Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

I would be looking at things that need fixing first, like stopping the events of the Stand.

The Stand by Steven King? With the pandemic, and the confrontation with the Devil in human form, Randall Flagg?

I think that one was pretty much Divine in origin. About the only thing I would change would be the bomb in the closet.
(Snip lengthy rant about The Flash)

I think the best treatment of this was in a fanfic by dogbertcarroll. To misquote Xander: "why do you think Flash's villains are so lame? So nice? Because they're the ones he allows to exist. Anyone else? Anyone who goes around, say, killing kids? He just runs back in time and distracts their parents from ever meeting. The villain never exists."
Dogbertcarroll happens to be one of my current favorite crossover authors. He's even managed to draw me into something I thought I'd never like, a gender-switch story (now series of sorts) with Xander as Supergirl...or sort-of.

Lex Marks the Spot is pretty good as a sort-of self-insert with Xander as the stand-in self-insert.
Dogbertcarroll happens to be one of my current favorite crossover authors. He's even managed to draw me into something I thought I'd never like, a gender-switch story (now series of sorts) with Xander as Supergirl...or sort-of.

Lex Marks the Spot is pretty good as a sort-of self-insert with Xander as the stand-in self-insert.

Would be a real pity if someone on SoF coughed at the wrong time, mixed-up Jimmy's and Xander's coordinates, and landed on Walking on Sunshine... :)
Question for comic fans:

The DC and Marvel universes have so many variations across multiple media. I have some very specific things in mind for this fanfic. Having said that, I am neither omniscient nor such a huge fan that I can claim to be aware of everything that has happened in both universes.

What are some of the bigger events that might be worthy of attention in the recent past or near future of the universes? I'm perfectly willing to do a little research.

The big thing for Spider-man of course is the appalling One More Day, though the suck really starts with the earlier Civil War storyline where Peter unmasks because Tony Stark thought it - and many other stupid things - was a good idea.
Did any one else find the fishing boat at the end of the chapter the most concerning thing in the chapter

Dun dun DUN! ;)

Note that I have no idea if dun dun dun is appropriate in this case. I am merely extrapolating from a complete lack of information but lots of amusement. Your mileage may vary. Vote responsibly. Ceilin lizard iz watchin you.
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There is a bit of logic in the paranoia with Chekhov's Gun. If the guy in the boat doesn't matter, why was he given prime real estate at the end of the chapter ?
Nope. Old Erwin was the first Parahuman to trigger in BB, back in 82. He's immortal and the aging face he wears at the bar is the mask. We just saw him for the first time without his mask. Unfortunately, his power is immortality and the ability to accept anything that happens around him with a mug of beer, possibly a bit o' rum for the really out there things.
You say that like it's a bad thing. I mean it was Faith, after all. Friggin Eliza Dushku!

Pretty sure if you look up "smokin hot" in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of her staring out at you.

Unfortunately, her character she was playing, Faith, at the time was in the dictionary next to, "homicidal crazy." The phrase, "crazy, but hot," is just a sign that bad decisions are about to happen...
Did any one else find the fishing boat at the end of the chapter the most concerning thing in the chapter

Don't read too much into it. It was meant to be a metaphor for the decisions Ripley needs to make... I'm not sure if it was just exceedingly obtuse on my part, or maybe you folks all think I'm insanely clever with intricate foreshadowing. He is not a Chekhov's fisherman.

Now it occurs to me that Miles may have met Mr. Chekhov when he went back to Kirk's Enterprise, so maybe the fisherman is the great great...however many...great grandfather of the man who will one day be Pavel Chekhov in another universe, who will then meet a man from his future named Miles O'Brien, who is not far from where Saurial and Ellen were talking.

Or maybe he is that man's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate! His name is Colonel Sandurz...