For something simpler that might already be obtainable, some kind of weight manipulation seal could be interesting. She could use it in conjuncture with Raven's Flight to make it more sustainable and even faster- Deidara proved how useful being able to fuck off into the air is.

Though I do really like the idea of her becoming a chakra leech. Her stamina is probably already better than Sasuke and Kakashi put together, but that sort of seal could boost it to a truly legendary level.

Though I think a larger priority should be increasing her control to make better use of the reserves we already have.

Reminds me of the whole "Magica pool vs Magica regeneration" argument.

Whilst it's nice to have a large pool of Mana to draw off of, that becomes useless when you have no regeneration to supplement it. In those scenarios, high regeneration of Mana trumps it 9 times out of 10, as you can spam your best attacks repeatedly and then regain all that Mana very rapidly. Usually, it's best to get a balance but if your regeneration is fast enough, you can rely almost entirely on it alone - Your pool only determines what you can attack with, whilst your regeneration will allow you last forever whilst spamming those attacks in the hundreds.

In the elemental nations, every "wizard" has specialised in their Magica pool total only, as they have no way to regain that Mana mid-battle. It works for them because they're all equal in that deficiency, however if one of them were to gain effective Mana-regen capabilities (Whole pool back to full in seconds) They could easily start flinging A-rank techniques in the thousands, seeing as their only limit is in time taken to recharge.

I'd consider a leaching seal to function like classic Mana-drain spells - Spam them enough and you suddenly have Chakra regeneration on par with most RPG characters, allowing you to empty your entire pool into the best techniques, before instantly refilling in time to spam again. All we would be limited to is seal strength (A non factor once we research enough into this) time (measured In only seconds/minutes) and Chakra sources, of which there would likely be many if we are ever threatened.
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Though I think a larger priority should be increasing her control to make better use of the reserves we already have.
There's a limit to how efficient we can get, though. We already have a 70% cost reduction. While increasing that to 80% or 90% would be cutting it by 1/3 or 2/3 compared to the current cost, we already drop most of the cost.
For example, a Shadow Clone costs 40 chakra by default; we actually spend 12 chakra (80% would drop that to 8 and 90% would drop it to 4). The cylindrical barrier version of the Uchiha Flame Formation costs 200 chakra by default; we spend 60 chakra (80% would drop that to 40 and 90% would drop it to 20). The actual cost of Raven's Wings is currently 3 chakra per second, rather than the 10 listed in the description.
Further honing our control is a good idea, but we're also getting close to the point where increasing our chakra control (and thus cost reduction) does less to improve our stamina than just improving our chakra capacity.
I feel we should stop actively improving our control and instead allow Hisana to passively improve through practice, as that would give us much more bang for our buck. That way, we could actively raise other related stats (Chakra capacity, sealing), giving us much more to work with whilst letting Hisana grow into her Chakra control stat-cap on her own. As a result, instead of reaching the cap early and losing potential growth in that area in the future, we would focus our attention elsewhere (kenjutsu, speed, sealing?) and allow Hisana to reach the cap naturally, saving XP in the process.
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I will note that our score (not just rank) in Chakra Control has been noted by Tekomandor as being a gate on learning certain jutsu.

That said, I agree with the diminishing returns argument, so focusing on chakra capacity, be it natural or boosted through various seals/ leeching justu, is fine by me.
Wouldn't it work the other way around? Our current effective chakra capacity (including the seal) is 1133, while increasing our reduction to 80%/90% gives 1700 and 3400 effective chakra capacity respectively.
Let's be honest- We're going to get more bang for our buck if we put our expenditures into one area, like we've been doing, and let our training options cover the rest.

This is because the higher a given stat is, the harder it is to improve it with training; Thus, every time we buy a skill 'up' a rank, we decrease the benefit we get from training that skill just a little bit, making our effective benefit from using that bonus EXP just a little bit lower every time.

(For example, if we spent 10 xp on Iryojutsu and that decreased the impact of training from 10 to 7 exp, we would have essentially lowered our gain from 20 to 17. However, if we were to put it in another area that we weren't training directly- for example, Chakra Capacity- we'd still get a net gain of 20 when counting training experience and bonus experience.)

Meanwhile, bonus EXP has no curve- 10 exp is 10 exp- which means we can pump a single attribute up to any arbitrary level without diminishing returns. Where a training action would give only one or two exp to that skill or attribute, bonus exp would keep the same consistent gains.

Alternatively, we can also pour our bonus EXP into a few areas, and then just train in others- But this has flaws. For one thing, skill training unlocks actual skills- Jutsus etc- that we don't actually gain when we pour EXP into them. If we'd just raised Kenjutsu with our bonus experience, we wouldn't have gotten any of the special techniques that training actions got us. The same with Ninjutsu- In addition to raising our skill in that area, training actions have given us stuff like using wind techniques like a 3d gear (from the Raven's training) that we might not have gotten otherwise.

Given these factors, it makes the most sense to put our bonus experience into a handful of high-level attributes, while using training actions to manage our other skills. I'll take a moment to point out again that Speed has a greater relative impact on our capabilities than any other attribute, but really any given attribute would be fine; Chakra control and capacity are obviously good when it comes to using our more esoteric abilities, and while Strength is sub-optimal when compared to speed, it's probably got it's own benefits that we'd see if we got it to a high enough level. Intelligence is notable in that I'm not even sure if there's any way to train it, so any benefits would almost have to come from bonuses.
Character Concept Direction for Hisana

Hisana has been a somewhat tricky character to pin down, so far, but given the latest insights we've had in the thread, I think that a fairly self-consistent concept for future growth is taking shape, which I'd like to expand on.

Consistently, we've voted for Hisana to reconstruct and repurpose not just jutsu, but fundamental constants of other people's combat styles. Most obviously, she copied the idea of Tsunade's seal wholesale to deal with her stamina issues, and she went to great lengths to reconstruct Shisui's technique, to great success.

It runs deeper than just those examples, though. She took a great deal of inspiration from that first Chunin Exam she witnessed a while back, when it comes to her use of chakra strings and receptor seals to modify her ranged attacks. She "stole" Sakura's place on Team 7, but copied large amounts of medical training from her to partially make up for it. And she fully plans on using her access to the Raven Summons to copy shippuden Naruto's success with Sage Mode.

Even in hiring tutors to teach her techniques like Iaido's anti-handseal focus, or asking Asuma to teach her Wind Infusion, you can see a strain of this sort of piecemeal practicality. Heck, even the chakra she keeps in her seal is sourced from Naruto, much of the time, and you can make an argument that as an avid member of the Naruto fandom, even her idea to train fuinjutsu is unoriginal, since she undoubtedly sourced some of her ideas on how dealing is underused from the wider fanbase.

In short, she's something like the natural evolution of Kakashi - instead of just copying a jutsu and adding it to her arsenal, she builds her whole combat style around extremely powerful singular techniques that she can synergize together. Her theme is probably best expressed as "abusing the greatest strengths of others".

And this is all something you can build off of as a character design spectacularly. It's a natural extension of her mentor's reputation as the Copy-Ninja, for one, and plays into her position as inheriting the Uchiha's famed eyes without the sense of clan pride to inhibit her behaviours. Shameless cheating ninja, through and through.

Stealing Yoroi's technique and building around it ties into this on multiple levels. On the first, Hisana once again found an underused jutsu and explored it ruthlessly, stealing it from her opponents. On a deeper level, working in the direction of chakra drain lets her literally use her opponents strengths against them.

Because of the way that external chakra manipulation techniques naturally scale to the level of ones opposition, they're a natural fit for Hisana's role in the story and her desire to be able to alter canon - letting her affect relevant change on very high level combat while not needing to reach that level as desperately herself. Thus, in addition to being thematic, it's also a practical consideration for the circumstances she's in.

It will of course take a lot of effort before she can even do something as relatively simple as work on Yoroi's jutsu until she can channel it through a sword instead of requiring palm contact, but it's a path for her development that I'm very much sold on. And in the long run...? Chakra dispersing "Anti-Magic Fields" area seals fall into her "chakra manipulation" fuinjutsu theme, as would more directly applied chakra draining or inhibiting seals.

Imagine just cutting off the connection Nagato has to his Paths, or that Kabuto had to the Edo Tensai. Or encountering a hostile Sage Mode user (we aren't the only transmigrant, and it's one of the classic "paths to power" in Naruto) and being able to disable their balance of physical, mental, and natural energy with an applied seal. Insta-statue.

My only real complaint is that she doesn't have the Magpie summons yet, but since they're Corvids, even that is on theme.
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Character Concept Direction for Hisana

Hisana has been a somewhat tricky character to pin down, so far, but given the latest insights we've had in the thread, I think that a fairly self-consistent concept for future growth is taking shape, which I'd like to expand on.

Consistently, we've voted for Hisana to reconstruct and repurpose not just jutsu, but fundamental constants of other people's combat styles. Most obviously, she copied the idea of Tsunade's seal wholesale to deal with her stamina issues, and she went to great lengths to reconstruct Shisui's technique, to great success.

It runs deeper than just those examples, though. She took a great deal of inspiration from that first Chunin Exam she witnessed a while back, when it comes to her use of chakra strings and receptor seals to modify her ranged attacks. She "stole" Sakura's place on Team 7, but copied large amounts of medical training from her to partially make up for it. And she fully plans on using her access to the Raven Summons to copy shippuden Naruto's success with Sage Mode.

Even in hiring tutors to teach her techniques like Iaido's anti-handseal focus, or asking Asuma to teach her Wind Infusion, you can see a strain of this sort of piecemeal practicality. Heck, even the chakra she keeps in her seal is sourced from Naruto, much of the time, and you can make an argument that as an avid member of the Naruto fandom, even her idea to train fuinjutsu is unoriginal, since she undoubtedly sourced some of her ideas on how dealing is underused from the wider fanbase.

In short, she's something like the natural evolution of Kakashi - instead of just copying a jutsu and adding it to her arsenal, she builds her whole combat style around extremely powerful singular techniques that she can synergize together. Her theme is probably best expressed as "abusing the greatest strengths of others".

And this is all something you can build off of as a character design spectacularly. It's a natural extension of her mentor's reputation as the Copy-Ninja, for one, and plays into her position as inheriting the Uchiha's famed eyes without the sense of clan pride to inhibit her behaviours. Shameless cheating ninja, through and through.

Stealing Yoroi's technique and building around it ties into this on multiple levels. On the first, Hisana once again found an underused jutsu and explored it ruthlessly, stealing it from her opponents. On a deeper level, working in the direction of chakra drain lets her literally use her opponents strengths against them.

Because of the way that external chakra manipulation techniques naturally scale to the level of ones opposition, they're a natural fit for Hisana's role in the story and her desire to be able to alter canon - letting her affect relevant change on very high level combat while not needing to reach that level as desperately herself. Thus, in addition to being thematic, it's also a practical consideration for the circumstances she's in.

It will of course take a lot of effort before she can even do something as relatively simple as work on Yoroi's jutsu until she can channel it through a sword instead of requiring palm contact, but it's a path for her development that I'm very much sold on. And in the long run...? Chakra dispersing "Anti-Magic Fields" area seals fall into her "chakra manipulation" fuinjutsu theme, as would more directly applied chakra draining or inhibiting seals.

Imagine just cutting off the connection Nagato has to his Paths, or that Kabuto had to the Edo Tensai. Or encountering a hostile Sage Mode user (we aren't the only transmigrant, and it's one of the classic "paths to power" in Naruto) and being able to disable their balance of physical, mental, and natural energy with an applied seal. Insta-statue.

My only real complaint is that she doesn't have the Magpie summons yet, but since they're Corvids, even that is on theme.

Yes yes yes!

I positively love that idea for progression, and there's just so much we can do with it! Heck, once we reach S-class status, we could be known for copying other peoples techniques, combat styles and tactics, before improving on them ruthlessly.

People know that we will not just steal from them, we also use what they have to create an even more deadly skill, often combining it with other (Also stolen) deadly skills.

"Oh, you used Chakra drain? I just stole your Jutsu, improved it massively and then bound it to my weapon, so that it cuts Chakra, destabilises your coils and even drains them like Kisame's sword does."

"Oh, you have a Chakra storage seal? I just stole it, modified it and then upgraded it so that it gradually provides Chakra throughout battle, to the point that i'm effectively S-class reserve-wise."

"Oh, you use sage mode? I just copied you, modified it and then stuck it in a seal that constantly provides natural energy for ease of gathering and use, massively boosting my stats for hours at a time."

"Oh, you used shunshin? I stole your seal matrix, modified it to fit me, learned to use it properly and then created a sword designed to laido-strike whilst activating the technique."

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In terms of the Sharingan, my favourite line about it shows up in The Second Uchiha (the quest), when Kakashi says that some people say you should ask permission before using the Sharingan on allies. Kakashi then continues on that they are either idiots or Samurai. Basically that as ninja, stealing techniques is never wrong.
In terms of the Sharingan, my favourite line about it shows up in The Second Uchiha (the quest), when Kakashi says that some people say you should ask permission before using the Sharingan on allies. Kakashi then continues on that they are either idiots or Samurai. Basically that as ninja, stealing techniques is never wrong.

Link? In any case, Hisana seems to have no issues with that philosophy.

"Oh? So the student believes she's outgrown her master, does she?"

"In one area, perhaps. Of course, I am an honourless ninja who is unafraid of cheating her way to victory; so that was inevitable,"
So I have a little omake from the perspective of the trench coat guy that was my perspective of what his thoughts could have been right before we attacked him and Mizuki.

It's my first omake I've ever published so I hope it's considered all right. Constructive criticism would be very appreciated.
From the other foot

He looked at the petty shit in front of him with complete impassivity. At least on the surface, under the façade however was a great swelling of distaste that was increasingly threatening to burst forth the longer he was forced to wait for the targets. The fact that the Order was forced to work with this self entitled nobody meant to be nothing more than an exposition piece and push Naruto onto his destiny even once made his blood boil. If the men upstairs had been able to properly deal with that… freak from nowhere, -whose very existence threatens the fate of the world itself from Kagura's machinations- they wouldn't be forced to make such a brazen move as they are now.

He resists the temptation, to turn his head to Sakura, the bait needed to lure out the aberration so that he may deal with her, or at least the forces he'll send out if need be. Though he personally doubts that'll be necessary as what child, especially one who's only been in the academy for a mere four years, could hope to take him on? Honestly he feels the instant teleportation seal he's carrying is overkill since likely he'll just kill the aberration, flee the scene whilst Naruto deals with the wannabe Mizuki, and by the time reinforcements have arrived he'd have already made a fair distance. If he was extra lucky that Mizuki may even be competent enough to serve as a useful distraction even when the reinforcements arrived. After all Naruto already has the shadow clones and didn't need to get the Forbidden seal in the first place to start the plot.

The fact he has to even use this plan itself however is shameful. The fact that it is already this off the tracks of canon is also worrying. After all, Sasuke is not as mentally unhinged and as willing to join that snake's entourage, and Naruto is not as lonely as he was in canon. This aberration has already without even graduating has caused dangerous ripples. The only hope, he supposes, is that with her death it'll destabilize Sasuke enough to be willing to join Orochimaru, under the presumption he is unaware of Orochimaru's connection to this sordid business, to go after the killers of the aberration as well as Itachi. Which is again, already causing dangerous ripples in the story, and hopefully it'll somehow straighten itself after this incident.

However, he forcefully breaks his train of thought about the possibility of this endeavor not working. It has to work after all, if it doesn't than this entire operation and the dangerous ripples it could cause would all be for nothing in protecting the safety of the world. Especially as for whatever brilliant reason the men in charge, -he suspects at least since he's working with Mizuki, anime Mizuki in particular- thought that allying with fucking Orochimaru was in any way a good idea. He can only hope this won't backfire terribly.

At least, he thinks to himself in a comparatively jovial tone to his previous thoughts, the fool in front of him thinks the mission is to use Sakura as a hostage to force Naruto to steal the Forbidden scroll instead of it being bait to bring out the aberration and force things back on track. Good thing too as he doubts the foundation stone known as Mizuki to those who overestimate his worth would be willing to work as well as he is if he knew the actual plan.

Now the bait was set, the bread trail was laid bare and the trap was ready to pounce, now all was needed was- Ah there it is, Sakura being swapped with a clone of Naruto and he could sense the aberration next to another Naruto. Seeing the look of outrage upon the idiot's face was also satisfying after dealing with him for as long as he was forced too.

Well let's get this show on the road…
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Link? In any case, Hisana seems to have no issues with that philosophy.
The Second Uchiha (Naruto Quest) | Page 188
If you go to the bottom of that post and Scroll up until the first scene break, that is the start of Kakashi's presence in the chapter.

I am not the best person to be giving writing criticism. For a first attempt, it is written rather well, but I feel like it's missing something big that I can't name. I know, not helpful.
Another way that we may use to improve Hasana power is to try to get one Combined Chakra Transformation. Hisana, due to her Uchiha lineage, has an affinity for the fire element even if it is not her primary chakra nature.

If we improve her fire ninjutsu enough we may be able to combine it with her wind chakra, and then Hisana will be able to use the Scorch release, which is absurdly destructive.

But that is a long time project, I doubt that we could get any of that without a ninjutsu level of either A or S...
Scorch release is a bloodline limit though.
That is true, but the Kekkei Genkai that falls under the Combined Chakra Transformation category, are not determined by genetics so much (we have seen lava users in 3 different villages) but from Chakra nature, we already have wind, and we have an affinity for fire as an Uchiha (In canon Sasuke had 2 elemental affinities, lighting and fire and the chakra paper on this quest only showed one).
That is true, but the Kekkei Genkai that falls under the Combined Chakra Transformation category, are not determined by genetics so much (we have seen lava users in 3 different villages) but from Chakra nature, we already have wind, and we have an affinity for fire as an Uchiha (In canon Sasuke had 2 elemental affinities, lighting and fire and the chakra paper on this quest only showed one).

It doesn't work that way.
Though I wonder how Onoki managed to learn Dust Release from Mu.
Pretty sure Onoki could already do dust release, the Tsuchikage just taught him techniques.
I think he means that to use dust release Onoki would have needed to win the Genetic lottery twice (one for having 3 chakra natures, and another for having the exact natures required for dust release) and this is extremely rare even between family members...
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Though I wonder how Onoki managed to learn Dust Release from Mu.
My understanding is that Dust Release is just an incredibly advanced set of techniques, not a bloodline thing. In chapter 525, Onoki says Mu passed the secrets on to him, which sounds a lot more like teaching obscure techniques than something restricted by inheritance.
This also implies (since it's a "kekkei tota", which is supposed to be an advanced kekkei genkai) that other combination elements can be used without being born into it; this is further supported by Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, where the Land of Snow ninja (and Kakashi) use Hyoton*. If that's the case, given that almost nobody does that, my conclusion is that the genetic part of elemental kekkei genkai basically handles the elemental transformation for them, and using the techniques without that requires effectively doing three or more transformations (the two base elements and the combination element) at once - which is impractical for almost anyone else.

* The Snow ninja may or may not be using a different form of Hyoton, because they use pre-existing ice instead of generating it, but Tobirama generates his water to use the same Suiton techniques as everyone else so I'm pretty sure they're either conserving chakra or just worse at it than a genetic user.