OOC: Ask, and ye shall receive.
Yuma sits on the bus next to you, kicking her legs excitedly. Despite her normally reserved demeanor, she's been anxiously waiting for today.
"...And they'll have lions, Big Sis Yumi! Ms. Koizumi said so!" Yuma continues, smiling.
"Lions? You really think so?" You ruffle her hair, practically feeling her excitement. According to the older teacher, you would be in a group of five kids. Yuma, of course, as you're the only one she really opens up to.
Next is Nagisa, who's riding on a different bus. Her and Yuma seem to get along great!
After that, they gave you the "trouble kids". They consist of one boy and two girls, who are sisters.
The boy's name is Satoshi, and the girls are Fio and Amiya. Apparently, they "refuse to behave", but there's not been a peep from any of them for the entire ride to the Zoo.
Soon enough, the bus screeches to a halt, with Yuma nearly bolting from her seat. "We're here!" She looks up at you, eyes almost sparkling.
As the doors open, the children who were riding with you pile out ecstatically. You gather each of the kids in your group, and step off the bus.
Right outside, Nagisa skips towards your group. "Yuma! Are you excited?"
Yuma nods her head with the force of a rampaging Oni. "Yup! Big Sis Yumi's here, too!"
Satoshi looks up at you, disinterested. The two sisters, Fio and Amiya, stay close to each other. With the principal's say so, your party advances into the Zoo!
"What's that thing? On your arm?" Satoshi asks instantly.
"Woke up with it one day." You don't exactly lie. "So, wanna go see the monkeys?"
Amiya fiddles with a small phone, and shows Fio. Fio nods, and turns to you. "Yes!" She states confidently.
Yuma beams at you, simply excited to be here. Nagisa gives a thumbs up, and Satoshi simply shrugs.
You look at the map you grabbed at the info booth, planning your route through the zoo. Content with your plan, you pocket the map and begin leading your party to each animal exhibit.
You stop walking at the enclosure for alligators. Both Nagisa and Yuma are fixated on the big lizards. Fio, keeping her gaze on her sister, has a look of determination on her face.
"Look! Look, Yumi!" Nagisa pats you on the leg, "It's moving!"
Sure enough, the alligator is walking over to the small river in the enclosure. Yuma stares in awe of the gator, a huge smile plastered on her face.
"It's just a lizard." Satoshi says, looking at Yuma. "Why are you excited?"
Yuma, apparently, doesn't hear him. Nagisa, however, does.
"It's a big lizard!" She retorts.
Satoshi sighs, accepting the answer.
You smile at them, and choose your next destination...