And yet again we get warning that some details and assumptions we make might be inaccurate; like with the whole Naruto only eating ramen thing.
I suspect this is going to be a regular thing.

For the most part, @Tekomandor is just avoiding fanon, something that has become utterly pervasive in Naruto circles to the point that it gets hard for people to distinguish from canon unless they actually reread the manga. Canon Naruto does love ramen, but hardly to an obsessive degree; he eats stuff that isn't ramen pretty frequently.

Sasuke uses it to great effect in the various epilogue/next gen material. And, theoretically, many kenjutsu techniques would transfer to the sword of a Complete Susanoo.

Not to mention that Mifune is a canon S-rank samurai who survived a fight with Hanzo, a ninja so S-class that the Sannin first became legends for doing the exact same thing, but with 3 of them instead of 1.

Hanzo regularly kicked Mifune's ass before he died IIRC, and he wielded a kusarigama vs Mifune's samurai sword techniques.

That happened only once, Hanzo was at his "you become a literal legend just for surviving a fight against me when it's 3-v-1" prime, and Hanzo was so impressed with Mifune's skill and resolve that he gave him the antidote to the poison he'd put on said kusari-gama that clinched the fight for him.
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Did you intend to say 'Chakara Storage seal' a S-rank technique or did you actually mean normal storage seal?
Yes, the GM did mean to say chakra storage seal.
Like Tsunade's but much, much simpler.
If we can just spend a reasonable amount of time around med-nin, we'll see a few basic healing jutsu in use. We could then copy them.
Our Sharingan is Level 1. Limited use only; there are things it will not copy.

Furthermore, copying a jutsu does not necessarily give you the skill or chakra control to use it immediately; you still have to grind those, which presumably is what Hisana is doing for the Mystic Palm. Remember how Sasuke copied Lee's taijutsu, but still had to grind the stamina, reflexes and control to use it during the Exam Finals.

Only people like Kakashi, with freakishly good control honed over a decade plus, can copy and replicate a technique immediately.
Hisana's Chakra Control is still D-class; nowhere that good.
copying a jutsu does not necessarily give you the skill or chakra control to use it immediately; you still have to grind those
Yes, but just learning them would be a good start. Having known jutsu we can grind towards using will be helpful.

Our Sharingan is Level 1. Limited use only; there are things it will not copy.
Yes, we won't get the high-level stuff even if it's done right in front of us. We can still get a lot of basic skills that the med-nin would use day-in and day-out.
Remember, we have two more years of training. After that, the timeline is MUCH more compressed, as people might remember. If we are to take advantage of the chakra storage seal, we need to get it NOW, so we have a full year to use it in, rather than the next year, after which we won't have time to stockpile it / reap benefits.
True, but that's one skill, which is pretty closely related to Sasori's specialty (The human puppet), not a broad variety of skills.
Thing is, using a puppet is relatively simple affair as puppets go.

At Sasori's level, you aren't using puppets. You are making your own puppets, carrying tens or hundreds of puppets around, making and installing weaponry et cetera, brewing unique poisons et cetera . That requires a blatantly multidisciplinary base of skill and knowledge, especially when you are a missing nin with unreliable logistics. And that doesn't include the bullshit of understanding other people's techniques well enough to use them as human puppets that can channel chakra.

Hell, note that even Kankuro had exemplary stealth and speed as genin and was able to pass his puppet off as human. It's not just about using the puppet.
Quick question, but did we ever get a description of Hisana beyond 'An uchiha who is female'? I'm not finding one.
You're going to have to ping the GM.
I've been working off this fanart for Uchiha females:
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Okay so this is incomplete, but I want feedback:

Fanart of Hisana, obviously. I wanted to use perspective/depth to make this picture look more dynamic, but I feel like it just fucked the proportions instead.

Too goofy to be worth continuing, Y/N?

(Also I hate the shoes so much why are Naruto's ninja sandals so goofy)
I'm of the opinion that Kenjutsu doesn't scale well into S-Ranked Ninja Battles.
Like Taijutsu, it generally doesn't provide S-rank on its own, but rather provides a foundation that other techniques are based around.

You'll notice that typically, taijutsu specialists have some for of temporary strength enhancement (e.g. soldier pills, wolf fusion, giant form, medical ninjutsu, 8 Gates etc.) to make them more competitive at high levels.

There are a few elite ninja with excessively broad bodies of skill - but for the most part, these ninja are either famous for that broad base (Hiruzen Sarutobi and his students), or they have the Sharingan to copy skills with. Unless the story pulled some fresh bullshit after I stopped reading/watching, most of the elite ninja are elite because they specialized intensively in a single area.

I agree, but we're not trying to raise everything to Jounin level here. At this stage, we're just getting the basics down. For example, part of the basics of genjutsu is being able to dispel it, which is something that everyone should want to be able to do.


Quick question, but did we ever get a description of Hisana beyond 'An uchiha who is female'? I'm not finding one.

Not that I know of.

I've been waiting for us to get our Ninja OutfitTM​ before drawing anything... Though I suppose we could start discussing concepts any time.

Fanart of Hisana, obviously. I wanted to use perspective/depth to make this picture look more dynamic, but I feel like it just fucked the proportions instead.

Too goofy to be worth continuing, Y/N?

Well, that would depend what you mean by "continuing".... I think the basic concept is fine, and you don't necessarily need to abandon it.

I think you're right that you'd need to rework the perspective and proportions a fair bit to make it work, and this could essentially involve redoing it. It also feels, counter to the perspective, a little flat?

I'm not sure exactly what your drawing process is here, did you clean up the initial lines a lot? My impression, though I could be completely off base here, is that you jumped to the "lineart" phase a bit too soon, and that you might want to spend more time just roughly sketching and refining the basic skeleton and form before getting to drawing nice lines.

Similarly, the face is really something that you have to be prepared to spend a lot of time erasing and redrawing until it's right (seriously, they're a nightmare).
"Nope. Just this." Hisana said, giving the kunai a twirl then resealing it. The seals could go anywhere on the body, though obviously you wanted to be able to quickly access it directly.
Hm. You know if size is irrelevant for a seal, Hisana could use the Sharingan to make some incredibly small seals that are pretty much invisible to the naked eye. Although at that size the issue might be it'll vanish when enough of her skin is shed.
"I'm having a little trouble with this question, Hisana?" Asked a pink haired girl - otherwise known as Sakura Haruno. Hisana felt a bit bad for taking over her role, but she wasn't filling it yet and first come first served and all that.

"Hmm - oh, that. There's actually a mistake in the formula sheet, change that formula to this and see how it goes, k?" Hisana said, and really the girl didn't need the help. She had something like six years on her classmates, at least in some respects, and she was willing to bet both Sakura and Shikimaru were better at theory than she was. At least, if Shikimaru put the least amount of effort into it.
With how confident Hisana is that she took Sakura's place on Team 7 I'll be surprised if thing end up exactly as she thinks they will. Because while Hisana/Naruto/Sasuke would have excellent team synergy it would placing a lot of eggs in one basket.

Still interacting with Sakura to instill in her the confidence necessary to realize her potential in the field of Iryojutsu is a good idea, and Hisana might even get her first girlfriend out of doing so.


Ninjutsu because finding out Hisana's elemental affinity will help her ninjutsu she is naturally more efficient at using into her kenjutsu. Genjutsu so Hisana can spot them in teammates using the Sharingan, and break them out of one, also opens up the option doing more with it next year. Mystic Palm to prevent teammates from dying to something, which a little bit of time invested in that field would prevent.
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I like this plan, while I'd like to learn the samurai skills at some point, not getting some basic competency in Genjutsu would be a huge waste of our Sharingan. Being able to cast illusions just from eye contact is a ridiculously useful skill.
Fanart: Hisana, by Vindictus
It also feels, counter to the perspective, a little flat?

I'm not sure exactly what your drawing process is here, did you clean up the initial lines a lot?
Sketched with pencils, traced over the pencil lines with sharpie, erased pencils.

I ended up coloring it in regardless, and that helped the depth a little I think, but I'll probably have to work a bit more before I try something similar again.

Similarly, the face is really something that you have to be prepared to spend a lot of time erasing and redrawing until it's right
Faces are always annoying yeah.

Anyway here's the 'complete' version:

still hate those ninja shoes so much...

Edit: resized it so that it's not, like, stupid hueg.
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With how confident Hisana is that she took Sakura's place on Team 7 I'll be surprised if thing end up exactly as she thinks they will. Because while Hisana/Naruto/Sasuke would have excellent team synergy it would placing a lot of eggs in one basket.
True, but it would be countered by the practical issue of there being literally one (known) ninja in the entire village able to teach someone to use sharingan techniques.

Add in the fact that it would be a very well protected basket. Being on a team with an Elite Jonin is is generally safer then most assignments you could get. .... well, it would be, if not for Team 7 having a Protagonists ability to attract danger. But they don't know that.

Plus the fact that a well established team dynamic and synergy would be a valuable asset in its own right, and they wouldn't throw that away without a good reason. Established groups that work well as viable teams probably get kept together if there's no practical reason to separate them.

.... unless the next two years cause butterflies that cause things to go in a completely different direction.
Sketched with pencils, traced over the pencil lines with sharpie, erased pencils.

I guess my question here is how did you sketch it? Did you start with trying to draw the outline? Or did you start with roughing out the skeleton (basically a stick figure), and roughing out the volume of the limbs etc. with simple forms?

I've found that (faces aside), these kinds of issues tend to come back to how well you set up the foundations of your drawing.

As an example of what I mean, here's one of my Rukia sketches from the Bleach Quest. Note the progression from using simple lines to work out how everything should be arranged, and working out volumes with simple ovals, to gradually building up the detail. It isn't necessarily the best example - normally I'd flesh out the form of the body a bit more before adding clothes, but in this case I knew that the baggy shinigami robes would cover up most of the shape of the body, and I'd had quite a bit of practice with them already.

Yes, but just learning them would be a good start. Having known jutsu we can grind towards using will be helpful.
Not especially.
The Sharingan is an awesome shortcut, but our time is not infinite.

Yes, we won't get the high-level stuff even if it's done right in front of us. We can still get a lot of basic skills that the med-nin would use day-in and day-out.
The skills that are useful to hospital medic-nin do not necessarily translate to utility in the field.
And like I pointed out above, our time is not infinite.

The course we're taking already provides everything we need, including applicable basics; we have no need to know things like Chikatsu Saisei no Jutsu/Healing Resusciation Regeneration Technique.

Too goofy to be worth continuing, Y/N?
I'm not good enough to venture an opinion I'm afraid.
When I inflict my bird scratchings on the world, I usually use a reference.
I would suggest hunting using something similar if you intend an action shot.

.... unless the next two years cause butterflies that cause things to go in a completely different direction.
This I worry about.
There are good reasons both IC and OOC for Hisana to beeline for Mystic Palm.

The Kyuubi Attack was about ten years ago.The attempted kidnapping of Hinata was only six years ago.
The Uchiha Massacre was less than three years ago.
Orochimaru has agents so deep inside Konoha that he is able to staff entire genin teams with his pawns.

Konoha is not the safest place to be these days; the less like low-hanging fruit we appear, the less likely someone will push his/her luck.
Or if they do, we can survive it.
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Outline, sort of, I guess?

Yeah, that's the problem I think. When you start like that, it's really hard to get the posing and perspective right (it's difficult anyway, but this makes it harder), and things have a tendency to come out looking flat. There's a reason pretty much all the tutorials on drawing people focus on roughing out simple volumes first. You want to try and create an impression of 3D objects, and the easiest way to do that is to start with simple forms that you can then sort of sculpt into more detailed objects.

Perspective with people is also really difficult, especially when it's more dynamic like this. I'm not entirely sure what the best way to do it is, but I've had some success with blocking things out with boxes, since they're easier to work out the perspective on.

I've found that looking at tutorials to see how they do things can be really helpful for working out how to improve, and, as uju32 said, looking at examples can help for more complicated images.
Well, anyway, did a bust, though I feel like once I finished with color and shading it looked too old.

Here's the album as a whole, showing the process the image went through:

Final (colored) image:

Uncolored (looks better IMO):
Sasuke uses it to great effect in the various epilogue/next gen material. And, theoretically, many kenjutsu techniques would transfer to the sword of a Complete Susanoo.
Alright then, I can live with that.

Anyway, if we're doing plan voting then I'll change my vote to support Yog's idea.

[X] Plan Takeoff 1.0
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Well, anyway, did a bust, though I feel like once I finished with color and shading it looked too old.

Yeah, it kinda looks like a teenage boy... As a teenage boy it looks pretty good though. You did a good job on the eyes and ears.

Welcome to the wonderful world of drawing faces, where small changes in the angle of a line can completely change the apparent gender of your subject :lol. Front-perspective faces are also a complete pain to get right.
Fanart: Hisana, by Vindictus
Yeah. I spend so much time redrawing the jawline in my pictures.

In this case, I'd also suggest that the face might also be a bit on the long side? If you look at anime, that longer, more rectangular face shape is typically used on men...
Yeah, playing around with the image in MS Paint, I found that the image looks much more like a young girl when I shorten the face.

Which means... Give me a moment to try something.

EDIT: Stretch and skew, motherfuckers!

Still not that great, but better now.
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Sketched with pencils, traced over the pencil lines with sharpie, erased pencils.

I ended up coloring it in regardless, and that helped the depth a little I think, but I'll probably have to work a bit more before I try something similar again.

Faces are always annoying yeah.

Anyway here's the 'complete' version:

still hate those ninja shoes so much...

Edit: resized it so that it's not, like, stupid hueg.
You have 10 XP to spend how you wish. As for ninja outfits, if you happen to draw or find any particularly good fan art I'd probably just use that, but I'm currently leaning in the same direction as the above art.

Yeah, playing around with the image in MS Paint, I found that the image looks much more like a young girl when I shorten the face.

Which means... Give me a moment to try something.

EDIT: Stretch and skew, motherfuckers!

Still not that great, but better now.
Take another five xp for this.
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