't lead to us just randomly exploding nukes
Benedict Arnold:
Wait, are we allowed to reroll in japan? Don't they have a trait that doesn't allow for rerolls when its anything involving nukes? Its a land bonus, I believe
Fuck that. I am not applying the bomb trauma debuff, just so that a nuke can go off in Tokyo. I'll come up with something more reasonable.
edit: here, the repercussions for your 1, that the japanese somehow remember.
Japanese Defectors: The Guangchou crisis of 1974 once again involved japan in nuclear turmoil. This event radicalized many japanese, who saw america once again involving Japan in nuclear troubles, with some stories about how the americans almost set off the bombs while in Tokyo. Unfortunately, many have been raised in stories based around themes of pacifism. Many in that community now argue against the divide between east and west, and some secretly work to undercut the arms race.
For certain industries, any program within them will need to roll for how much information is leaked to similar communist programs for each innovation. High rolls (>90) will result in open collaboration between foreign programs and japanese leftist groups for civilian designs.
This only applies to 1 industrial field, but may expand to other fields if there are more nuclear incidents
bullshit! Its mecha right?
Ben Franklin:
Patton, please leave. Even the QM isn't that sadistic. You have no right to be mean, when he basically undid a nuclear explosion in tokyo
Goosemag said:"Sweet Merciful heavens, our guys are treated well and we want to escalate the situation to crazy amounts of bullshit? Guys, what happened to 'Sensible' Policy following Americas path through the 70's? Have our 60's success under Big Dick Johnson really jade you guys into spending everything we have onto this stuff? Because even if we did invade a sovrign nation again, what point would we have this time? They beat us to the PR roll and that means that the good treatment of our sailors means we will be the baddies in this situation!
And we are suffering too many diplomacy Debuffs as is with Good ole Tricky Dick and that shit show in Israel that is still screwing us over. So lets play things historically for now, and just chill out, and deal with this properly.
Ugh, I hope our RND boys are doing better then our political turn, because we're fucked for the next year without a reroll."
AN: Tag with Negaverse Tags to Me or @Anon500 Enjoy and bask in both the Joy and Salt of American Power.
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