Super Robot Quest

Super Robot Quest
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It is AD 2070, and world peace is under threat.

The Earth Union has presided over thirty years...
Prologue: Setting the Stage
It is AD 2070, and world peace is under threat.

The Earth Union has presided over thirty years of peace, prosperity, and growth. Healing the scars left behind by the
Unification Wars and the Day of Starfall, the Earth Union has brought the world together for the betterment of mankind. With technological innovations in medicine, space exploration and commerce, mankind is poised for greatness.

But it is also on the precipice of ruin. For even now, in what would be our Golden Era, those jealous of the Earth Union's success would bring down the dreams of peace to ruin.

The simmering resentment of those who longed for their positions of power and prestige in the Old World would consign the Earth Union to squabbling superpowers and nuclear fire. The
Westphalian Separatist Movement continues to launch terror attacks against innocent citizens in the hopes of undermining the Earth Union's legitimacy and continue to bring frightening weaponry to bear.

The rise of the criminal mad scientist
George Sheol and his kaiju abominations continue to ravage the Pacific districts. Having long since declared his right to rule mankind, he will not stop until either he is dead, or all the world lies in ruins. It is only at great cost that the Earth Union Defense Force (EUDF) can stop the kaiju, and the damage continues to rise with each attack.

And even with the promise of a better future, mankind's First Contact has been a violent one. The alien
Kausen abruptly arrived but a year ago, and have conducted nothing but raids on infrastructure, trade convoys, and energy. The Kausen have initiated no contact with the Earth Union or its' leaders, only their violent raids and demands to surrender cargo. EUDF commanders can only do so much when their Soldiers' equipment is so clearly outmatched.

Yet all is not lost. The rise of the
Super Robots has gone some way to pushing back against the threats. In the Pacific, Sheol's attacks are vigorously contested by the mighty Mercury V, and the black robotic giant has become a symbol of Earth's defiance. The threat of the Westphalians in Europe is also challenged by the stalwart Valiant, who stands to protect the innocent where evildoers dare to tread.

As mighty as the Super Robots are, they are but two, and the threats myriad. Many fear for the future and wonder how humanity will endure.

One man is about to find out and change history forever.

1248, 4 January, A.D. 2070
Earth Union Defense Force Headquarters, Research and Development Branch
Unity Station, Mid-Atlantic Ocean

"-another kaiju attack just hit Manila-"

"-more damned separatists are running wild all over Barcelona, I don't care if they're-"

"-ew Year, and already getting Kausen raids along Newfoundland-"

The whispers echo fretfully along the cool, metallic blue hallways of Unity Station as you stride confidently towards your appointment. You have, of course, heard of all the recent attacks; it's all the news networks seem to be talking about. You would have even been a part of the response efforts if you hadn't been called here.

You are Johnathan Devin. Newly-promoted Major of the United States Army. Seconded to the Earth Union Defense Force, a fact that the globe and shield patch on your right shoulder reminds you of daily. And you honestly aren't even sure why you were called. It's not every day someone as high as a Brigadier General (rank discrepancies with the Earth Union and national armed forces aside) calls on a Major. Much less get called to the Capital and military nerve center of the Earth Union, Unity Station itself.

Oh, you certainly saw the strange stares from people far more senior than you; whether it's due to your rank or your reputation, you're unsure. You're just glad you're indoors, or you'd have a medical ticket for a fatigued arm from saluting by now.

Still, as you approached your destination, you are reminded more and more of the fact that you are in the center of the world government. Besides the grand optics of a giant man-made floating city in the Atlantic, many small details build up to a bigger message. There's hardly a flickering light that's gone just long enough without maintenance to notice, not a speck of rust on any of the walls…there's even fully-stocked canteen vendors placed every few corridors. From the many, many pictures on the walls celebrating humanity's great achievements – particularly invention and innovation, appropriate to where you were – to commemorative plaques of some event, all brightly announce that the Earth Union is the guiding hand of humanity.

Shame that there's plenty out there who still don't agree. But you digress.

You're shaken out of your reverie when you enter the office to your appointment. "Identification please," an officer requests in an almost monotone voice from behind a rather nice oak desk. The foyer seems almost out of place from the rest of Unity Station; granted, you'd only seen the main thoroughfares, but here there were upholstered seats, some carpeting, and ceiling fans. It almost looked like a normal office. If it weren't for the uniform and the EUDF patch sewn onto his left shoulder, the man working the desk could be a corporate executive elsewhere, complete with document editor screens hanging askew around him.

As you hand over your ID card, the aide – your eyes habitually glide over the shoulder boards, noticing he is a Captain from the Republic of Korea – blinks his eyes slightly into more focus. "Ah, my apologies, Sir," he says as he inserts the card into a slow on his computer. A new holographic window opens itself between the two of you, and angles itself so both of you can view it, verifying that you are who you claim to be. "It has been a long day...ah. Very good, identification verified." The screen displaying your basic information and service records, abruptly snaps shut, leaving only empty space where there was a screen. "Now, one moment please. I will ensure Brigadier General Peters will see you shortly."

He is as good as his word, and before long you are admitted into the office proper of Brigadier General Louis Peters. Though her office is just as seemingly-opulent as the waiting room, that is not what draws your attention. The elderly woman behind the desk in the uniform of a Brigadier General in the British Army radiates an air of authority, demanding your respect before even laying eyes on her. Cold grey eyes seem to stare right through you, as if wondering how exactly you would fit into some puzzle only she could see.

Trying not to let that get to you too much, you take a few steps forward before snapping to attention and saluting. "Major Devin, reporting as ordered."

"At ease." Idly returning your salute, she gestures curtly towards the chair in front of her desk. "No doubt you're wondering why the hell you're here, aren't you?" she asked, directly jumping to business.

"A little, Ma'am," you answer honestly enough.

[] – "I'm honestly not sure what you want with a loggie like me."
"Please, Major. 'Logistician' will do. And don't think I'm unaware of your relief efforts during the Day of Starfall anniversary last year."

[] – "What do you need with a helo pilot?"
"I know about how quickly you and your aviators flew against the Kausen raids. I also know you've seen them. Care to elaborate on it?"

[] – "I know guns, Ma'am. Not sure how I fit in here."
"You also know enough about the current state of them. Specifically, how much it takes us right now to bring down a single Kaiju."

Why this quest?
As cheesy and goofy as they can be, I love the classic Super Robot anime, for about the same reasons I love Silver Age superheroes. Cheese, technobabble, and just downright moxie and derring-do all wrapped in a tale of good vs. evil, determination, and overcoming great obstacles for a great but simple cause. It's admittedly not the most complicated plot style out there, but damn if it isn't fun.

Anyone who is already familiar with this genre (or anyone who's just flat-out played any Super Robot Wars/Taisen in recent memory) probably knows where I'm going with this. Series as old as Mazinger Z and Getter Robo, to the 90s such as the Brave/Yuusha series (ExKaiser, Might Gaine, GaoGaiGar), to something more recent (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann). It's in the spirit of these series that I decided, 'let's try out this whole quest thing.'

If you are looking for Mobile Suit Gundam-style military conflicts and political intrigues…well, while some of that might be in here (no promises), there is already another Quest running that covers the 'Real Robot' genre quite nicely. A shout out to Petals of Titanium; I highly recommend it!

Okay, so what is this quest about?
Good question! As I type this, I'm still figuring it out! But as an upfront disclaimer: you are not the pilot.

You are playing as the Director for the Earth Union's crash program on what are popularly termed "Super Robots."

The Earth Union wants and needs its own response to the threats plaguing it, and it does not want to rely on civilian programs it does not control. For whatever reason (which will be highlighted as you play), you will be responsible for developing that response. Recruit the people you think can make your vision a reality, establish the facilities and defenses to house your project, and create the Union's answer to the alien invaders!

Great! So how will we play? Will there be numbers?
This is going to be a narrative-heavy quest. In a similar vein to Dark Prince of Camelot or Petals of Titanium, this is going to be a joint-story writing effort between the players and myself.

Will there be numbers? A little bit. I'm much more of a writer than a number cruncher, and most rulesets that are already floating around do not really fit what I am trying to go for here (not even Mekton Zeta).

SIMPLE is the name of the game for me here (Well, it's actually Super Robot Quest, but-look, you get the idea). I want to focus on the trials and the obstacles of making some damned sense out of the mad SCIENCE running around. Even what you might consider 'failures' can be repurposed into a strong supporting asset.
(Whether or not I succeeded at "Simple" I leave to you. Fully willing to admit I may fall short in some areas)

Additional posts will introduce and discuss the mechanics, but this will be a mixture of d6 rolling and point-buy. Your Military, Science and Engineer teams will roll to even see if build options are available, and then you will assemble a prototype.

Anything else?
As a disclaimer, this is my first attempt to run a Quest. How will this turn out? No clue! But I'm eager to find out. I welcome all debate and discussions, but here are some rules for the thread.

Spoilers: This naturally draws inspiration from a lot of anime and other media. If you want to discuss them in the thread, that's fine. But for anything spoiler-y, please hide in spoiler boxes. Just because you saw a series and all the attached OVAs/supplemental material doesn't mean everyone else has!

Keep the discussions civil. I am making this Quest for fun, so let's all enjoy it in that spirit.

PS: I wanted to use the tag "Super Robot" but that isn't exactly in there. The tags are as close as I can make 'em. *shrug*
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In the year A.D. 2040, what would later be called the Unification War ended. With its' end came the founding of the Earth Union.

A supranational government, the Earth Union is a governmental body that holds sovereignty and jurisdiction over its' collective member-states. From the humblest nation to the mightiest superpower, all answer to the Earth Union. In turn, they are allowed autonomy relatively close to pre-Unification, so long as their laws do not contradict that of the Earth Union's.

The Earth Union maintains its power through participation of the member-states. All are allocated proportional representation in a parliamentary system. Representatives are elected domestically by their own populations and representatives, who in turn are entrusted with voting for the Prime Minister of the Earth Union for a four-year appointment.

The Earth Union is separated into Districts, and in turn subdivided by pre-Unification national borders. North America, South America, Europe, the Steppes, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australia. The Earth Union's agencies maintain jurisdiction within these Districts, such as military, law enforcement, and trade.

The Earth Union is not without its own divisions. Many of the member-states, while willing participants, still chafe at a perceived loss of power and prestige in the new world order. Internal politicking and jockeying for position of primus inter pares is not uncommon. Appointments to positions of power are often a mixture of merit and political bargaining, leading to a general sense of governmental sluggishness.

Nowhere is this more felt than in the armed forces of the Earth Union, the Earth Union Defense Force. While the EUDF has integrated the military talents of the world admirably enough, the friction of political jockeying in the civilian sector often rears its' head in the military as well, leading to the military being an unholy amalgamation of a meritocracy and political dealings. While very few of the military appointments are downright nepotistic, this has led to accusations of failing to maximize the potential talent of humanity's military.

The Earth Union is a young and relatively untested organization, and its rule has not been unchallenged. Though it maintains order from the capital of Unity Station, much of the older generation clamors for the pre-Unification days. Perceiving their new place in the world as a loss of sovereignty at the tip of the nuclear sword, a Separatist Movement across many member-states has been growing for many years.

For all its' flaws, however, the Earth Union and its' Defense Force has without a doubt guaranteed a period of peace. Separatist sympathies notwithstanding, the first thirty years of Unification has seen a period of unprecedented economic growth, scientific advancement, and a flowering of arts. If nothing else, as the EUDF comes to grips with the myriad of threats that have abruptly risen to destroy the Union, many point to the promise of peace and prosperity as something worth fighting for.

The year is A.D. 2070. The following decade will see the Earth Union stand strong or break completely.

Called by both its supporters and detractors as the "Grand Experiment," the Earth Union Defense Force (EUDF) is the steady consolidation of all the armed forces on the planet. It is divided into three broad categories: the Ground Defense Force, the Air Defense Force, and the Naval Defense Force (with the integration of member states' respective Marines incorporated into the Navy).

Each member state of the Earth Union is required by the Pusan Accords to contribute a proportionate amount of their armed forces to a wider EUDF command structure. These personnel who are seconded in this way to the EUDF retain their original uniforms, with the EUDF digital badge sewn into their right shoulder, but are then incorporated into the EUDF formations. It is not uncommon to see a staggering amount of variety in uniform dress; a handful of American Soldiers could be dwarfed by Russian Ground Force uniforms, with the occasional sight of the People's Liberation Army uniform. This has been a source of critique from the older, more established national militaries.

In recent years, the EUDF has been experimenting with creating dedicated EUDF formations, not simply those contributed from the member states' armed forces. Though very small in number, training camps and officer academies beholden only to the Earth Union have begun operations in the larger member states, with their own traditions and uniforms. Whether anything comes of this is yet to be seen.

The EUDF otherwise operates similarly enough to the armed forces of pre-Unification. There is talk of a fourth branch, the Earth Union Space Defense Force, but this development has been temporarily delayed by the abrupt arrival of the Kausen.

The Unification Wars is the label historians give to the multiple conflicts that saw the foundation of the Earth Union. What began as a dispute over the militarization of space ultimately combined with territorial disputes between many of the world's major powers. Only the threat of a nuclear exchange and the relative stronger position of the victorious superpowers ensured that the world's leaders chose Unification over nuclear death.

After multiple setbacks in the beginning of the twenty-first century, the United States began to make breakthroughs in space flight. The creation of the first space flight reconnaissance craft, the Norfolk, was the culmination of their efforts. Despite a stated desire for peace, however, its' use by the United States military as a reconnaissance vehicle drew concern from the other superpowers that the United States was willing to militarize space.

An arms race of sorts began, with Russia, China, and even allies such as the United Kingdom, France Japan, South Korea and more investing heavily into space-worthy craft. Tensions began to grow, a situation not helped by already-existing disputes over territory and economic distribution.

To this day, no one can agree on who or what actually started the war.

What is known is that a superpower's spacecraft opened fire on the other in 9 March, 2020. The weapons, even by today's standards, were utterly inconsequential and were designed to break apart incoming debris rather than engage in orbital warfare. However, it was the very act of firing that triggered the beginning of hostilities.

What followed was two decades of limited and undeclared war.

While cooler heads prevailed and prevented active declarations of war from taking place, proxy wars not seen since the end of the Cold War reemerged. Though these wars were much shorter than in the twentieth century, they were no less violent. The Korean Peninsula, the South China Sea, various hotspots in Africa and the Middle East all saw proxy wars for influence and the diminishment of the other.

It took the threat of the superpowers slowly losing control of their proxies, and the additional threat of terrorists operating on the proxies' behalf hijacking space-capable assets, for the major players to realize that drastic action would be necessary. The Day of Starfall, 10 April 2035, saw multiple cities devastated by hijacked military shuttles plowing from orbit into the financial centers of the periphery, plunging the world's economy into chaos. Powers such as the United States and Russia had lost their abilities to carefully juggle their conflicts against the delicate balance of power and economy, and the sites of their conflicts were threatening to descend into outright anarchy. Some countries had already effectively dissolved, and warlordism threatened to become viable as a means of government.

By the end of 2035, the superpowers set aside their differences and began to forcibly reassert order. After bringing the chaotic regions to heel and eliminating terrorist cells to their satisfaction, the superpowers began a long, drawn out process of establishing a World Government. The results would be the Daegu Accords, the agreement that would pave the way to the establishment of the Earth Union by 2040.

However, while this was willingly embraced by the world's populace, many elites and entrenched power brokers in the former nation states, especially those of the superpowers, seethed at the perceived loss of power. It was these disaffected elements that would slowly begin forming the beginning of a Separatist Movement, though they would not reveal themselves for many years.

Known more infamously as the Separatist Movement, Westphalia (or Westphalians) is the commonly held moniker of those violently dissatisfied with the new status quo. Estimated to already having begun to form as early as A.D. 2044, the Westphalians consist mostly of the elites and local centers of power in their nations prior to Unification. Families of old blood and money, criminal organizations and mercenaries, all who profited from the lack of unity of the Old World, the Westphalians seek a return to the decentralization that characterized most of human history.

They are characterized by greed, selfishness, and a sense of self-importance. Operating in cells like the terrorist organizations of old, these cells operate on old nationalist lines, or in some cases even regional or local lines of distinction. Though they interact with each other and engage in minimal trade, this is largely done through criminal transactions and favors promised and issued. Most Westphalians operate with the veneer of loyal Earth Union citizens: most can be found in positions of economic or political power, with the most skilled of them able to play the game of double-life. Their clandestine operations, however, mostly push for profitable exchanges at the expense of the Earth Union.

Of special interest to the Earth Union Intelligence Services are two high ranking Westphalians: the Red King and PJH. The Red King has been identified as the mastermind behind many terror attacks, including the increasing use of modified civilian and military vehicles. His attacks appear to have the aim of discrediting the presence of the Earth Union. Analysts have been unable to ascertain any further motive, or what his ultimate end goal may be, as many of the attacks appear to strike at random and unconnected areas. PJH, on the other hand, appears to have a much more clearcut focus on profiteering. Smuggling, arms dealing, and all manners of petty and corporate theft all appear to link back to him, but the man is crafty enough to disperse existing evidence or eliminate it outright. He does not actively control or command his compatriots, but many answer to him anyway due to his seniority and the sheer amount of wealth and power at his fingertips.

Of concerning note are various pieces of equipment recovered in recent attacks. It is believed by analysts that the Westphalian movement is attempting to test and create a new type of weapon frame that the Earth Union does not have an effective response to yet. This worrying development, combined with the increase of attacks in the chaos of 2070, has led some analysts to be worried about the Earth Union's ability to contain the more militant Westphalians.

Full Name: Johnathan Devin

Age: 32
Member State of Origin: United States of America
Specialty: Logistics
Notable Actions: Evacuation of Pusan (participant), Kaiju Sample Preservation (initiator)
Current Title: Commandant of the Defense Force Research Institute

An officer of the United States Army, he has been seconded to the Earth Union Defense Forces Sustainment Arm for a good half of his career. He has had a solid, competent, but otherwise unremarkable career.

This changed with the Day of Starfall anniversary in 2069. A favored time of attack for Westphalian terrorists, the at-the-time Captain Devin was the officer in charge of providing movement control for the evacuation of wounded civilians to rear hospital facilities. Later citations would recognize the efforts of Captain Devin and his Soldiers for successfully evacuating 5,000 evacuees from the city of Pusan in one night.

This achievement is often overshadowed by being the first EUDF officer to successfully capture and preserve a sample of kaiju biology. Though this event only became more famous in hindsight, Captain Devin was personally on hand when the kaiju attempting to attack Pusan was repulsed by EUDF assets, though only at great cost. When a large scale crashed near him, Captain Devin acted quickly to preserve the sample through unorthodox means.

It was for this reason that Major Devin was headhunted by Brigadier General Peters to run her new Defense Force Research Institute.

While many of the breakthroughs were originally classified, there is widespread recognition from official sources that they are responsible for the revolutionary design known as 'Variable Configuration.' The Jackal-class patrol truck, an unusual iteration on the venerable Coyote-class, enables the drivers to 'configure' into a humanoid Mecha form. It has already been subjected to great praise by Colonel Franklin Kim of the First Response Corps, citing that it has already been able to enact rescue operations previously thought to be impossible.

The Institute's primary mission - that of the creation of an official Union Super Robot - has recently gone public, and the organization has had nearly two years of development time to back up their claims. Time will only tell if the effort can live up to the current legacy as established by Mercury V and Valiant.
Full Name: Haruko Sasaki
Age: 25
Member State of Origin: Japan
Current Title: Executive Officer, Defense Force Research Institute

Captain Sasaki's career has been based on merit and adversity due to serving in posts at the forefront against the kaiju, and very briefly, the Kausen.

Initial training indicated a natural talent of predictive analysis. She could develop a basic understanding against any opponent, simulated and real, and gain a rudimentary understanding of their objectives and goals. From there, she would devise plans to deny them their objectives, or at least make taking them an expensive proposition.

Having served as a flight control officer and flight dispatch, she is an adept hand at coordinating disparate groups of military personnel to a singular purpose.

Her career as Captain and as a Plans officer has been relatively short. However, she was highly sought out by the Earth Union's Aerial Defense Force (EUADF), to which her superiors acquiesced to the transfer. To be specifically identified by EUDF for service was considered a mark of honor and prestige. Her talents have recently come to the forefront with the arrival of the kaiju, and as a staff officer in the EUDF Pacific Command Sector, she has had a part to play in ensuring civilians were evacuated prior to kaiju alert. Her talents were recently focused on the new threat of the Kausen, but her superior General Armistead had her transferred to the newly founded Defense Force Research Institute.

Officially, she was assigned there because BG Peters 'requested' the brightest talent for the DFRI. Unofficially, General Armistead wanted her to keep an eye on the situation. Though General Armistead has by now more than benefited from the DFRI's contributions, his negative reactions towards the Institute have been puzzling even to her.

She has long since gotten over her initial skepticism of the project, and is a full supporter of Major Devin's efforts.
Full Name: Sam Carlson
Age: 37
Member State of Origin: United States of America
Current Title: Chief Scientist of the Defense Force Research Institute

"Sam Carlson here! Chief Scientist of the DFRI!"

"What, you thought I was gonna let some nobody write my own biography? Hell no I won't! All you need to know is that I make the Science happen!"


"Damned right. I spent five years in Unity Station trying to push the studies of ESP Theory, but those stuffed shirts weren't having any of it! Wasn't until Major Devin and his crazy DFRI project came along that I was given the resources I need to really make something happen."

"At this point, I can proudly say that the Super Robot is combat ready! It's been combat ready for awhile, I'll be frank - no, not
you, Frank - but now we've fully brought it up to our standards! Only the latest in what we've managed to put together, a grand culmination of K-Class kaiju Materials, Psychic Piloting Enhancers, and the best Xenotech brought in from the Legio Galbinus! Just let the next batch of poor bastards come our way. Heh. Their funerals."

"So much to do, not nearly enough time to do it all! But it will be done, or my name isn't Sam Carlson!"

"Sam Carlson, we're done here!"
Full Name: Boris Ignatov
Age: 49
Member State of Origin: Russian Federation
Current Title: Supercomputer Engineer, Defense Force Research Institute

Hailing from Novgorod, Dr. Boris Ignatov's original intention was to pursue an ambition of creating smaller supercomputer interfaces for the Defense Force. Going so far as to establish a small startup company, Novgorod Computing Solutions, he and his engineers had some small successes with Defense Force contracts but never quite managing to come close to their original goal.

This all changed when Brigadier General Peters reached out to Dr. Ignatov with a job offer.

Though he is arguably even further away from his original goal of a miniaturized supercomputer, Dr. Ignatov is simultaneously the closest he's ever come to it. With the discovery of pre-Unification databases underneath the Institute, Dr. Ignatov is responsible for turning what was nearly identified as a pre-Unification virus into a series of sentient Artificial Intelligence programs. It is also through his efforts with Dr. Carlson that the creation of the Man Machine Interface, with assistance from his adopted 'daughters,' was even possible.

A quiet and reserved soul, Dr. Ignatov feels the weight of his years starting to - but not quite - creep up on him. Major Devin can count him as a staunch ally, given that through their cooperation he knows he will leave his mark on the world.
The 'Sisters,' as they are colloquially known throughout the DFRI, are the results of the unique strings of code discovered by Major Devin and Dr. Ignatov. Having no physical bodies to call their own, they are all administrative programs represented by their own unique avatars that assist and help the personnel through day-to-day operations at the DFRI.

The sisters go by the names of Katarina, Ivanna, Diana, and Lana.

Katarina, the 'eldest' sister, has the computing power to be everywhere in the facility at once. Cheerful and bubbly, she is simply happy to help out or to poke fun at you to prevent your ego from growing bigger than your head. Katarina's Support provides +1d6 to ANY action once per turn. This refreshes every turn.

Ivanna is the calm bedrock against which the highly volatile enthusiasm of the Science department heads, Sam Carlson and Maximiliane Brand, is anchored against. Calm and thoughtful, she ensures that what the science department proclaims actually works before allowing the results anywhere near the Commandant's Office. Ivanna's Calm allows one Science Action to be re-rolled per turn. This refreshes every turn.

Diana adopts the personality of a model officer, albeit one that is always on the lookout for more efficient methods of accomplishing the goal. If you assign her a task with any of the Defense Force assets, she will make it her mission to accomplish more than what was asked for with the same amount of assigned resources. Diana's Creativity allows one Defense Force Action to roll at a Threshold of -1. This cannot be lowered below 1.

Lana, the youngest, is by far the grumpiest of the sisters. This is somewhat more understandable when one realizes she works with Wilde and Henry on a regular basis. Still, her sheer stubbornness means that any setbacks only encourages her to try again, and again, until she succeeds. Lana's Stubbornness allows you to re-roll ANY dice that lands on 1.
Full Names: Adam Wilde, and James Henry
Ages: 25 and 32
Member State of Origin: United States of America
Current Title: Engineering Officer in Charge and Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge

To say that this pair is eccentric is a gross understatement. Originally based in the EUGDF Alameda Proving Grounds, LT Wilde and Sergeant Henry were originally known for being incredibly creative, but also a significant headache for their commanding officers. As often as they were responsible for miracles of repairs, they were known for just as many wrecks from their experiments. It was from one such experiment that caught the eye of Major Devin. This attention turned what was a flight of fancy into one of the modern breakthroughs of Engineering.

Responsible for the 'Variable Configuration' concept, Wilde and Henry are the brains behind the mechanical frames that house the other scientific miracles of the DFRI. Effectively creating transforming (or configuring) mecha, they are also responsible for the Combining Configuration concept behind the Timberwolf and the Foxhound, and are still hard at work creating and refining new designs. It is safe to say that the DFRI would not have a Super Robot without their efforts.

Where Wilde is enthusiastic about his work, cheerful, and practically goofy to a fault, Henry is stoic, quiet, and precise. Together, they create the bodies of the DFRI's Super Robots.

By now, they can claim they are professionals. So please don't try this at home.
Full Name: Louis Peters
Age: 60
Member State of Origin: United Kingdom
Current Title: Commanding General of Research and Development, EUDF

Louis Peters is one of the longest-serving military personnel in the EUDF, and is one of the few remaining who have served in His Majesty's Royal Army before and after Unification. Beginning service right out of graduation from university, her performance was mostly mundane. However, she became much more involved in the Unification Wars as the United Kingdom became drawn into the conflict.

There is very little a public dossier can say legally. Her superiors clearly saw some raw talent in the otherwise unremarkable Peters, as the majority of her campaign credits are still classified to this day. However, she was instrumental in stabilization operations in the aftermath of the Day of Starfall, and she has continued to lead a distinguished career since.

Peters has been the Commanding General of Research and Development since 2065. She promptly made herself a 'bloody nuisance' to policymakers in Unity Station, as she was utterly appalled at the state of the Union's armaments. However, her constant demands to begin a modernization program largely fell on deaf ears, especially considering the many decades of peace.

By 2070, General Peters now appears to be a very forward thinking individual, and has been given the resources she needs to begin upgrades suitable to the threats the Union faces.

Her most controversial decision has been regarding the creation of the 'Defense Force Research Institute.' The goal of creating the Union's own Super Robot has been met with incredulity at best, and open derision at worst. However, Peters remains stubborn on the issue. While openly praising the existing Super Robots for all they do, they are the biggest indication of just how far the Defense Force has to catch up.

She has recently confirmed her actions with the public unveiling of the DFRI's primary mission: the creation of the Defense Force's own home-grown Super Robot. Far from becoming a source of ridicule beyond die-hard critics, at the time of announcement the project has had nearly two years of development time and is reportedly battle-ready.

Nothing to see here. Especially since I don't think you have the clearance now, do you? ;)

Hailing from the mechanical planet of Mekaen, not all of the Kausen are hostile. It is only thanks to the efforts and quick thinking of 1LT Callaghan that it was discovered (and is currently highly restricted information) that there is a strong point of internal division. It is also thanks to 1LT Callaghan's efforts that the Union is, if not quite allied, actively cooperative with the friendlier portion.

Dubbed the Legio Galbinus, so-named according to their own cultural norms and in honor of their leader, the Legion is led by Galbinus-R, whose position in Mekaen is analogous to a Captain in a law enforcement/military capacity. Leading a group of ten Kaus including himself, he and the hostile faction of Kausen were brought here through unknown means. The so-called "Free Brothers" were already known criminals on their homeworld, and while he and his mechs find themselves on a mostly hostile alien world, Galbinus' mission has not changed:

Bring the Free Brother Tyrannous to justice.

The DFRI has recently constructed an Enclave not far from the campus grounds as a friendly gesture and form of cooperation with the Legion to garner their assistance and technology. Both groups have closely cooperated for the better part of a year now, and relations are reasonably warm.

More bits of lore will be unlocked as we progress through the story.
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Character Sheet/Assets
Name: Johnathan Devin
Rank: Major (Army); Seconded to Earth Union Defense Force
Member State of Origin: United States of America

Notable Achievements
- Officer-in-Charge of Pusan Evacuation in 2069; Responsible for rescuing 5,000 evacuees in area of responsibility
- Officer-in-Charge of Kaiju Sample Preservation, Pusan Evacuation; established Basic Procedures for preserving kaiju samples
- Commandant of the Defense Force Research Institute, Morrison University grounds (ongoing)
- Oversaw creation of viable, battle tested Super Robot concept
- Successfully established relations with Legio Galbinus (CLASSIFIED)
- Oversaw creation of Super Artificial Intelligence (CLASSIFIED)
- Acquired additional Kaiju Sample (CLASSIFIED)

OBJECTIVES: Refine Super Robot Development, Prepare for Deployment Against Threats to the Earth Union
STATUS: Formation of Additional Super Robot Team
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Dice Rolls

This game system operates largely based on the Tiny Frontiers system. That is to say, 2d6.

All rolls are categorized as "Tests." To overcome a test, you must roll 2d6. A 5 or 6 on any dice will automatically count as a success, and the Test will be overcome. Anything below will count as a failure.

There are of course modifiers to this.

If I deem you roll at a Disadvantage, you only get to roll 1d6. The opposite holds true for rolling at an Advantage. The success threshold remains the same in either scenario.

Combat is much the same. When two combatants engage, they both roll for Initiative based on 2d6, with (Dis)Advantage modifiers. Whoever wins, gets to go first. In order to land an attack, one will roll 2d6. If they succeed (remember, a 5 or 6), they strike successfully for 1 HP.

Designing, Testing and Building your Super Robot

Every turn, the Player will be allocated Resource Points. This is something I abstract as encompassing funding, materials, unwritten favors and so forth. The Player is operating on an entirely different scale than most actors, as they have the Earth Union's backing.

These Resource Points (now referred to as RP) are used to hire people, conduct wargames/studies of enemies, assembling prototype frames, proofs of concept, etc. But above all, RP are also used to even attempt Research options, the resolution of which is resolved by 2d6 Tests.

Additionally: though this is not reflected in Turn One, your monthly income of RP will be reflected at the beginning of your voting choices. You cannot bank RP for longer than one turn.

In a normal point-buy system, all of the options would already be available for players to preview. In Super Robot Quest, this is not so. The players need to first figure out what they can even do, then they build the prototype, then they have to test it, then they can actually begin considering it as an option for point-buy. Most components will cost 1 RP to buy, 2 - 3 for the more exotic components.

Constructing the Super Robot is considered a special action, and will require at least 5 RP investment to attempt. Players can create a Super Robot with components that cost 0 RP; those components will be considered to be standard equipment (insofar that the rest of the world considers it cutting edge). However, components that cost RP are what make the Super Robot actually Super.


For example, the Engineers first need to figure out how to even construct a robotic frame before they can do anything to even help the Science team. Then they get the Defense Force teams to provide test pilots and a simulated environment to see if it is a feasible design. All of this would be resolved with 2d6 challenges. If the build is considered to be feasible, then that robotic frame will always be available as an option for future Super Robot builds. It will also be available as a means to placate the conservative military heads. The frame by itself isn't terribly useful, but you can adapt a small scale version of it for whatever the EUDF wants to do with it. Peters will take it off your hands, and with it will ensure you keep receiving resources.

Each Adviser will provide you options each turn, much like in other Quests you can see in the board. They are broken up into Defense Force, Engineering, and Science.

NOTE: Under most circumstances, you can take as many options in the Adviser categories as you have the RP available for. However, there will be certain choices which will see "CHOOSE ONE." In that case, even if you have the available RP, you are locked to one choice in that category.

This will likely make more sense when Turn One is unveiled, but in a nutshell:

Defense Force - Captain Sasaki will provide options utilizing the Defense Force. These can range from providing test pilots, screening the wider EUDF for pilot candidates for the full scale Super Robot, sending observers to attack sites, and so forth.

Engineering - Dr. Ignatov and Katarina, along with 1LT Wilde and SFC Henry, will get to work on actually designing and constructing things. Once the Science figures out how to build a Super Robot, the Engineers are given the task to interpret in what way to build it and with what bells and whistles. Super Robots are going to go through a LOT of prototype iterations, so don't be discouraged; it's better to get it right.

Science - Dr. Carlson and his lab boys and girls will make sure the secrets to psychic powers and kaiju samples will be unlocked! FOR SCIENCE!


They will unlock the principles behind the mad science available to you and then make sure they are in a format that the Engineering team can understand. They will also analyze any enemy remains or artifacts that you capture, for wider dissemination in the EUDF and to see if you can incorporate them into your own designs.

A Note about Combat

As you might have seen through the tone of this Quest so far, the players do not actually engage into combat directly. That's the pilots' jobs.

However! You are responsible for giving them the weapons they need to do the job at all. Fighting a Kaiju requires a giant robot. It's your job to build one. (See Above)

Now, when you decide that your Super Robot is ready for battle, you will create a support detachment in charge of taking it out into battle. You will appoint a pilot to command the unit, and that pilot will go into battle on the behalf of you and the EUDF.

Before entering combat, you will hold a pre-battle briefing between yourselves and the pilot, analyze the situation, and then brief the pilot on how you want them to engage the enemy. I will interpret those orders, and then I will roll out combat. Players, however, will roll for Initiative.

The chances of success are going to be somewhat low in the beginning. I want to make clear that this is not something to get discouraged over. Failure is not the end-all cut-off. If you fail, even THAT will unlock new options that success might not have. In all the adviser categories, you will also unlock different means through which you can gain new bonuses to your rolls.

In the beginning, to quote Cave Johnson, you are "throwing Science at the wall and seeing what sticks." The Earth Union is just figuring this out, and not everything is going to be a raucous success at first. When you get towards the mid-game? You will be as well established as GGG was.

Above all: Have FUN! I'm just happy to be able to write this!
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For anyone interested in the quest: feel free to post now.

I will expand more on the informational tabs as we progress through.

Any questions, let me know! Stay cool and have fun. :)

EDIT: I will leave voting up until sometime tomorrow my time! Above comments still apply.
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I'm stuck between Logistician or Gun Nut.

Logistician so we can actually handle the background shit needed to keep a Super Robot afloat....Gun Nut because I want a Super Robot that is nothing but dakka.

...Fuck it, dakka.

[X] – "I know guns, Ma'am. Not sure how I fit in here."
[X] – "I'm honestly not sure what you want with a loggie like me."

Bureaucratic Powers Activate!
[X] – "I'm honestly not sure what you want with a loggie like me."

Guns would be nice too, but we still don't have a pilot, so... Better make sure we get ALL THE PILOTS! So we can arm them with ALL THE GUNS! With the final obetive of destroying ALL THE ALIENS! Yay!
[x] – "What do you need with a helo pilot?"

Because there can never be enough xeno purging.
Looks like Logistician is winning out. I'll let the vote sit for another hour before I post the next section.

Welcome aboard, all!

And as an aside, a quick update to Lore. Check above!
Adhoc vote count started by Lord Ultimus on Apr 24, 2018 at 2:53 AM, finished with 14 posts and 9 votes.
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Prologue: Known by Reputation
It appears our vote tally has called for Logistician. Enjoy the following post!

So as a note: you've now established from what field Major Devin comes from. But he's not a nobody; Brigadier Peters would not have called him in if he were. He stands out for some kind of achievement that no one else in the Defense Force has. What did he do that was so notable?

Vote for it!

These early posts are going to be a bit short, but this will pick up speed soon. These early posts establish who you are, what you've achieved, and more aside.

That said, apologies for anyone who might have missed out on the first vote. I generally post in the mornings and evenings of US Eastern time.

You slowly blink at the general officer sitting in front of you. She, in turn, stares back at you impassively - where did she get a teacup? You sure as hell didn't see that there earlier. "I'm...honestly not sure what you want with a loggie," you say slowly.

"Please, Major," Peters says with a dismissive wave of her free hand. "'Logistician' will do." Sipping at the tea again, she sets it down before staring directly at you. "And don't think I'm unaware of the relief efforts in the Day of Starfall attacks last year. Or how you were the one organizing them."

"You heard about that?" you ask incredulously.

"It's the reason you're even sitting here," she primly responds.

That' Your Battalion Commander certainly had appreciated the scope of what you'd accomplished, but a lot had taken place last year when the Westphalians tried to make a point. And honestly, most of the limelight had been overtaken later on by the debut of the Super Robots.

But you hadn't thought too much about that part. You accomplished the mission, it went into your evaluation records, you returned to home station and life went on.

At least, so your thinking went.

"Don't play coy with me, Major," Peters sighed. "And do not just brush this off. The Defense Force doesn't care what you think of it."

[] "After all, you were also on hand for the kaiju clean-up in Pusan. I know other officers who were there, but none of them wrote the book on Kaiju sample preservation by themselves."

[] "Your name came up a lot in the reports on the Kausen raids coming into Norfolk. Do you really think anyone else has discovered discarded Kausen technology? That's a one in a million find."

[] "I read your report on what you found in Bordeaux. Something the separatist bastards left behind that they couldn't destroy. Something about a mechanical frame?"
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[x] "Your name came up a lot in the reports on the Kausen raids coming into Norfolk. Do you really think anyone else has discovered discarded Kausen technology? That's a one in a million find."
[X] "After all, you were also on hand for the kaiju clean-up in Pusan. I know other officers who were there, but none of them wrote the book on Kaiju sample preservation by themselves."
[x] "Your name came up a lot in the reports on the Kausen raids coming into Norfolk. Do you really think anyone else has discovered discarded Kausen technology? That's a one in a million find."
[X] "I read your report on what you found in Bordeaux. Something the separatist bastards left behind that they couldn't destroy. Something about a mechanical frame?"
[X] "After all, you were also on hand for the kaiju clean-up in Pusan. I know other officers who were there, but none of them wrote the book on Kaiju sample preservation by themselves."

Giant biomecha?
[X] "I read your report on what you found in Bordeaux. Something the separatist bastards left behind that they couldn't destroy. Something about a mechanical frame?"
[X] "I read your report on what you found in Bordeaux. Something the separatist bastards left behind that they couldn't destroy. Something about a mechanical frame?"