[X] Polyferride Alloy (+1 Cost) [Prototype] (One Success Roll: Maximum Warp Increase [0.1 - 0.4])
I think it's accounted for in the (+0.1 - +0.2) bit, it's 6.8 plus whichever of those is rolled.I am inclined to go for the polyferride, though the next step, Intercoolers, sounds like another chance to raise Cruise speed. Also, did we only get the minimum possible max warp gain from the Bussard collectors?
[ ] Standard Warp Coils
[ ] Polyferride Alloy (+1 Cost) [Prototype] (One Success Roll: Maximum Warp Increase [0.1 - 0.4])
Economies of Scale effect kicking in at some point would be nice, yes. Leaning towards the polyferride option myself since this prototype has little in the way of crippling drawbacks or fail deadly tech.