Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

It's been a while since I last saw Buffy, but hasn't Xander been possessed, like, almost constantly by various spiritual entities?
Ripley got the Queen embryo which is why she survived the crash. It provided the oxygen when her pod landed in the water with a shattered viewing window.
A pet dog found a surviving egg and got infected with a standard embryo which is where the one running around the prison came from.

By the looks, the queen takes a lot longer to grow than the bog standard xenomorph.
I'll go over that, but Xander's eye is in some ways the least of his health problems. If you go back to the show, he's been exposed to quite a lot.
In before Ianthe looks at his genome and decides that he's actually a fish and not a human and turn him into that due to consequences from that Season 2 episode.
I can't help wondering if Ithane could copy over Peter's spider powers to other people, including canon Taylor? Could be interesting to see that curve-ball.
I'll go over that, but Xander's eye is in some ways the least of his health problems. If you go back to the show, he's been exposed to quite a lot.

Hellmouth native - nasty magic residues
Primal incident - (Female) Hyena Pack Leader residue
Halloween - Soldier residue
Love curse - Aphrodite's revenge...
Swim team - Creature From The Black Lagoon...
First Slayer - Blending spell
Lost eye - 'He Who Sees' title
Prophecy breaker
Magic twister
Vampire hunter - breathed in dusted vampires

Those are just from memory, I may have missed one or two. :)
Poor old Xander is lucky to be alive in the first place. The amount of shit that guy had happen to him is just ridiculous, far past the point that would be required for many superhero origin stories, and he didn't really even get any cool super powers out of it. Although one could suggest that at a minimum he's probably a mid-range Brute in Worm terms since there's no way he should really have survived all the crap he did in canon without something going for him.

Or possibly a patron higher power looking out for him, if only for the lols provided :)
I can't help wondering if Ithane could copy over Peter's spider powers to other people, including canon Taylor? Could be interesting to see that curve-ball.

Ianthe already has access to a standard upgrade kit. Don't forget that Danny is now a lower-end Brute-Mover-Thinker, while Vectura also has a Changer rating. That's not to say she won't find it interesting...
Ianthe can do a lot more than mid-range Brute with little real effort. Just building a human-form body based on the structure of the existing bioconstructs would far exceed Spiderman-level strength and toughness. The issue is trying to fly under the radar and prevent the PRT, who really are rather good at this sort of thing, finding out about it. Such severe modifications would be picked up on some scanner or other and invite questions.

Her standard upgrade package is specifically designed to avoid that, so is deliberately limited. Still pretty good, though, Danny can dead-lift several tons when really trying, and the regen the symbiote provides is top-tier by anyone's standard.
Poor old Xander is lucky to be alive in the first place. The amount of shit that guy had happen to him is just ridiculous, far past the point that would be required for many superhero origin stories, and he didn't really even get any cool super powers out of it. Although one could suggest that at a minimum he's probably a mid-range Brute in Worm terms since there's no way he should really have survived all the crap he did in canon without something going for him.

Or possibly a patron higher power looking out for him, if only for the lols provided :)

Let's be honest - he's a priest of Murphy/Finagle (slumming as Janus, in BtVS). Or, he's got probability defence ('Luck'), like you wouldn't believe, and the 'Interesting Times' curse in spades. Or, all of the above, and more. :)
Poor old Xander is lucky to be alive in the first place. The amount of shit that guy had happen to him is just ridiculous, far past the point that would be required for many superhero origin stories, and he didn't really even get any cool super powers out of it. Although one could suggest that at a minimum he's probably a mid-range Brute in Worm terms since there's no way he should really have survived all the crap he did in canon without something going for him.

Or possibly a patron higher power looking out for him, if only for the lols provided :)
I'd say his superpower is survival. Maybe a Luck variant of some kind. Not quite as good as Naruto's, but then again even Xander didn't go through as much crap as Naruto did.

One thing to point out is that a significant portion of the impact on Xander's health include a supernatural aspect. Meaning that no matter how much biological micromanagement that Ianthe can accomplish, much of it will revert quickly or worse mutate. Or, there could be the impact that if she fixes away the problems, he'll keel over dead due to her killing his above mentioned 'superpower' ;)

EDIT: Almost imp'd by @Ace Dreamer, good thing I added more of my thoughts :whistle:
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Hellmouth native - nasty magic residues
Primal incident - (Female) Hyena Pack Leader residue
Halloween - Soldier residue
Love curse - Aphrodite's revenge...
Swim team - Creature From The Black Lagoon...
First Slayer - Blending spell
Lost eye - 'He Who Sees' title
Prophecy breaker
Magic twister
Vampire hunter - breathed in dusted vampires

Those are just from memory, I may have missed one or two. :)

You forgot being split into two beings with the Ferula-Gemina rod, being made a literal demon magnet by yet another misfired Willow spell, being mastered by Dracula, having an unhealthy interest from both Drusila and vamp Willow, getting his arm broken by a Troll wielding the hammer of a troll god, getting knocked out by Angel and left in the middle of the street...I'm sure I'm forgetting some things.

Edit: Right, Tabula Rasa.
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You forgot being split into two beings with the Ferula-Gemina rod, being made a literal demon magnet by yet another misfired Willow spell, being mastered by Dracula, having an unhealthy interest from both Drusila and vamp Willow, getting his arm broken by a Troll wielding the hammer of a troll god, getting knocked out by Angel and left in the middle of the street...I'm sure I'm forgetting some things.

Edit: Right, Tabula Rasa.

Lost his virginity to a (virgin?) Slayer...
Consort of Queen Cordelia - driven-off by her virginity protection curse
Fiance of Anya
Present at the Slayer Army creation...
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If you look into @dogbertcarroll's compilations, you will see many variations of these things impacting on Xander's future. And dbc focuses on the fun and exciting dimensions for his story telling! He has his version of a WABAC machine settings set correctly to avoid angst.

(In this instance the WABAC is my interpretation of his muse for storytelling. The dog theme seems to carry over also ;) )

EDIT: Ok, @Ace Dreamer seems to be jumping in front of me in line tonight :) Good thing he isn't being a big ninja and steeling all the ideas.
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I'd say his superpower is survival. Maybe a Luck variant of some kind. Not quite as good as Naruto's, but then again even Xander didn't go through as much crap as Naruto did.

If he truly had a luck power, he wouldn't have ended up in so many crazy situations in the first place...

On the other hand, there's no reason to assume it's a good luck curse, right? That would explain a lot. Although not how he actually survived any of it :)

One thing to point out is that a significant portion of the impact on Xander's health include a supernatural aspect. Meaning that no matter how much biological micromanagement that Ianthe can accomplish, much of it will revert quickly or worse mutate. Or, there could be the impact that if she fixes away the problems, he'll keel over dead due to her killing his above mentioned 'superpower' ;)

But remember that they also have a Varga. Your basic Varga is a serious magical powerhouse, to a level that many universe's greater powers tend to look at and go rather pale, while hoping it gets bored and leaves quickly...

This is not a basic Varga. This is an enhanced, essentially fully unlocked, and upgraded Varga, with Hebert accessory pack.

Gods get worried when this pair turn up, and are very polite. Odin knows what happens if you're not... :D Luckily they are generally more likely to troll the fuck out of you, rather than cause real issues, then go away snickering at the expression you got. Unless you're Batman, in which case they may keep turning up because it's just that funny.

But, the point is, if Xander goes home and his local higher powers look at him, they could well see signs of him being of interest to something with a lot of teeth that they really don't want to attract, and as a result mark him down as off limits, just in case... :evil:

Essentially his magical issues can also be dealt with if required.

You forgot being split into two beings with the Ferula-Gemina rod, being made a literal demon magnet by yet another misfired Willow spell, being mastered by Dracula, having an unhealthy interest from both Drusila and vamp Willow, getting his arm broken by a Troll wielding the hammer of a troll god, getting knocked out by Angel and left in the middle of the street...I'm sure I'm forgetting some things.

Edit: Right, Tabula Rasa.

Like I said, poor guy has had a lot of shit dumped on him.

In many ways, Willow and Buffy are not at all good for the guy. He'd have had a much saner life without either of them, of course, but even leaving that out of it, I don't think they ever appreciated quite what they had in him. There is room to argue that without him, things would have ended quickly and messily, and even now I personally think he was one of the most important people in that entire show. He was far more than the comic relief.
Xander also worked at a construction site, building a new Cultural Center that led him to being briefly contracted with mystical syphilis, malaria and small pox after he was attacked by the ghost of a Chumash Indian.
But remember that they also have a Varga. Your basic Varga is a serious magical powerhouse, to a level that many universe's greater powers tend to look at and go rather pale, while hoping it gets bored and leaves quickly...

This is not a basic Varga. This is an enhanced, essentially fully unlocked, and upgraded Varga, with Hebert accessory pack.

Gods get worried when this pair turn up, and are very polite. Odin knows what happens if you're not... :D Luckily they are generally more likely to troll the fuck out of you, rather than cause real issues, then go away snickering at the expression you got. Unless you're Batman, in which case they may keep turning up because it's just that funny.

But, the point is, if Xander goes home and his local higher powers look at him, they could well see signs of him being of interest to something with a lot of teeth that they really don't want to attract, and as a result mark him down as off limits, just in case... :evil:

Essentially his magical issues can also be dealt with if required.
I HAD FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT! How careless of me! :o

Not only can they fix up Xander good as new, they can MAKE HIM BETTER THAN HE WAS!

*ahhh the memories my mind is throwing at me :lol*
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I thought it was just exposure to radiation during a science demo Peter went to, or are you using another Spiderman?

Pretty sure this is Peter B. Parker, the older Spiderman from the recent 'Spiderverse' film.

I HAD FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT! How careless of me! :o

Not only can they fix up Xander good as new, they can MAKE HIM BETTER THAN HE WAS!

*ahhh the memories my mind is throwing at me :lol*

I'm not sure how well Xander would get on with having a lizard tail...
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