Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

Simply put, Peace negotiations at this juncture only serve against the interests of the free peoples of europe. It is clear that given the insincere offer of poland and bohemia given the current frankly unsustainable state of affairs, This offer for peace is tantamount to perfidy and as such a violation of the laws of war. The state of war shall continue between our nations until such a time as we deem the prospect of a sustainable peace for all parties viable. This cannot happen so long the rights and freedoms of of all of europe's peoples are secured and guaranteed.

Having said all that, we should probably prepare ourselves to swallow some crapshoot peace down the pipeline. There is no way we are allowed to dismantle both the russians and the austrians without some major concessions. Maybe some supervised free baltic state and some parts of the balkans to be reorganized under a kingdom (which will probably burn to the ground the minute people look away)

[X] Refuse to negotiate.
it is not about dismantling russia as a crown, though that is a (very far) stretch goal, it's about neutering them for ww1. if we can get to reval we can destroy russia's capability to become a modern military force even if they successfully reform. they will simply be unable to industrialize quick enough.
And they're bound to be unsuccessful at doing so. I think it's an a exaggeration to say that the Russians could sweep away the Polish partisans in 3 months. They still have to man the front during the ceasefire after all.It also doesn't take into account the possibility of us simply telling them to lay low until the war resumes. Us refusing to negotiate guarantees Entente intervention, and that is completely unacceptable. Plus, realistically, what the hell are we going to be able to do without suffering massive casualties? We're running low on supply, and people want us to attack during the winter with said low supply. That's just stupid, by every metric.

Remember how OTL Battle of Tsushima and the Russo-Japanese War helped to damage the reputation of the Romanovs and lead to the events of 1905. Even if we negotiate a cease fire the damage has been done to the Hapsburgs and Romanovs that no amount of arms or money cannot remove. We can also fan the flames.
War Planning: December 1898-February 1899
War Planning: December 1898-February 1899

The National Assembly decisively (but controversially) rejects the League peace overture, preferring to maintain military operations over the winter and achieve further gains. This is a not-so-subtle indication that the Alliance's intentions toward the League are severe, if not existential, and foreign observers take careful note.

In response, the powers of the Imperial League engage in a flurry of diplomacy, activating various secret clauses in their treaties with several Balkan states. Subsequently, the Tsardom of Bulgaria, the Principality of Montenegro, and the Kingdom of Romania declare war on the states of the Triple Alliance and begin mobilization. While the first two moves are perhaps unsurprising, and Montenegro's entry mostly token, the Romanian declaration is met with surprise internationally and outrage domestically. Only vague but firm pacifying statements about "future gains" from the King and parliamentary deputies keep the lid on the nationalist furor, perhaps indicating a promise made between Habsburg monarchs.

In response, the Serbian ambassador in Frankfurt approaches the External Affairs Commissioner with a proposal: Greece and Serbia will mobilize on behalf of the Alliance as co-belligerents, if the Allied powers will agree to include their territorial demands in any post-war settlement. Furthermore, they request that a sizable Allied force be deployed to Greece to prosecute the war against Bulgaria.

As fall turns to winter, the calculus of the war is upended once again, and only the Assembly can say how Germany will navigate it.

What is to be done?

The Balkans
[] Accept.
Greece and Serbia will declare war on the Imperial League. Two Italian legions will be transferred immediately from the Austrian front to Greece to fight Bulgaria in concert with the Greek and Serbian armies, with operations to begin in Spring 1899. Upon the war's conclusion, the Allied powers will secure Greece and Serbia's territorial demands, with regional plebiscites to confirm any territorial gains.

[] Decline.
Decline the Balkan powers' offer. Greece and Serbia will remain neutral for the moment and act independently later if they so decide.

Military Movements
[] Strengthen defensive positions in Poland.
Army Group Poland will focus on building up defensive positions and logistical support within occupied Poland, while restricting its movements to repulsing incursions.

[] Strengthen defensive positions in Austria.
Army Group Austria will focus on building up defensive positions and logistical support within occupied Austria, while restricting its movements to repulsing incursions.

[] Reallocate troops toward the Austrian front.
In addition to defensive and logistics efforts, send two or three armies from Army Group Poland to reinforce Army Group Austria.

[] Reallocate troops toward the Polish front.
In addition to defensive and logistics efforts, send an army or two from Army Group Austria to reinforce Army Group Poland.

[] Initiate an offensive toward Konigsberg (Gold).
As well as being the former capital of Prussia and home to numerous Republic-sympathizing Germans, Konigsberg is a major supply port for the Russian Baltic Fleet, and losing it would further hamper League maritime efforts.

[] Initiate an offensive toward Minsk (Green).
Minsk is over 500 kilometers away from Warsaw, and it's unlikely that anything but the most dedicated effort would see the Landwehr anywhere near there by the end of the season, but Bialystok and Grodno are both in the line of advance, and pushing deeper into Russia proper would certainly upset the League's defensive strategy.

[] Initiate an offensive toward Kiev (Red).
The capital of Russian Ukraine and the industrial and urban heart of the region. This offensive would be a broad, sweeping motion intended to roll up as much rich Ukrainian farmland as possible, with the city itself almost an afterthought given the enormous strategic value of seizing the Russian breadbasket.

[] Initiate an offensive toward Pressburg (Orange).
The largest and most prosperous city in Slovakia, the capture of Pressburg would be the first incursion of the war into Transleithania, open the way to the Hungarian plain, and further the encirclement of Vienna. However, Pressburg is well-defended by the Carpathian Mountains, as well as its proximity to Vienna, and will be a difficult target.

[] Initiate an offensive toward Budapest (Pink).
The new Habsburg capital now that Vienna has fallen, Budapest is the center of Hungarian political and economic activity, located on a broad open plain. It is also behind the most heavily-defended sections of the Franz Joseph Line, and any effort made to take it will likely be bitterly contested.

[] Initiate an offensive toward Zagreb (Purple).
Zagreb is the capital of Croatia and the southernmost anchor of the Franz Joseph Line. Even though the Dalmatian coast is largely useless to the League while under Allied blockade, Croatia is a historic strongpoint of Habsburg support and seizing it would certainly weaken their defensive efforts.

Baltic Front
[] Maintain the Baltic blockade.
Keeping the Allied combined fleet on station in the Sound and around Denmark will maintain its position and continue constricting League trade without incurring any major risk.

[] Deploy the Allied fleet to contest the eastern Baltic Sea.
The Allied combined fleet is the dominant force in the Baltic, and moving east to threaten Konigsberg or Klaipeda could be quite useful strategically, and support an offensive against those coastal cities as well. This will also maintain the blockade of the Sound and the western Baltic.

Mediterranean Front
[] Ask the Allies to maintain the situation in the Mediterranean.
By maintaining the blockade on the Austrians, the Allied Mediterranean fleet can keep the pressure on without serious risk.

[] Ask the Allies to threaten the Dalmatian coast.
Dalmatia is singularly unfriendly to any sort of amphibious operation, but offshore support should assist in any operation that targets Croatia and its ample coastline.

Welcome to the next phase of the Great Eastern War. The following update will encompass December 1898 through February 1899. This winter will be a cold and snowy one, blunting the impact of any offensive operation.

Each offensive option includes a colored arrow on the map indicating its general direction of advance. Additional territory besides that in the way of the arrow may be taken.

Please vote in the form of a plan. Each plan must include one and only one choice from each of the categories, except for Military Movements. Each plan must also include at least one and no more than three choices from Military Movements. Choosing one option indicates full commitment to that choice, with a concomitant greater efficacy. Choosing three options will put substantial strain on your logistics and material support, reducing each choice's efficacy, and may not be done more than once every two turns. Choosing two options has the normal chance of success or failure and no positive or negative benefits.

All planks include full utilization of Allied resources, including additional mobilizations, domestic resistance movements in enemy territory, and common sense. Suggestions are welcome but non-binding.

Here, have an example plan:

[] Case Ostrich
-[] Decline.
-[] Strengthen defensive positions in Poland.
-[] Strengthen defensive positions in Austria.
-[] Ask the Allies to stay on the defensive.
-[] Maintain the Baltic blockade.
-[] Ask the Allies to maintain the situation in the Mediterranean.

24-hour moratorium to make plans, then 24 hours to vote.
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[] Accept.
Greece and Serbia will declare war on the Imperial League. Two Italian legions will be transferred immediately from the Austrian front to Greece to fight Bulgaria in concert with the Greek and Serbian armies, with operations to begin in Spring 1899. Upon the war's conclusion, the Allied powers will secure Greece and Serbia's territorial demands, with regional plebiscites to confirm any territorial gains.
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. I was expecting Britain to get Greece on board as a way of boxing us in after this war. If we get them instead then that is very good.
[] Case Flamingo
-[] Accept.
-[] Strengthen defensive positions in Poland.
-[] Strengthen defensive positions in Austria.
-[] Maintain the Baltic blockade.
-[] Ask the Allies to maintain the situation in the Mediterranean.

Rebuild, resupply, prepare for spring.
This is very dangerous. If we pull the Serbs and the Greeks into this more than likely the Ottomans will get involved sooner or later. If that happens we might see the Entente finally forced to pick a side... and it may not be our own.
random, we're supposed to be attacking russia now, when they still have their shit rocked from shoving their face into the polish meat grinder