@Tekomandor - Quick question before I spend the XP: Is the conversion one to one (IE a point of XP buys a point in any stat) or do different stats/skills have different conversion rates- And, if so, what are the conversion ranks?
True, but it would be countered by the practical issue of there being literally one (known) ninja in the entire village able to teach someone to use sharingan techniques.

Add in the fact that it would be a very well protected basket. Being on a team with an Elite Jonin is is generally safer then most assignments you could get. .... well, it would be, if not for Team 7 having a Protagonists ability to attract danger. But they don't know that.

Plus the fact that a well established team dynamic and synergy would be a valuable asset in its own right, and they wouldn't throw that away without a good reason. Established groups that work well as viable teams probably get kept together if there's no practical reason to separate them.

.... unless the next two years cause butterflies that cause things to go in a completely different direction.
Hm. Well with both the surviving loyal Uchiha on the same team it would far easier to keep them safe if things go horribly wrong by giving Kakashi a panic button, or buttons if they believe Orochimaru might be an issue, and place assets in a position where they can respond in a timely manner. Although in the latter case they'd be more of a scouting party for whatever kill team the Hokage can assemble within at most an hour.

Frankly even Danzo should see the benefit of keeping at least one Uchiha in active service, because their name is feared/respected in the shinobi world, which can serve as a deterrent from anyone testing the waters, and realizing just how poor a position Konoha would be if a war broke out.
[x] - Fuinjutsu:
-[x] - Reverse-engineering the controllable, detonable shuriken.

[x] - Genjutsu
-[x] - Get the basics of Genjutsu down.

[x] - Kenjutsu
-[x] - Learn techniques intended to counter ninja from a former Samurai.

[x] - Iryojutsu
-[x] - Begin to learn the Mystical Palm Jutsu

Binge Read...Don't know much about naruto, will try to contribute.
You have 10 XP to spend how you wish. As for ninja outfits, if you happen to draw or find any particularly good fan art I'd probably just use that, but I'm currently leaning in the same direction as the above art.
I grabbed up a bunch of... at least tasteful pics if you have any particular idea what you may want outside of that. I didn't realize how much thigh was showing on the first two until they were already in the album, but oh well. (Because your last loaded pic is the first one in the albums).

I like the fifth one, which was actually on the naruto wikipedia funnily enough, and the 3rd one. Though belts and cloths make it not work... I just like the character. *Shrug* I think the hairstyle and face design could work for us though, but I'm not an artist so I don't know how much that actually helps.

The first two are recolors of the same one, but hey, cuts down on the work of recoloring the eyes or hair for someone if you end up liking them.
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You have 10 XP to spend how you wish. As for ninja outfits, if you happen to draw or find any particularly good fan art I'd probably just use that, but I'm currently leaning in the same direction as the above art.
Steal canon Temari's style.
Move the headband to the forehead, raise the corset, and put shorts under the skirt.
Uchiha fan insignia on one shoulder or a pin on the corset thing, get rid of the fan, and you're good to go.

Also, shorten the sash to an obi/ cummerbund-type thing and put a seal scroll behind it.
No scabbard; assume her sword is in a seal.
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Temari does look awesome. But...
What about the Uchiha CollarTM​? We gotta have the Uchiha Collar.
I like that though... I think I can make some kind of Uchiha version of that.
Like I said, just raise the neckline of both the shirt and the vest.
Or you could go with something closer to the Mikoto Uchiha fanart I posted on the previous page:
Specifically, the one on the left with the kunai.
Looks more like a late teenager than the early teens Hisana is supposed to be entering, though.
Not a particular fan of Temari's, but I could live with the Teen Mikoto one pretty well. Still like the fifth one in my album the best, but I can see why others wouldn't.

I mean, how dare it have actual armor. :V
Not a particular fan of Temari's, but I could live with the Teen Mikoto one pretty well. Still like the fifth one in my album the best, but I can see why others wouldn't.
I mean, how dare it have actual armor. :V
Naruto is a place where even genin are able to punch craters into a stone floor, as we see in Sasuke's fight with Yoroi during the elimination rounds of the Chuunin Exam. Where it is possible to punch a mook clear through a wall and the guy retains consciousness and the ability to talk, as Gai did to a sound shinobi during the Invasion.

Armor is not really a good tradeoff, unless you're wearing something like the power armor they cooked up in the Land of Snow movie.
That's why nobody seems to bother.
Naruto is a place where even genin are able to punch craters into a stone floor, as we see in Sasuke's fight with Yoroi during the elimination rounds of the Chuunin Exam. Where it is possible to punch a mook clear through a wall and the guy retains consciousness and the ability to talk, as Gai did to a sound shinobi during the Invasion.

Armor is not really a good tradeoff, unless you're wearing something like the power armor they cooked up in the Land of Snow movie.
That's why nobody seems to bother.
Harashima and Madara used it for some reason at least. And yes, their strength is bullshit, but so is their speed. Armor can potentially be the difference between being nicked by one of those blows and deflecting it away.

You do have more of a point than I do, but armor isn't completely impractical. Also, it gives you more room to slap seals on stuff.
Naruto is a place where even genin are able to punch craters into a stone floor, as we see in Sasuke's fight with Yoroi during the elimination rounds of the Chuunin Exam. Where it is possible to punch a mook clear through a wall and the guy retains consciousness and the ability to talk, as Gai did to a sound shinobi during the Invasion.

Armor is not really a good tradeoff, unless you're wearing something like the power armor they cooked up in the Land of Snow movie.
That's why nobody seems to bother.
Well, the fact that, say, Kakashi could block Zabuza's fucking huge sword with a kunai lends some creedance to the idea that armour could work. It just might not be worth the effort for most, though.
We also see the Land of Iron make extensive usage of heavier armor, but that's probably because it's the Land of Iron, so they likely have access to extensive metal deposits with which to easily work into armor, and more advanced metallurgy with which to make said armor.
God no. Fuck twin tails. It's a disturbingly childish hair style and seeing it on Tsunade and so many Naruko's... okay, the latter usually deserves them, but the former is, as I said, kind of disturbing.
Harashima and Madara used it for some reason at least.
And none of their successors do.
Literally, the younger the shinobi generation, the less obvious armor they wear, with only the oldies wearing their vintage shit.
That suggests one of two things:
1) The armor Hashirama et al wore is too expensive for modern shinobi.
Unlikely, if even elite jounin and Kages alike do not wear it. Sarutobi wore less than his teachers(a helmet , mesh and vambraces).
Jiraiya only wore mess underneath his clothes. Minato never wore anything heavier than a flak jacket. Neither did Kakashi.
All could probably afford the very best.

2)Flak jackets and ninjutsu techniques are capable of providing equivalent or superior performance, hence obsoleting it.
Or that modern techniques are generally deadly enough to punch through any armor.
Which would parallel what has happened with RL weapons and armor tech, with improving knowledge and techniques obsoleting old procedures.

Noone bothers armoring ships any longer IRL.
Well, the fact that, say, Kakashi could block Zabuza's fucking huge sword with a kunai lends some creedance to the idea that armour could work. It just might not be worth the effort for most, though.
I assume weapons are subject to the same passive effect that allows Gai to punch a mook Sound shinobi literally through a wall without instantaneously vaporizing him.

We also see the Land of Iron make extensive usage of heavier armor, but that's probably because it's the Land of Iron, so they likely have access to extensive metal deposits with which to easily work into armor, and more advanced metallurgy with which to make said armor.
Or, because samurai use neither ninjutsu nor fuinjutsu?
They are restricted to methods that the shinobi villages have long since abandoned as obsolete.
Nah, the Samurai learned how to use Chakra differently from the very beginning. They use a specific style of Kenjutsu that's basically designed to counter hand-seal users.
Can I get a citation for this?
Everything I remember about Land of Iron samurai pretty strongly indicates that they are significantly more limited in chakra magic manipulation than shinobi. I mean, the fact that all the surrounding nations sponsor shinobi villages instead of samurai villages, or even an even split, suggests they are pretty strongly outclassed in battlefield utility.

I mean, I don't doubt that they're pretty effective on their home ground; they've survived three shinobi world wars without some shinobi warlord kicking them over means they aren't pushovers. But noone adopts their methods signals limited utility.
After all, you'd think the small villages who get fucked over by shinobi wars would sponsor anti-ninja forces if they were that good.
Can I get a citation for this?
Everything I remember about Land of Iron samurai pretty strongly indicates that they are significantly more limited in chakra magic manipulation than shinobi. I mean, the fact that all the surrounding nations sponsor shinobi villages instead of samurai villages, or even an even split, suggests they are pretty strongly outclassed in battlefield utility.

I mean, I don't doubt that they're pretty effective on their home ground; they've survived three shinobi world wars without some shinobi warlord kicking them over means they aren't pushovers. But noone adopts their methods signals limited utility.
After all, you'd think the small villages who get fucked over by shinobi wars would sponsor anti-ninja forces if they were that good.
Land of Iron Samurai use Iaidō, which is a Kenjutsu style designed to take advantage of the small openings granted when Shinobi use hand-seals. (If you want the actual Manga chapter citation, it's Chapter 531 and Mifune's fight with Hanzo, can't link that for obvious reasons). Meanwhile, the bit about them diverging early on is from Gaara Hiden, I don't have a specific citation for that though, so take it with a grain of salt.

Now, it could still be that they were rendered obsolete, or other reasons, like the Shinobi being less idealistic and far more mercenary. In addition, the Land of Iron itself is stated to be highly isolationist, so it could be they were never hired because they don't want to act as mercenaries.
That suggests one of two things:
There is a third option you haven't considered:
3) Armor is a relic of the Warring States Era.

Ninjutsu pretty obviously is powerful enough that it can ignore armor but going by:
Well, the fact that, say, Kakashi could block Zabuza's fucking huge sword with a kunai lends some creedance to the idea that armour could work. It just might not be worth the effort for most, though.
it could be reasonable to say that it's useful against weapons. This is important because back during the Warring States Era the massive power blocks of the hidden villages didn't exist, instead ninja were broken up into smaller clans and suffered horrific mortality rates. Given that it wouldn't be unreasonable for other groups, like say samurai, to be a common foe on the battlefield. Against foes lacking in ninjutsu, which by it's very name is limited to ninja, armor could be quite useful.

That would explain why veterans of the WSE wore armor, why their direct students wore some armor (influence from the WSE vets), and why modern day ninja (who have never seen a real samurai before) wear almost none.