Body reinforcement? Lots of regeneration?
(It's been awhile, so take this with a grain of salt) As far as I can tell there are two reasons that the Eight Gates hurt the user. One is that it overheats the body. Two is that it creates more force than the body can handle, causing it to tear itself apart. We can almost certainly solve the body heat issue with a storage seal of some sort, though the 'tear yourself apart' issue is probably harder. Maybe some sort of autohealing seal if the injuries are usually the same?
Seeing the state in which Gai was left after opening the 8 gates (he was literally burning from inside out), only Tsunade level regeneration could give us a small chance to open the 8 gates without dying...
Yeah, just like only Shisui level Genjutsu would allow us to fight while in Flash Step... Wait... We can fix that with seals...
Seeing the state in which Gai was left after opening the 8 gates (he was literally burning from inside out), only Tsunade level regeneration could give us a small chance to open the 8 gates without dying...

Even that wouldn't do it. Opening the eighth gate literally turns you to ash from the inside out, and also pulverized your bones with every movement. It took Ninja Jesus healing to save Gai, and even Naruto couldn't save his career.

I think it could be possible to make opening the first few gates mostly harmless, though.
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Yeah, just like only Shisui level Genjutsu would allow us to fight while in Flash Step... Wait... We can fix that with seals...

As should be obvious, Hisana's seals are not an automatic solution to all her problems, and an auto-regeneration seal is likely to be hellishly complex.

Short of getting Tsunade to agree to compare notes about how our seals work, it might not be attainable at all - and even then, with "merely" B rank medical skills, managing to apply it will almost certainly take a lot of investment anyway.
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As should be obvious, Hisana's seals are not an automatic solution to all her problems, and an auto-regeneration seal is likely to be hellishly complex.

Short of getting Tsunade to agree to compare notes about how our seals work, it might not be attainable at all - and even then, with "merely" B rank medical skills, managing to apply it will quite possibly take a lot of investment anyway.
Auto-regeneration is probably out of the picture. But reinforcement and regeneration of specific body parts (muscles and bones mainly) might not be. Storing the increased body heat is almost certainly possible right now.
I also want to bring up the fact that almost every form of fast regeneration in Naruto is said to decrease your lifespan.

Food for thought.
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I mean, even if we somehow combined the first one or two gates with the shunshin, that's already way more speed for us to work with. If we could combine it with the seventh gate? Pure fucking insanity.

The point is I want our shunshins to speed-blitz everyone.
Not worth having to possess someone else every three years or so.
I mean, even if we somehow combined the first one or two gates with the shunshin, that's already way more speed for us to work with. If we could combine it with the seventh gate? Pure fucking insanity.

The point is I want our shunshins to speed-blitz everyone.

Personally, I want Hisana to reach the same point as Gai did during the Madara fight, where she moves so fast that the sheer speed tears at space-time.

Who needs Hiraishin, anyway?
Except unlike Tsunade or Naruto we don't have a super lifespan.

Honestly the gates from 1 to 3 might be a better power up for us.
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Don't let greed overstretch into overly risky territory. The Gates are powerful and with healing we can mitigate the damage, but the higher we go the greater we risk death, crippling, or just dramatic shortage of our lifespan.

Not to mention it's more than just opening a Gate. You have to be able to open them safely, maintain that experience for more than a blink without your body being overwhelmed. Taijustsu genius Lee, who focused on physical combat to the exclusion of all else, could open...the 5th Gate by the Chuunin Exams.

Wouldn't think it's worth it to be able to open more than, say, the 3rd Gate. That's probably within our healing abilities as well as still being a massive boost to speed and power.
So next time we get a chance, we ask Kakashi or Rock Lee to teach us how to open the gates?
Hey man, I'm all for more Rock Lee. As a child I couldn't stand the Green Beasts. As an adult, I can't live without them. Hisana needs more YOUTH!!!!

But I guess Kakashi can teach us, too. Probably in a little more tailored approach.
Hisana x Lee otp! :V

But seriously, i'd love to see them both train together and form a friendship. I can definitely see potential chemistry there, especially regarding their determination to succeed.
Hisana got to where she is via her work ethic. Having a Sharingan is the icing on the cake. :V
Hey man, I'm all for more Rock Lee. As a child I couldn't stand the Green Beasts. As an adult, I can't live without them. Hisana needs more YOUTH!!!!

But I guess Kakashi can teach us, too. Probably in a little more tailored approach.
Hisana x Lee otp! :V

But seriously, i'd love to see them both train together and form a friendship. I can definitely see potential chemistry there, especially regarding their determination to succeed.

You know, the Gates work so well in Gay, Lee, and even Kakashi because they are very physically resilient. If Hisana that is a total glass cannon uses the gates, she would be hurt badly, and even if she can heal herself, once the gates have been closed Hisana would be left in the open, extremely vulnerable to anyone.

If we don´t manage to increase Hisana physical resilience by a wide margin, the gates would be a Death or Glory technique and those are at best an Ace in the Hole, we cannot base our regular fighting style in techniques so dangerous for its user.

Aside from that, I would love to see Rock Lee and Hisana interact, these two are the expression of this comic
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You know, the Gates work so well in Gay, Lee, and even Kakashi because they are very physically resilient. If Hisana that is a total glass cannon uses the gates, she would be hurt badly, and even if she can heal herself, once the gates have been closed Hisana would be left in the open, extremely vulnerable to anyone.

If we don´t manage to increase Hisana physical resilience by a wide margin, the gates would be a Death or Glory technique and those are at best an Ace in the Hole, we cannot base our regular fighting style in techniques so dangerous for its user.

This is true, yes... but we need to build up our endurance anyway. We're planning on working towards Sage Mode over the next few IV years, and that has high physical prerequisites too (among other things).
This is true, yes... but we need to build up our endurance anyway. We're planning on working towards Sage Mode over the next few IV years, and that has high physical prerequisites too (among other things).


Very soon, most of our XP will be going in that direction (At least, that's what it assume is happening), meaning that Hisana's toughness will hugely increase either way.

By the time the chunin exams are over, i think w'ell be ready to start strength/toughness/Chakra-capacity training and soon after that, the gates/sage mode.
You know, the Gates work so well in Gay, Lee, and even Kakashi because they are very physically resilient. If Hisana that is a total glass cannon uses the gates, she would be hurt badly, and even if she can heal herself, once the gates have been closed Hisana would be left in the open, extremely vulnerable to anyone.

If we don´t manage to increase Hisana physical resilience by a wide margin, the gates would be a Death or Glory technique and those are at best an Ace in the Hole, we cannot base our regular fighting style in techniques so dangerous for its user.

But... the Gates are always Death or Glory techniques? (Just death with a high chance of Glory in the case of gate No.8, but I digress.)

If you deactivate the Gates before ending a fight you've already burned so much Chakra and pushed your body far enough that any further combat has a forgone conclusion.
(You lose)
But... the Gates are always Death or Glory techniques? (Just death with a high chance of Glory in the case of gate No.8, but I digress.)

If you deactivate the Gates before ending a fight you've already burned so much Chakra and pushed your body far enough that any further combat has a forgone conclusion.
(You lose)
Well Gay used the 6th gate against Kisame and he does not even looked tired afterwards , and Kakashi used at least the 1st gate against Naruto and he continued spamming powerful ninjutsu without a flinch.

The gates are normally a Death or Glory technique, but the risks can be greatly lessened if the users are resilient enough.
Well Gay used the 6th gate against Kisame and he does not even looked tired afterwards , and Kakashi used at least the 1st gate against Naruto and he continued spamming powerful ninjutsu without a flinch.

The gates are normally a Death or Glory technique, but the risks can be greatly lessened if the users are resilient enough.

I thought that was just due to training and familiarity with the technique, both of which are achieved in time and not necessarily required for effective use. I mean, had Lee fought anyone but Gaara in the exams, he would of decimated them, despite not having such mastery over the gates as he gains later.