As pointed out in the following phrase, you don't need to open a second wound in the body of your patient for that because there's already the entry point of the foreign body you can push it out from.
See: that got sealed inside the body by field-expedient treatment. The external wound was healed over during combat to stop them from bleeding out before the fight ended, but a real operation was needed after the battle to get it out to prevent long-term damage.
See: that got sealed inside the body by field-expedient treatment. The external wound was healed over during combat to stop them from bleeding out before the fight ended, but a real operation was needed after the battle to get it out to prevent long-term damage.
In that case it's no longer a field medic's problem. And it's not like a real blade can't be used instead.
If I had to guess, the deeper within a body a medical issue is, the more difficult it is to use topically applied medical techniques to heal it.

So while a Tsunade or a Sakura might be able to mend your punctured kidneys with a pat on your shoulder, for mere mortal medics being able to get closer to the injury through surgery is important.
I wonder who's going to teach Sasuke without Oro around? Kakashi is a good teacher in this but not as good as Oro is.
Is Naruto being thaught by Jiraya?
1)He'll learn like everyone else.
Like Kabuto did, like Itachi did, like Shisui did, like Gaara did. None of them had S-class tutors, all of them ended up S-class.

Sasuke has access to the collected and collated resources of the Uchiha Clan as recovered by Hisana, the classified and unclassified resources of Konoha, his own summon clan, Kakashi and HIS network of resources, as well as everything Hisana can beg, borrow and steal on his behalf.

Sure he lacks the personalized attention of an S-class ninja, but he has access to the periodic attention of multiple high-A/low-S ninja instead. And while he's not taking in Orochimaru's specialized cocktail of anabolics and other drugs, Im not convinced he needs them, and he has the services of arguably the best medic nin in the world at this time in Tsunade as s consult.

2)Naruto is learning from a variety of tutors.
Jiraiya has dropped by to give lessons but he's generally outside the village.
Chakra Scalpels never really felt like a healing technique to me. I know it's canon but it's clearly stupid. I mean, what's the use of it as a healing supplement technique?
You forgot when you have to perform field amputations, or fix gross body trauma.

Like when Killer Bee caved in Sasuke's chest. Or Rin had to clean up Kakashi's ruined eye. Or someone had to clean up Ei's arm after it was amputated to prevent the flames of Amaterasu spreading. Or when someone had to clean up Neji's chest after that harpoon went through it. Or remove all the shuriken that Mizuki riddled Iruka with.

I mean, this is Naruto. Shuriken, kunai and shrapnel injuries are common.

Anyway, in general, I think of it as the difference between most Hyuga and elites like Hinata, Hiashi et al.
A normal Hyuga has to simply target internal organs in combat.
An elite can see and target tenketsu.

Similarly, the vast majority of medics need their eyes and smell and sense of touch to deal with combat trauma.

In a well-equipped hospital they have machines and seal arrays to help visualize injuries and focus their efforts. But in a field hospital, or on a battlefield, they have to actively open incisions to drain blood and air collections, ligate bleeding blood vessels, flush venom injection sites, and rejoin lacerated muscle fibers.

I would not be surprised if exploratory laparotomies were exceedingly common procedures.

Then there are elites like Tsunade, Sakura, some other jounin like Kabuto and Shizune, plus Hyuga medics and some sensors.
Who can tell whats wrong with you by clasping you on the shoulder, and can guide their chakra to fix things using that mental picture. Hyuga cheat, and can simply look. So can some sensors.

They are all rare.

Then there are the actual freaks of nature.
Senju Hashirama , Uzumaki Karin, Juugo to name but three.
Those people come with inborn abilities that have preprogrammed chakra macros for healing other people.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.

Who knows, I feel like something interesting will come out of it.
You forgot when you have to perform field amputations, or fix gross body trauma.

Like when Killer Bee caved in Sasuke's chest. Or Rin had to clean up Kakashi's ruined eye. Or someone had to clean up Ei's arm after it was amputated to prevent the flames of Amaterasu spreading. Or when someone had to clean up Neji's chest after that harpoon went through it. Or remove all the shuriken that Mizuki riddled Iruka with.

I mean, this is Naruto. Shuriken, kunai and shrapnel injuries are common.

Anyway, in general, I think of it as the difference between most Hyuga and elites like Hinata, Hiashi et al.
A normal Hyuga has to simply target internal organs in combat.
An elite can see and target tenketsu.

Similarly, the vast majority of medics need their eyes and smell and sense of touch to deal with combat trauma.

In a well-equipped hospital they have machines and seal arrays to help visualize injuries and focus their efforts. But in a field hospital, or on a battlefield, they have to actively open incisions to drain blood and air collections, ligate bleeding blood vessels, flush venom injection sites, and rejoin lacerated muscle fibers.

I would not be surprised if exploratory laparotomies were exceedingly common procedures.

Then there are elites like Tsunade, Sakura, some other jounin like Kabuto and Shizune, plus Hyuga medics and some sensors.
Who can tell whats wrong with you by clasping you on the shoulder, and can guide their chakra to fix things using that mental picture. Hyuga cheat, and can simply look. So can some sensors.

They are all rare.

Then there are the actual freaks of nature.
Senju Hashirama , Uzumaki Karin, Juugo to name but three.
Those people come with inborn abilities that have preprogrammed chakra macros for healing other people.
None of this really gives the ability to pop out a sharp tiny blade as anything really useful, let alone vitally important for healing as it's said to be in canon. Or implied to be in-story.
I mean, bloodletting is almost always a terrible idea (yes, Hollywood lied to you :V ). Amputations or gross body trauma is not helped by using your chakra to cutting up your patient some more. Doubly not when you could be using that chakra on a Mystic Palm justu or two instead.
If you have a dude with a blown-up kidney or lung Chakra Scalpel isn't going to help you fix up the guy so he can fight a few more minutes (field medic in a war situation), isn't going to help you stabilize the dude for medievac (field medic in 'peace' situation), nor is it really going to help you when you are in a minimally geared up hospital either where you could be using a regular blade and save you chakra for the actually useful regen spell instead. And it's even less relevant in a fully staffed and geared hospital...

I'm sure it has some niche uses, but I just can't see Chakra Scalpels having anything near the usefulness required to be considered as the second most useful medical justu known to mankind.
There are plenty of potential stuff that could be more useful. Top of my head: a poison or disease quick fix, a bleeding stemming technique, an adrenaline shot, a sterilization spell, a sewing justu. Or a Chakra Strings variant to manipulate stuff inside the body without breaking the skin of your patient, like scalpels are shown to be able to do (cutting tendons iirc). I'm sure an actual medic could think of more...

Imo Chakra Scalpels jutsu is a minimally useful medical jutsu that has been re-purposed into pulling double duty as a sub-optimal combat tool to try and pump up medic's survival rate in combat without having the newbie medics invest too much training time into combat (because they could be investing that time into becoming better at healing).
None of this really gives the ability to pop out a sharp tiny blade as anything really useful, let alone vitally important for healing as it's said to be in canon. Or implied to be in-story.
I mean, bloodletting is almost always a terrible idea (yes, Hollywood lied to you :V ). Amputations or gross body trauma is not helped by using your chakra to cutting up your patient some more. Doubly not when you could be using that chakra on a Mystic Palm justu or two instead.
If you have a dude with a blown-up kidney or lung Chakra Scalpel isn't going to help you fix up the guy so he can fight a few more minutes (field medic in a war situation), isn't going to help you stabilize the dude for medievac (field medic in 'peace' situation), nor is it really going to help you when you are in a minimally geared up hospital either where you could be using a regular blade and save you chakra for the actually useful regen spell instead. And it's even less relevant in a fully staffed and geared hospital...

I'm sure it has some niche uses, but I just can't see Chakra Scalpels having anything near the usefulness required to be considered as the second most useful medical justu known to mankind.
There are plenty of potential stuff that could be more useful. Top of my head: a poison or disease quick fix, a bleeding stemming technique, an adrenaline shot, a sterilization spell, a sewing justu. Or a Chakra Strings variant to manipulate stuff inside the body without breaking the skin of your patient, like scalpels are shown to be able to do (cutting tendons iirc). I'm sure an actual medic could think of more...

Imo Chakra Scalpels jutsu is a minimally useful medical jutsu that has been re-purposed into pulling double duty as a sub-optimal combat tool to try and pump up medic's survival rate in combat without having the newbie medics invest too much training time into combat (because they could be investing that time into becoming better at healing).
Speaking as someone with actual medical training?

1)Yes, bloodletting is bad for you IRL. Usually.
Unless you have a bullshit ability that can concentrate venom into that blood or body fluid as its removed.
Or that blood is pooled in a body cavity and compressing an organ.

2)No, you're wrong. Field amputations involve isolating and ligating arterial bleeders, or your patient will die right there on the field. Tourniquets are field expedients for when you dont have a walking hospital with you. A sterile magic knife has obvious applications, especially when you can tune it to affect some tissues and not others, like Kabuto did when he stabbed Naruto in the heart.

3) A blown up kidney requires that someone go in fast and ligate the renal and arterial blood vessels before the patient bleeds out into the retroperitoneum. Lung injuries depend on the nature of the damage; blast damage gets very different treatment from a hemothorax.

4) Chakra Strings demonstrably dont work the way you say they do in-universe. Or everyone would be using them.
There is the presumption that everyone in universe that have used and taught these things through three ninja village wars are not entirely stupid if they are still teaching it.
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Also worth remembering: Medical ninja have limited chakra and time in the field. Not everyone has the luxury of Hisana's absolutely massive chakra reserves.

A situation where they can either use 5 seconds of Chakra Scalpel to open an abdomen and stop a bleeding aorta, vs one where they might need 5 minutes of Mystic Palm to fix internal bleeding without an incision?
They'll want the option to use the fast and cheap method.

Because in a serious situation with triage going on you might have double or triple digit casualties vying for your attention on a time-sensitive basis, and you dont have the luxury of taking your time with each one.
Just keep them alive.
[x] Neji, to precisely monitor the trainees. Whilst his eyes' range isn't as long as Karin's sensory technique, they provide more information.
Let us remember that quip from Kakashi during the canon Wave arc- "There are people in this world younger than you but stronger than me." (or something to that effect anyway, haven't personally read/watched that arc in years.)
My problem with him saying that is we never see someone like that in the series. With the exception of the war arc where Naruto and Sasuke got power ups.
[x] Naruto, to provide manpower. His shadow clones will allow Hisana to swamp the trainees much more effectively.

The most likely real scenario - Arbitrary Number Of Enemies
My problem with him saying that is we never see someone like that in the series. With the exception of the war arc where Naruto and Sasuke got power ups.
... uh, Itachi, Nagato, probably Kimimaro, and every Tailed Beast container. Off the top of my head, there's probably more. Kakashi's strong but he's nowhere close to the top-tier of the Narutoverse until Shippuden.

(Yes, everyone I mentioned has bullshit bloodlines or Beasts or whatever to let them get close to that top-tier while being 10 or whatever. The fact that this is incredibly unfair will not keep Kakashi alive in a fight with them, which is his point.)
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My problem with him saying that is we never see someone like that in the series. With the exception of the war arc where Naruto and Sasuke got power ups.
Thats because running into such people is usually as final as the full stop at the end of a sentence.
Very few shinobi survive such encounters, and even fewer do so in any state to have a ninja career afterwards.

Just go back and look at Minato's encounter with Ei and Killer B; both of them would have died right there if Minato wasnt distracted. Or the Mist ANBU that ran into Obito in the scene where Rin died. Or look at the poor Grass team in the Chuunin Exams that ran into Orochimaru.
"Your job on the exercise isn't to win. It's to put the medics under pressure. Punish 'em if they screw up, and feel free to teach 'em a lesson if they stick around to fight, but if they withdraw with a decent strategy, let them," Kumiko said, and then she left the classroom.
... So what you're saying is, it's our turn to play Orochimaru? The wake-up call boss? :V
I just want to remind the thread that we are in the habit of carrying fifty cows around, on our person. Just. Casually.

It's a shame ninja are so tough or we could get some serious comedy out of using them for carpet bombing :V.
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[X] Naruto, to provide manpower. His shadow clones will allow Hisana to swamp the trainees much more effectively.

He seems the most suited to simulating a large enemy force.
... uh, Itachi, Nagato, probably Kimimaro, and every Tailed Beast container. Off the top of my head, there's probably more. Kakashi's strong but he's nowhere close to the top-tier of the Narutoverse until Shippuden.

(Yes, everyone I mentioned has bullshit bloodlines or Beasts or whatever to let them get close to that top-tier while being 10 or whatever. The fact that this is incredibly unfair will not keep Kakashi alive in a fight with them, which is his point.)

None of those people are younger than Naruto and Sasuke, though. There were people who got very strong at very young ages in the past, but in the "present," I don't think there's anyone 12 or under stronger than Kakashi. The closest it gets is Gaara, but I don't think even Gaara is stronger than Kakashi pre-timeskip.
None of those people are younger than Naruto and Sasuke, though. There were people who got very strong at very young ages in the past, but in the "present," I don't think there's anyone 12 or under stronger than Kakashi. The closest it gets is Gaara, but I don't think even Gaara is stronger than Kakashi pre-timeskip.
Ah. I suppose it's technically true that we don't really see anyone in the current generation like that, but like, before Shippuden the manga never really left the village other than the Wave Arc, so that's kind of a null result. His point is just that since it's happened before (and not even the distant past; again, literally Itachi lol), it could totally happen again, so don't let your guard down. And indeed, Haku manages to catch him off-guard a couple episodes later.

(Though I honestly think Kakashi would have a lot of trouble with Shukaku. He's built himself for human-scale assassinations; he doesn't really have much to counter kaiju AFAIK. At least until post-timeskip.)
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Ah. I suppose it's technically true that we don't really see anyone in the current generation like that, but like, before Shippuden the manga never really left the village other than the Wave Arc, so that's kind of a null result.

If there were super-strong 11-year-olds offscreen somewhere pre-timeskip, we'd be seeing super-strong 14-year-olds in the war arc, which we don't.