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Game Night, Pt 1?
OOC: AAAAAAAAAAAAH, I need to exorcise this from my brain! Here you go!

"Okay, everybody ready?" You set the books down on the large table that your friends all sit around.

After everyone nods silently, you smile. "Good! Now, let me set the scene..."


After the first Undead War, many small towns were simply wiped off the map. Of those that remained, many more lost their trade routes, causing widespread famine and chaos.

Luckily, our heroes survived these harsh conditions. Growing up in a world like this isn't easy, mind you. Even still, undead creatures still roam the hills, and the mountains, ready and waiting to perform their dark purposes...

The town you all find yourselves in is known as Grigor, and it is a holy site that monsters cannot tread upon. In this town, among other things, rests a tavern.


"Who gets there first?" Sayaka asks, looking at you.

"Everyone roll a D20." You answer.

Many dice clatter, and all participants share their results.

"Okay, then. Good rolls, I guess." You clear your throat.


A paladin enters, much to the surprise of the other patrons. She loudly asks where her table is, and is directed to it.


"This is my Paladin, Sayato!" Sayaka proudly announces. "She's super strong, and she has cool magic!"

"You're still Level One, though." You remind her. "Cool magic comes a bit later."

"Ehehe... Sorry."


Next, a half elf enters, bow strapped to her back. Quietly, she takes her seat.


"I made a Ranger, and her name is Visula." Madoka elaborates. "I liked the idea of having a bow, and that's why she's a Ranger."


After Visula, a large orc stumbles in, flopping to her table. The orc stretches, and places her axe upon the table.


"Her name's Kure, and she's a barbarian!" Kirika smiles, her own axe lying against the wall. "She can probably punt a goblin!"


And Kure's arrival heralds a meek looking-


"Meek looking?" Oriko scoffs, "I'm a sorcerer of-"

"Let me finish." You state. You clear your throat again.


And Kure's arrival heralds a meek looking bundle of cloth, magic practically radiating off of her.


"This is my Sorcerer, Angela." Oriko smiles.

"...That's it? That's your intro?" Kyoko sneers, "C'mon, put some heart into it!"

Oriko sighs. "She was born to a duke and duchess, but she went out to see the world."

"Better!" Kyoko gives a thumbs up.


After the sorceress finds her seat, another person walks in. With a sword on his hip, and a knife on his chest, he sat down at the table as if its patrons were old friends.


"I'm the Fighter, and my character's name is Austin!" Kyoko stated, grinning, "He fought in gladiator pits for most of adulthood, and bought his freedom."


While the attention was on Austin, another girl slithered into the tavern, hood raised. She carefully crept to the table, and sat down, trying to avoid attention.


"My character's name is Antal'iuk, and she is a Drow Rogue!" Mami grins ear to ear. "She's a bit shy, but she might warm up to the party over the course of the adventure!"


Finally, a woman with a wooden staff enters, quietly taking her seat. She leans her staff on the table, and quietly waits.


"You needed a Cleric." Homura states.

"Yeah, sure, but what's her name?" Sayaka asks.


"Okay," Kyoko tries, "What's her personality like? What's her backstory?"

"I let Yumi handle that."


"Let's continue." You say.


Now that the party has gathered, a new woman approaches the table. She's dressed in a cloak, hiding worn armor-


"Is she cute?" Kyoko asks suddenly.

You blink, but quickly recover. "I guess?"

"Can I flirt-"

"Moving on!"


"I suppose you all wish to know why I gathered you?" She says, voice scratchy yet regal.

"What is our mission?" Angela asks, fidgeting with her ring.

"I've called you all here because you're the only ones who have a chance at this. You all need to listen carefully, this is of great importance."

The entire table leans in, and she continues. "There is a cult trying to resurrect the great Lich King Tlantira. I fear they've made headway in that endeavor."


"Who?" Kyoko asks, leaning back in her chair.

"Oh, he was an old BBEG from Dad's- nevermind."


"Who is this "Lich King"?" Austin asks.

"He was a tyrant, hellbent on world domination. He led raid after raid upon the living, growing his undead army, and collecting slaves. He was brought down by four legendary heroes, and sealed within his collapsed tower for almost a century now."

"I wouldn't like to be locked anywhere for a century." Austin remarks.

The woman nods, "I fear his hatred for the living only grew in that time, and now the Cult of the Rotten Garden seeks his revival."


"Cult of the Rotten Garden?" Kirika raises an eyebrow. "Kind of a weird name for a cult, right?"

"Oh, shush. I think it's quite nice!" Mami retorts, while Kirika glares at her.

"Both of you, stop before you begin." Homura pinches the bridge of her nose, and looks back to you.


"If you wish to gain strength and proper equipment, I suggest you see the Church in town. They always need jobs done, and their rewards are fair. Once you've prepared yourselves, I will come to you. Good luck...!" With that, the woman breaks away from the table, and you lose sight of her.


"Well, there's the plot hook!" Kyoko says, stretching.

"So, we have to do quests to get items and Levels?" Madoka asks.

"Yup! Now that you guys are a party, what do you want to do?"



"What do you guys want to do first?"

"I don't know." Oriko states. "We could do quests..."

"We could just take everything that's not nailed down!" Kirika suggests.

"We could follow the plot!" Kyoko says, leaning into the table.

"But we need to get stronger for that!" Madoka reminds the group.


You sigh. This is gonna be a long campaign, isn't it?
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Non-Canon...?: Duality.
- Devil Homura and God Madoka coming across Yumi's universe.
OOC: I'll give it a shot.

You are generally aware of every reality that Homura makes to save you. You nearly always know what will happen, and why it happens. You've seen the same scenario hundreds of times.

But this?

You're speechless.

Who is this "Yumi Konishi"? Why did she appear now? What are the demons' goal?

In every loop, in every one of your countless lives, you've never seen this before. For the first time in a long time, you're completely caught off guard.

You briefly consider sending an emissary into the-

"I would prefer if you didn't." A man in a wheelchair says, growing closer.

"Are you like me?" You ask in genuine awe. Did he transcend the laws of reality as well?

"Not quite... Although, it is comparable. You ascended to godhood in one of Akemi's "timelines", then?" He asks.

"In many." You confirm. "So much suffering, so much blood..."

A familiar voice echos throughout this space. "And I would do it all again for you, my dear Madoka." Your heart aches as she speaks.

"I need to help them all, Homura." You try to reason with her, "You can't lock me in a gilded cage forever."

"And I must save you from that horrible fate, Madoka. I won't let you fade away."

Headstrong as always. You sigh sadly.

Then, you feel something change in that odd world. Homura must have felt it, too. You both look, and the man smiles to himself.

Did Yumi Konishi just undo a Contract?

"Is that... Possible?" You quietly ask.

"How did she...?!" Homura looks violently confused, her eyes wide.

"She's done it." The man tents his fingers. "Now, while you both are here, I'd like to explain what's happening. And I would like to ask you to simply observe, for now."

You and Homura stare, dumbfounded.

What a peculiar timeline...
NON-CANON: Stumbling On Secrets
OOC: I feel like writing this. It's not connected to PMMT at all, but I think this will be fun to write.

You're here, standing amongst the rubble of a once great city. According to the Archives, Mitakihara was the first time anyone tried to reclaim the world from the...

...What was it, now? There have been so many would be invaders that you've almost lost track of them.

Eventually, you decide it doesn't matter. You have faced stronger foes, after all. Anyways, historical investigation isn't your mission.

"Are you sure it was here?" You ask, looking to your companion. To anyone else, it looks like a robotic eyeball with spikey plastic bits, but to you, you see your best friend.

"I'm sure it was around here, Guardian!" Your Ghost replies, twirling its shell, "Try looking around for it."

You shrug, beginning your walk down the cracked street. As you trek down the road, you keep an eye on your motion tracker.

Nothing's triggered it so far, but you can't shake this feeling of being watched from every possible angle. You lax your grip on your weapon, and look to the empty skyscrapers that surround you.

Every window is broken, every streetlight is bent, and most of the cars here are essentially just frames. It looks like the Fallen have taken everything worth taking here...

Just then, Ghost pipes up. "I found it! Pinging location now!" A small diamond appears on your visor, directing your vision to a nearby alleyway.

You slowly enter, weapon trained on where you think anyone planning an ambush may be lurking. Still, your motion tracker is silent.

You reach Ghost's waypoint, and he appears before you. "Just a moment, I'll find- right there!" He shines his light on a small pile of trash.

Sighing, you dig around it the rubbish. Old bags of chips, dead rats, junk food wrappers, and...?

"That's it! That's what I've been picking up!" Ghost chirps, moving to your other shoulder.

You take the strange object in your hands. It's almost like a needle, with a strange bulb near the middle. You give it a look over, finding several unidentified designs adorning it. Your first thought is that it's Vex made, but...

...No. It's too ornate for the Vex. Eliksni, perhaps? Again, you doubt it. It's sure as hell not Cabal, or Hive for that matter.

You hold the strange needle to Ghost for him to scan. After a moment, he focuses back on you.

"I can't identify it. There's nothing in any records about anything like this."

"Nothing?" You ask, looking it over again.

"Well, it seems... It drinks in energy. At least, that's what my scans indicate." Ghost disappears, speaking through your helmet. "Maybe we could try giving it Light?"

You nod, generating a Mote of Light in your other hand. Slowly, you touch the-


When you finally come to, you're lying in the middle of the street. The needle is gone.

"Welcome back." Ghost says, sounding relieved, "Maybe it was too receptive of the Light...?"

You rub the back of your helmet, getting up off the ground. That's when you notice the glow in your other hand. You look.

"It... Changed?" The sharp, needle like appearance was replaced by a small egg, glowing with a golden sheen. "It's giving off an entirely new energy signature now! We should go find Ikora! She might know something!"

"That won't be necessary-"

You spin, aiming your weapon at the voice. It's a small, white creature. It sports red, beady eyes, long ears with rings, and a sickening smile.

"I had thought Soul Gems lost with your Collapse. This is truly nothing short of a miracle."

"What are you?" You ask, weapon unmoving.

"I am Kyubey." It responds, "And that is a relic of an important operation."
The first thing you see when you wake up is several strange creatures pointing guns at you. All in all, not a fun time.

You try to summon your spear, but nothing happens. You try to transform, but...

One of the creatures begins clicking its mandibles, apparently speaking to its comrades.

Right when you believe that the situation couldn't get any worse, a large being appears from behind the... Things. Well, this is it. Damnit, you didn't even get to-

"Human creature." The giant thing speaks with a raspy voice. "Why have you come here?"

"What the hell do you mean?!" You snap back, "I just woke up! You guys...! You did something, okay?!"

Another set of clicks from a smaller fry causes the Big Guy to nod his head. "Niras tells me you appeared from the Red Stone."

Red Stone? Does he mean your Soul Gem? "What? Then where's the "Red Stone"?"

The small one, Niras, speaks again. "You hatched from it. It was an egg, he theorizes."



You look dow...


You hastily put on the jacket Niras grabbed from the most recent haul. It fits good enough.

The giant being, now known as Fasiriekel, enters your new home. He looks around, all four eyes scanning your walls. "You have interesting tastes."

"I like spears." You answer.

"So it would seem, child." He never says your name. Venkal told you that your name was difficult for Eliksni to say. Niras once called you "Klyalko", so Venkal's explanation hold water. It also doesn't help that Fasiriekel isn't too fluent in what he calls "Human Language".

"Say, do you think Alturmis is still up?"

"She is our navigator, so I must assume so."

"I'm gonna try to talk to her again!" You stretch, walking past Fasiriekel.

"She may not respond. She is... A focused Eliksni."

"Still, I can give it a shot!"


So that's a Thrall, huh? It's certainly loud.

Thankfully, it's also pretty stupid. You cleanly sidestep, and catch it in the ribs with your Shock Spear.

One down, who knows how many more to go.

"Red One!" Niras shouts at you, "Unless you wish to repeat that for the rest of the mission, I would like to move!"

"Okay! Let's get out of here!" You both fall back, exiting the cavern. These Hive things are gross anyways, so you don't want whatever they've gathered.

Before you can move further, an Acolyte gives you a parting gift. The grenade flies through the air, and detonates.

You are both flung outside the cave entrance, landing on your back. Everything aches, but you should be okay-?!

"A Knight?!" Niras scrambles backwards, away from the hulking mass of chitin.

You frantically search for your weapon as the Knight raises its sword to-

With one blast, the Knight crumbles. Venkal, who was watching from some wreckage, must have sniped it before the monster could hurt Niras.

You instantly rush over to his side, grabbing your spear on the way.

"You okay?!" You ask, offering your hand to help him up.

"I will live." He sounds tired, taking your hand.


You're nervous. Hell, who wouldn't be? Fasiriekel ordered you to speak with him, even though he hasn't left his throne room for a week.

He calls it the "Court of the Kell", but it's just his big chair. He never liked it when you called it a throne room.

You take a breath, and open the metal door.

What you see in there, you almost can't comprehend.

Or rather, you don't want to comprehend.

"Child," Fasiriekel greets you, wires and tubes connecting into him from varying points on his body, "I can no longer guide my House."

No. No. No. Not again. "Woah, woah, woah! Slow down! You're gonna be-!"

"I am dying. I know that fact very well." As you walk towards him, he extends one of his arms to you. "There is nothing to fear."

"No. No! Don't... Don't talk like that!" Your eyes begin to water as you take his hand. "If you...! Who's gonna lead the rest of them to a new home?!"

"Have you not figured this out yet?" Fasiriekel chuckles slightly. "I have my successor ready. You will be the next Kell of House Empty, my child."

"I..." Your voice fails you. Tears begin to fall.

"I have no doubt..." He takes a labored breath, "...You will surpass me. My only regret... Is that I will not... See your House grow."

You're silent. You never thought you'd go through this again.

"You are a strong being... And the closest thing I ever had... To a child."

Your knees feel weak. You're shivering.

"Guide these brave Eliksni... To a new home... Ky... O... Ko... Kel..." His hand falls limp. Sirens begin blaring, and other crewmates begin to pile into the room.

It's all quiet to you.
DESTINY: The Incubator's Enigma
You transmat into your usual spot on the Tower. After a brief walk, you enter the bazaar. Many people, and other Guardians, chat with each other, or attempt to bargain with a salesman.

You move through them wordlessly, finding a certain spot where you knew you'd find her. She's turned around, watching the city with her trademark look.

As soon as you approach, she turns to greet you. "Guardian." Ikora says, "How was your excursion?"

Ghost pipes up, "We found something. We're going to talk to Eris about it, but we thought we'd come to you first."

Her eyebrow raises, and she uncrosses her arms. "You found "something"? That narrows it down."

You raise your hand to her, and show Ikora the object you recovered. "That is something." Curiosity enters her tone.

"It's giving off a unique signal," Ghost continues, "But I can't figure out why, or to what."

"And you were hoping I would have answers?"

"Well, yes!" Ghost chirps, floating closer, "...You do have an answer, right?"

"Not even the beginnings of one." Ikora frowns. "I don't think Eris will, either. Keep it with you. You may find another lead."

"I could offer an explanation, if you like." An irritating voice calls from the railing. This Kyubey creature again?

Ikora calmly turns around, facing Kyubey. "I knew I felt something strange. What are you?"

"I am Kyubey, and this Guardian has a Soul Gem in-"

"Soul Gem?" Ikora's tone betrays her inner emotions. "Whose soul was used to make it?"

"Wait, what are you-?!" Ghost floats away from Ikora, "Souls are real?!"

"Yes, souls are real! If you'd like, I can-"

"Answer my question." Ikora nearly growls out.

"Very well. This Soul Gem belongs to a girl named Mami-"

Without a second thought, Ikora calls Arc Light forth from her hand, turning Kyubey to ash. After a moment of silence, she sighs.

"My apologies, Guardian. I seem to have lost my temper."

You look at the Soul Gem in your hand, realizing exactly what it is that you're holding.

It reacted to Ikora's Light.

"You saw that too, right?" Ghost asks.

"Saw what?" Ikora grows concerned.

"It reacted to the Light!" Ghost moves closer to the crystalized soul, "Maybe that's our answer!"

You look to Ikora.

"What? Are you waiting for my approval?" She recrosses her arms. "I'm not Zavala. Go experiment."
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The Quest, Abridged. Part 3/???
You wake up on the floor. Your floor, thankfully. Goodness, last time you woke up on the floor, you were covered in Yakuza blood!

That was a really awkward family dinner!

Your door opens, revealing that Homura picked your lock.

"Oh, Yumi. Nice weather, huh?" Homura attempts conversation.

"I guess!" You wave, summoning Pixie.

"Hot damn! This is the human world?!" Pixie asks.

"Again, I guess!"

"Yumi, what the fuck is that?" Homura has equipped a gun.

You shrug. "Beats me."

"I'm Yumi's future wife!" Pixie answers confidently.

Homura blinks. Mami wakes up.

"Oh, Purple Girl. Wait, I know your name, don't I?" She wipes the sleepiness out of her eyes.

"Hey Mami! I'm magic now!"

"Good for you. Wanna go to a Witch Hunt?"

"Why the fuck did you say it like that?" Homura asks.

"Say it like what?" Mami tilts her head.

"Say Witch Hunt again."

"...Witch Hunt?"


"I don't know what you're talking about, Homura."

"Stop. Stop doing that. Yumi, make her stop."

"Stop coloring words, Mami." You say sternly.

"But how will people know that a Witch Hunt is important?"



But I can use as much color in my text as I want! What's Yumi gonna do? Slam my head into the keybo Justin's d skis DJ if s at of SD DD wrt JC to f DS if ro NC St in da ER o


"You should be thanking me, I just saved, like, a minute of playtime." You confidently state, turning back to your friends.

"Let's leave. Now, preferably." Homura says.

"Alright, but where-"


"Huh? I didn't even-"

"Look, Mami, it's simple." You mimic the motion of pushing your glasses up.

"Didn't you just learn about Witches?"

"In-Character, yes. But if we head to the hospital first, then I can get a side quest that'll be really important for this playthrough. Furthermore, I'm already hitting the transition, so..."


"We're here!" You smile.

"Stop doing that!" Homura shouts, "It's so disorienting!"

"I liked it!" Mami claps her hands together, "It was like riding a rollercoaster! Can we do it again?"

"No. Let's just hunt the Witch." Homura sighs. "We'll open the way to-"

"No need." You say, walking into the alley. "See, there's a handy trick to getting into the Labyrinth. If I just..." You pick up a trash can's lid, "...Take this, and run into this wall-"


"-I pop out here!" You finish, casually walking through the wall. "Hi, small child!"

"Huh?!" Nagisa whips her head in your direction.

"What's popping?"

"Is that even a saying in this time period?"

"What're you, a cop?"

"...No." She admits.

"Ah, hello, child!" An Angel greets you, waving, "Would you like to hear about our Lord and Savior-"




"What... How did-?!"

"Oh, Yumi!" Mami approaches, smiling. "Sequence breaking again, I see?"

"Yep!" You reply, looking at Homura, "So, what's shaking?"

"Can we please just fight the damn Witch without you breaking reality?" Homura asks, seemingly tired.

"Sure, whatever." You slump. You begin walking to the Witch's Boss Room, and while no one's looking, Mami takes Nagisa out of the Labyrinth.

Boss time!

"Boss Time!" You say, looking directly at Homura.

"Okay," Homura begins, "The plan is-"

Immediately, you drop to all fours and rush the Witch.

"Poor fools," the Witch telepathically begins, "Facing me is suicide. Someone must lead your... What are you- oh shit!!"

You dig your teeth into the Witch's leg as it screams, thrashing around.

"Get yo fuckin' dog!!" It screams.

"Oh, she don't bite~!" Pixie says, floating over Homura's shoulder.



"What a narrow fight, Homura!" You say, walking into the hospital.

Homura's face is pale, and she stares at the wall silently.

"What the hell...?" She whispers, sitting down in a chair.

Leaving her to her mental breakdown, you go to Nagisa's Mom's room.

"Oh, Miss Yumi-"

"Get an Amrita Soda, right?"

"A what?"

"An Amrita Soda cures status ailments." Angel informs you from your pocket.

"Let's go, then! Take Angel for a sec!" You hang Angel to Nagisa, and jump into the wall.

See, the collision here isn't done too well, meaning that you can build up a lot of speed here! Soon, the author won't know what to do with you, and launches you to Kazamino!

Be sure to parry before hitting the ground to survive the fall damage!
NON-CANON, OF COURSE: An Interesting Predicament.
"What did you do?" Homura asks, anger rising in her voice.

"Wh- I didn't do anything!" You defend, getting a little nervous. "I swear, you were like this when I woke up!"

As Homura readies a retort, Louis exits his room. "Good day, Yumi Konishi... Homura, good morning...? You appear to have..." He snickers, "...Lost some weight!"

"Stop laughing!!" Homura stomps her feet on the pillow she's standing on.

"I know, it's rude but...!" Louis continues to fail at stifling his laugh, "...Look at you! You're smaller than poor Amy!"

Speaking of which, Amy was confused about her human's new stature. "Meew?"

Saying that Homura looks angry would be quite the understatement.

"Fix this! Now!!" She shouts.


"Ugh, I don't know! Just do it!"

Knock, knock! Oh, someone's at the door.

"Are you going to... Ah, right. I'll get it." Louis trots over to the door, and opens it. "Hello, miss...?"

"Excuse me," Madoka begins, fidgeting, "Does Homura Akemi live here?"

He looks back at you and Homura, who has gone deathly quiet.

You shake your head at Louis, in an attempt to protect Homura's dignity. Louis...

Is he grinning?!


"Of course, come on in!"

That son of a-!!

"Oh, Yumi!" Madoka walks to where you're sitting! Quickly, you grab Homura and stuff her in your coat pocket.

"Hey, Madoka!" You greet, pretending everything is fine.

DESTINY: In The Vault
Another Vex Frame falls, and you move forward through the Vault of Glass. How many times have you been here, now?

Three, maybe...? It doesn't really matter, you suppose. What's one more intrusion?

You cut through the now empty Templar's room, making your way to the Gorgon's Maze. You remember going through with the others, once upon a time...

"A little nostalgic, huh?" Ghost asks from your helmet, "We haven't been here since we looked for Praydith."

Right. Back before the Red War. You'd almost forgotten.

"I'm not too hopeful about this search, but even if we don't find anyone, we still owe it to them to try." Ghost seems sad as he speaks, like he's trying to convince himself rather than you.

You usually snuck out to Venus in your spare time, anyways. You like to look at all of the greenery. While you were lost in thought, Ghost picked up a signal nearby. It wasn't intelligible, but you pinpointed the location to the Vault of Glass.

Before you even realize it, you're standing in front of Atheon's "throne room". You always called it that. Do Vex have rulers among them?

Your thoughts are cut short by something you didn't expect to hear from behind the door.

A voice. A human voice.

It was screaming.

"We made it in time, then!" Ghost frantically states, "Go!"

As the door opens, you see a great number of Vex of all shapes and sizes. Minotaurs, Hydras, Wyverns... This isn't going to be easy.

Then again, when has anything been easy?

The fight is nothing but a blur. Grenades were thrown, bullets flew, and Vex fell, and with one final surge of Light, you incinerate the remaining enemies.

"That's all of them!" Ghost informs, "Look! Over the throne!"

You almost stop breathing as you look above you.

There, shards of Glass sticking out of her, was a human.

"She's still alive?! Guardian, we have to do something!" You do as Ghost suggests, and take aim at the-

"Don't shoot the Glass! Jump up!"

That's a significantly better plan.

You jump, moving upwards thanks to your Light, and grab onto the girl. Thinking quickly, you kick the Glass, dislodging her from the "throne".

She's completely limp when you hit the ground. Before you can panic, Ghost chimes in again.

"Still alive! Thank the Traveller! But we need to leave."

You nod, and begin to-

The entire Vault shakes, as if an earthquake hit. Vex begin to pour into the throne room.

Luckily, you don't need to go through them.

As you reappear on your ship, you plot a course for the Tower. It might be best to go to Ikora with this-

"Guardian, come in!" Zavala's voice comes over the comms.

"Er, we're here, Commander Zavala! What's wrong?"

"The Vex on Nessus and Europa just began to go on a frenzy! I need you two to find out why!"

"Should we tell him?" Ghost looks to you.

You shrug. You'll go to Ikora first, and then talk to Zavala after.

"We'll explain when we get back. But first, we need to speak with Ikora."

"You will report to-!!" You press a button, and turn off your comms.

As your ship approaches your destination, you look to Ghost. He's scanning the girl.

"Extreme muscle atrophy... Malnourished... Guardian, she must have been there for months!" Ghost disappears, and you turn back to the controls. "How did no one find her?!"

You begin setting the ship to where the Drifter set up, and turn to-?!

A bullet whizzes by your head, and you see the girl, standing up and holding a sidearm. Amethyst eyes stare into your visor as she backs away from you.

The bay door is opened! She makes a mad dash for it, jumping to the ground.

"Wait!" Ghost tries, to no avail. "Guardian, we need to find her!"

You jump right after her.
DESTINY: "Find The Girl!"
You rush through the Tower, looking carefully for the strange girl you rescued from the Vex. How the hell can she run this fast?!

As you race up the stairs and enter the Bazaar, you catch a glimpse of her heading towards the Courtyard.

Instantly, you bound after her. How'd she already get up the stairs?!

She fires her sidearm, hitting you twice. Once in the shoulder, once in the hip. Lord Shaxx would compliment her aim right about now.

With fear and confusion in her eyes, she darts off into the Courtyard before you can heal.

"Guardian!" Ghost calls to you.

You shake off the pain as the Light heals your wounds. You force yourself to your feet, and continue your sprint.

The Courtyard, unfortunately, is the busiest part of the Tower. She could easily slip into the crowd and disappear. It's imperative you find this girl quickly-

There! She's going to the Hanger! You make your way through the crowd as quickly as you can, and follow her into-?!

"Guardian!" You hear Zavala shout from behind you, and almost feel the rumble of his boots as he runs towards you.

As much as you'd love to explain your... Actions as of late, you need to find that girl. You continue running into the Hanger as Zavala rushes after you.

"Get back here, now! That's an order!" He yells from behind.

You manage to outpace the angry Titan Vanguard and make your way past Amanda's workplace, where she gives a friendly wave.

You quickly duck behind some boxes. It seems like you lost Zavala, too-

You feel the barrel of your old sidearm press against the back of your head. Looks like she found you.

The hammer clicks back. "Where am I?" The girl asks in a scratchy, tired voice.

"Slow down! You're in the Tower, we're safe here!" Ghost explains, "We're here to help you-"

"What "Tower"?! Where?!"

"The Tower, in the Last City!"

"What are you-?!" The girl gasps as you feel the barrel of your previous gun move away from your head, and hear it clatter to the ground.

You turn around to see Commander Zavala holding the girl up by the scruff of her neck, his other hand on her wrist. "I believe I'm owed an explanation." He growls at you.


You're having a great day today! First, you see the so-called Chosen One chase after some kid like a damn maniac, then they book it from Zavala, and then you see 'em getting chewed out!

And that Guardian got shot!

And you recorded all of it! Woo!

It's a great day to be a Drifter!!
DESTINY: The Greatest Dare
OOC: I feel like I should mention this. The Guardian, while not appearing in this chapter, isn't Yumi, or anyone else from PMMT. It's you. It's your Guardian. That's why I've been so vague with their weapons and powers. Anyways...

You wake up on the ground, wearing clothes that certainly aren't yours. You slowly force yourself to your feet.

You hear something from behind you. It sounds like a... Horse whinnying. You turn to-?!

Well, it's certainly a horse. You think. It's completely made up of stars and nebulas, ever changing and swirling. It looks at you, and whinnies again.

"Ah, has the child risen?" You hear a male voice from somewhere else, along with footsteps. You turn to see a man...

...No, not quite. He's hunched over, hood over his face, walking down a flight of stairs towards you. From under the hood--?!

You back away in fear from the thing before you. The horse makes a noise, and the monster stops walking down the stairs.

"Startled her?" He asks suddenly.

Again, the horse makes a strange noise.

"I would not think I am intimidating."

Is he... Talking to the horse?

"Perhaps I should relay your words?" After a bray from the horse, the "man" nods. "Very well."

He clears his throat, and begins. "The protogalactic horse would like for you to know that I am... A pushover...?" The horse makes another noise. "Ah, that is not the right phrase. I am... Uninterested in combat, then?"

You blink, trying to find your voice. "What... What are you talking about?" You ask, extremely confused.

"The great Starhorse wished for me to put your fears to rest by explaining that I am harmless."

You turn to this "Starhorse", who looks at you in return. "...Okay...?" You say slowly.

Suddenly, Starhorse begins to make noises at the strange man, seemingly excited.

"The unknowable horse wishes for you to participate in a test of skill. You, child, will be the very first contestant of "Dares of Eternity: Light"! Err, no. Lite...!"



"Welcome to Dares of Eternity Lite, where reality is made up, and gravity does not matter."

Wait, when did you get here?!

"We are your hosts, the modest Xur, and the horse whose majestic mane encompasses all timelines."

"Huh?!" You blink at Xur.

"Now, make your grand entrance, blue one!" Xur ushers you forward.

"Hold on, I- woah!" Starhorse nudges you with it's nose, sending you flying onto the apparent main stage.

This is gonna be a long day, isn't it?


That was actually kinda fun! You got to use a gun to shoot targets, there were obstacle courses, and a big showdown with a robot!

You never got hurt, of course! But you did, apparently, win!

"And that is the game!" Xur begins, "Shall we see what our lucky contestant will be bringing home tonight?"

A sizable container in front of him opens, and blue blocks of something spring forth from it. Among the odd cubes, are a handful of purple shapes, and a yellow thing. These all land on the ground in front of you.

"Yes, the vaults of the Paraverse are generous... And so are we!"

Starhorse whinnies, and nudges Xur with its nose.

"...Oh! It seems that our contestant has won yet another prize! You will be taking a trip to the Tower!"

"What's the Tower?" You cross your arms, looking at Xur.

"The great horse wants you to "mingle with the people" of the Tower on Earth. According to the unknowable horse, the weather is great this time of year!" Xur places a hand on your shoulder. "Thank you for joining us on tonight's Dares of Eternity, Sayaka Miki. Goodnight."

Before you can ask how he knew your name, your stomach lurches-
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