Springtime of Nations II: A European Republic Quest

@Etranger since reconstruction is gonna be a pressing demand on us for the next 12 years with much fighting on the exact specifics of how it goes could we perhaps have the three nations we are reconstructing danbue, poland and ruthenia have there goverments come with us there top three pressing need with reconsuction? Just to make it easier on us so we can know what the pressing needs are each session and on you so u don't have to deal with all our pings about what each area needs?
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Since we're now the Central European Republic, does this mean that we'll have to change our flag?
Both scenarios have the same amount of coast.

How about a real world example, though. The Soviet Union kept a larger Black Sea navy than an independent Ukraine ended up having.

To throw my two cents in, the USSR had the Black Sea Fleet because they needed to contest the NATO presence nearby (for example, a very common nuclear strike mission for carrier bombers would have been a high-speed sprint from carriers in the Med to strike at targets in Ukraine and the Caucasus). Ukraine was not concerned with this, and therefore didn't find the development of a large navy.

It's unlikely our Balkan ally will be particularly concerned with naval matters regardless; while we did do a bad job of bringing Albania on-side and therefore can't completely deny the Adriatic, it's unlikely that the Entente will try to enter it. The Danubian Republic might operate some smaller vessels, as well as some things like subs for attacking Entente vessels in the Med, but it isn't cost effective for us to rely on them instead of Italy, who doesn't need to focus on rebuilding.
The Central European Republic in 1901

The Central European Republic in 1901

Government Type: Unitary Radical-Socialist Republic
Governing Document: Constitution of 1880 (Amended)
Head of Government: High Commissioner Elisabeth Strauss (Communist)
Head of State: Chief Representative Leon Orlowski (Cooperativist)
Legislative Majority: Grand Coalition

Population: 73.47 million (43.73 million eligible voters)
Population Growth: 0.4%
Cultures: German, Czech, Polish, Slovene, Danish, Sorbian, Ruthenian
Religions: Protestantism, Catholicism, Judaism, None

Social Reforms
Ongoing Programs
Base Income: Adequate
Minimum Wage: Adequate
Work Safety: Adequate
Work Hours: 40-Hour Week
Healthcare: High
Pensions: Adequate
Unemployment: Adequate
Childcare: High
Retirement: Adequate
Holidays: Adequate
Child Labor: Banned

Reforms in Progress
Community Depots: Low
Labor Recognition: High
Labor Vouchers: Medium
National Autonomy Principle: Medium
Progressive Education: Low

Foreign Affairs
Treaties and Agreements
War and Peace: Truce with Russia, Romania, Bulgaria (1909)
Alliances*: Italy, Spain, Poland, Danubia, Denmark, Ruthenia
Defensive Pacts: N/A
Military Exchanges: N/A
Naval Agreements: United Kingdom, United States
Trade Treaties: Andea, Argentina, Centroamerica, Cuba, France, Greece, Japan, Low Countries, Mexico, Ottoman Empire, Persia, Philippines, Portugal-Brazil, Serbia-Montenegro, Siam, United Kingdom, United States
* = All alliances include comprehensive economic, commercial, and military integration agreements.

Diplomatic Relations
Overall: Adequate
Italy: High
Spain: High
Poland: High
Ruthenia: High
Danubia: Adequate
Denmark: Adequate
USA: Adequate
Britain: Adequate
France: Adequate
Russia: Abysmal

Greece: High
Ottoman Empire: Adequate
Serbia-Montenegro: Adequate
Albania: Low
Bulgaria: Abysmal
Romania: Abysmal

External Relations
USA-Britain: Adequate

Landwehr (Standing)
Type: Professional Army
Training: High
Quantity: Medium
Equipment: High
Morale: Average

Landwehr (Reserves)
Type: Conscript Reserve
Training: Adequate
Quantity: Large
Equipment: High
Morale: Average

National Gendarmerie
Type: National Guard
Training: High
Quantity: Low
Equipment: High
Morale: Average

Type: Brown-Water Navy
Training: Adequate
Quantity: Medium
Equipment: Adequate
Morale: Average

Arsenal Quality: High
Arsenal Quantity: High
Fort Quality: Adequate
Fort Quantity: Adequate
Seaport Quality: High
Seaport Quantity: High
Shipyard Quality: Adequate
Shipyard Quantity: High

National Stability: Adequate
Police Quality: Medium
Police Quantity: Adequate

Treasury: Low
Debt Ratio: High
Credit Ratio: High
Tax Income: Maximum
Tariff Income: Maximum
Principal Creditors: Britain (Large), Domestic (Large), Other (Medium)
Principal Debtors: Domestic (Large), United States (Large), Spain (Medium), Italy (Medium), Other (Medium)

Economic Output: Overheated
Economic Growth: Low
Economic Activity: Agriculture (High), Industry (High), Finance (High), Services (High), Trade (Medium)
Economic Ownership: Co-Operative (Large), Single-Family (Medium), Public (Medium)
Commercial Output: Average
Commercial Growth: Low
Trade Partners: America [mixed] (Medium), Italy [exports] (Medium), Spain [exports] (Medium), Britain [mixed] (Low), Other [exports] (Low), France [mixed] (Low)

Public Works
Roads and Canals: High
Railroads: High
Communications: Adequate
Public Utilities: Adequate
Power Generation: Adequate
Power Proliferation: Adequate

Primary: Adequate
Secondary: High
Tertiary: High

Rebuilding: Average
Political: Average
Infrastructure: Average
Military: Low
Economic: Average

Rebuilding: Low
Political: Average
Infrastructure: Low
Military: None
Economic: Low

Rebuilding: Low
Political: Low
Infrastructure: Low
Military: None
Economic: Low

Rebuilding: Low
Political: None
Infrastructure: Low
Military: None
Economic: None

Rebuilding: High
Political: Average
Infrastructure: Average
Military: Low
Economic: Average

Rebuilding: Average
Political: Average
Infrastructure: Average
Military: Average
Economic: Average

Rebuilding: Low
Political: None
Infrastructure: Low
Military: None
Economic: None

[Desolate] / [None/Critical/Tiny/Minimal/Abysmal] / [Low/Small/High] / [Adequate/Medium/Average] / [High/Large/Low] / [Ideal/Huge/Booming/Maximum/Complete] / [Overheated]
Stats in bold are improving, stats in italics are declining.
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@Etranger Have the now Red-Gold Philippines petitioned to join the Republican Alliance?
I guess that's answered :V

Danubia: Adequate
Denmark: Adequate
...well that's not great. Oof. Anyone got ideas?

Hmm, seems Czechia & Austria could finish their integration progress earlier - but Slovenia might need the full 12 years? Then again it's a small regions so maybe still less than that.

Danubia most definitely gonna need the full 12 years considering it's size & aforementioned need to stabilize, while Poland and Denmark's reconstructions could (hopefully) end 4 years earlier.
Finally! We're back to nation building! Can't wait to elevate the East so that the Russians could get screwed over without us doing anything!
Should we immediately propose an international railway expansion plan that has as objective the complete connection of almost all people in Central Europe, Denmark, Danubia, Italy, Poland, and Ruthenia with trains ?
Should we immediately propose an international railway expansion plan that has as objective the complete connection of almost all people in Central Europe, Denmark, Danubia, Italy, Poland, and Ruthenia with trains ?
Yeah, and probably standardizing on two gauges (since we'll need narrow gauge outside the key routes in the Alps). We want to minimize break-of-gauge so that we can easily transfer supplies in wartime.

Unrelated to that, I'd like to see two planks be added to the upcoming plans, although I'm not sure which party to push to include them:
  1. Create a training and coordination organization as part of the German military that can assist foreign militaries with training troops, instructors, and doctrinal analysts, coordinating the supply of Alliance materiel, helping to create structures that support the military (such as logistics & procurement), liasing with foreign militaries on a go-forwards basis, and providing limited field support. This organization is to immediately be sent to China along with all the surplus equipment from the cancelled summer offensive to assist in the constitutionalist revolution.

    During wartime, this org can act as a quick-deployment force to help set up the local militaries to be effective fighting forces. The Spanish International Corps is great in that it can get some Andean republican outfitted in gear and dropped off on a dock in Shanghai to fight for the cause, but they're not going to have the specific training in "give some Chinese peasants an 8 cm mortar and teach them how to use it" that we want (since said Andean republican may also be relatively new to using an Alliance mortar). During peacetime, this org can keep being useful in helping to set up local production (so that our allies aren't reliant on German arms shipments during wartime, when they'll likely be cut off), as well as helping pool ideas so that we don't have to repeat others' mistakes.

  2. Rebuild the destroyed cities that we've recently taken in a way that maximizes quality of life of all (current) social strata, provides efficient living, encourage the use of public transit, and disincentivizes class divisions on the basis of where you live in a city. We have the opportunity to one-up the garden city and city beautiful movements and provide shining examples of the kind of worker's city that we intend to bring forth.

    Fuck Robert Moses, all my homies hate Robert Moses.
Rebuilding: Average
Political: Average
Infrastructure: Average
Military: Low
Economic: Average

Rebuilding: Low
Political: Average
Infrastructure: Low
Military: None
Economic: Low

Rebuilding: Low
Political: Low
Infrastructure: Low
Military: None
Economic: Low

Rebuilding: Low
Political: None
Infrastructure: Low
Military: None
Economic: None

Rebuilding: High
Political: Average
Infrastructure: Average
Military: Low
Economic: Average

Rebuilding: Average
Political: Average
Infrastructure: Average
Military: Average
Economic: Average

Rebuilding: Low
Political: None
Infrastructure: Low
Military: None
Economic: None

[Desolate] / [None/Critical/Tiny/Minimal/Abysmal] / [Low/Small/High] / [Adequate/Medium/Average] / [High/Large/Low] / [Ideal/Huge/Booming/Maximum/Complete] / [Overheated]
Stats in bold are improving, stats in italics are declining.
So, we've got some new items here that aren't necessarily the clearest in what they mean -- that is to say, everyone will likely "know" what they mean, and walk away with interpretations that could vary quite a bit. To save on some likely future arguments...

Could you describe what the "Rebuilding", "Political", "Infrastructure", "Military", and "Economic" stats mean for the Integration and Reconstruction efforts?
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