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"Into a brave new world, fighting every step of the way. Do not be discouraged. Death is very possible." - My philosophy from February 2022

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19: Apocrypha?
[X] Give Homura to the cat. That way she can protect the poor girl from plushies and their oracle-blender minion pairs!

"Here, you go with her!" You say, handing the cat to Homura.

She blinks, holding the small, black kitten. "If I must..." She carries Amy in her arms, smiling gently. You don't say you were talking to Amy.

Suddenly, someone speeds by on a car, very clearly going over the speed limit. If you hadn't noticed that poor cat, it could've been hit!

You refrain from yelling something putrid at the driver, albeit barely.

"That was..." Homura pauses, "...Exciting."

"Did you catch his plates?" You growl unintentionally.

"Unfortunately, no." She replies. "Let us continue."

Other than that, nothing of note happens on your walk. Eventually, you reach your destination. You double check the address that Dad sent you.

"This is...!" Homura whispers to herself.

"We're here, then! New home!" You say, ascending the staircase to the second floor of the apartment building.

"Yumi, we are going to your home, correct?"

"Yeah, we're here! Just need to unpack, and get my key from the neighbor." You explain, moving to your neighbor's door. "Let's see... She should be... Here!"

You knock. After a moment, you hear footsteps, and, soon after, the door opens.

"Yumi? Well, this is a surprise! Hello again!" Mami says, smiling. "Aww, what a cute cat, Homura!"

[] ???
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Funny Thing 2
"Hey, Homu-Homu, can I have a gun?"

"No. Why?"

"I need a ranged wea-"

"Not happening."

"Why not?"

"Because you're too reckless. And besides, you'll draw way too much attention."

"Can you say that last part again?"

"You'll draw way too much attention...?"

"Say it again while doing the hair flip thing."

"You'll draw way too-"


"... Go nuts, Yumi." You got a Glock!
*Meanwhile during the writing of Homu nega-quest*
SlightLemonade4 said:
So these rolls for Yumi's shenanigans... JFC Yumi, like you guys won't see until you meet back up with her, but just JFC.

Cookie_Dough said:
Awww, come on your can tell us. We're all friends here!:D

SlightLemonade4 said:
Alright, alright, I'll tell you the one that probably won't come up and is the least WTF: she met Stephen.

Villaindog said:

Queenster said:
Yumi is based luck, for she is RNGesus incarnate! Praise be unto her!

SlightLemonade4 said:
Hey in all fairness, she's in SMT protag now. Meeting Stephen early on is perfectly normal. The WTF comes from everything else she's picked up.

Sora_Furude said:
I told you all we should have gone with her.

Wait do we have her number? We could call her on lunch break!

SlightLemonade4 said:
No you do not, and neither does Mami. Shoulda done that when you had the chance! Anyways back to writing for me!

Have a nega-quest omake!
Omake: Endure.
OOC: This was requested by @Herofox


You barely even register that you were attacked. One second, you were on your feet, facing down a Witch, and the next...

You're airborne. You slam into the wall, pain shooting through your entire body. Then, you fall to the ground, unable to move.

Your head is spinning. You're clearly bleeding, and the Witch has it's sights on you. It prepares it's final attack-

"YUMI!!" Homura calls out from somewhere you can't see. The Witch turns to see the Magical Girl, only to be hit with some kind of rocket.

It explodes violently, ripping the unfortunate former Magical Girl apart. Then, in the same second, Homura's at your side.

"Yumi?! Can you hear me?!" Panic creeps into her voice as she shakes you, "Don't you dare be dead!"

You try to get up, but you only end up getting flipped over by Homura.

She's... Hugging you. "Please don't leave! You're my best chance of saving them all! You're my only chance!" Your shoulder begins to feel wet. Not with blood, but with tears. "I... I need your help...! I'm sorry I called you irresponsible, I'm sorry I didn't let you help me before, and...!"

You wrap your good arm around her. "I'm... Still here..." You barely say.

She holds you tighter, "D-Don't ever do that again! You scared the hell out of me!"

"I thought I... Told you before..." You pull back, looking her in the eyes. "I promised... To help you guys...!" You smile weakly. "And I always... Keep my promises."

Homura nestles herself into your shoulder, sobbing. You hug her again.
OMAKE: ...And Again, And Again, And...
Chronos falls to his knees, struggling to stay upright. As you approach, sword drawn, he begins to speak.

"Enough...! Mercy!" He concedes. You stop.

"Then, you'll let me go back?" You drum your fingers on your sword.

"Anything! But please, spare my life...!"

"...Very well." You stand down. Chronos sighs a breath of relief.

"Thank you, merciful one! Thank you!"

"Now, about my way back?" You sternly ask.

His eyes widen, "Oh, of course! Allow me..." Chronos focuses, and opens a hole from thin air. "There. It will guide you back to the beginning of your journey, when you first woke in that Barrier."

"Is it wise to go that far back, my Wielder?" Your blade asks.


"I see. Then why-"

"I have to save them. All of them. Kyoko, Mami, Madoka, Yuma, Homura, Nagisa, Kirika, Oriko..."

"Then we should get to it. Lead the way, Ms. Konishi."

You leap in, ready to begin again.

Once more, with feeling!
OMAKE: It's a Mystery.
"...So, where did you guys say you were from?" You ask, walking down the street.

"We're from Inaba." The tallest, Kanji, answers. "So how the hell'd we get here?"

"If anyone knows, it'd be Naoto or Narukami." The one with the knives, Yosuke, states.

"And if Naoto's missing," the bear suited guy, Teddie, begins, "Then that only leaves Sensei!"

The boy known as Yu Narukami looks at everyone, analyzing the party.

"Well, Partner? What's the deal?" Yosuke asks.

"Do you want the long answer, or the short answer?" Yu asks.

"Short, please." Kanji says, turning around to look at Yu.

Yu smiles. "I...!"

"You...?!" Everyone but you asks.

"...Have no clue." Yu finishes.

"What?!" Yosuke shouts. "All that buildup for nothing?!"

"I didn't build up anything. I just didn't finish my sentence."

"What's that?" You point to an alley, with a large pot of...?

The Inaba guys all freeze. "Is that...?!" Yosuke sputters out.

"It is...!" Yu answers, slowly backing away.

"Well, at least we know the girls were here." Even Kanji sounds worried.

"Woah, what's with the visceral reaction?" You ask, moving closer.

"Just stay far away from it...!" Yosuke warns, shivering.

"It's just a pot?"

"It's not about the pot! It's about the contents!" You give Yosuke a strange look.

"Can't be that bad." You shrug, walking closer to the pot.

"No, don't...!" Yosuke calls, but Yu puts his hand on Yosuke's shoulder.

"She's made up her mind. We can't do anything else but pray."

"I'll get ready to cast Samerecarm, Sensei!" Teddie says, determination ebbing into his voice.

"Wait, don't we have to be in the TV World to-" Kanji tries, but to no avail.

You have made it to the pot. You take hold of the serving spoon, and scoop up some of this...

It's purple. That's it's defining characteristic. You'll give it a shot! How bad can it be? You take a-

Death is inevitable. It seems to have come for you.

Heroes rise and fall, and only their legends remain.

Through your actions, you will be-


You're on your hands and knees, panting. What just happened...?

"She's alive! Help her up!" Kanji rushes to your side, grabbing your arm.

You feel... Cold. Is this what Witching out feels like?

"Yumi, can you hear me?!" Yu asks.

You hear footsteps. "What the hell did you do to Yumi?!" You hear Kyoko shout.

"We didn't do anything! It was Mystery Food X!" Yosuke explains.

"What the hell's you talking about?! That shit over there?" Kyoko begins to walk towards the Unholy Concoction!

"We need to destroy it! Sensei, try your strongest Persona against it!" Teddie suggests.

"You're not wasting food!" Kyoko draws her spear, "I'm gonna finish it if you can't!"

"NOOOOO!" Everyone but you howls.
The Quest, Abridged. Part 1/??
"Golly gee! I sure do love having emotional baggage! I hope nothing is attracted to probably repressed trauma!" You say in the middle of the mall.

Suddenly, Barrier. "Fucker. Well, while I'm here, I might as well-"

"Hey Madoka, wanna see me jinx us?" Sayaka loudly interrupts.

"Please don't." Madoka quietly begs.

"Gee, it sure is boring around here!"

"My boy," A Familiar says, "This peace is what all true warriors strive for!"

"If we make it out alive, I'm buying a squirt bottle specifically for you." Madoka turns and runs, Sayaka not far behind her.

Oh, yeah, you're there, too. "Can you shut up so I can run?!" Jeez, sorry! Some people-

"Oh good. Kaname and Miki. Saves me the trouble of-"


"Fine! Just let me go, Sayaka!" Sayaka let's go of Oriko.

"Thank you." Pop, welcome back! "Welcome back."

"Man, that place was weird!" You begin, "Almost as weird as my Dad's room on my Mom's death date. One time, he was wearing-"

"No. No. I'm not fucking doing this. You're dying, too."


Madoka slowly backs away. "I'll just... Let you guys handle that. C'mon, Sayaka, let's go try to forget what Yumi just said."

"Okay!" Madoka and Sayaka bounce.

"So, uh, what's with the "Killing you too" thing?" You ask, Oriko lying motionless on the floor.

She sits up with a start. "Witches are MGs! Huh?"

You wave. She scowls.

"Madoka Kaname needs to die. I kinda want you to die, too-"

"Fucking why?!"

"It sure would be inconvenient if someone attacked!"




"I said, it sure would be inconvenient if-"

"Oops, sorry! I was throwing Kyubey against a wall! What's up?" Kirika pops out from somewhere. Probably an unfinished stall.

"Kirika, just... Do the thing." Oriko seems frustrated today.

"Oriko seems frustrated today!" Kirika repeats what I just said. "Whatevs! Kirika used Slash! It's super-"

"Slash is a Normal-Type move, dipshit. Yumi used Mach Punch."

Cue the MK11 X-Ray. Kirika gets Kakyoin'd into the wall.

"...I had fun. But I'm going home now. See ya around!" You calmly sprint out of the mall.

So where are you gonna go now?

"Excuse me, bleeding girl, did you happen to punch a Magical Girl?"

"Yes!" You announce proudly, "And why do you ask?"

"You saved Madoka's life."

"I guess."

"I suppose we're acquaintances now. I'm Homura."

"Okay, Homu!"

"Don't call me that." She begins to walk away.

"Sure thing, Homu-Slice!" You follow.

Homura knew from that moment onward that this would be an interesting loop.
The Quest, Abridged. Part 2/???
"...So I decided to grab that pipe!" You conclude, swinging it around.

"Yes, I know. I was there." Homura says.

"Just making sure you saw!"

"I did. You loudly announced it. Just like you loudly announced to me that your father sniffs your mom's old clothes-"

"Oh, we're here!" You point at a random house.

"What the-?! I'm leading you! How do you- oh, we're here." Homura stops walking, and looks at you. "Before we go inside, did Oriko says anything... Strange?"

You stare at her.

"...Yeah, dumb question. Did she say anything about Witches?"

"Just that they're made of or from Magical Girls. Why?"

"Shh! Not so loud! Also, don't say that to anyone else."

"Sure." You shrug. You knock on the door, and a familiar pink-

"Yumi, you're okay!!" Madoka tackles you to the ground. Homura is slightly jealous.

"Oh, I'm on the ground!" You stand up, unhindered by Madoka, despite her still holding on to you. You then casually walk into the house. "Hey guys!" You wave.

"Oh, Yumi-...? What's with Madoka?" Sayaka asks.

"Dunno." You say simply.

"Ah, so you're the fabled Yumi? Sayaka was going on and on about her fanfic that she's writing about you-"

"Mami. Shut." Sayaka says sternly.

"Madoka, can you let go so I can heal her?" Homura stares, envying you.

"Okay..." Madoka unceremoniously drops to the ground, covered in your blood.

"Oh, Madoka!" Madoka's dad walks into the house. "Having another cult gathering?"

"Oh, we're not a-"

"Make sure you include your little brother, Tatsuya, in your little rituals this time! I'll make dinner!"

In comes a boy with red hair, holding a small child.

"Who's that?" You ask.

"Tatsuya!" Madoka says.

"No, who's holding him?"

"Also Tatsuya!"

Tatsuya waves. Tatsuya also waves. Tatsuya then places Tatsuya in his chair.

"I'm gonna work on my motorcycle before anyone else gets confused." Tatsuya says, walking outside.

"My head hurts." Sayaka mutters.

"Eat, mein kinder!" Mr. Kaname cries, bringing out fried rice.

Everyone eats. Okay guys, let's discuss a skip we can do to save time in this section. If you pause the quest here after selecting the "School Fire" dialogue, we can load into the next event, saving precious seconds.

"Man, what a good meal!" You pay your stomach.

"What just happened?! We were just in Madoka's-?!" Homura stammers.

"Speedrun strats." You say.


"Ooh, a kitty!" You run into the middle of the street and pick up the cat. "Homura, this is your master now."

Homura doesn't respond immediately, but sputters out, "What?!?!?!"

Somehow, you make it back to your new home!

"Let's get the key!" You say.

"Wh- from who, the landlord?" Homura is horribly confused at this point.

"Oh, hi guys!" Mami greets you.

"Where did you-?!"

"Hey, Mami!" You wave. "Can I have my key?"

"Of course!" She hands you a key.

"To home! Hit the transition!"


"What?" Homura is now sitting on the couch, stroking Amy.

"It's something I learned to do in 7th grade. So, you wanted to talk?"

"Let's do this quickly. Kyubey's a bastard, MGs are Witches ready to hatch, everything is terrible. Any questions?"


"Then I'm out of here. I hope to never interact with you for the rest of the day." Homura leaves.

Mami enters while the door is open. "Sleepover?"

"Sure!" You say, getting your old Super Famicom hooked up. "So, wanna play Mario-"

"My best friend abandoned me a while ago and probably never wants to speak to me again. I can't make any friends, or do clubs, or anything else but hunt Witches. I am alone on this bitch of an Earth."

Jeez, and you thought you overshared! "Let's go to bed." You pay Mami on the head. She instantly falls asleep.

You sleep on the floor because why not?



...? This isn't floor. This is ground! Outside ground! You get up, looking around.

Weapons of all kinds lay in the dirt. Boomerangs, whips, a Laser Rifle from Fallout: New Vegas, a Hello Kitty baseball bat, and a nuclear powered toaster.

You got a sword! "I-It's not like I wanted to be your sword, b-baka!" The sword says.


"Ahem." There's a figure standing across from you.

"Oh my goodness gracious! Who are you?" You ask.

"I..." He begins, his blue coat fluttering, "...Am a renowned Samurai! I am known as... Um... The Lost Samurai!"

"Nanashi, that was terrible! She'll never buy that!" Asahi whispers.

"Why did you get lost?" You ask.

"I didn't have a map! So I got lost!" He replies.

"Seems legit!" You shrug.

"She bought it?! Um, keep going!"

"So, we have to do battle to gauge your combat abi-"

"Sand Attack!" You toss your pocket sand into the Lost Samurai's face.

"Bitch." He mutters.

You run up, and kick him in the knee! Good hit!


"Okay, that's it." The Lost Samurai casts a magic spell!


You go flying back, landing in that one Family Guy pose. You know the one.

"Here's a Gauntlet." He tosses a Gauntlet at you.

It lands on your back, and you put it on.


Damn. Suddenly, Pixie!

"Heya! Are you a human? Let's be friends! You're my girlfriend now!"



"What?" You ask.

The Lost Samurai shrugs. "Time to wake up." He then punches you directly in the face.
School Trip: The Zoo! Pt. 1
Gib Yumi chaperone fluff
OOC: Ask, and ye shall receive.

Yuma sits on the bus next to you, kicking her legs excitedly. Despite her normally reserved demeanor, she's been anxiously waiting for today.

"...And they'll have lions, Big Sis Yumi! Ms. Koizumi said so!" Yuma continues, smiling.

"Lions? You really think so?" You ruffle her hair, practically feeling her excitement. According to the older teacher, you would be in a group of five kids. Yuma, of course, as you're the only one she really opens up to.

Next is Nagisa, who's riding on a different bus. Her and Yuma seem to get along great!

After that, they gave you the "trouble kids". They consist of one boy and two girls, who are sisters.

The boy's name is Satoshi, and the girls are Fio and Amiya. Apparently, they "refuse to behave", but there's not been a peep from any of them for the entire ride to the Zoo.

Soon enough, the bus screeches to a halt, with Yuma nearly bolting from her seat. "We're here!" She looks up at you, eyes almost sparkling.

As the doors open, the children who were riding with you pile out ecstatically. You gather each of the kids in your group, and step off the bus.

Right outside, Nagisa skips towards your group. "Yuma! Are you excited?"

Yuma nods her head with the force of a rampaging Oni. "Yup! Big Sis Yumi's here, too!"

Satoshi looks up at you, disinterested. The two sisters, Fio and Amiya, stay close to each other. With the principal's say so, your party advances into the Zoo!

"What's that thing? On your arm?" Satoshi asks instantly.

"Woke up with it one day." You don't exactly lie. "So, wanna go see the monkeys?"

Amiya fiddles with a small phone, and shows Fio. Fio nods, and turns to you. "Yes!" She states confidently.

Yuma beams at you, simply excited to be here. Nagisa gives a thumbs up, and Satoshi simply shrugs.

You look at the map you grabbed at the info booth, planning your route through the zoo. Content with your plan, you pocket the map and begin leading your party to each animal exhibit.

You stop walking at the enclosure for alligators. Both Nagisa and Yuma are fixated on the big lizards. Fio, keeping her gaze on her sister, has a look of determination on her face.

"Look! Look, Yumi!" Nagisa pats you on the leg, "It's moving!"

Sure enough, the alligator is walking over to the small river in the enclosure. Yuma stares in awe of the gator, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"It's just a lizard." Satoshi says, looking at Yuma. "Why are you excited?"

Yuma, apparently, doesn't hear him. Nagisa, however, does.

"It's a big lizard!" She retorts.

Satoshi sighs, accepting the answer.

You smile at them, and choose your next destination...
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