Eh. Do it. :)

Reading the opinions of new readers is fun :)
But it isn't necessarily story related and either something about canon vs fanon or discussions about mechanics early in the quest, anything I would like to say has either been said, is irrelevant right now anyways because of time and other things.

I will tell you guys that the trenchcoat wearing ninja teaming up with mizuki got me invested in the quest XD the mystery if it is an SI or just slight AU is intriguing. Especially after Hisana notes that it rains on the day they meet kakashi which it didn't in canon 10//10 for being everything I want in a quest (Sasuke is my favorite fictional character across fiction period) and things I didn't know

edit: since you asked
. When questioned, he supplied an excuse Hisana sort of recognised.
canonically it isn't an excuse btw. I know that a lot of fanon portay kakashi as lazy and what not but everything in canon is shown to be directly tied to obito. Kakashi spends a lot of time infront of the memorial stone, talking to rin obito and minato.

Obito used the same "excuses" for being late except we see on a page that they ACTUALLY happen, he helped old ladies across the street and all kinds of things and kakashi saw that he wasnt bsing. Everything Kakashi does is tied back to obito. I'm 95% sure we see Kakashi do the same things in the manga after the tobi reveal, for sure in the anime.

My point with this rant is that the first thing Kakashi teaches team 7 is the "don't abandon your friends" thing so there is 0 percent chance that kakashi is bsing about why he is late because he would never disrespect obito's memory like that and when people shit on him for it I get mad.

TLDR: everytime kakashi is late he's standing in front of the graves of his family or continue to do the little nice things obito did for the people of the village

This is and always will be one of the strongest scenes in Naruto for me. especially with 20/20 hindsight

sorry, I guess that's one more reason for me to dislike obito...
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So, this didn't happen in canon. And I can't see how anything Hisana changed could have caused it, nor any differences in the lead-up to Orochi using Impure World Resurrection which might explain it. Which leaves two obvious possibilities:
  • The jutsu was sabotaged in some subtle way - but that doesn't make sense; the Trenchcoats are trying to keep canon on-track.
  • Tobirama added these safeguards to the jutsu while he was still alive in this world, where he did not do so in canon. Which implies canon has been butterflied for a long time.
... now that I think about it, there's another deviation in this scene: Orochi doesn't even try to summon the Fourth Hokage
Orochi trying to summon the Fourth Hokage was always a plot hole in canon anyway, IMO; unlike the others, he had already used Shiki Fujin to seal Kurama, so he should've been an invalid target (and Orochi probably should've known that).

Otherwise, yeah, Tobirama's dialogue pretty much points unambiguously to option two. Part of why I said that Asura/Indra being Earth inserts would explain more than it didn't.
Orochi trying to summon the Fourth Hokage was always a plot hole in canon anyway, IMO; unlike the others, he had already used Shiki Fujin to seal Kurama, so he should've been an invalid target (and Orochi probably should've known that).

Otherwise, yeah, Tobirama's dialogue pretty much points unambiguously to option two. Part of why I said that Asura/Indra being Earth inserts would explain more than it didn't.

The plot summary post makes it sound like difference was just Hiruzen buying Tobirama more opportunity to trigger the backdoor.
"You know what I miss? I mean, apart from the obvious stuff, like the internet and phones n' shit. I miss coke. The stuff they have here just isn't the same, you know?" Karin said, looking down at her plate. Hisana wanted to deny it, but ultimately she was lonely. Karin could still be an enemy agent, someone trying to ferret out Hisana's status as a transmigrant - someone with a secondary soul from another world. Yet she could also be a powerful ally, and perhaps a friend. And hell, Hisana thought, she had to at least pretty strongly suspect what Hisana was.
At this point; I'm thinking it literally doesn't matter if Karin was her mortal enemy planning to kill her, people on different sides of a war or conflict connect all the time like this, canon is so destroyed already it doesn't even matter. We have entire factions of Si's working against each other. she doesn't lose anything by talking. She's just 1 girl even if she was S-class it would be hard to make a difference on her own right now. Especially when she has more or less confirmed that even canon characters can be SI ( tf2 spy paranoia much lol)

In fact she would gain a lot more by talking to the girl who obviously know more then she does and might even think that Hisana herself know more then she actually does and get some insight into broader organizational goals like who want's to derail canon or keep it on track etc

I love everything about this quest, it feels well executed and the concept is pretty fresh to me
except that time where sasuke forgot he unlocked sharingan during the massacre somehow
Trauma lock I think... Sauske remembered the parts of the massacre he saw perfectly, but didn't know he had awakened his sharingan. Which is... I mean, we don't actually know how to activate the Sharingan...

It would be funny if the only thing needed to activate it was to put chakra into the pathways, but no one tried it because they all knew they had to unlock it first.
Really danzo is remarkable in the sheer scale of his coping mechanism if not how terrible a one it was, a normal person would just become guilty or reckless not danzo no, he went and churned out dozens of what he himself wanted to be an emotionless shinobi who offered their life for the mission without hesitating.

Then he went and ransacked bodies to give himself the ability to actually die for his mission but live though it thereby muting the actual impact of dying for the mission, which is the bravery and selflessness needed.
How have I never seen that root and the sharinarm is literally a twisted version of what Danzou wanted to be? I think I respect kishimoto as a weekly, I repeat WEEKLY chapter producing mangaka for that.

"I will owe you all a debt beyond anything I can repay. Most of all you, Hinata. Without you, I would never have been able to summon the courage to return - to see my father's work continued."
Is hinata the one that got the bridge named after herself in wave? I absolutely love this, if that's the case, I mean she's connected to the sages brother because of the last so why no t have her be the mc in every singe movie in the OG timeline?
eeing Red is the biggest fuck you to kishimoto's treatment of the female cast possible, but without being rude or unfair about it; Without coming off as non-genuine, Hisana comes off as confident, Cool, professional, capable and caring (like most of the male cast of the OG work), yet it works naturally and endearingly, with bucket loads of charisma and without smearing the values of the original show in the process - It doesn't flandarise nor strawman, it simply accepts and sets its own example, which is something I greatly admire.
Big facts! everything you said is true. We have barley seen Sakura in this quest but she and hinata are two of my favorite characters in SR. If that scene with Sakura being the protector for a group of defenseless kids during the crush was in canon, no one would mock Kishimotos writing or call her useless.

The fact that it also fits with her character development into being a medic, and specifically a combat medic under tsunade makes it even better!
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"I will owe you all a debt beyond anything I can repay. Most of all you, Hinata. Without you, I would never have been able to summon the courage to return - to see my father's work continued."
Is hinata the one that got the bridge named after herself in wave? I absolutely love this, if that's the case, I mean she's connected to the sages brother because of the last so why no t have her be the mc in every singe movie in the OG timeline?
eeing Red is the biggest fuck you to kishimoto's treatment of the female cast possible, but without being rude or unfair about it; Without coming off as non-genuine, Hisana comes off as confident, Cool, professional, capable and caring (like most of the male cast of the OG work), yet it works naturally and endearingly, with bucket loads of charisma and without smearing the values of the original show in the process - It doesn't flandarise nor strawman, it simply accepts and sets its own example, which is something I greatly admire.
Big facts! everything you said is true. We have barley seen Sakura in this quest but she and hinata are two of my favorite characters in SR. If that scene with Sakura being the protector for a group of defenseless kids during the crush was in canon, no one would mock Kishimotos writing or call her useless.

The fact that it also fits with her character development into being a medic, and specifically a combat medic under tsunade makes it even better!
Is hinata the one that got the bridge named after herself in wave? I absolutely love this, if that's the case, I mean she's connected to the sages brother because of the last so why no t have her be the mc in every singe movie in the OG timeline?

Big facts! everything you said is true. We have barley seen Sakura in this quest but she and hinata are two of my favorite characters in SR. If that scene with Sakura being the protector for a group of defenseless kids during the crush was in canon, no one would mock Kishimotos writing or call her useless.

The fact that it also fits with her character development into being a medic, and specifically a combat medic under tsunade makes it even better!
Definitely a crowning moment for Sakura, yeah. Her body gave out long before her drive/will would have.
None of them was real, but he was pretty sure he'd be able to imitate their supposed skills. Their supposed skills in the backstories he'd made up for them, that was.

He had a whole catalogue of disguises like that, some of them more serious than others. He'd had a lot of time to work with the shadow clone jutsu. Some of them were thinly disguised versions of characters from movies or tv shows, but others were combinations of people he knew. Currently, he had a thinly disguised Princess Gale, a girl version of one of the gate guards, and one of his various huge, muscular dudes.
Wow, Naruto is REALLY overprepared for going incognito.
Little did they know that Morino Ibiki's true name was Ryan Johnson, a former CIA spook who fell in the line of duty and was now using his skills to cover for the fourth reincarnation that thought English was a valid code.

I laughed reading this. Not a chuckle not a snort, but throw back head and organically laugh as soon as I read Ryan 10/10

or even as one of the Ōtsutsuki themselves. What was it that camo cloak woman say?
"Race? Do you believe us to be interested in this... local ritual? I would not have believed the renegade's vessel to be this dimwitted,"
when I first read this I thought and still do think she's talking about Kurama. It would almost makes sense in canon too, in kuramas...latest fight together with Naruto he starts talking about something that basically sound like nuclear fusion. When that chapter first cam out in the manga years ago it was one of the serious theories that he might be an isekai or something lol. It felt that much out of left field if I remember.

So because of all that faction Kurama was the first thing I thought about, that or all of this is because a chuuni SI otosuki lies to jump through time and screw with the timeline...Boruto is weird ya'll
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Chunin Duties 7.13
Chunin Duties 7.13

"I am unsure as to why you asked for my assistance, Lady Uchiha," Neji said, as the morning of the Field Medic training exercise dawned. He had joined Hisana by one of the other gates to the Forty-Fourth training ground, otherwise known as the Forest of Death.

"You'll be able to monitor all the trainees in detail," Hisana said.

"Was my cousin not available? You and Lady Hinata have worked together before," Neji replied.

"I was asked to choose a genin... but that's not the only reason I asked for you."

"Oh? What could one such as you want with me? The lines of our destinies do not intersect," Neji said, his expression as carefully neutral as Hisana's.

"And yet here we are," Hisana said.

"Here we are. Yet there is still nothing we have in common between being ninja of Konoha."

"Isn't there? Lesser scions of a grand house who've beaten all expectations. I'd say we have a surprising amount in common," Hisana replied.

"You are in all respects but name the Head of the Uchiha clan. Your situation is hardly comparable to my own. Sasuke treats you as a sister."

"And has Hinata ever treated you as less than any other member of her family?"Hisana asked.

"She has not. But whether she will be the heir remains in question," Neji answered.

"It does?" Hisana asked, her shock leaking into her voice.

"She has displayed great courage ever since becoming a ninja. But she is still yet to defeat her sister and settle the issue of succession," Neji said.

Hisana picked up on what he hadn't said. That Hinata had refused to consign Hanabi to the Caged Bird Seal, refused to defeat her. That girl, Hisana thought, had a better heart than the Hyuga deserved.

"I only became an Uchiha on account of the massacre. I don't know why. My mother - she didn't tell me before... well, nobody thought I would amount to much. Or should amount to much. I was banned from attending the Academy. Sometimes I wonder if that's why..." Hisana said, trailing off.

Neji said nothing in response to that, and neither of them spoke for a long moment. Then the first rays of light started to filter through the tall trees of the training ground and Hisana smiled.

"Well, we've wasted enough time talking. I assume you've memorised your instructions?" Hisana asked Neji.

"I have," he responded, simply.

"Good. Do try and keep up," Hisana said, and then she blurred away into the forest. She wasn't going too fast - she would need to pace herself, given how long the survival exercise was. She allowed herself a little burst of speed at the start, though, and smiled as she sensed Neji follow her.

The two of them made quick time through the forest. An odd feeling ran through Hisana as she returned to the training ground for the first time since the second exam. So much had happened here - she had met Karin, fought Orochimaru's clone…

She still didn't know why he'd spared her - why he hadn't applied his cursed mark to her. His fangs had been inches away from her neck, so close she had felt the corrupted chakra burn against her skin. Yet, he hadn't marked her. She didn't believe it was on a whim like he'd said, but she had no idea at all why he'd really done it.

Twice she had been spared without explanation- once by Orochimaru, and once by Itachi. She had no good explanation for either of them, and it gnawed at her. When she'd first woken up as Hisana, she'd thought she might have been... special. A prophesied hero reincarnated to set right what had gone wrong. It hadn't been a conscious thing, not really, but it had been there.

Then she'd seen she was just the latest of any number of transmigrants. Chance had dropped her somewhere, in someone relevant - but if she figured into any great destinies, they weren't her own. That was freeing, in a way - there were no cosmic expectations for her, and the butterfly had already beaten its wings. The world had changed long before she'd arrived.

Hisana and Neji arrived at the Tower to find a number of other nina there. She saw a lot of genin corps members and older chunin - the sort of average, everyday ninja who made up the bulk of Konoha's numbers. Acting as an assistant in training exercises like this one was a popular mission for a lot of career ninja because the pay was good and the danger was minimal. Hisana suspected half the reason Nohara had asked her to help with it instead of taking part was to get her services for it on the cheap - certainly, Hisana didn't see any other infamous special jonin among the assembled ninja.

She didn't really mind. Aside from anything else, Hisana didn't need the income of one special jonin. The Uchiha Clan still had a lot of its assets, but was supporting a grand total of two members - so Hisana felt very secure in her finances, mission or no mission. Back when the clan had numbered in the hundreds, they had needed all the income they'd been able to get - active-duty ninja generally paid a portion of their earnings to the clan, and that had been a lot of the Uchiha's income in particular.

The Military Police Force had been the backbone of the clan's finances, the consistent pay allowing the Uchiha to invest in things like their large compound. Now that Hisana had seen the Clan's records, she thought the conspiracy theory regarding the Second Hokage's choice of Clan to run it just that. It was easy to see how much of the stability the Uchiha had taken for granted came from the Military Police contracts.

Hisana half listened to Nohara's explanation of the exercise. The conversation with Neji had dredged up a lot of bad memories, and she was eager to get started - to stop standing around and get to something that would distract her.

The ninja assembled at the tower were broken down into two groups. Casualties were those ninja who would be simulating wounded Konoha shinobi, and enemies were those who would be simulating enemy ninja. Hisana was to play the part of the Enemy Commander, a jounin from the Village Hidden in the Mountains. That was a fictional Hidden Village every ninja from Konoha was familiar with, along with the Villages Hidden in the Forest, Coast, and Dunes. All of them were recurring elements of training exercises and exam questions.

All of the casualties had cloth marked with seals wrapped around the location of their "wounds" - they'd respond when a certain amount of medical chakra had been pumped into them in a roughly correct pattern. It was a crude simulation of medical jutsu, but it'd do for an exercise like this.

"Alright, all Mountain ninja over here. Now, I'm sure you're all familiar with the need to do this safely, but the Hokage has been very clear that we are going to reduce training losses. Go and get your weapons checked by Neji, and then take your Mountain headband. I will personally escort anyone who causes one of the trainees a serious wound to the Hokage, and she will not be pleased. Is that understood?" Hisana said, channelling a trickle of chakra to her vocal cords so her voice would carry.

There was a general cry of agreement, and then the "Mountain ninja" went to get their training weapons checked. They were the blunt weapons used for sparring - they could still cause serious injuries like broken bones if you weren't careful, but they were unlikely to cause any deaths. Each trainee and mountain ninja had to report to the station at the Tower if they were "killed", and stay there for the day. Each day, the exercise would reset and a new scenario would begin.

Soon everyone was dressed up in mountain headbands, and the first group of casualties went out. Hisana stayed back at first, directing her troops to spread out. Neji's eyes were extremely useful, letting him keep Hisana updated on the progress of the exercise without her having to run back and forth between the several fronts.

The first day was relatively simple, and the trainee field medics did well. They encountered a few mountain ninja, but they kept their focus on reaching and evacuating the wounded. Hisana didn't take the field herself, because her role was mostly as the ticking clock - she would head the reinforcements that would punish any team that stayed too long.

On the second day, a runner from one of the mountain ninja squads reached Hisana before a field medic team had moved on for the first time. It was about one in the afternoon, and the sun was high in the sky; beating down through the thick canopy.

"Keep an eye on the rest for me," Hisana said to Neji, and then she blurred through the trees. She moved through them at speed, horizontal jumps taking her from tree to tree so fast that gravity barely had any time to work.

She arrived to see the ground smoking - she could smell the fire-natured charka in the air. All of the mountain ninja squad that had attacked the field medics as they stabilised their patients were lying on the ground, having been hit by training weapons - which might not have been deadly, but did hurt.

One of the field medic trainees sensed Hisana as she blurred out of trees, but it wasn't enough to save her. Before she could shout a warning, Hisana was in amongst their group and her first strike - her sword coated in a blunt, shape manipulation chakra flow - slammed into the stomach of the trainee who'd sensed her.

Another threw a brace of kunai at her, flashbang tags trailing from them to simulate explosives. Hisana's eyes were burning the crimson of the Sharingan, and she danced between the kunai to reach their origin before they landed. Her sword brushed against the middle-aged woman's throat, and then she threw her own kunai from her wrist seals.

They slammed into the pair thrown at her in a cloud of sparks, and then the two trailing flashbang tags landed at the medic's backline - where a few of them were still hurriedly trying to stabilise their last patients. That was several more of the medics and all the patients dead.

The last medics ran at Hisana, but it was already over. Her hands blurred through handseals, and then she spat white-hot fire in a line above their heads; blossoming into titanic blasts where the stream of fire hit trees. Had she aimed the fire jutsu at them, they would have all been wiped out.

"And that's your team and all of your patients dead. You do not have the luxury of infinite time - this is not a hospital or a classroom," Hisana said, as everyone picked themselves up to head to the tower.

She had to provide a few more object lessons as the exercise went on, but never to the same team twice. One trainee managed to escape with a single patient, running as soon as she saw Hisana emerge from the treeline. She could have found her with her chakra sense, perhaps, bet sensor-nin were rare enough that Hisana had decided not to.

Keeping track of all mountain ninja was difficult, and she was very thankful for the career genin who'd set up the radios for her. Without him and Neji, she would have been reduced to waiting for runners and her own chakra sense.

Still, when the five days were over, nobody had done badly enough that Nohara had failed them, and the lesson had sunk in - sticking around too long without support would get them and their patients killed.

Hisana was happy to be done with it, though - she'd had her head filled with nothing but field medicine for two weeks. She was eager for the Hokage's investigation into the mission assignment system to end, so Team Seven could go back to doing out-of-village missions.

After the mission to the Land of Tea, though, she was still a little suspicious of anime filler.

Team Seven's next mission will be...

[x] A mission to the Land of Rivers, to confront a former member of the infamous Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.

[x] A mission to the Land of Rice Fields, to investigate rumours about Orochimaru in the company of Jiraiya.

[x] A mission to the Land of Bears, to assist a small ninja village with a number of attempted thefts.
[x] A mission to the Land of Bears, to assist a small ninja village with a number of attempted thefts.

Mystery box. or is it some anime filler that I'm unaware of?
Cool post, it's awesome to see Hisana kick ass, and it seems she has definitely reached the level where she is certain death for conventional chunin. Or at least those who specialize in medical jutsu and are protecting other ninja? An interesting detail is that Neji seems pretty respectful and understanding of her, and also got a front row seat of her capabilities during this exam. I wonder if Hisana's words sunk in and he recognizes the similarities between their situations?

Also an omake idea struck me of Hisana being transported to Cyberpunk 2077, after watching some edgerunners yesterday. Specifically, the way that her speed would interact with the culture's perspective on speed-enhancing tech and the toll it has on the body. Hisana has the vibe of someone who would adapt well to a dystopic environment and try to make life better for the people who need help there.
[x] A mission to the Land of Bears, to assist a small ninja village with a number of attempted thefts.

Mystery box. or is it some anime filler that I'm unaware of?
It's the meteorite village. First option is Raiga with the lightning swords and the kid with the super eye powers. Not sure what the second option is though.

God damn this is a tough choice. We don't need the lightning swords anymore, but I kinda want to collect the kid since his powers screw with other dojutsu. You know, fuck over bullshit canon eyes with the power of anime filler bullshit.
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[x] A mission to the Land of Rice Fields, to investigate rumours about Orochimaru in the company of Jiraiya.

Either seal talk with Jiraya or seals to reverse engineer.
[X] A mission to the Land of Bears, to assist a small ninja village with a number of attempted thefts.

Freaky meteorite powers sound fun!
[X] A mission to the Land of Bears, to assist a small ninja village with a number of attempted thefts.