Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

So, we've got some new items here that aren't necessarily the clearest in what they mean -- that is to say, everyone will likely "know" what they mean, and walk away with interpretations that could vary quite a bit. To save on some likely future arguments...

Could you describe what the "Rebuilding", "Political", "Infrastructure", "Military", and "Economic" stats mean for the Integration and Reconstruction efforts?

It means Poland is "mid"
News of the World: 1900-1901
News of the World: 1900-1901

The British Labour Party is founded by a group of British radical-socialists led by coal miner and union leader Keir Hardie. Among their policies are the curtailment of imperial adventurism, the end of the Boer War, the encouragement of women MPs, and other progressive causes within the bounds of electoralism.

An effort by US President McKinley to put America back on the gold standard in 1900 fails in Congress when the Populist-led House votes the bill down. Counter-legislation establishing paper and silver currency is rejected by the Republican-held Senate. This exchange is emblematic of the ongoing gridlock within the Congress, and is accompanied by notable popular unrest in conservative and radical areas of the country.

The second Olympics are held in Paris in 1900. The German national team takes a dozen golds but only comes in fourth overall compared to France, the United States, and Great Britain. Italy, Spain, and Denmark all make creditable showings, adding another handful to the Alliance's tally.

The Chinese Civil War continues to rage inconclusively, as the Qing government finds it difficult to raise forces outside its native Manchuria, while the constitutional government is riven by internal strife between its liberal and radical-socialist factions. The constitutionalists gain ground in the north and the south, but the Qing conservatives still field substantial armies, and the battles are bloody, indecisive affairs.

The Kober rigid airship first takes flight in 1900 near Engelshaven in Southern Germany. LK-1 is a collaborative product of several different industrial cooperatives, including the Daimler and Benz automotive works, with subsidies from the National Assembly. Following the successful test flight, the Kober Aeronautical Development Cooperative Federation is formed as a joint venture of the contributors, with the aim of producing more and better rigid airships for military and civilian use.

Populist candidate William Jennings Bryan is narrowly defeated in the 1900 US presidential election, ushering William McKinley into his second term. As with McKinley's prior election, accusations of electoral fraud and vote suppression are rampant, especially in the South and rural West, where Populist supporters must contend with a wide variety of illegal tactics to keep them away. Riots and demonstrations follow, often met by a direct applications of force from Republican-directed National Guard troops.

Queen Victoria of Great Britain dies of natural causes in early 1901. She is succeeded without controversy by her son, Prince Albert, who will reign as Edward VII. The nation launches into a prolonged period of mourning, periodically interrupted by the growing frequency of labor disputes.

America's post-electoral discontent comes to a head in mid-1901 when President McKinley is shot dead by a Polish-American assassin with ties to the International Revolutionary Alliance. Republican newspapers instantly lay the blame on a "German-European foreign conspiracy against America," sparking a national backlash against the Republic. McKinley's successor, former admiral George Dewey, further inflames tensions when he comments on the recent Eastern War as "Visigothic barbarity, entirely typical of their sort."

The New York Stock Exchange crashes in the wake of the assassination and the economic restructuring following the end of the Eastern War. Economic recession is only avoided by the direct intervention of major American business leaders, who are growing in prominence and power as a consequence of the Dewey administration's laissez-faire approach.

The Second Boer War begins to turn against the Boer forces as more and more British reinforcements arrive and the Afrikaners are soon outnumbered, retreating further inland as their sieges fail.

Following the McKinley assassination, the International Revolutionary Alliance changes its name to the International Revolutionary Alignment, as a means of distinguishing itself from the Republican Alliance.
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It means Poland is "mid"
Godwinson's asking for something like:

"Rebuilding" means "restoring damaged housing stock, industrial plant, farmlands, and water, power, and transport infrastructure to about the state of functionality they had before the war;"
"Political" means "the breadth and depth of penetration of the Republic's political commitments and, in the Republic's territory, its parties, among the people;"
"Infrastructure" means "coverage and efficacy of the water, power, and transport faculties, over and above prewar standard; "
"Military" means "the breadth and depth of penetration of Alliance-standard training, cohesion and mobilization readiness among the people;" and
"Economic" means "the breadth and depth of penetration of the Republic's economic commitments (i.e., to a universally high standard of living, democratically-planned production, &c.) among the people, and growth of the economic base to meet those commitments."

Obviously these are my definitions and not Etranger's, but that's why Godwinson's asking: so we're all working off Etranger's definitions and not the ones we each develop ourselves.
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an upsurge in American labor activity
What? American events included:

- Congressional gridlock over dueling goldbug and silverite bills driving "popular unrest" and polarization;
- electoral fraud depriving the Populists of the Presidency and driving "riots and demonstrations" put down by the National Guard;
- the assassination of McKinley turning mainstream opinion against the Alliance and the IRA (which is forced to rebrand); and
- a stock market crash leading to concentration of power in the hands of a few cartel and financial bourgeois.

Much is there about American Troubles, certainly, but not a peep about American labor. No strike wave, no union density increase, no new union federations or syndicalist formations, nothing.
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What did that assassin hope to prove at all even by killing that guy?
This was actually McKinley's historical fate, shot dead by Polish-American anarchist Leon Czolgosz. In both our and this timeline, I assume, it was in retaliation for the brutal repression of labor/populist movements by the federal government.

Of course, in real life, Czolgosz was a newly radicalized convert inspired by the assassination of King Umberto I of Italy. Here the assassin's path to the gun shop was probably different.
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America's post-electoral discontent comes to a head in mid-1901 when President McKinley is shot dead by a Polish-American assassin with ties to the International Revolutionary Alliance. Republican newspapers instantly lay the blame on a "German-European foreign conspiracy against America," sparking a national backlash against the Republic. McKinley's successor, former admiral George Dewey, further inflames tensions when he comments on the recent Eastern War as "Visigothic barbarity, entirely typical of their sort."

Dewey spitting facts…the World Republic is reactionary barbarism…
On Integration and Reconstruction
On Integration and Reconstruction

Rebuilding Integration and Reconstruction represent the restoration of a territory's physical resources -- housing, agriculture, infrastructure, etc -- to the pre-war standard. It also represents clearing away rubble, digging up mines, removing unexploded shells, and so forth. When Complete, the territory is functioning at pre-war levels in all fields, at minimum.

Political Integration means the establishment of Alliance-standard political structures and political parties within the integrated territories. Political Reconstruction means establishing similar structures and allowing the formation of parties for each nation being reconstructed, with variations depending on national and local preference. In both respects, it refers to breaking noble and capitalist power structures, enfranchising regular people on a local level, and other radical-socialist policy priorities. When Complete, the territory in question will be considered ready for full political autonomy.

Infrastructure Integration and Reconstruction are roughly the same: bringing the territory in question up to Alliance standard with regards to transport, power, communications, sanitation, and other logistical issues. This also represents the degree to which aid efforts are increasingly less needed, thus freeing up the Republic's own resources. When Complete, the territory no longer relies on outside aid efforts for basic services.

Military Integration and Reconstruction are also the same: bringing the locality up to Alliance standard in military matters, including recruitment, garrisons, training, and related infrastructure. This also represents the degree to which territorial defense and garrison duties can be handed off to the locals, thus freeing up the Republic's own resources. When Complete, the territory is ready for full demobilization.

Economic Integration and Reconstruction represent the degree to which the local economy has been radicalized and socialized, as well as brought up to Alliance standards. This means cooperativization, yeomanry, and state ownership in place of private ownership; mechanization and modernization of manufacturing, extractive, and agricultural efforts; extension of labor recognition and other social labor reforms; and other related fields. When Complete, the territory no longer requires external supervision or support to manage its economic interests.
Think infrastructure is going to be important to let the people know that all the stuff are guys are saying is truthful not just propaganda words to them?
The Election of 1901
The Election of 1901

Which party will you support in the election of 1901?

[] The Communist Party
[ECON] State Direction
[CHURCH] Atheism
[DIPLO] Internationalism
[MIL] Belligerent
[GOVT] Centralization
[PRO1] Industrial Workers
[PRO2] Service Workers
[PRO3] Career Soldiers
[MISC] Women's and minority rights, International-aligned

[] The Cooperative Party
[ECON] Cooperativism
[CHURCH] Secularism
[DIPLO] Internationalism
[MIL] Opportunist
[GOVT] Localism
[PRO1] Agricultural Workers
[PRO2] Service Workers
[PRO3] Educated Professionals
[MISC] Anti-statist, anarchist ties

[] The Federation Party
[ECON] Cooperativism
[CHURCH] Secularism
[DIPLO] Internationalism
[MIL] Belligerent
[GOVT] Devolution
[PRO1] Public Officials
[PRO2] Career Soldiers
[PRO3] Service Workers
[MISC] National Personal Autonomy Principle, World Republic

[] The Radical Party
[ECON] Yeomanry
[CHURCH] Secularism
[DIPLO] Cooperation
[MIL] Belligerent
[GOVT] Centralization
[PRO1] Manual Laborers
[PRO2] Agricultural Workers
[PRO3] Educated Professionals
[MISC] Anti-monarchist, pro-conscript

Economic Stance
This is your party's stance on the preferred method for venture operations. All methods include revenue sharing and worker management. "State Direction" advocates for centralized sectors with government-directed planning. "Cooperativism" advocates for an economy run by mid-sized cooperatives working independently. "Yeomanry" advocates for an economy made up of small single-family or individual ventures.

[] [ECON] State Direction
[] [ECON] Cooperativism
[] [ECON] Yeomanry

Religious Stance

This is your party's stance on religious affairs. "Atheism" indicates a government that actively excludes religious organizations and movements from public life. "Secularism" indicates a government that does not integrate religious organizations into its operations but also does not interfere with their operation. "Pluralism" indicates a government that explicitly tolerates multiple religions and attempts to incorporate them into government business.

[] [CHURCH] Atheism
[] [CHURCH] Secularism
[] [CHURCH] Pluralism

Diplomatic Stance

This is your party's stance on the world order. "Internationalism" advocates for the eventual abolition of national boundaries and the formation of a single global community. "Cooperation" advocates for a union or alliance of nations working together diplomatically. "Nationalism" advocates for pursuing national interests over other concerns.

[] [DIPLO] Internationalism
[] [DIPLO] Cooperation
[] [DIPLO] Nationalism

Military Stance

This is your party's stance on how the military's deployment and posture. "Belligerent" indicates actively seeking conflict with ideological and national opponents in pursuit of achieving military victory over them. "Opportunist" indicates a flexible approach in which opponents are alternately engaged with and opposed to achieve maximum possible gain. "Defensive" indicates a non-confrontational approach and a focus on defending existing gains rather than expanding outward.

[] [MIL] Belligerent
[] [MIL] Opportunist
[] [MIL] Defensive

Government Stance

This is your party's stance on how best to exercise government authority. "Centralization" advocates for power to be wielded by a strong central government capable of overriding localities. "Devolution" advocates for a middle ground in which the central government reserves powers to itself but grants localities the ability to self-govern. "Localism" advocates for localities to have explicit and reserved powers in their own right.

[] [GOVT] Centralization
[] [GOVT] Devolution
[] [GOVT] Localism

Professional Groups

There are seven broad categories of German citizen listed below. In order of preference, pick the three to whom your party caters most specifically.

[] [PRO1] ???
[] [PRO2] ???
[] [PRO3] ???

Agricultural Workers

Farmers and rural workers.

Career Soldiers
Full-time military personnel, enlisted or officers.

Educated Professionals
Intellectuals, lawyers, scientists.

Industrial Workers
Factory workers and skilled artisans.

Manual Laborers
Infrastructure workers and vehicle operators.

Public Officials
Bureaucrats, politicians, and other government workers.

Service Workers
Doctors, nurses, teachers, caretakers.

There will be a 24-hour moratorium, then 24 hours to vote. Please refer to the last two threadmarks and the last two information posts before voting.

Owing to the new century and post-war era, I am opening new party submissions. If you're creating or voting for a new party, please structure your vote as seen below. You do NOT need to include your party's traits if you're voting for a pre-existing party. If your party does not conform to the extant policies, feel free to come up with a new one and explain what it is.

Please vote by plan, with a maximum of SIX planks, representing the proposed manifesto for your faction. Each plank should be at most two concise sentences. For my ease of understanding and everyone else's, please ensure that your plan has a name that is completely distinctive from all the others, especially if it iterates off another plan.

Please be sure to rank your manifesto planks in order of importance. The most-important plank should be at the top and the least-important at the bottom. This will assist me in coalition-building.

When assembling a coalition manifesto, party planks which are considered "harmonious" with each other may be merged, while planks which are considered "opposed" to each other may be nullified. The party with the largest share of the vote will see most or all of its non-opposed planks enacted, while those with lesser vote shares may only be able to enact their top-most planks. Even those parties not included in the governing coalition may have the opportunity to see their top-most priority enacted.

Below is an example plan. Please do not vote for it. Don't include your party's traits if voting for an existing party.

[] [PARTY] The Hyper-Revanchist Party
-[] [ECON] State Direction
-[] [CHURCH] Pluralism
-[] [DIPLO] Nationalism
-[] [MIL] Belligerent
-[] [GOVT] Localism
-[] [PRO1] Career Soldiers
-[] [PRO2] Service Workers
-[] [PRO3] Industrial Workers

[] The Hyper-Revanchist Party
-[] Plan: London by Christmas
--[] Invade Switzerland.
--[] Annex Belgium.
--[] Build bigger boats.
--[] Enlist every man, woman, and child into the army.
--[] Pass out jaunty hats to raise national morale.
--[] Make defeatism a capital offense.
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Revised the draft Communist Party program slightly in light of the reconstruction trait definitions, to emphasize that certain planks apply in certain ways to incorporated territory and in other ways to Allied states.

EDIT: also changed the name since Random is apparently splitting the party.
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[][PARTY] The Pan-European Party
-[][ECON] State Direction
-[][CHURCH] Atheism
-[][DIPLO] Nationalism
-[][MIL] Belligerent
-[][GOVT] Centralization
-[][PRO1] Educated Professionals
-[][PRO2] Career Soldiers
-[][PRO3] Industrial Workers
-[][MISC] Pan-European Nationalism

[] The Pan-European Party
-[] Plan: The Red Pan-European Tendency
--[] Propose to our allies to deepen our integration by expanding it into the political sphere, and form several higher-level political organs to lay the foundation for eventually merging into a united European state! European Nationalism will be a short-term goal on our Internationalist agenda that is both progressive and liberatory in nature!
--[] Nationalize all industries and formerly public and noble-held lands in the new territories. Where we do not have the political support for nationalization, we will instead push for setting up joint state-coop structures.
--[] Modernize the Landwehr's military equipment. Give old cast-off and surplus arms to our new allies to aid them in building their own armies, and to revolutionaries in Eastern Europe.
--[] Organize several festivals celebrating the various cultures of the CER and Alliance. Not festivals for each specific culture but ones celebrating a mix of various cultures, using these to bridge cultural gaps by emphasizing the shared beliefs and heritage of our people and to eventually create a Pan-European cultural identity!
--[] Provide the Philippine Republic with economic and military aid to help it industrialize and build a modern fleet and army. Furthermore, use the Phillipines as a stop and depot from where we can support other revolutionaries in East and South-East Asia.
--[] Form a scientific committee to construct an artificial language, with an integral sign and braille component, incorporating only features shared in common across language groups and cultures from around the world. The goal is to create an international auxilliary language that can break through linguistic differences, a truly universal language!
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